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As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places,we cant see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we do?How to protect our environmemt ?For example,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags when we go shopping,and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better。“There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well.




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It has been estimated that a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth. However, in the recent thousand years human population has increased nearly 20 times. Nowadays the world population has reached more than 7000 million. The population.

First, a lot of people cant get employment, which is a universal problem in the world. Second, in developing countries there are not enough shelters for too many people and so some people are not properly housed and even are exposed to the elements. Third, in underdeveloped countries a lot of people suffer from hunger because of food shortage, which in turn causes many other problems, malnutrition, disease, etc. Fourth, there are not enough schools for so many people and so a lot of people are illiterate.

Therefore, to eliminate these problems, human beings should take effective measures to control population.



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It has been billed as a hi-tech bike-sharing boom that entrepreneurs hope will make them rich while simultaneously transforming Chinas traffic-clogged cities.

But, occasionally, dreams can turn sour.

In the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, more than 500 bicycles for hire have been found dumped in huge piles on the streets, according to reports.

Pictures showed jumbled stacks of vehicles nearly three metres high, with handlebars, baskets and other parts scattered on the ground.

City streets around the country have seen an explosion of the colourful bikes that users can rent on demand with a smartphone app and then park wherever they choose.

The sharing economy is taking off in China, where ride-sharing and Airbnb are increasingly commonplace.

From Shanghai to Sichuan province, bike-sharing schemes are being rolled out in an effort to slash congestion and air pollution by putting a country once known as the "Kingdom of Bicycles" back on two wheels.

Companies such as Ofo and Mobike, with their rival fleets of bumblebee yellow and fluorescent orange bikes, have been locked in a cut-throat battle for customers.

But problems have arisen when clients have abandoned their cycles.

"Some people these days just have really bad character," a man named He, who lives near where the stacks appeared, told the Southern Metropolis Daily.

"When theyre done using (the bike) they just throw it away somewhere, because theyve already paid."

In the past few days he witnessed people demolishing the bikes before discarding them on the side of the road, he said.

Residents told the paper that bikes had been piling up over the past week, either parked haphazardly by careless users or stacked by local security guards trying to clear narrow residential alleys and footpaths.

Zhuang Chuangyu, a representative at Shenzhens municipal peoples congress, said the city needed to step up regulation of the bike-sharing industry in order to improve traffic conditions and safety standards, especially since schoolchildren often used the bikes.

In 1980, almost 63% of commuters cycled to work, the Beijing Morning Post reported in 2015, citing government data. But by 2000 that number had plummeted to 38% and today it stands at less than 12%.

Car use, meanwhile, has rocketed. In 2010 China overtook the US to become the worlds largest car market, with 13.5m vehicles sold in just 12 months.



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参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道、zebra-crossing 斑马线



With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents。

Traffic safety is everybodys business. We must obey the rules. For example, we must walk on walk side, when we cross zebra – crossing, stop and look right and left, then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc。

We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybodys business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks。






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When I walk on the street, I found most people don’t obey the traffic rules, they just ignore the rules, when there are a lot of people go across the street, they just follow them. It is so dangerous, the accident is very easy to happen, the car will hit the people any time. For the safety, we should obey the traffic rules.




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dear sir or madam:

Im a middle school student.


Im looking forward to hearing form you.

Yours faithfully

Zhang Hua


Dear sir or madam:

Im a middle school student. I have recently leamed from the newspaper that you are going to build a factory here in my hometown. There is no doubt that it is good for development of my hometown and it will provide us with more jobs. most of us stand by the program. however,some of us are worried that the factory will make much noise and pollute the environment of the area. I would like to know whether you have any plans for the environment protection. Would you please offer us more information about it?

Im looking forward to hearing form you.

Yours faithfully

Zhang Hua



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in the life, everybody has a lot of problem. for example, i am a wonderful student. i can usually get a high mark. i study very well. but sometimes i reckless of the examination, so, i can’t do it very well. after the exam, i blow it. most of my teachers usually apprehend me, but my mother sometimes makes little of me. she usually says that,’ honey, why you blew the exam, don’t forget, you are an excellent student, you must study hard, and you must get the high mark next exam.’

when my mother says that, i always feel very chagrin. i am not oracle, why i can’t make mistakes. but my father apprehends me. he thinks i am a children, so i can make a little mistake. i always study hard after i blew the exam, because my father cheers on me. i study hard for me, for him, of course, i study hard for my mother too.

when we barge up against, don’t trepidation, don’t be scared, and tell the tribulation to our kiths, they can help you.



