热爱生活 英语表达(合集20篇)







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The beginning of the New Year is coming, and in this summer holiday, the experience is quite a lot.

What a big adventure, hide-and-seek, dads dream of a trip to lanzhou, and so on, but one thing is memorable and interesting. One afternoon, I dont have a nap, but, plunged into the sea of books to read my favorite book - charlottes web, and a look round and, see of I, seems to have become a small role in the book. Watch, I am all of two eyes closed, how wide also hard to open, my father asked me, I will also paste is not clear answer and went through this began to go to bed. I dream of sleeping, dreaming that I am walking in a green forest, the birds sing, the spring sings and the flowers sing. The trees dance, the grass dance, the peacock dance... The whole forest was a scene of spring. There was also a forest of peach blossoms, which were very refreshing. I was wearing a green dress in harmony with nature, walking I smelled a foul smell, turned out to be a pile of smelly rubbish gives off, I pulled out environmental protection sword to clear the rubbish...

Suddenly, I woke up in my dream, I saw a smelly sock in front of my nose, huh! Mom did it! azuoweng my daydream, I leng on the sofa, thinking back to my dream, all of a sudden burst into a belly laugh, how interesting this thing is!




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Nowadays, with the development of technology, the market competition is

fierce and people feel great pressure. In order to improve the working

efficiency, they force themselves to work overtime. However, they are not

machine and need to slow down life pace, or they will break down sooner or


We cant slow down the working hour, but we can control our private time. A

lot of young people mix with working time and private time, so they cant enjoy

their life and feel depressed all the time. The smart person will find the

balance. They will put aside the working stuff when the clock tells them that it

is time to be off work and find the way to release their pressure, such as


Spending the time with friends and families is always a good way to enjoy

our time. No matter what kind of difficulties we face, when we recall of these

happy moments, we will have motivation to move on. We cant choose everything we

want, but we can adjust ourselves to the environment and keep the good mood.

Once life pace slows down, we control our life.



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After entering college, we found, to our surprise, that differences between high school life and college life are great. In high school, we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of difficult problems. At college, however, we have to rely exclusively on ourselves. Whats more, we have to learn how to get along with our classmates and roommates.

Four years at college is an important yet very short period of time in our life. So it is always expected that we adapt to this life as quickly as possible. But it is a pity that not everyone can do so immediately. Here are some suggestions.

First, get familiar with the main buildings on the campus. Spend one or two hours by yourself or with your classmates to go around the campus so that you can know the location of such important places as the library, the dining room, the post office, the clinic and classrooms. Next, try to be independent. Learn to do such things as making sound decisions on how to spend your time, how to spend your money etc, and washing clothes on your own. Furthermore, form good study habits. Talk with your classmates and learn from their good habits. Finally, try to take part in all kinds of activities to get out of your solitude and get on well with your classmates.



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From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday. I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didnt. Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.

I spend a lot of time on the homework… Every day in my Winter Holiday,I always got up late. Then I listened to the tape,it was nine oclock. Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime!I‘m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!

Im unlucky on the playing too. I played firecracker but I hurt my finger with the fire. Im careless to kindle the firecracker,so Im very unlucky.

I still unlucky on my friends party. In the morning,I wanted to get up early but I woke up at 10:50. After ten minutes,the party would start! So I only eat a piece of bread then I go to my friend‘s

home!And I stay at his home for a long time when I came home. My mother and father were very angry and they scolded me!

Im worried and feel unlucky on my weigh. Last term,I was 48 kilogram but now I am 51 kilogram!I must to do banting!

But most important,I have gone to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium,I want to go there very much because I want to see the horse,the monkey…in the sea. Now Ive done it . It is a bright dot in my Winter Holiday.










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When I was young at high school,I couldnt stop dreaming about my college life again and again.Suffering too much pressure form college entrance test,I always admired college students for their relaxed life in college.

