初中英语作文读后感通用三篇 作文怎么写(优秀20篇)







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Boys and girls ,

Today I’ll talk about our English club . Our English club was set up two

months ago . Now we have members of 25 . We meet once a week on Saturday

afternoon. So far we have conducted a variety of activities on English learning

, such as watching English films , holding a Christmas party and getting

together with foreign students .

Last week we held an English story-telling competition . We required that

the entries be original and interesting and be presented in English within five

minutes . Every member took an active part in the activity . Two foreign English

teachers were invited to act as judges . At last Li Ping won the first place .

Many members said the activity benefited them in many ways . Not only did it

improve their spoken English ,but also it brought them much fun . They hope many

such activities can be held .

That’s all. Thank you.



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I have recently read Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother published by The Penguin Press in 2011. This autobiography was written by the Chinese American woman Amy Chua, a tenured professor in Yale Law School. She causes a sensation because her strict but unique parenting which brings excellent performance of her two daughters.

This autobiography tells the course of Amy Chua how she raised the two daughters in Chinese parenting way. It is divided into three parts. At the first part, it gives some introductions of the two daughters, the family. And in the second and third parts, the writer tells more details in the process of raising her two different daughters and the difficulties she was confronted in the process, and most importantly the success the daughters achieved in music which brought Amy Chua pride as well as the whole family.

To some extent, I don’t like Amy’s parenting in some aspects. In my opinion, she deprived the nature of children and pushed too much pressure on their children, especially on Lulu who was under the shadow of her excellent elder daughter—Sophia. While I was reading the third part in the rebellion part, I couldn’t control my own emotion, I felt what Lulu felt and even hated against her selfish and autocratic mother. I couldn’t understand why Amy didn’t let Lulu get up from sit, for water, not even to go to the bathroom when Lulu just wanted a rest during the long hours’ practice of violin. She made Lulu practice violin all day during the family’s vacation abroad. She spoiled the vacation by letting the other family members waiting the practice. She was unreasonable.

But next what I do is to admire her.

There is an old Chinese saying “property can never last for three generations”。 But Amy Chua did change it! Her parents came to U.S and suffered a tough life at the very beginning. They taught Amy math and piano in an extreme strict way when she was a kid. Under the influence of her parents, now Amy is frugal and pretty strict with her daughters and herself. They are the valuable points of her. Although she is so extreme on her parenting, she has the advisable ideas that the parents and the parents to be to learn.

Firstly, as parents, they couldn’t ignore their children and put all focus on their job. There is no excuse for not concerning their children. Except supervising her daughters, Amy Chua has to give lessons in university, write books and handle the family chores. She is so busy, but she doesn’t ignore the daughters.

Secondly, parents should be strict with their children especially when they are kids because kids lack of self-control. They should not indulge their children in internet or sleepovers.

Thirdly, parents should master some skills in parenting. As a matter of fact, there are so many Chinese parents who are strict with their children with no avail of success. Success can’t be totally copied, because some parents ignore the skills in parenting. When their children don’t follow their will or perform well enough to satisfy them, they will lose their temper and even beat their children, yes, of course, Amy Chua will be mad but she won’t beat her daughters, in this condition, she will be sober and wait until her daughters perform well enough. She learnt some music knowledge in her children’s class and supervised them patiently. She knew where to correct the mistakes and gave the children extraordinary success.

Tiger mother aroused a big heat in parenting and threw such an important issue for us to think about. Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother gives us really some enlightenment. Anyway, that’s a really unique experience in reading this book.



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My winter holiday was very interesting.as that day I got back to my native hometown,cousins and cousines took me to ski.My skiing skill isnt well,got down for 15 times,they laughed at me behind,I cant help smiling too.

The day of spring festival was the most happiness day,we had meal for the first,a table of delicious food,that made me so glad.then we played the fireworks.The childrens waving the lightening ticket while watching the adults playing the fireworks.that was so beautiful!like the stars rainning down the world.at the end,it was time to get the red bag.

We were very exciting,and satisfied.sometimes,we also go shopping and buying something we like.

Winter holiday life was really abundant!



