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With the development of society, almost every family has a computer and surf the Internet especially the youngsters. Is it good to surf the Internet? As a coin has two sides, surfing the Internet also has its advantages and


First of all, it is convenient for people to search the information they need. It is fast and easy. However, many people spend too much time chatting online or playing computer games. Some even forget their study and their work. So we should use the Internet correctly(正确地) and make it useful.




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Suddenly, the summer vacation is coming. Im happy to "one jump three feet high" but I gradually found that summer vacation is boring.

I wanted to finish in ten days, but, I have been doing for 24 days. The 30 day finally finished, father has bought me, only on Saturday and Sunday can rest a while. I dont like a holiday, but, as long as I still quite like no homework.

More like summer and winter vacation, homework, tired bad. I hope can have a holiday, and can not write my homework, how comfortable, how carefree! If the day sentient days also old, if a man love die young.



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on March 2,2008 today is a two-day weekend, I at home write the work, coughs! Todays wind good comfortable, I just liked returned the spring, although the spring has not had! The warm wind, lets my mood be very happy, I am writing the work, is very at heart happy! must take a test tomorrow, I must review well, certainly must take a high score to repay the parents and teacher!



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The summer vacation had come again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all the knowledges that my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as running and playing basketbal , to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I would make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned.





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I plan to go to travel alone this summer vacation. I have traveled several times, but gone with my family or friends, never did it alone. I want to do it once, so I can train myself to be stronger and more confident. I told my parents about my plan, they supported me very much, and they thought it is a good opportunity to help me grow up. They also told me many tips of traveling and prepared the package for me. I am grateful that my parents understand me and respect my decision. I won’t let them down.




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“轰隆隆”!我坐上前往青岛的列车,开始了漫长的旅途。 “沙沙沙”,巨浪滔天的大海



我低下了头,默不作声地拾起了贝壳,海婆婆似乎听见了我的心声,不停地卷浪而来。每一次卷浪,都能给我一些来 自太平洋的赠礼——多种多样的海螺贝。




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当太阳公公把清晨的第一抹金光撒向大地时,我早已置身 于九峰山的森林之中。十月初的九峰山,依然是四季如春。在 我身边,一片嫩绿的小草连成一块绿油油的“地毯”,上面绽 放着一朵朵娇艳的鲜花,红得似火,白得似雪,黄得似金,粉 得似霞。清新的空气中夹杂着淡淡的清香。微风拂过,吸引来 一群可爱的“小精灵”,它们扇动着五颜六色的大翅膀,在花 儿旁翩翩起舞。一阵悦耳的鸟鸣打破了林中的寂静,像是在演 奏一首欢快的舞曲。正沉浸在这美景中的我,被这清脆的鸟鸣 惊醒。我猛得一抬头,一棵苍天大映入我的眼帘。“哇!这 棵树真高、真直啊!”。我兴奋地三步并着两步地奔了过去, 细细打量着这位“坚守岗位”的“卫士”。叶子的颜色深浅不 一,有的是墨绿色,好象一艘小舟;有的是深绿色,好象一个 发夹;有的是嫩绿色,好象一个芒果……。明媚的晨光透过重 叠的叶子,细碎地撒落一地。而粗壮的树枝,向上脱举着叶 子,就象母亲脱举着自己的孩子,一切都显得生机勃勃。但是 我很快发现,在碗口粗的树干上被人用小刀刻着许多歪歪斜斜 的小字:“***,到此一游”,树干上的皮早已是“支离破 碎”,一大片,一大片的树皮脱落下来,露出白色的木质,一 旦雨水冲刷树干,将影响上面叶子的生长。我觉得此时立在我 面前的这棵大树,已变成一位饱经风霜的老人,狂风暴雨并没 有令它折服,风雨过后,它依旧精神焕发,不受一点儿伤害。

然而我们这些大树的“朋友”,却令它心寒,人们用锋利的刀 片在它脸上刻下一道道深深的“皱纹”。

看着眼前的一切,我真替这样的大树感到委屈。暴风雨来 临时,它毫不退缩地屹立在山头,为我们遮风挡雨;烈日当头 时,它沐浴在阳光下,变成一把大伞,带来清凉;空气受到污 染时,它总是毫不犹豫地吸走废气,吐出氧气,为我们创造舒 适的环境。一棵大树,一张大网,罩住烈日,罩住泥土,罩住 水份,它为我们感慨地贡献着一切。而我们却一再地破坏它。

每当灾害来临时,望着那一间间房屋被洪水无情地冲垮,看着 那一条条生命瞬间被泥石流无情地吞噬,人们总是忙着救灾, 根本就没有意识到,水土流失、洪水泛滥、泥石流、山体滑 坡……,这些自然灾害的源头,都是因为受到象这棵大树这样 “待遇”的植物太多了,它们遍体鳞伤,因此自然灾害为我们 一次又一次地敲响了警钟。

虽然此时此刻,放眼望去,满山还是郁郁葱葱的树林,一 望无际的青山,但地球是脆弱的,在我们还没有失去这些树木 植物时,就应该尽全力去保护它,否则,一百年后的今天,受 伤害的将是人类自己!



