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My favorite animal is dog, my family has a puppy. His name is wangwang, he that is yellow, is really beautiful. He has a pair of bright eyes sparkly.

His two big ears perked up really high like a birds wing, but air. Sometimes also shake his tail to show your tongue with me, where I went with it, really like a small heels. I patted him on the head, it is licking my fingers, I feel itchy. Lovely!

But he has time, low head, let me feel very strange, but I dou dou it his mood suddenly. This is my dog barked. It is very cute!




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I like the small animals is pure white cat, it whole body white hair like snow let me very love, its eyes narrowed into a crack during the day, night round, like two emeralds. His ears have been up, as long as you move, his ears will move; His hearing is very agile, as long as people walk on by, it will be called "meow"; Its teeth are very hard, and spiky, eating up to very easily, I like it very much.

Remember once, my brother come to my house to play, the kitten, enthusiasm has been rushed brother "smile". Brother see him so lovely, then come up with a very thick wool, want to know the cat likes to play with wool, yarn in hand, brother cat followed, wool from turning in the past, the cat rushed over, not caught, himself closed on empty air, my mother and I laughed, cat is a little angry, brother, in a piece of cloth, bend, kitten, and save the empty, this is brother became a "bucket" cat. Brother and five stool was placed in a row, put the wool in stool to mouth, cat rushed over, to bite the yarn, I cheered for it, and happy for it.

If winter comes, I built a warm nest to the Kitty, it was very happy. Whenever I go home from school on the stairs, the cat is lying on the sofa waiting for me, I entered, it smile on his face became a flower. See I bought it, eat happily licks my hand, very enthusiastic!

One day, my father told me: "you see, a dog is loyal, treacherous court official but the cat." I try so hard, favour say: "the cat is my favourite animal, treacherous court official it isnt!" Mom came running when the referee, set each write like cats or dogs 5 reason, then the evaluation of high and low. I brush flash, 1, I like cats; 2, the kittens fur is very smooth; 3, the cat is very sincere to me; 4, the cat is very lovely; 5, the cat is very clever. Just finished writing, I looked up to see dad, ha, he wrote two, we all handed over after the volume, the referee on the grounds that the father wrote the word much, the father victory. I am very defy spirit, I believe that I will lovely kittens are guardians forever!

Kitten, naughty, lovely, he brought happiness to my life, no matter what, my favorite animal is cat!








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There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.







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.There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities. To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources

and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves




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世界上已有很多的动物已经灭绝于我们人类之手,旅鸽就是其中之一:终年无忧无虑的生活在北美大陆上,每到迁徙的季节,它们成千上万遮天蔽日。当欧洲人刚踏上北美大陆时,这里有50多亿只旅鸽。可是欧洲人来到这里之后,由于旅鸽肉味鲜美,开始遭到他们大规模的围猎。从此,旅鸽也就一步步走向了灭绝。当时鸽肉在市场上轻易买到,密执安州一个季节里就捕获了750万只旅鸽。曾经,一个俱乐部一周就杀了5万只旅鸽,有人一天便杀了500只。他们把这些罪恶一一记录下来——那是他们比赛的成绩。甚至有人想出这样的方法——把一只旅鸽的眼睛缝上,绑在树枝上,张开罗网。它的同伴们闻讯赶来,于是一一落网。有时候,一次就能捉到上千只。这个方法一定传播得很广 。就这样,在不到100年的时间里,旅鸽从几十亿猛减到濒临灭绝。

旅鸽: 1900年野生灭绝;1914年在美国华盛顿国家博物馆的展厅里,有一只旅鸽站在一根树枝上,长长的嘴,尖尖的尾巴,展翅欲飞。但它永远告别了蓝天自云。它再也不能动,不能叫,不能吃东西了。这是世界上最后一只旅鸽,而且是一只标本。那双木然的眼睛,怅望着这个世纪的人们,是怎样的捕杀它的同类,是怎么剥它的皮抽它的筋剜它的肉的。






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Oceans becoming more acidicThe worlds oceans are slowly getting more acidic, say scientists.The researchers from California say the change is taking place in response to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.The lowering of the waters pH value is not great at the moment but could pose a serious threat to current marine life if it continues, they warn.Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett, from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, report their concerns in the journal Nature.Increasing use of fossil fuels means more carbon dioxide is going into the air, and most of it will eventually be absorbed by seawater.

Once in the water, it reacts to form carbonic acid.Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century.But these researchers have tried to predict what will happen in the future by combining what we know about the history of the oceans with computer models of climate change."This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere," said Dr Caldeira."And we predicted amounts of future acidity that exceed anything we saw over the last several hundred million years, apart from perhaps after rare catastrophic events such as asteroid impacts."If carbon dioxide release continues unabated, ocean pH could be reduced by as much as 0.77 units, the authors warn.It is not absolutely clear what that means for marine life, however.

