my favorite festival春节英语作文初中【精品20篇】






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I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies.

His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it.

I think its the best book Ive ever read.






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Last week, my friends asked me to spend the weekend in the house that near

the lake. It is one of my friends’ house, where their families often spend the

holiday together. Though the house was not big, the environment around was

really beautiful. In the daytime, we walked around the lake and appreciated the

beauty of nature. At night, we made some food and barbecued. It was such a happy

time that we sung and danced. We talked about our future thoughts. Before we

went to bed, we watched movies together and discussed the plot. This is the most

wonderful moment for us. We share our happiness and have no annoyance.



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The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the horse.

Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal. On the first or second day of the new year, people usually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children.

I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival.






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大年三十,吃过丰盛的年夜饭,奶奶特地给我们包饺子吃,那金黄的蛋饺皮,让人一看就有了食欲,一口咬下去,蛋味伴这肉味,让人永远吃不厌,我吃着吃着,突然,我嘴咬到一个硬硬的东西,疼得我大叫一声,妹妹笑着说:“活该,看你那狼吞虎咽的样子,真……‘’阿姨瞪了妹妹一眼,妹妹才把后面一句话,给吞了下去,我把食物吐出来,妹妹转过头,轻轻地说了一句不卫生,但还是被我听到了,我想:你好的,幸灾乐祸,看在过年的份上,不跟你吵了。经过一翻查找,我终于把让我丢脸的罪魁祸首”抓“出来,是一块银光闪闪的硬币,妹妹又说:”奶奶你也太粗心了,怎么把硬币放进去了……“”你不懂了吧!“我打断她说的,用大人训小孩的口气说:”这是个习俗,因为饺子放在桌上,像一个银元宝,所以把经过处理的硬币放进去,吃到硬币的人说明来年会幸幸福福,万事顺利。妹妹说:“你别乱说,这肯定是错的,奶奶你说对不对?”奶奶带着慈祥的微笑说:“哥哥说对的。”妹妹如受了五雷轰顶,脸红的像红苹果,我轻蔑的看了她一眼想:你当你哥是谁,笨蛋加狗熊?错,大错特错,你哥 是天才。我整个人飘飘然 ,不一会儿就飘到九霄云外了,接着,奶奶一拍脑袋说我好像忘记洗硬币了,我的眼睛瞪得比牛眼还大,以百米冲刺的速度冲向洗手间,一边跑,一边吐口水,我疯狂地刷牙,好像世上所有的细菌都在我的口腔里定居了,等我跑回客厅,奶奶说:“其实我已经处理过了,跟你开个玩笑。”接着大家都笑了,我恨不得找根地缝钻进去。等大家笑完了,妹妹问奶奶:“还有没有硬币了?” “有。”奶奶说。大家争先恐后地吃着饺子,我们不是为了填饱肚子,而是为了使自己的来年能过的幸福有趣。




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When the children are playing with firecrackers, it is also the most busy time for housewives in the kitchen. The New Years food is ready for the first few days, and the New Years eve dinner will be made by the chef on the 30th of the year. In the north, dumplings on the first day of the New Year are also to be packed in 30 nights. At that time, the chopping board was busy chopping meat and cutting vegetables. At this moment, the sound of the cutting board from every household, the sound of firecrackers coming from the streets and lanes, and the spread of the shop. Pit-a-pat. The sound of the abacus and the voice of the cadence, mingled with the sound of laughter, rose and fell, and mingled with the merry music of the New Years eve.

It is the most lively and joyful time of the Spring Festival. Eve. The feast was filled with a table, a family gathering, a round table, and the feeling of fullness was indescribable. People are not only enjoying the feast of the table, but also enjoying the happy atmosphere. There are large dishes, cold basins, hot stir-fry and dim sum on the table, which usually consist of two things, one is the hot pot. Is a fish. Hot pot boiling, steaming hot, warm and provocative, the red hot fire; & other; Fish & throughout; And & other Yu & throughout; The homophony is the symbol “ Ji qing yu ” ", also known as "ldquo"; More than one year. . Also have radish commonly called vegetable head, wish to have good color head; Fried foods such as lobster and Fried fish, wish the family prosperity. The fire of fire. . The last is a sweet tooth, bless the future sweet honey, this day, even if not drinking, also how much to drink.



