2016年的万圣节幽默祝福语精选 作文英语(合集20篇)






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Halloween is an observance celebrated on the night of October 31, most notably by children dressing in costumes and going door-to-door collecting candy。 It is celebrated in much of the Western world, though most common in the United States,Most other Western countries have embraced Halloween as a part of American pop culture in the late 20th century。


So, although some cults may have adopted Halloween as their favorite "holiday," the day itself did not grow out of evil practices。 It grew out of the rituals of Celts celebrating a new year, and out of Medieval prayer rituals of Europeans。 And today, even many churches have Halloween parties or pumpkin carving events for the kids。 After all, the day itself is only as evil as one cares to make it。


Do you love a good fright? ThenHalloween is the holiday for you! This eerie festivity is observed in America and Europeon October 31。 You can share in the fun by learning some Halloween Englishlingo and customs。 These hair-raising Halloween treats are sure to spook you!





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Halloween always falls on 31 October. It’s a holiday for children. On that day, children always wear fancy clothes and masks. And then, they go from house to house to say “Trick or Treat”, so that people will treat them with candies. If they don’t receive any candies, they’ll play a trick on people. But sometimes if the people are going out, when the children come, they’ll put the candies in a carved pumpkin lanterns. Children will take the candies themselves. All of the children enjoy this holiday very much.




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reation directors help plan the party, but the young people themselves take charge of the entertainment and the decorations — a necessary part of halloween. dried corn stalks, pumpkin faces, and piles of apples create the harvest atmosphere; and cutouts of witches on their brooms, goblins, ghosts and black cats symbolize the witchcraft aspect of the holiday. the freshments — apple cider, popcorn and pumpkin pie, and witches made of spicy ginger cookies — also carry out both themes.

there is an occasional adult halloween dance in a bright orange and black setting, with paper-made black cats, witches and grinning skeletons floating above the dance floor. but halloween has become mainly a young people‘s holiday — and the younger the child the more exciting he finds it.









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1) 听说你英俊潇洒,玉树临风,风流倜傥,博学多识,上通天文,下通地理,无所不通,无所不晓,哈哈,鬼才相信那,祝你万圣节和众鬼们玩得快乐。

2) 听说你喜欢捉鬼,送你两件法宝,第一件:十字架。第二件:佛珠。有了这两件法宝,中国鬼,外国鬼你全吃定了。祝万圣节捉鬼快乐。

3) 听说今天是万圣节,夜幕降临,鬼门关打开。友情提醒:出门的朋友早回家,性感的朋友多穿点衣服,漂亮的朋友脸上抹点锅底灰。祝你开心平安吉祥。

4) 听说今天是万圣节,西方的鬼节,据说搞恶作剧的人很多,不过你放心吧,我绝对不会那么做的,好不容易你过回节,我整你干吗,是吧‘鬼’。呵呵,愿你万圣节愉快!

5) 听说今天是鬼节啊!大街上群魔乱舞,记得早早回家,进屋把门拴好,半夜不要乱跑,到点准时上床,睡前给我短信!万圣节快乐!

6) 听说今天会有很多吓人的恶作剧,所以今晚除了我,任何人叫门都不要开啊,我会于晚上点过去陪你,亲口祝你万圣节快乐!一定要等我喔!

7) 条条祝福表心意,万圣节祝福送给你:烟鬼没烟不自在,酒鬼没酒不舒坦,色鬼没色心儿闹,长舌鬼没舌憋得慌,短信提醒早来到,小气鬼收到来报到!

8) 天天玩乐,那是地痞流氓;日日笙歌,那是君主国王;整日辛苦奔忙,也该享受天堂!虽然不是鬼王,万圣节也要出来疯狂。万圣节快乐!

9) 天使把人间最可爱的人登记造册送上帝审阅,上帝看后说万圣节到了,给最真诚最能干最有魅力的人发个短信,各路神仙保佑他,让他永远幸福快乐! 万圣节幽默短信

10) 天气忽冷忽热,风儿忽大忽小,云朵忽黑忽白,月亮忽明忽暗,笑声忽远忽近,烛火忽隐忽现。这一切都标志着,万圣节到了,你准备好了吗,一起happy狂欢吧!

