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Spring is the first season in the year. In our country, it lasts from March to May. In spring, the weather is comfortable, but it changes a lot. It rains sometimes. Many things come into life in spring. The trees turn green. People like to go outdoors to have fun. Besides, farmers are busy in spring, because it’s time for them to plant crops. All people are preparing for the whole year.





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Today is "March" Womens Day, I want to do several things to help his

mother, let her have a happy holiday. At noon, I came home and found the table

already filled with delicious food, but just could not see her mother. Suddenly,

I heard a sound of laundry to the laundry and saw the stage, my mother was

washing clothes. I said: "Mom, you go to eat, Ill wash. Because today is your

holiday, I want to make you happy." "Are you okay?" Mom asked, smiling. "OK," I

said. Mom went to eat doubtfully. I picked up the sleeves, took out a piece of

clothing, wet with blisters, and then cast soap, then rub hard. Yeah rub rub,

rub my hands are red, but there are still a little greasy clothes, do not rub

clean. I had to rinse with a brush, then rinse well with water and the clothes

clean. I washed some clothes, my mother came, looked at me hard to look like, my

mother smiles, so happy, so happy.

Evening, I rush to help her mother wash the dishes, I washed dishes placed

neatly. Mother looked, smiled and said: "So this is Yao Yao gave me holiday

gift!" Although I am more tired than usual today, but I am very happy because

I let my mother had a happy holiday season. Memorable day - dedicated to the

Womens Day Mom.



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1. 阳春三月,柳树爆青了,吐出带黄色的嫩叶,小草也成茵了。一阵花香把我带到了公园中心,瞧啊,一阵阵花香引来大群蜜蜂嗡嗡地忙碌着。这时,调皮的雨弟弟来做怪,他跑进人们的头上,脸上,钻进人们的脖子里,使人感觉凉嗖嗖的。俗话说,“春雨贵如油”,我想,树,草,花儿们一定在贪婪地允吸着来自大自然的油吧。

2. 树上的小鸟也在空中飞来飞去,唧唧喳喳的好像要告诉人们:“春天真美丽,春天真美丽。”大树旁边的小草悄悄的做出了地面,争先恐后地生长着,似乎是怕自己得不了第一吧。花园里的花经过春雨的滋润长出了嫩绿的叶子,散发出淡淡的香气。这些花草树木从远处看就像一张五颜六色的大地毯,为大地增点点新绿。

3. 看见鲜花们如此努力,树木们也当然不甘落后。瞧!那柔柔的春风正亲吻着刚睡醒的大地,蒙蒙的绿雾荡漾在杨柳枝头上……,柳树长长的枝条上已展开了带黄色的嫩叶,在微风中轻轻地摇曳着;那高高低低都缀满了红花的红棉树,犹如一团团燃烧的烈火,真是壮观;桃树上绽满了桃花,粉红粉红的,如同片片朝霞……真是万木竞春啊!

4. 春姑娘不仅给大地上的植物带来了勃勃生机,而且还给小朋友们带来了一股活波可爱的气息。哦,对了。春天还是放风筝的大好时节。你瞧。这些可爱的小朋友们正在放风筝呢。他们放得多开心呀。天上的风筝一个比一个飞得高,燕子赛过了小鸟,老鹰又赛过了燕子,最后还是燕子得了第一,真是奇趣无比呀。孩子们的笑声交织成一首美妙的音乐。

5. 春姑娘来到了人间,到处变得一片生机勃勃。树木吐出了嫩芽,桃花笑红了脸,柳树摇着碧绿的辫子,小草从地下探出了尖尖的脑袋,给大地铺上了一层绿毯。小鸟叽叽喳喳地叫个不停,河里的小鱼在水中欢快地玩耍,美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞,勤劳的小蜜蜂在忙着采蜜,孩子们冲出家门,在野外玩呀、闹呀,开心极了!

