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感恩父母作文小学三年级 - 开学吧









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There was once an old goat that was very, very old; he could barely walk,

and was always sleepy during important emergencies. One day the goat went off to

eat grass among the fields.

During the time, the goat did not realize that the goat pack had gone

straight in front of him. He had no choice but to continue straight on. As soon

as he passed the hill, he found the goat pack had already crossed three other

mountains… The old goat was tired of climbing and walking, so he decided to

rest. After a short break, he was sure that the goat pack had already wiped him

away far back behind.

The goat decided to find a place to be made a shelter for him to sleep

tonight. Along the way, the old goat walked along; he trembled along the way. At

last, he found a big round cave for him to sleep in, so that he could rest his

energy and continue his journey…

The old goat didn’t even realize that this was home to the lion, king of

all animals. As soon as he approached the mouth of the cave, the lion smelled

the goat out with his nose. The lion shouted, “Who are you that dare come to my

house? I am going to destroy you, and eat you up for breakfast!!!!” the old goat

was frightened out of his wits, he wanted to run, but knew that he was not fast

enough. He closed his mouth and held his breathe, and pretended not to be

frightened or afraid.

He walked inside the cave and saw the terrifying lion king. The lion never

saw this kind of thing before, he was frightened now; and asked, “Why are you

here? And who are you? And…” Before he could even finish his speech, the g oat

answered; “I am the goat empress, and I have come to see you…” “See me?” asked

the lion, “Yes,” replied the goat ‘empress’; “I can live no much longer, and

even walking; but, before I die, I want to eat: 100 elephants, 75 wild oxen, 63

wild pigs, and 25 lions. Now I had already had: Elephants, wild oxen, and wild

pigs; I am looking for a lion to eat now!” the lion was so frightened.

“You know what empress, I am too dirty, and I should probably wash up

before you…You know, Gulp! Eat me up!” as he said those words, he backed up

towards the mouth of the cave, and rushed out immediately with his back legs

between his jaws…

Along the way, he bumped into a jackal, the jackal asked; “Hey, I am the

cranky jackal dear king; and what has gotten you in such a fright?” the lion

took a breath and answered, “There was a goat ‘empress’ in my cave that wants to

eat me!” “The goat empress? I never heard of such a thing!”

The lion replied, “Then come with me to the cave… Gulp!”

And so the lion led the jackal to his cave, the goat ‘empress’ saw them

coming, and answered; “Jackal, what do you think you’re doing? I asked you to

bring me 25 lions, but you just brought me one! I’m going to eat you both up for

breakfast!” the lion trembled and shouted at the jackal, “Jackal, you tricked me

into this trap?! How dare!”

At these words the jackal ran away, and the lion ran to a place far, far




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Everybody knows what we should do when somebody is in trouble, from country

to country; many people helped some poor men. I am very happy to finally write

my diary, and now I will tell of a very funny story of a little girl who lived

among the camps.

Stacie wanted to live in a big hotel for the holidays, but her parents sent

her to a terrible camp instead. Stacie loved juice and chocolate milk for

breakfast, but she got water at the camp. In the afternoon Stacie wanted to

write poems, but she had to swim; there were spider webs hanging above the tents

in which Stacie slept, she hate it!

One day Stacie and her class were learning about water safety, and how

water was used for competing against fire. Finally when the teacher decided that

the children were good enough, she hired some boats and let the children ride on

it and have fun; Stacie had never planned to go on a boat. In the afternoon they

played a game; the children were divided into two groups, the red team and the

blue team; Stacie was on the blue team. The rule of the game is to shoot with

water guns to the other team’s player and find the other teams flag in the pole.

Next, the team player had to get the flag out of the pole and give it to the

teacher, and that team had won!

The teacher filled all of the children guns with water, and then they began

to play. A little boy said to Stacie, “Stacie,” he said, “You go to the left, I

will go right, and those two shall go front.” Stacie still didn’t want to play.

Stacie walked left; suddenly she saw one of the red team players. She hid behind

a tree and jumped out and shot the team player with her water gun, “This is

fun!” she cried delighted.

