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学习好、贯彻好习近平总书记“七一”重要讲话精神,最重要的就是深刻领会、认真落实“八个坚持”的精髓要义和实践要求。连日来,哲学社会科学界广泛开展学习习近平总书记重要讲话的活动,研讨交流学习心得体会。7月2日,在武汉大学举行的“学习习近平总书记‘七一’讲话 纪念中国共产党成立95周年学术研讨会”上,全国哲学社会科学规划领导小组副组长、湖北省人大常委会副主任尹汉宁表示,把握好“不忘初心、继续前进”这条主线,有利于深刻领会讲话的高远立意和深刻内涵。尹汉宁认为,“不忘初心、继续前进”,体现了马克思主义的历史观和实践观;体现了理论上的清醒和政治上的坚定;体现了对历史经验与历史规律的深刻把握;体现了足够的底气和自信;体现了崇高的使命意识和责任担当。









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要求:每个同学在生活中,无论是在家庭、学校里,还是在社会上都有过自己的实践,请选择难忘的一次,写一篇 记叙文。




















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Today, I saw a very delIcIous strawberry In Taobao network. My fIrst tIme wIth my own favourIte people to share. He lIkes It very much, but he has not eaten thIs kInd of strawberry. The flavor of the strawberry Is mIlk. He felt very strange. So he wanted to try the strawberry. And the prIce Is not expensIve, there are 5 yuan of red packet. I thInk It Is worth It. So , I am goIng to buy hIm a box of strawberrIes . A total of 5 pounds of strawberrIes . I thInk he must be very happy when he receIved It ! WIll feel very happy , very pleasant surprIse ! I thInk , to spend a lIttle money to gIve theIr favorIte people a surprIse, thIs Is a very good thIng. However, strawberrIes must be fInIshed as soon as possIble. 5 pounds of strawberrIes a total of about 100 , to see the sIze of strawberry and Its weIght. Strawberry Is a perIshable food, so It must be put In the refrIgerator. But In the refrIgerator can not be stored for a long tIme.





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A new term began. Students all returned to school met again. They were talking about what they had done in the holidays. I was happier. I couldnt wait to tell my story. Now its my turn. I told them I got a job in a restaurant. I worked as a waitress.

They didnt believe at first.

Yes, its true. I said, I really had a hard time at the beginning. But several days later, I could do a good job. I earned six hundred yuan this holiday. They all looked at me with their mouths open.





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1. 努力,努力,再努力;优秀,优秀,更优秀!学习是快乐的,成长是快乐的。我相信你能用自己勤劳的双手和智慧创造更加美好的明天。

2. 成绩只代表昨天,所以,每个人都应该把成绩当作自己腾飞的起点。

3. 你拥有成功的昨天,但那毕竟已经成为历史。只有不断地努力,才能不断地进步,千万不要躺在过去的功劳簿上睡大觉。

4. 如果你在春天里开始播种,那么,秋天就会有喜人的收获。为了秋天的丰收,今天就开始耕耘吧!

5. 诚实纯朴的你已经扬起了理想的风帆。但是不要满足已经取得的成绩。

6. 人生不可能一帆风顺:当你身处逆境的时候,要能够笑对困难,笑对人生;当你身处顺境的时候,切莫骄傲自满,得意忘形。

7. 为什么要失去才懂得珍惜 上天已给了你一次读高三的机会,就好好做一做这个时段人生应该做的事--学习!

8. 用一颗平常的心,去对待生活中不平的事。不管前面有风还有雨,都要用微笑去面对。

9. 任性让你轻视那些你不喜欢的科目,最后出现弱势学科。学科成绩失去平衡,而高考最终需要的是总分。弱势学科会给你高考以沉重的打击。

10. 别死爱要面子不好意思问老师问题,哪怕再简单。他们不会吃了你的,相信我!不问白不问,别一再拖,总想以后问,以后你也不可再能问了。

11. 要与父母建立好良好关系,多与他们沟通,交换看法,让他们成为你坚强的后盾!