6. 春姑娘乘着清风,带着温暖翩翩而来。她张开双臂舞着钎细的手,把碧绿洒满了大地把百花齐放地插在枝头上,花儿争芳斗艳散出诱人的清香,鸟儿舒畅自由地向蓝天高歌:“春天来了。”春天来了,万物醒了,在姑娘的呼唤下一株株小草醒了,小树也醒了,小溪流着,激了浪花。河边一排排树发芽了。春风如透明的丝巾,看着滴滴晨露,飘飘然然地沐浴着万物。春天来了,一只只活泼的小鸟飞来了,它带着一身乌黑光亮的羽毛,一对俊俏轻快的翅膀,加上一对剪刀似的尾巴,凑成活泼机灵的小鸟啊!可爱的小鱼也探出了小脸来了。

7. 春天不仅是一个百花盛开的季节,更是一个风景如画的季节,在春季去公园里游玩,是在适合不过了,春天充满着绿色,充满着新鲜的空气,偶尔,累的时候,去公园玩一趟,呼吸着新鲜空气,看看美丽的的景色,这是多么的令人心旷神怡啊!

8. 春天到处春光明媚,春意盎然。到处一派春的气息。远处,小溪里的冰融化了,溪水清澈见底,小鱼在溪水里欢快的玩耍。成群的小蝌蚪在河里嬉戏着,小草偷偷的从土钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。旁边各色的映山红,月季花,玫瑰花争奇斗艳。散在草丛里,像无数的星星眨呀眨。旁边的柳树丛,远远望去,好似一片翠绿的海洋。一阵微风吹过,枝叶摇摆,好像对我们点头微笑,招手示意。

9. 美的天使,春的精灵———鲜花们用自己美丽的姿态、艳丽的色彩,点缀着大地,使春天更加迷人,更加妖娆。看!嫩黄的迎春花,洁白的水仙花,淡绿的兰花,粉红的桃花……它们把大地妆扮得姹紫嫣红,并发出一阵阵诱人的幽香,好一派百花争艳、花团锦簇的景象!

10. 春天来了,春姐姐为大地带来了五彩的颜色。她送给桃树粉色的背心,桃花的脸蛋儿粉嘟嘟的。她送给草地绿色的裤子,小草嫩绿嫩绿的。她送给迎春花黄色的蝴蝶结,迎春花露出金灿灿的笑脸。她送给杏花一件婚纱裙,满树的杏花羞答答的开了。

11. 风,柔柔的吹;枝头,悠悠的闪;明媚的太阳,晒在身上,暖在心里,烂漫的春花。啁啾的小鸟,透露着春的灵秀,春的音乐,春的欢乐。啊,迷人的春天,孕育着一个多美好的春天!

12. 姑娘来到了城市,人们也活跃起来,换上了春装,相约去野外踏青,舒展舒展筋骨,尽情享受春天的乐趣。我们孩子一起来到外滩公园里放风筝,五颜六色的风筝时上时下,此起彼伏。风筝的样子也很美:有老鹰,有蜻蜓,有蝴蝶……把春天的天空装点的绚丽多彩,姿色翩翩。

13. 活泼的小燕子来往穿梭,空中不时传来它们叽叽喳喳的欢叫声。美丽的蝴蝶扇动着五彩斑斓的翅膀在花丛里翩翩起舞。一群群小蜜蜂在辛勤地为人类酿造甜甜的蜂蜜……,这燕子,这蝴蝶,这蜜蜂给美丽的春天增添了无限的生趣。

14. 漫长的严冬过去了,春天慢慢地来了,天渐渐的暖和了,小燕子换了一件新衣裳从南方飞回来了,睡了一个冬天的青蛙、蛇、乌龟……伸着懒腰慢吞吞地从自己的小窝里走了出来去找东西吃。小花小草也慢慢地探出头来,柳树也吐出来新的嫩芽,在风中翩翩起舞着。

15. 田野里,人们正在辛勤地播种。一位农民伯伯坐在拖拉机上,发动机器,一行行新翻的黑土在拖拉机下伸展。倒映着蓝天的水田,有的已经插上了嫩嫩的、绿绿的禾苗,远看像地毡;近看像绿纱。插秧的年轻姑娘擦擦头上的汗水,抬起头,看看变得绿绿的水田,咯咯地笑了,笑声传得很远,很远……

