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My uncle has two dogs. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much.

One day, Mr. Smith came to visit him. When the friend saw two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, he was surprised and said, ;My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?; ;Let my dogs come in and come out, of course,; Mr. Smith asked. ;But why are there two holes? One is enough!; ;But how can the big dog go through the small hole?; my uncle said.

Sometimes a clever man may make such mistakes.


有一天,史密斯先生来看他。当这个朋友看见门口上有连个洞,一个是大洞和一个小洞时,他感到吃惊并说,;我亲爱的朋友,为什么你的门上有连个洞?;我的叔叔回答说:;当然是让我的两条狗进出了。 史密斯先生问到:"为什么门上要两个洞呢?一个就足够了。"我叔叔说:;大狗怎能走小洞呢?;




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The Lioness

A CONTROVERSY prevailed among the beasts of the field as to which of the animals deserved the most credit for producing the greatest number of whelps at a birth. They rushed clamorously into the presence of the Lioness and demanded of her the settlement of the dispute. "And you," they said, "how many sons

have you at a birth? The Lioness laughed at them, and said:

"Why! I have only one; but that one is altogether a thoroughbred Lion.The value is in the worth, not in the number.


A brave 9-year-old is recovering in hospital after he wrestled a 9-foot, 400lb alligator off him with his bare hands - and he now plans to make a necklace from a tooth doctors found embedded in a wound on his back.


James Barney Jr, spoke calmly and eloquently about his ordeal from hospital, where he was tucked up in bed with a teddy bear by his side. He was covered in some 30 teeth marks, doctors said.


The little boy described how it was a hot day so he had parked his bike and jumped into Lake Tohopekaliga - a lake that people are forbidden to swim in - when he felt something brush against his leg.


It really amazed me what happened. At first, I thought someone was just playing with me, and I didnt know what happened, he told ABC.


I reached down to grab it, and I felt its jaw, I felt its teeth, and I didnt know what to do, so I immediately reacted and hit it a couple times. And I had enough strength to pry its jaw open. The child pulled the powerful jaws open long enough to slide out and swim to shore.


Witnesses say the boy surfaced, screaming that hed been bitten by an alligator. They immediately called 911.



Traditionally regarded as one of the safest planes in the skies, the Boeing 777’s reputation will have been damaged by the second fatal crash in less than a year.

There are around 1,000 Boeing 777s in service, and the plane is a long haul workhorse, plying some of the longest routes.

It entered service in 1995 and the National Transportation Safety Board, which is responsible for monitoring US-made aircraft, has logged fewer than 60 incidents.

But the recent record has been more patchy with two major incidents - a crash at San Francisco airport last July, which claimed three lives, and the crash-landing of a British Airways 777 at Heathrow in January 2008.

But the Malaysian disaster is very different from both the BA incident and the crash involving a Asiana Airlines flight at San Francisco International Airport in July.

Both the BA and Asiana accidents occurred shortly before landing, while the Malaysia airlines plane disappeared off the radar during the early stages of the trip.

The accident at San Francisco in July was attributed to pilot error which led to the engines being set to idle because he believed the computer would maintain sufficient speed to keep the plane up in the air.

But initial reports suggest that Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the 53-year-old Malaysian airlines pilot, was hugely experienced - having joined the carrier in 1981 and with 18,365 hours in the cockpit under his belt.

The BA crash landing, which did not result in any fatalities, was finally found to have been caused by a blockage in the fuel line feeding the engine.

Simply put the aircraft had the aviation equivalent of a cardiac arrest because some of the fuel failed to melt and blocked the supply line at the end of a long flight from Beijing to London, during which the plane travelled through unusually cold airspace over Siberia.

This crash has echoes of the disaster in which 288 people on board an Air France Airbus 330. That plane, another long-haul workhorse, crashed into the Atlantic en-route from Rio de Janeiro in June 2009 killing 228 people.

A variety of explanations have been given for the Air France crash, with investigators finding that the plane’s speed sensors were giving an incorrect reading.

But with this crash involving a different aircraft, it will take several months before investigators can ascertain the cause.










云南鲁甸6.5级地震 2500余名官兵赶赴救援

China has deployed 2,500 soldiers to the south-western province of Yunnan to help search for survivors after an earthquake killed at least 398 people.


More than 1,800 people were injured when the magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck on Sunday.


