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My name is Zheng, 9 years old this year, is a small girl, almost 1.4 meters tall, is a medium height, some yellow skin, is a native of Chinese. I was fat, on the big, round face, with two big eyes like grapes, the nose collapsed, and the mouth was small.

My personality is: considerate caring, generous, gentle personality perfectionism, rich imagination, sometimes very lively, with strong tolerance, sensitive love fantasy, not too confident, but dont be sentimental, reject, thought of two minds, very complex. But these are the students comments on me. I think my biggest problem is the love of two minds, take the last math exam for example: I had the score 100 points, because I be negligent, so a path of two minds, wrong, I will deduct 1 points, only 99 points, but I was careless, I think: anyway, I not like the 2 grade exam Eighty-nine points, on the line, I also got 10 points!

This is me. Do you think Im cute?







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Spring arrived, my father and grandmother at home mom ready to go New Year. Today is my happiest day because I want to see the grandmother had not seen for half a year, I miss her. Mom said, I gave birth and has been a grandma with a big, until last year and only returned home grandmother. The relationship between me and grandma Ke Hao, and she was very hurt me. Today, at last see her. I have written during the Spring Festival of the operation, and had a jolly New Years preparations.

New Year two, we got up early in the morning, and put on new clothes, are all geared up, we set out. To the train station, I saw a lot of people picked up gifts for visiting relatives and friends. Soon the train came, and we are happy on the train, looking for a good seat to sit down. I would like to grandma liuxue86 eating snacks while they are doing. I guess they must have been preparing sumptuous meals to meet us.

To Nanjing, we ride buses back to Kuni. Within a short while, Moms cell phone rang, and was originally called the uncle that they have to drive to meet us. Bus 1 arrival, I saw uncles cars. I quickly ran off uncle, I loudly said: "My uncle Happy New Year", uncle, all smiles, said: "Happy New Year, Happy New Year."

We got on, uncle, while chatting with us while skillfully drove.

Along the way, looking ahead, on the rolling hills, winding river, the river flowing Qingqing, as well as that over crop fields, one looked, green, wheat, rape his mother said. Really look at is also endless. Car along a winding mountain road, then after a period of major dam reservoir, a short while went to the grandmother at home. Grandma has been waiting for us at the gate. The car, I ran to my beloved grandmother and says loudly: "Grandma Happy New Year!." Then, we put the luggage door grandmothers room.

After a while, neighbors heard the girl to her grandmother at home in Suzhou, and were coming over to see me. Who know me say that I like tall, and even more beautiful. Say that this little girl did not know where he comes from, I really beautiful, tall so high, there must be more than 10-year-old bar, my mother said: "Once a year, virtual nine-year-old." We shocked the age of nine so high!

Also after a while, the most loving of my eldest sister came. Sister, said: "Oh, indigo indigo longer so high, and became the United States girls, and I have almost not recognize them." Then we went to the cousin, opened a toy factory visit. Toy factory getting bigger, and there was a lot of toys, cousin from the display cabinet where the samples come up with a doll given to me.

Evening, grandma come to us for dinner, and her grandmother are now ready to table a tasty dish, all the people are happy, drink and chat for adults talked business, work. Cousin chatted study, encouraged me to better eager to learn, especially foreign languages, and the future use big. Only an early age to learn in order to find a good job. I Sidongfeidong, I think of Mom and Dad usually said, I think we must seriously study the future!












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Karen is on the swim team. She is on the swim team at school. She is a good swimmer. All the swimmers on the swim team are good swimmers. She swims every day. She goes to the pool after her last class. Her last class is her English class. After English class she walks over to the pool. She changes into her swim suit. She dives into the water. She swims for two hours. Her coach watches her swim. He gives her advice. He tells her how to swim better. Her coach is her swim instructor. He is a good instructor. She will win a race one day.





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Hi,everyone! I introduce my friend to you now. I have a lot of friends. In my Chinese lesson, I have a friend called Mary. In my maths lesson, I have a friend called Jack. In my English lesson, I have a good friend,too. She is my best friend. I like her very much. She helps me study English every day. She tells me how to read English, how to write English, how to speak English If I have some questions, I will ask her and she will answer me carefully.