In my personal opinion,living in university is  an enjoyment.Every day we can open our eyes naturally,and put on clothes in our own style without warring about teachers rigid control.Communicating with great master is no longer beyond our reach.Each course we take can be a feast for our mind and soul.After class,we will lead a rich and colorful life filled with various leisure activities such as .Library in  university is another factor I pursue.I think its an access to enhancing our comprehensive abilities to read even just scan all  sorts of

writings.Whats more,we will have so much disposable time that we can do whatever worthy.And our contact group will be extended signally via organizing and participating many activities.All in all,I once imagined that I can live a life that is substantial but meaningful.

However,I just have to admit that what I just describe is really dream.Now living in SD I cant figure out what I pursue and make a feasible career planning.So many young cynics in this schoolyard  argue for something meaningless.Worse still,the academic atmosphere has already done with nothing left.I havent found a busy but rich thing to try my best.As a matter of fact,I even cant choose a lifestyle I prefer.What a tragedy it is between dream and reality.



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Time, can really fast, I cant catch the fast. Twinkling of an eye, this two months of summer vacation, draw to a close, I dont know what to say. Sitting in front of the computer, dull, total want to indulge in his own weaving dreams, do not want to wake up. Time the old man, anyway, I put the summer vacation time all away from me.

Really, quick opening, want to say something, but I dont know where to start. This summer vacation, the raising of the third summer vacation. My friends asked me, how things this summer vacation. I answered: I, not very happy, they asked: why, yes, why, why, perhaps because of mother promised me to hangzhou line, did not go into, perhaps because the deadlock good friends relationship, maybe its my wayward didnt cram school. Too many reasons, too many stories.

Summer vacation, not happy, now, is hate me, I know the grade, but I was not a good preview course in grade 3, really, at this moment, good regret. I know, regret is useless, so, I see, this summer vacation again how unhappy, but always in time you angry, slip regret, not grasp you.

Good refueling ah, in the third, study hard!

Summer vacation is over. All the wind scattered, start a new life!



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1、人要独立生活,学习有用的技艺。 凯德

2、没有理智决不会有理性的生活。 斯宾诺莎

3、爱真理,忠实地生活,这是至上的生活态度。没有一点虚伪,没有一点宽恕,对自己忠实,对别人也忠实,你就可以做你自己的行为的裁判官。 巴金

4、不要慨叹生活的痛苦!慨叹是弱者…… 高尔基

5、不要从特殊的行动中去估量一个人的美德,而应从日常的生活行为中去观察。 帕斯卡

6、斗争的生活使你干练,苦闷的煎熬使你醇化;这是时代要造成青年为能担负历史使命的两件法宝。 茅盾

7、当劳动是种快乐时,生活是美的;当劳动是一种责任时,生活就是奴役。 高尔基

8、要是一个人,能充满信心地朝他理想的方向去做,下定决心过他所想过的生活,他就一定会得到意外的成功。 戴尔·卡内基

9、人们所努力追求的庸俗的目标--财产虚荣奢侈的生活--我觉得都是可鄙的。 爱因斯坦

10、从远处看,人生的不想还很有诗意呢,一个人最怕庸庸碌碌的生活。 罗曼。罗兰

11、处治世,为好人易。处乱世,为好人难。处治世,生活容易环境安和,纵然不去为恶,也算不了一个好人。正如一个女子,衣食不缺,且日与一群贤妇女同居,而能不卖淫,那还能称好为贤女么?处乱世,生活艰难环境恶劣,偏要努力学好,才真算一个好人。正如一个女子,衣食两缺,且日与一群娼妓荡妇同处,而能清白自守,那才配称她为贞女呢。 老宣

