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My name is Lily, a Grade eight student。 I like my school life very much because it’s really enjoyable。 In school, I spent the time with my lovely classmates and teachers。 They all help me a lot with my study and life。

I have six courses each day from Monday to Friday and forty minutes each。 The courses I learn in school are Chinese, mathematics, English, geography, sports and so on。 I like Englishmost because it’s very interesting and my teacher is so lovely and kind。 In one word, my school life makes me happy and I learn a lot in school。




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新年计划(My plan for the new year)

The new year is coming!Now,its the time to make plans for the new year.Here is what I will do:

1.I will get better grades.Im good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.Ill study better!

2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early is good for my health. So Ill get up earlier than usual.

3.I will eat better.Ioften eat a lot of junk food. they are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits and vegetables.Theu will make my body healthier and stronger.

This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.Ill work hard to keep my resolutionsWhat are your plans for the new year?

Whih best wishes for the new year.



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Tuesday is my birthday , my boyfriend spent with me . This birthday is the

first birthday who spent with me . We had a good evening , he sent me a present

and we had a delicious dinner. I am very happy that my roommate also sent a

present to me .

I found something have become better , I believe the god is blessing me! He

gave me some hard things and bad luck ,then gave me happiness and lover .

I have touched with my good high school classmates ,they are also in


I thank the god , he let me studay more in the society.( thank god for all

he let me study in the society.)I thank myself , I am a optimistic girl , I am a

idealism girl . I need more social experience.



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Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. but i consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.

Reading books is very important. first of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.

One is never too old to learn. no matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. love books, for they are your best friends.




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Amy is anAmerican girl .She lives in New York .

There are four people in her family, herparents, her elder brother and her.

Amy’s father is an engineer and he is busywith his work everyday. But he still plays with Amy in his spare time and Amyloves him very much.

Amy’s mother is a teacher. She teaches math in a smallschool. She is thin with golden hair.

What’s more, she is very kind and cookswell. His brother, John is two years older than her and he goes to school withher everyday. John is an active boy and often helps Amy. Amy feels happy tolive in such a family.





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1) 忍辛负重的耕牛,留下的脚印最清晰。

2) 帆的自豪,是能在风浪中挺起胸膛。

3) 愚蠢的人总是为昨天悔恨,为明天祈祷,可惜的是少了今天的努力。

4) 跑昨越快,遇到风的阻力越大。阻力与成就相伴随。

5) 天赋是埋藏在矿里的黄金,才能是挖掘矿藏的矿工。

6) 翘首盼来的春天属于大自然,用手织出的春天才属于自己。

7) 战士的意志要象礁石一样坚定,战士的性格要象和风一样温柔。

8) 谁把安逸当成幸福的花朵,那么等到结果时节,他只能望着空枝叹息。

9) 太阳虽有黑点,却在奋力燃烧中树立了光辉的形象。

10) 努力就是光,成功就是影。没有光哪儿来影?

11) 岸边的奇花异草,是拘留不住奔腾向前的江水的。

12) 没有斗狼的胆量,就不要牧羊。

13) 好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事

14) 快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐。

15) 空谈不如实干,踱步何不向前行。

16) 昨天已逝,明日是谜,面对今朝,尽力而为。

17) 昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。

18) 让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧!

19) 萤火虫的光点虽然微弱.但亮着便是向黑暗挑战。

20) 蹲着看他人,站着看自己。

21) 站在爱国的前列,时代的前列,时时处处事事勇争第一。

22) 觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。

23) 学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。

24) 路灯经过一夜的努力,才无愧地领受第一缕晨光的抚慰。

25) 不安于现状,不甘于平庸,就可能在勇于进取的奋斗中奏响人生壮美的乐间。

26) 涓涓细流一旦停止了喧哗,浩浩大海也就终止了呼吸。

27) 只要是辛勤的蜜蜂,在生活的广阔原野里,到处都可以找到蜜源。

28) 勤奋的含义是今天的热血,而不是明天的决心,后天的保证。

29) 鞋底磨穿了,不等于路走到了头。

30) 给爱涂上爱的底色,爱是教育最有效的密码!