Soon afterwards she saw the red team flag. One of the red team players was

watching over it. Stacie shot him with her water gun, and got the flag out from

the pole. Finally she got the red flag out of the pole, she ran to her teacher

immediately shouting, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it!” the blue team had won against

the red team; Stacie was the hero of the day.

For the red of the holidays Stacie had fun, she even made new friends.

What does this story tell you? If you had not tried the fun then you will

never know the end. I love writing my diaries, and telling these stories to




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My Darling McGeorge

You said that things seemed clearer when they were written down. Well, here

with a very boring letter in which I will try to put everything down so that you

may read and re-read it at a horror at your folly in getting involved with


Deep breath. To begin with ,I love you. With a depth and passion and I have

felt for no one else in this life. And if it is astonishes you, it astonished me

as well. Not, I hasten to say, because you are not worth loving. Far from it.

Its just that, first of all,I swore I would not get involved with another

woman. Secondly, I have never had such a feeling before and it is almost

frightening. Thirdly, I would never have thought it possible that another human

being could occupy my waking and sleeping thoughts to the exclusion of almost

everything else. Fourthly, I never thought that even if one was in love one

could get so completely besotted with another person so that a minute away from

them felt like a thousand years. Fifthly, I never hoped,aspired, dreamed that

one can find everything one wanted in one person.

I was not such an idiot as to believe this was possible. Yet in you I have

found everything I want: youre beautiful, gay, giving, gentle, idiotically and

deliciously feminine, sexy, wonderfully intelligent and wonderfully silly as

well. I want nothing else in this life than to be with you, to listen and watch

you, your beautiful voice, your beauty, to argue with you, to laugh with you, to

show you things, to share things with you, to explore your magnificent mind, to

explore your wonderful body, to help you, protect you, serve you ,and...bash you

on the head when I think you are wrong...

Not to put too fine a point on it, I consider that I am the only man

outside mythology to have found crock of gold at the rainbows end. But, having

said all that, let us consider things in details. Dont let this become public,

but, well...I have one or two faults. Minor ones,I hasten to say. For example I

am inclined to be overbearing. I do it for the best possible motives, all

tyrants say that, but I do tend, without thinking, to treat people underfoot.

You must tell me when Im doing it to you, my sweet, because it can be a very

bad thing in a marriage.

Right, the second blemish. This actually is not so much a blemish of

character as a blemish of circumstance. Darling, I want you to be you on your

own right, and I will do everything I can to help you in this. But you must take

into consideration that I am also me in my own right. And that I have a head

start on you. What Im trying to say is that you must not feel offended if you

are sometimes treated simply as my wife. Always remember that what you lose on

the swings you gain on the roundabouts. But i am an established ‘creature’ in

the world, and so on occasions you will have to live in my shadow. Nothing gives

me less pressure than this. But it is a fact of life that has to be faced.

Third, a very important and nasty, blemish. Jealousy. I dont think you

know what jealousy is, thank god, in the real sense of the word. I know that you

have felt jealousy over Lincolns wife and child, but this is what I call normal

jealousy, and this to my regret, is not what Ive got. What I have got is a

black monster and any goodness that I have in my make-up. It is really a Jekyll

and Hyde situation... my Hyde is stronger than my good sense and defeats me,

hard though I try. As I told you, I have always known that this lurks within me,

but I could control it, and my monster slumbered and nothing happened to awake

it. Then I met you and I felt my monster stir and become half-awake when you

told me of Lincoln and others you have known, would you like to end with your

letter my monster came out of its lair, black, irrational, bigoted, stupid,

evil, malevolent. You never know how terribly corrosive jealousy is; It is a

physical pain as though you have swallowed acid or red hot coals. It is the most

terrible of feelings. But you cant help it at least I cant and god knows Ive

tried. I dont want any ex-boyfriends sitting in church when I marry you. On our

wedding day I want nothing but happiness both for you and me, but I know I wont

be happy if there is a church full of your ex-conquests. When I marry you I will

have no past, only a future. I dont want to drag my past into our future and I

dont want you to do it, either. Remember I am jealous of you because I love

you. You are never jealous of something you dont care about.