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“盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了……” 是地球母亲,给我们带来了一个又一个美丽的春天。4月22日,当第37个“世界地球日”踏着春天的舞步来到我们身边的时候,我们不能不想一想:我们应该如何善待地球母亲,应该怎样珍惜地球母亲赐予我们的万里春光。 善待地球——珍惜资源,持续发展,是这个春天的主旋律。 但是,当前在我国,无论土地资源还是矿产资源,其保护、利用和永续利用的形势,都不容我们乐观。我们不得不问一问:地球的春天,是永远的吗? 尽管我们实行的是世界上最严格的土地管理制度,可在一些地方,乱占乱用农地和基本农田的事,还时不时地发生;我们大大小小的城市,由钢筋混凝土铺就的“大饼”,仍在一个劲儿地向四面八方扩张,吞噬着周围的万顷粮田…… 尽管矿产资源供给已经成了经济快速发展的制约瓶颈,可在一些地方,以浪费和破坏资源为标志的无证小矿山,仍在不停地乱采滥挖;即使在大矿山,“吃一半扔一半”的粗放开采方式也还在继续;乱堆乱放的尾矿,不但使本来可以利用的矿产资源惨遭抛弃,还可能在雨季形成泥石流,变为摧毁田地、庄稼和百姓生命财产的杀手;矿山采空区的地面塌陷和地裂缝,不但使农民失去了赖以生存的土地资源,也威胁着他们的居住安全;我们本是世界上最缺水的国家,可生产和生活用水还在被随意地挥霍着,珍贵的地下水被过量开采或者污染着;我们的能源已经十分短缺了,可雨后春笋般新建住房的粗放供暖,仍在浪费着油和煤炭资源…… 在土地、矿产资源供求全面紧张的今天,我们必须改变国土资源利用粗放、效率低下、浪费严重的现状。党中央和国务院高度重视国土资源节约集约利用,要求我们在战略机遇与矛盾凸显并存的关键时期,有高度的历史责任感、强烈的忧患意识和广阔的世界眼光,准确把握我国发展的阶段性特征,立足科学发展,着力自主创新,加快转变经济增长方式,把节约资源作为基本国策,发展循环经济,保护生态环境,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,促进经济发展与人口、资源、环境相协调。 为了建设节约型社会,“十一五”期间国家立下了几个必须达到的约束性硬指标:耕地保有量保持1.2亿公顷,单位国内生产总值能源消耗降低20%左右,单位工业增加值用水量降低30%,农业灌溉用水有效利用系数提高到0.5,工业固体废物综合利用率提高到60%(预期性)。

现在,各级政府和企业正在为实现这些目标努力,我们每一个公民都要为实现这些目标努力。资源短缺、能源危机就在我们身边,“电荒”、“油荒”、“煤荒”、“水荒”等等,正无时不刻在困扰着我们。珍惜资源靠你我他。只有全社会共同努力,才能使我们摆脱快速发展中的资源困境,走向资源节约、环境友好的社会。 珍惜资源,保护资源,节约资源,人人有责。让我们从现在做起,从我做起,从点点滴滴做起,珍惜地球母亲赐予我们的一切自然资源,使我们的家园年年春光灿烂……



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Population officials and demographers have much to worry about China’s increasingly aging population. It is estimated that the proportion of people aged 60 or older in China will rise to 11.8 percent in 2020. By the middle of this century, people aged beyond 60 will take up 27.4 percent of the total population — that means one out of every four people will be senior!

The aging population poses a serious challenge to families and the society. On the one hand, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. On the other hand, aging causes a relative decline in working force. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society will be affected to some extent.

The rapidity of the population’s aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. There is no doubt that the key is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, importance should be attached to overall social progress by changing the backward situation in social security, welfare and service. What’s more, family care and community-based services should also be encouraged.



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Bathed in bright sunshine and beautiful our dear alma mater. Teachers of students walked hurriedly, but also with a dew of the flowers will be contests ... ... constitute a campus landscape plan.

In this piece of great vitality, you can imagine how it used to be like?

Without an advanced multi-media platform, class, chalk dust from time to time will "drill" into your nose so that you can not help to play a big sneeze. But if you came to my school, there will always surprise you.

Came to the school gate, the first thing you see should the number of those few characters in red: the new North River Primary School. Look, in the sunshine, then a few shiny plaque, giving a pleasant feeling.

Continue to move forward, the most striking place is the fountain of Nazuo! Peaks rising one after another like a layer upon layer of the water column, which also has a colorful statue; a few naughty cute bird flaps helplessly fledgling wings, eyes filled with not only ignorance, but also looking forward, eager to fly vast blue sky.

In the fountain to the left, has a small flower bed. Where trees, flowers, dew on the petals of a flower child in the colorful jumping, rolling; delicate green and yellow earth lightly stroked the earth, Feng ER blown it joyfully dancing, singing ... ... see, big tree Ficus are so tall and straight, head held high, Look East from time to time, as if thinking about our greatest respect.