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书是人类进步的阶梯,今年暑假我阅读了《上下五千年》这本书。它让我收益非浅。 中国,一个泱泱大国,有着五千年的文化与历史。的确,悠久而深远的历史正是中国古城的魅力所在。作为一个炎黄子孙,了解中国历史是理所应当的, 在认识中国历史的过程我想:做为中国人,我们应该了解一些有关祖国五千年灿烂文明的历史。我认为我们祖国是一个伟大的国家,我们的民族是英雄的民族,我们应该热爱祖国那悠久文化的历史,不仅仅是怀恋过去,重要的是创造未来,发扬我们源远流长的爱国主义传统。当今,中国已经走向世界,世界也在拥抱中国。在我们祖国日趋强大的今天,灿烂的古文明也给祖国增色生辉。




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We are always educated to be kind and helpful, so when we see others in

trouble, we should give them a hand. But nowadays, some the bad guys make use of

people’s kindness to do criminal things. Recently, an article about a father

called on people to help her sick daughter was widespread in Wechat. Most people

had transported to let more people know. But later the media exposed the fact

that the father was rich and he wrote this article just to catch more fans.

Until then people were angry as they were cheated. The public condemns the

cheating behavior. The warm hearts should not be used of. It needs to be

cautious when people see the information about asking for help.



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The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing

biggest, most integrity of thou building cluster.It is been one of five greatest

temples in the world by the fame.

The Palace Museum start to set up in A.D.1406, the Palace Museum have the

size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to 8704.the

Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum

wall of 3400 meters, form is one rectangular city defense, there is 52 meter

wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe barracks.The

Palace Museum has 4 doors, center door Wu door, east door Donghua door, west

door Xihua door, north door Shengwu door.



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There was a strange stillness. The birds, for examplewhere had they gone? The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled violently and could not fly. It was spring without voices. On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The roadsides, once so attractive, were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire. These, too, were silent, deserted by all living things. Even the streams were now lifeless.

This is a strange scene described by Rachel Carson, who is regarded as the mother of modern environmental protection movement。 Silent Spring is her representative work which lighted the fire of environmental protection in America and the whole world. Before 1960s, no books or magazines talked about things like environment and ecosystem. Such a phenomenon means that environmental protection had not come to people’s mind and the social consciousness. Indeed, the main opinion in human society from the very past about nature is to set war against or conquer it. In fact, many of human’s progresses are made on the base of such opinion. Rachel Carson was the first person who doubted the correctness of the belief and brought the topic under focus.

In Silent Spring, Carson described a miserable village which was dying under the using of DDT. The village used to be prosperous and beautiful. In spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxed barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the fall mornings. She thought that with the using of variety kinds of pesticide, especially DDTs, the village suffered enormous and irreversible damage and gradually withered and died. Soon it became just like the one described in the beginning. From her fine and smooth describing, I can even feel the groan of the town. Moreover Carson also sharply pointed out that the deep-seated cause for the environmental problem is the human’s arrogance and ignorance. So she asked people to correct the attitude toward the nature and reconsidered the developing path of human being.

Carson thought that because of the antibody and differentiation, pesticides would never be completely useful. On the contrary, those more and more poisonous medicines, because of the enrichment effect, would accumulate in humans’ body. It’s quite sarcastic that we hurt ourselves much badly while hurting the others. Then she analyzed many poisonous components in pesticides. Those are all unfamiliar names except DDT, such as chlordane, chloronaphthalene, compound 497, etc.

Those things really make me feel scared. We are on the top of the food chain, and it is such a perfect and fragile system. We human beings are just part of it and we depend on all of the creatures who stay on the lower positions. It is so hard and ridiculous to try to match the nature. Only in the state does man have a rational existence. Every species have their value to be on this world. Then no one knows what would happened if we force them to disappear. For example, let’s imagine the food chain as a meticulously made castle built by billions of little blocks and we human beings are the top one. There might be several tiny blocks on the bottom which you think is useless and dispensable. But what would happen if we take them away? Perhaps nothing happened, and perhaps the whole castle ruined.

