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I have a dream , but I darent say my dream is.....

Now I dare say : My dream is that Ill be admited to Qinghua

University.when I was a child, I had heard the highest school Qinghua. The words

often drives my heart. I keep it away for eleven years . However, I am almost

make it come true, because Im not good at studying subjects, my math ,my

English, my Chinese and my mixtrue subjects are not good. So, when I come to

classroom I often sit there and became sad. I think I have worked hard for two

years in the Siner School. But ,all of things arent change quickly. Where is my

seed and where is my gains, but it may be the time . Now, I have been in the

Senior three, and Ill face the case of going to university. Although the case

is so terrible , I have nothing to treat it. I often cry with the reason that

why I am always in trouble. but as the increcs of age , I know that cry is no

use , so I became studying. So, when I came into the Senior Three, I have been

felling myself to change mind to it is that studying is an important thing. If

you want to be good at it , you must finish the studying quickly and correctly

in a sure time, and the most important is that you must know the book well and

understand every rule and after that you may do some practice to improve your

testing cile .At last you must review them ,because the peoples brain is

limited , and it will make you forget all of you have studied it .

At last you must keep a good health and have a good felling. Look, this is

a true senior three student.

Qinghua, please open your door, Im running to you now.




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One day the sun and the wind had a quarrel.The sun said he was stronger

than the wind.And the wind said he was stronger than the sun.Just then they saw

a man walking down below with a hat and a coat on,The sun said,"Lets see who

can make the man take off his hat and coat.If you can do that quicker than

I,then you are the stronger.""All right,"said the wind,"Ill try first."

So the wind began to blow.But the harder he blew,the tighter the man held

his hat and coat.The wind could not make him take them off.

Then the sun tried.It shone quietly.Soon the man took off his hat and wiped

his forehead.The sun began to shine a little brighter,and the man took off his

coat.It shone harder still,and the man began to take off his shirt.Then the wind

said to the sun,“Thats enough.You are stronger than me.



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Honesty is pay attention to all aspects of, business, work, life,

friends... All want to pay attention to integrity, people need good faith

relationship; Business integrity is needed to maintain their livelihood, to

maintain the cooperation with other companies. Honesty can make others to

oneself, also can let the oneself career and life. Honesty is small enough to

make his own body and mind, big enough to make myself famous. Honesty can help

her in her career success, also can obtain happiness in life.

Said honesty is not only, also want to action, learn to learn to integrity,

not confess to others about their bad things to others, and an honest heart also

need careful, cautious people, while others, trust yourself and be careful.

Integrity needs to insist on, only insist on will increase, there is an idiom

called a good day, we have to do a sincere, only insist to maintain our

unchanging moral character, can improve their body and mind in honesty, hone

their endurance, this is not a the best of both worlds?

Honesty is honest and trustworthy, a man of faith is often mistake by

others. Honest need courage and cautious, credit needs to insist on and perfect,

only do this, can complete is honesty.



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The Ten-minute Break Between Classes Time seems to be so limited for us Senior Three students. As a result, more and more students try to study from early morning till late afternoon, even during the ten-minute breaks. In my view, taking a ten minute break between classes is equally important. Otherwise, we will feel exhausted both physically and mentally,During the ten minute break, we are supposed to do something really relaxing, we need is to have a rest, instead of getting more tired. Besides, studying during the break doesn ’ t necessarily mean that you will achieve more. So doing nothing tiring in that short period is of greater significance. As far as my ten-minute breaks are concerned, sometimes I take some simple exercise, such as having a walk with my classmates, or just a free chat to refresh myself. When the next class begins, I feel energetic again.