16. 春姑娘来到郊外,吹了一口仙气,沉睡了一个冬季的小草从地里探出嫩绿脑袋,它伸个懒腰,揉揉睡意朦胧的眼睛,好奇地看着这个光明的世界。伶俐可爱燕子从南方赶来,穿着一身乌黑发亮的羽毛,带着一把剪刀似的尾巴,斜着身子翩飞在空中,或在屋檐的巢里歌唱着“唧骨,唧骨唧骨——”,好像在告诉我们春姑娘来了。河边几棵垂柳,爆出了鹅黄色的叶芽。长长的枝条垂下来,有的伸入水里,风一吹,水面上就荡起微微的涟漪。几只顽皮的小鸭子从窝里大摇大摆地往河边走,走到河边,它们张开翅膀,一个个扑通扑通地往河里跳。它们游来游去,嘎嘎嘎地叫个不停。

17. 春姑娘来了,小燕子拖着那春姑娘的长裙。冰雪融化了,植物长了出来,小花和小草在春风的抚摸下尽情的舞蹈,那舞蹈美丽极了!大地复苏了,小草小心翼翼的探出了它的小脑袋。

18. 我打开了窗户,诱人的花香扑面而来,我不得不出去好好地欣赏一下。留在我眼帘的世界是那么美丽!小草从地里害羞地探出半个小脑袋,但还是那么的翠绿;花朵也为大地衬托出不少美丽,有郁金香、油菜花、芍药、迎春、白玉兰、结香、桃花、樱花、含笑、山茶、牡丹等,它们都展现着自己不同风采。就连杨柳也想一展风采,秀出自己绿油油的长发,让它在微风下飘扬,还真是“绝世美人”。小鸟也不忘为春天的来到喝彩,那清脆的歌声在回响,大地活跃了起来,正是宁静之中的美丽。



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Today is Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is also the most solemn and characteristic festival in our local area.

Of course, on the day of Dragon Boat Festival, mothers wear five silk threads to their children, and five silk threads are full of their mothers yearning for their children, hoping that their children will live to the age of 100. My mother gave me the five thread long thread.

In the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat dumplings, in memory of Qu Yuan. More than two thousand years ago, in the early May, five, people stood on the Miluo River and threw food into the river so as not to let the fish and shrimp and other underwater animals eat Qu Yuans body.

After lunch today, my mother took me to the supermarket. My mother bought me a sachet as a gift for the Dragon Boat Festival.

I had a great time today!



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Every person needs sleep everyday. But with the high development of

society, most people have more and more things to do and have less time to

sleep. As a result, many people are lack of sleep. For a short time, they may

not realize the bad side of it, but it will bring something bad for them after a

long term. First of all, lack of sleep will do harm to people’s look. If they do

not sleep enough, they will get black eyes and bad skin easily, which will make

people look no so beautiful. Secondly, lack of sleep is bad for the spiritual

outlook. A person who lacking of sleep always looks tired and has no power to do

things. Last, not enough sleep for a long time will have bad influence of

thought. They always can’t be active in mind.



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Bike-sharing has been advocated by the government in recent years. It

offers help to the people who is in a hurry to reach the destination soon, the

more important is to let more people back to the simple traffic style and reduce

private cars, so as to protect our environment. But some people make use of this

policy to take advantages of others. News report that some middle age men and

women force people to give charge after finishing using bike-sharing, because

they look after the bikes. It is known to all that bike-sharing is free, which

is the convenience government offers to the public. It is ridiculous to charge.

When the news exposed, the public know the truth and the ones who take charge

are criticized. Under the government’s supervision, now bike-sharing is more




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When Deadwood sprout again in little green, it means the arrival of spring.

Liuya sharp, body transparent at the top of the opening and closing of the two halves, as if kissing the warm sun, crystal soft green, Johnson Tsui dripping, people can not help touching approached, shining in the sunlight flashing, giving a unique beauty.

Yang Liu Yiyi, fragrant grass.

On the ridge, Yan Liu trip, Cuiye encrusted branches, crashed ringing, clearly visible veins, micro wave in the wind. The birds nest in the trees, peck in the dirt, like a naughty child, constantly among the leaves, revealing a small white head. And a breeze, like a sea of green has been summoned, dumping it. Thrown the slightest ripple in the center as they watch the birds. People think that this is not the leaves, but the real ocean.

What a beautiful world! There are light yellow willow, green seedlings, white pear, yellow rapeseed; peach pink, green grass, there are so many bits and pieces of flowers, a film, a block, colorful, beautiful . Small birds sing branches, people great sense of joy. Green world! Day phase, finish like a lotus, sky blue, shiny, dazzling white cloud, leisurely across the sky. Like a fish tank, carefully holding the fish, out of fear that the whole thing. The cloud, like a glowing pearl, blooming splendor in the sun, hook engaging.

