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Know the room. Be familiar with the place in which you will speak. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practise using the microphone and any visual aids. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers. Know your material. If you’re not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable with it, your nervousness will increase. Practise your speech and revise it if necessary. Relax. Ease tension by doing exercises. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don’t want you to fail. Don’t apologize. If you mention your nervousness or apologize for any problems you think you have with your speech, you may be calling the audience’s attention to something they hadn’t noticed. Keep silent. Concentrate on the message — not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your nervousness will dissipate. Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm. Gain experience. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need. 熟悉场地。争取熟悉你要在那里发表演讲的环境。提早到达并巡视讲台,练习使用麦克风和其他辅助视觉设施。 熟悉听众。在听众进入会场时向他们致意。向一群朋友演讲总比对一群陌生人演讲来得容易些。 熟悉你的讲稿。如果你不熟悉你的稿子或者对它不满意,你的紧张感就会增强。练习一下你的演讲稿,并且做必要的修改。

放松自己。做些准备活动松弛紧张的神经。 设想你自己演讲时的情景。想象你自己在侃侃而谈,声音洪亮、吐字清晰、充满自信。倘能设想自己成功,你就一定会成功。






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Good brother,

It has been some time since I read your letter. Have seen many times, in

the mind also has a lot of words to say, but... I never knew where to start. On

this Christmas Eve night, let me start with memories.

Dude, Im not a pushy girl. In your eyes, I am the little sister in your

memory. I am the single woman who was alone in a foreign country, weak in heart

but strong to face life. At that time, I was alone in the face of difficulties

in other countries, alone for life, simply for survival and struggle. At that

time, I had to be strong. Since my childhood, I have been a happy, carefree girl

around my parents. During those years in a foreign country, stress and

loneliness made me grow up. However, I am still not strong.

Eldest brother, I have benefited a lot from the four years suffering

abroad. I have learned a lot and grown up a lot. Maybe it is gods reward for

me. After coming back to China, my career, life, smooth and peaceful for a few

years. However, I am still lonely, many times, the heart is very bitter very

bitter, as when writing this letter, alone. The tears would flow when I

remembered the things I had buried in my heart.

Brother, I, too, want company. Want to take a persons hand, walk together

after the day, face this complex world together. Just want to be a little woman,

can take a persons hand, a person can be heart to heart, from now on, no matter

what things, all to face together.

These years, and brother has been out of touch. Always remember you once

said a sentence. Friends, is in the heart, no matter how no contact, no meeting.

But in my heart, I always remember having such a friend. Your love and care has

always been in my heart. I havent talked to you in depth for a long time, so

Ill go on.

The reason I have remained alone all these years is not because of the

conditions I set for my partner. I want a person, actually very simple. Ha ha,

big brother, dont laugh at me. I just want a little love.

In this day and age, all people will tell me that nothing is more illusory

than love. But I, still stubbornly looking forward to, there is a warm, real

person can appear.

I, however, is an ordinary woman, but also just want to live an ordinary

day. Fall in love with someone, then face life with him, work hard for the

future together, raise a child together.

Several times during the blind date, the plain man sitting opposite asked

me, what do you want from the man. A house? Income? Or a car. Can face such a

problem, I always cant speak, only smile, the heart of despair and pain began

to spread...

Brother, I am just a woman with a strong exterior and a soft heart. So,

now, what kind of person do you think I should accept at the time of blind date?

Im not asking for a strong man, as you say. I just want a gentle, understand

life, know love, know how to cherish people.

Life is short. You can let yourself, and live for yourself is even shorter.

But sometimes also want to do not cooperate with their parents so unfilial, will

also think, perhaps, marriage is a can not be so selfish thing, even if it is to

comfort their parents, also should let their marriage as soon as possible.

Xi an, the city we live in now. Old and elegant. Is the home that has been

on my mind when I was a vagabond. In the next year, I will continue to live in

this city in a down-to-earth way. I hope that there will be one person who can

fall in love with each other in a down-to-earth way. This is a Wish made on

Christmas Eve.