Most organisms live near the surface, where the greatest pH change would be expected to occur, but deep-ocean lifeforms may be more sensitive to pH changes.Coral reefs and other organisms whose skeletons or shells contain calcium carbonate may be particularly affected, the team speculate. They could find it much more difficult to build these structures in water with a lower pH.In recent years some people have suggested deliberately storing carbon dioxide from power stations in the deep ocean as a way of curbing global warming.But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re-considered."Previously, most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing - because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet; and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean, it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming.



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Animals are friends of human beings. Most of them are lovely. I like giraffe the most. They are very tall and have many brown spots. They have very long necks, so that they can eat the leaves in high trees. Giraffes are gentle and lovely. They are friendly to people. When I go to the zoo, I always look at them. They move slowly. I can’t keep it as a pet, because it’s so huge. It’s a big pity.




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一个酷暑难当的夏日,我接到了一个紧急救援电话:您好!我在玫瑰街珊瑚小区23号楼下的花坛内发现一只受伤的流浪猫。这只猫的伤势十分严重,请立即到达现场!放下话筒,我和同事们就带上医疗箱,驱车前往。 我们到达目的地后,果然看见一只流浪猫奄奄一息地躺在地上,它的后腿上有一道很长的伤口,伤口里似乎还有一些杂物,伤口四周已经溃烂,流着脓。我和同事们赶紧用酒精为它消毒,再用纱布简单包扎了一下,然后将它带回小动物保护协会。

回到保护协会,我们立刻投入治疗工作中。 我小心翼翼地剔除掉猫咪腿上伤口中的杂物,进行深一层次的消毒。接着,我把溃烂的地方用手术刀轻轻挖去,随后上药,缝合伤口,最后用纱布缠在伤口上。直到此时,我才深深地舒了一口气。我看向猫咪,发现它的眼里流露出感激的神情,好像在向我致谢。接下来的几天里,我们还定时给猫咪换药。 一个月过去了,猫咪的伤口痊愈了!我和同事们都很高兴。接着,我们在网上发布了猫咪的信息,希望有人能收养它,并好好对待它。

不久,一对夫妇表示愿意收养这只猫咪 如果我是小动物保护协会的会员,我会为我的动物伙伴们做得更多更多!



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The dog is one of the most popular pets in the world. It ordinarily remains loyal to a considerate master, and because of this the dog has been called mans best friend. Class distinctions between people have no part in a dogs life. It can be a faithful companion to either rich or poor.

Dogs have been domesticated for most of human history and have thus endeared themselves to many over the years. Stories have been told about brave dogs that served admirably in war or that risked their lives to save persons in danger. When Pompeii--the Roman community destroyed by Mount Vesuvius in AD 79--was finally excavated, searchers found evidence of a dog lying across a child, apparently trying to protect the youngster. Perhaps few of the millions of dogs in the world may be so heroic, but they are still a source of genuine delight to their owners.

A dog fits easily into family life. It thrives on praise and affection. When a master tells a dog that it is good, the animal happily wags its tail. But when a master scolds a dog, it skulks away with a sheepish look and with its tail tucked between its legs.

People in the city as well as those in other areas can enjoy a dog. Medium-size or small dogs are best suited for the confines of the city. Large dogs need considerable exercise over a large area.

Dogs are not always well thought of, however. In recent years dogs in the city have been in the center of controversy. Some people have criticized dog owners for allowing their pets to soil sidewalks and lawns, although in some cities laws oblige owners to walk their dogs along street curbs. In turn, dog owners have argued that the animals serve as protection against vandals and burglars and thus protect their detractors as well as their owners.

When a person decides to own a dog, he should be prepared to care for it properly. For a dog to stay healthy it must be correctly fed and adequately groomed, and its medical needs must be met. For a dog to be well-mannered it must be properly trained. It should never be ill-treated or mishandled. Otherwise, it will bite in its own defense.

The wild ancestors of all dogs were hunters. Wolves and other wild relatives of the dog still hunt in packs for their food. Dogs have retained the urge to be with the pack. This is why they do not like to be left alone for long. Some breeds of dogs still retain the hunting instinct.

Dogs exist in a wide range of sizes, colors, and temperaments. Some, such as the Doberman pinscher and the German shepherd, serve as alert and aggressive watchdogs. Others, such as the beagle and the cocker spaniel, are playful family pets, even though they were bred for hunting. Still others, such as the collie and the Welsh corgi, can herd farm or range animals. Each of the dogs just mentioned is a purebred. A mongrel dog, however--one with many breeds in its background--can just as easily fit into family life.

