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A lunar New Year, no doubt, is sound, taste and township.

A New Years eve firecrackers. Melody in the New Year, fireworks is low and grand drums, heavy yet explosive, accompanied by a large umbrella of scattering flowers, jinlong fall and arc of the rainbow, here every corner of the flower, a pair of, a group of cheng fang, a piece, a world, in a sudden the incomparable luster. And on the square table, and celebrate the applause, light spirit is ringing, can not help but think of "harps friend" -- it is natural to performance, the smile of gentle feeling let everyone around without his joy. Then a sound clear gong, it is in the middle of the night the cheer of the New Year, is not so short but lingering sound waves, times, stretches, like a stream, seeped into next year. In the end, a string of bells sound, it so mysterious, as if the passage of time, is at the end of the sea and the nien beast roar.

Through every form, and to have bouts of aroma. Like bacon that hard sweet, like the mutton soup hot sweet, like the natural aroma of coarse grains like steamed bread fresh incense, sweet like a sausage chewy, like dumplings a pack of sweet juice, like nuts, crisp sweet, like good old 994 stuffed sweet ChunChun... The fragrance, as they themselves. A wisp of fragrance, flavor, a dish, a table, a handful of happiness. I like dumplings, white white fat, quietly lying on the soup. It successfully, that sweet thick sesame paste, now a love heart.

JianJu the most popular cartoon "bears in the New Years day" in a situation: even if a lumberjack, also know that mothers dumplings, dads wine, are looking forward to the calendar page, end the arrival of the New Years eve. Whether its cold rime, shaking winter bamboo shoot, a speeding train, shimmering bright lights... Township, there is only one, let the wanderer to gallop tirelessly.

But you have such a scene: in the mobile phone clicking, hands of quick-frozen dumplings immodesty slide to the ground, fell to pieces, like a boom ray reminds you, want to travel to Hong Kong this year Spring Festival. So, the sound? Taste? Township?









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I have a good friend named Cheng, He is a humorous and cheerful person. He

is tall and fat. He has a chubby round face and a pair of black and blue glasses

on the bridge of his short nose. The little eyes narrowed into a slit when

laughing. He also has a loud voice and a eloquent mouth. He sometimes pretends

to be serious, like a little adult.

We often read, study and play games together. What makes me most happy is

playing Taekwondo. Qiye taught me Taekwondo. I worshipped him as my teacher. He

first taught me the basic attack Zha Ma Bu. At first, I learned from him, put

my feet apart, stretched my arms straight, and said with a smile, "this is a

standing horse step"! I squatted down. He frowned like a coach and said

seriously, "this is a squatting horse step!"! I quickly stood up again. He

pointed happily and said, "yes, thats the position. Hold it for ten minutes."

But this half squat is so difficult that I cant hold on for a minute. He saw me

lazy, standing there with my waist crossed, complaining while angry. Looking at

his little adult appearance, I couldnt help falling to the ground laughing and

stammering: Master... Stop talking. "There are so many jokes because of a horse


This is our friendship.






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我的朋友我是一名中学生了,当我告别了快乐的童年,迈进初中学校的大门,我的生活便充满了紧张、热烈、急促的旋律。在这些日子里,我结识了一个新朋友,她是我的老师。她长得眉目清秀,两颗宛若黑宝石的大眼睛嵌在脸上,鼻子高高的,长长的头发披到肩。 她第一次给我们上课时,我就觉得她是那么慈祥,那么善良。她的笑容好像满面的春风,那么美,那么甜,给人一种舒适的感觉。在学习生活中,她是我的良师益友,她上课时,两颗炯炯有神的大眼睛注视着我们,她把每一个问题都讲得清清楚楚,如果我们没有听懂,她会很耐心的再给我们讲一遍,直到我们听懂为止。面对不懂得问题,她会和我们一起探讨,一起研究,不仅使我们对学习有了兴趣,还让我们获取了更多的知识。记得一次写作文,我写得很不好,才刚刚及格,老师在我的评语中写道:在写一遍,写字要认真!我看了之后,心里暗暗下决心好好写作文。我重写了作文,我写得很认真,写完后,我交给老师,老师看了我的作文,脸上露出了笑容,虽然我的作文水平并不高,但老师还是给予了我很多的鼓励,让我有了信心,学得更努力,更刻苦。过了几周,又写作文了,我的作文分数比以前高了许多,这跟老师的鼓励是分不开的,老师真不愧是我的良师益友。在日常生活中,老师是我的知心朋友,我们可以在一起促膝长谈,聊聊生活中的故事。当我高兴时,我可以把我的快乐和老师一起分享,当我难过时,我可以向老师倾诉。老师就是我们的朋友,又一个这样的益友,胜过多少无益的朋友啊!