Continue to move forward, it is our playground. Every day, everyone in a vigorous manner the students exercise, vowed to have a strong physique, in order to serve the motherland. Well, two students were running the plastic on the runway. See this scene, I could not help think: Three years ago, the school using a cinder track, running up and dust ... ... Until now, our school put on the plastic track, that we can best play the best level of ... ...

I love my beloved teacher, I love my dear classmates, but even more love my school, because it changed beautiful!



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人口增长、 人口质量、 小学生肥胖、 养老与老龄化、 性别比例

1、population aging; outdated and abandoned; to improve the living condition of the aging population ; to respect and appreciate the aged; to provide safety and happiness

2、the number of males outweighs that of females;the population growth is almost out of control, the humans to live is increasingly circumscribed.

[考博英语作文23:人口增长、 人口质量



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The line chart depicts that the percentage of those aged over 60 increased moderately from 6% of the total population in 1990 to 15% in 2010 in China. It is predicted that the proportion will amount to 25% in 2020 and 30% in 2040.

Quite a few factors can account for this phenomenon, but the following might be the critical ones: for one thing, with the implementation of Chinas family planning policy and the improvement of peoples living standard, fewer and fewer people are willing to have more children. Therefore, the birth rate has dramatically dropped, which results in a low proportion of youngsters and a higher proportion of elders. For another, due to the fact that more hospitals are equipped with advanced medical instruments and more professional staffs, many incurable diseases now can be easily cured. As a result, the public can enjoy an increased life span, adding to the growing proportion of old people.

The aging of the population is also a result of social progress and economic development. However, this phenomenon will be likely to bring about some undesirable consequences in the future. Hence it is high time that we figured out some ways to face the up-coming challenges.




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Almost every country in the world faced the population

problem.China has the largest population, so the one-child policy was necessay. In America, there were 2 billion people 20 years ago, now there were 3 billion. Some day they will have the same amount people as we had in china, will they apply our population control policyAnyway we could be sure they will not critize our population policy at that time.



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In this new century 21, there are some "momentum" like tide coming toward us these the people. Brush weibo, QQ chat, grab a red envelope, brush WeChat circle of friends... . But the most popular or families are now talking about "two".

Two-child policy fully opened in 2015, for the policy decision, of course, someone glad someone is sick, and our family, also formed a "two sides" grandma and grandpa insist to have two children, dad neutral, mom, and I? , of course, is opposed to the reason, that is afraid of jumping out of a small one they called bean rivalry with me! Of course, this is the reason of my childhood, but now I grow up, but still hit the bottom of my heart against a second child.

If the second child, cause my family is the most direct economic burden. Circulated online, like a word "two-child policy to stimulate the building potential, stimulates the baby products market price, also stimulate the Australian cows, is not to stimulate our wages." Yes, two children come, will make money not much, but one more eat rice, how it makes family funds flows to come over? One is money, and the other is the effort.

Now most family are three living in the city, and the older generation of either in the local rural or at long distance, the parents go out to work during the day, children go to school, no one in the home, and let the child who is going to take? At that time, the older generation of the grandma and grandpa went out: "you dont have time to raise, we raise!" But what parents really comfortable leaving their kids with their parents.

Another is education. When a life after the second child, dont focus on the childs education, but to make money, some families have not a live, after all is a problem. If there is no education of children, when in the future is also increase the burden?

The last is the health problems. Now many women are already is "women", Eva is risky, as an old saying goes, cherish life, away from the second child.

Since the two-child policy is open, every New Years day is a holiday, relatives to come to the house a guest, and topic no matter talking about east or west, or south or north, will eventually pull back to the "two children" this topic. No matter to talk for hours, they were still relish. Finished talking, you should put the "target" to me.

"Jing art, how are you let your mother give you give birth to a baby brother!"

"Jing art, hurriedly to your mother for a brother and sister, after grow up or have a rely on!"


I wonder why they are said to have two children so simple, just cut the melon with chopping vegetables. They may never consider the mothers mood and pressure! So, no matter how they "alarmist" I remain the same beginners mind!















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In Britain we are often told that people are leaving the big cities to live in the countryside but is this the case worldwide?

Not at all. If you look at the biggest cities in 1950, seven out of the top ten were in the developed countries but by the year 2000, the developing countries will have eight out of the top ten. New York, which in 1950 was number one with a population of around 12 million, will only be the sixth largest city in the world but with an extra 2 million. And London? London, which was number two, wont even be in the top ten. Its population in 1950, by the way, was about 10 million. And why is this happening? Why are people moving to the big cities from the country in developing countries? The reasons are complex but many are moving to look for work. And the problems this creates are enormous.

