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smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. but i consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.

reading books is very important. first of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.

one is never too old to learn. no matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. love books, for they are your best friends.








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There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.



相关标签: 爱好Favourite 运动sports 篮球Basketball



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Football 足球

Basketball 篮球

Volleyball 排球

Baseball 棒球

Badminton 羽毛球

Tennis 网球

Table tennis 乒乓球

Softball 垒球

Golf 高尔夫球

Billiards 台球

Jogging 慢跑

Swim 游泳

High jump 跳高

Mountain climbing 爬山

Singing 唱歌

Dance 跳舞

Setting-up exercise 健身操

Yoga 瑜伽

Wushu 武术

Judo 柔道



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I love books, love reading, the contents of the book makes a full man, make you happy.

The ancients said: "books are the ladder of human progress." I like to read all kinds of books.

I like reading fairy tales book, like to listen to the story of Cinderella and Snow White, the end of the fairy tale is always good, the bad guys get punished, good man is always a happy life in the fairy tale, everything so beautiful in the world, make people couldnt help but say: "if the fairy tale can become a reality, that it would be great!" The ancients cloud: "has its own beautiful woman in the book, the book has its own gold room. I think the book has a happy always.

I like to read modern I like to share the joy with friends; Traveled in xuzhou, and xu xiake travel together, see strange mountain stone, with the ancient scholars see dynasty prosperous decline.

Reading, is a very interesting thing, but now we dont want to read a book, a heart just want to play, the more study in didnt care about it because they dont understand understand the fun of reading, when they understand that understand the pleasures of reading, may have regret, so now have sight of one thing people should know how to cherish them, dont let them slip away from our eyes.

I like to read all kinds of books, because the contents of the book are rich and colorful, and makes a full man, make you happy. So were going to like bing xin said: "good reading" "reading a good book" "read more books."









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生命在于运动。 ——伏尔泰


日复一日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能。 ——塞涅卡

运动是一切生命的源泉。 ——达·芬奇

一个埋头脑力劳动的人,如果不经常活动四肢,那是一件极其痛苦的事情。 ——列夫·托尔斯泰

我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。 ——爱因斯坦

静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。 ——泰戈尔

生活多美好啊,体育锻炼乐趣无穷。 ——普希金

在我们劳动人民的国家内,需要千百万身体健壮、意志坚强、勇敢无畏、朝气蓬勃、坚韧不拔的人。 ——列宁

发展体育运动,增强人民体质。 ——毛泽东

努力发展体育事业,把我们的国民锻炼成为身体健康精神愉快的人。 —— 朱德

一个民族,老当益壮的人多,那个民族一定强;一个民族,未老先衰的人多,那个民族一定弱。 —— 皮埃尔·顾拜旦

如果你想强壮,跑步吧! 如果你想健美,跑步吧!如果你想聪明,跑步吧!(古希腊格言)









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1 kinds of sport体育运动种类

body-bulding exercises 健身运动

indoor sports 室内运动

outdoor sports 室外运动

mass sports 群众运动

athletics 田径运动

field sports 田赛运动

2 sports meet 运动会

track and field sports meet 田径运动会

Asian Games 亚洲运动会

Olympic Games 奥运会

Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会 World Cup 世界杯

championship 冠军赛,锦标赛

World Championship 世界锦标赛

World University Games 世界大学生运动会 National Games 全国运动会

open games (tournament) 公开赛

elimination series 淘汰赛

invitational tournament 邀请赛

champion 冠军

gold medallist 金牌获得者

silver medallist 银牌获得者

bronze medallist 铜牌获得者

gold metal 金牌

silver metal 银牌

bronze metal 铜牌

gold cup 金杯

silver cup 银杯

team champion 团体冠军

champion belt 冠军腰带

defending champion 上届冠军

eight of finals 八分之一决赛

quarter final round 四分之一决赛

semifinals 半决赛

finals 决赛

chief coach 主教练

trainer 助理教练

instructor 教练,技术指导

guide 领队

manager 经纪人

chief referce 主裁判

linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判

referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判

contestant, competitor, player 运动员

professional 职业运动员

amateur 业余运动员

No.1 seed player 一号种子选手

favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite)

