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Though we are told that alcohol is dangerous, especially driving a car

after drinking alcohol, we can see the news about car accidents because of the

driver drinking alcohol everyday, still people ignore the danger of drinking

alcohol. Life is precious, no one will take responsibility of our lives except

ourselves. Drinking too much will do harm to our body, even if you don’t cherish

your life, while when you drive the car after drinking, you will take away other

people’s lives. That is unforgivable, people have a happy family, they die

because of your careless driving, and you will never have a chance to make up.

Our government is very strict to the driver, the law clearly claims that

drinking driver will be heavily punished. In order to make sure other people’s

safety, we should not drive the car after drinking alcohol, or we ask friends to

take us home.




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there are gains for all our losses, there are balms for all our pain; but when youth, the dream, departs it takes something from our hearts, and it never comes again. we are stronger, and are better, under manhood’s sterner reign; still we feel that something sweet followed youth, with flying feet, and will never come again. something beautiful is vanished, and we sigh for it in vain; we behold it everywhere, on the earth, and in the air, but it never comes again!



篇2:高二英语作文:The Remembrance of Lilacs

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the family had just moved to rhode island, and the young woman was feeling a little melancholy on that sunday in may. after all, it was mothers day -- and 800 miles separated her from her parents in ohio.

一家人刚移居罗德岛。5月的那个星期天, 年轻女人感到有点儿忧伤。毕竟, 这一天是母亲节─而她却与俄亥俄州的父母亲遥距800英里。

she had called her mother that morning to wish her a happy mothers day, and her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was now that spring had arrived. as they talked, the younger woman could almost smell the tantalizing aroma of purple lilacs hanging on the big bush outside her parentsback door.

她那天早上给母亲打去电话, 祝母亲节日愉快。随后, 她的母亲向她提起, 因为春天已经来临, 所以院子里的色彩是多么绚丽。在她们通话的当儿, 年轻女人几乎可以闻到悬垂在父母亲后门外大灌木丛上的紫丁香醉人的芬芳。

later, when she mentioned to her husband how she missed those lilacs, he popped up from his chair. i know where we can find you all you want, he said. get the kids and cmon.

so off they went, driving the country roads of northern rhode island on the kind of day only mid-may can produce:sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around. they went past small villages and burgeoning housing developments, past abandoned apple orchards, back to where trees and brush have devoured old homesteads.

后来, 她向丈夫说起她是如何怀念那些紫丁香时, 他突然从椅子上跃起。我知道在哪儿能找到你想要的东西, 他说, 带上孩子, 走吧。

于是, 他们就出发了, 驱车行驶在罗德岛北部的乡村小路上, 那种天气只有5月中旬才会有:闪亮的阳光、蔚蓝色的晴空以及生机勃勃、随处可见的绿意。他们穿过一座座小村庄和一座座拔地而起的房屋, 穿过废弃的苹果园, 来到了树林和嗄敬匝谟车睦吓

where they stopped, dense thickets of cedars and ju nipers and birch crowded the roadway on both sides. there wasnt a lilac bush in sight.

come with me , the man said. over that hill is an old cellar hole, from somebodys farm of years ago, and there are lilacs all round it. the man who owns this land said i could poke around here anytime. im sure he wont mind if we pick a few lilacs.


随我来, 那个男人说, 翻过那座小山, 有个老地窖, 几年前是一个人的农场, 四周长满了紫丁香。这块地的主人说我可以随时到这儿来闲逛。我相信, 要是我们采几束紫丁香, 他不会介意。

before they got halfway up the hill, the fragrance of the lilacs drifted down to them, and the kids started running. soon, the mother began running, too, until she reached the top. there, far from view of passing motorists and hidden from encroaching civilization, were the towering lilacs bushes, so laden with the huge, cone-shaped flower clusters that they almost bent double. with a smile, the young woman rushed up to the nearest bush and buried her face in the flowers, drinking in the fragrance and the memories it recalled.