Its estimated that 26 million people will be living in Mexico City by the year 2000, with Sao Paulo in Brazil not far behind.



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More than half of Beijings adult single children dont intend to have two kids, even though national policy allows them to do so.

The countrys family planning policy of the late 1970s restricted urban families from having more than one child to control population growth.

However, a new survey by the Beijing Administrative Institute shows 52 percent of those now-grown-up single children, who are allowed two offspring, do not want a second child.

Many cited economic pressures as a factor.

The results were released on Sunday at the Beijing Forum, organized by Peking University.

Beijing has roughly 2 million only-child adults.

More than 1,100 people from only-child families, aging 20 to 34, were polled.

Only 24 percent of respondents said they would like to have two children.

More than a quarter of respondents would opt for a "DINK" (double income, no kids) lifestyle.

Survey figures showed that respondents with a primary education wanted 1.1 children on average, those with a bachelor degree wanted 1.3, and those with masters or higher degrees wanted 1.5 children.

"Beijing has maintained a super low birth rate - less than 1.3 children in a family in average - for nearly 20 years, posing increasing pressure on the countrys aging population," Hou Yafei, a professor with the institute, said.

Hou said that the top four factors that determined peoples intentions to have children were "income, child care, housing and policy conditions".

"The government should encourage couples from one-child families to have a second child and should provide better welfare services."

This would promote population sustainability, Hou said.

The survey also found that people with higher education backgrounds intend to have more children because they are more confident with their financial security.




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Safety is very important. We often hear people say “safety first”. As a middle school student, we should learn to protect ourselves from every possible danger. Here are some things I do. I hope you can follow them.

On your way to school and home. You should obey the traffic rules. You should walk on the right side of the road. Don’t ride your bike too fast.

During school, you can’t fight with each other. Don’t play with fire. Don’t bring knife to school. Don’t go out of school without your teacher’s permission.

When you are at home, remember not to ask the door for strangers. Don’t give your home address, phone number or personal information to anybody else too casually.



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Better City ,Better life


Environmental problem has become an important and crucial issue. The abysmal lack of fresh water, the desertification, the green house effect and the extinction of creatures are the main issues in environment.


With each second that passes, a water crisis takes another step closer to reality. Consumption of fresh water has tripled since 1950; and fresh water is becoming a very scarce resource. Agricultural practices, mainly irrigation, account for 67% of world water consumption. Over one billion people worldwide dont have access to clean drinking water. So it is incumbent upon all to respect every drop of water and avoid the generation of waste.


The soil under our feet is also getting away from us. Removal of the natural vegetation leaves extensive tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion. Finally, desertification is accomplished. Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes: over-cultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and over-irrigation. The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the great difficulty in reversing or even slowing the process. Once the soil has been removed by erosion, only the passage of centuries or millennia will enable new soil to form. The tree planting is a dominant contributor to the development of the disaster. Another effective measure is to restrain the utilization of the land and to exploit the new technology to improve the productiveness of the arable land.


Our globe is warming up. GHG gases are the main contributor. Carbon dioxide emissions to air are almost exclusively associated with the conversion of energy carriers like natural gas, crude oil, and so forth. Optimization of energy efficiency and, thus, reduction of CO2-emissions and reduction of other GHG emissions contributed from production processes may be the first to be

discussed. And the mitigation of carbon emissions through the development of alternative projects such as solar or wind energy or reforestation, represents one way of managing a carbon footprint.


The greed of human beings is using up the plants and animals. Tigers once roamed over most of Asia and we can only see them in the zoo. Whales are once the dominant species in the ocean and now they have got out of our sight because of over-harvesting. We must stop harvesting natural resources to excess and bring them back from the brink of extinction. If we take from the wild we must do it in ways that allow natural populations to recover and last long into the future.


The earth is not the human’s planet, it is our planet. It’s time to take measures to improve the environment for both humans and other creatures. A safe, clean and sustainable environment depends on more than lip service. Both the government and individuals have the responsibility to minimize direct impacts against the environment. All of us can start planting plants in our home, limiting the use of private cars and using public transportations. And the government should impose necessary standards upon the whole society. The beautiful and vigorous earth will come back soon.




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参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道 zebra-crossing 斑马线


★ 范文

With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.

Traffic safety is everybodys business. We must obey the rules. For example, we must walk on sidewalks , when we cross zebra – crossing, stop and look right and left, and then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc.

We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybodys business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.







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Good afternoon, everyone!

We are studying in this school, and it is our duty to keep it clean and tidy. It’s not good to spit in public places, such as in the school library, in the classroom, etc. We should neither draw pictures on the walls nor throw rubbish here and there. I think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every day. If everyone tried his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure it will be more and more beautiful.

That’s all. Thank you.