Attempts to reach the epicentre have been hampered by heavy rain, with some rescuers forced to travel on foot.


State broadcaster CCTV said the earthquake was the strongest to hit the mountainous province in 14 years.


President Xi Jinping called for "all-out efforts" to find survivors as he dispatched soldiers to the area.


They joined more than 300 police and firefighters from Zhaotong and about 400 emergency workers and sniffer dogs from across Yunnan province in the rescue operation.


But rescuers trying to deliver the much-needed supplies are struggling to reach the area, reports the BBCs Celia Hatton in Beijing.


Unrelenting rain and continuing landslides have left many roads in the region too damaged to use, she adds.


Premier Li Keqiang has travelled to the area to oversee the rescue operation. And he had to walk for "over three miles" (5km) to reach the worst-hit village in Yunnan on Monday.


A spokesman for UN chief Ban Ki-moon said the secretary-general was "saddened by the loss of life".


South-west China lies in an area that is prone to earthquakes.


An earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 killed tens of thousands of people while a magnitude 7.7 quake in Yunnan in 1970 killed at least 15,000.



Should Your Family Get Access To Your Online Accounts When You Die?

Its a question that will eventually—hopefully not soon!—confront you, me, and every other person reading this: Should our loved ones gain access to our digital lives, from email to Instagram to financial accounts, after we die? A cadre of state-appointed lawyers are creating a bill that would allow for just that.

This is one of the more important legal dilemmas of recent years, and only a few states have clear laws on whether, say, a parent should gain access to their childs Facebook if the child dies, or whether a wife should get access to financial information locked in her deceased husbands email account. This week at its annual meeting, the Uniform Law Commission—a Chicago-based group of lawyers who are appointed to write clear and stable language for new legislation—will finalize its recommended language for a law that would give loved ones access to all of your digital accounts after you die. Unless you specify otherwise.

As the AP reports today, the bill would create a legal process for gaining access, which can be incredibly difficult today:

Most people assume they can decide what happens by sharing certain passwords with a trusted family member, or even making those passwords part of their will. But in addition to potentially exposing passwords when a will becomes public record, anti-hacking laws and most companys "terms of service" agreements prohibit anyone from accessing an account that isnt theirs. That means loved ones technically become criminals if they log on to a dead persons account.

And thats assuming they even have the password. Going up against giants like Google makes the process even more difficult. And for a grieving family, it can be all but impossible.

The bill would give access—but not control—to loved ones unless they specifically wrote in their will that they wouldnt allow it.

[英语寓言故事参考:The Lioness



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A snake, having made his hole close to the door of a cottage, inflicted a sever bite on the cottagers little son. So the child died.

This caused much sorrow to his parents. The father decided to kill the snake. The next day, on its coming out of its hole for food, he took up his ax, but, making too much haste to hit the snake, missed its head, and cut off only the end of its tail.

After some time the cottager, lest the snake should also bite him, tried to make peace, and placed some bread and salt beside its hole, the snake, slightly hissing, said, "From now on there can be no peace between us; for whenever I see you I shall remember the loss of my tail, and whenever you see me you will be thinking of the death of your son."

No one truly forgets injuries in the presence of him who caused the injury.



过了一阵子,屋主很害怕那条蛇会以牙还牙,就想同蛇讲和,于是就将一些面包和盐放在洞口。那条蛇发出丝丝的声音作出回答:“从今以后,在我们之间不会有和平。因为我一看到你,就会想自己被砍掉的尾巴;同样当你见到我时, 你会想起你死去的儿子。”




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今年的春天格外冷,“倒春寒”倒得可真厉害呀。那天中午放学后,我没穿外衣就跑了出来。一出来,我就感觉一阵阵寒风向我袭来,我不禁打了几个寒战,心想:“完了,估计这回要感冒了。”不幸的是,妈妈的唠叨声也伴随着寒风向我扑来了:“又不穿外套,帽子也不戴,感冒了我可不管!”但是,唠叨归唠叨 ,妈妈还是一边唠叨着一边脱下自己的外套逼着我穿上,又把她自己的头盔戴在我的头上,直到把我裹得严严实实才放心地发动了电动车。一路上,我倒暖和了,可妈妈却因为只穿着一件单薄的毛衣,在寒风中瑟瑟发抖。回到家之后,妈妈又对爸爸唠叨道:“这孩子,这么冷的天,出来竟然不穿外套,我的衣服给他穿了,冻死我了……”我的妈妈就是这样一个爱唠叨的人,但是,从妈妈一次次的唠叨中,我分明读懂了妈妈对我的爱,这爱是无私的、无价的。


