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Singing is an interesting thing.

Theres people who are great singers that dont have good sounding voices (think Dylan, or even Bruce) and people who have great voices but arent technically good singers (think Mariah Carey--her phrasing is abysmal). Now, there are a few singers that have good voices and are good technical singers--and these are the people that there is general agreement on.

You make a list of these people as "great singers" and you generally dont get much argument. Marvin Gaye, Elvis, Paul McCartney, David Ruffin of the Temptations, Kate Bush, (to get out of rock a bit) Sinatra. Thats a few of them. Anyone that tries to tell you that Marvin Gaye couldnt sing doesnt know anything about singing.



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I used to be fond of skating. But now things have changed because of a horrible experience.

One winter, the weather was so cold that water turned into ice. One day on my way home, when seeing a frozen lake, I thought that the ice must be thick enough to support me. Being so interested in skating, I couldnt help going down and sliding on the ice. Suddenly, I heard a sound of crack. Looking down, I saw the crack on the ice surface. I was frightened out of my life and didnt dare to move. But nobody could help me. I had to move toward the bank carefully.

As soon as I got onto the bank, the ice broke. How horrible it was! Even ifit has been a long time since then, I can still feel the fear. And I no longer like skating since then.






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One day, it was time for lunch. Mr and Ms White were already at the table, but where was Tom their only son. Mr White decided to go and asked Tom to have lunch. When he went into Toms bedroom, he found Tom reading a book while lying on the stomach on the floor. He told Tom to come to lunch immediately, so Tom did. Mr White wondered why Tom was so attractted by the book? So he decided to have a look at the book. Now, it was the turnof Ms White and Tom to wait. After sometime, Ms White asked son to see what his father was up to. Tom went tohis bedroom. To his great surprise, his father was lying on the stomach and reading the book. He is just being reading. Mr. White had forgotten all about for lunch , what is an interesting book.





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In our China, every household has to celebrate the Spring Festival in both urban and rural areas.

On the eve of the New Year, my mother took me to the market to buy New Years goods. There are a lot of people in the market. My mother and I bought a lot of New Years goods including melon seeds, peanuts, chickens, ducks, fish, meat, ham, cola and all kinds of famous tobacco. We also bought a lot of fireworks. Haha, we are so happy. At home, my mother swept the floor, my father wiped the floor, and my brother put the Spring Festival couplets on it. The Spring Festival couplets are written to congratulate you on your fortune and good luck. The sister posted the window flowers. My mother even brushed the wall white for the Spring Festival. Then grandpa came up and said, "lets celebrate this year." Then mother went to buy us red clothes, red clothes means auspicious red fire.

Listen to grandmother say "ancient times have a monster" year "often come out to do strange, destroy the farm, still eat children! But "year" is not afraid of nothing. It is said that "nian" has three fears, the fear of fire, the fear of guns, and the sound. So during the Spring Festival, we must shoot and wear red clothes.

On the day of Spring Festival, we happily dressed in beautiful red clothes. Shoot the gun, eat reunion dinner, together tuan tuan round the big year.



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叮铃铃,叮铃铃上课铃响了,这节课是一节英语课。同学们说说笑笑地向教室走去,咦,他们手上提着是什么?红彤彤的苹果,金黄的橘子,紫艳艳的葡萄等各种水果。刀子、叉子、盘子等餐具,还有一瓶水果色拉酱,嘿嘿!今天我们学习做水果色拉:let’s make a fruit salad.









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Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. On the lunar New Year s Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process.

The first step is to mix the flour with water. When the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. We use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. When the wrappers are done, it s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling. You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. We must chop those things into small pieces. Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.





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人都到齐后,老师就开始上课了,她先教我们读单词,只见她吐词清晰,她读一句,我们就跟着读一句,然后再问我们问题,答对时老师就会面对笑容地说:“good或very good。”更有趣的是:她还用玩游戏的方式来教我们学习……


大约一个小时以后,我们在二楼看见老师回来了,为了逗老师开心,那些顽皮的小家伙有的躲了起来,有的放起了音乐,还有的吹起泡泡来,老师一进门,呈现在她眼前的是一个“泡泡天地”,我们真的把老师逗笑了,老师把蛋糕放在了许多桌子的正中间,然后轻轻地把它打开了。我们欢呼着把蜡烛插在了蛋糕上并且点燃了,然后用英语唱起了生日快乐歌,当我们正准备吹蜡烛时,老师提醒我们要Make a wish!原来是许愿的意思啊!我在心底里许了个愿,希望以后能当上国家足球队队员。许愿后,我们就吹灭了蜡烛,开始吃蛋糕啦,我故意把奶油弄得额头上、鼻子上、脸上和下巴上到处都是,同班同学都用那流利的英语来描述着我的这张“小丑”的脸,然后,开心地笑了,我们完全变成了一群可爱的外国学生。




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I like the summer holiday every year.This summer I went to Beijing for my holiday,Beijing is our capital city.I went to the Summer Palace,climbed the Great Wall and went to many places of interest.I had a very good time.During this summer holiday,I went to Putuo and Xiangshan.I saw the beautiful sea.I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the moonlight.Its really "cool".

When I at home,I do my homework in the morning.In the afternoon I practise playing the piano.But in the evening I can watch TV after a long walk with my parents.

If you ask me what my favourite summer holiday will be like,traveling around the world is the only answer.I like travelling so much that l often meet different people and visit different places of interest in my dream.



