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Steve Rogers was born in the Great Depression of a poor, vulnerable youth. Because of the news that the Nazis had invaded and invaded Europe in Europe, they wanted to join the army.

But because the infirm refused. Inadvertently learned that Steve Rogerss sincere desire of general Chester Phillips decided to give him a chance, let him take part in the rebirth program".

After several weeks of testing, Steve Rogers was injected with a super soldier serum and was bombarded with ultraviolet irradiation, and finally has the most perfect body of human beings.

Then he received a physical and tactical training. After three months, he has been as "Captain America" first job with indestructible shield and well versed in tactical mind, he put in the fight with the red skull, and eventually stop the red skulls evil plan, but he has therefore been frozen until 70 years after woke up.




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《脑震荡》改编自GQ一篇名为《Game Brain》的文章,这篇文章揭露了数位橄榄球明星因不堪激烈碰撞致脑损伤的后遗症,而接连自杀的背后真相。威尔·史密斯凭借《脑震荡》获得了第19届好莱坞电影奖的最佳男主角奖。










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横亘东西的铁路,连接大西洋与五大湖区的运河,洛杉矶的引水渠,耗费夸张的胡佛大坝以及四通八达的高速公路网等这些浩大的工程造就了美国的强大,凝聚了美国人的民族向心力,当然也凝结了美国各色人等的血泪与汗水。但是这些在当时世界绝无仅有的浩大工程非但没有给我们劳民伤财的映像,倒成了美国精神的某种体现。这个国家在这样一群人的呵护下,建立了城市卫生系统用,治安系统以及医疗系统,逐渐成为了一个现代化的样本国家,在不断地茁壮成长。 影片中美国人的战争观给我的映像也很特别,他们对世界第一强国时的那种淡定从容,坚韧无畏。面对与南方的制度对抗的时候的那种为维护自由理想而义无反顾的责任感以及二战中举国一致,同仇敌忾,慷慨赴死的大无畏精神。片中的民众几乎和政府从来没有过什么冲突,政府一直在维护民众的利益而民众也一直在支持着政府,直到那场为纯意识形态而爆发的越战开始后,美国的新一代则显示出美国精神中追求真理,坚持信仰的一面。再加上那始终贯穿本片在战争中对非裔美国人不断地的肯定与赞扬,使我对这个民族有了更深刻的印象。 美国历史上三位总统对推进美国的发展发挥巨大的作用,华盛顿、林肯、罗斯福。







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American culture is unique because it is nurtured, formed and developed under certain conditions, which are characteristically(特性)American. The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族) and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world. What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture.

1. Rough Environment

The early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of American. The environment there was very rough but they believed the poor land could purify their mind so they chose the place along the coast. From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west. The American frontier consisted of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found in the western part of the country. The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom. Actually they looked for a better life. So individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage(遗产) of American.

2. Ethnic Diversity

The population of the United States includes a large variety of ethnic groups coming from many races, nationalities, and religions. People refer to the United States as "melting pot "and the dominant people are British. American is made up of WASP MM, that is, White, Anglo Saxon, Protestants plus Middle Class and Male. In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to American three times. They brought their own culture to American and later on different cultures were mixed together. Thus the unique American culture is formed, a common cultural life with commonly shared values.

3. Plural religion

The fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States. The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States. Christianity(基督教) is the dominant religion in American and Protestant (新教)is predominate(主导)。 Any individuals are equal before God and they believe they can communicate directly to God so they can share the same idea. Under the protestant, many new ones are formed and different explanations produce different sect of religion. Churches are independent and American religion is no longer religion seculars. The institution permits the practice of religion and the political power is separate form religion. So there are more religions in American than in other countries.

4. Current influence:

Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society. American family is typically parents and their unmarried children. Middle-aged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children. Many Americans live in mobile homes whose homes are built with wheels. They can be moved. The people in American have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place. Quite a number of people change residences(住所) every year. The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime. The courage to try something new has been an American characteristic. American democracy means majority rule, but it also means protection of minority rights. There are certain freedom which the United States promises to all its citizens and members of minority group cannot be denied these rights by a vote of the majority. Americans also like to be involved in many challenge activities and sports to show their adventurous spirits. All of these are affected by the heritage of the American history.

From the facts above, we can see American culture is unique which was cultivated, formed and developed by the main three factors, rough environment, ethnic diversity and plural religion and still is affected and determined by them now.


