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Last night, I had an interesting dream.In the dream I accidentally got a magic pen with which I could write beautiful Chinese characters.Then I took part in a calligraphy competition.With the help of the pen I got the first place. I became famous soon and a lot of people came to beg me for some characters.I felt very proud of myself.But when I picked the pen up and wrote down a character, I found it very ugly.The pen no longer had magic. I was frightened into cold sweat.Seeing this, people understood what was happening.They all laughed at me and said that I was a cheat.I tried to find some place to hide but couldnt find any.




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我们按杨老师的要求:先跟他用英语“hello,how are you!”打了招呼。圣诞老人说:“thank you! ”我们接着又唱起了圣诞歌曲。





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One Saturday afternoon,my mother came from someone else hold a puppy home,I jumped up and down,overjoyed!

Dog covered with black hair,only the chin of a small group of white hair.I first met the dog,two great big eyes wide open,really want to say "who do not get to me,or care of my paw." I try to approach it slowly,gently stroking it,give it feeding.Later the afternoon we passed a little bit of contact,the dog close to me to take the initiative.I gave it a name as is "Jing-jing."

Sunday morning,I and the dog becomes a pair of Jingjing inseparable friends,where he and I went where,I ran it and ran,but it was born two months,say the floor a bit slippery,it Running up and sometimes wrestling,watching wrestling and funny and it hurt.When I watch TV,it lying in my lap Mei Meis sleep on a sleep.Yes,as long as I wear cotton slippers,it will climb up the foot bed,when you take off cotton slippers,he would lay asleep on the shoes,really makes you laugh and cry!

At noon,I feel too hot to lie on the floor and play with Beijing Beijing,unwittingly actually fell asleep.Jing Jing was naughty climb up my feet from my body,and then tail it to my face,head and legs towards my bed,shaking from time to time tail,touched my face itch.I hurried up,Jingjing has turned a somersault,lay down on my lap,I giggle again.

Ill never forget my little dog and the good times








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To me, the most interesting subject is English. But I find studying English is very difficult. So if you ask which subject is the most difficult to me. My answer will be English. Now I am a student, everyday I have more than one English classes, I like studying it very much and I hope I can study it very well, so I can talk with foreigners and know the foreign countries things, it is very useful.



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There is a legend about the origin of the lucky money.

Once upon a time, there was a little monster called "chong" who came to the world on the eve of the great New Year. It came to the head of the sleeping child and touched it, and the child began to cry aloud, and when he woke up, he began to talk.

Then all these clever children became fools, and only knew how to play madly every day. "Chong" is afraid of bright light, therefore, people on the night of every big year, all lights, keep at the childrens side, dare not sleep, this is called "shouchong".

There was an old couple who got a child when they were very old. On the evening of the great New Year, the couple lit candles and stood by their children. Suddenly a gust of wind blew and the candle went out. "Chonghu" floated to the childs head, ready to touch, under the pillow under the red envelope flashing a bright red light.

"Chong" cried, and ran away. The next day, the couple handed out red envelopes to their children and told them what had scared them away.

It turned out that the eight copper COINS had become a fairy, and he was secretly helping the children.

Tell such a story you know the origin of the lucky money! On the evening of the big year, children will receive red envelopes from their elders, which represents the wishes of the elders.



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“准备升空,3、、2、、1、!”,“轰”的一声,我乘坐的梭利亚航天飞机571、号已缓缓上升,尾巴拉起一团红色的火球,闪闪亮亮,在大家的注目中,将 前往新发现的太阳系3、51、2、号行星探勘,执行任务。太阳系3、51、2、号行星是最近发现的新行星,外表布满水银色的环带,当我们踏进这颗星球,不 知道会看到什么事物?