不知从什么时候起,我和妈妈爱上了吃米线。每次我一说去吃米线,妈妈总是积极响应,爸爸虽然什么话也没说,但他每次都任劳任怨地带我们去吃。有一次,爸爸先把我和妈妈送到店里,他自己就走了。我们左等右等,还不见爸爸回来,我突然产生了一个念头:“爸爸不会是想临阵逃脱吧?”正在我胡思乱想之际,爸爸提着一袋包子回来了。我奇怪地问:“爸爸,不是有米线吗?你买包子干什么?”这时,妈妈插嘴道:“爸爸根本就不爱吃米线!” 这时我才明白,爸爸一点都不喜欢吃米线,原来每次他来就是为了陪我们吃。




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终于蛋一个接一个地开始裂了。 “吱,吱!”小鸭们叫着。“呱,呱!”母鸭回道。“这个世界好大啊!”小鸭子异口同声道。

The countryside was lovely. It was summer. The wheat was golden and the oats were still

green. The hay was stacked in the low-lying meadows. There lay great woods around the fields and meadows.

There were deep lakes in the midst of the woods. In the sunniest spot stood an old mansion surrounded by a deep moat.

Great leaves grew from the vines on the walls of the house right down to the waters edge.

Some of the leaves were so big that a child could use them as an umbrella.

In the depths of a forest a duck was sitting in her nest. Her little ducklings were about to be hatched.

At last one egg after another began to crack." Cheep, cheep!" the ducklings said." Quack, quack!" said the duck.

" How big the world is!" said all the young ones.







But the biggest egg was still there. And then she settled herself on the nest again.

"Well, how are you getting on?" said an old duck who came to pay her a visit." This egg is taking such a long time," answered the sitting duck."

The shell will not crack, but the others are the finest ducklings. They are like their father."

"let me look at the egg which wont crack," said the old duck." You may be sitting on a turkeys egg!

I have been cheated like that once. Yes. its a turkeys egg!

You had better leave it alone and teach the other children to swim."

"I will sit on it a little longer."







At last the big egg cracked. How big and ugly the baby was! " That is a very big duckling." she said,

" None of the others look like that. Can he be a turkeys chick?

I will soon find out. I will make him go into water."

The next day the mother duck with her family went down to the moat. She said, and one duckling jumped in after another.

The big ugly one swam about with them." No, that is no turkey," she said," Quack, quack! Now come with me

and I will take you into the world. Keep close to me all the time. Be careful of the cat!"

The first day passed, and everything was fine.







Afterwards, matters grew worse and worse. The poor duckling was chased and harassed by all the ducklings because he was very ugly.

The ducks bit him, the hens pecked him. and the girl who fed them kicked him aside. Then he ran off and soon came to a great marsh where the wild ducks lived.

He was so tired and miserable that he stayed there the whole night.

In the morning the wild ducks flew up to see their new friend." You are very ugly," said the wild ducks," but that does not matter to us."

He stayed there two whole days . And then two wild geese came.

Just at that moment the sound of "Bang! Bang!" was heard, and both the wild geese fell dead among the reeds.

It was a terrible shock to the poor duckling.






A big dog appeared close beside him. He showed his sharp teeth and went on without touching him.

"Oh, thank Heaven! I am so ugly that even the dog wont bite me!"

sighed the duckling.

In the evening he reached a little cottage where an old woman lived with her cat and her hen.

Her eyesight was not good, and she thought the duckling was a fat duck.

"I will be rich if I have duck eggs," she said.

So she took in the duckling for three weeks, but he laid no eggs.The cat was the master of the house

and the hen was the mistress.






"Can you lay eggs?" asked the hen.

"No," answered the duckling.

"Then you had better go out into the wide world," said the cat. So away went the duckling.

One evening the sun was just setting when a flock of beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes.

The duckling thought," Ive never seen anything so beautiful."



太阳又开始温暖地照耀着,云雀在歌唱,美丽的春天已经来临了。突然这只小鸭举起他的翅膀, 而翅膀拍动的力气要比以前大,



They were dazzlingly white with long necks. They were swans.