Sometimes,I will ask her and she will answer me carefully. Sometimes,she tells me something about the world. Now, do you know who my best friend is? Right,she is English Coaching Paper!









I have a friend. Her name is Liu Chang. She is a happy girl. She is twelve years old. We are in the same class.

Liu Chang is tall and beautiful. She has two big black eyes and a small mouth. She looks like a lovely doll.

She likes blue best. Most of her clothes are blue. She says, “The sea and the sky are blue. They are very clean. ” She likes swimming,and she can swim very well.

She has many things to do in a week. From Monday to Friday she must go to school. At weekends she helps her mother with the housework. She is a good girl.

Liu Chang has many friends. Im one of them,and we help each other at school. She helps me with my lessons and I help her with playing basketball. We often play games together after class.

I like my friend.




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Next week I would like to go to Kaifeng and parents。 Kaifeng has many great

snacks, such as steamed buns, sesame seed Gaul。 Kaifeng also on the famous

Qingming River Park, I think it has to be very beautiful。 My parents will be

opened to see my uncle and live in his house one night。




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I internet English that can give me a golden future.Because English is the most pupolar language in the world.These is no country in the world use English. Although English is no our mother language , but I learn hard in many ways.Some subjects are taught in English and some goods wrote in English. Nowdays, English is the more important.So I like it and learn it hard.





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1、 饭前饭后勿食水果,饭前空腹吃水果,水果中的有机酸,刺激胃壁的粘膜,胃部健康受影响,尤其儿童要注意,长期如此缺营养;饭后食饱吃水果,食物阴滞在胃内,腹胀腹泻或便秘,消化混乱由此生;饭后2小时或餐前1小时,是最佳吃水果的光阴。请您记住哦。

2、 饮食天天有,健康常常伴,注意小细节,换来好身体,煮米饭,待水沸,再放米,营养高,淘米水,洗肉类,保清洁,有营养,健康身体小细节,多看多学好生活,祝你健康快乐!

3、 忌与海味同食的水果:杮子、葡萄、石榴、山楂、香蕉,这些水果中含有鞣酸,鞣酸与海味中的钙结合,会形成难以消化的物质,而引起肚疼、呕吐、恶心、腹泻现象,敬请注意,祝您身体健康。

4、 注意饮食细节,给健康把脉:豆浆不要加鸡蛋,混杂营养损失大;早喝盐水晚喝蜜,肚子轻松少便秘;多食三黑少三白,健康身体吃出来。多多关注自身饮食,愿你身体健康,心想事成。

5、 膳后莫用脑,肠胃血减少,晚餐要节制,早餐有食欲;养成不挑食,粗粮搭配吃,水果蔬菜好,常吃不衰老,生活有规律,健康需第一。

6、 牛奶选择仔细瞧,杀菌不是高温好,含钙不是高浓好,含脂不是低的好,奶粉不是高纯好,不看广告看需要,祝您生活节节高。

7、 常吃西红柿,雀斑能防治,常喝黄瓜粥,增白美皮肤,柠檬加冰糖,动脉硬化防,木耳加红枣,健脾润肤好,营养需搭配,健康快乐美。

8、 正餐提醒,健康留神:我是主角,零食配角,不能混淆,否则糟糕;零食虽好,能补消费,能填肚饱,多食不宜,择选合适,也能得益,水果第一,油炸注意,过甜留意,过咸放弃,谨记手抓入口先洗手,牢记吃完零食要漱口,要想有个好身体,零食择选要合理。

9、 饮食健康多注意,我的关切发给你;粮食别吃太精白,营养流失不健康;菜肴偏咸不可取,引发疾病是问题;烟酒少沾保肠胃,省钱健康两相宜;注意饮食加锻炼,长命百岁就是你!

10、 赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,各色食物各种吃。红提神来黄健脾,绿护肝来紫保心。多彩生活食为本,健康体魄它筑基。每日多食各色物,保您强健赛龙虎。祝您吃的多彩,生活精彩!