我的网友 ,她的网名叫林X,真实名字叫王跃.是个女孩子,她读高一,家住在河北.要知道我和她是怎样认识的,要从星期三说起了. 星期三上午,我在聊天室里和成语老师闲聊,突然,林X来了.她微笑地对我说;你好.我委屈说;你好.她说;为什么要委屈呢.因为我弄错了,所以我把表情弄到委屈.我说;你叫什么名字.她说;你先说.我说;李紫珊.她说;怪不得你用紫色,我叫王跃.我说;很好听的名字呀.她说;你家住在什么地方.我说;好姐姐,你就快说吧.她说;你叫我好姐姐,我倒想出我妹妹来了,我家住在河北.我说;我住在望埠.我们一直聊到我上学,我们都依依不舍的离开了.

朋友的意义是让人弄不懂的!它有时候很甜。有时候很苦。有时候很酸。有时候很辣。总之就是让人弄不懂!朋友会在你不开心的时候在你身边陪伴你,安慰你。给你一个让你依靠的肩膀!记得那次,我跟妈妈吵架了。我跑了出去。我的脑子都是她。我去找她。她看出来我不开心了。我们就出去了。我们很静很静的走了好远。突然,她对我说想哭就哭吧!我忍不住了!我抱着她哭的好伤心好伤心!他跟我说了好多好多的话!我的心好受多了。回来,我们走了一会就回家了。如果我没有她的安慰该怎么办?我自己就要独自承担这写压力!那样的话,该多么的痛苦啊! 朋友就是回分担你的痛苦!




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The way people hold the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free lifestyle

equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever obtaining real

happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness,then pain must be equal to

unhappiness. But in fact,the opposite is true: more often than not things that

lead to happiness contain some pain.

As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true

happiness.They fear the pain inevitably (不可避免地) brought by such things as

marriage,raising children,professional achievement, religious commitment,


Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be

less and less satisfying. If he is honest,he will tell you that he is afraid of

making a commitment,for commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is

filled with fun, adventure and excitement.Marriage has such moments,but they are

not its most distinguishing features.

Couples,with infant children, are lucky to get a whole nights sleep of a

three-day vacation. We dont know any parent who would choose the word fun to

describe raising children. But couples that decide not to have children ever

know the joys of watching a child grow up or playing with a grandchild.

Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun

is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote

more hours to activities that can really increase our happiness. It liberates

money:buying that new car or those fancy clothes to increase our happiness now

seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy:we now understand that all those

who always have so much fun actually may not be happy at all.



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I have several friends. Wang Lin is my best friend. He is eleven years old. He comes from Beijing.

Wang Lin came here three years ago. He came with his parents. His father is an engineer and his mother is a middle school teacher. He has no brothers or sisters. He is the only child of his parents.

We are classmates at school, so we see much of each other.He is fond of English and I am good at maths. We always help each other. Both of us have made GREat proGREss in our studies.

We have made up our minds to study harder and win still GREater success in our studies.







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We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend. If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot. Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make friends. But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’t know much about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends. What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble. When we make friends, the real one is what we need.



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英国大部分节日都起源于宗教。复活节发生在过了春分月圆后的第一个星期日,原是纪念耶稣复活的日子。而现在对大多数人来说,复活节只是一个人们享受美好春光的普通节日。对于孩子们来说,没有比复活节彩蛋或巧克力蛋更重要的了。 复活节早上,有的家里把早餐用的蛋分放在几个盛有不同颜色的植物染料的锅里煮,这样端上来的蛋不再是白色或浅棕色的,而是黄色或粉红色,蓝色或绿色的。当然,染料是不会渗透到蛋壳里去的。

Most English holidays have a religious origin. The first Sunday of Easter in the full moon after the vernal equinox, the original is the day to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus. But now for most people, Easter is a secular spring holiday. For children, nothing is more important than Easter eggs or chocolate eggs. Easter morning, home with the breakfast egg placed in a few have different colors of plant dyestuff pot to cook, so end up the shells are no longer white or pale brown, but yellow or pink, blue or green. Of course, the dyes do not penetrate the shell.

