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1. 爱护眼睛,人人有责。

2. 大眼睛,亮晶晶,样样东西看得清。好孩子,讲卫生,不用脏手揉眼睛。

3. 定期做视力:凡视力不正常者应至合格眼镜公司或眼科医师处做进一步的检查。

4. 多做户外运动:经常眺望远外放松眼肌,防止近视,向大自然多接触青山绿野,有益于眼睛的健康。

5. 反光要避免:书桌边应有灯光装置,其目的在减少反光以降低对眼睛的伤害。

6. 光线须充足:光线要充足舒适,光线太弱而因字体看不清就会越看越近。

7. 看电视距离勿太近:看电视时应保持与电视画面对角线六~八倍距离,每30分钟必须休息片刻。

8. 看电视用眼要卫生。明白长时间看电视会损害视力,会导致眼肌调节紧张和疲劳,造成近视。

9. 看书距离应适中:书与眼睛之间的距离应以30公分为准,且桌椅的高度也应与体格相配合,不可勉强将就。

10. 睡眠不可太少,作息有规律:睡眠不足身体容易疲劳,易造成假性近视。

11. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,我们要好好保护眼睛。

12. 眼睛是心灵的窗口,是他是我们欣赏到了这个美丽的世界,爱护你的眼睛吧,把拥有眼睛的每一天,看作是你将失去光明的前一天。

13. 要端正读写姿势,要保持读书、写字的姿势端正,必须遵守三点要求:眼与书本一尺远;胸与桌子距一拳;笔尖与手指一寸远。

14. 营养摄取应无均衡:不可偏食,应特别注意维生素B类(胚芽米、麦片酵母)之摄取。

15. 用眼不要持久,持续读书写字1小时左右要休息片刻。

16. 阅读时间勿太长:无论做功课或看电视,时间不可太长,以每三十分钟休息片刻为佳。

17. 坐姿要端正:不可弯腰驼背,越靠近或趴着做功课易造成睫状肌紧张过度,进而造成近视。

18. 用明亮的双目去感受朋友的真挚情义;用通透的双眼去发现生活的真理真谛;用睿智的双眸去选择人生的理想目标。世界视觉日,关爱你的眼睛,明亮你心灵的窗户!

19. 看景物似雾里看花,视人物模糊不清,瞧月亮蒙蒙胧胧,望飞鸟黑白一团。世界视觉日,愿朋友保护好自己的眼睛,一目了然,生活才会五彩斑斓!

20. 戴上眼镜想装帅,不知麻烦引来一大堆。平光眼镜时常戴,也会破坏视力人受罪。墨镜也有许多种,万一不适藏祸患。世界视觉日,请保护你的视力,不要随便佩戴眼镜!

21. 眼镜近视要注意,眼镜不可胡乱戴。正规医院去就医,科学测量有依据。眼镜不可互相换,传染眼病惹麻烦。世界视觉日,保护眼睛,生活会更美丽!

22. 看物总觉模模糊,走路高低磕磕绊。眼前如同雾茫茫,抓拿东西不准确。吃饭捧碗也要摸,生活不便自理难。世界视觉日,提醒朋友上医院,你的眼睛已患病。

23. 眼睛视力不可忽,患了眼疾方知苦。失去光明寸步难,此时后悔已无术。保护眼睛好视觉,精彩生活耀灿烂。世界视觉日,愿你心明眼更亮,望远世界心胸宽!

24. 浓眉大眼好帅气,柳眉凤眼靓美丽。朋友男女一大帮,生活五彩色斑斓。出国旅游看奇景,人间眼福享不尽。世界视觉日,愿朋友保护好美丽的眼睛,周游世界!

25. 眼睛模糊看不见,远处人畜难分开。开车走路都不便,生活质量对折开。读书看报眼镜戴,打球运动易伤害。多少麻烦数不尽,多少懊悔心中来,世界视觉日,保护眼睛,让你笑开颜!

26. 眼睛明亮道路宽,狭窄小道坦途现。穿红着绿式样新,花容月貌记心间。秋波频传心意达,爱情招手幸福来。世界视觉日,爱护眼睛,生活就会更加灿烂!

27. 世界视觉日,愿你保护眼睛明亮好视力,博览天下!

28. 放眼去观望世界的精彩,去发现生活的美好,去赏析山川的秀美,去饱览人生的壮美。世界视觉日,愿你打开心灵的窗户,尽现美好!