Okay enough about jealousy. Now let me tell you something. I have seen a

thousand sunsets and sunrises, in a thousand sunsets and sunrises on land where

it floods forest mountains with honey-coloured light, at sea where it rises and

sets like a blood orange in a multi-coloured nest of cloud, slipping in and out

of the vast ocean. I have seen thousand moons. Harvest moon is like gold coins,

winter moons as white as ice chips, new moons like baby swans feathers. I have

seen seas as smooth as if painted, coloured like shot silk or blues as a

kingfisher or transparent as glass or black and crumpled with foam, moving

ponderously and murderously. I have felt winds straight from the south pole,

bleak and wailing like a lost child; Winds as tender and warm as a lovers

breath; Winds that carried the astringent smell of salt and the death of

seaweeds; Winds during the moist rich smell of a forest floor, the smell of a

million flowers. Fierce winds that churned and moved the sea like yeast, or

winds that made the waters lap at the shore like a kitten. Ive known silence:

the cold, earthy silence at the bottom of a newly dug well; The implacable stony

silence of a deep cave; The hot, drugged midday silence when everything is

everything is hypnotized and still moved into silence by the eye of the sun. The

silence when great music ends. Ive heard that summer cicadas cry so that the

sound seems stitched into your bones. Ive heard a tree frogs in an

orchestration as complicated as Bach singing in a forest lit by a million

emerald fireflies. Ive heard the Keas calling over the grey glaciers that

groaned to themselves like old people as they inched. Their way to the sea. Ive

heard the hoarse street vendor cries of the mating Fur seals as they sang to

their sleek golden wives, the crisp staccato admonishment of the rattlesnake,

make the cobweb squeak of the Bat and the belling roar of the red deer knee-deep

in purple heather. Ive heard wolves baying at a winters moon, read howlers

making the forest vibrate with their roaring cries. Ive heard the squeak, purr

and grunt of a hundred multi-coloured reef fishes. I’ve seen hamming birds

flashing like opals round a tree of scarlets blooms, humming like a top. I have

seen flying fish skittering like quicksilver across the blue waves, drawing

silver lines on the surface with their tails. Ive seen Spoonbills flying home

to roost like a scarlet banner crossed the sky. Ive seen Whales, black as tar,

cushioned on a cornflower blue sea,creating a Versailles of fountain with their

breath. I have watched butterflies emerge and sit, trembling, while the sun

irons their wings smooth. I watch tigers, like flames, mating in the long grass.

I have been dive -bombed by an angry Raven, black and glossy as the Devils

hoof. Ive lain in water warm as milk, soft as silk, while around me played a

host of Dolphins. I have met a thousand animals and see a thousand wonderful


All this I did without you. This was my loss. All this I want to do with

you. This will be my gain. All this I would gladly have forgone for the sake of

one minute of your company, for your love, your voice, your eyes, hair, lips,

body, and above all for your sweet, ever surprising mind which is an enchanting

quarry, in which it is my privilege to delve.

Gerald Durrell



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In the Northern Street of Paris, there sat an old man with white hair and a

stick. He was blind, and nobody wanted to help him. One day a noble man came to

this street and saw the old man with blind eyes, he asked, “Excuse me, don’t you

bother? But, I just want to ask how much did you get today this morning?” “Oh! I

didn’t get anything!” cried the old man in a sad tune, and then the noble man

realized that next to the old man was a cardboard paper, and on were the word,

“I can’t see anything!” and also realized that the people who passed this place

will just look at the paper, smiled; and went away to do their own things. Since

this man was a noble man, he knew what to do to make everybody happy.

And so he took all the money he had in him which was $12, and placed it in

a bowl near him; and then he took out his pen which he had in his hand all

along, and wrote the some words in front of the words that are already on; and

these were the words, “The spring has come, but;” these words, and then went

away. In the evening, the noble man came visiting this place again, he saw the

old man sitting down as usual and asked him, “Well how much did you get this

afternoon then?”