Miss ~ ~



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Dear Santa:

Ive been a very good boy this year. I study hard and am nice to my

friends. I helped Mom and Dad decorate the Xmas tree. And I didnt fight with my

baby sis. So please put me on your list.

I want to have a mountain bicycle as my Xmas gift and a lot of love for my

dear Mommy and Daddy. This Xmas will sure be a special one. Mommy plans to cook

a Xmas feast and invite some friends over on Xmas Eve.

I want to wish all my family and friends merry Xmas!

Sincerely yours,








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After Viewing Impressions about Travel Notes of A f Fying House

Last Sunday , I saw a movie named Travel notes of a flying house.This movie is very interesting and I like it very much.

The movie mainly talked about that a little boy with a flying dream grew with a little girl with the same dream,and then they got married,grow old together. Until the hostess Eli dead, didnt they finish the flying dream of wonderland waterfall. Finally one day, the 78 years old’s Mr Carr built a flying home, flew away to the fairyland waterfall, and there occurred many amazing and moving stories.

The film, tells me three truth. First of all, people should have a dream and pursuit.Only in this way will you have spirit,as for the single-minded pursuit of dreams and perseverance, then do you have a fight. Secondly, the difficulties are not invincible, but you have not the courage to face, to challenge.I believe that as long as face them bravely, you will be able to get victory and successful.

Finally, there is nothing more powerful than the power of love.when are we in the most difficult time, only the family, let us all unite with each other, let us be fearless, and so as to win.



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When it comes to the protection of water, People may know about the importance of doing it, but few people know about that March 22 is the world water day. The world water day aims to call up people’s attention to protect the fresh water and enhance the people’s awareness of water crisis. In China, the government stipulates that the last week of March is the Chinese water week. The main theme of this year is water and energy.


Due to water, the living being can exist on earth. Water sustains human life and the environment. But with the rapid development of human society, the fresh water can hardly meet the needs of people in some areas. According to the least data, more than one billion people can not have clean fresh water. What’s worse, the surface and groundwater pollution is increasing rapidly. The main reason of water shortage is the rapid growth of population. People use different ways to get water, the water sources are being stretched to their limits. Another reason is that some factories pour dirty water into the rivers or lakes and make pollution. Thus there is less pure fresh water on the earth.


It needs international cooperation and worldwide awareness to solve the problems of water shortage. Every ordinary people should realize the importance of water protection and save water. The government should take some effective measures to protect the water. Such as build more systems to clean-up the water, and collect the rainwater. Only in these ways, we can sustain our life.





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Dear pen Pal ____ :

Hello,my pen Pal!Let me talk about my favorite animals.

I like cats,because he has a round face,big eyes,always so lovely.His ears were small,furry above.It is small,my favorite.

The second is the dog.Some dogs have curly body.And it also and humans are good friends,it often helps to human beings.His faithful let me also like it.

I also like the rabbit.Especially those with white rabbit fur,wool is slippery.At the same time it is also very good,so I like it.

I like the three small animals,I dont know what do you like?

I wish you:

Learning progress

your pen Pal:



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Dear (Bosss Name),

I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position

of (job title) with (Company Name)。

I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the

job。 The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the

work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging。 From our discussion,I

gained a strong sense of (Company Name)s mitment to their clients and their

employees。 I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within

the firm。

I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title)。 I

believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with

you。 I eagerly anticipate our next meeting。 Thank you for considering me for

this opportunity。





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当我们遇到困难,能倾注所有一切来帮助我们的人,是父母; 当我们受到委屈,能耐心听我们哭诉的人,是父母; 当我们犯错误时,能毫不犹豫地原谅我们的人,是父母;当我们取得成功,会衷心为我们庆祝,与我们分享喜悦的,是父母。

而将来,当我们去外地生活学习的时候,依然牵挂着我们的,还是父母。 生活并非想象那样完美,父母的辛勤是我们无法体会的,我们虽不能与父母分担生活的艰辛、创业的艰难,但我们在生活上可以少让父母为自己操心。当父母生病时,我们是否应担起责任,照顾父母?要知道,哪怕一句关心的话语,哪怕一碗自己做好的方便面,都会慰藉父母曾为我们百般焦虑的心。感恩父母,并不难做到。