11、 早餐要吃好,牛奶少不了;饭前要洗手,饭后要漱口;荤素要搭配,营养均衡好。生命诚名贵,健康价更高!祝君健康快乐。

12、 多吃萝卜保健康,萝卜可是菜中的人参,疏肝平气。俗话说得好,吃萝卜喝热茶气得大夫满地爬——人参太贵,萝卜可是平民食品。祝你身体永远健康。

13、 酒是穿肠药,且听我来说;适量饮用它,保健驱疲劳,神清气爽乐;超量狂暴饮,肝伤伴病魔,身痨跑不脱;善于把持它,愿你健康活;祝你生活美,久(酒)久一生乐!

14、 若想瘦,少吃肉。要保肝,远离酒。鸡蛋香,莫过量。小小海带功效大,长寿排毒全靠它;健康饮食益处多,你我要把秘诀传。愿君健康幸福!

15、 吃饭少盐又少糖,你一定身体棒,吃盐多易患高血压,吃糖多易患高血糖。劝你多吃一些姜,姜养胃驱寒。祝你身体永远健康。

16、 饮食要健康,饭前先喝汤,肠胃不受伤,每餐八分饱,宁可食无肉,不可饭无汤,免得开药方,吃米带点糠,老小都安康。

17、 饮食要控量,三餐要按时,米粥易消化,清淡尤为佳,绿豆能解暑,冬瓜能清热,洋葱能解糖,青菜能降脂,大蒜能排毒,黄鳝能滋养,葱姜双向调,,血糖能控好,萝卜要常吃,畅通又顺气,愿您菜选好,保您健康到!

18、 冷冷寒冬问候至,健康温馨小贴士,多食粥类增营养,瓜果蔬菜记心上,天冷莫忘添衣裳,多多锻炼益健康。祝冬日吉祥健康,快乐安康。

19、 食品安全隐患多,平常生活需注意,街边小摊要少去,购买食物仔细辨,一次不需买太多,即买即食最营养,生食需要热水煮,隔夜蔬菜不好吃,各项事项要牢记,赢得健康好身体!

20、 吃饭细嚼慢咽,减少肠胃危害,避免过量饮食,体重维持平衡,重视饮食质量,少食油炸膨化,享受营养美味,健康快乐第一。

21、 家有儿女需记牢,饮食细节定身高,少喝碳酸类饮料,腌制食物盐分高,糖类阴碍脂消费,垃圾食品营养少,注意休息多锻炼,祝你家庭多美好。

22、 朋友饮食多注意,我来为你巧搭配;凉菜把拌改成蘸,调节热量少脂肪;晚餐别吃太油腻,血液流畅少问题;睡前多吃高纤维,食用谷类助睡眠;健康饮食学问大,为了健康多留意!朋友,祝你健康每一日,积极努力有生机!

23、 可爱猕猴桃,维C含量高;不仅解热好,止渴也很妙;黄疸见绕道,尿道结石消;抑制癌物质,预防肝炎好;愿君常食用,祝君健康绕!

24、 民以食为天,粗粮宝中宝,营养王中王,一能增血气,二可抗衰老,三能长精神。祝福你青春永驻,容光焕发,神情奕奕,幸福快乐天下第一!

25、 为了您的健康升级,换换装备吧。硬盘增加每天锻炼的,软盘也常备按摩的,防火墙是把持进食量的,杀毒是每餐吃完不持续剩饭大战的,网站反省是维生素全面的。不要远程把持了吧,自己能做不叫快餐外卖的。

26、 "好食物补身体,同食也会伤身体,猪肉菱角若共食,肚子疼痛不好受.鸡肉芹菜也相忌,同食就会伤元气.牛肉栗子一起吃,食后就会发呕吐.羊肉滋补大有用,若遇西瓜定相侵.朋友,饮食可以补身体,食用需谨慎呀!"

27、 你的健康我关切,发条短信来告知;快餐之后要喝水,稀释钠盐保健康;肉块要用热水洗,多去油脂不肥腻;买水果要挑深色,抵抗氧化缓衰老;饮食习性要养成,受益终生祝福你!

