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There is no denying the fact that it has been a hotly debated topic whether students should attend military training in China in the past years. Opinions on this issue differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that the training can not only build up students’ bodies but also temper their willpower. Besides, through the training, students can develop their team-spirit and sense of discipline.Others, however, hold the opposite view. They say that a short period of training as students are having now cannot work well in building up their bodies or strengthen their will. Instead, we should lay emphasis on their daily exercise and activities for such purpose. What’s more, a sudden increase of intense physical exercise, especially during summer, does harm to students’ health and may even cause deaths. What happened in the past years has proved this.

Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the former point of view. Military training is not only a means to strengthen student’s physique and willpower, but also an effective way to enhance their sense of national defense and foster their patriotism. Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Besides, the deaths are perfect evidence that students need more such training. Of course, measures should be taken to ensure that the least harm is done to the trainees.





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If I Rest, I Rust

The significant inscription found on an old key - "If I rest, I rust." - would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them.


Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gates that guard entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture-every department of human endeavor.


Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in quarry had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his " moments to idleness. Had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, had allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside, instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never become a famous,astronomer.


Labor vanquish all-not inconstant, spasmodic or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, So is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success.




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Study the following two pie charts carefully and write an essay entitled The Changes in College Students’Ways of Spending Vacations. In this essay you should:

(1) interpret college student’s ways of spending vacations in 1980 and2004,

(2) analyze possible reasons for the change, and

(3) your comments about the change.

You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

As is clearly shown by the two pie charts, from 1980 to 2004 the students who go traveling and do social practices during vacations increase greatly while those who stay at home decrease a lot. For instance, in 1980, only 9% of the students took advantage of their vacation time to do social practice, but its percentage has been more than tripled in 2004. Obviously, great changes have taken place in the way that college students spend their vacations.

Considering these changes, we can find there are possibly three main reasons. Firstly, with the fast development of economy, many people have become rich, which makes it possible for more students to go traveling. Most parents tend to support their children to travel financially. Secondly, the reason lies in the fact that the boom of tourism has made traveling attractive and, also, modem transportation has made it easier for students to go out to travel. The travel agencies not only provide historic sightseeing but also cultural as well as educational tour around China. What is more important, the fast changing society has raised higher requirements for college graduates. The authorities of Chinese university or college have been encouraging their students to do social practices in the hope that college students would broaden their view to know more about the society and become more adaptable to the future work after they graduate. Therefore, more students go out traveling or doing social practices during the vacations.

As a college student, I think the charts reflect the exciting progress on the college students’ thinking patterns. We have become much mature to realize how to spend our vacations meaningfully and practically. Form the changes in the charts, it is easy for us to predict that more and more college students will walk out their home and throw themselves into more various vacation activities.




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For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below.

You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

“Dear Andy-How are youYour mother and I are fine .We both miss you and hope you are doing well. We look forward to seeing you again the next time your computer crashes and you come downstairs for something to eat, Love, Mom and Dad.”

范文: The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of

communication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.

As far as Im concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.

To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.




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Does Mobile Phone Distract Study?

Today, with the development of technology, people own all kinds of electronic products, mobile phone is very popular, almost everyone has a mobile phone at hand, we even can say that we can’t live without mobile phone. As the phone has become so popular, students are also obsessed about it, high school students use cell phone without letting teachers know it, the reason that the teachers ban them to use mobile phone is that the phone will distract students from study. I agree with teachers, as a student, I know exactly how the phone affects me in the class. I always want to check my phone, seeing if there is message. I can’t focus on my study, all my mind thinking is to check on the phone. I am not saying we should not use mobile phone, I advise that it is better use it when we are not studying.

今天,随着科技的发展,人们拥有各种各样的电子产品,手机很流行,几乎每个人手头上都有一部手机,我们甚至可以说我们不能没有手机。手机如此的流行,学生 自然也为此着迷,高中生瞒着老师使用手机,老师禁止他们使用手机的原因在于手机会让学生学习上分心。我同意老师的看法,作为一名学生,我很清楚地知道手机 如何在课上影响我。我总是想要看看手机上是否有信息。我不能集中学习,脑子想的都是检查手机。我不是说我们不应该使用手机,我建议我们最好在不学习的时候 用。



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Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In my opinion, everyone had better learn to work with others together because teamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society.


First, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate with each other. Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job.” Working in a team, teammates share their ideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement. Second, working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon. Teammates in a team can learn something from each other because they are from different places, owning various experiences and hold different views towards things. Therefore, getting along with other teammates is also a process of increasing our knowledge. Finally, working in a team is also a way to establish our friendship. Teammates in a team have chances to help each other, to solve the problems together, to share the happiness of being successful, which make a great contribution to establishing friendship. Thus, working in a team is one of the most effective ways to extend our personal relationships.


To sum up, to learn to work in a team is really necessary and important and we should try to enjoy it.




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How to improve students mental health Nowadays,it is widely acknowledged that mental health plays an important role in peoples life.Along with the increasingly fierce social competition,there is no doubt that mental problems have been the heated issue which is related to peoples day-to-day life.In addition,there is a widespread concern over the case of sucide of universities students so that people come to realize that the impotance should be attached to mental health by everyone,especially the universities students.

It goes without saying how to improve students mental health becomes the top of agenda for schoos,such as univeristies or colleges.First of all, counter-measures should be taken immediately so as to make universities students have the good state of mind.Besides,widespread education campain should be lauched to make students gain the abilities to confront difficulties.For instance, revelant coures and activities should be intoduced to students so that universities students may maintain and improve mental health.To the important of all,there should be psychological counseling hotline or office,even an online service for stidents turn to when they need psychological aid. As for universities students ourselves,we should take the right attitude towards the pressure from our growth. on the one hand ,no matter suffering from what difficuties,we should keep optimistic attitude and bravely face ups and downs in terms of our work and study.On the other hand,If we have some pains and puzzles,finding friends to express these to release our stress.Only in this way ,can we have the good state of our mind.




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It is believed that the computer is bringing the world into a brand new

era. At the time the computer was invented, scientists, marveling at its

calculating speed, felt that they had created a miracle. Nowadays, the function

of the computer is no longer confined to calculation; it permeates people’s

daily lives and has become an inseparable part of human society.

People become so heavily dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine

the life without computers. Therefore, some people are worried that “The real

danger is not that the computer will think like man, but man will think like the


Their concern does make sense. Indeed, some people spend such a long time

working on computers that they have few interactions with people in real life.

According to a research, too many hours in front of a computer may lead to a

poker face and interpersonal isolation. This fact should arouse our attention,

because unlike computers, human beings are social creatures that need emotional

connections with others.

Yet, it is also unnecessary for us to be overwhelmed by the negative

impacts of computers. After all, we humans are intelligent and will be able to

figure out better ways to make improvements.



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最后,当然是我最爱的角色扮演游戏!到底哪里好玩呢?让我告诉你吧!角色扮演就有一点类似我们人类一样,有好多好多职业可以选择。但是在游戏里,大多是打打杀杀等战争游戏,像是有战士、魔法师和弓箭手等等职业,而特定的职业也会有各个职业的技能喔!像是战士,可以拿剑、刀、枪或矛的武器,在使用攻击力较高 的技能将怪物击退。至于魔法师,就不同喔!魔法师是拿法仗,然后使用火焰、冰冻、打雷、毒雾或补血等等很多技能,是游戏不可或缺的职业!最后是弓箭手,弓箭手大致上是分成猎人或孥弓手。弓箭手都会拿着一把弓,在加以施展魔法,提高攻击力,将怪物打死喔!

我会喜欢上电脑游戏,是因为我可以在这个虚拟的世界里,了解到许多大大小小的事情。或者是在游戏里跟世界不同角落的人一起玩,培养跟别人相处的态度及方 法。也可以在里面结交到一些朋友,跟他们聊天,一起分享游戏的乐趣。最重要的是,游戏可以解除我一天的疲倦,让我放松心情,所以,游戏是我生活中最重要、不可或缺的一部分!




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Walking on the campus, youll find luxuries are not far away for students. Some wear CK clothes and some carry LV bags. According to an online survey conducted by Tencent in May this year, there are 37 percent students claiming to have a certain luxury.

On the basis of the survey, the way of obtaining luxuries is quite different. Some students get them from their parents, as their families are in good financial condition. Some take part-time jobs to buy luxuries by themselves. For example, a college student named Xiao Mei said she worked as a tutor for three months in order to get a bottle of Dior perfume. Some receive luxuries as a gift from their friends or relatives.

As for me, I object to students using luxuries. It is known that luxuries are notable for their super prices. However, students are not economically independent and their attention should be paid to study. In this sense, using luxuries is improper for students.



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Looking back over the past ten years I have the greatest impact to the people is my mother. My mother is no different from ordinary people yet to me the most is her hearts normal mapping tolerance understanding open-minded and love it speechless.