朋友,人世间最难报的就是父母恩,愿我们都能:以反哺之心奉敬父母,以感恩之心孝顺父母!感恩父母,希望全天下的父母一切都好!篇二:关于父母的英语作文 或是演讲稿 parents are the builders of my life

i am so proud of my parents they are the best gift in the world.i would always keep my parents in my heart.so,my point is parents are the best builder of my life.thanks for listening.篇三:孝顺的演讲稿 文本文档孝敬父母英语作文

孝顺的演讲稿 文本文档.txt求而不得,舍而不能,得而不惜,这是人最大的悲哀。付出真心才能得到真心,却也可能伤得彻底。保持距离也就能保护自己,却也注定永远寂寞。孝子之养也,乐其心,不违其志。——《礼记》



















礼者,断长续短,损有余,益不足,达爱敬之文,而滋成行义之美也。——荀子 天地之性,人为贵;人之行,莫大于孝,孝莫大于严父。——《孝经·圣至章》

















妈妈,不论走到哪里,我的眼前总有您慈祥的面容,慈爱的目光 ??

母亲啊:在悲伤时,您是慰藉;在沮丧时,您是希望;在软弱时,您是力量。您是同情、怜悯、慈爱、宽容的源泉 ??



经历过这么多的风风雨雨,您似乎更年轻了,不但是外貌,而且是心灵。妈妈,我爱你。 您额上的皱纹记载着您的坎坷,您古铜色的脸庞标志着您的坚贞。您的一生就是一首瑰丽、动人的诗篇。

爸爸,在我心目中您是一座山,深沉而温厚。您那山一样的性格时刻鼓舞着我,激励着我。 我爱红叶,摘一片送给您;您就像红叶,青春时火红,霜过后更加如火如荼。 您就像一棵绿叶如盖、摇曳多姿的大树,我一直走到很远都能回头瞧见您,在风中枝蔓一直伸到天边 ?? 岁月的白发虽然爬上了您的两鬓,在我看来您却永远年轻,因为,在智慧的大海里,您始终与时代的先行者并驾齐驱。您是一棵参天大树,我在您的浓阴之下成长。树上落下一枚两枚甜嫩的浆果,便使我获得丰富的营养。


在我困难的时候您伸出无私的手,在我痛苦的时候您奉献真诚的心,在我失望的时候您伴我同行。爸爸,您是我永远的朋友,给我希望,也给我温暖。 您是一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着您繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。您那高大宽广的树冠,使四野永不荒凉。孝敬父母英语作文

世上最崇高的名字,就是您 ──母亲。呼唤母亲就是呼唤新生;母亲就是未来世界的象征。 父母的爱是崇高的爱 ──只是给予,不求索取。不溯既往,不讨恩情。







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Our family enjoyed a wonderful New Years evening family dinner because it is seldom to get so many relatives to get together.My uncle,aunt and cousin,my best friend,came and had dinner with us.It took almost whole afternoon to prepare the dishes.Of course,that is a chance to show my mom and my aunts cooking skill.We also try to do something to help them,but,what we got was "going to play".It is happy for me to hear that rather than "go to do your homework".The evening dinner is so good,everyone enjoyed and aet overload to their stomach.So wonderful dinner,so wonderful new year.

Nowadays,more and more families choose to have the dinner on New Year’s Eve in restaurants.Though this choice doesn’t follow our tradition,I think it’s good and should be encouraged.

First,it’s obviously more convenient to do so.The process of preparing a home-made New Year’s Eve dinner is not only hard but also annoying.People have to buy food several days before the festival and spend a long time cooking all sorts of dishes.Now,just pick up the telephone and reserve a table.Everything will be well arranged by the restaurant.

Second,it still create a warm atmosphere by getting the family united,which is the true purpose of the dinner.In the restaurant,you celebrate the New Year and share your happiness with other families and usually can enjoy special performances or activities,organized by the owner of the restaurant.

To make a conclusion,having the dinner on New Year’s Eve outside shows a change in people’s thoughts on traditions and seems to be a wise,nice and exciting idea.