Green, climbed the mountain; green, climbed the ladder; green, diffuse into the heart.









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Hello, my dear friends! Whats my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香). There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, Were very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us. What a beautiful scene! Dont you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?





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Connect quietly came to the earth. Other places all woke up, the grass arch out of the ground and the trees out shoot, flowers everywhere, the awaken of spring is abundant.

Can we here a huge difference, and winter is not harmony around the cx, one white, also from time to time to blow a few cold wind, seems to have no vitality.

Where is spring? I decided to look for spring. Me out of the house, I feel more moderate sunlight, and even some warmth. I went to the garden, found that the layers below have some grass, they may be in absorbing nutrients, ready to thrive. And I came to the campus, see the students are to play a game, try to overtake each other delights in ruddy face. At this moment, I heard a group of birds chirp loudly sing, sing tired went out in search of food, come back and sing... Seems to be telling us: "spring is coming, we are so happy!"

Spring is come, isnt it? According to the earth the sun warm, according to people, warm in the heart of people; Although the breeze with a chill, they make people feel so comfortable, so happy.

Ah! Where is the spring? In the spring sunshine, in the song of the birds, in the laughter of children...

Our spring here although there is no purple flowers, but the flowers of happiness in our heart quietly open! The old saying: in spring. In such a season of hope, joy, as the motherland flowers, we will follow in the footsteps of spring, bloom the most brilliant luster!









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It is said that Chengdu is a city which if you come you cant leave.It has

a long history.there stands Du Fus thatched cottage ,The Temple of Zhugeliang

and some other place of historical interest.They are all so famous that many

foreign tourists like to come here.Chengdu also has a comfortable weather for

people who live in there.Even though in the winter it is still warmer than any

other cities in China.Besides,as Chengdu people are fond of eating,they have

created many delicious food such as hot pan,Three Big guns,and some others.



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Dear mother:


Mom, this is my first time to write to you, very excited, many words do not

know where to start, usually I am more willful, there are a lot of thanks to

you, and do not want to say to you. Today, let me take this opportunity to tell

you a daughters gratitude.

When I was young, you began to have long hair for me. You said girls had

long hair and beautiful hair. But this is a lot of trouble for you, but for your

daughters beauty, I wash my hair once every 32 days and comb a beautiful

hairstyle. Every time I wash my hair, Im afraid Im cold or ironed. You always

adjust the water temperature so well. The children in the community envy me that

I have a good mother.

After I go to primary school, you always get up early every morning and

wake me up after a good meal, but sometimes I still pick and pick, and dont eat

well and make you sad. But you never get angry with me. Instead, you do it for

me on the second day. On the way to school, I saw other children taking the cake

and eating while walking. I wanted to tell you, "Mom, how nice you are!"

Remember last semester, when the math unit test, there was a simple

formula, because of my carelessness made a mistake, you see after very angry,

very hard to criticize me. At that time, I almost cried by your quarrel, but I

knew in my heart that your severity was for my good.

Mom, here I want to say to you, "Mom, I love you!" You are hard! "



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There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring, almost everything comes back to life. The snow begins to melt, the trees sprout and the grass turns green.Spring is warm so that its a good time to go hiking outdoors. After spring, itis summer. Summer is my favorite season,because I can swim quite often. The third one is autumn. In autumn, the weather is cool and comfortable. Farmers may be the busiest people, because autumn is a time of harvest.Winter is the last season of the year. In winter, the weather is very cold. In the north, it usually snows. Children can play games or make snowmen after snow. It seems very funny. But, because of the cold weather, I dont like winter very much. Whats your favorite season?





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Today, I came to the countryside as a volunteer and went to Grandpa Chens


Grandpa Chens house is not big. When I walked in the door, I saw a dark

and narrow lobby. I knocked on the door and asked politely, "Is Grandpa Chen at


An old grandmother came out of a room. She greeted me warmly and asked me:

"Little boy, who are you and what are you doing here?" "I am a volunteer to help

Grandpa Chen." "Oh, Grandpa Chen is here. In that small room!" As she spoke, she

pointed to a small room.