我乘坐的航天飞机已缓缓的靠近这令人好奇的行星,当我们由窗户往外看时,不禁大吃一惊,这行星上住着许多外星人,他们没有令人感到好奇的飞碟、幽浮;没有 令人感到可怕、丑陋的长相;没有令人感到困惑的奇怪语言,他们有和人类一样的交通工具,我们称它为“汽车”;有和人类一样明显的五官,我们称他们为“未来 的人类”,有和人类一样的语言,我们称它为“混合语言”,令我们想快一点去了解这些未来人类。

我们的航天飞机缓慢的降落在“机场”上,有许多“未来的人类”看到我们非常的惊讶,都呆住了!我鼓起勇气对他们说:“你们好!”由于混合语言包含了国、日、英语, 所以大致上都听得懂,这让我们都松了一口气,在未来的人类与我们讨论之后,决定去见他们的“总统”。经过他们的同意,我们得到一星期的许可在这边观察,因 此我们有很大的发现―他们使用太阳能发电,因此不会破坏大自然,而且处处可见绿色植物,怪不得空气那么好,我觉得我们应该向她们学习。

回地球的时间到了,我们依依不舍的向他们道别,真舍不得离开这个美丽的星球,和这些友善的朋友。但终究是要别离的,我们含着泪,默默的乘坐梭利亚航天飞机 571、号离开。我望着窗外,想着:我一定会记得这美好的一切,以及在那里所发生的点点滴滴。“喂!快点起床,上学要迟到了!”我忽然惊醒,原来是一场。虽然只是一场梦,但却是我做过最精采、有趣的梦。




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第二节课是英语课,“叮铃铃,叮铃铃”上课的铃声响起来了,原本还是一个充满着欢声笑语的教室,立刻因为这个铃声而变得安静下来。过了几分钟老师来了,把一切都准备好了之后,老师拍了拍手,笑着对我们说:“同学们,今天我们先来做一个游戏好不好?”一听到游戏同学们便异口同声地说:“好!”说完后班上就议论开了,你一言我一语地说着,可大家都不知道到底是什么游戏。老师接着说:“同学们,今天我们做的是 ‘What’s missing?’这个游戏。下面同学们请看电脑,这个游戏是考验大家的记忆力,下面我会给大家放一批图片,请大家记住它们,然后我会从中拿走一张,这时请大家凭着记忆想出这少了的是哪个图,并用英语说出来。好,现在游戏开始。”紧接着电脑上出现了五幅图,分别是“购物中心﹑邮局﹑小学﹑中学﹑历史博物馆”。这时老师问:“同学们都记住了吗?”“恩,记住了。”“好。”然后电脑上只剩四幅图了。“谁知道现在少了哪一幅图啊?”说着老师还做出了一个举手的动作。老师话音未落,就有同学举手了。“好,就你说吧!”这位同学站起来说:“少了‘a shopping centre’这个词。”“恩,真不错,恭喜你答对了。”老师依旧笑着说……就这样一节课就在游戏的快乐气氛中结束了。




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I am in primary school now, I have many lessons to learn from Monday to Friday, my favorite subject is English.

Last week, my English teacher gave us a task, she asked us to make the presentation of our favorite English celebrity. I chose Avril Lavigne, she is my favorite singer, I have listened to her songs for many years. When I presented the singer, many of my classmates clapped their hands, because they like her, too. Then we share many things about Avril, I felt so happy in that class, it is so interesting, we talked happily, we share our common interest.

I will never forget about that class, it causes my passion to learn English.






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蜻蜓让我爬到它的背上让我抓住他的触角说:“要抓紧哦!我要开始飞了!”我感到身边一阵强风掀起,只听“嗖”的一声,我就在空中与鸟儿比高低,当我往下看是,城市、村庄都像一个小黑点,在迅速的移动着。这时蜻蜓又说:“我要加速了,请您抓紧。”只听“ 哗”的一声,它载着我飞过了一千条奔腾不息的大河,一万座高耸入云的大山,停在一座敷在空中的小岛上说:“请您下车。”听见狐狸高声喊道:“人类代表到!”








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My father is a  doctor. He always tries his best to help every, patient and make patients comfortable. But sonetimes he works so hard that he cant remember the date.

My mother is a woman with a bad memory. She always does a lot of housework, but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness. For example, one day, she washed clothes in the washer, after the washer finished the work, she found she hadnt filled the washer with water.

Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, father wanted to get up early as usual, buthe wasnt able to do that, because he hadnt set the alarm clock the night before, so when he got up, he did everything in a hurry. After father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "He will come back soon." "Why?" I was greatly surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday!" Just as mother said, father came back home soon, and went to bed again--he was too tired.




