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An Unforgettable Birthday Party

I had an unforgettable birthday party when I was thirteen years old. Before that, I had never invited my friends to my birthday party and it was my first time to do that. When the party began, we had chocolate and juice at home and we played a funny game. My friends gave me a lot of gifts, I liked them very much. Later we went to a restaurant and had a big dinner. I had a birthday cake with thirteen candles. I blew out them. My friends said, “Happy birthday to you!” I was so excited. I cut the cake into pieces and gave them to everyone. I did not do well in it, but we laughed and laughed. We were happy that day.

Money doesn’t mean everything, but friendship can make us happy. I can’t forget that birthday party and I miss my friends very much.

I was born on May 19,1980.Every birthday receive presents such as toys,candy ang books from my parents and friends.But this birthday is different.

Onthe morning of my fourteenth birthday, I got up earlier than usual to make breakfast for my parents. I wanted to give them a surprise. this is the first time I have got up earlier than my parents and made breakfast for them.And I will never forget their smiling faces when tey saw what Idid for them.





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May 5,xxxx

Dear Mike,

This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

True yours,




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The day before the sheep year, everyone is busy with the big meal, all the family members get together and have the dinner. People pay special attention to it, for they have the less time to get reunited. My family talks so happily and we enjoy the precious moment. The family reunion is so important for all the people, no matter how busy they are, they will come home for the dinner.




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表演开始了,真精彩呀!有的同学拉小提琴,有的同学弹琵琶,还有的同学唱歌…… 后来轮到汪可晗时,马老师和其他阿姨都在叫:“汪可晗唱一个!”可汪可晗呢!却做出了一些搞笑的动作,唱的也非常动听,把全场的气氛推向了高潮。

"呀!开始抽号互赠礼物了。我抽到了28 号的,打开一看,“天哪!是个漂亮的音乐盒,我非常喜欢,太谢谢吴梓萌了!”




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Dear friend,

I’m very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.I’ll wite you.



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World Health Day each year on April 7, is World Health Day, aimed at aroused the concern of the World to Health, Health work and to improve the quality of the peoples Health and knowledge, emphasize the importance of Health for the labor to create and happy life. In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

World health day is a global opportunity, focus on the impact of the international community major public health problem. World health day start longer-term propaganda and planning, until April 7.

The world health organization (who) to the theme of world health day 2007 identified as "investment in health, to build security in the future", which calls for attention to the new and traditional diseases and major sudden public health crisis brings to the human disaster, increased investment in health care to ensure that future generations can live in security, development and prosperity of a harmonious society. The world health organization on April 2, was held in Singapore, entitled "the necessity to improve international health security" high-level debate. Countries in politics, business and media controller together, send a strong message: only immediately increased investment in health, to build a secure future for mankind.

每年的4月7日是世界生日World Health Day ,旨在引起世界对卫生、健康工作的关注,提高人们对卫生领域的素质和认识,强调健康对于劳动创造和幸福生活的重要性。1948年,第一届世界卫生大会要求建立“世界卫生日”以纪念世界卫生组织的诞生。自1950年以来,每年于4月7日庆祝世界卫生日。每年为世界卫生日选定一个主题,突出世卫组织关注的重点领域。






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t was October 12th yesterday. My friends held a birthday party for me. In the morning, they came to my home early, and they brought many presents for me. I liked them very much. I invited them to the KTV, we sang songs, danced and played games. About 5:30 p.m., we went my home. My mother had cooked a delicious dinner for us. After dinner, we watched TV and at about 8:30 p.m. we ate birthday cake. There were fifteen candles on my birthday cake. I made a silent wish, and then I blew the candles out in one breath. I had an interesting birthday party. We had a good time in the party. I was so grateful to what they did for me.




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Yesterday was March 20th. It was my birthday. I had a party. I ate too much.

Mike brought a carton of ice cream.

Jenny brought some candy. Mary brought a lot of cookies.

My mom made a cake. My dad bought a toy car for me. I was very happy.

At the party we sang and danced. We had a good time.



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Today is my birthday and Im so excited about it. In the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it said, "Today is my birthday, dont forget it!" At school, I got many gifts and cards from my classmates and had a lot of fun. But I was still expecting the birthday party after school.

