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There are quite a lot since I was young, I like sports, they like the sparkling stars sky, how the number is countless. However, my favorite sport is climbing pole.

I like to climb the pole of the campaign, because when I was in kindergarten, I was one of the most naughty girl in our class, everybody calls me "drum". And I climb pole of the sport is also a lot of girls do not dare, dare only two girls and boys of the class, I am one of them, it makes me very proud.

I remember it was a sunny morning, I climb the pole and two boys game. Although I was a lot of trouble with boys than anything, but since I was young, I have a little afraid of heights, so the crawling crawling feeling more and more afraid of, have to despondently slipped. I low head say: "I... I... I lost!" In fact, my heart has one hundred defy spirit.

After school, I got home, he rushed to the front of the my backyard that rail, slowly began to practice. Unconsciously, I have already climbed to the top, I looked down, "ah... frighten to death me!" I never climb such a high place, the sweat from my face like soybean straight flowing downwards.

How can I get rid of my fear of heights problem? I sat on a swing hard thinking. At this time, the father asked me what was wrong, I put the incident tell dad, dad said: "as long as the body balance, dont look down, you will not be afraid." I according to dads words again and again to try, but I cant help sliding down every time, and I remember my father told me, his eyes closed, the body balance, I tried several times, oh... I succeeded, I from the rail down, very happy. I get this good news for the first time dad.

The next day, I and the two boys in the kindergarten again launched a fierce climb bar game, after the match began, my good friends encouraged me to below, and my heart is like fifteen buckets to draw water so anxious. Monkeys like to climb two boys, but they havent been able to climb to the highest point. I also not to be outdone, finally I didnt live up to the expectations of good friends to me, I win, my good friends around me to applaud for me. The two boys have to throw in the towel.

Since then and I climbed to the bar. Climbing pole brings me health and brings joy, it is one of my favorite sports.











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Today our school hold a sports meeting.it begans at ninght aclock.there have many kinds of match such as high jumping,one_handred meters race,basketball and so on.i and my class cheers for our class.in the end our class ranks two and i feel cooperatiom and friendship is how important!

Sports Meeting

Last month we had a sports meeting.Though the weather wasnt very fine that day,the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.

This time,I was even more excited.Because I went in for the sports meeting and my item was high jump.I didnt want to get any place,I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasnt good at sports.

When I got to the field with my friend.I was both excited and nervous.When I saw the first height,my heart could hardly heat.How high it was!It was higher than our desks.I couldnt believe my eyes.This was too high for me to jump over.I wasnt nervous at that timewhile I was a bit afraid.But I had gone there,I must have a try.

Not long after,the game began.The first person was great.He jumped over easily.I was too surprised to say a word.The second was good,too.The third nearly jumped over,but he wasnt bad…

It was my turn.I had a deep breath and then ran towards.In front of the pole,I began to jump.Oh,no!My right foot hit the pole.“I failed.” I thought.And then,another unlucky thing happened.I didnt stand firm and I tumbled.I hurt my back badly.At that moment I felt my back was broken.It was too painful.It seemed that the people around field all didnt know that,they only laughed at my foolish posture.After a very short rest,I stood up.

I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face.My friend hurried to come to me.He asked me if this was terrible.I was too pained with my back to answer his questions.I only shook my head.I was sad.Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldnt go on in the game.I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.

Though I didnt have the whole game.I was still very happy.Because a lot of my classmates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good places.They were all best in my eyes.I was thankful to them for doing their best for our class.




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Gorky once said that books are the ladder of human progress, I like this proverb, because I also love reading.

Since Im in grade two, my mother is in the county library for a card for me, and I go to borrow two books every week, every day after school I rushed to the room and quickly took out a book, it seems, a reading, I still, no matter how mom called me, I just casually promise, until I read the entire book, to do something else, for that mother always said I have the book, dont eat not to sleep.

Third grade, I fell in love with the smile cat diary, go to the library every time, I want to borrow, because the characters in this series a smiling cat experience deeply attracted me, it will make me feel dolorous sensitized.

On one occasion, I borrowed a smiling cat series of the book the black in the afternoon, I watched with relish, when I saw the earthquake comes, laughing cat a lost, my tears fell like pearls, mother urging me to go to bed at this moment, but I still dont mean to leave, sitting eyes still staring at the book, the results make mother angry, very very batch of my meal, cant, so I closed the book reluctantly go to sleep.