The old man smiled, “Noble man, I don’t know what you did but the people

that gave me money this afternoon were so many that even god couldn’t count

them!” and then the noble looked at the bowl with money and stroked his beard

while he smiled.

“The spring has come, but I can’t see anything!” these words could be so

much use, it might produce that the noble man in this story has technology,

which made the poor blind man happy.

Although this noble man which we are talking about helped the old man, but

he also remembered what the other people did. People asked him many other

questions, and the noble man of course answered them all. Some of the people in

town that didn’t want to help the blinded old man were locked up in jail for

their cruelty instead of kindness.

The moral of this story is, when you see somebody that is in need, go and

help them and you will feel better in the end.



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Dear Sir,

I noticed an ad. In the paper today you said you were looking for people to join your expedition team. It sounded as if it might be fun so Im writing to say Id like to come along.

About myself: I left school at 16 because I wanted to earn a bit of money. After that I got a few part-time jobs as a waiter, etc. But I didnt stick to any of them for long. Recently Ive been doing a bit of hitch-hiking round

Europe so Ive had some experience of traveling the hard way which should come in handy on the expedition youre planning. By the way, Im a great guitarist so I can keep you all amused round the campfire at night.Let me know when I can call in for a chat about dates and other details, etc.


David Smith



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Yesterday I was busy.

First I went to the children s palace.I played the piano and read some


Then I went to my friend s home. We played the badminton and some


Next I went to the bookshop bought some books.

After I did my homework and go to bed .

Yesterday I was busy but I was very happy.



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I have studied very hard just to realize my future dream. I want to make a

lot of money and make my parents live the comfortable life. They have sacrificed

so much for me, so I really want to return them. The biggest dream for me is to

travel around the world. I am so crazy about the diversity of the world, so I

want to see its beauty. This is the ideal life for me.



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Spring has always been warm, everything is new, full of vigor, the sun is

shining, the weather is sunny, the spring breeze is blowing, the fragrance of

flowers. And the spring of this year but ever is not the same, always rain not

short, so this smell is not a flower, but wind blowing triple earthy fragrance

taste. The whole world seems like After rain the sky looks blue., fresh and

transparent, give a person a kind of comfortable feeling.

The spring of this year seems to be God deliberately arranged for me, every

rain came so timely, wash the wound for me, rushed to the dust, let me feel the

beauty of spring from the heart, the warmth of spring.In previous years, the

spring to are as quickly and quietly, and this year is long overdue, earth

shattering, a sound of thunder resounded through the skies, flashes of lightning

split the clouds, as if spring to let everyone know, it exists.The arrival of

spring, give me hope, let me renewed fighting, to face life, face in front of

all; the arrival of spring, gave I feel new, let me breathe the breath of earth

and air, let me feel everything is growing; the arrival of spring, gave me a

fiery passion, let me see the courage to face the ups and downs of life in the

way of life, step by step to rush forward; the arrival of spring, even if it is

accompanied by thunder and lightning storms, give people a relief force, let me

understand this world without them, the world matter how deep.Life just like the

spring, which can have no wind and rain, which can not experience the

vicissitudes of life? And what we need is fearless Storm Spirit, brave face, in

the sad time, maybe it will get unexpected harvest. Moreover, the rain will you

wash the wound, the wind will be for you to smooth out wrinkles.Embrace the

spring, you will find that all around you will become more beautiful.



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Dear Peter,

I’m very glad to know that you are a table tennis fan. So am I. Table

tennis is the national ball of China. Almost everyone in China, whether old or

young, can play it. The tables for playing it can be seen here and there, in

parks, squares and in many working places, even at some people’s homes. The

Chinese table tennis players have very excellent skills. Since 1959 when a man

named Rong Guotuan won the first world champion at the 25th World Table


Championship, China has had many table tennis world champions, and the

Chinese people are very proud of them. Hope one day you will come to China, and

we can play a game together.

Best regards.