When it was time to leave school I couldnt wait to go home. When I open the door, there wasnt anybody in the house. There was only a note that said, "Coming home late tonight,mum and dad. "I try to call them but there was no answer.I was so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be! I was so sad that I couldnt eat anything. I just did my homework and waited for them.

And then,things changed completely. It was about time for dinner, my mother called and told me to go to the restanrant near our house. When I got there I couldnt believed my eyes. Everybody was there:my parents,my relatives, my friends and even my classmates. There was so many gifts and a big cake. What a surprising birthday party! We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever.






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Dear teacher,

Well have a class meeting this afternoon. All of us students hope that you

can attend it. Please accept our sincere invitation. I

n the class meeting, we will make some plans about all the subjects,

including English. We do have some puzzles and we need your help. So we hope you

can set some time aside to be with us in the class meeting. We will feel honored

if you can come to attend our class meeting.

Looking forward to your coming.










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导语 :轻轻的风吹着,润润的雨下着,开心的人笑着,知心的人陪着,朋友的信送着,到你面前你看着,忽然你开心的笑。小样,要的就是这效果,生日快乐。以下是小编带来老同学过生日聚会贺词,希望对你有帮助。

1、 今天是准提菩萨生日,诚心转发此消息,将得到准提菩萨护佑,赠你慧眼,明心鉴性;赠你法眼,法眼通天;赠你佛眼,吉祥无边!心诚则灵喽!

2、 我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。

3、 脸皮厚的人我见多了就没见过像你这样厚脸皮的,不就过个生日嘛,还非要礼物,得了,今天就给你加餐吧!猪,生日快乐!

4、 送一缕金色的阳光,让你幸福的生活更温暖,送一泓清凉的甘泉,让你的美丽的容颜更滋润,送一段真诚的生日祝愿,愿你渡过最美妙的一天,生日快乐。

5、 轻轻唱起生日歌,轻轻送出生日礼,淡淡的微笑在脸上,绵长的祝福在心中,此时此刻此情形,生日快乐是唯一!祝福你生日快乐!

6、 送上最美好的祝福和关怀!献上最诚挚的问候和喜悦!在这个美丽的季节里,愿朋友一路鲜花相伴,快乐走向长长人生路!在此祝愿,生日快乐!

7、 送你365个圆,愿你天天都美满;送你24个圈,愿你开心每一天,送你60根线,愿你美丽延年年。送你一碗长寿面,愿你笑容永相见,生日快乐!

8、 送你一个奶油巧克力蛋糕,蛋糕是我软软的关怀,奶油是我甜甜的祝福,巧克力装饰你人生的旅途。合起来就是要你好吃好看又幸福。

9、 轻轻的翻动着每一个孤独思念的日子,也静静地等待着你生日的到来,就像秋日里企盼收获的心情。在这样特别的日子里,我为你祈祷,也为你祝福:生日快乐。

10、 送你一个生日礼物,里面装满我对你的祝愿。愿你人生路上一马平川,事业路上功成永远,友情路上辉煌相伴,爱情路上幸福永远。祝你生日快乐!

11、 烛光点亮,让梦想插上翅膀;蛋糕品尝,幸福的味道无限滋长;快乐结伴吉祥将好运送上,信息携带祝福把友情唱响。祝生日快乐,人生处处是阳光!

12、 山和水相连,美景更美;糖和水相遇,溶化更快;你和我心灵相通,情谊更浓;我的心时刻铭记你的生日,送上真心地祝福,祝你生日快乐!

13、 我在天空写下你的名字祝你生日快乐却被风儿带走了;在街上写下你的名字祝你生日快乐,可是我被警察带走了。请速带生日红包前来警局将我释放。

14、 生命不在于长短,精彩十分重要。生活不在于富裕,健康才是王道。情谊不在于亲密无间,真心在乎就好。生日不在于吃啥喝啥,只要有问候祝福就好。生日快乐,亲,有生的日子天天快乐!

15、 一年一度的生命的轮回,属于你最灿烂的日子里,我诚挚的向流星倾诉给你送上最真诚又充满祝福的两句话:生日快乐!终身美丽!

16、 你是太阳,为我们的生活带来光明。你是大树,为我们遮蔽风风雨雨,亲爱的父亲,祝你健康、长寿。生日快乐!