From its humble beginnings and unlikely origins, the chicken wing has become one of Americas best-loved snack foods.

The chicken wing first evolved from soup stock staple to American delicacy in 1964. John E. Harmon, in his Atlas of Popular Culture of the Northeastern United States, points to the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, N.Y. as the birthplace of wings. In 40- plus years, chicken wings have become a truly all-American food, showing up on dinner tables, at neighborhood bars, and in chain restaurants, pizza joints and even restaurants where the wings themselves are the focus.

Pace Foods has improved on the original formula for chicken wings with a recipe that combines the spice of Pace Picante Sauce, the sweetness of honey and the zest of fresh ginger to create Hot `nHoneyed Chicken Wings.

"Pace Picante Sauce isnt just for dipping,"said Chris Foley with Pace Foods. "A recipe like Hot `nHoneyed Chicken Wings, which combines sweet and spicy flavors of the Old Southwest and the Far East, shows how versatile, and yet how easy, it can be in cooking."

With this recipe, Pace Foods had taken the delicacy created in snowy Buffalo and made it the perfect summer food.

鸡翅越来越成为美国人最喜欢的小食品。1964年的时候它首先是在汤里出现的。John E. Harmon在他的美国东北部通俗文化地图集里指出鸡翅已经成为全美真正的食物,它在晚餐桌上,在邻居酒吧里,在连锁餐饮店里,在比萨店里,甚至在一些餐馆里它是主打菜。


Try our delicious European truffles. Our Swiss trained chocolatier starts by importing the finest raw chocolate from Switzerland. Our cocoa beans are roasted by artisans who use centuries-old, closely guarded techniques. We then use the freshest creams, fruit purees, pure cocoa butter and nuts to create the most flavorful of fillings.

This gift box of premium Chocolates contains 36 pieces (1 lb) of assorted chocolate truffles with delicious fillings such as mint, peanut butter, raspberry puree, orange, caramel and hazelnut to name a few. Beautifully packaged, these premium chocolates are packed fresh and delivered directly from Cherry Moon Farms with your personal message.


美国 Alagnak Wild River(奔河)

Alagnak Wild River is located in the beautiful Aleutian Range. The river provides unparalleled opportunities to experience the wilderness of the Alaska Peninsula.

The Alagnak Wild River, designated as a wild river by Title VI, Section 601(25) and 603(44) of ANILCA, preserves the upper 56 miles of the river in a free-flowing condition, and protects the river and its immediate environments for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. The river is managed free of impoundments and diversion, inaccessible by road, its shorelines primitive and its water unpolluted. The Alagnak is the most popular fly-in fishery in southwest Alaska, and has experienced a significant increase in use over the last several years. The Alagnak Wild River protects populations of all five species of pacific salmon, was well as significant rainbow trout, arctic char, arctic grayling, and northern pike populations. The increasing sport fishery on the river is a topic of concern to many subsistence users and other local residents.


Its summertime, and the livinis easy. For many Americans, this is the season to travel. Why? Because school is out. Because the weather is great. And most of all, because we all deserve a break. When Americans take a break, they often head for their favorite vacation spot.

Throughout their history, Americans have been people on the move. The early immigrants had to travel to get to the New World. Once they arrived, they settled along the East Coast. But they werent content to stay there. Explorers and traders journeyed to the unknown western territories. Later, settlers moved west to develop these new areas. As a result of this westward migration, Americans eventually occupied the whole continent-from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Even today, Americans seem unable to stay put. Research says that the average American moves every five years.

Besides their habit of changing addresses, Americans are used to traveling. Some people make long-distance commutes to work daily. Their jobs may even require them to take frequent business trips. Most companies provide an annual vacation for their employees, and people often use that time to travel. Some people just visit friends or relatives in distant states. Others go on low-budget weekend excursions and stay in economy motels. Those with more expensive tastes choose luxurious resorts and hotels. Camping out in the great outdoors appeals to adventurous types. Some travel in recreational vehicles (RVs) to camp out in comfort, while others "rough it"by sleeping in tents.

Most Americans prefer to travel within their nations borders. Why? For one thing, its cheaper than traveling abroad, and theres no language problem. But besides that, the vast American territory offers numerous tourist attractions. Nature lovers can enjoy beaches, mountains, canyons, lakes and a wealth of natural wonders. Major cities offer visitors a multitude of urban delights. The convenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in America as easy as pie.