Destruction is always much easier than recovery, not counting those incurable ones. Humans always think that we are much cleverer than the other animals, so we become more and more conceited and firmly believe that we are the king. We didn’t see that the nature is so magical and knows how to revenge. The pay back is much more violent and cruel. We need balance and order. The nature has its own rule. Our aim is to use it and live in harmony with it. The ecosystem is so delicate that even a tiny disturbance could lead an unexpected consequence, just like the butterfly effect.

At the last chapter, some scientists came up with other ways to solve the pest problem----biotic control. There is now a bly running tide of interest in chemical sterility. Those sterile insects are released and mate the normal ones so that they won’t have any larva and get extinct gradually. This solution seems to be reasonable and helpful, but thinking about it carefully, you’ll find that it is just another way to ruin the food chain castle. Not only spring, but also summer and autumn would be still and silent in the future.

It is lucky that Rachel still kept her mind clear. She didn’t agree with the way of conquering the nature. At the very end of the book, she wrote, The ‘control of nature’ is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man. This sentence can be regarded as the book’s theme topic which is widely quoted in all kinds of articles about environmental protection.

Carson is a great woman and fighter. When writing the book, she was suffering from huge pain of the operation for mammary cancer. After the book was published, the widely affect brought her not honor and fortune, but fierce attack from the chemical estate. She died only one year after the book’s publishing. On the spring of 1964, the great woman passed away, but Silent Spring made her voice never silent.

The 20st century was a time that technology and economy developed rapidly, especially the 40 years after Silent Spring was published. But every spring, when flowers bloom, trees sprout, and water begins to flow, we used to recall a woman and her enduring works. We opened the window, and wonder if the spring is silent today, if it will be silent tomorrow.



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Everyone always has a good Sunday. On Sundays, everybody does some things what he like.

Last Sunday, Jack had a relaxing Sunday. He got up 6 o’clock. After breakfast, Jack played basketball with his friends. They were very happy. Then he played the guitar in the room. And he sang songs very loudly. Though it’s very relaxing for him, it also make very noisy for neighbors. Maybe he should turn down the music. At noon, jack fed his pet cat henry. He is Jack’s favorite. Jack always play with him on the weekends. At night, he watched TV on the sofa. At the some time, he ate many delicious snacks. So he really had a great time.

At the of day, jack thought if I always have a relaxing Sunday like today. I will become the happiest boy all over the world.



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The first time I saw the title of the film, the Joy Luck Club, I thought that it would be a film filed with joy, luck and happiness. However, out of my expectation, in the film, I saw many unpleasant thingsconflicts, hardship, disappointment, sorrow, hurt, torture etc. Of course there were some moving parts, and fortunately, it was a happy ending. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It made me have a penetrating thinking.

The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters and their struggling to understand each other. The film shows us these topics: the misunderstanding of love between the mothers and the daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity. Now I am going to show you my understanding of them, emphasizing on the first topic.

In many cases, we and those we love are easy to hurt each other because of the misunderstanding of love, the conflicts in generations and culture background, or unconsciousness.

Take Jingmei and her mother Suyuan as an example. When Suyuan demands the little Jingmei to play piano, Jingmei shouts to her mother, You can’t make me! Even Jingmei cried that she wish she isn’t Suyuan’s daughter and Suyuan isn’t her mother, and that she wishes she were the dead like the babies Suyuan abandoned in China. The sad expression on Suyuan’s face indicates that she is hurt deeply by her daughter’s innocent words.

This reminds me of my similar experience. Once I hurt my mother as Jingmei did. I didn’t mean to hurt her, but those wounding words just slip out of my mouth unconsciously. Often, we hate that why our parents don’t know my feelings, why they like to make us be something and totally unaware that what their children are. While the parents don’t know why all their sacrifices to the children can’t be paid off, even incite hatred. Actually, this is the generation gap that causes the misunderstanding. We don’t know the hardship our parents underwent before. They can’t understand what we are thinking. So misunderstandings appear.

Maybe as a child, Jingmei cannot comprehend what her remarks mean to Suyuan, and just want to show her grudge. But another main reason is the different backgrounds of Suyuan and Jingmei bare. Chinese parents always like to put all their hopes on the next generation for they are the generation full with hardship and pain. All they do just want the children to be better, but they ignore that whether their children can accept or not, not along a child born in America, influenced by the American’s individual freedom and knowing little about Chinese culture. The generation gap and culture conflict cause the misunderstanding of the mother and the daughter.