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今年的春节我是跟随妈妈在天津老家过的。到家后,我看到很多家的窗户上贴满了各式各样的窗花,有人物、有花草、还有许多小动物……一个个形态逼真,好看极了。妈妈说,过年的时候贴这些,是 为了在新的一年里万事如意,幸福平安。还说在老家春节还有一项重要的事情,那就是逛古文化街,并答应第二天就带我去。

古文化街位于海河的西岸,这里街道不宽,入口处有一个很大的牌坊,上面写着“津门故里”四个大字。我不解的问妈妈,“津门”是天津的门吗?妈妈仔细的对我解释说,“天津”这个名字,是过去的 皇帝给起的,“津”是渡口,也就是坐船的码头,古代皇帝又称作“天子”,所以天津的含义就是天子渡河的地方。真是有意思,一个地名都有这么多的说法。

街道两边的各种店铺都是些仿古建筑,大多雕梁画栋、古色古香,中国味十足。有卖食品的、字画的、剪纸的,还有卖泥人和年画的,各色物品琳琅满目。妈妈看我对泥人张彩塑和年画很感兴趣,就对 我说,这些都是家乡有名的传统民间艺术,一块泥巴在师傅的手中能做出成千上万种的各色物品,很是神奇。年画上的内容也都有讲究,什么《五谷丰登》、《迎春接福》,表示的是过年的喜庆和家乡 人对生活的美好愿望。妈妈还说,等你长大了,去更多的地方,会懂得更多、更多… …




去年,我和爸爸妈妈回家过春节。春节那天早上,家家户户喜气洋洋,放鞭炮、挂灯笼、贴对联……忙忙碌碌。爷爷奶奶在杀鸡、杀鸭、蒸年糕、炸麻团,准备一些贡品去祠堂烧香祭拜祖先。我和爸爸 妈妈忙着贴对联、挂灯笼。

中午,全家人到娘舅家吃饭,爸爸给老太发压岁钱,我也收到了好几个红包,我开心极了。晚上,爷爷奶奶准备了一桌丰盛的晚餐,亲戚都到我家来吃年夜饭,大家聚在一起,有说有笑,非常热闹。吃 完饭,我们就一起放烟花,看着烟花在空中绽放,有红的、黄的、绿的、蓝的……五彩缤纷,光彩夺目,美丽极了!在烟花冲向天空的那一刻,我就开始闭眼许愿,我希望全家人身体健健康康的,每天 都快快乐乐的。

等到晚上十二点,外面就响起了噼里啪啦的鞭炮声,家家户户要打开大门迎财神爷。大年初一早上,我们全家都穿了新衣服,爷爷奶奶在家泡茶,接待来拜年的客人,有小孩来拜年就要发给小孩橘子。 我和爸爸妈妈出门拜年,回家时提了满满一袋橘子呢,我可高兴了!





除夕夜,那可是热闹非凡啊,大家准备一年最有意思的团圆饭,煮好饭,大大小小必须祭拜祖宗,最后长幼依序跪拜,呵呵,最快乐的时候,当然是放鞭炮了,一整夜,连续放。“啪啪啪”可热闹了 !家家放烟花,五颜六色,可美了。这晚,大大小小的,都在欢迎新的一天——正月初一!