17、 儿时老槐树还在记忆中挺立,忘不了手拉手过家家,散落一地的桃花,漫天飞舞着我衷心的愿望,在你又一个生日到来,祝永远幸福安康!

18、 虽然你不是天使,但却有着天使的美丽。虽然你不是公主,但却有着公主的气质。平凡而又不凡的你,散发着迷人的芳香。生日快乐,我的朋友!

19、 虽然温度总在变化,虽然时光没有停息,虽然此刻你我远隔千里,虽然祝福只是一条信息,但朋友的心总在惦记,真挚的问候总是跟随着你,生日快乐!

20、 说流星可以有求必应,如果可以我愿意在夜空下等待,等到一颗星星被我感动,为我划过星空带着我的祝福落在你的枕边。生日快乐!

21、 轻风拂过了湖面,恰似你的温柔;细雨飘落了思绪,浪漫了爱的情怀;玫瑰绽开了花瓣,芳香萦绕在心头;祝你生日快乐,愿幸福永远相伴!

22、 轻轻的风吹着,润润的雨下着,开心的人笑着,知心的人陪着,朋友的信送着,到你面前你看着,忽然你开心的笑。小样,要的就是这效果,生日快乐。

23、 好女人简简单单,好情谊清清爽爽,好缘分地久天长。祝你美丽压群芳,善良传四方,温柔力无挡,青春一百年!生日定要快乐哟!

24、 轻轻的我来了,正如我轻轻的走,我挥一挥衣袖,留下一头金牛。在您生日来临之际,送去我深深的祝福,祝你牛运冲天。

25、 送你一个生日蛋糕,用快乐、吉祥、如意做原料,用我的爱心、关心、热心、痴心、做包装,委托幸运之神做邮递员送给你,愿生日快乐。

26、 今天,岁月的砝码加了一份,我的祝福也多了一份,祝你多一份幸福,多一份快乐,多一份健康,多一份睿智,对一份甜蜜,多一份收获!

27、 愿你每一天都心想事成,愿你每一天都快快乐乐,愿你每一天都平平安安,愿你每一天都健健康康,你的生日就是我最牵挂的日子,朋友请收下我最美好的祝福!

28、 小菲男友过生日,小菲准备送他一对发卡当礼物,小菲同学知道后问道:你怎么送男生这种东西啊?小菲答道:我生日的时候,谁让他送我棒球棍的!

29、 晚上笑笑睡个美满觉,早晨笑笑全天生活有情调,工作之余笑笑满堂欢喜又热闹,烦恼之时笑笑一切忧愁全抛掉,收到短信笑笑感受生活真美妙。

30、 如诗的岁月带来的是你青春的光华,如歌的日子送来的是你健康的笑容,如月的皎洁给予的是你浪漫的情怀,如日的灿烂留住的是你生日永远的快乐!



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Said the mother of the birthday child after the difficult, as parents only point out that the component.

For a long time, some words have always been avoided, and they are afraid to collide into a fragile atrium. Just to watch the abundant emotional tone to the affection of the picture will tearfuls difficult flat, such as "Im writing a" mountain fruit face sweat girl Chuaizhe shabby in dress sweet potato cakes food back a basket of walnut green husk crowded train buy medicine to call the mother of the scene, and photography photographer Ihara Miyoko set "grandma Xu Fu pill" and meizuo tells the story with a small white cat life. As to the former Qingming grave, standing in the blooming rape flowers, rich soil smell diffuse around, look out, listen, a mountain village but Wang Yun Sze birdstwitter and fragrance of flowers, overcome by feeling of sorrow...... As usual, there is a piece of prose, and now we are lazy to touch the sentimental topic and keep it in the bottom of your heart.

Today is my birthday. When you get up in the morning, there is an egg and a fresh milk on the table, and it is the rule of the elders to eat boiled eggs in the birthday. Yesterday, I received my sons gift, which is a pair of leather shoes bought by the national scholarship with excellent performance in University, and a busy table cooked in the wifes kitchen. When you open your cell phone, you will see the gift from your daughter. This is a gift which is as precious as gold, silver and jewels, which is delicious, good to drink, and good to wear. Its a discourse that a daughter speaks to her father with her heart, which is a mental journey from immature to mature. On his 36 - year - old birthday, she had received a painting from a small hand - drawn hand made by her daughter, which was often seen in front of his eyes. Today, I received a birthday gift is a prose, "gift" of the language more than 10 years ago and painting picture at this moment of coincidence, tears blurred the line of sight......