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Today was fine and cloudy, and the sky looked blue. I went to visit Guilin with my grandfather. We spent 2 hours taking a bus to Guilin.

When we got there, we went to Seven Stars Park first, which is beautiful and famous. There are many kinds of colourful flowers. They are all lovely and beautiful. We took many photos there.

After a while,we went to the zoo in the park. There are also many animals in the zoo. I like birds best, because they have beautiful feather and can sing many good songs. We watched them gladly and feed something to them.

After that, we went to the Li River. There are many famous places and bridges beside and on the river. We met many foreigners. The river water was very clean and the hills were green. It looks like a wonderful picture. We stayed beside the Li River for a long time, feeling very happy.

When we felt tired, we took the bus back home. What a wonderful time we had!



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Today, at my home a very interesting thing happened.

Noon, dad is sleeping, I was watching TV, suddenly, I feel very boring, so just came up with a project and interesting game.

Ill take red, yellow, blue, green four kinds of color, then, go jump on your bed, with a red pen in his mouth painting lipstick, with yellow pen to draw father face, with blue pen to draw dad left eye hair, finally, in a green pencil on the fathers right eye hair, just like that, I give my father a make-up. Then, I went to watch TV.

Such as dad wake up, go to comb my hair, I burst out laughing, dad a in the mirror, shame flushed, even also cant lift up.

How, it is very interesting!


Today,there is an interesting thing at my home. Today is Sunday, so my father doesn’tgo to work. After lunch, my father goes to sleep and I feel a little bit bore. Suddenly,an interesting idea comes to my mind. I take four color pens to my father’sroom.

And then, I help him put on lipstick with a red pen, paint his face witha yellow pen, draw the left eyebrow with a blue pen and draw the right with agreen pen. Finally, I draw a very interesting makeup for dad. And then I goback to watch TV. About half an hour later, he shouts loudly when he is doingwith his hair. I laugh loudly, because he is shocked by himself and he isn’tangry with me.



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I think nearly everyone likes traveling. Sometimes we will travel with our

friends or families, but sometimes we will travel alone. I believe different

ways for traveling will have different feelings. And I prefer travelling alone.

Travelling alone is more excited. Just imagine, you go to a beautiful place, but

you have never gone there before, so you have to deal all the things by

yourself. It is very adventure, right? In addition, travelling alone can avoid

many conflicts that will have when travelling in group. Last, watching the same

scenery by yourself or with many people will have different feelings. Therefore,

sometimes you can think about traveling alone. It is good.



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My idol is Yao Ming, he is very tallI am 8 years old, One meter and 27 centimeters I dont feel like myself, because there are several students in our class, but my mother doesnt think so. He was looking forward to me for a long time, and there was a lot of jokes.

Camera 1, mom, why dont you grow taller? My mother tried to make good food for me every day, and the stewed bone soup was steamed, and the mother cooked the soup, and played my bowl of soup and said in the barn. The nutrition is rich, drink a little more quickly, say that the mother also has a small bowl to drink.I looked at my mother, and you said to your mother, "mom, you drank too. Why dont you grow taller?"? At the end of the day, the mother laughed and said, silly child, mother is in the adult and the bone soup does not work. Mom, for me to be tall, let me sign up for the basketball team, and today is my first day on the basketball team. Tired of my sweat to go back to the office, I dont want to sweat, I cant wait to ask, mom, mom, Ive finished the ball. Do you think Im tall? The teacher of the office laughed, and her mother laughed and said you were so xingji that he played basketball for one time. You will feel it when you see these.Some people want to eat the shell, yes, I did eat the shell, 1 chance, mother got a piece of information, and declared a lot of calcium-high food.There are rice soybeans, suddenly I see, the jidanqiao kelp can be the highest, each hundred Kerry contains 37796 milligrams, so much more eating egg shells must be very strange.So I decided to go to Changsha, I took out an egg to the bowl, and then wash the shell, and put it in my mouth. It seems that calcium high food is not necessarily delicious, well, it is taken. My idol is Yao Ming because he is very tall.