12. 在同学中找一个可以督促自己的人,可以不定期给你打镇静剂,每天可以检举你浮躁没有,这是一个很聪明的办法。

13. 别以为父母等告诫你是"读书为自己啊",你就可以轻松自如。既然你花着父母的钱,享受着父母给予的生命,那你也应有一颗"感恩的心"。这,就是责任!

14. 千万别沉溺网络,游戏。不然你近五年内一定会遭到报应的。它不仅仅浪费的是时间和金钱。而且会毁掉你的青春和美好的人生。

15. 狭路相逢勇者胜!勇者相逢智者胜!智者相逢勤者胜!勤者相逢博者胜!

16. 学会做人,学会做事,学会做题;言而有信,言而无信,何以为言;诚信为人,人若无信,何以为人。

17. 目标和动机很重要。要有明确的长远目标,要有切实可行的行动计划。初中毕业时,你给自己选择了一个很好的就读平台,带着心怡大学的梦想进入临夏中学,这样就已经成功一半了。

18. 善于接受别人帮助也是一种智慧。充分利用同学,老师的资源,分享他们的劳动成果和智慧结晶,也是不可多得的机会。

19. 心态决定成败。无论在学习上,还是在其它特长展示中,要对自己充满信心。参与自己想尝试的活动,在失败中不断完善,是提高自己的简单途径。

20. 做事要专心,不论做什么,都要百分百的专心,学习的时候不想其他事情,才会坦然。

21. 有决心,有信心,有恒心,有耐心,愿这四颗“心”,永远伴随着你的人生!

22. 有了百折不挠的精神,有了勇往直前的拼搏,你就能够在浩瀚的知识海洋中自由自在地遨游,并且能够到达胜利的彼岸!

23. 成功的时候,不要因为成功而得意忘形;失败的时候,不要因为失败而丧失对成功的追求。

24. 自信的人,总能够战胜困难,战胜自己,取得一个又一个胜利;自满的人,总会被暂时的胜利冲昏头脑。

25. 老师衷心地希望你不断丰富、充实自己,掌握过硬的知识和本领,信心百倍地迎接明天的挑战!

26. 拥有成功的昨天,但那毕竟已经成为历史。只有不断地努力,才能不断地进步,千万不要躺在过去的功劳簿上睡大觉!

27. 我知道,你已经为自己设计好了一幅美好的蓝图,并且你也正在为实现这一目标努力奋斗着。成功属于不懈追求的人。祝福你!

28. 站在了人生的起跑线上,为了实现心中的远大目标,正努力拼搏着。成功属于不畏困难、勇往直前的人。相信自己!

29. 今天的付出,一定能在明天得到回报。有了信心、决心、恒心,通过自己脚踏实地的奋斗,你心中的理想就一定能够实现!

30. 一分汗水,一分耕耘;一分辛劳,一分收获。相信你已经懂得了这个道理。为了美好的明天,你还应做得更好一些。

31. 做事要有计划,每天完成计划中的事,心里就踏实得多,坦然得多。学习不可打疲劳战,保证好充足的睡眠。

32. 随时保持一种良好的学习状态,不要过份轻松,那样会放纵自己不学习,最后无所事事,百无聊赖,空虚寂寞。

33. 珍惜高中时代的黄金时间。不要临近高考才知道时间的重要,高中不是你想像的那样长,做事前先想一想值不值得,别把宝贵的时间浪费在无所谓的闲杂事务上。

34. 时时想想自己最初的梦想。要知道读书是为什么,那是学习的


35. 随着岁月的流逝,你在不断地成长。我把祝福送给你们,我把期待的目光投向你们。我期待着更加懂事,更加成熟,期待着你有锦绣前程。



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I m now living in a small house with my parents. Life for us is hard but happy. I must study hard so that I can buy a big new house some day. I call it a dream house.

It has three floors with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, two big dining rooms and two living rooms. When my friends come to visit me, I will have enough bedrooms for them. We ll have a good time. Besides that, we will have a swimming pool behind the house and a garden in front of the house. In the morning, my parents can do some exercise in the garden. The air must be very fresh. When we feel tired, we can have a swim in the swimming pool. Life will be easy for us.

I ll study harder than before so that the dream can come true.