还没等他们到达半山腰, 紫丁香的芬芳已经向他们飘了过来。于是, 孩子们开始奔跑。不久, 那位母亲也开始跑起来, 直至到达山顶。

那里, 远离了过往司机的视野, 避开了纷扰的文明世界, 高耸的丁香花丛开满了硕大的圆锥形的串串花束, 几乎把花茎压成了两折。那个年轻女人微笑着冲到最近的一处花丛, 把脸埋在鲜花中, 啜饮着芳香, 陶醉在重新唤起的记忆中。

while the man examined the cellar hole and tried to explain to the children what the house must have looked like, the woman drifted among the lilacs. carefully, she chose a sprig here, another one there, and clipped them with her husbands pocket knife. she was in no hurry, relishing each blossom as a rare and delicate treasure. finally, though, they returned to their car for the trip home. while the kids chattered and the man drove, the woman sat smiling, surrounded by her flowers, a faraway look in her eyes.

在那个男人察看地窖试图向孩子们解释这座房子必定是什么样子的当儿, 那个女人不由自主地走进了紫丁香花丛。她小心翼翼地从这儿摘一枝, 那儿挑一束, 然后用丈夫的袖珍小刀将它们剪下来。她不慌不忙, 像欣赏稀有珍宝似地欣赏着每一朵花。

然而, 他们终于还是返回了汽车, 走上了回家的路。孩子们叽叽喳喳说个不停, 那个男人驾着车, 那个女人坐在那儿面带微笑, 她周围放满了鲜花, 眼睛里充满着向往。

when they were within three miles of home, she suddenly shouted to her husband, stop the car. stop right here! the man slammed on the brakes. before he could ask her why she wanted to stop, the woman was out of the car and hurrying up a nearby grassy slope with the lilacs still in her arms. at the top of the hill was a nursing home and, because it was such a beautiful spring day, the patients were outdoors strolling with relatives or sitting on the porch.

当他们离家不足3英里时, 她突然向丈夫大声喊道:停车, 就在这里停车!

那个男人嘎地刹住车。还没等他问为什么, 女人就已经下了车, 匆匆走向附近的草坡, 怀里仍抱着紫丁香。山顶上是一家疗养院, 因为这是一个美丽的春日, 所以病人正在室外和亲友溜达或坐在门廊上。

the young woman went to the end of the porch, where an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair, alone, head bowed, her back to most of the others. across the porch railing went the flowers, in to the lap of the old woman. she lifted her head, and smiled. for a few moments, the two women chatted, both aglow with happiness, and then the young woman turned and ran back to her family. as the car pulled away, the woman in the wheelchair waved, and clutched the lilacs.

那个年轻女人走到门廊的尽头, 只见那里有一个上了年纪的病人正坐在轮椅里, 独自一人, 低着头, 背对着其他人。年轻女人越过门廊栏杆, 将鲜花放在了老太太的膝间。老太太抬起头, 露出了笑脸。两个女人聊了一会儿, 都兴高采烈。随后, 那个年轻女人转身跑回到家人的身边。当汽车开动时, 坐在轮椅里的那个女人挥动着手, 手里紧紧地握着那束紫丁香花。

mom, the kids asked, who was that?why did you give her our flowers?is she somebodys mother?the mother said she didnt know the old woman. but it was mothers day, and she seemed so alone, and who wouldnt be cheered by flowers?besides, she added, i have all of you, and i still have my mother, even if she is far away. that woman needed those flowers more than i did.

this satisfied the kids, but not the husband. the next day he purchased half a dozen young lilacs bushes and planted them around their yard, and several times since then he has added more.

妈妈, 孩子们问, 那人是谁呀?你为什么把我们的花送给她?她是谁的母亲呀?他们的母亲说, 她不认识那个老太太, 但今天是母亲节, 她看起来是那么孤独, 而鲜花会给任何人带来好心情。再说, 她补充道, 我拥有你们, 而且我还有自己的母亲, 即使她离我很远。那个女人比我更需要那些鲜花。

孩子们得到了满意的答案, 但她的丈夫却没有。第二天, 他买了半打紫丁香幼苗, 栽到了院子四周;而且从那以后, 每隔一段时间, 他就会增加一些。

i was that man. the young mother was, and is, my wife. now, every may, our own yard is redolent with lilacs. every mothers day our kids gather purple bouquets. and every year i remember that smile on a lonely old womans face, and the kindness that put the smile there.

