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现在,我们的地球母亲正面临着重重危机,而我们这些地球母亲的孩子却满不在乎地滥砍树木,破坏水资源,污染空气····继续破坏大自然,使地球母亲“病上加病”,发出阵阵哭泣声。地球给了世界万物生存所需的各种自然资源,她是无私的;而我们人类却是自私的,不顾后果地破坏大自然,使地球母亲身上变得“千疮百孔”。 说到这,我给你们讲个小故事吧: 从前,有一个很美丽的村庄,村子里来到处都是树。

人们对这些树都非常喜爱,从不滥砍滥伐。最奇特的是:这个村子里的人都能听懂动物的语言。村子里一片和谐,人们和动物有说有笑的。每天过着无忧无虑的生活。 有一天,村里飞来了一只啄木鸟,村长看这只鸟很奇特,再说他们也 没有见过这种鸟,以为是老天爷派下来的圣鸟,就把大家召到一起,说;“大家听着,这是老天爷派下来的圣鸟,大家要好好保护它,一切都听它的。”“行,村长!”“没有问题,村长,您就放一百个心吧!”大家异口同声的说。


第二天,啄木鸟带着村民来到森林,说:“这颗树有毛毛虫!”于是村民们便一拥而上,七手八脚地就把树砍掉了。以后,只要啄木鸟説哪树有毛毛虫,村民们就会砍掉哪棵树。这个村子的人们一而再,再而三的砍树,没过多久,树就被村民们砍光了。村长和村民们都很生气,要杀了这只啄木鸟,啄木鸟见情况不好,赶紧逃跑了。 从此,这个村子就不再像原来那样和谐了,动物们也远离了这个村子。没过多久,下了一场大暴雨,引来了势不可挡的洪水,使得这个村子被淹没了。 这虽然是一个虚构的小故事,但是,如果我们还一如既往地砍伐树木,破坏地球的生态环境,必将造成悲剧的。所以,就让我们行动起来,切记住:保护环境从我做起!亲爱的朋友们,让我们一起来保护我们这个世代生存的地球吧!



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1 教会如何生活 过分溺爱

2 指出缺点,指明方向 强加兴趣、价值观

3 教会富有爱心 希望值过高





Recently, we have had a discussion in our class about whether parents are our best teachers. Some students……


Recently, we have had a discussion in our class about whether parents are our best teachers. Some students agree to the point because they think parents help to point out their mistakes in their lives. They teach them a lot about how to live a meaningful life. What’s more, parents’ love helps to teach them how to love others. So parents are their most important teachers.

However, not all of us hold the same views. Some think that their parents give them too much love, and they are too eager to pass on their values and interests to them. Moreover, their parents sometimes expect too much of them, which makes them feel their goals too difficult to reach.

In my opinion, parents are our important teachers. But parents should also try to understand their children more and limit the generation gap.



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地球是我们人类的家园,也是人类的母亲。我们 依赖它,探索它。这个蔚蓝色的星球多么美丽,但 我们要知道:地球只有一个!

遗憾的是,许多人对于这个浅显易懂的道理却视 而不见,继续为所欲为,妄顾地球家园的安危。环 境科学家曲格平曾经说过这样一句话:“唯有变革 ,才能拯救人类的命运,也唯有变革,才能使我们 的子孙后代世世代代生存下去。”里面的“变革”就 是指环保。说得很对,所以如今有许多人拿着标语 在街上喊空口号,却没有见过多的行动。难道这样 污染就会好转吗?不!

看,我们城市里的河流的河水发黑发臭;排成长 龙的汽车放出大量的废气;成片的绿地变成“石屎 森林”;那清脆的鸟叫声消失得无影无踪。如果再 这样下去,中国将继续贫乏水资源,空气将变得愈 来愈浑浊,本世纪将有10%的鸟类物种消失。上述 的事情,我们人类是罪魁祸首!

人人皆知:树木能吸收二氧化碳,排放氧气,净 化空气,是我们人类生存的必要的条件。但是有一 些人为了金钱去乱砍滥伐树木,造成了过度的水土 流失,使大地的植被受到严重的破坏,绿洲和城市 也荒漠化,我们人类的生存受到了威胁。就我们平 时用的一次性筷子,每天都要耗费数十亩的森林, 在那些人眼中,树木除了可以做家具和建筑材料外 ,似乎没有任何价值。难道还有人不懂树木对我们 意味着什么吗 我们居住面积已经很小了,如果再这 样下去,可能连我们唯一的土地都失去。还有,我 们的母亲河——黄河近年来河床和含沙量不断增高 ,成为全国污染最严重的几条江河之一。我们不能 眼睁睁地看着黄河从我们手中枯竭,因而有许多环 境学者纷纷研究治理黄河污染的方案,试图改善黄 河的水质。但如果没有我们的共同参与,我们这个 生命的摇篮——黄河将会走向衰竭和死亡。

如果我们再肆无忌惮地破坏环境,大自然将会给 予我们惩罚。那些特大的洪水剥夺了不知多少人的 性命,还有由于温室效应,南极北极的冰川融化导致 水平面升高,海水淹没了沿海地区,经济损失惨重。 难道这不是最好的证明吗

