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The book is an indispensable part of people, gorky once said: "books are the ladder of human progress."

Book, give me knowledge and give me wisdom, is reading I learned that Huang Detian teacher wrote "mingle" by the book, let me know how a lot of life philosophy.

After I finished reading the book "mingle", I didnt find the book he is our knowledge of an ocean, with books is the most lucky thing, in the "center", I read the contents inside, is he let me understand the center of this a few words to understand, in life, I still is to respect teachers, respect for their parents, their words, we are going to listen to, because they are more knowledgeable than we, therefore, their knowledge, skills, are stronger than we; Because they love us very much, so, they will repeatedly told us that we should never complacent, dont like some people, dont respect teachers in school, no respect for their parents in the home, often with teachers and parents talk back, never go to think about it, is for the sake of his good teachers, parents, will only complain their parents and teachers, teachers and parents are sometimes said to avoid wrong shipment, a review of the wrong you, that also should correct in suitable places, and have to wait for each other to calm down, just to negotiate this matter peacefully, but also by the other party, dont mad at go against them, this will only make them more more anger, only calm, calm to solve the problem, the other has said, jun not smell "dont listen to the old man said, suffer in at the moment."







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Life only have once, and people often do not pay attention to traffic safety has ruined my life.

In order to cut a lot of people, some do not go sidewalks or not go zebra crossing, dont look at the traffic lights, the rampage; Some in order to save time, resolutely climb over the rail, and the traffic safety of cloud nine. The results...

Now many people, cycling speed is very fast, there seems to be a urgent matter, the elderly, is unimaginable.

One night, I was window to write my homework, feel very tired, leaning in the window to have a rest. Suddenly, a young man, think good, extremely unexpectedly sit bicycle handlebar, not casual. But "it is the unforeseen that always have blessed", positive impact a flying motorcycle, because young people turn when too late, just listen to "bang" to a young man was playing out, head on the concrete, blood all over the floor, unconscious. I am a pain in the heart: a life will disappear in this way? How to call a person not forget!

Hi, do not obey the traffic rules, it is a price to pay, the consequences will be disastrous. "Traffic safety" in your heart, let us consciously abide by traffic rules, in order to avoid the happiness and sadness!




有一天晚上,我正在窗前写作业,感到十分疲惫,便倚在窗前休息.忽然,一个年青人,自以为车技好,竟然坐自行车不扶车把手,漫不经心.但“天有不测风云,人有旦夕之福”,正面冲一辆飞一般的摩托车,由于年青人来不及时转弯,只听 “砰”地一声年青人被弹出去,头撞在水泥地上,血溅了一地,不省人事.我心里一痛:一个生命就这样消失了?怎叫人不刻骨铭心!




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I went to visit the Great Wall this summer.Last week ,my mother took me to Beijing by train,the city of Beijing was really nice,we visited the Tiananme and took some pictures,then we came to a resturant to have dinner,at the table,I met some Forigners,we became friends and they left their E-mail to me ,I enjoyed this trip very much!



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Teacher, perhaps the two words you have listened to many times, but I still want to say to you: "teacher, thank you!" On the occasion of arrival of teachers day, I will always think of you taught my scenes at ordinary times. When I have trouble, you always took pains to my guidance and help me; When I have a mistake, you will seriously pointed out, and then kindly help me to correct mistakes; When I achieved good grades, you will always be cock thumb, smile with canthus.

Teacher, you are my teacher! You are let me admire, let me progress, let me grow up tutor!

Teachers, thank you!



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I have to say that music really has a strong attractiveness to me. Naturally, everyone can choose suitable music to listen to. However, when you find a kind of music which can bring happiness to you, you will be surprised and become excited. Music has a magical energy, and it can help people gain good mood in a great extent.

When you feel sad, you can have a try to listen to soothing music. At first, soothing music will let you calm down. You will find that you will play much attention to the music, and then your sadness can be decreased. You will enter music ocean. You can experience a baptism of your heart. It does not matter that when you listen to soothing music and you want to cry, you should just follow yourself feeling to have a thorough release. Music will give you enough encourage to overcome difficulties.

Music also can double your happiness and arouse the fighting. For instance, when you solve some very difficult situations and gain success eventually, you will have a great mood. At this time, exciting music will witness your success. You will feel satisfied. Music lets you remember the glorious moment and cherish your success. Music can give you unlimited motivation to achieve goals,because you still want to listen to glorious music.