我就是那个男人, 那个年轻母亲是我妻子。如今, 每年5月, 我们自家的院子都会散发出浓烈的紫丁香的芬芳。每逢母亲节, 我们的孩子都要采撷紫丁香花束。而且每年我都会记起一位孤独的老太太脸上露出的笑容, 以及笑容里呈现出的那种慈祥。



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Different people have different career outlooks. Some people want to become civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream of being freelancers, and so on.


However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, I’m told that teachers have a high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have summer and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself. More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I can’t imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites.


In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my communication and handwriting abilities.




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Today I found time was a cruel thing.

Whatever man is, time always goes on.It won‘t stay to wait for somebody. You can‘t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing.

Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won‘t leave them more. Today I found I hadn‘t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do.

I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do.

[About time高二英语日记



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Weibo, a microblogging, make a lot of people have a stage show ego, brought the world a "everybody can speak, everyone can be focused on" era.

Weibo, in just a few dozen words, it is impossible to make anyone on the microblogging opinion leaders, is as a news agency reporter, most will be an instant latest news with the least amount of words, with the fastest speed to tell someone. Weibo to personal network oriented real-time radio, through the way of cluster, everyone can form an own audience community. With micro blogs will be released to his personal views and opinions of the audience, with the most refined words to express the deep point of view. For example, a few days ago in wenzhou passing move car tracing cauda, "41 people and injured more than 200 people have taken to more than 200 hospitals, the death toll of 19 people identity." The latest news on weibo. "On the microblogging, 140 - word limit to civilians and Shakespeare to the same level." I also have a weibo, we that a few is also a primary school classmates together talk about learning or extracurricular activities, have unlimited fun. However, everything has advantages and deficiency.

Weibo is take the world toward a new era, but also to the future world for side wall. Weibo because some primary school students surf the Internet chat, so grades plummeted, eyesight also serious decline. They lie prone on the computer every day, because of the computer radiation caused the mind, insomnia, dry eyes wait for a symptom, bet on health to talk. You dont use health for happy, can chat weibo, but not too much.


微博,短短几十个字,也不可能让任何人在微博客上成为意见领袖,最多就是如同一个通讯社记者那样,将一个最新的即时新闻用最少的言语,以最快的速度告诉别人。微博,以个人面向网络的即时广播,通过群聚的方式,每个人都可以形成一个自己的听众群落。用微博客的方式,将个人的见解和观点发布给自己的听众,以最精炼的词汇来表达最高深的观点。比如,前几天温州路过的一动车追尾,“41人死亡200多人伤已有200多人送往医院救治,死亡人数其中19人身份确认。”微博上发出了最新消息。 “在微博客上,140字的限制将平民和莎士比亚拉到了同一水平线上。”我也有一个微博,我们那几个同样是小学的同学会一起聊一聊学习或课外活动,有无限乐趣。但是,任何事物都有优与缺。




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The years are long, and my dreams are still there; In the mottled memory of

life, there are bound to be twists and turns and hardships in the middle. When

you encounter setbacks, do you face it calmly, or do you avoid it?

In fact, setbacks are a valuable asset in life. When we are in adversity,

it is the process of accumulating wealth.

Setbacks are the cornerstone of the road to success. Learning to accept

setbacks and accepting reality will inspire fighting spirit and move forward

bravely. Just like President Lincoln, he faced adversity in his life, 8

elections and 8 failures, but it is precisely because of his selflessness,

fearlessness and courage to face that he succeeded and fulfilled his personal

dreams. Indeed, only by being brave enough to accept setbacks and constantly

accumulating life experience can we reap the first pot of gold in life.