Li Hua



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dear teacher:


today is the day we were with you, you said a lot of us touched by the words of the students cried, although you installed in front of us very strong, but you are actually very fragile, and we clearly see your heart tears, at the same time, you also give us too much asked, to be honest, i really there is highly touched, because you are too self-interested for my face, and for "those who do not learn from it, with the junior high school students were mixed together" to large to encompass all of their mind to see these, each and every student class, or even usually strong and then boys could not help but to cry, but fortunate because we have the opportunity to repay you, as long as we strive to learning, a good test results, and this is the greatest consolation to you!

teacher, i will always remember you, you are on our education (junior high, high school, not because some trivial way to go landslides, leading to decreased academic performance) i will always be unforgettable! teachers, we love you!

meanwhile, i would like to ask the teacher you are assured that i will not be shaken because of the harassment of others, please believe me, please?

student: vvv



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On my birthday, my parents sometimes make dumplings for me and sometimes buy me a birthday cake.

But mom and dad never bought a cake on their birthday. Every time mom and dad celebrate their birthday, they always eat jiaozi, never have a mouthful of cake, father and mother are very good, they eat dumplings themselves, buy me cakes.

How should we reward our parents? For example: helping my parents do the housework, beating the back, washing the feet, making the quilt, cooking... Thats what we should do!

Its not a hard thing to give back to parents, knowing that we can be a good baby and we will be able to please mom and dad. Besides, we must repay our parents with excellent results. From the progress award to the excellence award to the best award each year, we will get the best prize for the final graduation exam.

The third grade of yinghua primary school in xingtai bridge, hebei province: a flower.



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There was once a family, and they were all happy. Although they did not

have much money, the children still thought that working is the best!

In their country, lived a wise king, and you may guess, that this king was

proud and unkind; most people don’t like him, and so had driven him away through

the woods, and into a small boat, which they sent him away.

The king was not happy about this, and so went to see General Lord, to let

him help to win back his crown. And suppose, you may guess, that this proud king

had an evil Roman prince. It was already dawn and the sun was setting, General

Lord gave five horses to them; and told them to follow him. They galloped

further and further, until they came to a dark cave; curled with thick thorny

bushes, but this was no ordinary cave; oh no, this was a palace cave, which

lived the king of all animals.

And the king of all animals was nobody but the great tiger! Yikes! Most

people thought tigers weren’t very nice, but General Lord saw him years ago; and

they had been friends ever since. And so there was a pretty good chance General

Lord said, “Go in,” The proud king, and the selfish Queen; with their son, the

wicked Roman prince, entered the mouth of the cave. General Lord led them

inside, and there sat the big tiger. This tiger said, “Hello dear friends,”

“Ah!” cried the king, “A talking tiger!” “Of course,” said General Lord, “Kings

were supposed to learn everything.”

“Now,” said the tiger, “What can I do for you General Lord?” “I want a

party!” “A party?” asked the proud king, “I just want you to help me win back my

crown!” he shouted, “Yes,” said General Lord, “But a party could show your

people that you love them and care for them.”

The king accepted the offer of General Lord, and so took the party

decorations, and decorated the main hall, and then made the treats, and invited

all the people here, “What do you want proud king?” “I want to give you a party,

to say that I am sorry for all the bad deeds I have done.”

“It’s about time proud king. Ha!” and then the music began; they danced all

night, and sang. Everybody thought that the king just wanted them to give him

back; but they already realized that they had already made Milan the king. And

so they went to the palace, and told him that they wanted the old king back; and

that he should get off the throne.

Milan was very angry by these words, and so sent guards to arrest him. Just

then the old king approached, he knew that Milan loved to dance, and that he

couldn’t bear not to. He took the music box here, and began to dance. As he

said, Milan began to dance, and he pushed him aside; which allowed him to sit,

and that was how the old king became king again.”



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Hello,my name is Janken.I study in a beautiful school.There are many trees

and flowers in canpus.Its green all the year round.There are three buildings in

my school.Two of them are twaching buildings and one is offce and library.Our

classroom is large and bright.We are happy to study in it.Besides,there are two

playgrounds in my school,a basketballcourt and a football fueld.After class,I

often play in the basketballcourt.And,there are many other places for fun in my

school.I like my lovely school.



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