28、 要想活到九十九,除了饭后百步走,一天三顿巧搭配,这个才是硬道理,饭前加餐两杯水,生吃洋葱远离心脏病,深色水果抗衰老,晚餐早比晚点好,祝朋友们远离疾病,健康身体活到老!

29、 木瓜能养脾和胃,平肝舒筋它为最;可通筋脉舒挛缩,腿痛湿痹可消退;所含齐墩果成分,护肝降酶健康随;愿你常常食木瓜,抗衰养颜防病美,祝你身强健康伴,美好生活天天陪!

30、 工作忙碌苦,冬季多补补;首先兔羊肉,多吃强筋骨;莲藕是个宝,御寒最有效;饭后吃红枣,补血抗衰老;早睡又晚起,保暖养元气。

31、 饮食与健康,必须有官腔,开水泡饭,消化不良,蔬菜水果,有助健康,油炸食品,尽量少吃,五谷粗粮,营养最强,最后祝你:重视饮食细节,关爱宝贵身体,提倡绿色健康,享受天然世界!

32、 晚上不宜吃冷饮,代谢缓慢降体温,饭后经常喝点茶,杀菌消毒助消化,餐中听听轻音乐,生活轻松更贴切,合理饮食布置好,健康身体就会保,愿你青春永不老。

33、 早上起床喝杯水,改良肠胃和便秘,运动之前补充水,运动之后不疲倦,焦躁烦恼喝点水,减轻压力脑不累,切记莫喝瓶装水,细菌繁多伤肠胃,平时多喝白开水,健康生活好滋味。

34、 冬天气象寒,加衣记心间,工作少加班,莫做工作狂,按时作和息,身体是第一,心境应平和,顺心又顺意,愿你健康惬意、快乐无比。

35、 反季节水果猫腻多,化学试剂很泛滥,想要购买好水果,还需要仔细来辨认,西瓜含有催熟剂,瓜瓤鲜艳瓜子白,吃完嘴里有异味,草莓空心个头大,全身浮现不规则,香蕉外皮嫩黄果肉硬,全是催熟试剂惹的祸,今把诀窍来奉上,愿你多多注重,健康永远伴同您!

36、 美女想瘦,经常挠头,饮食调整,不能松手;水煮青菜,少放些油;主食选择,白面馒头;少喝果汁,多菜少肉,营养均衡,不要太瘦,祝美女越来越漂亮哦。

37、 拥有健康好身体,饮食细节要注意:牛奶价值营养高,早餐一杯精神好;蔬菜鱼肉各有利,午餐搭配要合理;粗粮常食健康驻,晚餐最好来点粗。一日三餐要注意,拥有健康好身体。愿你身体健康,万事如意。

38、 俗话说病从口入,饮食对健康很首要,多吃生黄瓜带着你的肠子洗个澡,玉米纤维含量高预防肠癌最有效,晚餐最好来点粗小米玉米等粗粮,一日三餐巧搭配,健康身体最首要!

39、 饮食不可胡乱吃,不同职业吃水果,体力劳动者多多吃柿子,司机经常吃橙子,运动员没事就吃菠萝,白领吃梨保眼睛,老人孩子吃弥猴桃,提高抵抗免疫力,服务员吃点香蕉降疲劳,你从事什么工作,就选什么水果!

40、 饮食法,很首要,少油腻,身体健,低脂肪,身体棒,少生冷,身体好,低糖量,身体强,发条短信提个醒,健康饮食需注重,愿你健康永无忧。

41、 哈密瓜,笑哈哈,请你不要小看它;除烦躁,防暑热,它是佳品顶呱呱;利小便,止体渴,味美利身人人夸;提醒你,常食用,祝你健康美到家!

42、 饮食误区要记劳,早饭不要吃油条,油炸食品不利健康,哈密瓜身体裂纹多,细菌容易进入裂纹内,切开一定赶快吃,切忌切忌不可久存,不要饭后立刻吃水果,给胃缓解缓解压力,饮食如果搭配好,身体何愁不棒!

43、 生活越来越好,吃的越来越饱,健康饮食很首要,早餐要吃好,加个金苹果很美妙,中午要吃饱,晚上要吃少,祝你过的越来越好,活的越来越逍遥!