Many American vacations are as unique as the people who take them. Families often plan their trips with the kids in mind. More and more "family friendly"vacation resorts offer special programs for children. History buffs seek out famous historical sites and museums. Environmentalists prefer "green vacations."These trips allow them to observe flora and fauna up-close without disturbing the sensitive balance of nature. Some people find sea cruises relaxing and refreshing. Others hit the water to go fishing, skiing or white-water rafting. Daring souls get the thrill of a lifetime on trekking expeditions and safaris in remote places from Africa to Asia.

Americans arent the only people in the world who travel. International business, mass communication and jet airplanes have created a world of globetrotters. People all over the world enjoy going abroad to travel. And no matter where they live, people enjoy visiting scenic spots in their own country. But being on the go makes Americans what they are: people on the move. In America, almost every-body is a tourist sometime.








"You are what you eat."Nutrition experts often use this saying to promote better eating habits. What we put in our mouths does become a part of us. But we can look at this statement another way. What we eat reflects who we are——as people and as a culture. Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food. Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture.

What is "American food"? At first you might think the answer is easy as pie. To many people, American food means hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken and pizza. If you have a "sweet tooth,"you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies. Its true that Americans do eat those things. But are those the only kind of vittles you can find in America?

Except for Thanksgiving turkey, its hard to find a typically "American"food. The United States is a land of immigrants. So Americans eat food from many different countries. When people move to America, they bring their cooking styles with them. Thats why you can find almost every kind of ethnic food in America. In some cases, Americans have adopted foods from other countries as favorites. Americans love Italian pizza, Mexican tacos and Chinese egg rolls. But the American version doesnt taste quite like the original!

As with any large country, the U.S.A has several distinct regions. Each region boasts its own special style of food. Visit the South and enjoy country-style cooking. Journey through Louisiana for some spicy Cajun cuisine. Take a trip to New England and sample savory seafood dishes. Travel through the Midwest, "the breadbasket of the nation,"for delicious baked goods. Cruise over to the Southwest and try some tasty Tex-Mex treats. Finish your food tour in the Pacific Northwest with some gourmet coffee.

Americans living at a fast pace often just "grab a quick bite."Fast food restaurants offer people on the run everything from fried chicken to fried rice. Microwave dinners and instant foods make cooking at home a snap. Of course, one of the most common quick American meals is a sandwich. If it can fit between two slices of bread, Americans probably make a sandwich out of it. Peanut butter and jelly is an all-time American favorite.

Americans on the go also tend to eat a lot of "junk food."Potato chips, candy bars, soft drinks and other goodies are popular treats. Many people eat too many of these unhealthy snacks. But others opt for more healthy eating habits. Some even go "all natural."They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives.

American culture is a good illustration of the saying "you are what you eat."Americans represent a wide range of backgrounds and ways of thinking. The variety of foods enjoyed in the U.S. reflects the diversity of personal tastes. The food may be international or regional. Sometimes its fast, and sometimes its not so fast. It might be junk food, or maybe its natural food. In any case, the style is all-American.











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Dear Tom

I am very happy to receive your letter. I am fine these days but a bit busy. I am always busy with my study and there are lots of homework to do every day. I work hard and I am interested in all the subjects so I can alwasy get good grades. I often do sports for about twenty minutes after school because its good for my health and it can help me relax. I am going to take an important exam so that I can get into senior high. So I will try as hard as I can. How about you?





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“我达到了平衡,现在,”吉文斯说。 “我可以做类似的工作更密切,而与工作报酬与工作满意我有。而且我可以住得近,但我也不会,我渴望的生活方式。

“对我来说,这不是一个长途旅程,”他补充说。 “这是我做的事情去工作。”



这种模式往往开始于公司搬出一个城市郊区,诱使职工也搬迁至较为便宜的远郊区,他说。 “人们认为这是一个机会去这个遥远的距离,”他说。

此举可能会提供更多负担得起的住房或更好的学校。即使是高燃油成本 - 吉文斯花费约为185美元一个星期的汽油 - 可以支付一个更好的生活质量而言也是值得的。



“这是一种让从喧嚣的城市远离喧嚣的事情,”德吉泽斯说,37。 “这不是一件容易的事情,但大多数时候它确实值得。









尽管吉文斯花费他听收音机上下班了,特别是交通报告,飞利浦,52岁,用她自己的方式在五个小时的通勤 - 她祈祷。






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一觉醒来,只听老妈的声音:“get up, get up!”啊!老妈啥时候会英语了?而且还是美式英语!我揉了揉眼睛,睁开朦胧的睡眼,老妈啥时候染了一头黄发?我说:“妈,你啥时候染的头?”老妈丈二和尚——摸不着头脑地说:“pardon? You buy we breakfast now ?”唉,跟她我也没什么好说的,便说了句:“ok , pleas gave me money !”


