关于我最喜欢读书的优秀作文通用5篇 初一作文英语(经典20篇)

菊花虽然没有牡丹雍容华贵,没有月季娇艳妩媚,没有百合高贵优雅,但她那傲霜精神,确实令人喜爱。以下是小编收集的关于《关于我最喜欢读书的优秀作文通用5篇 初一作文英语》,仅供大家阅读参考!






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My name is Susan. Im 12 years old.My favorite subject is Math.

Because I think its difficult but funny.I like green very much.I often

play volleyball after school.I think its interesting .I like

playing the violin and the piano.My favorite day is Sunday.Because in that

day I dont go to school.

It is time for sports It is about half past four.It is time for sport.The

students are on the playground.

They are playing a football match.LiDong is one of them.He is good at

football.He plays well.He is on the school football team.LiDong says,"I like

playing football.It is my favourite sport."LiDongs friends,PanChen and

WangHaisay,"Hes a football fan.Ronaldo is his favourite player."

Look at the boys around the basketball court.Many boys are watching a

basketball match.The tall boy,Tanglin,is very good at playing basketball.He is

very fast and he plays well.Many of his friends say,"He is a good basketball

player.His favourite basketball player is YaoMing.His team is sure to win.

I hope they can be the good players of our country,too.




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Looking at the Great Wall, it is the brightest star in human history. In the earth, we can see the continuous Great Wall winding in the mountains; In the long history of history, we can see the time of the Great Wall. In the eyes of the Chinese, the Great Wall is a soldier who defends his country. In the eyes of foreigners, the Great Wall is a mysterious Oriental dragon.

Looking at the Great Wall, we seem to be back in the qin dynasty. Under the whip swinging of qin shi huang, the men in the harsh voice yelling, the suffering of the Chinese civil shoulder load lines feldspar, mixed with his own blood, with hard work, with a patriotic heart, with a fresh life, of the built in the history of the Great Wall, and the Great Wall of flesh and blood can stand in the east of the world.

Looking at the Great Wall, we are back in history. In those wars, for many years, entrusted with Great Wall stand tall in the above the earth, rivers, and between the throat region, time and time again to resist the enemys invasion, defender of the sacred territory of the motherland. And you see, the stone on the strong wall of the towering sky, which did not shed the blood of our soldiers? What part of the world is not weeping about the soldiers hearts? Where did not the white bones of the intruders be buried in the stony and wild patches of land outside the wall? Which one does not show the marks of the soldiers battle with the enemy? Then the Great Wall became angry, and it hurt, and leaped up, and, at the top of his head, the iron walled giant of the wall, said to the world, "whoever dares to infringe it will kill one."

Look at the Great Wall, in the wind we see the love of the blazing love - the state - heart!



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My favourate animal is panda.i think panda is the cutist animal in the world.It has black and white fur and especially it have black fur around eyes which looks like wear a pair of sunglasses.Panda likes banboo shoots and leaves a lot.I saw panda ate apply and cakes in Zoo before,but I know in nature world they would not eat these things.Now almost everyone in the world love panda,but only China has panda.So as a Chinese I feel proud to be born in a country has panda.



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书是知识的海洋,也是人类进步的阶梯。书对我来说是一个忠实的朋友。 书的作用可大了,通过它,我了解到许多历史、地理知识。祖国的许多名山 。 我都没去过,是书带我爬上了著名的华山、庐山、黄山,饱览了祖国的壮丽山河。 我爱读书,爸爸还说我“一见到一本新书就爱不释手,把什么都忘记了,连吃饭也忘了,好像叫书迷了魂。”有一次,我要求妈妈带我到书店看书,到了书店,我抱起一本厚厚的《全球科普大世界》专心看了起来。不知过了多少时间,妈妈走到我身边,告诉我说:“你已经看了一个多小时了,现在已经快中午了,我们得赶回家做饭去了。”可是我专心致志的看着我喜欢的书,一点反应都没有。妈妈只好“架起大炮”向我“猛烈开火”。没办法,我只好依依不舍的放下手中的“宝贝”,说了声:“多好的书啊!可惜没时间了。”接着翘着嘴巴很不情愿地嘀咕着:人家看得好好的,真是的。“喂,还不快走,你在嘀咕什么?”妈妈问我。“没……没什么。”哎呀,幸亏妈妈没听到,不然又要挨“大炮轰炸”了。哎!那么好的书,我真真的好舍不得走哩。