12、人生活的世界上好比一只船在大海中航行,最重要的是要辨清前进的方向。 潘菽

13、遵照道德准则生活就是幸福的生活。 亚里士多德

14、只有这亲的人才配生活和自由,假如他每天为之而奋斗。 歌德

15、只有走在生活的前面,用自己的劳动创造了新的生活的人,才谈得上真正的美。 蒋孔阳

16、只有像我这样发疯地爱生活爱斗争爱那新的更美好的世界的建设的人,只有我们这些看透了认识了生活的全部意义的人,才不会随便死去,哪怕只有一点机会就不能放弃生活。 奥斯特洛夫斯基

17、追求理想是一个人进行自我教育的最初的动力,而没有自我教育就不能想象会有完美的精神生活。我认为,教会学生自己教育自己,这是一种最高级的技巧和艺术。 苏霍姆林斯基

18、真正希望过“很宽阔很美好的生活”,就创造它吧,和那一些正在英勇地建立空前未有的宏伟的事业的人手携手地去工作吧。在生活中,堆积了许多美好的实际的工作,这些工作会使我们的土地富饶,会把人从偏颇成见和迷信的可耻的俘虏中解放出来。 高尔基

19、照亮我的道路,并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想,是善美和真。要是没有志同道合者之间的亲切感情,要不是全神贯注于客观世界--那个在艺术和科学工作领域里永远达不到的对象,那末在我看来,生活就会是空虚的。人们所努力追求的庸俗的目标--财产虚荣奢侈的生活--我总觉得都是可鄙的。 爱因斯坦

20、在世界上我们只活一次,所以应该爱惜光阴。必须过真实的生活,过有价值的生活。 巴甫洛夫

21、愉快的生活是由愉快的思想造成的。 牛顿

22、有理想的人,生活总是火热的。 斯大林

23、在我们所具有的一切缺点中,最为粗鲁的乃是轻视我们的存在了,越爱人生,就越不能服膺生活者的条件。如果只为了凝视人生,要意识做什么呢? 杜·伽尔

24、应该相信,自己是生活的战胜者。 雨果

25、一生的生活是否幸福平安吉祥,则要看他的处世为人是否道德无亏,能否作社会的表率。因此,修身的教育,也成为他的学校工作的主要部分。 裴斯泰洛齐

26、我始终不愿抛弃我的奋斗生活,我极端重视奋斗得来的经验,尤其是战胜困难后所得到的愉快,一个人要先经过困难,然后踏进顺境,才觉得受用舒适。 爱迪生

27、幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。 列夫·托尔斯泰

28、要有生活目标,一辈子的目标,一段时期的目标,一个阶段的目标,一年的目标,一个月的目标,一个星期的目标,一天的目标,一个小时的目标,一分钟的目标。 托尔斯泰

29、无目标而生活,犹如没有罗盘而航行。 拉斯金

30、无论家庭或是爱情,都不能使人觉得生活真正美满。家庭,只是几个人;爱情,仅是一个人;而党,这是一百六十万人。只为家庭活着,这是禽兽的私心;只为一个人活着,这是卑鄙;只为自己活着,这是耻辱。 尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基

31、我这一生基本上只是辛苦工作,我可以说,我活了七十五岁,没有哪一个月过的是真正舒服生活,就好像一块石头上山,石头不停地滚下来又推上去。 歌德

32、我们若要生活,就该为自己建造一种充满感受思索和行动的时钟,用它来代替这个枯燥单调以愁闷来扼杀心灵,带有责备意味和冷冷地滴答着的时间。 高尔基

33、一清如水的生活,诚实不斯的性格,在无论哪个阶层里,即使心术最坏的人也会对之肃然起敬。在巴黎,真正的道德,跟一颗大钻石或珍奇的宝物一样受人欣赏。 巴尔扎克

34、有生活的时候就有幸福。 列夫·托尔斯泰

35、智慧与教育之间的区别是,智慧会让你过上舒适的生活。 佚名

36、为了在生活中努力发挥自己的作用,热爱人生吧! 罗丹

37、我生活过,可是在那些昏天黑地的岁月里并没有感觉到我在生活。……我记不起随便哪年春天的情景,也从没留意过我有妻子怎样爱我,我的孩子们怎样诞生……我驱使一切爱我的人遭到不幸。……我的母亲已经为我悲伤了十五年,我那些高傲的弟兄不得不为我痛心,脸红,低头,花钱,到头来痛恨我就跟痛恨毒药一样。 契诃夫