He did not know what the birds were.

The winter was so bitterly cold that the duckling swam about in the water to keep himself from freezing.

The sun began to shine warmly again. The larks were singing and beautiful spring had come.

Then, all at once, the duckling raised his wings and they flapped with much greater strength than before.

Before he knew it, he found himself in a large garden where the apple trees were in

full blossom and long branches of lilacs overhung the shores of the lake.

Just in front of him he saw three beautiful white swans swimming towards him.






"I will fly to them and they will hack me to pieces because I am so ugly.

But it doesnt matter. I would rather be killed by them than be bitten by the ducks or pecked by the hens."

So he flew into the water and swam towards the swans. They saw him and darted towards him.

"Kill me! Oh, kill me!" said the poor duckling,

and he waited for his death bowing his head towards the water.

But what did he see in the clear water? He was no longer a dark gray ugly bird.






He was himself a swan!

Some children came into the garden with corn and pieces of bread, which they threw into the water.

The smallest child shouted with joy," There is a new one."

The other children shouted, "Yes, a new one has come."

He said to himself,

" I never dreamed that I could be so happy when I was the ugly duckling!"



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Near Chinas northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism. His horse, for no reason at all, got into the territory of the northern tribes. Everyone commiserated with him.

"Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said his father.

After a few months, his animal came back, leading a fine horse from the north. Everyone congratulated him.

"Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune," said his father.

Since he was well-off and kept good horses his son became fond of riding and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. Everyone commiserated with him.

"Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said his father.

One year later, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. All able-bodied young men took up arms and fought against the invaders, and as a result, around the border nine out of ten men died. This mans son did not join in the fighting because he was crippled and so both the boy and his father survived.










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英语寓言故事The Prophet

The Prophet

A WIZARD, sitting in the marketplace, was telling the fortunes of

the passers-by when a person ran up in great haste, and

announced to him that the doors of his house had been broken open

and that all his goods were being stolen. He sighed heavily and

hastened away as fast as he could run. A neighbor saw him

running and said, "Oh! you fellow there! you say you can foretell

the fortunes of others; how is it you did not foresee your own?


A brave 9-year-old is recovering in hospital after he wrestled a 9-foot, 400lb alligator off him with his bare hands - and he now plans to make a necklace from a tooth doctors found embedded in a wound on his back.


James Barney Jr, spoke calmly and eloquently about his ordeal from hospital, where he was tucked up in bed with a teddy bear by his side. He was covered in some 30 teeth marks, doctors said.


The little boy described how it was a hot day so he had parked his bike and jumped into Lake Tohopekaliga - a lake that people are forbidden to swim in - when he felt something brush against his leg.


It really amazed me what happened. At first, I thought someone was just playing with me, and I didnt know what happened, he told ABC.


I reached down to grab it, and I felt its jaw, I felt its teeth, and I didnt know what to do, so I immediately reacted and hit it a couple times. And I had enough strength to pry its jaw open. The child pulled the powerful jaws open long enough to slide out and swim to shore.


Witnesses say the boy surfaced, screaming that hed been bitten by an alligator. They immediately called 911.


[英语的寓言故事The Prophet



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【成语】: 爱屋及乌

【拼音】: ài wū jí wū

【解释】: 因为爱一个人而连带爱他屋上的乌鸦。比喻爱一个人而连带地关心到与他有关的人或物。











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A boy found an eagles egg and he put it in the nest of a prairie chicken. The eagle hatched and thought he was a chicken. He grew up doing what prairie chicken do-scratching at the dirt for food and flying short distances with a noisy fluttering of wings. It was a dreary life. Gradually the eagle grew older and bitter. One day he and his prairie chicken friend saw a beautiful bird soaring on the currents of air, high above the mountains.

"Oh, I wish I could fly like that!" said the eagle. The chicken replied, "Dont give it another thought. Thats the mighty eagle, the king of all birds-you could never be like him!" And the eagle didnt give it another thought. He went on cackling and complaining about life. He died thinking he was a prairie chicken. My friends, you too were born an eagle. The Creator intended you to be an eagle, so don’t listen to the prairie chickens!