正月初一,虽然没有除夕热闹,但是也挺好玩的。这天,家家户户,男女老少穿新衣,出去拜年。晚上,长辈得给小辈压岁钱。其实意味一年财源滚滚,健健康康。我们还要祝福所有亲戚朋友,美好 祝福。因为潮州人说过:“有心拜年,初一初二,没心拜年,初三初四。”所有亲戚朋友,都争先恐后祝福大家。

有趣的元宵,这天除了吃元宵,家乡那里可是好玩了,每当吃完饭,走在大街,你会看见有些人在开始舞狮了。舞狮由两个人合办一只大狮子,一个扮小狮子,则另一个扮武士,狮子那些可爱,好玩 的姿态,逗得大家笑了。千姿百态,妙趣横生,大家来不及鼓掌了。







除夕到了,我们家早上就要洗澡,洗完澡后吃中饭。快到晚上时,我们要烧香拜佛,就是把菩萨放在桌子上,两旁放两个蜡烛,把蜡烛点燃,最后面对菩萨磕三个头就行了。拜完佛,我们家还要下 去为死去的祖宗烧纸,其实这种纸叫假钱,给祖宗烧纸,也就是给祖宗送“钱”。“这是老太太的,那是……”爷爷把“钱”一个一个的分好,就准备开始烧了。烧完纸后,就准备吃团圆饭了。晚饭开 吃了!团圆饭开吃了!20xx年最后的晚饭开始了!团圆饭的饭菜十分丰富,腊月下旬留得鸡鸭鱼肉大部分都展现出来了:肉丝(青椒肉丝里的肉丝)、大鱼、牛肉、鸡鸭……这么多菜,足够我的口胃了 。吃完饭,我开始放炮了,放完炮,等到十二点。为了迎接新的一年,我们全家下去放鞭炮,“轰——轰——轰——轰——……”到处都是这样的响声。鞭炮放完,我回家睡觉了。

过年有四天:除夕、初一、初二、初三。在初一初二初三里,大人几乎都在拜年,都在买礼物送给亲朋好友。而我们小孩,白天在家不是玩电脑,就是看电视 。而晚上,许多小孩跑到楼下放炮,什么 “调皮猫”呀,什么“疯狂坦克”呀……各种各样的炮,十分地好玩。




到了除夕,人们格外忙碌,家家赶做年菜,方圆十几里都能闻到酒肉的香味。有的人家正在做炸货,有的人家正在蒸年糕,有的人家正忙着买新衣服······ 在这天,人们在门外贴上了红 红的对联,屋里贴上了各式各样 的年画。处处洋溢着新年的气息。

除夕夜里 ,在外地工作的人们,不管回家的路程有多遥远,工作有多忙碌,都会回到家,与家人一起吃年夜饭,看春晚,等待新年的到来,那场面别提有多温馨了!

“噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦······ ” 天还没亮,家家户户就开始迎接新年了。家家洋溢着欢乐的笑声,大人们忙着包饺子,下饺子,小孩子们忙着穿新衣,放鞭炮。


瞧!刚上幼儿园的小弟弟,还没等大人们回过神来,已经给爷爷、奶奶磕起了头,嘴里还不停地喊着:“拜年喽,拜年喽!”爷爷奶奶高兴的掏出了压岁钱。小弟弟接过钱,忙转身,跑向老奶奶 ,“扑通”一声跪在老奶奶面前,大声喊着:“老奶奶,我给您磕头啦!”接着,磕个不停。老奶奶忙站起来,边扶小弟弟边说:“快起来,快起来,好孩子!”淘气的小弟弟好像没听到老奶奶的话一 样,继续在磕。老奶奶这才明白过来,忘了拿压岁钱了,忙转身,去拿早已准备好的压岁钱,小弟弟接过钱,高兴地跑了。看到这一幕,满屋的人哄堂大笑。




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On the morning of the first day of the year, when the sky was light and the whole family set off firecrackers, the sound was deafening and I got up. As soon as I was out of the house, I saw all the houses in the house. Children in the streets are setting off firecrackers, others are playing, and children are laughing and laughing all over the street. Shops are also open for business.