There is a trend that more and more families have their dinner on New Year’s Eve in the restaurant.Although it is more convenient,it doesn’t seem to be a pleasure thing for me.

Firstly,the restaurants are too crowded.Owing to this,we cannot talk freely.In addition,the sense of harmony cannot be felt by the family members.

Secondly,it may cost us a big sum of money which we can save by having the dinner in our own families.The whole family’s preparation for the dinner is also a process of enjoying according to my view.

In a word,it is not a good idea to have New Year’s Eve dinner in the restaurant.Home dinner makes a happy New Year.



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today is december 1st. oh, it’s my birthday! i’m so happy. so i get up very early. i wear my nice coat. mom says, “you’re so cute.” i say, “thank you.” in the evening, grandpa gives me a book. dad gives me a big cake. we eat cake and drink milk. my pet dog, winnie is eating cake, too. my family says, “happy birthday to you!” today i’m so happy.



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We can get a Chinese New Year lucky money every year,but not all the reasonable use of it.I will get a part of to my parents,the other one is by their own bank.My parents also support me to do so.

In my opinion,this is a reasonable approach.Because many peoples self-control is not good,if all the money on his own,it will quickly spend it.But if he do not have any money,and no way to buy want to buy things.Therefore,it is to help parents keep a part of the money,other part of the money to retain our hands.

If my parents deposit New Years money in the bank,Ill spend in college when it as my living expenses.



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Dear Mother,

Your hard work!

At the moment whether you are in the high temperature machine room in the

hands to mechanically operate the machine; At the moment, whether you have been

too busy to think about me in school; At this moment the midnight bell is about

to strike, whether you are still empty belly, endure the roar of machinery in

busy overtime, I clearly see your swarthy face has a trace of years, sweat beads

gathered into a stream winding down...

Mom, Im afraid Im going to lose sleep tonight because I made an

"unforgivable" mistake. I have slapped myself several times, but the thought of

your frail figure is too much for my conscience to bear. In order to make a

living, you and your father work away from home all the year round. This year,

you were going to accompany me to study. "Sophomore year, key!" I know this is a

decision you and Dad have made after much thought and consideration. Considering

the situation at home, I refused.

I bought you a ticket to go away with tears in my eyes, and very

reluctantly put you on the train, I can clearly see the tears twinkling in your

eyes. Mom, I dont envy others wearing brand clothes, wearing brand jewelry; I

dont envy them having their parents pick them up every day; I dont envy them

eating nutritious breakfast prepared by their parents every day.

Although I can only with boiled water, eating steamed buns, but I know that

my mother gave me love is not lost to anyone. Mother you have been told me to

pay attention to nutrition, improve food, but I learned from the mouth of your

fellow villagers that you drink porridge with pickles every day, today is the

weekend, a week of steamed bread I want to do a la carte; My shoes are broken,

my thumbs are "happy", I want to buy a pair of sneakers at a reduced price;

Mid-term exam is coming soon, I learn not solid enough, want to go to Xinhua

bookstore around. So, I chuang the only two hundred dollars, this is my hard

work, under the pillow has been pressed flat, I know three years when the money

is much, I dont want to old to you for money, and brother next year will rise

the third year.

Walk in the street, those common sneakers also want 30, 50 yuan, later I

still wear old shoes into the Xinhua bookstore, come out, it is dusk, into the

vegetable market, I picked a jin of cabbage, a jin of carrots. This time, I

spent $2.70. But What I never expected, mother, was that when I took the money

that night, it was gone. Two hundred dollars just disappeared, And I broke down,

and it felt like the sky was falling down, and I went crazy and searched

everywhere I went today, but... Mom, Im sorry to you, and dad, when I was going

to tell you, but you called to tell me that you were injured, accidentally cut

by the machine on the hand, you let me how to open my mouth! I didnt have a

night class, I cried, and cried happily on the playground for a whole night.

The pressure on study, the loneliness in life, the condemnation in my

heart, the pain of missing my loved ones, mom, can you understand my mood now?

Mom, I miss you.

Your daughter



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英文名称是Application letter。它通常分为几种类型,包括索取公司应聘申请表及详细资料的不带的求职,附简历的应征求职信,试探性的求职信等等。 那么,英文有哪些呢?