我的家乡广宁是靠竹海生态旅游来发展经济的, 而今,某些竹林的环境恶乱不堪,让人叫苦不迭。 竹海生态游是我们广宁发展的根,如果根被破坏了 ,怎能长出茂盛的枝叶、开出美丽的花儿呢

让我们善待人类、善待自然吧!不知大家是否看 过《保护环境可做的100件事》这篇文章。其实, 我们能做的事很多很多。如,在植树节栽一盆花、 种一棵树;保护野生动物,是生态得到平衡;珍惜 水资源,不要向江河倾倒垃圾;当环保小卫士,利 用每个绿色纪念日宣传环保意识,让青山常在、绿 水长流、泥土永芬芳…… 这都是我们力所能及的事 情,我们为何不愿意实践呢?

现在,地球的生态环境加剧恶化,环保警世钟已 经敲响了。让我们齐齐加入保护环境的行列,创立 一个人与大自然和谐共处的美好未来,让人类与自 然生生不息地繁衍下去吧!



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(1) 生命离不开水资源 (2) 饮用水在减少 (3) 水污染严重(4) 应该保护和再利用水

We cant live without water, but now the water was polluted. It is the biggest problem. It influences our daily life. So we should find a way to solve this problem. Water is important resources. In our daily life, we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we often drop litter in the river. So the water was polluted by us. I think we could use a bottle of water two or three times. We have to turn off the tap after cleaning hands.

Lets try to form a good habit and save things around us. Lets do it from now on!

Water is very important to us. We cant live without water. But the drinking water is less and less. Because we waste a lot of water in our daily life. And some of us often throw rubbish into the rivers. So the rivers are polluted seriously.

Its our duty to save water, we must do something to save water. For example, we shouldnt pour waste water into the rivers and we should pick up litter around us.

If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear.

Fish cant live without water. Plants cant live without water. People cant live without water, either. As you can see, the water is very important to us. But now drinking water is less and less. The water was polluted seriously.

So we would act quickly in order to save the water, But what must we do now? I think we can plant trees, clean the banks of the river, water the plants by using used water. Turn off the shower while we are washing hair. And we shouldnt drop litter into the river and so on.

Its our duty to try our best to protect and save water. And dont forget that if we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear.;

If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear. What a frightful announcement!

Water is very important for people, animals and plants. Water is needed to many things in daily life, like taking a shower, drinking, washing clothes, making meals and so on. We cant live without water. But now water has become less and less because people waste water and pollute water. If we continue to do things like this, we shall destroy ourselves. So we should take action to improve the environment quickly. We shouldnt throw rubbish into the rivers. We should pay attention to environmental protection. We can use less water when we wash something. In a word, we should save water.

Take action quickly, there will be hope!

Water is very important. Without water, there can be no life on earth. People and animals need water. We need it to drink, to clean ourselves and to cook. What we need is fresh water, but most of the water on earth is sea water. The drinking water is becoming less and less because water was polluted by people. What should we do? I think we should save water. For example, when we brush our teeth, we should turf off the tap. We shouldnt pollute the fresh water. If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear. If we continue to pollute water, we will live in a thirsty world.

Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. The factory eject the dirty water, as a result , the water has becoming polluted and many fish species are dying out. We cant live without water. The earth is our only home and we should make it comfortable for ourselves. We should save water in our daily life. For instance, turn off the shower while you are washing your hair. We should recycle water. Dont let our tear become the last drop of water!

The most serious problem in the world is pollution. Water is the source of life. We cant live without water. But now some of the drinking water has become polluted and is diminishing. Something must be done to stop the pollution. Its our duty to save water. We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river. We should plant trees in order to keep soil. If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear.

The most important question in the world is pollution, but we know water, like air is very important to living things because all animals and plants need water. We, like fish cant live without water. We need it to drink, cook, and clean ourselves. We need clean fresh water, but we are polluting the lakes and rivers. Our drinking water is becoming less and less. If we continue to do things like this, we shall destroy ourselves.

I think we should follow the rules. Dont throw food away. We try to make a good habit. I know its our duty to save water. So we should save water and protect eh environment.

Now water pollution is the most serious problem. We cant live without water. Water is life. So I think we should do something go save and protect water.

One: turn off the shower while you are washing your hair.

Two: we can use the water that has washed vegetables to water plants

Three: When you see someone is wasting water, come over and stop him.

Four: Dont pour the rubbish into the river.

Though these are small things to protect water, I still thin theyre important.



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今天我来到了我爸爸上班的地方张集。张集是一个小镇,它是我的老家 。

Today I went to my father work place Zhang ji. A set is a small town, it is my hometown.


When I was a child living there, especially bad environment. People dont protect environment. Garbage everywhere wandering , house, roadside banks are rubbish home. Summer flies mosquitoes big party, stink smell strong, people crossing the road when a clutching his nose it. The winter wind blowing, leaves, paper, plastic bags flying all over the sky, like The heavenly maids scatter blossoms. , people dont wear masks glasses really dare not go out.


