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Now just into the winter, chill day by day, since yesterday, the sky can not see the impact of the sun, heralded a winter rain is coming, I like the rain in winter, although people feel cold, but But let people keep this awake, not vague and sober.

When the rain, sometimes it is difficult to detect. Because so many days are dark dark weather. Cold, exhaled gas immediately into a burst of smoke in front of drifting. Rain: often down when people inadvertently. Silent, others feel a particularly cold time, set a look, oh, the original rain has been under a long time.

In the oblique wind and rain, in the heart of dusty to experience a kind of years of affection, aftertaste years ago, light rain, is not it also a free and easy? We can not keep the past, but we can in a winter Yue said The rain, and then continue to reshape past memories of our memories. This is also a kind of life, a kind of let us keep on remember life.

Pattering the rain is always so in my heart under the next, that piece of bamboo let me intoxicated; always let me obsessed with the winter, obsessed with passionate light rain. To join in nature, in the silence of silence, to feel a long absence of the mood, to relive the feelings of a juvenile, is not it a pleasure?

This is the rain in the winter, the next is so quiet, as if crying, and it seems to talk, let us calm down and think back in the hearts of the collection of memories, is so pregnant, as if everything is still, only their own Memories, this is why I like the winter rain.




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Fall, in my eyes, is a very beautiful season, is a bumper season. Lets go into the autumn and see the beautiful autumn in my eyes!

Fall to the earth harvest. You see, the apples you fight me grab, painted the red rouge, dress themselves up sober, and so people to pick it; pear head wearing gold clothes, like a noble emperor; Persimmon put on the orange red new clothes that were given to it in autumn, happy to jump again and again, it was very plump; banana took off the green jacket and put on the gold jacket.

You see, that crop is also harvested, that cluster of rice, like a golden field. Autumn is to bring you a cool, bring the earth is a burst of laughter.

Autumn, is a beautiful season, because the autumn brought us a cool, to the earth to bring the harvest of happiness; autumn, like a naughty children, and small partners playing with slapstick.

In my eyes fall is the most perfect, children, your eyes fall is how it?



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In the morning, out of the building, a large expanse of snow covered the ground, shining like a brilliant diamond.

Suddenly, a snowflake fell into my hand, and I closed the door quickly, and the snowflakes disappeared. But outside of the snowflakes in the air wave, the moment, fall in the arms of snow into a pearl like water, like cotton pile on the ground, it is a white world. Just like a white carpet, the ground has just returned to a vast expanse of whiteness, and I intend to paint it down.

Oh, what beautiful snow it is.



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描述人物外形Describing a person

发型Hair Style

直发:straight hair 波浪式卷发:wavy hair 卷发、自然卷:curly hair

浓密的头发:tihck hair 短发:short hair 长发:long hair

齐肩发、披肩发:shoulder-length hair一个马尾辫:ponytail 辫子(小麻花辫子):braids

长发辫子(雷鬼辫、脏辫):dreadlocks 头髻:bun 两个马尾辫:bunches

中分:center parting 变秃:balding 秃头:bald

头发颜色 Hair color

金发:blond hair 棕发:brown hair黑发:black hair

红发:red hair 灰发(老年人的银发):grey hair

姜黄色发:ginger hair(受歧视的发色)

眉毛 Eyebrow

浓眉:thick eyebrows 秀眉:thin eyebrows

眼睛 Eyes

大眼睛:big eyes小眼睛:small eyes

鼻子 Nose

高鼻子:high nose 塌鼻子:falt nose/button nose

宽鼻子:wide nose 窄鼻子:narrow nose

嘴巴Mouth /Lip

大嘴:big mouth小嘴:small mouth 厚嘴唇:thick lips

薄嘴唇:thin lips/slim lips樱桃小口:cherry lips/rosebud lips

脸型 Face

鸭蛋脸/瓜子脸:oval face 圆脸:round face

方脸:square face长脸:long face

体型、身材 Stature

肥胖的:fat 瘦的:thin苗条的:slim

丰满的:plump 不胖不瘦的:medium-built 不高不低:medium-height


优雅的(女性):graceful/elegant 结实的、矮胖的:stout 苗条的、瘦长的:slender





1. 她有一头金色长卷发

2. Mark is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesnt look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isnt fat and he isnt thin. His build is average. 迈克21岁了,他身高大约5.9英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛。浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人。他总是面带微笑,非常友好。他不胖也不瘦,中等身材。




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Autumn, with a golden body, walked with light footsteps, quietly came to us.