29. 苦难里看到坚强,挫折里看到成功,蜕变中看到成长,曲折中看到前行。慧眼看世界,真心伴真情。世界视觉日,愿好人好梦好风景。

30. 眼睛是心灵的门户,有了眼睛可以赏析美景,可以洞察万物,可以揣摩人情,可以感受冷暖,可以发现美好。世界视觉日,爱护眼睛,明天就会无限光明!

31. 眼睛明亮心敞亮,万紫千红入眼帘。人情冷暖记心怀,亲人容颜亲眼见。求知路上行路宽,见多识广无阻碍。世界视觉日,愿你眼明心亮,快乐常伴!

32. 眼观世界,无限宽广,放眼夜空,星星璀璨,一个眼神,眉目传情,眼望月亮,全家团圆,世界视觉日,保护眼睛享受幸福,看见,宇宙多美丽。

33. 大千世界美景灿,眼睛明亮眼界宽;人情炎凉在世间,眼睛明亮知冷暖;心有灵犀一点通,眼睛明亮情意添。世界视觉日,爱护眼睛,生活更精彩!

34. 眼观祖国大好河山,锦绣灿烂。看视电视手机新闻,博览天下。瞭望人间和谐盛世,绚丽多姿。世界视觉日,保护眼睛健康谨防视力失明。愿你生活五彩缤纷!

35. 博览群书,离不开眼睛;爱你的心,眼睛来表达;游览信息,眼睛观世界;看见爱人,眼睛送温暖;世界视觉日,请你爱护好自己的眼睛。

36. 视光明前途创辉煌事业,看万山红遍知晚秋丽景。瞧亲人容颜美悦喜心,倍增幸福温馨的感觉。望知识海洋,实现人生梦想。世界视觉日,保护眼睛一生快乐!

37. 睛“彩世界,眼见为实。

38. 科学用眼,贵在坚持。

39. 科学用眼,精彩无限。

40. 美丽”视“界,用心呵护。

41. 美丽新视界,健康新生活。

42. 您的心灵窗户,我们为您呵护。

43. 青光眼可致盲,早期防治极重要。

44. 让”视“界充满爱。

45. 让眼睛更明亮,让世界更精彩。

46. 任何水晶眼镜对眼睛都有害。

47. 时时刻刻爱眼,健健康康生活。

48. 视力1.5不等于没有视疲劳。

49. 天天做眼操,天天眼睛好。

50. 万里江山眼底收,大千世界目中明。

51. 我荒废眼睛,眼睛就把我荒废了。




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I am a student from Xinhua High School in Chongqing,China。 Informed that you have a vacancy for a student to serve as the spokesman for animals, I cannot resist my inner excitement,hoping to seize the opportunity to do something for animals 。

In my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals。 Wherever I go and whatever I do, I usually keep in mind that animals are angels from the heaven, which bring us endless comfort and pleasure。 I have been a panda lover since my childhood。 Panda is so lovely that brings fun to people and they are regarded as the treasure of our country。 Unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger of being extinct。What I am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth companies。



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Protect Environment

Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is becoming worse and worse. So we have to know how to protect the environment. Here are some ways.

First, we can stop driving our personal cars. We can go to school or work on foot or by bus. Not only can it protect environment, but also it is good for our health.

Second, we are not supposed to drop litter anywhere, we should put them into the trash bin. And it’s best to pick up the litter on the ground when we see them.

Third, we should save the paper, the water, the food and so on.

Fourth, we should protect the trees and we should plant more trees.

I think if everyone does something to protect the environment, our world will be much better.




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That day, my mother bought me two little ducks. I am very happy, the two little ducks on the box, listening to their voices, I feel very good.


The second day, I want to have a look to my classmates my duck, I call for students, let him come. He saw a duck, and enjoy it. We put a duck on the ground, it went forward a few steps and then fell, it caught up, and fell down, and we laughed. We play enough, put the duck into the box, to play with toys.


Afternoon, my father and I went to see the little duck, see a duck belly up, wings and feet in jitter, it sounds great, like crying. Dad put up little duck, duck down. I suddenly remembered that I took the little duck into the box,! I am a murderer! I cried. Little duck finally died, I am very sad.


From then on, I began to love little animal.



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Animals are our good friends. People should be friendly to them. But now, many people in China as well as in the world kill animals in order to get money. Its well known that there are many kinds of rare animals in China, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on. Some people catch or kill them. They use their furs and skins to make clothes and shoes or eat their meat. As a result, a lot of rare animals have disappeared.