在招聘广告中,常要求有意申请者可致电或致函索取公司的申请表格。索取这类申请表格的求职信一般都比较简短,格式参照范例。 得到申请表格后,仔细填写后一般与简历一起交给公司。申请表格的填写。

附简历的应征求职信具有向招聘者说明简历和具体求职内容的作用。简历中你已经将自己的职业经历或教育情况列表说明了,在求职信里就应着重表达自己的意见。在求职信里要简短地对简历中提到的与应聘职位有关的职业经历和技能加以说明。但是,只是简单的重复简历里的内容是不够的。要把简历里没有的内容充分添加进去,显示出与其他应聘者的差别。你需要表达的观点是:渴望、确信、真诚(I am keen, I am clear and I am sincere)。在第一段里,陈述你渴望得到这个空缺职位,第二段说明你已了解这项工作和公司的要求,说明你为什么认为你符合它们的招聘条件。第三段讲清你本人希望在何时面试,何时可以上班。第四段采用能使公司相信你对这项工作真正有兴趣的语句结束这封信。







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In winter, the weather gets cold. Everyone was wearing very thick clothes. Clothes are colorful, very beautiful, and more beautiful is snow.

One day the weather suddenly turned cold. The sky clouded over, for a while, the big snow falling down from the sky. By the wind blows snow flying all over the sky, floating to the ground, trees, fields of … … the world silver dress, beautiful beyond words.

You see, there are hairy on both sides of the street trees, bright silver and fluffy, heavy snow. Snow was holding the branches of the trees in the snow. The view is wonderful!

The weather was fine, the students began to play some snowman, some snow, snowball fights, as well as in the top ski … … play can be happy. What a beautiful sight in winter!



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Dear Sir,

I understand your well-respected college offers a number of places to

overseas students every year, and I am writing to enquire about the application


I am at present a student at Mary High School, Hong Kong, where I have been

studying for the past five years. I passed the Hong Kong Certificate of

Education Examination last year with distinctions in English and History, and

credits in Economics and English Literature. My advanced-level subjects are

History, Economics and English Literature. In addition to these subjects, "Use

of English" is also a compulsory subject because a pass in English is a minimum

requirement for admission to most faculties of the University of Hong Kong.

Apart from academic work, I have been actively involved in extra-curricular

activities. I am Chairman of the English Club and I have represented my school

in many inter-school contests.

On the advice of my friends, I have decided to further my studies in

England because I wish to widen my horizons and benefit from the scholarly

heritage of your country.

I wish to continue to study the above-mentioned subjects at your college in

the 2006/7 academic year before I sit the Advanced-level Examinations in


As regards my character, Mrs. Chen, my Principal, and Mr. Huang, my English

master, have agreed to act as my references.

As I come from a family of fairly limited means, I would like to know if

there is any financial assistance available for overseas students.

Attached is a summary of my qualifications for your reference.

I should be grateful if you would kindly consider my application and notify

me of the result at your earliest convenience.

Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact me

or my references.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Chen



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At Christmas time, I will always bless my classmates who have walked through fifty difficult steps with me. This year I will use this composition as a special gift to express my deep blessing to him.

The past always keeps me fresh. The student is very tall. He always looks serious, but he always smiles on his face when he helps others. We have always been a very good playing partner. Remember, thats my Christmas day in grade two. Its a bit slippery on the ground under the drizzle. When we took turns shooting, I sprained my feet after landing, but I couldnt even stand up. After he saw it, he put down the ball immediately, gently lifted me up, and slowly helped me into the teaching building. From his eyes, I could see a bit of worry. I knew he was worried about whether I could walk up to the four floor classroom.

There are fifty steps to go up to the four floor classroom, because our speed is very slow, so that we just walked to the two floor, and the bell rang. I asked him to go quickly, but he said, "after I leave, how do you get there? Id like to stay. " Looking at his solemn expression, listening to his firm words and feeling his powerful arm, suddenly a warm current came to his heart, and the pain seemed to ease a lot. With his support, one step and one stop, we strolled fifty steps hard. These fifty steps left me with the love of my classmates. This is the special Christmas gift that I got that year!