44、 冬天病毒易侵扰,教你几招御寒流,胡椒去寒又除湿,葱辣姜汤治感冒,大蒜抑制肠胃炎,洋葱最宜中老年,杀菌降脂益心脑。寒流来了不用怕,葱姜蒜齐力护驾。

45、 午饭加酸奶,身体能更好,要想强身格,要向大力水手学,平时多吃菠菜,西红柿兼职多,蔬菜、水果、药三职,肥胖多吃能减肥,饮食对于健康很首要,愿你远离疾病身体好!



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My Father

There is always a brilliant image living in my heart. That is my dear father. Seen through the eyes of many other people, father seems to be a very ordinary person. But he is quite extraordinary in my eyes, I have never lost my wonder at his good-personalities such as diligence, devotion, care, optimism ever since my childhood.Being a farmer, father works very hard in the fields all the year round. He works from dawn till dusk every day and even till midnight when it is the harvest season. He seldom enjoys leisure with other farmers even if the farm work is not much. He chooses to live a busy life with reluctance to stop for a while.

Father devotes all himself to our family. As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me. For the whole family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year. Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age. In spite of all this, father never complains to us. It is his full devotion that were living a better life now. It is his full devotion that both my brother and I are able to study at college.Father shows much care to us children and my mother as well. Whenever there is any delicious food on the table, he just leaves it to us while he takes the simple one himself. If my brother and I fall ill, he will not hesitate a moment to get some medicine for us or take us to see the doctor. My mother suffers a bad disease. Father looks after her very carefully. He never lets mother do any heavy work both at home and in the field. Mother appreciates him m much that she often praises him as a model husband before others.

Father is a person full of optimism. He never complains about our poor life. He is never frustrated by trouble. He often tells us that everything will be all right if we have enough confidence in life. Due to his optimism, we are all confident to face our life and work.

We all think that father is not in the least an ordinary man. He plays an extraordinary role in my family. We cant have anything without him. Now Im pursuing further studies at college far away from father. I miss him very much. And I often see him in my dreams. His great image is deeply carved in my mind.






评语: 本文作者以朴实的语言充满感情地刻画了父亲的不平凡的形象,分别从四个不同的角度描述了父亲的勤劳、奉献、关爱和乐观。内容真实感人,行文简洁流畅,结构清晰,组织有条有理,首尾呼应,给读者以强烈的感染力。 作者用词简洁精确,并能很好地尝试一些新学的词汇及表达,使简洁的行。文更为生动。作者没有运用太多复杂的句式,但能适当运用介词短语、分词结构、强调及重复的手法,恰到好处 地突出了行文句式的变化,使文章更耐读。



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I am an ordinary girl with soft and smooth hair on her head. Liu Haijian has to pull her hair up like an innocent, gentle and lovely fairy. Round cheeks with delicate facial features with a glib mouth a high nose; a sharp chin, the sides of the head has a pair of ears". There is that I am a happy girl, either at home or at school, parents, classmates, friends and teachers are called me "happy". I feel a great deal of pride and joy for this name.

My character is variable and weird. It is a change, and no one can understand my character (including my parents). If you are not careful with angry tone to contradict me, or foul language to insult me, scold me. Im sure that even a moment ago I was joking with you, but after a moment I will be furious to refute you, then go away in the fly into a rage, not you. But after an hour, I will take the initiative to go and you may, at the time of the bowl, I will put what happened an hour ago like eraser typos as erased and forgotten. If you ask me, Ill say, "cut it!" Trifle, never mind."

Hee! Is my character unpredictable? Its not hard, as long as you know everything about me and get along with me. Its as easy to catch my character as you eat, and find me a close - up girl.



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I was bored. So I wanted to travel to Hong Kang. I told my father my

decision. To my surprise, my father agreed. My father thought I always at home

was bad. He thought I should go out to see our country clearly. How beautiful

our country is! My father drove me a travel service. I filled out an application

form. After that, the agency would finish every things. At last the agency told

me it would take a week time to transact procedures.