Frustration is the lubricant of life. When the wheel of life is driving on

the rough trails, the thorns of the roadside become our obstacles. Its like the

journey of life on the sea, suddenly encountering violent storms; when the young

butterfly breaking its cocoon into a butterfly breaks its wings... There is

always a little unsatisfactory in life, as Tagore said: "God is entirely to

strengthen our will, Thats why we set up many obstacles on our way." But at the

same time as we lost, we gained the confidence and courage to deal with

setbacks, so that we can continue to improve and improve.

Setbacks are a poem in life, and inspiration after facing the difficulties

in life. Although the poet Qu Yuan is full of talent and loyalty, he encounters

the faint-hearted King Huai of Chu; Yue Fei drives his army north, vowing to

attack Huanglong and restore the Central Plains, but he is recalled to Linan by

twelve gold medals. These insightful people have experienced setbacks and

regrets. Qu Yuan sang the eternal quatrain of "Long too much breath to cover up

tears, mourning how difficult the peoples life is", full of the poets great

feelings, interpreting the deepest call of the poets soul. So frustration

exudes a kind of poetic beauty, a flicker of the spiritual light of beauty, and

a beautiful spark of free spirit flying in the vast world.

Frustration is a key to interpreting life. Life is like climbing a

mountain. In this mountain, there is never a shortage of people who climb it,

but some people give up halfway and see only a small piece of scenery around

them; Small", harvest the most beautiful scenery. When life encounters setbacks,

only persistence is the shortcut to success.

Frustration has two sides. If we see it as an ugly garment, then we are

really blocking its light; if we see it as a strong cloth, then we will walk

forward and not. Fear of restraint. Therefore, we should treat setbacks

correctly, because we always believe that adversity makes talents.

Learn to face setbacks. When we encounter setbacks, we will have more

indifference in our hearts. Setbacks are not terrible, but will bring us

strength and courage, which is an indispensable wealth in life.



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In China, there is a saying that the children who live in the countryside areEarly-maturing, it is not about the physiology, it is about the mentality. The reason for the children being premature is various. Some children live in an unhappy family, such their parents get divorced or their parents don’t get along with each other. Living in such a family, the children will not grow up in a normal way, they will have sad feelings and become to know more about the unlucky things. Some children who live in the country need to take more responsibility, because their parents work in the big cities, so the children have to take care of themselves and also learn to do the house work. It is not good for the children to be early-maturing, they should grow up step by step, the parents need to give more care on the kids.




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Green environment is a symbol of health. Green can bring us to life, bring us energy. - at primary school, our school is a green school.

In our campus, everywhere can see green: the playground barriers, tall pine tree, all the year round is covered with the green skirt, cycas sting as sharp as needles; Before and after the teaching building, the front door, also have flower bed and garden decoration, even beside the runway is covered with many green grass, and wearing red maples.

Our school have a green, benefit is a lot! Students came to school, can breathe fresh air, make the person find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind. If in the shade and rest for a while before exam, let us mind, perhaps score will improve a lot!

Our campus, everywhere, flower bed beside one of the most beautiful to the dining room of the garden. Willow there such as silk, beautiful. In the spring and autumn season, flowers in full bloom, the scent pervades the entire campus. Middle of the garden, there is a small pond, there are a lot of sand, the wind blows, they float up.

In this beautiful scenery is not natural, is our schools art workers carefully designed. In their hands, clusters of green as decorated with the campus as a picture. Every day we are responsible for the fallen leaves, sundry clean, let the campus beautiful forever, let this painting preserved forever.

How, our green campus is very beautiful, if you dont believe, just come and visit.









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Another haze weather, the visibility to hundreds of meters. Both vehicles and pedestrians in feeling, without laughing, also do not have the bird, in such an environment, there are only pungent odor, and dark.

Fog, originally like smoke, such as gauze, like a gauze over the earth. How many men of letters through the ages, it has to, to dump. Now with this beautiful fog fog seems to have a relationship, and made what mistake?