The most exciting thing is the noon. The streets are crowded with people. People jostling with each other. Some adults with their children in the shopping, some children with their beloved toy gladly running around and other children cried and cried out, want to call to buy a toy. The shops in the streets were bewildering, with toys, barbeques, books and clothes. Some big sisters were talking and laughing, and some businessmen were gushing. The heat is in the air.

The night was coming. As I looked up at the night sky, a lot of fireworks were coming into the sky and the colors of the fireworks were lit up and the sky was decorated with colors. I went up to the roof and had a bird ;s-eye view. As if the whole world were enveloped in light.



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Failure exists in every stage for everybody. As students, I think the most

common failure would be failing in the exam. Yes, I have failed in the exam for

many times. It is very common, because on one can keep the name of

ever-victorious generals forever. But some students do not figure out this. When

they fail in the exam, they need a long time to recover, even have directly

negative effect on their inner heart. This is not the right way to deal with

this problem. We need to figure out the reason why we don’t do well in the exam.

And then correct it. Try our best to get better next time.



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Before the Chinese Spring Festival,everyone is very busy.They want the Spring Festival to be a new beginning,so everyone is busy cleaning the room.They keep the room tidy.This is the first thing to welcome the Spring Festival.

The elderly take children to buy snacks and fireworks.But parents just stay at home to make tasty meals for dinner.On the evening of New Year’s Eve,my parents and my sister have dinner with me.We have a good time.After dinner,Oh!Yeah!My father is ready to give us red pockets.Oh,how nice the red pockets are!My sister and I both all say,“Peace all year round to my parents!Now,give us red pockets.” My parents give us the red pockets at once with a smile on their faces.

What a wonderful time we have!

I think “Everything goes well” this year!



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Nowadays it is common to encounter a scene when people want to see things

happen but can‘t make things happen for various reasons. The most important

reason is that they just refuse to create and innovate. With the accelerated

pace of our society,more and more people recognize the importance of creation

that is bound to make a difference in social productivity.

As far as I am concerned,we should all have the notion of being the

participants of supporting creation. First of all,creation is the most vital

factor to improve the inner competitiveness of our nation. For another,it is

certain that creation is so essential that enables many people to find their

positions in the company and careers in their lives.

Measures are also needed to encourage creation . First and foremost,the

government should establish certain rules to sweep up the obstacles of

invention. Some people have already complained much about complicated procedure

of patent applications or high fees to do experiments of inventions.

Additionally,high schools and universities can provide students with

scholarships or overseas learning opportunities,which will stimulate more

youngsters to join the group of invention and innovation.



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Spring Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. On the 30th day of the year, children should pay a New Years greetings to their elders. People want to be reunited with their loved ones and have a New Years eve dinner. To stay at home, watch "Spring Festival gala", while keeping watch; At 12 am, outside the home, the window, downstairs, firecrackers sound deafening, people set off firecrackers, completely intoxicated in the Spring Festival this festive season.

I spent the Spring Festival at my mother-in-laws house. In the evening, I watched the "Spring Festival gala" as usual, and when it was getting closer to 12, the host was counting down "10,9,8... 3,2,1. As the Numbers approached, the sound grew more and more slowly, and continued until 12 o clock. When the countdown is over, our house is busy! "Happy New Year! Chinese New Year! Youre one year older." Then our family went downstairs and set off fireworks. The other day, my uncle bought a lot of firecrackers. There is a gyro, a little bee, a pearl, a world, and a lot of names. The appearance of firecrackers also has many. Flower face, butterfly... Some of heaven and earth ring 20 hair, some of the world sounds 50, and there is another 100. Of all the firecrackers, the most striking is the sound of heaven and earth. Its about the same size as a small table. I can feed four or five people. It is also heavy and requires two or three adults to move. After a long wait, the other firecrackers were finally finished. Thats the beginning! "Knock! Pa! Bam! Pa! Bam! Pa! ...... "The voice was so loud that it was like a loud thunderclap of thunder.