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2) 一时强弱在于力,千秋胜负在于理。——曹禺

3) 必须有勇气正视无情的真理。——列宁

4) 因为真理是灿烂的,只要有一个罅隙,就能照亮整个田野。——赫尔岑

5) 我们探求真理,在一切事件中,获得真理是最高的快慰。——桑塔耶纳

6) 真理就是具备这样的力量,你越是想要攻击它,你的攻击就愈加充实了和证明了它。——伽利略

7) 为寻求真理的努力所付出的代价,总是比不担风险地占有它要高昂得多。——莱辛

8) 我生为真理生,死为真理死,除了真理,没有我自己的东西。——王若飞

9) 理直气壮,永远不怕真理,勇敢地拥护真理,把真理告诉别人,为真理而战斗。——刘少奇

10) 过去的错误的学说不宜忘掉不谈,因为各种真理都要在和错误斗争之中,才能维持他们的生命。——克罗齐

11) 只有在斗争中无所畏惧,才能在追求真理的过程中把自己雕塑成器。——

12) 我们对于真理必须经常反复地说,因为错误也有人在反复地宣传,并且不是有个别的人而是有大批的人宣传。——歌德

13) 越是接近真理,便愈加发现真理的迷人。——拉美特利

14) 人类用认识的活动去了解事物,用实践的活动去改变事物;用前者去掌握宇宙,用后者去创造宇宙。——克罗齐

15) 在我所讲的一切中,我只是探求真理,这并不是仅仅为了博得说出真理的荣誉,而是因为真理于人有益。——爱尔维修



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The Gregorian calendar year before April 5 for tomb-sweeping day,24 solar is one.This is the tomb-sweeping day on April 4.In the twenty four seasons,is also the only qingming festival nights.Chinese traditional festival,is also the most important holiday of sacrifice.According to the old tradition,the grave),sacrifice (people to carry fruits,especially to the graveyard,pack items will be food for the offerings in the family grave,again will pack incineration,grave in new soil,fold a few branches in the new green grave,then KouTou salute,especially home last eat worship.

Tomb-sweeping day,also called TaQingJie TuLu vegetation,spring season,also is the good people,so a spring outing,and the ancients had clear outing launched a series of sports activities.Until today,the tomb-sweeping day,our ancestors have relatives customs still prevail







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Dear mother:


Dear mother, you have given me life, and my body has run through your

blood. It is your milk, heart, blood, tears and sweat that have become the

greatest liquid of human life and have nurtured me. It is you who feed me from a

hungry child to a primary school student.

Dear mother, there are many kinds of love in the world, but maternal love

is the most selfless, sincere, broadest and most merciful. When praising the

affection of human beings, you are the eternal theme. When you sing the sincere

love of the world, your love is called the first love in the world. Selfless is

your character, dedication is your feelings. You are the embodiment of goodness.

You are a symbol of greatness. Everything beautiful in women is condensed in

your image.

My dear mother, though the hardships of life have made your hands rough,

however, these hands are still so gentle, it always soothes my heart and gives

me infinite comfort; although the heavy work makes your head white hair, but the

body is still like the wing, caring for me all the time. The hard work of hard

work makes your face wrinkle. However, the face is still so kind. It teaches me

the true meaning of life and gives me confidence and strength at all times.

My dear mother, you are the resting place for your daughter. You are the

harbor for your daughter to escape from the wind. With you, our home will be

peaceful and warm. With you, our family will be happy and happy.

Dear mother, your great love is the greatest and selfless, your love in the

heart of the daughter turned from the bottom of the heart from the bottom of the

heart out - only the mother is good, the mother of the child like a treasure,

into the mothers embrace can not enjoy happiness.



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1、毅力是永久的享受。 ——布莱克

2、只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。 ——塞内加

3、只有恒心可以使你达到目的,只有博学可以使你明辨世事。 ——席勒

4、如果一个人有足够的信念,他就能创造奇迹。 ——温塞特

5、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。 ——马在思

6、要从容地着手去做一件事,但一旦开始,就要坚持到底。 ——比阿斯

7、仍然坚持一些看似可笑的自己。 ——李若曦

8、为学正如撑上船,一篙不可放缓。 ——朱熹

9、常常是最后一把钥匙打开了门。 ——佚名

10、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。 ——王勃

11、取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。 ——拉罗什夫科·法国作家

12、太山在前而不见,疾雷破柱而不惊。 ——欧阳修

13、患难困苦,是磨炼人格之最高学校。 ——梁启超

14、一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。 ——司汤达

15、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识。 ——陀思妥耶夫斯基

16、读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。 ——郭沫若

17、生活中无所不有,人们绝不会放弃生活。 ——萨特

18、坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。 ——白哲特

19、只有在苦难中,才能认识自己。 ——希尔蒂

20、忍耐和坚持虽是痛苦的事情,但却能渐渐地为你带来好处。 ——奥维德古罗马诗人

21、重复是学习之母。 ——狄慈根

22、苟有恒,何必三更起五更眠;最无益,只怕一日曝十日寒。 ——毛泽东

23、我达到目标的惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神。 ——巴斯德

24、做学问要花工夫,持之以恒,日积月累。 ——吴玉章

25、立志不坚,终不济事。 ——朱熹

26、不是一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 ——冯梦龙

27、长命也许不够好,但是美好的生命却够长。 ——富兰克林

28、日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事。 ——金樱

29、伟大的作品不是靠力量,而是靠坚持来完成的。 ——约翰逊

30、虽九死其犹未悔。 ——战屈原

31、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。 ——佚名

32、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。 ——塞约翰生

33、放弃信念,无异死亡。 ——法国

34、精诚所至,金石为开。 ——蔡锷

35、锲而不舍,金石可镂。 ——荀况

36、小水长流,则能穿石。 ——翟灏

37、信念!有信念的人经得起任何风暴。 ——奥维德

38、千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。 ——刘禹锡


40、信念是有益的,但它不具有真理性。 ——阿米尔


42、有志者事竟成。 ——《后汉书耿弇列传》

43、通过苦难,走向欢乐。 ——贝多芬

44、守其初心,始终不变。 ——苏轼

45、要在文化上有成绩,则非韧不可。 ——鲁迅

46、只有信念使快乐真实。 ——蒙田

47、天行健,君子以自强不息。 ——文天祥



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Beijing, is the nations political, economic, cultural and educational