书让我知道了宇宙之诞生、地球的年龄之解以及恐龙灭绝和行星撞击论还有火山爆发论。我能从书本中学习到这么多知识,我应该感谢书,我更爱书。 书是人类必不可少的物品,它包罗万象就像一位见识多广的朋友,让我们共同珍惜时光,一起努力读好书吧。


通过这次的读书节活动,我知道了我们小学生要读对我们身心健康有帮助的好书。从这些书中我学习到了很多方面的知识,开阔了我的视野,增长了知识。就拿《安徒生童话》里面的“海的女儿”的故事来说吧,整个故事用了许多优美的词语来描写海底的景色,读了以后我真想变成“美人鱼”马上就游到美丽的海底去玩耍。“小美人鱼”的善良深深的感动了我,我也要向“小美人鱼”那样做一个善良的人。我从《蓝猫淘气三千问》这本书里知道了海底的神奇、宇宙中有许多的奥秘,地球属于九大行星之一,它是围绕着太阳运转的,太阳是九大行星的恒星。从《趣味数学》中我知道了数学中有趣的知识,我们的生活中处处有数学 ,我要学习好数学知识,好来解决生活中的数学问题。




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It is believed that summer is hot, very hot. But the summer sun is nothing to me, because I dont usually go out.

What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down on me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read . I read everything I want to read. For instance, I read my favorite author Dickens works.

Although my room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, Im free and happy, how I love summer!



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I like reading very much. When I was a small girl,I was interested in reading picture books on science and history. At the age of seven,I entered a primary school and began to read more books.

Now I am a middle school student. I have many subjects to learn. Every day I must finish a lot of homework. I am very busy. But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books. One day my young sister brought me a book XI YOU JI.I read the book with great interest.much.

I like Monkey King very much.



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Halloween Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the even

ing before All Saints Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.

Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern".

The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.

Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.








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The Benefit of Reading Books

1. 世人都说金银好,而我认为读书才是无价宝。

2. 读书使人充实、完美,知识使社会进步。

3. 要坚持活到老,学到老。

Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.

Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.

One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends.








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“烟花三月柳丝绦”只着一点点的绿色,给了我们新的开始。一年之计在于春,新的开始当然要有新的收获。 "Fireworks March March willow silk" is only a little green, giving us a new beginning.The year of the year lies in spring, of course, the new start must have new gains.










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漫步于书界,尘间的风微微拂起荡漾的思绪,我手持书卷,翻开细细品味,便沉醉于这弥漫着墨香的书海…… Walk in the book industry.ocean……









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Now TV has become necessary in our life. We can get all kinds of information through TV. The world is in front of us. The distance between countries is shortened with the help of TV.Every day we can watch some interesting programs to make us happy.

Although TV has some benifits, sometimes it has bad influence. Some students have no time to study because they watch TV in all the free time. And some programs are not proper for children.

So we should choose some good programs to watch, especially for children.



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I like the animals very much, but my favorite animal is my uncle picked up the puppy.

The puppys hair is yellow, his ears pointed, his high, his eyes round and big, black and bright, his nose black and upright, its mouth is small , Its tail long swing to swing, very cute.

Puppy eating food when very cute, I put the ribs into a small bowl inside, he far to see, all of a sudden ran over, first with a smell of the nose, it smelled the taste of ribs, immediately dangling, Big mouth to eat up. Puppy habits every time to see strange things, have to use the nose to smell, when it will eat something crisp sound.

It is always in front of his forefoot on the front, back on the back, he sometimes when he was going to sleep barking sound, as if in a dream.

Puppy and I often play the game is running, it ran like a river when the same action is very agile.

I really like this puppy, should be, it has been with me a good time.



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Summer I like summer best. In summer,the weather is sunny and hot.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams!Im very happy!I like swimming in the pool with my friends.In summer,the flowers are beautiful,the grss is very green.I can have a picnic with my parents.And we have fun! I like summer best!Do you like it,too?