圣诞节一过,复活节巧克力蛋便在糖果店里摆出来了。那些最小和花样最简单的很便宜,孩子们用自己的零花钱就可以买下来。这段时期上市的彩蛋有两种。小的一种叫方旦糖,长一英寸多一点,外面是一层薄薄的巧克力,里面是又甜又软的面团,然后再用彩色的锡箔纸包装成各种形状。另外一种是空蛋,稍为大一点,一般比鸭蛋还大一点。里面什么也没有,只是包着一个巧克力外壳。只需打碎外壳,吃巧克力片。 复活节临近时,糖果店的橱窗里会摆满比这些更精美的彩蛋。同时还有各种各样的用来吸引孩子们的小礼物出售。上面装饰有毛绒绒的羊毛做的小鸡,小鸡的嘴和脚都粘在卡片上。幸运的孩子可能从亲友那儿得到好几种这样的礼物。

One Christmas, Easter chocolate eggs in the candy store. The smallest and most simple pattern is very cheap, the children in their own pocket money can buy. Egg period listed in two. One is called fondant small, little more than an inch long, the outside is a thin layer of chocolate, which is sweet and soft dough, then use the color of the aluminum foil packaging into various shapes. Another is empty eggs, slightly larger than the duck is also a little big. There is nothing, just a wrapped chocolate shell. Just break the shell, eating chocolate chip. As Easter approaches, the candy shop window will be filled with more beautiful than the egg. At the same time also used a variety of attract children gifts. It is decorated with fluffy wool chicken, chicken beaks and feet are glued to the card. Lucky children may get from family and friends for such a gift.



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1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.


8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.




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I have not only a lot of common friends, but also a special friend. he is my father. my father isn’t tall but he is very kind and lovely. he usually helps me with my maths and physics in the evening. at weekends he plays chess, cards with me. when i am in trouble. he always help me in time. i prefer my father to any other friend. i think he is not only a good father, but also one of my best friends. i love my father very much.



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My new years resolution is very easy, only three piece of advice. At first, I want to get good grade. Next,I have studied hard as my math is not good,so I have practiced everyday. Further, I want to take my dance lesson .Because I really love dance. I have already studied five dances since 2011. I just have been a bus spotter. I have not yet ever liked bus like now. I will spend some money for bus model. These are my new year’s resolution, I hope it,really need to work hard,I think I can be successful. I will never give up.




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I have a good friend,his name is liMing,he is fromChina.Heis13yearsoldthisyear.Iaminlassten,





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She, her name is Li _. She is my good friend.

Her hair is black and has a braid. Her red face glowed like a ripe apple in

September; There are also a pair of childish eyes decorated with long eyelashes

on his face, like two crystal grapes. Look, when she smiles, her white teeth

show up!

We often play a game called "horse riding". This game can be played by 4-8

people. At this time, Yu Hanyu and Hu Shuxiang also want to play. Of course, we

are very welcome! The first is grouping. Li zhangchi and I are in a group, and

they are in a group. I am a galloping "fine horse", running with her.

Originally, they were ahead. I found that Li zhangchi didnt hold on. I said to

her, "hold on, Im going to rush." I fired like an "arrow" and pursued them

closely. At the critical moment, we caught up with them and shouted happily, "we


Its nice to have a little partner!







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Dear Mary, Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. I know you are under too much pressure. You can’t get on well with your classmates; you may worry about your exams. I’m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of training classes at weekends.

Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with your parents is necessary to solve the problem. Less pressure, better life! Best wishes to you! Your, Jane





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Today, our family went to Wuzhen tourism,I am very happy.

At noon we went to Wuzhen,and in the town to find a hotel,my father asked the hotel waiter: “What are the fun places here?”The waiter said: “Wuzhen is divided into two parts of the East Gate and West Gate,but the West Gate ratio East Gate is a little bigger,more fun.”So,our family along the waiter that the road came to Wuzhen Xishan scenic area.

Into the West Gate area,I found this is a water town,a long river to the town is divided into left and right sides.Housing built on the river,are the local residents of their own homes,and some open restaurants,and some open barber shop,and some open dessert shop,more is to open the local characteristics of the shop,are very interesting,Ningbo big shopping malls rarely seen.Of course, my favorite dessert shop!