38、要使孩子们从小就懂得和领会到:他的每一步每一个行动都会在他身边的人--同志父母教师和“陌生者”的精神生活引起反响。只有当他不给别人带来灾难,不欺负和扰乱别人时,才能成为一个生活得平静而又幸福的人。 苏霍姆林斯基

39、幸福的生活是一种由爱鼓舞,由知识指导的生活。 罗素

40、我们的生活所需的思想,也许在三千年前就思维殆尽。我们只需要在老柴上加新火就行了。 芥川龙之介

41、人是为别人而生存的--首先是为那样一些人,他们的喜悦和健康关系着我们自己全部的幸福,然而是为许多我们所不认识的人,他们的命运通过同情的纽带同我们密切结合在一起。我每天上百次地提醒自己,我的精神生活和物质生活都依靠着别人(包括活着的和死去的)的劳动,我必须尽力以同样的分量来报偿我所领受了的和至今还在领受着的东西。我强烈地向往着俭朴的生活,并且常为发觉自己占有了同胞过多的劳动而难以忍受。 爱因斯坦

42、人生活在希望之中,旧的希望实现了,或者泯灭了,新的希望的烈焰随之燃烧起来。如果一个人只管活一天算一天,什么希望也没有,他的生命实际上也就停止了。 莫泊桑

43、一个人应当好好地安排生活,要使每一刻的时光都有意义。 屠格涅夫

44、要这样生活;使你的朋友不致成为仇人,使你的仇人却成为朋友。 毕达哥拉斯

45、生活中最重要的是礼貌,它比最高的智慧,比一切学识都重要。 赫尔岑

46、生活中最大的满足就是意识到应尽的义务。 盖兹利特

47、一个人的生命是有限的短促的,如果我们要把短短的生活过程使用得更有效力,我们最好是把自己的生命看成是前人生命的延续,是现在共同生命的一部分,同时也是后人生命的开端。 华罗庚

48、人的生活离不开友谊,但要得到真正的友谊才是不容易;友谊总需要忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉,用原则去培养,用谅解去护理。 马克思

49、去生活,不管怎样,不管什么地方!……睁开眼睛,瞧文明席卷而去的一切:好的坏的意想不到的不可想象的!兴许此后你才能对人对社会对自己说出点见解! 杜伽尔

50、人们说生命是很短促的,我认为是他们自己使生命那样短促的。由于他们不善于利用生命,所以他们反过来抱怨说时间过得太快;可是我认为,就他们那种生活来说,时间倒是过得太慢了。 卢梭

51、个人如果但靠自己,如果置身于集体的关系之外,置身于任何团结民众的伟大思想的范围之外,就会变成怠惰的保守的与生活发展相敌对的人。 高尔基

52、多余的财富只能换取奢靡者的生活,而心灵的必需品是无需用钱购买的。 梭洛

53、人生的目的,在发展自己的生命,可是也有为发展生命必须牺牲生命的时候。因为平凡的发展,有时不如壮烈的牺牲足以延长生命的音响和光华。绝美的风景,多在奇险的山川。绝壮的音乐,多是悲凉的韵调。高尚的生活,常在壮烈的牺牲中。 李大钊

54、没有人生活在过去,也没有人生活在未来,现在是生命确实占有的唯一形态。 叔本华

55、人生的快乐和幸福不在金钱,不在爱情,而在真理。即使你想得到的是一种动物式的幸福,生活反正不会任你一边酗酒,一边幸福的,它会时时刻刻猝不及防地给你打击。 契诃夫