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One day the little gray rabbit at home and play with the little white rabbit the little white rabbit to play for a while the little white rabbits mother called the small white rabbit went to buy a small gray rabbit play in the small white rabbit home of their own. Little gray rabbit saw the little white rabbit has a rubber on the table the rubber is very beautiful also very sweet. Little gray rabbit wanted to but again afraid not the little white rabbit is brought home a rubber. The small white rabbit came home to find his beloved rubber disappeared went to ask a small gray rabbit: "did you take my eraser?" Little gray rabbit to cheat the little white rabbit: "I didnt take you find again!" Down the little white rabbit went away she did not find at home looking for a long time will think that you dont be lost. Small gray rabbit again in a small monkey stole the puzzle in the home the elephant house stole the puppet.

A few days later the small white rabbit the little monkey is playing with the elephant. Play for a while the small white rabbit say: "my rubber disappeared I suspected thieves." Immediately the little monkey said: "I also think I also missing puzzle." The elephant said: "I was gone a puppet." The small white rabbit said: "we go to play with the little gray rabbit!" Elephant and rabbit the little monkey went to the house of a small gray rabbit found himself the stolen things in a small gray rabbit home and they immediately understand the stealing is a little gray rabbit. They take their things back never ignore the little gray rabbit.

Little gray rabbit stealing is wrong more should not cheat others. Since then it didnt steal things dont lie.







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I live with my parents and my grandmother. My grandmother is a kind elderly

people. She likes talking and she always tells me stories of hers, my father’s

and mine. She is full filled with memories. She told me that I was quiet and

docile when I was little. My parents went to work all day, and my grandmother

took care of me and my cousin. After she fed me, I sat and played myself. She

didn’t have to worry much about me. I almost made no troubles. But my cousin was

not. He never sat well or ate his food tactfully. My grandmother had to always

keep an eye on him to prevent making troubles. But, there was one thing drove

her crazy. That was I didn’t like going to school. When I was at the school age,

my parents sent me to school. But I cried every morning when I arrived at

school. They had to comfort me for a long time to bring me into classroom. After

two or three months later, the situation became good. I like my grandmother

sharing the stories with me. It makes me warm and beloved.



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The Christmas Tree——圣诞树故事

Although it is generally agreed that the Christmas tree in its current form came from Germany in the early 19th century, the tradition of decorating a tree to mark winter celebrations dates back hundreds of years to Roman times, when they used to decorate evergreen trees with small pieces of metal to celebrate Saturnalia.

In medieval times the Paradise Play was performed every year on 24 December. This depicted the creation of Man and the fall of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and always included an evergreen hung with apples which represented the apple tree of temptation.

There is a legend that St Boniface, an English monk, came upon a group of pagans gathered around an oak tree who were preparing to sacrifice a child to the God Thor. In order to stop the sacrifice, and save the childs life, St Boniface is said to have felled the tree with one blow of his fist. Later on, a fir tree grew in place of the oak and this, St Boniface told the pagans, was the Tree of Life and represented the Christ Child.

Legend also suggests that, in the late 16th century, Martin Luther (the founder of the Protestant religion) was the first to decorate an indoor tree with candles when he attempted to recreate the stars shining over a forest of evergreens.

The first mention of decorated trees being taken indoors came in 1605 in Germany - a country with a long Christmas tree history! The trees were initially decorated with fruit and sweets together with hand made objects such as quilled snowflakes and stars. German Christmas Markets began to sell shaped gingerbreads and wax ornaments which people bought as souvenirs of the fair and took home to hang on their tree.

Tinsel was also invented in Germany in about 1610. Up until fairly recently real silver was used, which was pulled into wafer thin strips by special machines. This was durable but tarnished quickly and many experiments took place to try and find an alternative - including a mix of lead and tin, which was too heavy and kept breaking. It was only in the mid 20th century that a viable alternative was found.

Artificial trees were invented in the 1880s in a bid to try and stop some of the damage being caused to real trees due to people lopping the tip off large trees, thus preventing the trees from growing any further. It got so bad in Germany that laws had to be brought in to prevent people having more than one tree.

Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, is credited with being responsible for introducing the custom of the Christmas tree to the British public by decorating the first English Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841 using candles, sweets, fruit and gingerbread.

The popularity of the Christmas tree grew in Britain during the first half of the 20th century, with trees becoming bigger and more elaborately decorated with bells, baubles and tinsel. However, the onset of the Second World War resulted in a ban on cutting down trees for decoration and people resorted to having small, artificial tabletop trees bearing home made decorations. These were often taken down into the air raid shelters when the sirens sounded to provide a bit of Christmas cheer!