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Tomb Sweeping Day is on the April 5th every year. Its a day to show our

great respect to our deceased ancestors. On that day, we usually sweep the tomb

of our ancestors and offer them food and drinks. We also burn paper money to

them. It is believed that our ancestors in heaven will receive the money.

Besides, everything in our nature takes on a new look on that day, so its the

best time for spring outing. It must be fun and relaxing.



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My Class

here are forty-two students in my class, with 25boys and 17girls. It’s an active class, and the reason may be that the boys are more than girls. The classroom atmosphere of our class is very good, because we interact with teachers quite often. Our classmates are all united and helpful to each other. We often organize some activities to enhance the relationship between classmates and our regular activity is the English Day in every two weeks that we can only speak English during recess. Maybe it sounds a little difficult but it really funny and classmates enjoy it very much.




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I like to live in the countryside. I live in a small village. There is a river near it. Lots of trees are around my house. I can see a lot of farms and birds. There is less noise. The air here is cleaner and fresher. There are fewer cars. I read aloud early in the morning. When it is getting dark, the moon is bright in the sky. It’s very quiet . What a nice place I live in !





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hi, good afternoon everyone :

my name is xxx .and i am from no.*** overseas chinese middle school of *** .it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview . i would like to answer whatever you may raise , and i hope i can make a good performance today .now let me introduce myself briefly .

i am xxx years old . i graduated from “*** university”in *** . and then i got a higher degree in“ xx university ” in xx . i have worked for *** years since i graduated from the university .and i have been a headteacher for *** years .

being a teacher is tired but excited . having taught for so many years , i think i am experienced in teaching field . i have ever got much honor in teaching , but still i think i need a new environment to challenge myself .

i am open—minded , quickly thoughs and skillful in searching for information on internet . i can operate computer well . in my spare time, i have broad interests .such as reading ,surfing the

internet ,enjoying music ,writing some articles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible .

i always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities . to be the best one is a little bit hard. but “trying all my best

“ always can cheer me up .to succeed or fail is not the only thing . it’s in how we face and invaluate ourselves .this is the chance we take , and this is what weve worked for all our lives . shining like a shooting star at night , and always smile at life .we’ve got to

give it all . someday when we turn back for what the footprint we have left , time will record the victory in our heart . so “ try all my best ” --- this is the motto of mine .

ok !so much .thank you !




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Nowadays, more and more students have to study after class. Therefore, tutor becomes a popular job. Many teachers teach at school in weekday and they become tutors after class or at weekends. Tutor can teach more carefully, because the teaching mode is one-to-one. The pertinence is stronger. From this aspect, it’s good for students to have a tutor. However, it’s not always good. Children should have more time to play and to relax. Having a tutor will occupy most of their time after class. They have spent much time in school, so after class, they should have more free time to taste the joy of growth. Therefore, whether to have a tutor really should depend on children’s own choice.





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Everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we never want to face.

So,how can we face the difficulties.

Difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of difficultys.Just go ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.Do cry and have a smile ,which is the best way we can use to beat difficulties.Never give up and do your best for tomorrows sunthine.Trust yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

You see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,dont we?So,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile;H1N1, we are not afraid because of our smile....

Together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust that everything can be soved!








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做任何事情都会有一个规定,没有规矩做任何事情都是不成形的。下面是小编帮你整理了规则初中英语作文,希望你喜欢! 关于规则的初中英语作文篇1

A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , Im not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I cant join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They dont know Im intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.There is good say Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,but though I should study hard .Of course,Im old enough to make my own decision.

一个国家法律和家庭有其规则。我的家庭也有一些规则。例如,有重要的规则在我的房子里。首先,我必须在晚上10点回家。我想回家晚了的危险,这条规则是真的。接下来,我在学校的晚上不能看电视。在我的意见,我需要时间来放松的事情,而不是在学校学习。也许我的父母就是这样严格要求我。最后,最大的问题是,我不能参加俱乐部。我的父母认为只有对我的学习不利。他们不知道我对跑步感兴趣,根据现代和写作。有很好的说没有规矩不成或站ards,虽然我应该努力学习。当然,我自己做决定的年龄了。 关于规则的初中英语作文篇2

A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , Im not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I cant join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They dont know Im intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.There is good say Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,but though I should study hard .Of course,Im old enough to make my own decision.