In addition, music includes a lot of useful knowledge. People can learn precious knowledge from music. Because there is different music, we can find out that different nations have different music thoughts to express. And from music, we can listen to music culture. Music culture will givee you a deeper understanding to learn foreign culture, such as foreign language, foreign history and foreign traditional customs and so on. In a word, music has an important effect on promoting society development.

Music indeed has a magical power to help people and society develop. I believe that music will still continue to bring us many surprises. As the development of society, great music will become more important.


当你感到悲伤时,你可以尝试听一下舒缓的音乐。首先,舒缓的音乐可以让你平静下来,你会发现你将会把注意力转移到音乐上,这样你的悲伤就会减少了。你进入 了音乐的海洋。你也经历了一次心灵的洗礼。当你听舒缓音乐时忍不住想要哭时,不要有任何顾虑,就跟着你的感觉走,让自己有一个完全的释放。音乐会给你足够 的勇气来战胜困难的。

音乐当然也可以让你的快乐加倍并且激发你的斗志。例如,当你解决了许许多多的困难并且最终成功时,你就会有一个好心情。这时,振奋人心的音乐会见证你的成 功。你会感到满足,音乐会让你记得这个光荣的时刻并且让你珍惜你的成功。音乐给了你无限的动力取得成功,因为你依旧想要听到光荣的音乐再次响起。

此外,音乐还囊括了许许多多有用的知识。人们可以从音乐中学到珍贵的知识。由于存在着很多不同的音乐,我们可以发现不同的的国家所表达音乐思想不同。从音 乐中,我们可以聆听到音乐文化。音乐文化将会给你一个更深的理解力去学习外国文化,例如外语,外国历史,外国传统习俗等。总而言之,音乐对促进社会发展有 着重要的影响。





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This winter holiday, I went to the new added quite sheng tao sand island. Visited the merlion.

The merlion in Singapore is a landmark building. It has a total of ten stories, people can climb to the merlion head to see the view of the Singapore. The merlion is due to the tail of a lion. Its tail is tilted slightly, mouth beautiful spray, manly stands on sentosa island, the appearance of a pair of underestimates, maintained the Singapore day and night.

My parents and I climbed to the head of the merlion at a stretch. Mom asked a aunt to take a picture for us. Her "click" to press the shutter, for our family took a picture is worth forever.

We also went to Malaysia. Malaysia. I immediately with the coconut there is sweet and delicious.

Coconut is a tropical fruit, only this place is very hot all the year round in Malaysia. It is green, like a round ball. The inside of the pulp is milk white, very attractive. Coconut milk and health friendly drink, cool and refreshing, coconut meat also wonderful.

All countries have their own cultural practices, later I want to visit more countries, to learn more knowledge.









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Ha ha! The final exam finally over, also received your papers, winter vacation when I started in the wonderful ideas. Unfortunately, instead, I hope can play a happy winter vacation idea, mother broke the home from work:

Evening, mother came home from work, an enter a door, he saw us in the house of idle to dangle, mother suddenly angry, asked: "are you two in the winter vacation want to do?" We absently replied: "to play bai!" The mother asked again: "that winter vacation homework?" "Bai!" We replied again. But, these four words, like a match under the gas cylinder, 1 of "嗵", let the things around. Mother to our big flag of "political education", strong offensive made us overwhelmed, had to "pleaded guilty," wrote the necessary - the holiday plan. Content is roughly like this:

Morning: complete some winter vacation homework, back to 10 English words, to complete an English composition, etc.;

Afternoon: copybook a page, review the learned knowledge, play, etc.

Let me satisfied and the plan is to mix. Whenever writing heads, you can go out to relax, as in longjing rap song sings: "open your mind let it go out breathe. Take a deep breath, exhale the worry and stress..." To help grandma sweep the floor, to grandpa poured a glass of water, listen to music... Relax enough, to write my homework again, the efficiency will improve a lot!

If I can fulfill the task of the day in the morning, afternoon, then, is my free time, want to do, he wants to do. Still can watch TV or a movie tonight!

? My winter vacation plan all right?