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Laba porridge is also called qibao mixed porridge, drink laba rice porridge in China history, there have been more than one thousand years. The first started in the song dynasty. Every laba this day, every family to make laba rice porridge. In the qing dynasty, drink the customs is more prevalent laba rice porridge. In the palace, the emperor to XiangWenWu minister laba rice porridge. Among the people, families also should make laba porridge, ancestor worship; Have a family reunion at the same time, eat together, gift friends and relatives.

"Laba" is the grand festival of Buddhism. Before around the temple for Buddha, cooked porridge for the Buddha. Legend had later can get the Buddha bless, can also increase the life-extension. So people call it the "Buddha congee." Southern song dynasty lu you did: "the present Buddha congee is more feedback, the festival new jiang village."

Varied from different regions of China, laba rice porridge, among them with Beijings most exquisite, porridge in red jujube, lotus seeds... A total of more than 20 kinds. The seventh evening, began to busy, washing rice, fruit, in began to cook in the middle of the night, and stew until the second day of early morning, laba rice porridge is ok. Can you think, such a complex is bad to drink? Pay attention to the family, but also the fruit first carved into all kinds of things, and in the pot boil. Laba rice porridge boil, ancestor worship to worship god. After to give friends and family, must be sent out before noon. The last is the whole family to eat.

A bowl of porridge with so much knowledge, China is really not the kui is a civilized country! Im so proud of themselves as Chinese!







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my mother is a woman of the old school。 she is too conservative to keep up with the times。 however, she is good-natured and treats others incerely。 for this reason, all her neighbors are only too glad (pleased) to make friends with her。 they consider her a model woman。

she is a typical housewife。 she keeps the (her) house neat and clean and looks after us with extreme care 。 she often says to us, “you cannot study too ard。”






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to introduce myself(介绍我自己) hello,every one!(大家好)my name is **** . (我叫****) im a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改) i live in the beautiful city of rizhao.(我住在美丽的rizhao城)(你可以把rizhao

改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)im an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) in the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学)

but i like it.(但我喜欢他)i belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件


i also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动) such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)im kind-hearted.(我很热心)i hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友) ok.this is me .a sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 首先要看你写信的性质。是官方而正式的书信?还是朋友间的通信? 无论是哪一种,基本的英文书信格式应包括四大部分:日期,称呼,正文,和落款



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Though there are no exact figures for the ecotourism segment, a government-sponsored push for rural tourism usually involving staying with farmers has become popular in China in recent years.


上面的报道中,ecotourism就是近几年经常被提及的一种旅游形式生态旅游,其实就是ecological和tourism两个词结合而成的,类似的用法还有eco city,eco-farming等。另外,这里还提到了rural tourism 乡村旅游,算是ecotourism的一个初步形式吧。其他常见的旅游形式还有:package tour,DIY tour,group/organized tour,medical tour等。

1.Environmental protection in the places embodying cultural, historical and natural relics will be promoted. Integrated planning and management of tourism will give priority to the development of ecological tourism and improvement of forest parks and scenic resorts.加强有关文化遗产和自然遗产的环境保护工作,加强旅游业统一规划管理,开展生态旅游,强化森林公园和风景名胜区建设。

2.A variety of tourism products designed around sightseeing, conferences and contests, vacations, business trips, academic studies, cultural explorations, technology, sports, ecological tours, and traditional customs shall all be improved.完善观光旅游、会奖旅游、度假旅游、商务旅游、修学旅游、文化旅游、科技旅游、体育旅游、生态旅游、民俗旅游等旅游产品。



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Dont know when to start, "CD" has been hyped on the network, the meaning of the disc, is have a meal to eat the food not a drop left. Since the "CD" has become social hot words, restaurants around the hotel CD rate is also improved.

Have heard that the air of a food, today, my parents and I go to the great shop, we looked at the menu, one not careful has ordered six vegetables, chicken feet, pork ribs, duck tongue, bass, etc., mother said: "more points." Father said, "know, want to CD, eat packaging." First up is my favorite chicken feet, my saliva all is going to out, quickly learn a chopsticks, thats a little hot and sour taste is spreading at a draught, activate my taste buds. Ribs didnt down the first type, the second set is on the table again, looking at the delicious ribs, put in his mouth, the full-bodied with crisp sweet and sour ribs, so nice, really fun to the fullest. We ate with relish, until didnt anymore. Eat meal, we have packed 2 bowls of food: half of the sea bass and less than half dish Fried meat, the rest are done "CD". Look at the clean plates and the waiter gave me sent a small gift, a teddy bear, ha ha so cute.

