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Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive. Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.

Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.





篇1:高二年级英语作文:Saving Our Earth

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Ive been in my middle school for four years. Four years school life plays an important role in my life.

I enjoy making friends, getting knowledge and having interesting time in my school. I have also made friendship with lots of classmates, and I have also been taught different lessons by lots of different patient teachers. I have grown up a lot in the past four years.

I will never forget my four years school life.







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Parents are the people who care about us the most. But for a lot children,

they think it is necessary for parents to give them everything. As they grow up,

they start to realize their responsibility and feel grateful to their parents. I

was very naughty before. One day, I hanged out to play with my friends very

late, but I havent told my parents, because I thought they would not care. But

when I went home, I found my parents and uncle were sitting together, and they

looked very upset. When my parents saw me, they were angry to ask me why I went

home so late. I felt unhappy and shouted at them. Then my uncle told me that my

parents worried about me so much, and they had searched me for the whole street.

At this moment, I felt so touched, and felt their love.



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People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people dont know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good.

First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because life depends on exercise. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts and lungs . In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight.

If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.






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There is an old man who lives next to my door. He lives alone, and

sometimes his children will come to visit him. When we asked him why he didnt

move to live with his children, he said he didnt want to interrupt them,

because of the different lifestyle. The man likes to sit in front of the shop,

where people communicate there every day. He is very talkative and likes to

offer help. Once he helped a woman to carry heavy food home. Besides, if people

asked him for information, he knew everything. People loved him and got used to

seeing him every day. I like to talk to this man, he is smart and can give me

some wise opinion. He is definitely a good people and we are willing to ask him

to have dinner with us.



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In the garden, the forest environment, there are many changes, such as: the grass is green, the flowers red, the trees become more, the water clear, grass less gas, more......


Im going to visit your aunt, aunt said: "before the small garden in front of our house, spend much more special, but in recent years, many flowers withered, and some have been picked up, but some people are planting trees, flowers, green garden."


I went to visit my dad, dad said: "there is a river in front of the aunt of the West Bridge, where before the water is clear, like a mirror. Because littering, indiscriminate discharge of sewage, washing...... Therefore, the river becomes very muddy, very black, very smelly, river shrimp and small fish cannot survive."


We should do Protect environment, greening the environment, everyone can care about, to make our environment more beautiful, more beautiful nature.



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My mother is a virtuous wife and good mother.She has medium height and

beautiful face.She is a generous,good natured and warm-hearted woman.She looks

like actor Zhong Li Ti.

My mother has retired now.She lives on pension/social welfare and lives

with us.She is good at cooking,often treat us lavish dinner,consisting of

different dishes form various provinces.I like eat my mother dishes very


She likes watch TV.My mother and I like to visit relatives

together.Sometimes we go shopping together.

When I have trouble that she always encourage me to do our best,she used to

say “It don’t matter if you win or not.The important thing is to do your best

and keep going”.

East,West,Home is the best.I wish my mother has a happy life every day.I

love my mother.It is a Chinese tradition to respect the children and support the




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As the world gets globalized, the communication between countries has been enhanced, studying abroad has become a dream for countless young students. As a college student who is majoring in English, I would like to keep my further study in a foreign county after graduation, so that I can improve my knowledge and my ability to live.


As for me, learning English in a native speaking environment is very important. I would choose to continue my further study in Britain orAmerica, both are good for my major. The English-speaking countries can provide me a good chance for me to gain my knowledge. I can know more about the culture and conventions, it helps me to do some translation work.


Overseas study would also provide a good opportunity to learn how to live by myself. In china, I have been living with my parents all my life, my mother takes care of me all the time, but now, I am an adult, it is time for me to be independent. I can learn how to communicate with others, how to take care of myself and so on. All these abilities are vital for my future career.


With the constant interaction between nations, it is necessary for us to learn more about the world. Studying abroad provides such chance, at the same time, we could also learn to be independent.




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Recently, the news reported a fireman was retired and he handed in an

application for his dog, which had worked with him for more than eight years.

The fireman wanted his “brother” to go home with him, because the dog had also

came to his time for retirement. The story moves so many people, the

relationship between animal and human being is always the most touching. Dogs

are men’s loyal friends, their affection to master is pure and true. In the

movie Hachi, the dog spends all his life to wait for the return of his master.