Fog haze, seemingly "blood relationship" with the fog, but it is very different and fog. The mist, is floating in the air water vapor condensation of water droplets or ice crystals. Sometimes fog forecast sunny, sometimes the forecast of rain, fog appears to be chaotic, but as long as to master the characteristics of radiation fog, advection fog, observation, careful analysis, can accurately grasp the fog and sunny, rainy, in order to predict the weather. For the agriculture, transportation, aerospace, navigation is useful. And haze is different, it is made of the dust in the air, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and organic hydrocarbon particles composed of gray.



雾霾,看似与雾有“血缘关系”,但它却和雾截然不同。雾,是由浮游在空中的小水滴或冰晶组成的水汽凝结物。有时雾出预报晴,有时雾出预报雨,似乎混乱不堪,但是只要掌握了辐射雾、平流雾的特征,多方观察,仔细分析,就能准确地抓住雾与天晴、落雨的规律,以便预测天气。这对于农业、交通、航天、航海都有用处。 而雾霾就不一样了,它是由空气中的灰尘、硫酸、硝酸、有机碳氢化合物等粒子所组成的小灰粒。



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Aug. 18, 1989

Dear Liu Dong,

Im back at school now. I wish to express my thanks to you for the

wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family. During the vacation you

taught me how to swim, boat and fish. I really appreciate your taking time off

work to take me around and show me so many places.

Your mother is such a terrific cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds

just in the week I spent with you. Surely Ive spent a happy vacation, which

will be remembered for long.

I hope you will be able to visit our school sometime. Thank you again.

Lets keep in touch.


Li Ming



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The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today. There are wastes, air pollution and so on. What can we do to save our city? About the wastes, we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags. About the air pollution, we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead. I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city.




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A long summer vacation will soon be past, reviewing this summer, colorful, mix, with hard work, have a happy outcome, sightseeing, enjoy leisure... Really it is productive to harvest the results summarized as follows:

1. Getting to know a lot of xiangjiang safari park I have never seen the animals.

2. Back will be a lot of tang poetry.

3. Learned to origami.

4. Learned how to swim, do nothing to hard.

5. Read a lot of outside reading.

My biggest harvest is learned to play chess, chess is not difficult, the rules are simple, want to win each step must be careful, otherwise, will not win.

My summer vacation life is sunshine, a bright and happy. Do you like me?











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My hometown is Zhuolu County of Zhangjiakou City of Hebei Province,which are 75 kilometers away from the Zhangjiakou city,and 130 kilometers away from Beijing,whose traffic is extremely convenient。There is not only beautiful scenery,pleasant climate,but also famous ancient civilizations in the history of Chinas,which are the origin ground of “the three ancestral culture”。There are many famous places of interest,such as the Castle Ruins of Yellow Emperor,the Huangdi Quan and the Zhonghua Sanzu Church and so on。Zhuolu County has the grape characteristic industries,its viticulture has more than 500 years of history,in addition,there are also Xingbian special industries,which has been registered in the National Industrial and Commercial Bureau as "Deer",its products have successfully infiltrate into the supermarkets of Hong Kong and Beijing。 I believe that my hometown will be getting better and better。


我的家乡我的家乡是河北省张家口市涿鹿县,县城距张家口市区75公里,距北京市区130公里,交通极其方便。这里不仅风景优美,气候宜人,而且是中国历史上著名的文明古地,“三祖文化”的始源地。名胜古迹有黄帝城遗址、黄帝泉、中华三祖堂等。涿鹿县具有葡萄特色产业,其葡萄种植具有500多年的悠久历史,除此之外,还有杏扁特色产业,而且已经在国家工商局注册了“神鹿牌”商标,其产品成功打入香港及北京等地超市。 我相信我的家乡一定会越来越好。



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Hello, everyone! My name is ***. I am x years old. I am from China.I can speak Chinese and a little English. My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very interesting. I like going to the movies, playing sports and reading books. I like summer best, because it is very relaxing and we have a long hollday. I love my life. I think I am a happy girl. Do you want to make friends with me?




Hello, everyone!My name is Winnie. Im a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao. Im an active, lovely, and clever girl. In the school my favorite subject is math. Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well. But I like it. I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well. also like sports very much. Such as, running, volleyball and so on. Im kind-hearted. If you need help, please come to me.I hope we can be good friends! OK. This is me .A sunny girl.