31) 堂堂正正做人,勤勤恳恳做事。

32) 成人比成才重要,会学比学会重要,进步比领先重要。

33) 智慧来自勤奋,成功来自智慧。养成勤奋的好习惯,让智慧为你打开成功之门。

34) 历日经年,水滴石穿。持之以恒,功果自显。

35) 处处留心皆学问,肯学终为人上人。

36) 扎根于现实的理想,才能开花。

37) 环境不会改变,解决之道在于改变自己。

38) 人生伟业的建立 ,不在能知,乃在能行。

39) 欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。

40) 积极者相信只有推动自己才能推动世界,只要推动自己就能推动世界。

41) 环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环境控制,积极的人却控制环境。

42) 事业的大厦如缺乏毅力的支柱,只能是空中楼阁。

43) 只有收获,才能检验耕耘的意义;只有贡献,方可衡量人生的价值。

44) 幻想者头脑里只有空中楼阁,实干家胸中才有摩天大厦。

45) 长蔓植物依附着支物向上爬,当它爬到比支撑它的支物不高时,它又窥伺着另一株支物。

46) 积极者相信只有推动自己才能推动世界,只要推动自己就能推动世界。

47) 环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环境控制,积极的人却控制环境。

48) 望洋兴叹的人,永远达不到成功的彼岸。

49) 做事三个好习惯:总结昨天的事,做好今天的事,准备明天的事,做人三个好习惯:感恩帮助自己的人,原谅针对自己的人,体贴需要关心的人。生活三个好习惯:做细需要深入的事,做好需要圆满的事,做成需要结果的事。

50) 多一分快乐,少一分痛苦;多一分真实,少一分虚伪;多一分宽容,少一分计较;多一分坦诚:少一分虚假。人生如同四多四少,好人一生,需要记好!励志名言短信息

51) 少树一个敌人,多交一个朋友,你会发现道路变宽了;少想一些烦恼,多露一些笑容,你会发现快乐容易了;少一点责备,多一点关怀,你会发现幸福简单了;生活其实很简单,只要用心去活了,幸福快乐也就容易了,生活也就精彩了!

52) 抱怨少一点,理解多一点,埋怨少一点,宽容多一点,痛苦少一点,快乐多一点,病魔少一点,健康多一点,失败少一点,成功多一点。感悟人生,享受人生,快乐人生。

53) 无法改变制度,可以改变态度,无法改变环境,可以改变心境,无法改变路途,可以改变征途,无法改变追求,可以改变需求,请适应所能适应的,请改变所能改变的,这样人生才会转变!

54) 送你七种武器:“骨气剑”插在腰间挺脊梁,“正气甲” 配在肩头树风彩,“朝气牌”戴在胸前迎希望,“勇气环”握在手中有力量,“志气丹”含在嘴里显理想,“才气衣”披在身上展才华,“人气符”,挂在脖间永兴旺!

55) 在地球上,请不要自大,在地面上,请不要自卑,在你之下之人,请把他当人,在你之上之人,请把自己当人,请相信自己,给一个支点你能把地球撬起来!

56) 可以誓言,绝不谎言,可以失望,绝不绝望,可以倒退,绝不撤退,可以倒下,绝不跪下,可以缺钱,绝不缺德,可以失落,绝不堕落,可以沉默,绝不冷漠,可以放松,绝不放纵,可以错失良机,决不灰心丧气!

57) 宽容一下,失去三分利益收获七分关系,祝福一下,发送一句词语收获一份情谊,关爱一下,付出一份爱心收获一份感激,努力一下,抛下一份汗水收获一片成绩。

58) 成功需要八个从不:从不放弃梦想,从不懈怠努力,从不遗忘友情,从不疏忽联系,从不错过信息,从不松开坚持,从不迷茫目标,从不三心二意。短信大全

59) 困难不许困恼,贵在解决烦恼,挫折不要受挫,贵在用于拼搏,磨砺一番更有结果,付出一番更有气魄,辛苦一番更有快乐,努力一番更有成果,健康面对生活,积极向上拼搏,生活自然不再困惑。

60) 感情交往在心,成于处事,深于苦难,久于时间,重在把握,贵在真诚,浓在培养,密在联系,用在勉励,赢在激励,一份付出,一生回报,一份思念,一生羁绊。

61) 凡真心尝试助人者,没有不帮到自己的。

62) 每一**所付出的代价都比前一日高,因为你的生命又消短了一天,所以每一**都要更积极。今天太宝贵,不应该为酸苦的忧虑和辛涩的悔恨所销蚀,抬起下巴,抓住今天,它不再回来。

63) 尽管一路上会有无数的挫折与失败,只要努力勤奋,将会克服一个个困难,磨平一个个棱角,自己多了一份坚定,多了一份坚持,多了一份耐心,人生的路会越走越远,越走越宽。



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I have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

Wow, what a dream it has been for Martin Luther King. But the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes I personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.