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1995 I went into taizhou junior middle school.Totally we had 7 classes,I

was in class 4.The head-teacher of the class was a middle age woman.she was so

strict with us.for example, i was catched when i ate a big rabbit sugar during

class time,she asked me to buy that bland sugar one peice for everyone.in my

opinion ,she hated everyting except study,everyweekend ,she asked us to study in

school,sunday afternoon was just the free time for us.when she saw we played

football,she must get the ball back to her office.someone who was to be in love

was found by her,he would be punished just like a shit.luckyly,i was not found

by her.i liked the girl who was my Elementary school schoolmate during my junior

middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we graduated.but i

liked to talk with others during class time,everytime i was found by her,she

asked me to write 3000 words to explain why and how to do in future. nowadyas

every time i remeber what happened in my junior middle school,i deeply appreciat

her kindness.she is real a good teacher.

My junior middle school time has pasted ,but it will influece till the end

of my life.



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I imagine a lot about lives in the future。I think two words can summarize my imagination。The first word is fast。In the future,we will have more quickly transportation means。

Now matter how far we go,it takes only a short time。With the development of science and technology,we can travel to the moon,Mars or somewhere outer space。People may can live in other planets。The second word is convenient。

Because of the fast development of our society,many work can be done by computers or even robots。

Lots of things are fully automated。Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks。






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This summer, I was very happy. Although I didnt go out to travel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people.In a nursing home, we introduce myself after, began to work for the old people. First of all, we first points groups. Some go to sweeping the floor, others to help old people back on, some with old people, and my sorrows and other friends to help the old man sun wash the quilt.We started, we use the washing powder on the old people on the quilt, rub with the brush and rub, very tired. I understand the mothers hard work. Then, we will bask in the quilt.We stayed for a nursing home in the afternoon, and the old man say good-bye, I have decided to help your parents do some housework more in the future.




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We have a saying "destiny" character creation, therefore, attitude, character and personality is attitude is destiny, so if the right attitude fate, fate nature also went toward the direction of "correct" development, it is logical, but in the life "attitude" how to "set"? But what is more complex, more likely, it is not so simple, or just take a single options can finish. Because of "life", the life span 70 to estimate assume a paragraph, such as 10 years before and after 10 years of life needs and ideological attitude is not the same growth to 20 years old, he again into 30 acceptable and the environment is not the same, and so on, has grown to 70 years old, affirmation is living in another world, so that each to a stage, it must be different degree of growth, and learn the different environment, needs and responsibility or said. Also means different stages, will have different life "attitude", will make the necessary adjustments "attitude", to face your own health life.




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I am a student who studies in a school which is located in Harbin. I was admitted into this beautiful school. I still remember the day when I first went to school. In my eyes, everything was pretty. I get on well with my classmates and teachers. Since I went to this school, I think of my teachers as my best friends like leaves and flowers. I never look upon them as others. It is reason why I often question my teachers on some problems is that I love them. When I am trouble and lose heart, they always help me settle these problems. Of course, I am also satisfied with their education. I have a lot of friends who can make me try to form them good study habits. Because of that, I often get up early and try my best to study well.I also like you that I have favorite subject, also have dislike subject. I prefer learning English to learning others. It is easily of me to learn this lesson, I often get an "A" in the exam. In my In my opinion,In the future work, the English study also play an important role. I do not like Chinese because it is so boring that I cant stand sleeping. In order to make progress, I have to try my best to learn it well. I also want to lay a good foundation in all subjects. I believe, in the near future, I am learning will be successful.

I think we should enjoy a change from our busy life in our school.

So we must have an outing at some interesting places, Such as The Himalayas, the west lake and the great wall. In this way, we will have a rest in our busy life, If it is in beautiful places that you will enjoy yourselves. During that time, you will not only see the sights od views, but you also can go through an interesting life. That can enlarge your views. Physical recreations and intellectual activities are the two major ways of spending our leisure time. While some people have interests in both of them, most of us also have preferable way to spend our time off. I prefer a balance of these kinds of activities to provide both the physical conditioning and mental stimulation I need to face in the daily grind. For me, physical recreation is necessary for good health but intellectual pursuits such as reading stories provide the most pleasure.