Sky blue, blue like a sea, like a washed sapphire. After a white clouds, like a small fish swimming, really like a beautiful ink painting.


We came to the orchard and the apple opened its mouth as though it were welcoming us to taste the fruit. The aroma of pear caught our little feet and the pomegranate opened its mouth and revealed many rubies.


We came to the fields, where the girl of the autumn had cast it into gold, and the whole field turned into a golden sea. The corn showed a yellow jewel. Sorghum smiled and bent. The farmers uncle was reaping the rice, and the rice seemed to say, "Uncle farmer raised us from childhood. Thank you for bringing up their children.",


Now we can finally repay the farmer uncle, and the farmer uncle is also proud of his achievements.


Autumn is really beautiful! I love the enchanting autumn.



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刚出生的小猫,眼睛闭着,叫声细弱,恰似一个沉睡的婴儿。走起路来不是跌就是倒。吃奶时总是一丁点儿一丁点儿的吃,喂的人一喂就是好几时。 邻居家不知什么时候养了一只小猫,我非常喜好它。


猫是人们痛爱的小植物,它温驯,活泼,可爱,能捉老鼠,赢得主人的欢心。 刚出生的小猫,眼睛闭着,叫声细弱,满身光溜溜的,恰似一个会蠕动的肉团团。 满月以后,绒毛才全部长齐。有的颈圈是白色,四肢长满白毛,背部黑中杂有灰白,尾巴灰黑;有的从头至尾披一件油墨“斗篷”,脚掌却是白色,人们说是劣种,叫“乌云盖雪”;有的通体黄色,现虎斑纹,人们给它美名“金不换”;另有一身白毛配上一条黑毛尾巴的,被称为“雪里拖枪”。刚满月的猫离不开奶,走路也不稳。 猫吃的是杂食,最爱鱼和瘦肉,倘若扔一个水果或蔬菜之类的给它,它只是嗅一嗅便走开了。 猫的脚掌生有肥厚而柔软的肉垫,走路寂静无声,不致惊跑鼠类。脚趾末端生有锐利的钩爪,可以随意伸缩。这使它不但能在平地上疾走如飞,还能沿壁上房,爬树跳墙。老鼠自愿得丧魂落魄,很少能逃走厄运。 猫的牙齿锋利如锥,舌面粗糙,有许多倒刺。一旦逮住老鼠,猫爪抓刺,猫齿撕咬,顷刻之间,作恶多端的老鼠就开肠破肚,血肉散乱。 猫的这些身材结构特性,使它具有了捕鼠的种种优越条件。俗话说,不管白猫黑猫,捉住老鼠才是好猫。会捉老鼠的猫是不大呼的。当它发明鼠踪,立即伏下,耐烦等待反击时机。当老鼠靠近时,就以迅雷不及掩耳之势猛扑上去,一下子把老鼠咬住。 猫另有随身携带的探测器--胡须。别鄙视猫的英俊胡须,很敏锐,一样平常等于本身胸围的最大长度,所以,猫能否能深入窟窿,只要胡须量一量洞口就晓得。







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Autumn wind can be funny, you listen, "call" through the campus, the campus of the sweet-scented osmanthus opened, emitting a touch of fragrance, even every ten miles can smell the smell.

Autumn wind blowing over the field, sorghum red face, rice laughed waist, wheat from green to yellow, yellow like a golden ocean.

The wind of the autumn was blown over the river, and the leaves of the rivers tree were blown away, like a butterfly flying only, drifting into the water of the river, and the little fish were hiding under it, The ants put the winter food on the "boat", the self also climbed up, a burst of autumn wind blowing, "boat" drift away, I guess they certainly drift to the far away to the place.

Autumn is really a bumper season, funny season! I love autumn!



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Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.








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AnEarthquakeis the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earths crust that creates seismic waves . Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer , also known as a seismograph . The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude , with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale.

At the Earths surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami . The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.

In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults , but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments.

An earthquakes point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter means the point at ground level directly above this.







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Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed.

Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm:" Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her.



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一天,我开心的放学回家,准备迎接可爱的小乖。回到家,我看到窗户上有一张纸条,上面写着“小乖外出,尚未回来”我好奇的问妈妈:“小乖呢!”妈妈 说:“它不见了耶!”我拚命的找家里的每个角落,但始终没有一点迹象,我摊坐在地上伤心的哭了,妈妈说:“别哭了,我已把它给找回来了,你看。”妈妈把小乖抱出来,我看了终于开心的笑了。




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Dolphin is my favourite animal.

It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on.

Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are!

Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.


My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute animal. It have a short tail and a four short foot. It have a little head and a hard shell. They are forty-five little and cute tortoise in My home. They like to play in the water. When they afraid some thing. They wall run fast. They like to eat the fish. I often buy some small fish to them to eat. They can catch the fish fast. First, they fake(假) sleep. When the fish swim near they mouth. They catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. So, the fish die. They can eat the fish. In winter. They like to sleep in the sand. When they sleep, they don’t eat any food.Because they wall hibernation. But, when they are thirsty. They come out of the sand. So, we must give water to them to drink.

I love the tortoise. I hate the eagle. Because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.My favourite animal is tortoise.



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Elephantslooks unique. It has four strong legs, long with a long nose and two big ears like a basketball fan, head and eyes are very small. A large body of the back and a small tail, designed to drive the flies and mosquitoes. Its vice long sharp teeth to tremble with fear on hearing of the opponent.


Elephants drinking it is amusing. It first with a long nose suction inlet, then put the nose into the mouth, the water will automatically flow into the mouth. But sometimes the water continued to flow out mouth, elephants can really silly!

大象是群居动物。一群大象中总有一只德高望重[注: 德:品德;望:声望。道德高尚,名望很大。]的领头象,他既要带领象群迁徙,又要保护象群免受其它野兽攻击,所以责任重大,任务艰巨。

Elephants are social animal. A herd of elephants always has a highly respected [Note: de: character; Wang: prestige. Noble, great fame. The lead elephant, he must lead the elephant population migration, but also to protect elephants from other animals attack, so the heavy responsibility, the task is arduous.


Elephants are an ancient mammals. As early as in millions of years ago, it was with the dinosaurs and other animals live on the earth together, then the extinction of the dinosaurs, but the elephant stubbornly survive, that the ability to adapt to the environment is strong. Today, as long as people try to protect the elephant, the elephant is a kind of animal species to survive for millions of years is not a problem.



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I keep a cute kitten, it was wearing a black and white sweater, embedded on the face with a pair of golden light bulbs, evening there was a flash of light, mouth also stood two patron saint.

The kitten is greedy. I remember one day, mom bought a fish, it saw the fish, and every dance feet might have to jump up, fussing around my mother. Mother put the fish in the fridge went to do something else, the kitten took and jumped onto the table, open the door, with its claws with relish to eat fish. When the mother to get the fish, found the fish disappeared, I saw the kitten is greedily ate only a fish tail, is my mother and I cry...

But, as the cat, the kitten is so conscientious. It as long as immediately as soon as I saw the mouse, day and night do not know how much to eat rats? Remember once, I went to take apple apple box, suddenly jumped out from the case out of a big, fat rat, trembled with fear me, and then played the kitten, first the lightning lunges and hold the mouse in its claw, give out "hiss" sound, scared the daylights out of the mouse, then, and release the mouse, and purposely without mouse oblique walk a few steps, the kitten jumped to block in front of it, so after a few rounds, the mouse has no force of resistance, completely scared half to death, finally, a pussy cat meat knife plate, allowed to leave, let them enjoy... This is my little cat, a greedy, and due diligence of the kitten.






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Last spring, my father and mother went to an uncle, he had three puppies, he put the first dog to me, I do not love love, Dad, put second puppies to me, I still dont love, mother love, he put third puppies for me. I like, mom and Dad love, the uncle said: "this dog. Its name is Mimi especially love to dress himself, once I moved back to the United States and the United States, flour, flour roll in the body, and then to me, and its soft on the body feels really comfortable.