The other example is Waverly and her mother Lindo. Waverly tries her best to please Lindo in everything. Whether her mother approves or not becomes the master of all her choice. Even Waverly marries a Chinese man because Lindo likes Chinese, while she doesn’t love. Waverly doesn’t understand why Lindo disapprove or criticize whatever she has done. On the other side, Lindo thinks that her daughter is ashamed of her, which is her continual internal injury after Waverly’s winning that chess contest, when Waverly shouted to Lindo if Lindo wanted to show off, won the chest by herself. Every time, Lindo’s disagreement with or indifference to Waverly directly results from the thought that Waverly feels it shameful to be her daughter. Both of them deeply love each other, but in the meantime, they hostile and hurt one another. This is the way them get along with each other. Fortunately, they clear up their misunderstandings and discover themselves by communicating.

I am deeply moved by this scene:

Waverly Jong says to Lindo, sobbing,, You don"t know, you don"t know the power you have over me. One word from you, one look, and I"m four years old again, crying myself to sleep, because nothing I do can ever, ever please you. And after a short period of silence, Lindo smiles to Waverly with tears in her eyes, Now, you make me happy. Then they laugh heartily, teary-eyed with happiness.

Seeing the old Lindo bursts out laughing, like a child, and Waverly laughs joyfully, I sincerely feel delighted for them. Love needs communicating, understanding, and tolerance, which is what I learn from them.

Along with above mentioned, the struggle for the women to fight for equity is also brought to the surface. For instance, Ying-ying encourages her daughter Lena to escape an unhappy marriage, not repeating the same mistakes she made in her first marriage. And An-mei tells her daughter Rose to learn to shout at the unfair fate, and express her own will because Rose has lost herself in her marriage. These two cases reveal that the women begin to release themselves from the restrains of being oppressed by the men and the old-fashioned thoughts as well as some Chinese traditional characters. Eventually, the women find their true value and win their own happiness.

View from the whole film, the title, the Joy Luck Club may just be the old generation’s hope of better life for the next generation. On the whole, this is a movie made specifically for women. It is worth our appreciation.



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Once a child asked such a question: What can I benefit from being "a good

child"? Among the many answers he received one ran like this: "A good child" is

the most precious gift God gives to you. And the same can be said for being

honest. It pays to be honest.

Yes, its true that dishonesty exists almost everywhere in the society.

Consumers often found themselves being blackmailed by those merchants selling

shoddy products; and there are students

Cheating in order to pass the exams or get high marks; moreover, we are not

short of examples that many rich professionals evade the taxes by sacrificing

the interests of government.

But havent we seen their results? "A fall into the pit, a gain in

customers wit", which would surely drive those dishonest merchants out of

business. Regret of wasting time yet being

Empty-handed would accompany those dishonest students all their life. On

the contrary, we could have all they lost, especially a good reputation and a

clear conscience, which are the best qualities of human beings. Thats why we

say "It Pays to Be Honest".



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Today is Saturday. I stay at home with my parents.

My mother said that today we should do some cleanings. I agreed and I would

like to help.

I cleaned the windows. It was really a tough job.

Now matter how hard I tried, they seemed dirty all the same. Therefore, I

asked for help.

My mother teached me a method to clean the windows.

It realy worked. And then I cleaned the floor. It was much easier than

cleaning the windows. I did it in a short time. My parents praised me.



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Last night, my parents told me that they would go to have dinner with

friends, so they wouldn’t stay at home and let me to buy something to eat by

myself. I played computer games for a long time and when I got tired, I found it

was almost eight o’clock. I didn’t want to go out, so I opened the fridge, there

were many stuffs for me to make dinner. I had never done it before, I only

watched my mother cook, but I still wanted to try. I made a fire and put the

meat in the pan, the flavors were also mixed in it. When the meat almost got

black, I finished. Whe I tasted, I realized the meat was over cooked. I must

learn to cook.