I walked to the place where my grandmother pointed, but what I saw was

Grandpa Chen busy in the kitchen, I called out, "Grandpa Chen." Grandpa Chen

turned around and smiled and glanced at me, I found Grandpa Chen As a disabled

person, it was incredible, so he quickly stepped forward and said, "Grandpa

Chen, take a break! Ill help you!" "Youre so sensible, my little one, thank

you, but my body is still very strong." , I am really heartbroken for Grandpa


When Grandpa Chen was in the kitchen, I picked up the mop, broom, and

dustpan and started cleaning. Grandpa saw that I was great.

I have felt from this volunteer activity that no matter whether people are

poor or rich, healthy or disabled, as long as they help others, they will be

happy and others will be happy too. Helping others is just a thought. Its

easier said than done. It takes courage and strength to help others,

perseverance and perseverance to be a truly qualified volunteer!



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In our daily life, we can learn something from some cases. However, from my

point of view, I think that it is essential for us to know ourselves in a right

way. People who have a full awareness of the importance to improve themselves

will discover themselves continuously. Therefore, we can say that if we want to

change ourselves, we must bravely reveal ourselves.

Every coin has two sides, and we are no exception. When we experience some

situations, we will find that there are many advantages of us. Thus, we can have

a huge sense of satisfaction. We may have a little pride, because we are happy

that we can make good use of our advantages to solve more difficult problems in

the future. However, at the same time, we also can realize that there are still

some disadvantages of us. These disadvantages will bring us different

influences. I’d like to point out that people who can bravely accept and remove

their disadvantages will gain a bright future. On the contrary, people who

choose escape or ignorance their disadvantages will indulge themselves, and they

no further progress.

Don’t indulge yourself. If we indulge ourselves, we will meet more terrible

suffering in our later life. I know that when we find our weakness, we may say

that I will never do that again, and regret doing so meaningless thing. I am

such a fool. But when we meet similar situations next time, we will still tell

ourselves that it doesn’t matter that I do it again. Then we will indulge

ourselves to expand our disadvantages. It shows that some people who have no own

principle will fail to realize their promises. When we can overcome our

laziness, we will understand that solving some problems may be not so difficult.

Therefore, we should try our best to control ourselves to pursue higher


There are no any excuses to indulge yourself. We should tell ourselves that

we are capable to overcome our weakness, though it needs much time. However, if

we succeed once, then we will be successful again. Last, we don’t indulge

ourselves. We will become more complete.

Everyone can take actions to improve themselves. Don’t indulge yourself. If

you succeed, you will acquire a huge wealth, and your life will become more




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As summer vacation is coming, my parents have made some plans for me,

because they want me to learn something useful. This first thing they want me to

do is to learn swimming. This is an important skill. It can save my life if I

fall into the water. I also want to learn swimming, so that I can do many cool

sports. I am so excited about the lesson.



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Since we went to school, we have been educated to be polite, no matter to

the young or old people. People follow the manner rules and have a nice

communication between each other, but some people ignore the rules and they

treat their rude behaviors as something cool. Today, people advocate the

individuality, so the young generation wants to do something different and catch

peoples attention. For example, they dont care other peoples feeling and

criticize others as they like, or just interrupt when other people is talking,

they just show what they want to say and they believe they are special and cool.

This is very rude behavior that they dont respect others and have the wrong

idea about individuality. We can do something special on the base of respect

others and follow the rules, or we are just the rude people.



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Honesty is pay attention to all aspects of, business, work, life,

friends... All want to pay attention to integrity, people need good faith

relationship; Business integrity is needed to maintain their livelihood, to

maintain the cooperation with other companies. Honesty can make others to

oneself, also can let the oneself career and life. Honesty is small enough to

make his own body and mind, big enough to make myself famous. Honesty can help

her in her career success, also can obtain happiness in life.

Said honesty is not only, also want to action, learn to learn to integrity,

not confess to others about their bad things to others, and an honest heart also

need careful, cautious people, while others, trust yourself and be careful.

Integrity needs to insist on, only insist on will increase, there is an idiom

called a good day, we have to do a sincere, only insist to maintain our

unchanging moral character, can improve their body and mind in honesty, hone

their endurance, this is not a the best of both worlds?

Honesty is honest and trustworthy, a man of faith is often mistake by

others. Honest need courage and cautious, credit needs to insist on and perfect,

only do this, can complete is honesty.