The uncle said, "you like you to take it away!" I said, "thank you, uncle!" the uncle said, "Im not welcome. "Mom said," lets go home! "I said," no, I want to play with beauty! "Dad said," lets play here, and Ill pick you up in a moment. " "

My uncle gave me a ball, let me play it for a while, play for a while, I was tired, and Mei was also tired. When I was in the rest, I saw the puppy sleeping. When I went to America and America, I woke up and felt very funny.

Dad came to pick me up. When he got home, Meimei seemed hungry. I said, "Mom, puppy seems hungry. Do you buy dog food for it?"

When I went to bed at night, dad made a small room for it. It was very nice. When he did it, it jumped and jumped as if it was thanks to us.



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Who is the first to bring the greetings of the grandfather? Who put the crops gently call? Who is the earth put on a set of golden "fall"? Oh! It is it is gentle and light wind.

Autumn, you are a young child - lively and lovely. In the morning, you are like a child, walked into the gentle pace of thousands of households, wake up sleeping people, you gently leaned close to their ears, quietly said: "The up, the autumn is coming!" When people Opened the sleepy eyes, hazy, to meet him was so gorgeous bright autumn! Autumn is so naughty, but also so full of childlike.

Autumn, you are a little girl - naive, childish. Look, you just arrived in the woods, green foliage issued a "rustling" sound, accompanied by the birds singing, loudly asked: "Wind, the wind, you do what?" You replied: "partners We have brought you new clothes. "The trees are happy to put on the gifts you gave them, all of a sudden, the leaves are put on the golden" new clothes ", one by one you look at me, I hope you, Before the push after the crowded, trouble into a group. A few naughty simply leave the mother, in the earth aunts laughter, leisurely into her arms ... ... in this warm, you put a smile to complete the new mission.

Autumn, you are a girl - gentle, quiet. Look, you are singing silver bell-like song, came to the most popular autumn of the most interesting place - farm field. You are coming up with their anticipation. Walking is so light, soothing. Rice blooming smile, quietly accept your touch, happily ups and downs with the wind, like rolling the Melaleuca waves; where the sorghum, anxiously waiting, you like a group of hot fire, or how can the Sorghum dyed golden light? Timid corn doll tightly wrapped in the small was, hear the outside clamor, but also curiously stuck his head, listen to your song ... ... At this time, you have crossed the field, to the distance The Step by step autumn, step by step harvest, you will be dedicated to the earth, you will be heavy harvest into the heart of the farmers, drunk red farmhouse smile.

Autumn, you are a elders - kind and serene. You are wearing a red coat, floating on the hillside, will become a piece of maple leaves into golden red. Yuanwang, frost leaves such as drunk, like a red sea, and glow in one; near look, such as raging flames in the burning, this red red, gives a kind of unsatisfactory warmth. I follow the footprints of the autumn wind, went to the hillside, revel in the maple leaves fly. Face the autumn wind, I cried out, want to pull out all the hearts of passion ... ...

Autumn, you bring a charming autumn; bring the harvest fruit; bring the red of everything. I love you, love you rough, bold temperament, but also love you gentle, graceful temperament, love you quietly dedication of the spirit! Obsessed with you! My autumn wind.




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Autumn rain, like a box of colorful pigments.

Look, it gives red to persimmon, red persimmon, like a light lantern, according to ah, according to the beautiful autumn. It gives the sun to the sunflower, yellow sunflower like a sun, according to ah, according to the autumn of the sweet smell. Golden yellow is to the rice, see, the golden rice like the earth covered with a golden carpet. Red apple you squeeze me, fight people to pick it! Sweet-scented osmanthus fairy to get more color, orange, pale yellow, golden ... ... beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus in the rain often nodded.

The rain of the rain blows up the golden horn, and he tells everyone that winter is coming soon. The wild goose flew to the south, the snake in the stepping holes, ready to sleep comfortable sleep, small ants get bread slag, rubbish ... ... when the grain, maple, elm leaves floating at the foot of the mother The They have to prepare for the winter.

Autumn is a world that makes me feel happy, and the kids let us enjoy the joy of autumn.



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My mother is a kind and gentle woman.She is always very gentle.She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school.I have two brothers and two sisters.So she gets five children in all.She gives us every comfort we need.We all love her very much.

My mother has too much to do in bring us up.As our family is not rich enough,my mother always hits to do a lot of work.She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day.She works very hard,yet without complaining.