outsider 无取胜希望者

record holder 纪录创造者

record 纪录

enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者

sports enthusiast 体育迷

spectator 观众

stadium 运动场

team, side 队

pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地

Athletics 竞技

Games and Competitions 球类运动

badminton 羽毛球

table tennis 乒乓球

tennis 网球

baseball & Softball 棒球和垒球

basketball 篮球

football/soccer 足球

Hockey 曲棍球

Ice hockey 冰球

ace 网球赛中的一分

court 网球场

Individual Sports 体育项目

bicycles and Motorcycles 自行车和摩托 boating 划船

boxing 拳击

ground, field 场地

high jump 跳高

long jump 跳远

jogging 慢跑

riding and Horse Races 赛马

ring 圈

running 跑步

skiing 滑冰

skipping rope 跳绳

Suspension loop 吊环

taichi 太极拳

the stay rod jumps 撑杆跳

track 跑道

wrestling 搏击类竞技

horse race 赛马

fug-of-war 拔河

Water Sports 水上运动

swimming 游泳

wind surf 风帆

dragon boat race 龙舟竞赛

surfing 冲浪

International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) 国际网球联合会

Association Tennis Professional ( ATP ) 国际男子职业网球协会 Womens Tennis Association ( WTA ) 国际女子职业网球协会 Wimbledon Championship 温布尔顿网球锦标赛

US Open 美国网球公开赛

French Open 法国公开赛

Austria Open 澳大利亚网球公开赛



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自从我懂事的那一天起,我就知道自己好动,一玩起来就停不下来,家里人说我像一个运动员。真的,我喜欢很多体育运动项目,如:游泳、骑车、跑步、打球、跳绳、体操等,但是,我觉得自己没有像专业运动员那样可以有天天锻炼的机会,虽然,在运动中没有特别的强项,可我从中得到 很多的快乐和满足。如果电视里有精彩的体育比赛,我肯定会津津乐道地观看,我的父母从来没有反对过。朋友,不知道你是否像我一样喜欢体育运动,记得有一位名人说过:体育运动不但可以提高人们的生活质量,而且是一个人精神面貌的具体体现。对现代人来说体育运动还是生活中必不可少的一部分。疲劳的工作学习之余,总可以在体育活动的过程中找到一分快乐与轻松。作为一名学生,在校园里看到男生们踢球,在那绿茵茵的草地上,他们时而飞奔,时而欢呼,犹如一匹匹矫健的骏马;女生们打羽毛球,操场上总是可以看到他们跳跃的身影,一看到他们,我就有一种跃跃欲试的感觉。


我国体育事业的不断发展和体育健儿的优异成绩,极大地增强了民族凝聚力,增强了民族自豪感。我国体育健儿在各种国际比赛上的出色表现,将进一步激发人民群众的健身热情,带动全民健身运动的深入开展,大大提高我国人民的身体健康水平和竞技体育的群众基础 。“五星红旗我为你自豪,五星红旗我为你骄傲”,这是亿万中国人民的共同心声。作为一个中国人,我相信2008年的北京奥运会一定能够办成一届杰出的奥运会,给全世界留下美好的印象。到时侯我一定要成为一个奥运志愿者去北京为我国健儿助威呐喊,为中国加油。



我们少年儿童正处在长身体、长知识的时期,我们是祖国的未来 。对于我们来讲,无论在学习上还是在体育锻炼中,我们都要向体育健儿学习,发扬顽强拼搏的精神,勤奋学习刻苦锻炼。在学校完成体育课程的同时,还要开展多种形式的课余训练,做到每天起码有一小时的体育锻练时间,来保证自己身体的健康成长,同时养成以后一直参加体育锻炼的好习惯。同学们,体育将一直伴随着我们成长。



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Competition is just like the fuel of the rocket. Without it we can’t make progress. Without it we wouldn’t take our efforts in doing everything. Competition is the propeller of our daily lives. Due to it we must try our best to do something, or we would lag behind. So competition is beneficial.