Perhaps, the ring grows to the age that is easily nostalgic, but this is the tears of happiness. I do not get rich material life, the reality is too much, Im not going to smile in the face of lamented fate, suffering hardships, and stripped off the eggshell as morning helpless, an easy reduction. On my birthday, I have the opportunity to express gratitude to my father, I can go to find my parents thanksgiving.

Out of the window, a bunch of flowers bloom, green leaves swaying branches, the heart is sweet quietly hidden in the vast sea......



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Today is my grandpas birthday. Our family went back to my grandpas home in the morning.We got together to have a big family dinner to celebrate his birthady.We bought a big birthday cake and gave some presents to my grandpa.




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i spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. i used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation i simply could not afford to do so. i would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. though those examinations were still a year away, i had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things i had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. at first i was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later i thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer i could count on endless happy summers to come. with this in mind i then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. i was not at all bored by this kind of life, for i was sustained by a hope.



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My birthday is on Sunday. My parents are going to have a birthday party at home. I invite my friends to come to the party. At the party. They give me many small presents. Such as cards, picture books, pens. They sing Happy Birthday to me. My mother makes a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and give them out. we sing and dance. We have a good time at the party.

我的生日是在周日,爸爸妈妈在家为我准备了一个生日派对,我邀请我的朋友来参加聚会。 聚会上,他们送我很多小礼物,比如卡片,绘画书,笔。他们给我唱了生日歌,妈妈给我做了一个大蛋糕,我把蛋糕切成小块,并分给了他们。我们又唱又跳,派对上玩得非常开心。

My Grandpas Birthday 我爷爷的生日

Today I had a good time. It was my grandpa’s birthday. Our family went back to his home to celebrate his birthday. My mother cooked many delicious food and we brought a big birthday cake. We got together to have a big family dinner. We gave grandpa some presents and said, "Happy birthday to you!"

In the afternoon we went boating in the park. We enjoyed ourselves, and my grandpa had a nice time on his birthday.


Mothers birthday 妈妈的生日

Today is mothers birthday. I give mother bought a nice big cake, and sing a song for her, wish her a happy birthday.

In the evening, grandpa grandma, aunt and mother some friends also came to congratulate. Mother ate a hearty dinner, please thanks.

Today, its so nice to mum. I am also very happy.




高考英语满分作文:我的生日礼物 My Birthday Present

It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones.

My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football. BUt when I opened it, it turned out to be a clock. My brother gave me a message, saying that "My present has been put in your bedroom. "As soon as I went into my bedroom, I found a box. I opened it and found a laptop. I was very happy.

These two presents aim to let me study hard and not to waste time.




Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of presents. These presents were packed in coloured paper and two of them were funny and interesting, which impressed me.

My sister sent a bag of present to me. The bag was big and round. I though it was a football. But when I opened it, I saw a clock. The other one was given by my brother. He left me a message, which said "my present is lying in your bedroom". When I got to my bedroom, I found a laptop. Oh!Great! I jumped with joy. I know, they Want me to study hard and not to waste time.

I would never forget this birthday.




My birthday party 我的生日聚会

Today is my birthday and Im so excited about it.In the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it said,"Today is my birthday,dont forget it!"At school,I got many gifts and cards for my classmates and had a lot of fun.But I was still expecting the birthday party after school.

When it was time to leave school I couldnt wait to go home.When I open the door,there wasnt anybody in the house.There was only a note that said,"Coming home late tonight,mum and dad."I try to call them but there was no answer.I was so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be!I was so sad that I couldnt eat anything.I just did my homework and waited for them.

And then,things changed completely.It was about time for dinner,my mother called and told me to go to the restanrant near our house.When I got there I couldnt believed my eyes.Everybody was there:my parents,my relatives,my friends and even my classmates.There was so many gifts and a big cake.What a surprising birthday party!We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever.




生日宴会 Birthday party

Dear Tom, Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. Id love to go but I cant. My parents are out on business. They are coming back next month. And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming math exam. Im very sorry but I cant go to your party. Thank you for asking me. I hope you can have a good time. From Wei Hong


[关于生日birthday的英语作文 附中文



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