We are so east to see the West to go for an afternoon,we are tired and hungry,the weather is gradually dark down,so my father took us, looking for a restaurant to eat,this is a local residents in their own Home to open the restaurant,only two tables,each table are close to the window, as long as the windows can be opened to see the river,the river has come and going ship,the boat is sitting to Wuzhen tourism tourists,men and women,old and young.There is a pair of twins little girl!Listen to the owner of the restaurant said the dark night and then go to the boat to visit the river look better,I heard also clamor to go to the boat,my father promised a smile.

A meal I took my father to the direction of the cruise ship terminal,came to the terminal has been a long row of the team, my father touched my head and said to me:“so many people,you still sit?Long time yo? ”I looked at the long team, thought for a while:“ sit,I want to ship.”Mom shook her head to buy a ticket.About an hour or so,we have a family finally got on the boat,sitting on the boat I saw a lot of landscape lights,lotus-shaped, there are lamb shape,there are many, many,a variety of shape landscape Light,really beautiful, can be a good look!

Half an hour after we take the boat to the exit of the terminal,Wuzhen Xiguan tour is over,I looked back at the water town, next time I have the opportunity to come.



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Liang liang is no longer the boy he used to be – he has changed greatly. Only a year ago, he was overweight and a little lazy. He got tired easily and did not like sport. His favorite meal was fried chicken and chips. One day, he realized that he couldnt continue like this. So, he decided to change. He started to exercise. He ran in the school playground every day. He also began eating a healthier diet of more fruits and vegetable, and less meat. These changes helped him lose a lot of weight. He is now a very happy boy in very good shape, and he is always so active. What can we learn from Liang liang to feel better and look better? We should all be careful about what we eat and make sure that we get enough exercise.



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I have a dream , but I darent say my dream is.....

Now I dare say : My dream is that Ill be admited to Qinghua

University.when I was a child, I had heard the highest school Qinghua. The words

often drives my heart. I keep it away for eleven years . However, I am almost

make it come true, because Im not good at studying subjects, my math ,my

English, my Chinese and my mixtrue subjects are not good. So, when I come to

classroom I often sit there and became sad. I think I have worked hard for two

years in the Siner School. But ,all of things arent change quickly. Where is my

seed and where is my gains, but it may be the time . Now, I have been in the

Senior three, and Ill face the case of going to university. Although the case

is so terrible , I have nothing to treat it. I often cry with the reason that

why I am always in trouble. but as the increcs of age , I know that cry is no

use , so I became studying. So, when I came into the Senior Three, I have been

felling myself to change mind to it is that studying is an important thing. If

you want to be good at it , you must finish the studying quickly and correctly

in a sure time, and the most important is that you must know the book well and

understand every rule and after that you may do some practice to improve your

testing cile .At last you must review them ,because the peoples brain is

limited , and it will make you forget all of you have studied it .

At last you must keep a good health and have a good felling. Look, this is

a true senior three student.

Qinghua, please open your door, Im running to you now.



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When I was a child, I enjoyed reading books that were without words. The pictures and the color affected me. When I was a pupil, I liked reading books about science. The knowledge and the magic things attracted me. When I was a student, I preferred to read novels. They were full of action and exciting. The plots were interesting.

Now I still love books. They make my life become more and more wonderful. Different kinds of books bring me different feelings. They are my best friends. I can get knowledge from books. I can read books whenever and wherever I want.For the time being, I enjoy reading comics best. Because studying is hard and tiring, I feel relaxed when I am reading comics. They make me happy and bring me great joy. Books are good for me. They will string along with me forever……




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Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to

improve his way of life。 With the tools of technology he has altered many

physical features of the earth。 He has transformed woodlands and prairies into

farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or

hydroelectric power。 Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining

marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways。

However, mans changes to the physical environment have not always had

beneficial results。 Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing

danger to the health of the planet。 Each day thousands of tons of gases e out of

the exhausts of motor vehicles。 Smoke from factories pollutes the air of

industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside。 The pollution

of water is equally harmful。 The whole ecological balance of the sea is being

changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless。

Now environmental protection is more pressing than ever before。 As we know,

massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even

poses a great threat to mans existence。 Indifference to these problems will

mean mitting suicide。 Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws

passed to conserve environment。 Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the

serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living




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Dear Sir/Madam:

I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Peking office, who

informed me that theShanghaioffice of your company is actively seeking to hire a

Network Maintenance Engineer for your program.

Your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer

Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows 20_and LINUX System. I

feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from

Graduate School of Peking University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies

have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a

control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL


During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills

of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate

with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of


The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater

detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal