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第一个环节是我最喜欢的,也是我最讨厌的,喜欢的是这首歌很俏皮很有趣,讨厌的是还需要去唱和做动作,歌曲马上就开始了,我们跟着歌曲一起唱起来,“Have you’ s the muffin man ”只要一唱这个,这就跟精神病里的人一样,发了疯,很快,这首歌就过去了,噢,又到了我最喜欢的一个环节:撕蛇精能量条。






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one of my happiest experiences is celebrating christmas in college.

since im in college, chances are high that there are other foreign students who have no family to celebrate with. So i gathered my friends, classmates and other Christmas-celebrators together and enjoyed the day. i also invited my local friends to join us. It is a great way to share your culture with each other. we hanged beautiful Christmas ornaments from dorm windows. we picked up some large poster board and markers at the bookstore and made signs that read, for example, “Just Say Merry Christmas!” we also taped one sign to dorm windows facing out for everyone to see. as for the celebration at night, everybody showed their talent. some were good at singing. some preferred to dance. i shared my jokes with foreign friends. the effect was good that it aroused a big laugh. but the more interesting thing i found was that some of my classmates didnt give their responses, for they didnt understand it at all.

this is an really unforgetable christmas to me. we all had a big fun on that day.




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I really had a busy and happy winter holiday.I did my homework and helped my parents with the housework every day.I like drawing so much that I spent lots of time drawing pictures and read books about drawing every day.I sometimes went to the library to read books and surfed the internet.During the Spring Festival,i visited my grandparents,friends and relatives.We really had a great time together.I prepared for the new lessons and read English,too.I really enjoyed my winter holiday.



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Today,there is an interesting thing at my home. Today is Sunday, so my father doesn’tgo to work. After lunch, my father goes to sleep and I feel a little bit bore. Suddenly,an interesting idea comes to my mind. I take four color pens to my father’sroom.

And then, I help him put on lipstick with a red pen, paint his face witha yellow pen, draw the left eyebrow with a blue pen and draw the right with agreen pen. Finally, I draw a very interesting makeup for dad. And then I goback to watch TV. About half an hour later, he shouts loudly when he is doingwith his hair.

I laugh loudly, because he is shocked by himself and he isn’tangry with me.



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Never have I forgotten the experience that I took part in a competition all about

English knowledge.I have been working really hard in the hope of a satisfying

result.For three whole days,I was completely absorbed in the world of

English-novels,exams,speeches,songs,all of it bringing me excitement,surprise and

enjoyment.The feeling of thoroughly concentrating on something was the most wonderful experience.Everyone has an equal chance to make fairy-tales come

true,as well as to get the happiness that is already ready for you.The only thing you

need to do is take the first step,make every effort to pursue what you heartily want

and stick to it.Actually,very little is needed to make a happy life.It is all within

yourself,in your way of thinking,in your way of acting.Some folks go through life

pleased that the glass is half full.Others spend a lifetime complaining that it’s

half-empty.The truth is:There is a glass with a certain volume of liquid in it.From

there,it’s up to you!



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1. at the thought of一想到…

2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论

3. at will 随心所欲

4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

7. of ones own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地

8. in accord with 与…一致 . out of ones accord with 同…。不一致

9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地

10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

11. on ones own account

1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

2) (=at ones own risk) 自行负责

3) (=by oneself)依靠自己

12. take…into account(=consider)把..。考虑进去

13. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明。

15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。

16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。

19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

20. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

22. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

23. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

24. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循

26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的

27. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;

28. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地。

29. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先

30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地



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I think nearly everyone likes traveling. Sometimes we will travel with our

friends or families, but sometimes we will travel alone. I believe different

ways for traveling will have different feelings. And I prefer travelling alone.

Travelling alone is more excited. Just imagine, you go to a beautiful place, but

you have never gone there before, so you have to deal all the things by

yourself. It is very adventure, right? In addition, travelling alone can avoid

many conflicts that will have when travelling in group. Last, watching the same

scenery by yourself or with many people will have different feelings. Therefore,

sometimes you can think about traveling alone. It is good.



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还有一个是徐景昊带来了饺子皮,有同学上去包饺子了,后来马老师问,谁会包花边的饺子,我就举手了,然后上去包了花边饺子。马老师说,想要饺子的可以自己拿着。我拿了,但被我揉了,当橡皮泥使用了。妈妈问我:“饺子有馅吗?” 没有,要有我就拿回家烧吃了。不过妈妈说都被我的手弄脏了,还能吃吗。新来的魏瑜尧同学说她把饺子皮扔到楼下去了,我和张文静往下看,果然看到了楼下地面上有那么一团东西。妈妈说,那不太好,不卫生,万一砸到一年级的小朋友怎么办。





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One day, when I was a kid, I saw the AD for the lost dog. As my next-door neighbor had a German shepherd in the AD, I called the missing dog owner to tell him. I also gave him my neighbors phone number.

I almost forgot the whole thing, when I heard my neighbor talking loudly about the night. I rushed to the window and saw what was happening. "Im sorry, but this dog belongs to us. Weve been holding it for nearly eight years now, "said my neighbor, a tall stranger.

All of a sudden, I felt quite guilty, for my childish neighbour suspected that there was no truth in it. But I didnt have enough courage to tell him that it was me who caused him all the trouble. I have been silent on this matter until now.