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I learn Chines, math, English, PE, Nature and other subjects in school.

Among them, my favorite subjects are English, PE and Nature. English is an

interesting course that I like it very much. The pronunciation and spell are so

different from Chinese. In PE class, I can play games or doing exercises. After

all, sitting so long in classroom, having a class outside makes me relax. Nature

is really a wonderful subject that I can learn a lot in it. Its knowledge covers

astronomy, geography and biology. It’s helpful to know the world better. With

these subjects I like, I am eager to go to school and pay attention to my




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As a popular saying goes, Time is money. But does time definitely mean money? I dont think so. First of all, time is more precious than money. When money is spent, you can earn it back if you want to. However,when time is gone, it will never come back. To some extent, time is priceless. Second, not all time can be turned into money in the end. Some persons are idling all the time. Their time is just for wasting, not for earning money. They will end in nothing at last. So be sure to remember that time can be turned into money only with hard work involved in it.


时间未必等于金钱 有句老话是时间等于金钱。但时间真的一定等于金钱吗?未必。首先时间比金钱宝贵。金钱花完还可以再挣,而时间如果浪费了就一去不复返了。因此某种程度上,时间是无价的。其次,并不是所有的时间都能变为金钱。有些人整日游手好闲,他们的时间是用来浪费的,而不是用来挣钱的,最终将一无所得。因此务必要记住,只有努力工作,时间才能等于金钱。



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Since I was very small, I watched a lot of sports with my father. My father

is a huge fan of basketball match. When he has time, he will sit in the sofa and

watch NBA. So I enjoy the time to watch the match with him. I also become a

sport fan, but my passion on sports is much stronger. I am interested in

watching all kinds of sports, besides basketball, tennis, volleyball and other

sports are favored by me. Though I am a girl, I play many sports in the school.

My classmates admire me. I feel so proud of myself of being different. Whats

more, doing sports makes me happy. I feel the energy when I am running in the

playground. I also learn to be patient and persistent, which helps me a lot in

my study.



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The ancient said the world is a book and those who do not travel read only

one page. I like travel, because travel not only allows me to enjoy the great

rivers and mountains of the motherland, but also brings me knowledge and

exercise. Beautiful sceneries make me impressed and friendly people make me

warm. Travel is a process of discovery of beauty that would company my whole

life. I like the feeling on the road, which greatly enrich my life and fields of

vision. Being to different places, seeing different views makes me know how big

the world is, so that I won’t bother my trifles. I think a broad mind is

extremely important to a person, and traveling is a good way to get it. Maybe

some people would say that I travel just because I want to relax. There’s no

doubt about that. No matter for what reason, traveling is attractive to us




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There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading

and writing.

Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this,

we can improve ore talking and listening skill.

Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as

much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation.

Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new

word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. Then look it up in

the dictionary to have a check. I thin,, it is a good way of reading.

Fourthly, we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea,

we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid

writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar.

As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make

remarkable progress!



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In every year the end of June, it is the beginning of my precious summer holiday. Last summer, I had a great holiday. Firstly, I spent only a week to finish all my summer homework. Then I have still almost two months to do anything I wanted. Actually, I really did what I wanted to do in last summer. I traveled to beijing with my best friend for 2 weeks. We were so happy and the trip was just perfect. In the rest of my holiday, I did not do anything even related to study. Everything is all about games. However, I will not have a chance to spend my summer holiday like the last one. There is much more homework that I have to use probably three quarters of my holiday to finish it. If there is not so much homework, I might have my ideal summer holiday in this year. My ideal holiday is that go to the beaches in México with my family. For about a whole month we can completely relax in the beautiful beach. In the morning, after the delicious México style breakfast, we can walk along the beach while enjoy the beautiful morning sunshine. In the afternoon, we can have the freshest seafood for lunch. After lunch, take a nap in the sunshade would be the best thing to do. At dusk, there is the most gorgeous sunset on the sea... I love the beach, I love summer holiday.

