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The Spring Festival, all the people seem to accumulate a year of happiness, is released at this moment, no matter where you go, meet what kind of people, their whole person from the inside out with happiness.

Speaking of happiness, theres plenty of our family happiness. This not, my parents work hard for a year, all the advanced workers was named units, is not only a wage increase, more bonus.

It cost me through a year of efforts, the final exam also has obtained the good result, all say joy puts heart into a man, was, in this happy festival New Years eve, we also celebrated his 60th birthday, grandma to give grandma a surprise, we in the early planning.

Night had fallen, we are all busy. I point on a huge cream cake on the dozens of root birthday candles, happily cried out: "grandma, have a meal!" Grandma came a look at the cake on the table, seem a bit surprised. Before she speak, my sister and I replied together: "grandma, I wish you a happy birthday!" Father big step forward, hurriedly grandma in my arms and give grandma a big hug, skinny grandma under daddys burly figure more dependent.

Mom took out the down jacket already prepared, grandma to put on, grandma put on mom bought a new jacket more spirit. Grandmas eyes flashing that happiness, like a childlike cannot hide...









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From then on, the tradition of observing the conquest of Nian is carried on  from generation to generation. The term "Guo Nian", which may mean "Survive the  Nian" becomes today "Celebrate the (New) Year" as the word "guo" in Chinese  having both the meaning of "pass-over" and "observe". The custom of putting up  red paper and firing fire-crackers to scare away Nian should it have a chance to  run loose is still around. However, people today have long forgotten why they  are doing all this, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the  excitement of the celebration.



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The next morning, people don’t eat meat. Instead, they have vegetable dish. And then, adults will visit their friends and relatives with their children. It’s a good job for children because they can get more lucky money to buy things they like.



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"To celebrate the Spring Festival" these slogans on television advertising often visible to, also it is the slogan for the Spring Festival on the joyful atmosphere.

Everyone on the street before the Spring Festival shopping, buy new clothes, new shoes and so on, I also dont listed outside, I heard that this means that the New Year can look brand-new, have a good luck. I think the Spring Festival also has a good side and bad side, of course is good for us, false put, lucrative. And for a cleaner, but hard a period in the New Year. They increase in the number of garbage to clean a lot during the Spring Festival. In fact as long as we are happy not to break things and throw things at the same time, we "dont put your happiness based on others pain." Only in this way can make cleaners also accomplish "to celebrate the Spring Festival".

When we are celebrating the Spring Festival ", those who sweeps wheeled vehicle, carefully clean up the street, carrying a broom in road fireworks off the remains of a garbage is everywhere. These workers busy, clean all bent down to pick up garbage. When I see such a scene, I thought after the cleaning workers pick up must be very tired. The holidays also is really hard to do so tired! So we all can do it consciously when fireworks, so our sweeps can also get "to celebrate the Spring Festival".

Day, our whole family went to hangzhou, where citizens are more compliant, in busy streets they can handle the garbage into the trash can, although there are individual person still cant do that, but my hometown - keqiao has certain gap. Although these years KeQiao have great progress than before, but I think is not enough, must strengthen education, again only strong education is to improve the way of peoples environmental consciousness.

I hope that next years Spring Festival, we are all civilized people, can make the cleaners are also really enjoy the "celebrating the Spring Festival".








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The Spring Festival in my hometown almost from the year began, until the end of fifteen. Although there is only a short time to come to the sky, but every day is lively and festive.

The second day of the Spring Festival is to open the firecrackers to greet the blessing of the new year. The first thing for our children is to replace the new clothes for the parents, the elders have a new year. The following is the red bag. The Spring Festival this day most of the shops are closed, until the beginning of the six month is opened. On this day, the great people said that they could not sweep the ground, so that they would not sweep away their blessings. Many people have gone to the streets to buy gifts and send relatives and visit the year.

To the six all shops opened once a year, the Lantern Festival comes. The dragon will go to each house, the owner will greet the firecrackers. Listen to adults, the dragon has come, this is a good year and harvest year.

At sixteen of the first month, everything returned to peace. School, work, work. Next, we look forward to the next spring festival.



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My day is full of happy every time.

Go to school, mother wakes me up early in the morning, but Im lazy to think: "go to sleep, just a moment, dont be late." If is Sunday, my mother would make me want to sleep as long as you.

After breakfast ready, I will start first thing in the morning, do homework, every Sunday, the teacher will decorate a weekly diary, Ill write my dairy good mother, if passed you can watch TV, but only for half an hour, the third thing is reading, speaking of reading, borrow books are wonderful mother these days.

I have a look at is 1 hour, time had passed so fast, it was already evening, we happily eat supper, happy day is over







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The Spring Festival is our Chinese lunar New Year, so is very important for our Chinese New Year! Therefore, the preparation before the Spring Festival is also indispensable.