我去了一个便利店说:“give me a pice of bread , cola and a carrot 。”唉,真是“英语”到用时方恨少,葱我不会说,只是想起美国人有时也买一盘牛肉的,我灵机一动便说:“ a pice of meat 。”最后服务员给我一袋面包、一罐饮料、一袋牛肉和一袋胡萝卜。我没有买任何调味品。因为我知道,美国人一般不用调味品,他们只用色拉油。





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TINY ghost—like dolls hang from trees, big plastic spiders sit on rooftops and bloody plastic hands reach out from gravestones…Are you ready for the scariest night of the year?

October 31 is Halloween, one of the most popular festivals in the US, Canada and Britain。 The festival began as a day to remember the dead。 But nowadays its all about the carnival atmosphere when people can enjoy dressing up and scaring each other。

Halloween is one of childrens favourite nights of the year。 They dress up as monsters and go to their neighbourshouses。 Knocking on the door they shout: "Trick or treat!" Of course, usually people give them "treats" - a like sweets and chocolates。 But, if you dont, you can expect a prank such as having your car windows soaped or your garbage cans turned over。

Halloween is also a time for masquerade parties。 Witches fly in on broomsticks, while ghosts and skeletons chat on the dance floor。

You can even dress up as a famous monster like Dracula! The motto is: "The scarier, the better。" 。”

Even making Halloween food should be like casting a spell or mixing a magic drink。 In Britain, people drink "Witchs Mix", made with apple, orange, grape and berry juice。 Children also enjoy "Halloween Worms," made from egg noodles。 And how do you like the sound of "Eye—Balls"? Dont worry, theyre made with scoops of chocolate and vanilla ice cream, shaped like human eyes。 Skeleton—shaped cookies are equally popular。

A well—known Halloween tradition is to make lanterns from pumpkins, called "Jack—o—lanterns"。 First, the inside of the pumpkin is removed。 Then, a face is cut into the pumpkin, traditionally a smiling, devil face。 Finally a candle is placed inside, and the lantern is put at the front of the house to keep evil spirits away。

Besides pumpkin cutting, "apple—bobbing" is another popular game。 Several apples are put floating in water in a big bucket。 Children have their hands tied behind their backs。 They have to try to pick the apples out of the water using only their mouths。 Of course, people get very wet and it is very funny to watch。




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This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. The writer O’Henry called it the one day that is purely American. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has ritual meaning. Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families. They have a large dinner which is the main part of the celebration. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of the family gather. The holiday is a time of family reunion. Thanksgiving week is generally one of the busiest travel times of the year. However, experts say this year probably will be different. On September 11th, thousands of people died when terrorists hijacked airplanes that struck buildings in Washington D.C. and New York City. Many people now say they are worried about flying on a plane. Travel experts say almost 6 percent fewer people will make long trips this Thanksgiving compared with last year. Many Americans who usually visit family and friends by plane are driving shorter distances instead this week. Some mental health experts say the attacks have frightened people. They say people feel safer and happier close to home. More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving is a celebration of family and home. Many people say that this year they are especially thankful for their families and friends and the good things in their lives. On Thanksgiving, people enjoy a long day of cooking, eating and talking. The traditional meal almost always includes the turkey with a bread mixture cooked inside. Other traditional Thanksgiving food served with turkey are sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Stores are said to sell more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year, and many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year. Over the years, Americans have added new traditions to their Thanksgiving celebration. For example, a number off professional and university football games are played on Thanksgiving Day. Some of the games are broadcast on national television.