Although I covered my ears, when the sound was too loud, I could hear it. In the last few rounds, "bam! Bam! Bam! Pa! Wow! The explosion of firework, like a flame, scattered all around. It was a magnificent sight! When I got home, my heart was still very long. Who will clean it up? Of course its my aunt and uncle. In order to make nanjing more beautiful, they would sacrifice the time of the New Year, to be honest, meticulous, meticulous and selfless. And are now on duty of the polices uncle aunts, they in order to make the safety of the citizens have a year, in every corner of the city of nanjing, dedicated to patrol the, thought of here, I entered the beautiful dreams...






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"Green" the eternal topic, let us better to understand the importance of

environmental protection.

Green environmental protection is to make us live a happy life in a clean

environment, however, the environment around us in a worse if we dont alarm,

then, our motherland will be a mess in our hands! Green environmental protection

starts from me. My dad used to drive his car to work, listen to my advice, to

protect the environment, he ride a bike from now on, he thought that not only

the exercise of his body, also for the green environmental protection.

My mother began to contribute to the green environmental protection. Before

she went to vegetable market to buy food, she used plastic bags, a village green

environmental protection propaganda on TV, she understood the green

environmental protection is sustainable, in order to we can have a better

environment. In order to we live healthier lives, so mom from that moment on,

every day go to vegetable market with the own basket, instead of plastic


As a new era of junior middle school students, and I will response to the

green environmental protection call for, I had at school are all use one off

chopsticks, but now I can bring their own chopsticks to school. I think, though

this is a small matter, but I do my responsibility.

Happiness of life to let China land everyone be permeated with happy smile,

rich products, long history, noble quality, the plot environment. Nowadays, the

environment is polluted, the green environmental protection starts from me, let

us together to protect the environment!



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The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people。In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food。They could only eat these during the Spring festival。So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon。Now,although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday。People still like the festival。Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family。In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes。

I like the Spring Festival very much。How wonderful the Spring Festival is!





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篇一:压岁钱Lucky money

The spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spring festival holiday, people do many things, such as eat the dinner on the New Year‘s, set off fireworks, stroll the famous fair likes “Baiyunguan” fair.


On the first day of lunar, the young generation congratulates the old generation with “Happy New Year!”


Then the old generation will give the young some lucky money which wrapped with red paper or red envelope. Because red is a color with joyful. Lucky money means the old generation‘s love to the young and hope them can have a good luck in this new year. This is the lucky money which lots of the young want.


篇二:Kids, How Would You Deal With Your “Lucky Money”?

Kids would be overexcited during Spring Festival, for the simple reason that they would receive “lucky money”from their parents as well as other elderships.

According to ancient custom, the elder generations put a certain number of money in a red envelope, and give it to the children of the family, wishing that the children would grow up healthily and happily.

How to reasonably deal with those “lucky money”is a serious question for parents and children alike. As far as I am concerned, two ways below are worth to be considered. One sensible way is to save the money for higher education. With the development of economic and urbanization, the competition is becoming more and fiercer. The demand of people with high degree is increasing, which means, the threshold for a “white-collar”job is higher and higher. Therefore, accepted into a college is viewed as a necessary and an initial step for a good job. Given the increasing cost of college education and postgraduate education, saving the “lucky money”is at least an economic guarantees for higher education. The other way is investing, and by investing I do not mean buy stocks or bonds, but investing in self-improvement. For example, purchasing some books, literature, politic, philosophy, whatever you like.

As Bacon said, “reading makes a full man”, investing in books you are interested in would expand your knowledge and improve your attainment. However, not only books could attribute to self-improvement, art and sports or other skills could also do. Invest some money to learn piano, guitar, etc.; or to learn dancing, swimming, tennis…Or just to learn how to drive is a worthwhile acquirement. All in all, you could name other good ways to use“lucky money” of course, as long as it is worthwhile, and saving for education and investing in self-improvement are definitely among them.