The New Year! The New Year! Every family is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, shaved hair, do dinner... Too many things to do, and have too many "rules". Some custom also very strange, in desperation, I ask mom is to stick couplets on the Spring Festival.

I saw mother stick to "f" word backwards, I do know why to stick, stick backwards f word is a kind of custom, f (show f down (to)! But I still asked, "whats the Chinese New Year customs and manners?" Mother stop working, patiently to talk to me.

Originally, before New Years day there is a custom of setting off firecrackers, comes from the story of "the year beast". Once upon a time there was a "nian", deep sea floor, long stay in the New Years eve is splendour as evil everywhere. One year an old man with shooting, in red, put red couplets on the Spring Festivals approach is driven "nian", which was able to calm, then this method will spread. But now guangzhou ban fireworks, so we wont have this activity.

New Years eve this day is very important to our country. On this night, our whole family to prepare used orientation, special dinner.

To eat dinner, is the most lively happy Spring Festival every family. Eve. A splendid wasnt filled with a table, the whole family reunion, sitting at the table, the reunion dinner. People is both enjoy a full table delicacies, and enjoy the joy of the atmosphere, there are chickens, geese, burning meat on the table, etc., generally without two things, one is the hot pot, is a fish. Steaming hot pot, thriving; "Fish" and "yu" homophonic, meaning "more than" year after year. Finally a sweetmeat, blessing in the future day sweet.

Today is too big, I know a lot of the knowledge of the Chinese New Year customs, but I feel a little superstitious, but it was a pleasure, as long as happy, why not superstitions? Whats more, this is a traditional custom, would rather believe its have not trusted their!






吃年夜饭,是春节家家户户最热闹愉快的时候。大年夜.丰盛的年菜摆满一桌 ,全家团聚,围坐桌旁,共吃团圆饭。人们既是享受满桌的佳肴,也是享受那份快乐的气氛,桌上有鸡、鹅、烧肉等等,一般少不了两样东西,一是火锅,一是鱼。火锅热气腾腾,说明红红火火;“鱼”和“余”谐音,喻意“年年有余”。最后一道甜食,祝福往后的日子甜甜蜜蜜。




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To a Chinese, the task of learning English well is not easy.


So I, like many other English learners, have met with difficulties in learning English during the past seven years.


But I managed to overcome them and made much progress.


The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as a beginner.


But I foundmy own way to deal with them.


As to spelling, I never copied a new work again and again to remember it, but tried to find its relevance to the sound.


In fact, as long as I can read the word out, I can write it out.


As to the meaning, I rarely recite its Chinese translation but often put the word into the sentence to learn its meaning.


Moreover, if you use a word quite often, its spelling and meaning will be no problem.


After all, we are learning English in order to use it.


Grammar and idioms may be another difficulty.


But I have also got over it.


I have not read lots of grammar books.


But I spent much time reading the articles written by native speakers or specialists in English.


By doing so, I came to gain “a sense of English language”.


I began to gain a feel for which sentences are “good English” and which are not.


Finally, I want to say that overcoming all these difficulties requires perseverance.


In the past seven years I spent at least an hour on English each day.


I believe this is an important reason why I am able to make progress in learning English.




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The Spring Festival

Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year’s Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.




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Ancient Chinese legend had had a monster named nian head long sharp edges, fierce abnormalities, in "the beast in the seabed, each elder deep into the New Years eve and climbed out to swallow cattle damage lives, each to New Years eve, people CunCunZhaiZhai FuLaoXieYou and fled to the mountains, to avoid" nian "damage.

Again a year New Years eve, folks like ever busy tidy up thing to prepare fled to the mountains, come a time village head east white-haired old man, a white-haired old man to jehu old woman say as long as let him in her family lives a night, he will surely "nian" beast driven away. They do not believe, old woman advised its still went up into the mountain from the good, but the old man stayed, all see advised him not to live, then went up the mountain in succession from.

When "nian" beast like usual ready to burst into village, when suddenly spread across the firecracker, "nian" beast mix body chills, and never forward pool, originally "year" beast most afraid of red, the light of fire, and exploding. Then door open, see the old man wearing red nosocomial a laugh, "nian" beast was surprised and hasty retreat.

The next day, when the people back to the village from mountains, he found the village safe and sound, this is suddenly enlighted, originally white-haired old man is to help you evict "nian" beast immortals, people also found a white-haired old expel "nian" beast three pieces of magic weapon. Since then, the New Years eve, everybody pasted red couplets, firecrackers, every household lights, ShouGeng for years. This customs more spreadses more and widely, become the Chinese folk ceremonious traditional festival "Chinese New Year".