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你登过泰山吗 你在泰山顶上看过日出吗

Have you ever put you on the top of the Taishan Taishan seeing the sunrise it


During the summer vacation, my mother took me to the mighty Taishan. When we boarded the Taishan peak, is already sunset sky. Taishan mountain is one of the world natural heritage, there are many famous people left a pen here. The most famous is the Du Fu "would be extremely Ling, list of small hills." evening, we live in the top of the hill.


The very next day early in the morning, my mother woke me from my sleep. At this time, the sky was suffused with white, and there are few stars gleamed. The tour guide told us, the heart is the brightest star of star. Now many people gather at sunrise cliff. The eastern horizon more red cloud, as the girls face flushed red. We hold our breath, waiting, waiting. "Out! Out!" the sun exposed head, in our cheers, the sun from the horizon jumped out, shine, illuminate the whole earth.


Oh! Taishan sunrise is very beautiful! This will be my most memorable summer memories!


篇8:高一年级英语作文:My school

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There is a beautiful school in the Shanghai West suburbs----Qingpu senior high middle school. She covers an area of simple more than 150 mu. And it is one of the lodge senior middle schools in Shanghai. That is my school, my family.

Judging by her system, it is not hard for us to know, every student who studies in the school should live at school. Really so, I live at school all the day.

Our school is a modern senior middle school .In each classroom there is a computer which controls a projector. It is the paperless teaching that the teacher attends class. Students dive into it completely.

The environment in the school is also the most. There is a river in the school side. And water in river is limpid, in which there is several small fish and some shrimps etc.

The gym installations of our school are complete. She not only has a tartan track, a basketball court and a football field, but also has a tennis field ,a shuttlecock field ,a table tennis house and gymnasium etc . Everything needed is there.

This is my school, my family.

I love my school, and I love my family!



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My mother is a woman of the old school. She is too conservative to keep up

with the times. However, she is goodnatured and treats others sincerely. For

this reason, all her neighbors are only too glad (pleased) to make friends with


They consider her a model woman.She is a typical housewife. She keeps the

(her) house neat and clean and looks after us with extreme care . She often says

to us, “You cannot study too hard.”



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It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. Whats more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.



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Yesterday, my mother clean the house, she did the big cleaning, so she searched every corner of the house, many old things were dig out, like the toys when I owned at the very early age. But there was one thing surprised me most, it is my photo album, my mother was happy to find it, she opened it to me, I saw myself in different stages. The photo album recorded me since I was born, I saw the wonderful moment my parents wrote, like the date I first talked, my parents took the picture of the moment. Seeing these moments, I felt so thankful to my parents, for not only they recording these beautiful moment, but also for they raise me up, they are such good parents that they cultivate me with all their hearts. I will return them when I grow up.




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Ladies and gentlemen,From Chart 1, we can see high school students are from different family backgrounds.

Besides local students, who make up 91 percent, eight percent of the students are the children of non-local workers. Another 1 percent are foreigner students.

As is shown in chart 2, sixty percent of them intend to go to university, which is double the

number of those who will attend vocational schools. Besides, the other ten percent choose to go abroad for further study.

In conclusion, it seems clear that our city government has made more efforts to help the non-local workers, whose children can enjoy the equal right of a good education with the city

students. Also with the economic development of our city, more foreigners are attracted to set up businesses here and they are happy to send their children to local schools to learn more about China and Chinese culture. In addition, we have more freedom to choose what we would like to do after graduation. Going to college is no longer the only choice for most of us as it was years ago.



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Learning English

How to learn English well?Maybe a mass of students cannot get rid of it.When it comes to Learning English,remembering words is one of the most important things to do.But remembering words is not a good business,it can take much time to do.And when you remember them,you may forget after several days.If you want to remember them for a long time,you should do it by imagination.As you remember a word,you can make a sentence to describe it.Then it can leave in your mind for a long time,even forever.

Spoken English is also important.It can be improved by reading aloud.If you read frequently,your Spoken English cannot be much bad.

Believe in yourself,you can learn English well.




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languageis essential; language is what we use to communicate among others. it is something that joins us just as strongly as it separates us. There are many different “languages” in the world but really they are all bound by certain rules, they all have a format that they follow, all of them have nouns, verbs, tenses, and adjectives.

Language is almost like a math, the point of it is that when you speak, you try to reach a conclusion with a different person, and in math you use equations to solve problems and reach conclusions, one is numbers the other is words.