This all changed following the war, and large trees were erected in many public places to celebrate Christmas. The most famous of these is the tree in Trafalgar Square, London which is an annual gift from the Norwegian government to give thanks for the help they received from Britain during the war.




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A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda cant take it home.

Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her. She watches the bike. "I know! I have a good idea." she jumps and shouts happily, "I can roll a pumpkin. Its like a wheel."

So she rolls the pumpkin to her home. When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised, "Oh, my God! How can you carry it home?" the little panda answers proudly, "I cant lift it, but I can roll it." Her mother smiled and says, "What a clever girl! Use you heard to do something,"







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Bob Richards, the former pole-vault champion, shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart.

Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played.

This teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. Even though the son was always On the bench, his father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a game. This young man was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn‘t want to.

But the young man loved football and decided to hang in there He was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he‘d get to play when he became a senior. All through high school he never missed a practice nor a game but remained a bench-warmer all four years. His faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him. When the young man went to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a "walk-on." Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did.

The coach admitted that he kept him on the roster because he always puts his heart and soul to every practice, and at the same time, provided the other members with the spirit and hustle they badly needed.

The news that he had survived the cut thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father. His father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but he never got to play in a game.

It was the end of his senior football season, and as he trotted onto the practice field shortly before the big playoff game, the coach met him with a telegram. The young man read the telegram and he became deathly silent. Swallowing hard, he mumbled to the coach, "My father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?" The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said, "Take the rest of the week off, son. And don‘t even plan to come back to the game on Saturday."

Saturday arrived, and the game was not going well. In the third quarter,when the team was ten points behind, a silent young man quietly slipped into the empty locker room and put on his football gear. As he ran onto the sidelines, the coach and his players were astounded to see their faithful teammate back so soon. "Coach, please let me play. I‘ve just got to play today," said the young man. The coach pretended not to hear him. There was no way he wanted his worst player in this close playoff game. But the young man persisted, and finally feeling sorry for the kid, the coach gave in. "All right," he said."You can go in." Before long, the coach, the players and everyone in the stands could not believe their eyes. This little unknown, who had never played before was doing everything right. The opposing team could not stop him. He ran, he passed, blocked, and tackled like a star. His team began to triumph. The score was soon tied. In the closing seconds of the game, this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown. The fans broke loose. His teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. Such cheering you never heard.

Finally, after the stands had emptied and the team had showered and left the locker room, the coach noticed that this young man was sitting quietly in the corner all alone The coach came to him and said, " Kid, I can‘t believe it. You were fantastic! Tell me what got into you? How did you do it?"

He looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that my dad was blind?" The young man swallowed hard and forced a smile, "Dad came to all my games, but today was the first time he could see me play, and I wanted to show him I could do it!"

Like the athlete‘s father, God is always there cheering for us. He‘s always reminding us to go on. He‘s even offering us His hand for He knows what is best, and is willing to give us what we need and not simply what we want. GOD has never missed a single game. What a joy to know that life is meaningful if lived for the Highest. Live for HIM for He‘s watching us in the game of life!



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The so-called Eight Immortals refers to the eight immortal, they are: torrent, Han Chung, Lan Tsai, Chang, old, Xiangu, Han Xiang, obviously drunk and Lu Tung-pin.

One day, the Queen Mother of the West Eight Immortals birthday celebration back from the clouds over the East China Sea through, I saw choppy sea, Bailangtaotian, it is truly spectacular. Thus, the Eight Immortals decided to go to the sea and play.

Lu Tung-pin, said: "Everyone threw their treasures on the sea, it is crossed by the sea, comparison and who is more supernatural powers, how?"

Tieguaili first welcomed the recommendation, high-spirited mood he said: "Well you look at me!!" Put the crutches toward the sea, crutches like a boat floating in the water, a torrent somersault, turned upright on crutches.

Han Chung then put his palm-leaf fan thrown into the sea, standing on the top jump.

Subsequently, several other fairy also recount, Chang, old riding a donkey down, marching Lu Tung-pin male and female sword, Xiao Han Xiangzi sitting, riding Xiangu flowers, blue and standing on the green light, obviously drunk stepping jade, are floating up in the sea.