Now the desert is expanding rapidly, people already know the importance of Protect environment. Look, now a set like a forest, the streets clean, no dust. Trees, flowers in full bloom, the air is fresh, the sky is blue.


You see, in such a good environment we live now, how happy ah, we want to Protect environment through to the end, let the home is always beautiful.


The human is changing, environment is also good, let our environment have been down.



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a country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head,when she fell into the following train of reflections."the money for which i shall sell this milk will enable me to increase my stock of eggs to three hundred,these eggs,allowing for what may prove addle,and what may be destroyed by vermin,will produce at least two hundred and fifty chickens.the chickens will be fit to carry to market just at the time when poultry is always dear;so that by the new year i cannot fail of having money enough to purchase a new gown.green-let me consider-yes,green becomes my complexion best .and green it shall be, in this dress i will go to the fair,where all young fellows will strive to have me for a parter;but no-i shall refuse every one of them,and with a disdainful toss turn from them."

transported with this idea,she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind,when down came the can of milk!and all her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment.



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When the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerbergs daughter was born, he

announced a general decision and surprised the world. Mark told media that he

would donate 99 percent of his fortune to the charity organizations. Some people

wonder why he did not save the heritage for his offspring. In fact, in western

countries, for some rich people, they dont trend to leave much fortune for

their kids, instead, they use the money to educate their children and cultivate

them to be the wise persons. The rich people leave the invisible fortune, which

is their fame. Their children can have more chances to do their business or

receive better education with their family names. The wise rich men know the

best way to educate their offspring. They teach skills and the way of thinking,

which values everything.



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暑假就要到了。很多学生打算在假期打工锻炼自己,可是有些家长不同意。他们认为打工既耽误学习,又不太安全。请你以“Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs?"为题写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你的看法。

Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs?


Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs?

Summer holiday is coming. Many students plan to have part-time jobs. But some parents disagree. They think it wastes the students’ time and it isn’t safe as well.

In my opinion, teenagers should be allowed to do some part-time jobs. Firstly, they can experience different lives and get more knowledge outside school. Meanwhile, after learning about the difficulty of making a living, they will cherish what they have now. What’s more, teenagers should have chances to make decisions by themselves.

Of course, safety is the most important. Teenagers should learn to protect themselves when doing part-time jobs.








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Protect environmental health and build a good home -- speech

The teachers! The classmates! Everybody is good! My topic today is "protecting the sanitation of the environment and building a beautiful homeland."

We live on earth, and the earths environment is protected by everyone. Head is LanYingYing day, is at the foot of green land, the majestic beauty of high mountain, the flow of water on the bottom, the tall green trees, the bright beautiful flowers, the earths favor of human is so beautiful environment, we can feel life here is very comfortable and happy, some people, however, not only protect the environment, also damage the environment, this is what a shameful act.

Currently, yichang is creating a national health city. There is no national health city in hubei province, but there are national health cities in the underdeveloped areas of the west. The city of yichang province, the world three gorges dam and ge zhou dam are located in yichang, the golden three gorges, the silver dam, the green yichang. The beauty of the mountain.

In the second half of last year, we started the "triple town" campaign and should start from me. Now the streets are littered with litter, spitting and scribbling. The dustmen tore up the rubbish ads, the people secretly taped up, and the people scrawled on the walls with paint, called the "psoriasis" of the street. These dirty and messy phenomena and to be governed.

The three orders of the state have led to the prevention and reduction of pollution and pollution, and the protection of air and environment. Now there are more and more cars, and the emissions are getting worse and worse. There are factories, sewage, pollution and water quality that directly harm crops and live life.

What is the benefit of this environmental destruction, and the destruction of the environment? Teachers, students, and to strengthen the awareness of environmental protection, improve their quality of civilization, actively join the "tri-cities lianchuang" activities, must start from me, starts from the minor matter, do a civilized, townsfolk hand in hand to build better homes!



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There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years。 One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil。 the polluted air does great harm to people’s health。 The polluted water causes diseases and death。 What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities。

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot。 Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution。 Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today。

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures。 First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education。 Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution。 Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished。 We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves。







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The environment is very important to human beings, but some people dont care for the environment, also do not know the importance of environment for human.

You see, many people dont care for the environment, they throw garbage everywhere, some people think: what is a garbage? However, many a mickle makes a muckle, and neighborhood became a dump the most beautiful place. Some people cut trees to build houses dig mountain, beautiful hill into desert and house. Some people dont have time to cook, just walk outside in the fast-food restaurant to buy rice, I eat, after dinner they also put the disposable lunch box, disposable chopsticks thrown to the ground. Some people in order to display their own home is very rich, driving a car on the road around. They didnt realize that both environmental pollution and waste of energy. Some factories take some sewage, smoke into the rivers and the sky.

For the sake of our environment, for the sake of our life, I want people to throw garbage into the trash can, little cut down a tree much afforestation, try to go home for dinner. Will exhaust waste water is introduced into the ground, dont show how rich, attention should be paid to energy conservation and emissions reduction.

Believe in you in the near future, with the help of our city will be more beautiful!







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