Everybody can’t help tearing when they see this scene. The fireman and his dog

had been a team for many years and they are families. There are so many stories

like them, animal are our friends, the harmonious environment will be built if

animals and human beings get well along.



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Its a quiet room away from the street. There is a big bed in the room.Near

the bed,there is a big window. Besides the window,there is a desk..You can work

here.Of course,there is a chair in front of the desk.In the middle of the

room,there is a round table. When your friends come to visit you,you can have

tea and have a chat around it. That will be fun. There is a shoe rack at the end

of the bed. I think youll like it. On the wall, you can see some photo

frames.If you put some pictures or your photos in it, that will be nice. There

are two lights in the room. One is on the desk and the other is over the


The price is $500 per month,$5000 per year.If you want to hire this

room,please contact Mr Smith and the telephone number is 12345678.



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It is the traditional merit to respect the old in China. Since I was very

small, I received the education that young people should respect the old without

any question. I kept it in my heart and showed respect to the old people all the

time. But as I grew up and with the development of Internet, media exposed the

negative side of the old people. They were rude and impolite sometimes, some of

them took it for granted that young people should serve to them. So people start

to think about whether it was worthy giving priority to the old. In my opinion,

it is the adorable behavior that deserves to be respected, instead of the age.

When old people were rude, they also needed to face the publics criticism. Only

the multi-respect can help people better communicate.



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记叙文也称叙述文,是一种以记叙/叙述的手法来表述人物、事件的文体。常见的属于记叙文文体的作品有:故事、游记、通讯、新闻报道、历史、 人物传记、日记和回忆录等。记叙文大致可以分为两大类:以记人为主的记叙文和以叙事为主的记叙文。前者主要是对人物的经历、活动或者性格特征进行叙述;后者则是对某一事件的发生、发展过程和结果进行叙述。前者重在描述人物的活动,而后者则重在表述事件的发生发展过程。


记叙文的写作要注意交待清楚六大要素,即时间(time)、地点(place)、 人物( character)、事件的原因(cause)、经过(process)和结果( effect)。




记叙文讲述的大多是过去已经发生的活动或事件,因此用过去时态(一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时)的作品比较多。但有时为了使文章显得更加真实、亲切和生动,也可以使用现在时态(一般现在时、 现在进行时、现在将来时、现在完成时)。


记叙某个人物的经历、活动或某件事情的经过离不开叙述的主体,即 “人称”。记叙文中的人称大多采用第一人称或第三人称的形式。第一人称的叙述主观色彩较浓,可以增强文章的真实感,有利于表述细腻的情感和细节的过程;第三人称的叙述可以超越时空的限制,更加真实、客观地表述某一人物活动或事件的全过程。

无论采用第一人称,还是采用第二人称,都要保持全文叙述主体的人称的一致性。注意:句式尽量要多变,不要通篇文章的句子都以人称代词开头,否则文章会显得单调沉闷。例如: I loved the book first because of its beautiful heroine. Then I found it a romantic love story which greatly moved me. I now find that it is better taken as the growth story of a naive girl into a strong-willed woman. I realize that it is the essence of the book that attracts such big number of faithful readers.



在全国大学英语四级考试的各种作文体裁中,记叙文需要应试者具有更全面的语言技能与篇章组织能力。四级考试中常见的议论文和说明文分别要求语言的准确性和论证的合理性、可信性;而记叙文的语言则以生动、真实、 贴切为准则。同一个记叙文题目,不同的人会描述不同的人物经历或事件,又很少有固定的表达或句式可供参考,这时作者的综合语言水平就会表现出来,对能否取得高分起到了相当重要的作用。 这就要求考生平时要多注意语言的磨练和积累。


1. 仔细审题,明确主题,选准素材,罗列提纲。

2. 写好第一段



The results of the college entrance examination came. I tore open the envelope. As soon as I saw the score,tears streamed down my face. I fell into my bed and did not get up the whole day. All was over. What is the meaning to live on earth? For the first time, I thought of death, of being a vagrant and of being single all my life. I was only seventeen. Wasn’t it cruel to me? My father was hurt and he could not stand it that his son was a disgrace. He was angry beyond words. My mother kept silent,and often I saw her in tears. Horror filled the house.


3. 结构要清晰


4. 尽量多使用表示转折、顺接、因果和时间的连接词

如first、second、moreover、for one thing…for another、on the one hand…on the other hand等。这样既可以显示语言功底,又增强了记叙内容的连贯性和生动性。

5. 文章不要写得太长

有的考生遇到触动自己内心情感的记叙文题目时就“一发不可收拾”,但由于时间有限,结果草草收尾,甚至没有结尾。四级作文毕竟是应试作文, 只要充分发挥出自己的英语语言水平,表述出所规定的内容就可以了。

6. 要多用四级词汇,要使句式多样化

没有语言错误并不是高分作文的保障(基本没有语言错误只是8分的基本要求) ;作文想达到11分以上,四级词汇和句型必须达到一定的比例。如,表示“重视”的词汇有stress,emphasize等,但选用短语attach importance to更能吸引阅卷人的注意;disagree和frown on sth. 都表示反对或不赞成,前者就平淡,后者表达意思很生动,更能引起阅卷老师的注意。


(1) 名词化手段:用名词或名词词组替换一个句子或句子的主要部分,然后使这个名词或名词短语成为另外一个句子的组成部分,以达到合并句子的目的。如:

We were very much surprised. Mary refused the invitation.

We were very much surprised at/by Mary’s refusal of the invitation.

(2) 定语化手段:根据语义关系,可以把其中一句转换成形容词或形容词性成分、分词短语、定语从句等,如:

The winnerwas in no mood for speeches. The winner was hot and tired.

Thewinner,hot and tired,was in no mood for speeches.(转换成形容词短语) 7. 字迹清楚,卷面整洁。尽量不涂抹。 8. 最后的2—3分钟,进行修改检查。




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Prospective students can get a taste of campus life during the summer months by spending a day or evening at Penn State New Kensington.

During the Spend a Summer Day and Spend a Summer Evening events in June, July, and August, participants can meet staff and current students, and find out all they need to know about admissions, financial aid and student life. Opportunities to tour the campus are available and a free lunch and entertainment are provided. The first Spend a Summer Day program is a weekend event slated from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 20. Adult learners who cant make it during the day due to work commitments may spend a summer evening on campus from 6:30-9:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 30.

The final Spend a Summer Day is a weekday event, set from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 6.







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I love a lot, but I most like reading.


I have a big room, in the room the first sight is the book, the most prominent in the study and my book. As long as there is a book, I can go out from the noisy environment, so my study is quiet. If the weekend, including nine hours I would choose to read a book. In order not to let others bother me, I often stuck in the door, "Staff Only" brand. The attraction is too big, it made me "little bookworm".


The book is my baby, the book is my friend, is my paradise. I love reading! Let me jump into the sea of knowledge!


If you are a "bookworm", that I go with the book s race!



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My winter vacation

During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11 oclock Am everyday, after a washing, I have a good lunch with my parents. Next I play computer games till the time to have supper. After have dinner. I go on playing till 2 oclock Am, and then go to sleep with tired. This is one dull day of my winter vacation.

But I havent bored all the time. Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed, because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day. And I also meat some of my good friends during the vacation, we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether. And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2004 year! I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.

Thats all, all my dull, coldly and snowy winter vacation



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When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things

to eat. One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up as a cook.

I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : "That is not my ideal.

When I grow up I want to IT (information technology) industries. "Yes, I bought

a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by day.

Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with it. From then on, I want

success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the

cause of national computer. But my father said I could only do in the field

"testing the game," is what the new game, and always let me play with, the

report there will be any games. I think what he said is not their fault, I

always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like Flash. In

recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will be playing the game that the

network server to the black. My account will revise the highest level. However,

I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not

good. When hackers but also need high computer skills. As a member of the IT

industry is my ideal, I would like to advance this goal, to improve their

computer skills








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I have a dog. He is my favorite pet. He is very lovely. His name is Peter and he is two years old. His fur is long and white. He has big black eyes. His nose is very good. He can smell very well. He is quite small. He weighs about two kilograms. Peters favorite food is meat. He also likes bones.

Peter is very friendly. I feed him every day. He never barks or bites. Peter likes lots of exercise. It is necessary to walk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy. So I play with him every day in the park. Peter likes to run in the park. He often chases cats and birds. It is very interesting. Peter can find the way back easily. I think he is the cleverest animal of all.

I like my dog and he loves me too. He is very healthy. All my family like him. We look after him very carefully. Ill make a small and lovely house for him. I think he will be happy to live there. Do you like my dog?