Came home in the evening, mother to packaged food to fry, fry the meat with garlic, bass and Fried, "CD" action, leftovers in our do, to eat very clean. CD is a virtue, is also a kind of responsibility, hopes to become our habits, CD discs action, I am very glorious.


早就听说朝天店的美食,今天,我和爸爸妈妈一起去朝天店,我们看着菜单,一个不留神就点了六个菜,分别是凤爪、排骨、鸭舌、鲈鱼等,妈妈说:“点多了。”爸爸说:“知道,要光盘,吃不完打包。”第一个上来的是我最喜欢凤爪,我的口水都快要流出来了,马上就一筷子吸取,那有点酸辣的味道一下子弥漫开来,激活我的味蕾。第一只凤爪还没下肚,第二盘排骨又上桌了,看着那色香味俱全的排骨,放在嘴里,那浓郁的酸甜裹着酥脆的排骨,太美味了,真让人爽到极点。我们津津有味地吃着,直到再也吃不下去了。饭吃完,我们共打包了2碗菜:半条鲈鱼和小半碟炒肉,其余也都做到了“光盘”。看着干干净净的盘子,服务员还给我发了小礼品,一个小熊,哈哈 好可爱。




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My dream is to grow up, to be a policeman. I will seize all the thief on the society, make the criminal suspect nowhere to hide, make social peace, peoples life in order.

That night, I sleep early, and soon fall asleep. Family went shopping every day, I will always be behind them, a precaution. Shopping one day, grandpa, I will quietly behind him, in case of the thief. But the most unexpected thing happened. Grandpa buy fruit in the stalls, just then, a young man in a hurry came running and knocked the grandpa in the hands of fruit, the young man said to grandpa, "Im sorry, big ye, Im in a hurry, I walked first." Grandpa said: "ah, now young people are unreasonable, knocked over other peoples thing, pick up and I dont know." Grandpa was about to pay, but found the purse gone. Grandpa soliloquize ground to say: "the wallet must be the young man stole hit me." I see clearly behind, just want to go to chase, grandpa grabbed me, said to me, come on, youre not overtake him. "I said:" grandpa dont worry, Im ok. "And so, I would go back to the young man and I chase after, the thief ran in front. After next to a trash can, I saw the thief was counting money. I ran over and shouted at the thief said," stand fast, is your ". The thief found me and panicked and ran faster, he ran for a while, run. Then, his aunt and without extra trouble robbed a bike ride, I also borrowed a aunt a bike ride up and chased the thief, the thief riding a bike, run, run anymore, Im to catch the thief and took him to the public security bureau, after the trial, the thief admitted his crime fact, finally also surrendered steal money from my grandpa, and apologized to grandpa, grandpa also forgave him.

Wake up, I found I was tender, weakness, it was a dream. But I believe that through my efforts, my dream will become a reality. People hung with a sweet smile on her face, society is full of peace, is permeated with happiness.



一觉醒来,我发现自己浑身酥软无力,原来这是一场梦。但我相信经过我的不懈努力,我的梦想一定会变成现实。人们脸上挂着甜蜜的笑容,社会充满和平, 洋溢着美满。



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In china if you invite people for meal, the person who invited other people would pay for the meal but it’s not the way in Western country. In western country people will think you only invited me but it’s not your responsibility to pay for me.

I can afford it. They won’t be happy if you pay for them. People in China would always put dishes into customer’s plate to show their hospitality, but they will think it’s not healthy because your chopsticks have been used by you. In western country like America not England, people will always give tips to waiter after they finished meal in a restaurant.

If you don’t they will not be happy because tips are one of their major income. In china this only happen in some top restaurants and hotels in large international cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Western people will also think you are rude if you make sound during the meal. Western people do not hold their bowl up even when they have a bowl of soup.



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