What a pity!

At present, our government have made some plans to punish these people. Recently, some nature parks have been built. Lots of money collected for protecting them. For example, some students put on perfom ances or have other kinds of activities to collect money for rare animals.

Its our duty to protect wild animals. As nature is like a big family, man and animals must live together in it peacefully. We must keep the balance of nature. If we do like this, our world will become better and better.








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We all know it is becoming more and more important to protect our environment well.We should stop cutting down trees ,dropping litter everywhere and throwing waste before it is processed. It has caused lots of problems such as much rich land becomes desert;Rivers become dirty ;The air is becoming worse and worse ;The temperature is becoming hotter and hotter.So we must do something to change the situation.Wed better walk or ride bikes to work or go to school instead of driving a car,We mustnt use plastic bags.Our government must take some measures to prevent factories producing smoking etc.



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As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem. We can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage can. Some students spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes and so on.

The negative effects of waste can be shown in the following aspects. In the first place, it makes some students dependent on their parents for money, which is harmful to their development.

If they don’t learn to support themselves, they will be “useless people” when they graduate. In the second place, it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our schooling. Last but not the least important, there is no denying the fact that our country is still poor. There are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our help.

As far as I am concerned, I should set a good example to reduce waste on campus. First of all, I will refrain from wasting anything, from food to stationery. What’s more, I’m determined to call on more schoolmates to fight against waste. Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus.



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Water is the source of life, life, human health without water. Few people can not eat, but you cant days without water. And now, global 20 million people are in severe water shortages!!!!!!!!!! Water crisis, has to humans was a wake-up call!

Chinas water resocurces, but most of all, is the sea water of the sea is salty, is not directly drinkable, Plus most all freshwater distribution in cold north and south poles and permanent snow mountain, this place is freshwater resources. And uneven distribution, east of north, south west of less than, the local water.

When I was a child I want to tap water, water has been flowing nonstop not? Mom and dad always told me what was recently and drought.



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Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Earths animals go when the plant has a lush, full of vibrant, full of green, but the IQ is much higher than other animals, humans appear, by magic plant as a sharp decrease. That is because human beings to build houses, caused by the felling of trees. Either because of business needs, a large number of trees felled leaving a large number of open space, used to build the building. Because many people without felling trees and trees, so the destruction of nature.

I hope everyone can protect the forest, protection of trees, so that the citys life add in green!



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Is a source of atmospheric pollution, automobile exhaust emissions. The original day is blue sky thousands of miles, but now in some big cities, dark clouds, days groggy, and smelling the automobile exhaust, will be very uncomfortable, will also cause cancer. Car brought convenience to people, but also give a person come trouble exhaust. So I want to invent a kind of environmental protection car perfume exhaust.

This car far and general, approach can find the car without the exhaust pipe, only several honeycomb holes in the rear. People cant help but question, then the tail gas is how to deal with? What about the few at the back of the hole? The original automobile exhaust has been through in the car of a tube to trunk of a big box. The first small box of exhaust gas into the first big box, box spews disinfection powder, after disinfection of exhaust gas after a filter paper wall in the second small box, this small box also jet air disinfection, second after disinfection of exhaust gas through a filter paper wall come Chinese medicine steaming box. The box is full of Chinese traditional medicine powder, 4 walls exudes a of the heat and boil Chinese medicine Chinese traditional medicine. Three times after disinfection of exhaust gas after the thickest wall filter paper box to the perfume. Exhaust immediately into non-toxic harmless aroma, the aroma and then through the small hole at the back of the scattered outside the car, a series of disinfection purification is done.




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Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today. About 170 kinds in the United States aloneare considered in danger.


Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.


Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.




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My mother always tells me not to eat too much candy, but I just couldn’t control myself. Once, I felt my teeth hurt and did not feel like eating. My mother took me to see the dentist and I was so afraid. The doctor used his machine to fix my teeth, I was terrified and cried. Since then, I realize the importance of taking care of my teeth. So I do not eat the candy too often. I will wash my teeth before I sleep, what’s more, the ice food and the sour food will be rejected by me. My friends envy me for having the white teeth, for I look so healthy and beautiful.