center as well as Chinas most important center for international trade and


As the capital of the PRC, Beijing is located in northern China. The city

covers an area of more than 16,410 square kilometers (6336 square miles) and has

a population of 14.93 million people.

Beijing is a city with four distinct seasons. Beijings long and

illustrious history started some 500,000 years ago. Records show that Beijing

has been an inhabited city for more than three thousand years. For more than 800

years, Beijing was a capital city - from the Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368) to the

Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) dynasties.

Although now Beijing is a modern and fashionable city complete with a full

21st Century vitality, you can experience authentic Beijing life and become

acquainted with old Beijing by exploring its many teahouses, temple fairs,

Beijings Hutong and Courtyard and enjoy the Peking Opera. There are many sights

in Beijing like Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, as well

as the Temple of Heaven and so on. With its century-old history and unique

cultural relics, and as the host city of the 2008 Olympics, Beijing attracts

more and more visitors.

Shanghai, Chinas largest modern city, is situated in the middle of Chinas

east coastal line. Shanghai covers an area of over 6,340 squarekilos and has a

population of over 15 million.

It is the largest economic and trade centre in the country and

acomprehensive industrial base. It is an open city along the coast, as well as a

famoushistorical and cultural city. Shanghais history of revolution andculture

attract tourists home and abroad. Being regarded as "Paris of China" and as the

paradise for shopping, Shanghai has become an idealcity for tourism.

The Pudong Development Area in Shanghai is an important specialeconomic

zone in China. Efforts are being made to develop Shanghai into a modern

international economic, financial and trade centre.

Welcome to visit Beijing and Shanghai



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Its September. Autumn is coming. But where is autumn? I am told that the

sky looks higher with few clouds in autumn. I raise my head and look at the sky.

It makes no difference with the sky in summer. And trees around are still green.

Then I come to the fields. I find the corn in the ear. Apple trees nearby are

fruiting well. The harvest season is coming. I jumped with joy. This is autumn.

I found it!



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Almost all people work hard for success, but not all people can success.

Many people ask how to make success. I think the answer is persistence. The way

to success is full of failure and difficulty. People should never give up when

meet them. If you give up, you can’t be successful. No matter how hard it is,

persistence must be there.



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Since I started my major in the tea culture of ChinaI have been deeply

impressed by its sophistication and beauty.I would like to share some

fascinating aspects of the tea culture of China.

In a country with the history of five thousand yearsthe Chinese tea

drinking habit dated back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD).It became a national

tradition and led to development of a delicate tea drinking ritual.Over the

centuriespoets and artists in China wrote many marvelous masterpiecesin

appreciation of tea and Chinese people’s constant love of tea drinking .One of

the best-known writers is Lu Yuwho was regarded as the “Tea Sage ” for he

composed the first book on tea.In his classic bookhe detailed his studies of

teasuch as the origin of teatea toolstea pickingtea cookingtea ceremony and

well-known areas where tea was grown.And the valuable knowledge he recorded has

laid foundation for modern tea culture development.

based on ways in which tea leaves are processedthere are five distinct

types of tea.They are as follow:the green teathe black teathe Wulong teathe

compressed tea and the scented tea.Among themmay foreigners are familiar with

the green tea.The Longjing teaof the green typehas a reputation.



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What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more green

foods, no junk foods. The green food is those pollution-free, high quality and

nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so

on. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And the

junk food is those low nutrition, high calorie, processed food with much salt or

oil, such as the fries, fried chickens, salted eggs and so on. These foods will

cause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases. We should keep a

healthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy.



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Take a cup of tea and fetch a book, the house is full of Aton Johns

vicissitudes of singing, calm down and enjoy this rare leisure time.

Heavy heat from the fragrant tea, flicking my cheeks, itchy, but I cant

take care of it, because I was devoted to the book...

The book has a different position in everyones heart. People who have a

desire for knowledge think that the book is a dinner, especially needed; for

some people who are busy with work, it is a pack of snacks. Some energy...