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The best thing to see is fireworks; the most pleasing thing is fireworks; the most popular is the fireworks.

I also love fireworks, love that beautiful. Bright fireworks.

My hometown is in the countryside, a small country, every time I have to go back every year, this year is no exception.

It was dark, no moon, no stars, no light. People were watching TV at home, waiting for the start of the Spring Festival Gala, and there was a quiet silence. Suddenly, “ a bombardment of ” a sound, breaking the silence. I ran out to see that someone started to smoke.

The fireworks, so close to me, bloomed on the top of my head. After the loud noise, it is like a myriad of small stars, forming a round ball. There are red, green, yellow, purple … … colourful, very beautiful.

Then all the people began to smoke. Around the sound, &ldquo bomb; ” like thunder, the sky was also reflected a riotous with colour.

I stood on the roof and looked at the beautiful scenery. Because the countryside is surrounded by mountains, so, when the fire and fire in all directions rise, it will appear to be very hierarchical. Its near here. Its far away. Here we see the whole form of fireworks, where only a point and a little light are seen.

Somehow, I suddenly felt a kind of happiness. Looking at the fireworks that bloomed, it was like a warm stream passing through it.

&ldquo, fireworks, can make people happy? ” I cant help asking myself.

“ yes, but I dont know why. ” I thought in my heart.

Looking at the fireworks, I fell into a fantasy. I dream of my family and I sat down to eat family reunion dinner, laughing and talking, not a lack of, a lot; I imagine my friends and I can happily spend every day, no worries, no quarrel; I imagine my future life rich and colorful; I think I thought everything, all wishes all; I can imagine waking and meet, he looked carefully, with listening to his song … … I imagined all the beautiful picture, the heart suddenly enriched many.

The lovely fireworks, like the pure smiling face of the child, make people happy. The bright fireworks are like countless glittering eyes filled with love, so it makes people happy. The beautiful fireworks, like a flash in the pan, just fell off. It brought happiness to people in its most wonderful moments, and left peoples daydream space to imagine the happiness they want.

I stood there and looked at the fireworks, but my heart had long gone, and I flew to the happiness of the fireworks.



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When I go to school, my teachers teach me a lot of knowledge and show me

the way to explore the world. I admire my teachers so much, so I have made up my

mind to be a teacher when I grow up. It is always my dream. I must work hard to

realize my dream. From now on, I need to make the plan.



全文共 605 字

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The definition of happiness always causes the public’s attention. Some

people believe that making a lot of money and earning great reputation are the

standard to define success, while some people think that spending more time with

their families deserves all the things and it is their bliss. In my opinion, the

meaning of happiness varies according to different people, but there is one

thing in common, which is their positive attitude to life. I am so lucky to born

in a happy family, and my parents give me all their love. Though we are

ordinary, I am so satisfy with my life now. I cherish the thing I have.



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First of all,I need to greatly improve my English in this semaster,for I’m already in Junior 2 now,and there’s no time to waste.

I’m really not good at English,and I think there’s a long road ahead of me.I am thinking about taking a TOEFL course on weekends to prepare for entering college.Besides,I need to learn something from my life,for example,I can read some kind of English books,watch some Enghlish movies etc.

On another hand,I wanna improve my spoken English,cuz its a kind of language which is used to communicate with others,but not just a subject that can prove I am a good student.My plan for the future is to study abroad,so the skill of spoken Enlish is really important to me.



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Every year when the autumn comes, there will be a sports meeting in my school. I am so impressed by the opening ceremony. Every class will march on the ground and show their features, which is very funny. Last year, a group of students wore the co-splay dresses. When they showed up, they caught all people’s attention and won the biggest applause. It is a great event for every student, and also a good chance to let students develop their creativity. This year, my class decided to make a big surprise. Everyone has provided their idea and I love the atmosphere. I am so looking forward to the opening ceremony.