This is why the society is rapidly making progress. The whole society is a competition, while all the members of society are competitor. One man who wants to receive a good job must do better than others. If not, he would be eliminated. This is the reason that the work is done better and better. Competition spread through our daily lives. As a student, we must try our best to study that can we have bright future. As an employer in the company, we must work to the best of our ability. If not, we may fall behind or lose job. Although we may lose in the competition encounters, we may regard the failure as a challenge. From it we may get more experience which would be a key of success. Therefore, competition is beneficial.

Competition can inspire all the competitors. From the competition, we can receive the experience, no matter what the result is, win or lose.



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题目要求:自拟题目写一篇 100 ~ 120 字的短文,谈谈写英语日记好处

It is good to keep a diary in English.

Keeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example, you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary; you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns, meanwhile, it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.

Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English, but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by, your English writing will be greatly improved.




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if we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longly

When Im free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, Ive put my heart into it so that Ill forget all the troubles. Its in this way that Ive formed the habit of reading in any time.

Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.

Reading “The Emperors New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldnt keep me from crying for her misery. “ Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Kellers patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didnt before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.

Ill never forget this famous saying,“ Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”








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There is no doubt that football is the NO.1 sport in the world, though our

football players don’t play it very well, still a lot of fans keep their

enthusiasm on this sport. They watch the matches even staying up. These fans

like to make up a group. They share the same interest and watch the match

together. It is football that brings them together.

The biggest match for football is the World Cup. As it holds every four

years, it is like the biggest event, and the whole world is crazy about it. All

the media are reporting the event and fans from all over the world gather

together, discussing it all the time.

As English is the international language, football is the international

sport. People, no matter poor or rich, can share the same topic as they come

together. People talk about their favorite players and predict the results.

Football is like the silent language, bringing people together. As the most

popular sport, it will attract more fans.



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It is said that sports is an important form of life. Sports can help everyone keep healthy. sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health.Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work.A person who often takes exercise is always full of energy. Sports can also make people look younger than they really are. What’s more, it produced chances to train our intelligence. Because we think actively when we do exercise.

My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.

Personally, I love sports. I enjoy participating in sports. I feel that I not only gain a well-balanced life through sports, but also get more chances to move closer to nature. Sports have really added happiness to my daily life.




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1、 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。——蒂素

2、 以自然之道,养自然之身。——欧阳修

3、 一个埋头脑力劳动的人,如果不经常活动四肢,那是一件极其痛苦的事情。 ——列夫•托尔斯泰

4、 我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。 ——爱因斯坦

5、 世界上的一切伟大运动都与某种伟大理想有关。 ——泰戈尔

6、 生命在于运动。 ——伏尔泰

7、 生命在于矛盾,在于运动,一旦矛盾消除,运动停止,生命也就结束了。 ——歌德

8、 生命需要运动。——亚里斯多德

9、 生命就是运动,人的生命就是运动。——列夫、托尔斯泰

10、 生活多美好啊,体育锻炼乐趣无穷。 ——普希金

11、 身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。——卢梭

12、 身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持。 ——苏格拉底

13、 散步促进我的思想。我的身体必须不断运动,脑筋才会开动起来。 ——卢梭

14、 日复一日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能。 ——塞涅卡

15、 人在运动中的时候,总是想替自己设想这个运动的目标。为了要走一千里路,人必定要想走了这一千里便有好东西。为了要有运动的力量,就必须有一个渴望到达的目的地。 ——列夫•托尔斯泰