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Traffic and Protecting Environment


2015年11月,全国中东部地区17省市持续雾霾,陷入大范围的重度和严重污染。造成这一现象的主要原因是工厂排出的废气和汽车尾气等。绿色低碳,保护环境,从我们身边小事做起。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,以"Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment"为题写一篇80词左右的短文。



Let’s Do Something to save Our Environment

We all live on the earth. The earth is our home. We have only one earth. We must take care of it. It gives us the best environment. If we harm it, it will be angry. And then we will have a terrible end. There are three problems in our earth, they are pollution, disaster and illness.

It’s our duty to protect our environment. So we must plant more trees, protect the flowers and the trees, save energy, reduce the pollution. We should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.

Protecting the nature is very important. It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.

If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful.




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How long haven’t you saw the star at night in the city? Would you miss the fresh and sweet air? Have noticed the river had seriously been polluted? Would you mind listening the crazy honking car horns instead of the birds’ ringing everyday? Could you be calm down if leave the air conditioning room in summer? Around us a little observation , air pollution, drought, flood, global warming, tsunami, earthquake and so on, was more closer to us. Caring for our earth, imminently! Not only for ourself, but for our further generations. As a teenagers, especially a college student, there are lots of things we can do to stop damaging our environment. Firstly, changing the way we think of our environment, facing the reality of our environment which have been seriously damage. Secondly, take some actions and from the side small start like play a tree, install low-flow shower heads and applicants, use public transport , less plastic bags and so on. The last but not the least, influence our neighbors by our behavior and let more and more people care for our motherland. Caring for our earth, all of us join together, with our heart and efforts, more blue days, cleaner water, peaceful

world ,that would not be a dream!



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Mark suddenly had a bad bellyache before class began this morning. His classmates immediately sent him to the Peoples Hospital nearby. In the hospital, the doctor gave him a medical check-up. The result of the examination showed that he was suffering from acute appendicitis and he needed an operation right away.

The monitor of his class quickly called Marks father and asked him to come to the hospital at once. After a while,Marks father came and the operation began in no time. Several days later,Mark recovered.



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Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth.

As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. Whats more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So its high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.

With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.



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In a sunny afternoon, the air was fresh, coconut particularly lush, xiao gang holding tank and nets, walked at a brisk pace, happily to catch frogs.

Xiao gang came to the pond, the skylight, just caught a crock of frogs. He happily ran home, sitting on the sofa, drinking beverages, listening to the tape recorder, want to relax, and behold, a passage from the recorder "again today to the voice of the animals, play time, please dont catch frogs to protect the frog." Xiao gang wish: everyone in catch frogs, why not let me catch! Xiao gang is very angry, he took out the animal encyclopedia started flipped up and found that it turns out that the frog is secondary to protect animals, and was little tadpoles mom, I used to love this book "little tadpole looking for mom".

Ashamed, at once, xiao gang immediately ran out of the house, run out whole body energy, rushed to the pond and the frog and little tadpoles released, little frogs in the pond croaked and cried, as if to say: "thank you!" Xiao gang also said softly: "go, go find your loved one!"

Through this story, I know a small token, that is: to protect the frog, everybody is responsible for.







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man and environment (人类和环境

(1)the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.

(2)a lot of measures have been taken …

(3)however, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved.

the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. for example , forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. in addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution.

a lot of measures have been taken. planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results.

however, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved. on the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are getting worse and worse in the modern world. on the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem. in a word, there is a long way to go before we enjoy a clean and comfortable world.




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201X年X月X日 X天



近视是对眼睛危害最大的一种视力问题之一,要治,其实很难,但是防治却很简单,要防治,首先要学会判断近视,面对一个低视力患者,判定其是否患有近视要注意一点:并非视力不低于1.0就认为没有近视,因为就大多数学生朋友来说,正常视力都能达到1.2,甚至能达到1.5,如果其视力在1.0戴上50到100度的镜片就能达到1.2,就说明已经近视了,对所有学生朋友来说,对是否患有近视相对要难一些,如果孩子有以下感觉就应该注意了:眼睛经常感觉干涩,疲劳,甚至有头晕恶心症状。有时视物模糊不清,经过休息后就能好转。经常视物不清,经过休息就能好转。看近清楚看远不清楚。为看清楚事物必须眯眼或斜眼观看。 对前两种情况,一般认为是得近视的前兆,如果再不加以注意,就会近视,就后三种情况几乎可以断定已经得了近视,应尽快到医院进行检查,其次,要正确确定真性近视和假性近视,这个工作需要由专门的眼科大夫来做,从严格的医学去区别是否患真性近视比较容易,只要进行充分的散瞳验光就可以了。