Look, thats how I love reading, I love the book company, do a happy reader.








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I’m neither interested in sports nor good at it. But except swimming. I can swim since I was a baby. My mother tells me that she let me swim in the water with a life-buoy when I was 20 days old. And then I can swim gradually. When I grow up, I like swimming very much. I swim all the year round. Swimming in summer makes me feel comfortable to lower my temperature. While winter swimming makes me feel excited and achievability. In general, swimming keeps me fit in both physical and mental. Whenever I feel upset, I would go swimming and then I would be full of energy and feel relax. Besides I believe it is due to swimming that I’m so thin. Who wants to lose weight, join me. We can make more friends in swimming. Oh, I couldn’t wait to swim now. But it is ten o’clock in the evening. I have to go to sleep. Good night everyone.




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Hello, My name is Tiger。 I am 11 years old。

Today I will talk about sport。 I like basketball, chess and football。 Basketball is my favourite sport。 Basketball is an interesting sport。 I think who play Basketball often can get cleverer and fitter than who does not。 Im good at playing basketball。 I always play it with my good friends Cookie and Simmon。 Sometimes we just play it for fun, sometimes for match。 I like match, even if we are the losers。 We run to each other, pass the ball to others, teacher always tells as to help your team to put the ball in basketball stand。 Playing basketball tells me that when you are in the team, you should do teamwork。

I like playing basketball。 Therefore I like NBA。 NBA the Lakers and Rocket are my favorite teams。 I have my favourite basketball players too 。They are Yaoming and Kobe Bryant。 On Sunday I like to watch basketball matches with my father。 I yell when they get points for their team。 I hope I can join BNA one day。 Although I am not tall enough, I want to be a good basketball player。




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1.   竞赛  比赛  锻炼  训练  田径  球类  跳高