一个国家法律和家庭有其规则。我的家庭也有一些规则。例如,有重要的规则在我的房子里。首先,我必须在晚上10点回家。我想回家晚了的危险,这条规则是真的。接下来,我在学校的晚上不能看电视。在我的意见,我需要时间来放松的事情,而不是在学校学习。也许我的父母就是这样严格要求我。最后,最大的问题是,我不能参加俱乐部。我的父母认为只有对我的学习不利。他们不知道我对跑步感兴趣,根据现代和写作。有很好的说没有规矩不成或站ards,虽然我应该努力学习。当然,我自己做决定的年龄了。 关于规则的初中英语作文篇3

Rules are made in public places to restrict peoples behavior. And so is in the library. Then how shall we obey the rules of the library?

Firstly, we should keep in mind that the library is a place for reading, studying and the exchange of knowledge. So we are not supposed to talk loudly or eat things in the library.

Secondly, we should just borrow the books that we need. Some people like to borrow a lot of books that they dont even have enough time to finish them all in time. However, once you have taken those books away, the people who really need them may have to wait. It is surely a kind of waste.

At last, we should keep the books the way they are as much as we can because they are common properties. If we draw lines or circles on the books, it will make it harder for the next reader to read the book.

Every library may have its own specific rules which, no matter what they may be, we have to obey because it is the basic principle for being a person.




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One day, cat is in the basket. It‘s very lazy. It is sleeping. Now the cat‘s food is beside the cat. One mouse is very hungry. It is eating the cat‘s food. The cat‘s food is so yummy.

The cat wakes up. He is behind the mouse. He wants to catch the mouse. So,he is chasing the mouse. The mouse is afraid. He jumps onto the door. But, the door is high. The cat can‘t catch the mouse. The mouse is under the chair now. It is running.The cat still can‘t catch the mouse. The mouse runs fast. It runs into the hole. The hole is small. But, the cat is big. It can‘t go into the hole. So, the cat is angry and tired. It is crying. It‘s very sad. But the mouse is very happy!



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Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the little leagues. During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home in the village. I usually go there bur in the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet of the villagers.






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Early rising

Early rising is a good habit for everyone. It is good for us in many ways.

Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We can breathe the fresh air in the morning. Its fun for us to take a walk along the street.

Secondly, early rising helps us with our studies. When we get up very early in the morning, everything around us is quiet. In the morning we learn more quickly and memorize what we learn easily.

Thirdly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and faces and eat breakfast properly.

[以Early rising为题目初三英语作文



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My Home Town



(1) 家乡的地理位置;

(2) 解放前的情况;

(3) 解放后的变化;

(4) 对家乡的感情。

My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.




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My mother tall body, not fat is not thin, his forehead with a few silk shallow wrinkles, his face often hanging smile.

Mother was kind, she taught me from an early age to be honest, treat people to be generous, from childhood to cultivate my good character.

I remember something I always forget. It was a hot afternoon, the sun was like a big fireball baked the earth. I do in the room, kept fan fan, but sweat or kept rolling down. I said to my mother: "Mom! The weather is too hot, hot to death! I want to eat popsicles." Mom said: "Go, I take you to buy some popsicles." Then they picked up the wallet.

To the place to buy popsicles, I picked the popsicles, my mother from the wallet took out a 50 yuan of the whole vote handed to buy popsicles uncle, uncle looking for money, my mother and then rushed home.

Home, my mother to find a few numbers back, said to himself: "Huh ye not right, a total of 7 dollars, how to get back 45 yuan?" I heard, happy to say: "great My mother stared at me, angrily said: "more looking for 2 yuan, we should be sent back, can not covet the money, Those small cheap! Besides, people selling popsicles is not easy! "Then, my mother braved the burning sun, the 3 yuan to the people sent to the.

Sleep at night, I can not sleep in bed, think of things during the day, suddenly understand that a person from the bit by bit to start things, not because of the little bit in front of cheap, to make some sorry things. This thing has a great education for me, I love my mother, I admire her heart.