Eight Immortals secure in the surging waves along the drift, which clouds feel different, do not have a new stimulus and atmosphere, we really played with pleasure.

In this case, obviously drunk suddenly points to the right hand, and shouted:

"We see ah! There seat mirage!"

We turned around and saw a gradually rising mountains from the sea, the mountains there are trees, there are buildings, while on the up in the air, the clouds slowly into the horizon, a flash, a cloud that has been scattered by the wind a.

Han Xiang said: "We do not really treat shallow sea dragon mirage gas is booed out of gas, a rare century ah!!"

Suddenly, the blue and disappeared from them. We wait and see far and near, while calling to find, but I could not see blue and traces of old Chang guess, he said:

"East China Sea Dragon King might be trouble, he did not welcome us his prowess at sea, the blue and caught underwater to go, we go together to the underwater dignitaries go!"

We came to the Dragon Palace, Dragon King politely request release. Dragon unreasonable, not only refused, but also sent his sons to lead the minor players to kill the Eight Immortals. Eight Immortals had to use magic to carry a weapon, resisting many small, after a fierce battle, two were the Eight Immortals Dragon Prince killed.

A dragon, his two sons were killed the Eight Immortals, really extreme grief, please South China Sea, West Sea, North Sea Dragon King to help. Dragon King ton of bricks, the Eight Immortals also riled. Torrent wine gourd sea water absorbance, and the remaining few will be immortal Tarzan moved over to fling the East China Sea, the East China Sea became an immediate high.

The two sides played incredibly hard, sun and the moon light, the Lao, and Avalokiteshvara Buddha also alarmed, they all came to mediation. The results of mediation is, by the blue and the East China Sea Dragon King sent two Jade, as compensation for killing two Prince Tarzan moved back by Kannon responsible place.

Because of a dispute, the Eight Immortals Jade Emperor was downgraded first-class. Since then, the Eight Immortals no longer afraid to stir up trouble to the outside.











韩湘子说:“我们真是眼福不浅!蜃气是海里蛟龙嘘出来的气体 ,百年难得一见啊!”

突然 ,蓝采和从他们当中消失了。大家远近观望,一边找一边喊,可就是不见蓝采和的踪迹,张果老猜说:

“可能是东海龙王作怪,他不欢迎我们在他的海上大显神通,把蓝采和抓到龙宫去了,走 我们一起到龙宫要人去!”


龙王一听,自己的两个儿子被八仙杀了,真是悲愤至极,商请南海、西海、北海龙王来帮忙。龙王的不依不饶,把八仙也给惹火了。铁拐李用酒葫芦把海水吸光,其余几位仙人将泰山搬了过来,往东海一扔,东海立刻变成了一座高 。





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Ji Anlived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and in being an official. He was particular about actual effects and ,although he did not cause a stir ,he could keep the prefecture he governed in perfect order. Because of this. the imperial court transferred him to the central government from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefecture to being a commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officals.

Once,Emperor Wudi said that he would implement the policy of benevolence and justice of Confucianism and would do good turns to the people.Emperor Wudi Had hardly finished his remards when Ji An said that there was no need for the emperor to say so.Why should the emperor bother,Ji An said, about pretending to implement the policy of benevolence and justice since he was so greedy and avaricious within himself? This choked the emperor off. The emperor suddenly Changed his countenance and declared the meeting over. All the civilian and military officers at court were breathless with anxiety for fear that Ji An might bring disaster upon himself because of this. After returning, Emperor Wudi said to the people around him that Ji An was a little too rude and too straightforward.

For this reason ,Ji An was never promoted again. When he was the commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officials, both Gongsun Hong and Zhang Tang were low -ranking lfficials of little importance. Later ,they were promoted continuously. Gongsun Hong became the prime minister and Zhang Tang became the imperial censor. However, JiAns post remained thesame. One day, Ji An said to Emperor Wudi that the way the emperor used his ministers was just like piling up firewood, which meant that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers. Of course, Emperor Wudi could see that Ji An was complaining. So,turning to his ministers, Emperor Wudi said, "It is true that no one can stop learning.You see, Ji An is making more and more indiscreet remarks."

This story comes from The Historical Records. Later generations use the set phrase "the latecomers surpass the old-timers " to indicate that successors can cxcel the predecessors, which is quite different from the original idea when Ji An said that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers.







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