相关标签: 宠物Pet 狗Dog 爱Love



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People have hobby is varied, novel and wonderful, have prosaic. My hobby is not novel, but a wide, even the parents often plaint. And in this great hobby, I still have a special liking to reading.

Love reading also from seven years ago. Thats naughty I didnt love reading, but on one occasion, from toys pile was found in a book is opened. Curiosity prompted me to look down. All of a sudden, I was immediately beautiful illustrations in the book and the wonderful content to attract. And open the floodgates, from now on, I will fall in love with reading.

Grew up, understand more and more, I love reading, watching every day, a day watching less all not line, become a real bookworms. To this end, I still made a joke! Remember once, my mother let me boil water, boiling water, I picked up a book, taste with relish to read the contents, get carried away. As a result, the kettle was burnt out, full of smoke. At this time, the mother saw it, he asked me what happened. When I return to god." Oh, no! Wheres my water? "This picture to see me, mother helplessly sigh: alas! You little bookworm! How many times have I told you..."

Although I because reading by mistake, but I still love reading. Because from the book, I learned many knowledge,ve learned a lot, know many friends: the ugly duckling, the happy prince, the Monkey King, lu xun, bing xin, Edison... Reading is to improve my writing level by a lot!

Now, the book became my daily necessary nutrition, life without books, like a bird without wings, life without books, like life without sunshine, a book is the ladder of human progress, book is the source of knowledge!

I love reading, because reading makes my life rich and colorful, make my life full of sunshine!









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In the picture, an old man is sitting in the wheelchair, and a dog is serving him with milk and food. Ironically, it is the dog that takes the responsibility to attend the old man. We cannot help wondering where the old man’s grown up children are. It is they not the dog who should take good care of their old father.

The implied meaning of the picture is really provoking. It is quite true that in our society there are some grown-up children who treat their old parents badly. When their old parents are too old to take care of themselves, they often view them as a “burden” of their family life. They refuse either to support their aging parents financially or to look after them. No doubt, this immoral behavior of these grown-up children’s should be subject to social condemnation.

To respect the old has long been a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. We should always bear in mind that we are much indebted to our parents in that they not only gave us life but have done much to bringing us up. It is against conscience to escape from the responsibility to take care of our parents. Rather, we should pay back for the love and care of our parents by making their later years happy and enjoyable.


在这幅画中,有一位老人坐在轮椅上, 一只狗正在给他送牛奶和食物。具有讽刺意义的是,是狗在承担待候老人的责职。我们不禁要发问老人的成年子女在哪里?好好照顾年迈的父亲应该是他们而不是狗。





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Echo,my favourite teacher,is a pretty and slim lady.One of the most

important reason that I like her is that she is very sincere.When she talks to

others,she always has a smile on her face.I think Echo is a natural teacher

beacuse she has a lot of good methods on teaching.She is not only quite

friendly, but also humorous.Her class is full of fun that you have never feel

bored.To improve our grades,she usually gives us some advices about how to learn

English well.Whats more,she sacrificed her own time to help every student,no

thought of gain.Sometimes,she nearly has no time to have lunch.When I ask her

questions,she must spare no effort to make me understand,with patience and

careness.I have never seen such a good teacher as her before.A good teacher can

point out the direction and give you endless strength when you get into

trouble.Im lucky enough to have such a good teacher present to my life. Echo

has a great inflence on me.Im thankful her help very much.



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A cigarette after a meal, happy as the fairy. "The other words right, but for a long time, a cigarette for you it is not enough.

Smoking increases the risk of cancer, also can let you lungs become yellow, if is pregnant women smoke, belly child is very poor, will suffer because you smoke. Have a friend call you smoke, please say "no", not easy to accept each other, make oneself sink down. The disadvantages of smoking too much too much, smoke so expensive, how do you willing to spend money to buy? Smoke a pack a day, a year, it will all be spent a lot of yourself or for her to earn the money.

If I were you, I would put the money to buy cigarettes, over the years, you can buy more valuable items. If your boyfriend is a dazed and confused love smoking guy, please advise him not to smoke any longer, if not be persuaded, also asks you to slowly, quietly leave him. Also good smoke, smoke can let you have a lot of spirit, but it is the burden, the consequence is very serious, people stop smoking, we should also be a good happy for him.

Today smoking is a lot of, if your mom and dad, will smoke, please also advise them!!!! Secondhand smoke also is very bad.