Mothers words every move of my education I learned tolerance learned to understand and learn the extensive learned to think for others.

In my life my mother is sitting next to me has always been the most pro-love after their well-being知冷知热. She for me is too much to do too much but she has never asked any of the return how extensive it is a selfless love how ah! It is this love given to me too many things that can not be forgotten.

Mothers love such as high mountains such as the sea. The world may have plenty of peaks it can not compare my love for her. If I learned in the way people care and appreciate a bit a little self-confidence and persistence I have to thank the life I have the greatest impact on people - my mother.


回首过去的十一年,给我影响最大的人无疑是我的母亲。 我的母亲并没有什么异于常人的地方,然而给我影响最大的正是她那颗平常心映射出的宽容、理解、豁达和那无言的爱。





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题目:Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?


Many people, and children in particular, enjoy playing computer games. While I accept that these games can sometimes have a positive effect on the user, I believe that they are more likely to have a harmful impact.

On the one hand, video games can be both entertaining and educational. Users, or gamers, are transported into virtual worlds which are often more exciting and engaging than real-life pastimes. From an educational perspective, these games encourage imagination and creativity, as well as concentration, logical thinking and problem solving, all of which are useful skills outside the gaming context. Furthermore, it has been shown that computer simulation games can improve users’ motor skills and help to prepare them for real-world tasks, such as flying a plane.

However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks. Gaming can be highly addictive because users are constantly given scores, new targets and frequent rewards to keep them playing. Many children now spend hours each day trying to progress through the levels of a game or to get a higher score than their friends. This type of addiction can have effects ranging from lack of sleep to problems at school, when homework is sacrificed for a few more hours on the computer or console. The rise in obesity in recent years has also been linked in part to the sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise that often accompany gaming addiction.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of video games are more significant than the possible benefits.

(258 words, band 9)




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the negative effects of the fake ads

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, fakes appear widely on the market, they range from medicines, 3C products to cooking oil etc. More serious is that these products have entered the Realms of TV advertising, theyhave deeper into human’s lives.


Bad commercial advertisements will undoubtedly take large numbers of side-effect and harm to consumers.If audiences believe the false advertisement and buy the products, both their property and healthy wouldbe damaged. In addition, fake commodities are not only extremely harmful to consumers, as well as the whole society, it break the market order, reduce the credibility of the real business ,make these kinds of product stay away from people’s trust.


In my opinion, for the government, certain policies andmeasures should be taken on the spot, such as dispose the TV station of handingin money, judge the selling fake bad manufacturer criminal punishment, and prohibit the emergence of the harmful advertisement. For the audience, they should strengthen the discrimination ability of the false goods, and would not be cheated by the fake television advertising as the cheap price and convenience.


To sum up, we need to work together to make the false advertisement disappeared in our lives. For me, I will not buy the fake goods, and will report them at the first time. It is time forus to practice whatwe preaches about cracking down on fake goods.





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In recent years, college studentsfind it increasingly difficult toget a

job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent,

well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bring their talent into full

play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon?

There are several reasons for this.To begin with, nowadays college students

aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary,

comfortable working conditions, high social status among others. Consequently,

most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider

not“good” enough. Another reason is thatthere is a big gap between the majors

some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think

some students are not fit for the jobs.

Solution to the problem requiresefforts on both the society and the

students. The companies should value the students, talent and knowledge while

the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-to–earth

in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so

as to improve themselves and be more competent.



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As a product of modem computer and the Internet, online games have won great popularity among people, youngsters in particular. However, some people believe that young people who lack self-discipline can easily get indulged in these games and their health and academic performances are severely affected. This phenomenon can be found on TV reports from time to time, and many teachers and parents have expressed their concerns over this.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring people much pleasure and satisfaction, and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your life, youd better give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.



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Mobiles Distract Study

Mobile phones are becoming a new scene on campus。

Students think it is extremely convenient for them to communicate with the outside world by using mobile phones, especially when they are hunting for jobs, so they call it an essential investment。

Education experts analyze the entry of mobile phones into campus as an indication of social progress。 To some extent, it reflects that college students are more and more involved in this modern society, rather than pedants in the "Ivory Tower"。

As a coin has two sides, the mobile phone, while providing convenience, causes trouble too。 In classrooms, the untimely ringing interrupts lectures and destroys the atmosphere of study, so it prompts many complaints。 And the mobile phone users themselves also suffer。

Therefore, we need to think more about how to integrate mobile phones properly into our lives。手机影响学习