However, we meed dreams. They nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great. When we were little kids, we all dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. Now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality. However, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions. Well, just start with concrete objectives and stick to it. Don’t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future. Through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.




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One evening several years ago,I went to a concert with my friend.When we got to the concert I suddenly found I lost my ticket on the way.I was walking backwards to see to see if I could found it in the street,there the ticket was no way to be found.I felt very sad and started crying.Then a guy saw me and asked me what went wrong.I told him about the lost ticket.He then put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his own ticket and gave it to me,and said “you can have mine,because I’ve seen the concert.” I was so touched and before I could react,he hurried away and disappeared.I wish I could find this guy and say thank you to him.



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The autumn is coming, and the rice in the field is golden and sprinkled with a layer of gold. Flower beds in the chrysanthemum opened, chrysanthemums started a golden yellow, smiling smile, really lovable. The fruit of the orchard is fragrant and fragrant. People in the orchard to help pick the fruit! The leaves become old, the leaves were forced to leave the tree mothers side. Leaves dancing in the air, beautiful posture, like a dancer.

The air in the morning is very fresh. I opened the window, enjoy the fragrance of the morning, but also enjoy the people particularly like the smell, that is, fruit and fruit fragrance. Grass greedily admire the crystal dew, I revel in this autumn to send cool. Fruit and charming autumn scenery, I began to like the autumn girl, the autumn girl sprinkled the life on the rice, sprinkled in every corner of the world ... ...

Suddenly, the wind, the lightning cross, I have expected to be the next heavy rain. Rumbling, mine that possession of a long drum, heavy knocking up. The wind blows hard. Bored for a long time the rain finally fell under. Rain "crashed crashed" underground, as a child was criticized by their parents, tears can not help but flow down.

The spider is afraid to hide in the leaves, the geese insist for their own dreams, braving the rain, flying in the air ... ...

The rain was still falling from the sky, and the house was surrounded by rain. From the window, the window seemed to be surrounded by a layer of gauze, and I looked like a waterfall.

After a while, the rain was getting smaller. From the window looked, and a new look, misty rain, like a needle like, I am good to observe, the rain stopped, the field was restored calm, the streets painted a long river. Open the window to see, like in the sea, the air is particularly fresh, the spider hanging from the tree. A rainbow hanging in the sky, that scenery do not mention the United States.

I like the fall, prefer the rain of autumn.



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I have a dream. When I grow up, I want to be a scientist. I want to make a

robot by myself. It can help my mother to do the housework, help my father to

drive his car, and help me to walk my dog. I think my parents will like it very




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The 15-Day Celebration of Chinese New YearThe first day of the Lunar New Year is "the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth."Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them.

On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-law.The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck.On the sixth to the 10th day, the Chinese visit their relatives and friends freely. They also visit the temples to pray for good fortune and health.The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion.

The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success.On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner, and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven.The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor.The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner.

After so much rich food, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system.The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern Festival which is to be held on the 15th night.



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Environmental Protection


Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.


Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.


Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve(保存) our natural resources and recycle(再循环) our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.





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literature show the right direction for people.下面是小编整理的一些初中英语好句摘抄,欢迎查阅,谢谢。

1.If we dont go on learning, we cant keep pace with the times


2.Meanwhile, literature also has non-substitutable meaning in the history of mankind


3.As is known to us all, the surrounding has a great impact on our study and lives


4.In a word, creating a green campus needs us to make joint efforts


5.People drive their cars to go to work which saves more time and energy


6.fast driving makes people crazy, which can account for so many traffic accidents


7.So at this moment, we must take measures to avoid these happen


8.I think it will be a colorful moment in my whole life


9.In other words, literature show the right direction for people


10.we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society


11.As far as I am concerned, it is high time that we did something


12.Life is not a task to finish, but a gift to enjoy


13.We must accept them actively and do not let the pains prevent us from happiness