2.   跳远  跨栏  标枪  铅球  排球  足球  篮球  体操  航模

3.   船模  登山  溜冰  滑板  游泳  跳水  棋赛  长跑  短跑

4.   初赛  预赛  决赛  种子 抽签  角逐  对抗  抗衡  恶战

5.   过关  出线  力克  力挫  轻取  险胜  夺标  夺魁  榜首

6.   宝座  卫冕  囊括  问鼎  平局  逼和  败阵  落马  失利

7.   淘汰  劲旅  高手  教练  裁判  健儿  选手  赛手  小将

8.   老将  宿将  名将  新秀  冠军  亚军  奖杯  奖牌鲜花

9.   升旗  国歌  荣誉  健美  健壮  健步  健全  健康  健将

10.   强健  体魄  矫健  敏捷  灵巧  顽强  竭力  稳步  稳健

11.   稳固  沉着  沉稳  慌张  活泼  灵活  利落  干脆  激烈

12.   精彩  巧妙  争夺  狡猾  心计  策划  紧张  轻松  表演

13.   观赏  优美  交锋  交战  拼抢  拼搏  输赢  挑战  迎战

14.   助兴  喝彩  兴致  助威  助阵  督战  绝招  斗志  气馁

15.   信心  悬殊  配合  机敏  激动  遗憾  轻视  重视  急躁

16.   耐心  振奋  坚决  坚韧  顽强  果断  犹豫  意志  踊跃

17.   喜悦  英姿  豪情  喧哗  洋溢  热情  气氛  神情  轻盈

18.   造型  焦急  踉跄  追赶  高潮  领先  战胜  鼓劲  呐喊

19.   镇静  情绪  气势  士气  欢呼  激动  激昂  沸腾  角逐

20.   驰骋  机会  成功  激战  鏖战

21.   橄榄球  羽毛球  保龄球  乒乓球  自行车  摩托车  高低杠

22.   团体操  健美操  奥运会  运动会  校运会  友谊赛  拉拉队

23.   运动员

24.   步伐整齐  信心百倍  意气风发  精神抖擞  精神萎靡

25.   英姿飒爽  英勇无畏  摩拳擦掌  跃跃欲试  大显身手

26.   大步流星  大刀阔斧  大喊大叫  大起大落  全力拼搏

27.   勇猛顽强  敢打敢拼  沉着应战  毫不示弱  难分难解

28.   生气勃勃  灵活敏捷  旗开得胜  精神振奋  积极准备

29.   斗志旺盛  大局已定  一马当先  一路领先  一瘸一拐

30.   两面夹击  两相配合  出乎意料  紧张激烈  紧追不舍

31.   咬紧牙关  竭尽全力  奋力拼搏  遥遥领先  并驾齐驱

32.   生龙活虎  龙争虎斗  龙腾虎跃  你追我赶  你争我夺

33.   争先恐后  风驰电掣  风云莫测  风虎云龙  健步如飞

34.   身轻如燕  不甘示弱  不动声色  不负众望  不骄不馁

35.   不分上下  不可开交  不顾一切  不可阻挡  急起直追

36.   急中生智  左右开弓  左冲右突  左躲右闪  扣人心弦

37.   毫无惧色  毫不气馁  脚下生风  离弦之箭  长驱直人

38.   勇往直前  勇战强手  沉着应战  变化无常  变幻莫测

39.   胜负难料  胜券在握  胜利在望  稳扎稳打  稳如泰山

40.   稳定军心  稳住局势  稳操胜券  反败为胜  反复争夺

41.   士气大振  士气高昂  流星赶月  难分难解  难分高下

42.   出奇制胜  身手不凡  气喘吁吁  气势逼人  全力拼抢

43.   全场紧逼  全力防守  全力以赴  全面出击  防守严密

44.   防不胜防  叫苦不迭  以攻为守  以快制慢  以静制动

45.   以逸待劳  以退为进  险象环生  频频命中  连连得分

46.   连连失误  轻装上阵  猛打猛冲  配合默契  野马脱缰

47.   腾空而起  调兵遣将  高潮迭起  棋逢对手  旗鼓相当

48.   首开纪录  大局已定  将遇良才  名不虚传  所向披靡

49.   无所畏惧  中流击水  眼疾手快  势均力敌  下定决心

50.   此起彼伏  兴高采烈  艺术体操  人头攒动  人山人海

51.   掌声雷动  欢声雷动  万众欢腾  一举成名  一鸣惊人

52.   厉兵秣马  新人辈出  大将风度  充满信心  意在夺冠

53.   旗鼓相当  势均力敌  十拿九稳  一决雌雄  攻势凌厉

54.   变化多端  大板扣杀  凌空一脚  勇猛冲杀  手疾眼快

55.   腾空而起  纵身一跃  身轻如燕  身怀绝技  一鼓作气

56.   千钧一发’马到成功  首战告捷  一帆风顺  一举成功

57.   力克群芳  力挫群雄  两雄相遇  一场鏖战  使出高招

58.   越位犯规  要求暂停  面授机宜  反败为胜  化险为夷

59.   瞬息万变  主动出击  主动进攻  连破纪录  捷报频传

60.   难分胜负  不分高低  鹿死谁手  略胜一筹  棋高一着

61.   两军对峙  相持不下  阵容强大  强手如林  灵活多变

62.   声东击西  老谋深算  初生牛犊  令人叫绝  叹为观止

63.   荣获冠军  蝉联冠军  卫冕成功  屈居第二  创造纪录

64.   打破纪录  刷新纪录  锁定胜局  集训提高  从严要求

65.   首战告捷  充实力量  调整部署  后生可畏  后来居上

66.   呕心沥血  冲出亚洲  友谊第一  为国争光  增强体质

67.   再造辉煌  出师不利  败下阵来  军心涣散  士气不振

68.   顾此失彼  措手不及  一筹莫展  一蹶不振  一落千丈

69.   一败涂地  纷纷落马  溃不成军  有名无实  外强中干

70.   不堪一击  被动挨打  节节败退  存在差距  准备不足

71.   指挥失当  判断错误  令人叹息  疲于奔命  招架不住

72.   军心动摇  被动挨打  疲惫不堪  大败而归  一败涂地



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记得那是上五年级时的第一个学期的一个下午,第二节课是体育,同学们高兴极了,上 课了,同学活蹦乱跳得下了楼,站好了队以后,老师发令了:“今天我们比赛接力跑(因为我们对接力跑的比赛规则很熟悉,所以老师不用太多的介绍。)以竖排为组,跑。跑!老师的话音刚落,再第一排的同学们,就像子弹那样飞了过去,第一局我们不领先,同学们不管怎么样,都还是非常热情的喊:"加油!加油!快点!快点!加油!加油!冲啊!------也都在喊加油,可见同学们,都非常团结集体。老师喊:"第二局开始!每一组同学都信心百倍,他们心里一定想:我们组一定会赢的。比赛正式开始了,同学们拼命的跑,都想拿个第一,这就体现了班级互相竞争的精神,但终究还是要分一个第一和第二,我想告诉大家:成功不要骄傲,失败也不要气馁。