Once I was on the bus, the car was full of tall output, with a low head and a head on the roof.I thought, if I was too tall for Yang Ming, when I was on the bus, it was like a giraffe, so I said, mom, I just want to grow up to 1 m 8. If it is so high as Yao Ming, its not convenient to take a car, and mom says you can grow up to 1 meter 8, and Im satisfied.




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1. Whats too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?

A secret.

2. What surprising things happen every 24 hours?

Day breaks, but doesnt fall; night falls, but doesnt break.

3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears?

Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜)

4. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?

A mushroom.(蘑菇)

5. What person tried to make you smile most of the time?

A photographer.

6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isnt a cat?

A kitten.(小猫)

7.What is smaller than an insects mouth?

Anything it eats.

8. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?

An echo.(回声)

9. What do you know about the kings of France?

They are all dead.

10. What question can you never answer yes" to"

Are you asleep?

11. Why do some old people never use glasses?

They must prefer bottles to glasses.

12. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?

Because the instructions on the paint can say "Put on two coats for best results."

13. What two words have thousands of letters in them?

Post office.

14. What do workers do in a clock factory?

They make faces all day.

15. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?


16. When do you go as fast as a racing car?

When you are in it.

17. How many sides does a house have?

Two - inside and outside.

18. What never asks any questions but always gets answers?

A doorbell.

19. Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America?

On his feet.

20. When the boy fell into the water, whats the first thing he did?

He got wet first of all.

21. Who isnt your sister and isnt your brother, but is still a child of your mother and father?

I myself.

22. What has teeth but cannot eat?

A comb.

23. What kind of man can raise things without lifting them?

A farmer.

24. Why does time fly?

To get away from all the people who are trying to kill it.

25. Name five days of the week without saying: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.

26. What animal eats and drinks with its tail?

All do. No animal takes off its tail when eating and drinking.

27. What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?

A river.

28. What kind of dog never bite?

A hot dog.

29. Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor?

Because it cant sit down.

30. What did one invisible man say to the other invisible man?

Its nice not to see you again.

31. What wears a cap but has no head?

A bottle.

32. What rises in the morning and waves all day?

A flag.

33. What is an astronomer?(天文学家)?

A night watchman with a college education.

34. How can you tell clocks and watches are shy?

Because they always have their hands in front of their faces.

35. What is wind?

Air in a hurry.

36. What comes after the letter "A"?

All the other letters.

37. What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?


38. What word can you make shorter by adding to it?


39. What person does every man take his hat off to?

A barber.

40. Why does the boy carry a ladder to the school?

Because he wants to go to high school.

41. What can you swallow that can also swallow you?


42. Whats the difference between a hill and a pill?

A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down.

43. Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?

Because hes dead.

44. A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left. Why?

Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

45. What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running after you?

Nothing. Because Im a woman.

46. What always travels on foot?

A shoe.

47. Where can happiness always be found?

In the dictionary.

48. What is higher without a head than with a head?

A pillow.(枕头)

49. Why dont you advertise for your lost dog?

He cant read.

50. On which side does a bird have the most feathers?

The outside.

51. What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?


52. What is never used until its broken?

An egg.

53. Whats a skeleton?(骨架)

Its a lot of bones without the person on them!

54. What is dark but made by light?

A shadow.

55. What can you break with only one word?


56. What stays indoors no matter how many times you put it out?

The light.

57. A policeman saw a truck driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, but didnt give him a ticket. Why?

Because the truck driver was walking.

58. Where can milk be best stored?

In a cow.

59. Which can move faster, heat or cold?

Heat, because you can catch cold easily.

60. Whats the hardest thing about learning skating?

The ice.

61. What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?

A map.

62. What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness?

The temperature.

63. What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

It never eats.

64. Why is writing called handwriting?

If people wrote with their feet, we would have to call it footwriting.

65. If there were only thre girls in the world, what do you think they would do?

Two of them would get together ans talk about the other one.

66. How many great men have been born in London?

None. Only babies.

67. When can you have an empty pocket and still have something in it?

When you have a hole in your pocket.

68. The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it?


69. The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?

A hole.

70. Who may marry many a wife and stay single all of his life?

A priest.(牧师)