I really enjoy my school life. School life should be interesting and colorful, just as the saying goes, "The school life is everyone young men, the source of happiness."



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I am a first-year student in Nanjing University. Every day, I have a very busy and full schedule.

Education is very important to students. The reason is that our achievement determines whether or not we can early out duties to our country in the future.

I get up early every morning to prepare my lessons. Then I attend classes. The last two periods in the afternoon are usually free. I spend them either on the sports ground or in the library. In the evening I try to complete all the assignments on time.

On the weekends, I like to watch TV or go to the films.

Being a student is hard work, but studying makes you a useful person and it is also full of joys when you are ahead of your classmates in all subjects.



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In my summer vacation life, summarize up to three words: busy, play, sleep.

In my summer vacation life, Im very busy, under the pressure of my parents, I have to complete their task assigned me every day, even for them to do some housework every day, of course, I can also get some compensation. Once, I watch TV in the afternoon, probably because the show is too good, I have been seen for more than five o clock in the afternoon, I want to go along and see for more than six o clock in the afternoon, at that time, my homework done nearly one 5, only by my dad come back, see I wrote this only a little homework, yet and also each mop the floor, so I just bad luck, in addition to pay no today, but also fined, will write up the work, I have been to twelve o clock at night, I didnt finished the homework to take a shower sleep.

In my summer vacation life, I am very naughty, when my dad went to work in the afternoon, my mom to play CARDS, I wouldnt seriously homework, for it is written in the book of my agreement with my parents I can only play one hour a day of computer, and cant play, my mother to watch TV on computer, so I can go to play computer games, but every time I go to play, my dad is just like a clairvoyant, no matter how I disguise, but he can know. I may also be "half-hearted" (homework, while watching TV).



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In the twinkling of an eye the summer is over, I know this summer for you with the usual meaning. This is a transition from high school to university, and a prelude to your maturity and independence.

I know a lot of people are excited and excited now. They are full of expectation and expectation for university life. At the same time, they will also have many doubts and worries, and dont know how to face many things. Actually, a year ago, when I first entered university, these puzzles were also on my side. I was always in a dilemma with many things and even sometimes made wrong decisions.

For a year, I have some things for some of their insights, perhaps the sentiment is too subjective, perhaps is wrong, is not suitable for you, but I still want to share with you, if I said not right, do not meet everyones mind, or to a lot of big family excuse, because it just represents my personal; but if I say, what word makes you get a tiny bit of inspiration or harvest, I will be the great honor, because it can get other peoples identity itself is a very comforting thing. Then, then, I will talk briefly about my personal feelings and opinions about some of the things in college life.



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Everyone in our school likes sports. Every morning, after we get up, we do morning exercises. And after the second class, we do exercises again.

We only have pe classes twice a week, but we do sports at five every afternoo. We have school basketball, football and volleyball teams, and our teams often have matches with teams from other schools. Besides ball games, some of us like running, jumping and swimming.Once a year we have a sports meeting.






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My Life in Winter Holiday

Ihave a great time during the winter holiday, because I enjoy myself as well asfocus on my study. As it’s known to all, the Spring Festival is the mostimportant in winter holiday that would occupy much time to celebrate it.Therefore, I finished my homework first, so that it won’t bother my enjoymentduring the festival. I finished my home work in one week. And I went shoppingwith my parents. We bought a lot of things, especially snacks and fruits. Then,it was the Spring Festival. We had a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve. Myparents prepared the big dinner and I could only act as assistant. The dinnerwas so delicious that I ate so full. In the next several days, my parents and Ivisited our relatives and friends or they visited us. Sometimes, we went outfor fun together. We children were always the most excited. Now, holiday iscoming to the end and I will go to school soon. I am so happy that I have awonderful winter holiday.