14.As time passes, my hometown has change a lot thanks to the social development


15.But we shouldnt waste time on the meaningless things


16.We should cherish everything meaningful we have today


17.Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldnt complain about it


18.Enthusiasm will take us further and deeper


19.learning history is also very practical,simply because history reflects itself


20.reading classical works of history is conductive to our acquisition of the Chinese language


21.this activity will take root in youngers’ heart as a seed, and ultimately grow into towering trees


22.Remember that those who abandon time will be also abandoned by time


23.While you are walking outside, your eyes will be filled with green


24.we must not only have a wide range of knowledge, but also have comprehensive skills and positive attitudes


25.Anyone cant avoid taking responsibilities when he is alive




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My bedroom is not big but it is bright. Becauseeveryday the sunshine will come in. my bedroom is very simple. There just is abed, a desk and a wardrobe.

But I never feel my bedroom is empty, because it isthe place belongs to myself and full of my passion.

When I feel happy, I canlaugh in my bedroom. When I am sad, I can cry in it. I know that no one willbother me, as it is my private place. And every morning the sunshine comes in, Ifeel warm in my heart just seems that I see my promising future. I like mybedroom.





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Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you

will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different

things. We use it to cook, make electricity, put out fires and so on. We use

millions of liters of water every day.

Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water

pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water

travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the

water pipes to the river and to the special factories (we call water plants)

that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t

leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.



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My Chinese name is Peng Wanjun and English name is Alice. Im a girl in my 12 years old. I like singing and acting. Besides, I like doing sports. Table tennis is my favorite sport. I have a brother and a sister. They are middle school students. I study in Xing Gong Primary School. Im in Class Two Grade Four. I have three best friends. They are Huang Yue, Xia Yu and Wang Tongtong. We have many things in common. Do you like me?



Hello,everyone. Now please allow me to do an introduction. My name is Li Lei. I’m 14 year old. My birthday is on October 11th. My favourite book is twilight. I really love to read the books about vampires. My hobby is singing. Some people say I’m a good singer.My favourite singer is Justin Biber.I think he is a great singer. I love to sing his songs. Besides singing, I love shopping very much. If I have time, I will go shopping with my friends.I’m really good at English, if you have any questions, you can ask me, I will do my best to help you. We can be the best friends forever. Thank you.




Good morning, everyone! It’s a great honor for me to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Serena and I’m fifteen years old. I come from Dalian city which is a beautiful and attracting place. Wish you can visit there and I believe that you will be impressed. English and movie are my favorites which can help me learn and relax. I like making friends, especially the ones who share common interests with me. And I think we can have much to share and talk. I hope to make progress with my friends. Thank you.




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My grandparents came to visit me in the weekend. I was so happy because I

hadnt seen them for a long time. I missed my grandmas delicious food, because

she always knew what my stomach liked. My job was to take them to hang around

the city. I took them to the famous sites, where were so leisure and full of

local features. Walking on the old street with historical materials, they had so

much feelings, and thought about the old times and taught me to cherish the

things I had. I kept their words in mind. At night, I helped my grandma to cook

dinner. All the people sat in the table and had a nice talk.



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My school

I am Alice. I am a student of No.1 Middle School. I study in Class Two Grade Seven.

There is a map of our school on the wall. The playground is in the middle of the school. On the left of the playground, there is a library. I like reading very much, so I often read books in the library. There is a teaching building behind the library. We study in that building. My classroom is on the second floor in that building. The teachers offices are in that building, too. Where is the sport hall? Oh, its on the right of the teaching building. I have P.E class in the sport hall. Thecanteenis in front of the sport hall. We have lunch and dinner in the canteen. In the school, I feel very happy!

This is my school. Its a big and nice place. I like my school very much. What about your school?








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People always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I can’t agree with it anymore. Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take a walk. The street was very quiet and there were many old people dancing in the square. Without many cars, I realized the city looked so clean and beautiful. Some coffee shops decorates so well, which attrated my eyes. The city was coverd by the green trees, which made it a green city. I liked this feeling so much. At this moment, I found the city was so lovely, I just ingored its beauty usually.