The book is a snack type in my mind. It is for my entertainment. Of course,

I can supplement and broaden my knowledge while I am busy. It made me appreciate

Qin Wenjuns humor, Guo Jingmings romance, and Zhang Xiaoxians faint sorrow. The

book gives me a huge vocabulary and gives me a deeper understanding of

literature: literature is not the boring articles in "textbooks". Literature can

be funny and humorous, literature can be romantic and beautiful, and literature

can also be pretentious.

From the thin "good children" in childhood to the thick "junior literature

and art", from the interesting "Andersens fairy tale" to the endless aftertaste

of "The Dream of the Red Chamber", I also understand the value of various books.

After reading some campus novels, I feel that there is a lot of excitement.

After a few months, I basically have no impression. But classical literature can

not only increase your literary culture, but also learn some incomprehensible

ancient poetry. Wouldn’t it be fun?



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Spring Festival, a day Im looking forward to for a long time, should be

full of happiness, bustle and laughter. But this years novel coronavirus is so

rampant that I can only stay at home and wear masks when I go out, and my

parents remind me to keep warm and pay attention to personal hygiene every day.

The novel coronavirus seemed to have no intention of retreat, but doctors

struggled for many days and nights. In these days, I dont know how many people

have been killed by the virus, and how many doctors are still fighting against

the virus in order to fight the epidemic.


What novel coronavirus, what do you choose to do with humans? What makes

such a date come to earth? Why do we want to harm human beings?


One night, novel coronavirus boldly appeared before me. Chin lifted up and

smiled scornfully. "You only look at the results, but do not see the passage. Do

you know how I came? I was living on animal, but you humans killed them, ate

them, and someone else was eating live bats." So its not me that causes the

disease, its you humans. And I want to tell you that the most terrible thing in

the world is not the lion or the tiger, but you human beings. Your human mouth

is a bottomless hole, which is filled with discontent forever. You human beings

are greedy, cruel, and constantly hurting animals. Arent you ashamed? "After

saying it, turn around and walk away. I shouted at the virus, "but human beings

have a good side. There must be more good people than bad people in this world."

The novel coronavirus turned around and said, "the cruelty of human beings is

unthinkable. You have broken the ecological balance. Until now, there are still

no repentance!" I shouted, "go away!" the human race has already known that it

is wrong. If you do not go again, mankind will one day destroy you. The novel

coronavirus said, "I can go, but if the human beings do not know repentance, my

brothers will come again."


Suddenly, novel coronavirus came back, but I still woke up in my ear.

Animal and novel coronavirus, I hope that people can learn from this lesson,

treat the earth well, refuse to eat wild animals, and hope that those who are

infected with new coronavirus will get better soon._ueditor_page_break_tag_



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My mother is a village woman,who is already in her fifties. She had very

little school education,but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to

young people.

She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to

study hard.My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me,so

that I can spend more time on my study.

Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got

home to see her at night,I found the light was still on and mother was sitting

in bed,making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my


Such is my mother,a kind and hard-working woman. Ill respect and love her




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Since I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a

lot of people come to Beijingto watch it. In China, there is an old saying“One

who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. As it is so famous, I want to

the site when I have a chance. I see many pictures about the Great Wall on the

books, I also watch it through TV. Every time I see it, I feel so eager to reach

there. My father traveled there once, he took many pictures, this is the first

time I feel so close to the site. I must work hard, so I can have money to go to




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The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on

the act of savoring. Savoring tea is not only a way to discern good tea from

mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in

tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a

kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by

yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability

and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to

appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up

into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are

the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing,

comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese

gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too

numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the

natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for

people to rest and recreate themselves.China is a country with a time-honored

civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is

necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them

for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea

in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should

take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle.

Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after

half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the

tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire

course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea

time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay ones hunger.



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The sun shines on us. It gives us light and heat. It makes everything grow.

It gives the earth life.

The earth turns round itself. As it turns, we have day and night. It’s

bright by day and dark by night.

The earth also travels round the sun in an orbit. As it travels, we have

four seasons. It is hot in summer and cold in winter. the days are long in

summer and short in winter. In spring it is warm and the days are getting

longer. In autumn it is cool and the days are getting shorter.



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As the economy is developing so rapidly, people’s attitude towards life is changing at the same time. Credit cards are becoming more and more popular. but what advantages and disadvantages do they have?

Firstly, it is quite convenient ant safe for us to use a credit card. Cash-stolen does not exist in this way. People now take a card instead of a heavy purse wherever they go. Secondly, credit cards represent great honour. People using credit cards shows his special identity and draw others attention.

On the other hand, credit cards are not always that good. Credit cards can lead to overspending somehow. People pay more than they have and then get busy paying off. Furthermore the credit card cheating happens more often.

In my opinion, credit cards do good in our life. But we should use them carefully. Only when used credit cards properly can make contribution to a more convenient and safer life.