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When I was a child,Friendshipis a box of watercolors, graffiti with tender hands out the smiling faces of the innocent colorful, inadvertently wet the paste, oh, its ok to draw a better, more real. Childhood friendship is like a warm fire, are unscrupulous argue, is each other in anger pursed lips, plunder the parcel together sweet popcorn... Friendship is a big candied fruit, whenever taste, are gay. Thats childhood friendship, is one of the crown, naive for jewelry, do tassel romance - so beautiful so pure. This is only the blue sky belongs to the childhood friendship, friendship forever.

Grow up, friendship is a piece of transparent glass, light the lonely heart failure. Broken, is hard to together, can only hide in a corner crying silently, quietly wake up... Where fall where it on their own strong to climb up, thats our footprints of growing up.





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In the future, can be high-tech, also can be ordinary, my dream is a very common, its just a small dream, is not science fiction.

I hope that the future world is a tree-lined, air pure and fresh and beautiful world, I dont want to tall buildings, everywhere is full of smoke, the blue sky "appearance" is already being thrown outside the cloud nine, then again high-tech also unable to save our earth a beautiful blue sky white clouds, and they will leave us, never... Forever...... , at that time, only the horrible plague and deadly disease could "save" the ignorant people.

So, I just want to let the world become the blue sky white clouds, flowers, birds and insects live very happy, vibrant has indescribable beautiful, is full of magnificent eagle in the sky, the freedom of flying in the sky, the earth is like a fairyland in general.

"Look, a beautiful planet!" Mars family patriarch said surprised. To start, general gawk, heads of the fathers, and some curious Mars people are ready to the beautiful dream of fantasy, just began, Mars the beauty of people was in shock, who also dont want to leave it, this time a long, between the earth and Mars are in love, live together all day, very happy.

So perfect planet, what can people do not like, other people of the planet is not exceptional also, aliens on earth everywhere, even on the sun of the residents also subsequently changed moved to here, then, in the morning and aliens say hello is also a "norm", those evil ghosts and spirits were purified, and made in heaven gods also moved to the surface, the earth vibrant, each step is laughter, the joy of living is everywhere.








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The first day is for the welcoming of the deities of the heavens and earth, officially beginning at midnight. Many people, especially Buddhists, abstain from meat consumption on the first day because it is believed that this will ensure longevity for them. Some consider lighting fires and using knives to be bad luck on New Years Day, so all food to be consumed is cooked the day before. For Buddhists, the first day is also the birthday of Maitreya Bodhisattva (better known as the more familiar Budai Luohan), the Buddha-to-be. People also abstain from killing animals.

Most importantly, the first day of Chinese New Year is a time when families visit the oldest and most senior members of their extended family, usually their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents.

Some families may invite a lion dance troupe as a symbolic ritual to usher in the Lunar New Year as well as to evict bad spirits from the premises. Members of the family who are married also give red packets containing cash to junior members of the family, mostly children and teenagers.

While fireworks and firecrackers are traditionally very popular, some regions have banned them due to concerns over fire hazards, which have resulted in increased number of fires around New Years and challenged municipal fire departments work capacity. For this reason, various city governments (e.g., Hong Kong, and Beijing, for a number of years) issued bans over fireworks and firecrackers in certain premises of the city. As a substitute, large-scale fireworks have been launched by governments in cities like Hong Kong to offer citizens the experience.



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I have a lot of like small animals. But my favorite animal is dog.

The puppy can be fun! It round little face with a pair of big eyes. Snow-white hair long below four flexible claws.

Familiar with, soon, I and the dog became my good friends. Every day I go to school, also want to go to the dog. Cant, have to again and again to make it home. When I returned home from school, the little dog ran to pick me up from a distance, it legs to pick on me, and with its little nose to smell of my hand.

Sometimes, it is very naughty, and it is the best cat playing with a friend. It is very obedient, as soon as I loudly shout: "the dog, dont tease." It shook tail to coming towards me.

I love my dog, it brought me endless fun!








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A week ago, my best friend gave me a lovely cat. I love it very much. It is special. Its fur is black not yellow. So I call it little black. It has the same taste with me. We all like eating fish. So, after it comes to my home, nearly every meal will appear fish. I like playing with it. It always makes me laugh. Every morning, it will wake me up. It brings much happiness for me.