16、 人生的本质就在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。 ——帕斯卡

17、 人们的举止应当象他们的衣服,不可太紧或过于讲究,应当宽舒一点,以便于工作和运动 ——培根

18、 起居之不时,饮食之无节,侈于嗜欲,而吝于运动,此数者,致病之大源也。 ——王国维

19、 跑跑跳跳浑身轻,不走不动皮肉松。——佚名

20、 每日频行,必身轻目明,筋节血脉调畅,饮食易消,无所壅滞。——《养生要录》

21、 没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动 ——列宁

22、 流水不腐,户枢不蠹,动也。——吕不韦

23、 历史上,任何一个阶级,如果不推举出自己组织运动和领导运动的政治领袖和先进代表,不就可能取得统治地位 ——列宁

24、 夏游泳,冬长跑,一年四季广播操。

25、 生命在于矛盾,在于运动,一旦矛盾消除,运动停止,生命也就结束了。——歌德

26、 静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。——泰戈尔

27、 静而少动,体弱多病;有静有动,无病无痛。

28、 冬天动一动,少闹一场病;冬天懒一懒,多喝药一碗。

29、 每日频行,必身轻目明,筋节血脉调畅,饮食易消,无所壅滞。——《养生要录》

30、 锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才不能生锈。——朱德

31、 饭后百步走,活到九十九;饭后三百步,不用进药铺。

32、 科学的基础是健康的身体。——居里夫人

33、 运动劲出来,歇着病出来。

34、 努力发展体育事业,把我们的国民锻炼成为身体健康精神愉快的人。——朱德

35、 若要身体健,天天来锻炼。

36、 只有运动才可以除去各种各样的疑虑。——歌德

37、 运动好比灵芝草,何必苦把仙方找。

38、 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。(法国医学家——蒂素)

39、 身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。(德国诗人——卢梭)

40、 在于运动,也在于静养。养生宜动,养心宜静,动静适当,形神共养,培元固本,才能使身心。

41、 运动的好处除了强身之外,更是使一个人精神保持清新的最佳途径。

42、 健康是的主要因素,锻炼是健康的重要保证。

43、 灵感——莫过于运动 生命在于运动! 运动是生命的源泉 一切乐境,都是由运动而来一切苦境,也可由运动解脱

44、 努力发展体育,把我们的国民锻炼成为身体健康精神的人。(朱德)

45、 一个民族,老当益壮的人多,那个民族一定强;一个民族,未老先衰的人多,那个民族一定弱。(皮埃尔•顾拜旦)

46、 生命在于运动(法国启蒙思想家——伏尔泰)

47、 科学的基础是健康的身体(波兰科学家——居里夫人)

48、 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。(法国医学家——蒂素)

49、 身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。(德国诗人——卢梭)

50、 生命在于运动,也在于静养。养生宜动,养心宜静,动静适当,形神共养,培元固本,才能使身心健康。

51、 运动的好处除了强身之外,更是使一个人精神保持清新的最佳途径。



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The Belt and Road Initiative is a way for win-win cooperation that promotes common development and prosperity and a road

towards peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust, and strengthening all-round exchanges. The Chinese government advocates peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit. It promotes practical cooperation in all fields, and works to build a community of shared interests, destiny and responsibility featuring mutual political trust, economic integration and cultural inclusiveness.

The Belt and Road run through the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, connecting the vibrant East Asia economic circle at one end and developed European economic circle at the other, and encompassing countries with huge potential for economic development. The Silk Road Economic Belt focuses on bringing together China, Central Asia, Russiaand Europe (the Baltic); linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and West Asia; and connecting China with Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Indian Ocean. The 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road is designed to go from Chinas coast to Europe through the South China Seaand the Indian Ocean in one route, and from Chinas coast through the South China Sea to the South Pacific in the other.

On land, the Initiative will focus on jointly building a new Eurasian Land Bridge and developing China-Mongolia-Russia,China-Central Asia-West Asia and China-Indochina Peninsula economic corridors by taking advantage of international transport routes, relying on core cities along the Belt and Road and using key economic industrial parks as cooperation platforms. At sea, the Initiative will focus on jointly building smooth, secure and efficient transport routes connecting major sea ports along the Belt and Road. The China-PakistanEconomic Corridor and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor are closely related to the Belt and Road Initiative, and therefore require closer cooperation and greater progress.