本周四是感恩节。作者O Henry称之为纯粹是美国的一天。感恩节不是一个宗教节日。但它有仪式的意义。一些美国人参加宗教仪式在感恩节的前一天或是感恩节的早上。还有的长途跋涉和他们的家人团聚。他们有一个大型晚宴庆祝活动的主要部分。对许多美国人来说,感恩节是唯一一次当所有家族成员。这个节日是家人团聚的时间。感恩节这一周通常是交通最繁忙的时期。然而,专家说,今年可能会不同。9月11日,成千上万的人死于恐怖分子劫持飞机袭击的建筑物在华盛顿特区和纽约市。现在很多人说,他们担心飞机上飞行。旅游专家表示,近6%更少的人将使长途旅行这个感恩节与去年相比。许多美国人通常拜访家人和朋友乘飞机本周将改为短途驾车。一些心理健康专家认为,袭击令人们感到恐慌。他们说人们感到更安全、更快乐。比其他任何节日,感恩节是一个庆祝和家人回家。很多人说,今年他们特别感谢家人和朋友,好东西在他们的生活中。在感恩节,人们享受着一整天的烹调、饮食和说话。传统的感恩节大餐都包括火鸡内填满面包和火鸡一起做熟。其他传统的感恩节食物与土耳其是红薯,越橘和南瓜派。据说商店出售更多的食物在感恩节比其他任何时候,在感恩节,许多人吃更多的食物比其他任何时候。多年来,美国人增加了新传统感恩节的庆祝活动。例如,许多专业和大学足球比赛是在感恩节。一些游戏是在国家电视台播出。


The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓, 经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is individualism: self first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design. This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.

American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise succeand heroes. Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind. Americans have very strong senses of success. Succeis the pursuit of most Americans, it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward. They believe that ones personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career. Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes. The proceand result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children.

American society has great movements within itself. These movements are shown in two aspects: movements amongst locations and movements inside the society. The United States are relatively more open and have more freedom. Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities, from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land, from one city to another. Unlike European countries, the social classes in America is not so stable. Further more, with the advocation of public education, movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible. Many people living in the states, no matter whether they are Native American or immigrants from overseas, have the same dream of changing their social claand make their lifetime dream come true through their own efforts. This is what they often called "American dream".






American culture, in a sense, is an extension of European culture, because the language of the Americans, demographic composition and her spirit of the foundation are from Europe. On the other hand, American culture with Europe, because European immigrants in the North American continent to drive away after taking the Indians, in a barren wilderness land to create a stunning is the splendid civilization. Therefore, in the United States talk about cultural practices and social propriety, it is necessary to take account of the same culture of Europe and the United States, but also pay attention to both of the opposite sex. Cultural practices is a wide scope and complexity of the topic, people involved in social life and relations In all aspects.

Of tolerance.

The United States is a country of immigrants, the ancestors from around the world. People emigrated to the United States, not only in the location to move on, but also in their country and customs of the council to a new place of residence. As miscellaneous, people their differences very obvious because the differences are very common, people do not particularly pay attention to unity. In time, the cultural practices of the Americans formed a higher level of tolerance (tolerance), the different cultures and different appraisals on tolerance, an acceptable attitude. At this point, the U.S. society feasible than the custom of other countries in the world more broadly.

From a political perspective, this tolerance of performance in the pursuit of freedom and the right to freedom of maintenance. From the religious that it reflected in the harmonious coexistence of different faiths. From the viewpoint of life, and it appeared in different communities, different ethnic communities live in peace. In a nutshell, in the United States, each person can basically arbitrary choice of different ideas, beliefs, traditions and customs and way of life; people can also keep a considerable extent, their customs and instrument. For example, Jews can celebrate their religious festivals, and Christians are to their Christmas and Easter. For example, again, the United States by Chinese in Chinatown Chinese live and work; the same token, the Vietnamese immigrants in their "little Saigon" according to Vietnams way of doing business and engaged in various activities.

Americans of tolerance, in addition to the above United States is a country that factors other than immigration, and the frequent movement of the Americans. As everyone knows, the history of the United States in the development of an important part of her history of the development of the western region. At that time, the United States Blazers or hiking, horseback or car, from east to west, from north to south, wherever there are opportunities, there Jiuwang resettlement. The frequent migration and continuous replacement of the Habitat so that people will always be in the "mobile", and the occasional different facing the phenomenon of tolerance and more easily accepted. Moreover, the current migration also can help people expand the field of vision, known more widely know, the different practices with sympathy, understanding, and gradually formed diversity rather than uniformity of the openness of the concept.

As the Americans tolerant of stronger, so very few Americans to impose its will on other people, with China Confucius "by the others do not want to, not to impose on" the very Guxun like. For example, a husband may be a Republican, but he must not support the Democratic Party forced his wife to change political stance. Similarly, perhaps the mother is a Catholic, but she must not have forced her into a Muslim convert son to change religion. In their daily lives and habits of business in normal times, this spirit of tolerance is a common occurrence, commonplace.










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