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你的暑假是怎么样过的呢?一起看看以下作者们的英语暑假日记作文吧! 暑假的英语日记一

It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus and got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives and helped people. 暑假的英语日记二

I enjoy summer vacation very much. Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends. We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes,so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents. Its a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places. 暑假的英语日记三

In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friends home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious! 暑假的英语日记四

Last year, I go to Beijing with my parents. We go to the Great Wall and visit it.And we visit the famous Forbidden City.They are the prettiest buildings I have ever seen.But there is so hot ,we could bear.So, we buy many drinks and ice-creams,We are play have fun very much and very much! 暑假的英语日记五

Times flys. My summer holiday is coming to the end. My holiday is just so so. It is not too much difference as before. At the biginning of the vacation, I was doing my homework. After all, study comes first. After I finished my homework, it was almost the end of July. It is the time for me to help my family for harvest. It is so tired to to the farm work. Howevr, being a member of our family, I have to give a hand. Watching the achievement, I felt proud though I just help a little. After finished the farm work, I found myself become much more tan. Who cares! It was my happy time, when I finished all the things. I went out with my friends almost everyday. Sometimes we played games or sport or went hiking. Sometimes we went shopping in the evening for the sun is too heavy in the daytime. We felt uncomfortable. But now there are two days left before the school opening time. So I have to stay at home for a good rest to store energy for my study. Everything is so perfect. It is 11 o’clock. I think I have to say good ninght now.

时间飞逝。我的暑假就要结束了。我的假期一般般。在假期一开始的时候,我写家庭作业。毕竟,学习是最重要的嘛。我做完作业后,几乎到了七月底了。是时候帮助家人收获了。干农活是如此的累。然而,作为家庭的一员,我不得不帮忙。虽然我只是帮了一点点,但是看着那些成果我感到很骄傲。干完农活后,我发现自己变得更黑了。不过,谁在乎呢。当我完成了所有的事情就是我的快乐时光。我几乎每天都和我的朋友出去玩。有时我们玩游戏或运动或去爬山。有时我们晚上出去购物,因为白天太阳太烈了。我们觉得难受。但现在离开学还有两天的时间。所以我必须呆在家里为学习养精蓄锐。一切都是那么的美好。现在已经十一点了。我想是该说晚安的时候了。 暑假的英语日记六

This July, I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school. Therefore, I had a happy and leisure summer holiday. In the middle of July, I attended to a summer camp. It’s about English. There were twenty five students in the camp. We all like English very much. Together, we studied and played. There were many activities, team work or single performance. We tried our best to put ourselves into this big family. Most of the time, we talked to each other in English. If we really don’t know how to express in English, we could ask for help. Our teachers were so great that they could help us a lot. They were so active that make us acted as they did. I am happy to attend this activity.





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One thing I had a good time in this summer holiday ,The thing that impressed me most was this summer holiday! First I went to Tian an men square ,I saw different colors people there. I knew that tian an men square is so famous in the world that too many people visit it. then I went to visit the great wall, the great wall is really long , there is no doubt it is the worder in the world ! I really can not imagine how the ancient people built it ! (《一件事》今年暑假我过得很开心,它让我印象最深.首先我去了天安门,在这儿我看到了不同肤色的人.我知道了天安门举世闻名因此有好多人来参观.接着我又去了长城,长城真得很长,举世无双.我真不能想象古代人是如何把它建起来的. )



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today i receive a strange call.i was told that my telephone was owed 2500 yuan.it was a shock to me.what a pity if that was true!

in fact at first i dont believe it at all.because my mom have just paid for my telephone call cost for me last month.

so i inquire about it through a call to the telecommunication office.

in the end the truth came out.it was completely a lie.i have enough money on my phone .

i hate swindler.



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到了十一点的时候,我开始煮饭了。煮饭倒是很简单,可是炒菜时很热。原本天气就很热了,再加上炒菜时冒出的热气,就会更热了。我脸上满是汗水,衣服都湿透了,像落到水里似的,难受极了。要是阴天多好 啊!不热又不冷。








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Have a holiday, as when the bell rang, my elementary school last summer vacation will be over. Then, my summer vacation life began.

After the holiday, because this is a primary school last summer vacation, so no summer vacation homework, no additional, formula, words, dialogue, the teacher diary! Of course, I also ssi summer vacation homework. I kept writing, finally I did finished their difficulties.

My summer vacation life is colorful!

Homework is not only a kind of color, I also have a relaxed, sometimes my father took me to travel, sometimes my friends with a collection of wisdom - computers.

I dont know what time, every time I open my hazy sleep, mom that start "loudspeakers", "dont hurry up, some people go to wash a face to brush ones teeth, some people to help buy breakfast, some people go to work" I reluctantly three times five divided by two put on clothes.

Remember once, I was not careful to wear the wrong trousers, run out and buy breakfast, thought what is laughed at by others, turned out to be laughing at me, I suddenly realize that wearing the wrong clothes, my face to brush the male into a redapple, twist a head striding toward home. I ran back to the way to understand a truth, everything should be meticulously.