The Initiative is an ambitious economic vision of the opening-up of and cooperation among the countries along the Belt and Road. Countries should work in concert and move towards the objectives of mutual benefit and common security. To be specific, they need to improve the regions infrastructure, and put in place a secure and efficient network of land, sea and air passages, lifting their connectivity to a higher level; further enhance trade and investment facilitation,establish a network of free trade areas that meet high standards, maintain closer economic ties, and deepen political trust; enhance cultural exchanges; encourage different civilizations to learn from each other and flourish together; and promote mutual understanding, peace and friendship among people of all countries.











4.高中英语作文:一带一路One Belt and One Road


6.一带一路英语作文One Belt and One Road







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If set up a holiday, I want to set up a reading festival.

There is a celebrity once said: books are the ladder of human progress. Can learn directly from the book in predecessors experience, knowledge to make our trips up again on the way forward little, little detours. Reading can broaden our horizons, cultivate our feelings... The benefits of reading.

But now, we learn a lot of pressure, although we also want to read more books, but the heavy academic burden and a variety of extracurricular cram school, the remedial class is our breath, where still have time to read more books? So I can look forward to establish a special reading festival.

In reading festival on this day, we dont have to go to school, dont do your homework, you can enjoy all the extra-curricular, explicitly swim in the sea of knowledge. Can communicate with friends their own reading experience, express their own unique insights. Can also and students to act out the scene in the book! Reading festival can each month once or twice a week.

How I hope to have a reading festival!








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Our school yesterday held the 23rd sports fitness section, we wore a neat clothes to stand, cheer for the athletes.

First appeared in our class are He Bingzhen, he took part in the project is 60 meters running, Shouting slogans, we have some carried signs come on for him, He Bingzhen seemed to hear our chants, run faster and faster, and achieved good results of the fourth.

Wu Xing all take part in the 200 m and 400 m running, the starting gun rang, he was desperate to ran forward, the final two projects and got the second place, LouXuan hangzhou attend softball, he actually threw a 40.8 meters, broke the record of the third grade, it was really great!

I: tell me something about our class "female general Wu Rui yao!" She was attending a 60 meters, although she accidentally fell on the ground when I was in the final sprint, knee worn out a piece of leather, but she didnt flow a drop of tears, eventually to fifth grade the precious 2 points for our class, she is also only scores of female students in our class, her brave spirit is worth our learning.

This is our games? They have devoted their win honor for our class, their efforts were not in vain, the score of our class is more higher than a year, a year. Thank you - athletes.

昨天我校举行了第23届的体育健身节, 我们穿着整齐的运动服走向看台, 为运动员们加油。

我们班第一个出场的是何秉臻, 他参加的项目是60米跑步, 我们有的喊着口号, 有的举着牌子给他加油, 何秉臻好像听到了我们的加油声, 越跑越快, 取得了第四名的好成绩。

吴星均参加的是200米和400米跑步, 发令枪一响, 他不顾一切地往前跑, 最终2个项目都得了第二名, 楼炫杭参加的是垒球, 他竟然扔了40.8米, 破了三年级的记录, 真是太棒了!

说说我们班的“女将军”吴芮瑶吧! 她参加的是60米跑, 虽然她在最后冲刺的时候不小心摔倒在地上,膝盖磨破了一块皮, 但她一滴眼泪也没流, 最终以第五名的成绩为我们班争得了宝贵的2分, 她也是我们班唯一得分的女同学, 她勇敢的精神值得我们学习。

这就是我们的运动会, 怎么样? 他们都付出了自己的心血为班级争光, 他们的努力没有白费, 我们班的分数是一年更比一年高, 谢谢你们 - 运动员。



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First of all, competition brings about progress in business world. To be more specific, a company will make its product better than others so that it can gain more profit that others. In this case, the product will be better and better as time goes by and the economy will be better as well. To the other hand, the progress of product is beneficial to consumers. That is also the reason why governments control  monopoly which will extinguish competition.

Additionally, the competition in an organisation is good for the organisation. Due to the emulation of individuals, everyone desire to be better than others. Under the competition, every one will fulfil their potential and the organisation will maximise its human resource to achieve its goal.

In conclusion, competition is good for not just individuals but also the entire society. Accompanied with competition, the world will be better.