第二天,当人们从深山回到村里时,发现村里安然无恙,这才恍然大悟,原来白发老人是帮助大家驱逐“年”兽的神仙,人们同时还发现了白发老人驱逐“年”兽的三件法宝.从此,每年的除夕,家家都贴红对联,燃放爆竹,户户灯火通明,守更待岁.这风俗越传越广,就成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日“过年” 。



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The Spring Festival is our traditional festival, people called the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year. In my hometown of chaozhou, there are some special New Year customs.

Before the New Years eve, people are busy with four things: thank god, stock to do next, and to buy necessities. Tide vulgar, a year after the winter solstice, home to thank god. "Red peach hair next" material. Is rice and glutinous rice soak in water for a few hours, respectively, to make rice quality pine hydrophobic, remove dry stone mortar into fine powder, after dry. This is to be "red peach method next" main ingredient. Sweep up to choose an auspicious day, is an unusual thing. The Japanese, and are most busy housewives, clean up the inside and out of the room, for some years to use less cleaning.

December 24, is the period of the legendary "heaven god". Day, every family to worship "sugar peach". A square red paper, with jelly into a peach shape, become "peach". It touch live "sovereign" du mouth, let its "some god that speaks well of us fall to the ground. Chinese New Year to worship the "Sir", also is the god. The sacrifices of god are three: "red peach hair next", "the mouse shell next", "vegetable next". "Red peach hair next" is to use green beans to shell, then grinding beans into powder, and then steamed, do next filling. "Carrots next turnip cake."

On the afternoon of New Years day ancestor worship, to New Years eve. Chinese New Year, the home grown a big income, to send "lucky money" to their elders, elders to underage young players to "lucky money", so, every family, cherish the virtues of young embodies the respect for the elderly.

In the first month, chaoshan region have blessing of gods activity, is the temple of god carried to the street parade, people set off firecrackers, burning incense, the blessing. This is chaozhou custom of Spring Festival.








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When you ask the people around you, what is the most important festival in China, I think ninety-nine percent will say the same answer, that is the Spring Festival. About the origin of the Spring Festival, there is a old story. One is called "year" beast, will attack people from time to time. To ward off beasts years, people have to the last day of the old set off firecrackers and pasted red paper on the front door and window. Fortunately, the year for fear of the sound of firecrackers, and red stickers, dare not to come again. In order to commemorate the day, our ancestors put on the first day of the lunar New Year as the "Spring Festival".

During the Spring Festival, all the family members gather together for dinner on New Years eve night. Apple, fish, noodles, dumplings, pork, chicken, candy is an essential part of the table. "Fish" represents "more than" year after year; "Apple" herald "do things go in peace, the smooth". "Noodles" said "healthy life", as for the other, said will you have a good luck in the New Year.

The most happy children is the Spring Festival. Not only because they are more than a lot of friend, they can also get a red envelope. A red envelope, they can do anything you want to do: set off firecrackers, buy new clothes, buy everything you want. The best place for children, this is the Spring Festival, isnt it?

Not only means the beginning of the New Year the Spring Festival, is also carrying people wish for New Year. We hope the New Year wish will come true, life for the better. Anyway, the Spring Festival is the most meaningful family reunion, we spent together with family, this is the whole of the Spring Festival.







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Spring Festival couplets, originated in taofu. Taofu, Zhou Dai hung on the door on both sides of the rectangular wood board. According to the "rituals of the later Han Zhi", only six inches long, three inches wide, peach wood says "Tu", "Yu Lei" two god. "On January 1, Taofu made the household, fairy wood, HYAKKI fear." So, at the age of "Qing Dynasty" Yanjing said: "the Spring Festival couplets, also namely taofu."

The five generation, in the palace, some people write the language in the Spring Festival couplets. According to the "history of Song Shu family" said: after the Shu Meng Changling chapter title of peach Wood Johnson in, "with its work, pen questions cloud:" new year - Na Yuqing, Scarlett, Changchun Festival ", this is the first spring couplets in china. Until the Song Dynasty, which is still called "taofu". Wang Anshis poem had "numerous households especially blink the new peach for old symbol" sentence. The Song Dynasty, Taofu by peach wood instead of paper, called "spring stickers".

The Ming Dynasty, it was renamed the "Spring Festival couplets Spring Festival couplets". The Ming Dynasty Chen Yunzhan "miscellaneous" hairpin cloud floor contains: "the Spring Festival couplets, since the beginning of Ming dynasty. Jinling Park, on New Years Eve edicts have come suddenly: Gongqing Shishu door to an emperor incognito at the Spring Festival couplets." Zhu Yuanzhang not only personally to watch out, smiled, he also personally question couplets. He has a family, never see the door couplets, then to ask questions, know that this is a hog, and have not asked people to write. Zhu Yuanzhang is specially for the hog who wrote the "road of life and death split hands, a knife cut off the non root" of the new year. Combined and humorous. Ming Taizu advocated by the then new year would be demeaning to become a custom that has spread so far.