Dogs have been with humans since prehistoric times. Over the years they have performed various services. They have pulled sleds over snowy tracts. They have delivered messages, herded sheep and cattle, and even rescued persons trapped in the snow. Dogs have served as a source of food, too. The ancient Romans are said to have prized certain kinds of dog stew. The Aztecs of ancient Mexico raised tiny dogs, thought to be the forebears of the chihuahua, to feed the large carnivores in the private zoos of the Aztec rulers. In the past dogs have even been worshiped as gods. Recently, they have been used in drug research, medical experimentation, and space science. Soviet scientists launched dogs into space to test the ability of mammals to survive the rigors of space travel before people were sent up.

Dogs are trained as guard dogs in peacetime by the United States Army and other military services. Because of their keen sense of smell, dogs are used by police at times to track down escaped prisoners. Law enforcement agencies also rely on the dogs acute sense of smell to uncover illegal drugs. And specially trained dogs serve as the "eyes" of the blind, guiding the steps of their sightless masters around obstacles and hazards.













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"To protect the earth, protect the environment, do not harm the animal is to protect ourselves"! So I have a cute puppy.


It looks very spirit, body thin, flexible limbs, eyes shining like jewels, his nose is very sensitive, what flavor can be resolved. It saw the stranger put tail up - barking dog barking, the stranger away, it saw the owner, wagging his tail, went to the master, to welcome master.


It every day to eat the rest of our food, but also eat flesh and bone, not picky eaters. Its bed time lying on the ground. In the summer, its long tongue hanging out for their own summer heat, winter it curled up, curled into a ball, asked me to do it as if covered with a quilt like.


This is my dog, it Adorable, also is I most like animal.



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There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority .Its wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.

We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop killing animal and protect them.





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There is a big tree behind the house a wild profusion of vegetation, there is a big bird, bird in the father mother and baby birds consisting of.


One day, I went to the backyard for a walk after dinner, a hungry cat climbing the tree, she thinks: I must eat the tree of the few fat birds, not hungry. Its a harbour evil designs laughing, laughing and climb it. This scene is just I saw, I thought to myself: dont let the cat hurt a bird. I picked up a stones throw to the cat, the cat "meow" sound off, a bird saved.


The tree branches saw, shaking, as if to say: "this is really a good child know how to care for the animal!"



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Throughout the ages, the earth mother with the sweet milk fed numerous generations of descendants. The original she was decorated by the junior was very clear and moving. However, now human beings for their own interests, tortured her innocent and dark. Mankind has only one earth; and the earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Save the Earth" has become the strongest voice of the people of the world.

Humans are part of nature and are part of the world of life. Many lives constitute a coexistence and coexistence related to the reputation of large systems. Humans must treat nature, care for the environment, protect animals and plants, otherwise, will endanger their own survival.

Once upon a time, people have been cut off, so that the ecological balance of nature has been destroyed. Dune swallowed the vast expanse of fertile land, the flood washed away the lovely home, the natural revenge of human embarrassment dumb. Mei Shui River once said that there is no natural, there is no human, this is the world a simple truth. Blindly plunder nature, conquer nature, will only destroy the ecosystem, blame themselves, so that human beings on the verge of difficulties. This sentence is not bad, people do not give natural face, of course, naturally will not give people behind the road, 98 floods, dust storms in 2000, 08 earthquake, in fact, this is the nature of the warning issued to mankind. Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, and our government has long put forward clear governance objectives. As a real life in every ordinary people, although it is impossible to directly engage in environmental protection work, but we can start from small, start from me. We should establish environmental awareness and take practical action to implement environmental action. See the faucet in the toilet when the drip should be able to raise their hands. When the battery is used up after the collection should be collected instead of readily throw away. When shopping should consciously do not use ultra-thin plastic bags ... ... a small thing though very humble, but it shows how much we have a sense of environmental protection.

Cherish resources, protect the environment. Lets make this city more beautiful!

Remember, protect the earth is to protect yourself!



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I love how they decide to sit by me,whatever room of the house I am in,and sleep in my empty bed next to me.I love how they use their noses as tools to make me pet them.I love how they smell like corn (more like corn chips,its just a dog thing) after theyve been asleep or while they are sleeping.I love my puppy who I will have to say goodbye to soon.I will miss everything about him but I love the time I have spent with him.Whatever happened with me and the ex,he sure did raise a hell of a dog.Or maybe it was just my dogs own self,maybe he was just always going to turn out that loving.Either way,I love them and think they have saved my life.