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Our school will hold a sports meeting soon.It will be held from March 1st to 3rd in our school gym.I think a lot of athletes who are the best of our school will compete for the prize.This meeting will have a lot of sprots,including basketball,running,footbal,high-jump,long-jump and others.It is obvious that I am not good at any of it.But you,Jack,I konw you are good at running.Can you take part in the 400-metre-run to honour for our class?If you agreed,you must go to the gym at 3:00p.m..Dont be late,or you wont able to enter it.Good luck!All of the class hope you can get any of the prize!



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Basketball 篮球

Volleyball 排球

Baseball 棒球

Badminton 羽毛球

Tennis 网球

Table tennis 乒乓球

Softball 垒球

Golf 高尔夫球

Billiards 台球

Jogging 慢跑

Swim 游泳

High jump 跳高

Mountain climbing 爬山

Singing 唱歌

Dance 跳舞

Setting-up exercise 健身操

Yoga 瑜伽

Wushu 武术

Judo 柔道



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Do the housework today who are not at home, mom and dad all overtime, only I a person, I thought: "my mother every day to go home to do housework, who today is not in, Ill baby wash bowl.


I looked at the table a pile of children bowl, made to stay for a while and decided to help his mother wash the dishes, I put the bowl to hold oil pool, and then put detergent in the pot, pour water stir up small bubbles, you can now put the bowl in the baby bubble bath, wash for a moment I gave the baby wash bowl a bowl of water bath, the baby clean like smiling at me!


Looking at your work, I was so happy!



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Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading.

First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history. Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only know what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age.

Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening. Books record a wide range of things about life. Through reading, we can know various aspects of life.

All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading.








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As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it.”

From this, we know that health is very important to everybody. But how to keep

fit? Many people believe that sports can offer people health and pleasure. As

far as I concern, I think doing physical exercises have lots of advantages.

First of all, doing exercises in the morning will refresh my body as well

as give me a good appetite to eat my breakfast. What’s more, the air in the

morning is really fresh and clean, so I can keep my mind clear and sound in the

class. By doing physical every day I can keep my mind alert that I can finish my

tasks in time. If I do not do any physical exercise, I will feel tired and my

body becomes quite sluggish. During the night, I may find it becomes harder to

fall asleep. Second, doing exercises everyday will help me to mound a better

personality. It takes time and patient to do exercises. Sometimes I just want to

give up, but my friends encourage me to carry on, then I feel a lot of

satisfaction. Doing physical exercises makes me stronger and healthier. That’s

my personal experience.

As a student, sports are indispensable. You can pick up your favorite sport

and do it every day. Only in this way, you can have both pleasure and a healthy




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Among all the sports, I like basketball most.


It is both an indoor and outdoor sport.


People in everywhere like to play or watch this game.


I also like to watch people playing basketball on TV.


I often play it with some friends after school, and sometimes we play it on Sunday afternoon.


I am very good at basketball, but I am not the best player in my team.


Basketball can make me happy and healthy, and I really enjoy playing it.





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篇17:运动的好处 300字

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Things in life than the books. It can let us know the heaven and earth,

know life. It makes our temperament, not pleased by external gains, not to

sorrow. Books are our spiritual lair, the source of life. Achievements of

ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, to has close relationship with books,

and is good at absorbing nutrition from the book. Get into the habit of hobby is

reading books from the reading, to experience the fun of reading, learning and

mastering some reading method, this is not the first great thing in life? Now, I

will share with you to read all kinds of fun!

A great pleasure in reading than when you when you are racking their brains

for a problem, mystery, or on a particular question seems to smell, open the

book, you will find that has been done to the full, in SAO itch you. The

"steady" feeling you so comfortable, so comfortable.

Reading for fun, different people have different for engaged in manual

Labour, a leisure reading; For people engaged in mental Labour, the book can be

a panacea, boredom, reading can be permitted; When sorrow, reading can lotus;

Reading can be smoothly when excited...

Reading gives a person is calm, quiet, comfortable happy, is fame, money

can not be replaced, the spirit of the book, like the human nutrition agent,

without it, life will be defect. Let us not leave a regret, picked up the book!

Sure you can understand the true meaning of life from the book!