I switched to school in XX, but I can never forget the story of that Christmas. This years Christmas is coming. Today is drizzle. Im here to bless him and I together to a good middle school, and hope we can play basketball happily together.



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My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak.With her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me courage and made me strong.Therefore,I could face difficulties.

When I was a baby learning to walk,my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell down.

As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes smiled with praise.Later as I grew up,I met with more difficulties.But whenever I was frustrated,my mothers eyes always gave me hope and encouragement.Once I failed in exams,my mother encouraged me to find out the reasons.

Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better.At last I overcame the difficulty.Now I have grown up and become more independent,but whenever I come across setbacks,my mothers eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.



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The empty dam below my home was clean and tidy, and now the empty dam is full of rubbish, especially on rainy days, polluted water, and pedestrians passing by. The other people, because of the strength of the power, threw the garbage just hanging on the tree, ugly dead.

Im going to talk to the grown-ups. Theyre not talking to me. What are the kids doing? And drove me out. After I was driven out, I thought to myself, "this cant work. I can go to the neighborhood committee." So I went to the neighborhood committee. When I arrived at the neighborhood committee, I said to an aunt, "aunt, I want to reflect that someone in this building is littering." Aunt kind of say: "kid, the things we already know, one building will see you in a few days to clean the residents of the building to education, by the way you, you are quick to go home." I had to go home and wait for someone to clean. A few days later, we actually saw someone to clean, clean the people of the whole building up and down, left and right, fringes sweep of very clean, after finished, clean people will start all the residents of education building (including me), finished her education and clean people have left. After I passed this, I never saw him/them littering.

I suggest that we really want to protect the environment, because it is peoples responsibility to protect the environment. If people do get it right, we can have a good home.



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It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion slated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

Are professional success and a fulfilling personal life mutually exclusive? Probably not, although it is more difficult today to achieve both.

Undeniably, todays professionals must work long hours to keep their heads above water, let alone to get ahead in life financially. This is especially true in Japan, where cost of living, coupled with corporate culture, compel professional males to all but abandon their families and literally to work themselves to death. While the situation here in the states may not be as critical, the two-income family is now the norm, not by choice but by necessity.

However, our societys professionals are taking steps to remedy the problem. First, they are inventing ways such as job sharing and telecommuting to ensure that personal life does not take a back seat to career. Second, they are setting priorities and living those hours outside the workplace to their fullest. In fact, professional success usually requires the same time-management skills that are useful to find time for family, hobbies, and recreation. One need only look at the recent American presidents-Clinton, Bush, Reagan and Carter- to see that it is possible to lead a balanced life which includes time for family, hobbies, and recreation, while immersed in a busy and successful career. Third, more professionals are changing careers to ones which allow for some degree of personal fulfillment and self-actualization. Besides, many professionals truly love their work and would do it without compensation, as a hobby. For them, professional and personal fulfillments are one and the same.




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New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.

The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese an extra month once every few years. This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.

New Years Eve and New Years Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.

The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals, united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family.

The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Years Eve with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the onset of the New Year as one great community. The communal feast called "surrounding the stove". It symbolizes family unity and honors the past and present generations



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Last weekend ,I didn’t want to do homework all day .I wanted to go to somewhere. That was fun. I went to the zoo with my friend JingWen . I bought two tickets .One is for JingWen ,the other is for me .Then we took a bus to the zoo.

The zoo is very big .There are many kinds of animals at the zoo.What animal did we see.We saw tiger,momkey,panada,lion,elephant,and so on .I like monkey and panada best .Because momkey and panada are pretty and they can make me happy .I didn’t feed any animals .Because I don’t what kind of animals eat to make strong and I didn’t eat any snacks . I wanted to keep the zoo clean .Finally ,we feel tired and we leave the zoo. I think the zoo is good for animals ,why? Because the zoo can help people to stop animals from going extinct.and I think zoos are bad for animals.Because the zoo make animals feel lonely and animals will misses they family.

That was a ggod day!

[中学生英文作文:我的快乐周末(My happy weekend)