Paste Fu characters, stick grilles, paste, hang a thousand New Year paintings. These all have the folklore function of praying for blessing and placing the place of residence. The year painting is an ancient folk art in our country. He reflects the customs and beliefs of the people and holds the hope for the future. And the Spring Festival couplets, New Year paintings, originated in the "keeper". Spring Festival couplets by Tu and Yu Leis name to the development of writing and painting, still along the direction of the development of New Year paintings. With the rise of board printing, New Year paintings of the content is not limited to goalkeeper, and gradually, the God of wealth in your house, and in some New Year paintings workshop produced "map", "Samsung fukurokuju day official blessing", "", "" a bumper grain harvest, The domestic animals are all thriving. "Fu Chun connect" color, New Year paintings to meet people the wishes of jubilation. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang advocated the Spring Festival couplets, New Year paintings are also affected by the then prevalent country has three important areas: Suzhou, Taohuawu, Tianjin New Year paintings Yangliuqing and Shandong Weifang; the formation of the three major schools of our country New Year paintings. In the early years of the Republic of China, Shanghai Zheng mantuo combined the calendar of the moon and the two years of painting. This is a new form of the year painting. This geereryi New Year paintings, later developed into a calendar. Hang thousands, is auspicious words engraved on the red paper on the feet is long, sticky door, and embraced the taofu. There are eight immortals on it, hanging in front of the Buddha. Hang thousands of people to use it more, the family of the family use it less. The yellow paper 3 inches long, red paper "," small hang 1000 ", used to store. When is the earliest to hang a thousand in cash (copper) on hanging, like the gift money, there is the role of pressure wins.



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Dear John,

How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot helpbut miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell yousomething about it.

The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and

enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are

put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year’s hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may

vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in

the country.

Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival.

Best wishes,


Li Hua



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To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar  New Years Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar  calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern  Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the  country.



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The Spring Festival is the biggest traditional festival in China.

Whenever the Spring Festival approaching, people working in the field will return to his hometown, together with the family reunion. I also follow mom and dad back to our hometown. In the thirty and middle-aged follow father affix Spring Festival couplets before twelve o clock. There is a legend, Spring Festival couplets: it is said that once upon a time there lived a monster named "year", it always hurt people. But it is very afraid of red and noise, so people with Spring Festival couplets and firecrackers to deal with it. From now on "year" never to hurt people. Me and dad stick after the Spring Festival couplets and home family reunion dinner together.

The Spring Festival this day we up and say hello to friends and relatives YiYiBai years early. Then go to the treasure of our hometown temple, an enter a door he saw a sea of people, people come here to pray for happiness and peace. People also set off firecrackers in the square, all kinds of fireworks in the sky, very beautiful. Issue we began to relatives, at that time of children the most happy is to receive a lot of red envelopes.

Im so glad the Spring Festival!







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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster “Nian”.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, families get together and have a big dinner. Dumplings are the most traditional food.

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Happy new year”. People enjoy the Spring Festival, during this time they can have a good rest.

Children like the festival very much, because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their elders. This money is given to children for good luck.



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My hometown is in guangzhou, there is a busy, traffic, very busy place.

Guangzhou is a window of lingnan, after years of efforts, the face of great changes have taken place: block buildings look brand-new, streets are lined with trees, the air is fresh, day blue, river and flood can play for people to swim. In the evening, on both sides of the pearl river bright lights, colorful, like a city that never sleeps; Overpass and the inner loop, like a huge net; BRT is completed, as the bus sped up, for the people who work for a time; Many modern bridge opened to traffic, to alleviate the pressure of river-crossing plays an important role; High-rise buildings with, bustling commercial districts like bamboo shoots after rain emerge; Park free of charge to dismantle the fence, to facilitate citizens...

I think that the future home will be more and more beautiful, the traffic will be more and more smooth, changes will be bigger and better, peoples happiness index will be more and more high, it will become the south China sea a brilliant 殩 pearl.

Home is really beautiful, I love my hometown - guangzhou!







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the lunar new year

the lunar new year is a great occasion to the chinese people. it lasts  about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except  for the workers on duty. students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. farmers kill  pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. city dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. houses  are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors. colourful lanterns are hung at the  gate.

on the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together  and eats a family reunion dinner. after the meal they watch tv until the clock  strickes twelve. then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers  and other fire works to welcome the new year. on the first day of the new year,  almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. when people meet on the way, they  say to each other “happy new year”。 friends and relatives pay new year calls and  gives presents to each other. children indulge themselves in games.




前几天在新的一年,人们就开始准备。农民杀了猪,羊,公鸡和母鸡。城市居民买肉鱼和蔬菜。房子干净;  coupletsare门上张贴。色彩缤纷的灯笼挂在门口。