My summer vacation life is not only in this way, of course, I also do some can do housework, for example, digging potatoes, wash dishes, sweep the floor, washing clothes, cooking cooking... The children, not only to love learning, also want to love labor oh!

This is my summer vacation life, and you?

Can you tell me about your summer vacation? I hope you can tell me!













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Summer morning is beautiful. When the Oriental skyline is not clear, went to the balcony, smoking a fresh air, will make people feel relaxed and happy. Wait until the beginning of the sun, come up with a book, a tape, enjoy reading, enjoy playing, no noise in the ears of the noise, no car horn strange cry, only a slight breeze in your ear crooning, no People go back to disturb, do everything back to feel comfortable. After a while, the distance came the cars horn and people laughter, the days life began ...

Summer is rainy. Look, a burst of whistling, rolling on the ground of broken things, approaching us. The sky suddenly darkened, and then, the rain was snapped up. The leaves of the rain were blown by the wind, and were wiping and whining; the people in the rain, the umbrella, the rapid walking in the rain, the naughty children playing on the road, they play in the rain, , Singing, any rain hit them on them, they are so naive, carefree, play is so happy, happy. The window of the rain more and more big, at the moment, open the speaker, put a few favorite songs, pick up the pen, put a few words; or open the piano cover, playing a few simple songs, bring yourself into another A mood, actually a little isolated feeling.

Rainy day, a beautiful rainbow quietly hung up the sky, as if the two high-rise buildings built on the Hongqiao, and the hot sun blooming for the summer cast a new color for the students summer Add a bit of vitality, even the tree children are happy to move up and enjoy this wonderful battle.

Oh, whether to go out activities, do not live up to this good time. Drove to the beach, showing a sea of sight in front of the landscape. Far, a few fishing boats with the wind waves, the sea set off a cluster of microwave. Barefoot, step on the beach, to the beach, the waves quarreled close to you, like a million tongue licking your feet. Hire a bamboo row, support the sea central, one into the water, enjoy the tour of 100 meters, and then float on the water, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, bathing the same good sun, everything is no longer exist, wrapped around you Only the water, the sun, the sun ... enjoy the warmth of nature!

The sky is getting dark, the red sunset is bit by bit into the sea, the waves thrown a flash of red light. Dinner time to, in the vicinity to find a small hotel, eat a seafood dinner, wow, fresh enough, good!

Night falls, open the computer, surf the Internet to see the news, chat with friends, why not! There is a wonderful night in the summer, the stars out of the window in the blink of an eye, bright moon in the clouds in the shuttle, so you think of the story of the moths, the Cowherd and the weavers story. Suddenly, a boring thunder broke my mind, a shining light pierced my eyes, I gently closed my eyes. I know that tomorrow is to meet me is a bright dawn!



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暑假英语作文暑假英语作文:暑假生活回忆暑假英语日记:I Love Summer暑假英语作文:暑假计划暑假英语日记:我眼中的夏天暑假英语作文:难忘的假期生活暑假英语日记:My birthday暑假英语作文:在农村过暑假暑假英语日记:Return to my native town暑假英语作文:During Summer Holiday暑假英语日记:I am ill暑假英语作文:A trip to the country暑假英语日记:About time暑假英语作文:我的假期生活暑假英语日记:我的mp3丢了暑假英语作文:Happy Summer Vacation暑假英语日记:Working for my parents暑假英语作文:暑假兼职暑假英语日记:My whole day中学生暑假英语日记2则暑假英语日记:Eat red bayberries初二的暑假英语日记4篇暑假英语日记:Electric to supply暑假英语日记三则附评语暑假英语日记:a trip to Huad Shan暑假英语日记:love my family暑假英语日记:Plan summer holiday暑假英语作文:Summer Holiday in Taiwan暑假英语日记:Go out with friend暑假英语作文:夏天的卫生方法暑假英语日记:Prepair air-conditioner




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I like the summer holidy so much. I look forward to summer holiday every year. Last summer, I went to Shen zhen for my holiday, which is also a city of seashore like Haikou. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon. The sky is blue, the air is fersh. Wherever you go, You can always see the green trees, the neat grasses and the colourful flowers. They were really wonderful. Shen Zhen has a lot of tall buildings. And it is a modern city.

I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.

If you ask me what my favourite summer holiday will be like, traveling aound the only answer. I hope that one day I could meet different people and vist different places of interest.

我非常喜欢暑假,每年我都期盼着暑假的到来。去年我在深圳度过了我的暑假,深圳市一个像海口一样的海滨城市。我喜欢在饭后或者是下午游泳过后在海滩漫步。天空很蓝,空气也很新鲜。不论你去哪里,你都会看到绿树,草和五颜六色的花朵。他们真的是太棒了,深圳也有许多高楼大厦,它也是一座现在化的都市。 今年我打算用暑假来进行体育锻炼,我总是很喜欢打篮球,所以我们班同学和我会组建一支队伍,一起打篮球。有时候我们可能会对阵其他队,而且我也很享受我们赢得比赛的那一场面。 如果你问我我最喜欢的暑假是什么样子的,周游世界是我的唯一的答案, 我希望有一天,我可以见不同的人,游览不同的名胜古迹。