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In addition to tension, enrich the study life, I also have a relaxed, enjoyable holiday. The rich content, enriched my life, as well as childish students career added a few minutes of fun and carefree.

At ones go for a walk after dinner is my daily required course. Stroll near the village of flowers and plants, breathing the fresh air, and the bird companion, to enjoy a rich rose, lily of the noble and pure, strange flowers, dinner and beautiful magnolia, cannas brilliant, I will gently said to myself: "life is beautiful." I use the sincere feeling around colorful, with enthusiasm to appreciate the very beautiful flowers around us. I spontaneously from the heart: "I, belong to nature!"

More to the book, I will plunge into the ocean, breathing the smell of the fragrance of bookstores, libraries specific, experience the fun of walking books. Into the ocean of history, qin shi huang burying Confucian behavior and anger, would I be for farewell my sad tears, for the various ge is bright "teacher heel dead" untimely. Stroll the palace of literature, I gradually realize the treasure chai helpless, dai jade talent, experience of Marys stubbornness, colin weak, experience of the early morning rain listen "yu, qian zhongshus" fortress besieged "...

My summer vacation life, is a poem, a green leaf, a song...







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The longing summer vacation is approaching, it is the best part of the school year for me. I cannot let the holidays elapse (逝去) meaninglessly, my vacation should be a phase (时期、阶段) of harvest. The events in my plan should give me a sense of infinite potential.

The following plan may reveal the intensity of my desire to travel, work and study in this vacation. In the first few days I want to climb Mount Hua Shan with several friends to refresh ourselves. Then I tend to visit relatives, senior school teachers and former classmates(老同学). Besides, to find out the best ways to cultivate my abilities, I will find a part time job and conduct some social investigation.

In short, I want to do interesting things in the summer vacation. Whatever I do, the goal is the same: to get necessary experience, acquire knowledge and broaden my horizons. Though the six week vacation will pass away at lightning speed, its influence is bound to last long.






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It is said that Chengdu is a city which if you come you cant leave.It has

a long history.there stands Du Fus thatched cottage ,The Temple of Zhugeliang

and some other place of historical interest.They are all so famous that many

foreign tourists like to come here.Chengdu also has a comfortable weather for

people who live in there.Even though in the winter it is still warmer than any

other cities in China.Besides,as Chengdu people are fond of eating,they have

created many delicious food such as hot pan,Three Big guns,and some others.



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In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to high school students is too heavy. while it is true that students need to study, they need other things as well if they are to grow into healthy and well-rounded adults. high should be allowed more time for play. plying is not wasting time, as some think. it gives them physical exercise, and also exercise their imagination. which tends to be stifled by too much study.

Finally, the pressure put on high school students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and mentally. i do not advocate the elimination of schoolwork. i do think, however, that a reduction of the current heavy load would be beneficial to students and to the society as a whole.



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When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their ownthings to eat. One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up asa cook. I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : "That isnot my ideal. When I grow up I want to IT (information technology) industries."Yes, I bought a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiarwith it day by day. Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with it.From then on, I want success in the information technology industry to makecontributions to the cause of national computer. But my father said I couldonly do in the field "testing the game," is what the new game, andalways let me play with, the report there will be any games. I think what hesaid is not their fault, I always play games recently, those who do not have aveteran like Flash. In recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will beplaying the game that the network server to the black. My account will revisethe highest level. However, I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caughtby the police network is not good. When hackers but also need high computerskills. As a member of the IT industry is my ideal, I would like to advancethis goal, to improve their computer skills.



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easter is celebrated on the weekend after the first full moon that follows march 21. that means in some years it‘s in late march, and other years in april. the word easter comes from the old english name for the goddess of dawn called eostre. she was worshipped(敬奉) in the spring. in canada, the easter season is also a time for celebrating the rebirth of nature. the long cold winter is beginning to melt into(融合) spring.


while all canadians celebrate the return of the warm weather, there is another meaning to easter. christians because they believe that jesus christ rose from the dead on easter sunday three days after he was crucified(钉十字架上处死) on good friday. to celebrate the of his resurrection(复活), they attend churches filled with candles and white lilies (百合花) on easter sunday. the lilies symbolize (象征) hope and rebirth. a lot of communities (社会) have easter parades (游行), some religious, others with brightly decorated floats(彩车), costumes and hats.