11) 万圣节到了,虽然是鬼的节日但是我还是要真诚的祝你像鬼一样开心,因为你最近的确过着像鬼一样艰辛的日子,让自己放松一下吧。

12) 知道你今天很开心,知道你今天过节,所以一直没打扰你,你这个鬼家伙,过万圣节也不说请大家吃顿饭庆祝一下。

13) 亲爱的,恭喜你,你中了大奖了,在今天你将会收到一份意外的惊喜,这一份让你激动的祝福,鬼家伙,祝你万圣节快乐。

14) 神差鬼使,神出鬼没,神工鬼斧,神鬼莫测,神号鬼哭,神焦鬼烂,神施鬼设,神头鬼面,神不知,鬼不觉地祝你万圣节快乐。

15) 鬼说他很开心,因为今天是万圣节,他说他很想你,因为你们曾经一起鬼混多年,所以在这个鬼的节日里祝你幸福开心。

16) 亲爱的,我终于在闭关九九八十一天之后,经过清休苦练,学会了万人不敌,神鬼惧怕的超级武功,万圣节的夜晚你怕鬼么,我来保护你吧。

17) 万圣节通缉令:嫌疑犯特征是长相神头鬼脸,说起话来装神弄鬼,做事神鬼莫测神,如有见到该人者请务必祝他节日开心。

18) 鬼的节日,你是否在图谋不鬼,如果真的心中有鬼,不如做个开心鬼,万圣节是属于鬼的节日,鬼你一定要开心起来啊。

19) 用南瓜灯照亮狂欢的夜晚,今天是万圣节,愿每一个孤单的灵魂都会像鬼一样尽情的快乐。

20) 把我的思念变成鬼火,照亮你心里漆黑的夜空,万圣节的你不应该属于孤独,我会托付我的鬼友为你带去一份问候,别害怕它会在半夜敲门。

21) 特别关注:今天是一年一度的鬼节,届时将有数以万亿计的小鬼出动,望大家做好思想准备,以防不测。

22) 、昨天我遇见鬼了,我问他明天是不是打算会你,他求我说:大哥你饶了我吧,我看见他的脸非得吓死我!原来你的脸比鬼都吓人啊

23) 、无论今晚谁给你打电话即使是你最要好最真挚的朋友的祝福或者问候你都不要去接千万不要接一定要听话------今晚万圣节!

24) 、怕吗?不怕!因为有我的问候;惧吗?不惧!因为有我的祝福;慌吗?不慌!因为有我的短信。特意告诉你,我和小鬼有约定,万圣节不会捉弄你。

25) 、本短信内容极端恐怖,心脏病、高血压、天生胆小者及未成年人慎读……三思……别翻了……一定要看……。呵呵,万圣节快乐

26) 、万圣节到了,欢迎广大兄弟姐妹参加万圣节化妆派对。你就不用装扮了……长得这么出众,怎么扮也不会像鬼的。呵呵,万圣节快乐!

27) 、注意了,妖魔鬼怪、牛鬼蛇神全部出动了,他要我告诉你,他过会就要来找你,你要小心啊!虽然你和他们是亲戚,但是今天要小心他们整你哦!



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I like to see American TV series so much, because not only the plot

attracts me so much, but also I can learn the English spoken language. Recently,

I fall in love with Two Broke Girls, it is so funny and makes me laugh happily.

Besides the humorous plot, I am also inspired by the characters’ spirit. Though

the two girls are poor and work as the waitress in the small restaurant, they

never give up their dreams. They make the plans for their dreams, even they meet

all kinds of difficulties, they are still positive about their future. I learn

things from them, I keep the positive attitude towards life.



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1) 万圣节到啦,送你一碗南瓜粥,愿你吃出健康,送你一杯南瓜汁,愿你喝出甜蜜,再送你一盏南瓜灯,为你照出吉祥驱除阴霾,哈哈,最后祝你这张南瓜脸永远笑口常开。

2) 万圣节到啦,四大鬼来到你家,开心鬼祝你越来越快乐,机灵鬼祝你越来越聪明,逃气鬼祝你越来越可爱,还有小气鬼,提醒你,要记得经常请我吃饭噢,哈哈,祝你万圣节快乐。

3) 万圣节到啦!祝你身材如魔鬼般迷人;生活如魔法般精彩;本领如魔头般厉害;事业如魔王般成功;财运如魔星般高照。万圣节快乐!

4) 万圣节到啦!大鬼小鬼,老妖小妖又出来活动一下筋骨了,轻轻送上我的祝福,愿你轻松驱鬼降妖,天天快乐!祝万圣节快乐!

5) 万圣节到,祝你上班遇到饿鬼,下班撞上醉鬼,身边全是色鬼,反正都是死鬼;小鬼,万圣节快乐!还祝你长得更象大魔鬼!

6) 万圣节到,小鬼出来闹,请准备好糖果,每送给小鬼一块糖,小鬼们就满足你一个愿望,带走一个烦恼。祝你快乐多多,烦恼少少!

7) 万圣节到,西方妖魔鬼怪总动员,要到东土来偷经。唐僧师徒奉命保卫经书,孙悟空、沙僧已经作好战斗准备,你也别落后哦,悟能不能“无能”哦!

8) 亲爱的,万圣节快乐!啥?说宁可见鬼也不想见到我?那好吧,我就不亲自去见你了,只给你发条短信,就当阎王发的催魂令了。

9) 亲爱的,恭喜你,你中了大奖了,在今天你将会收到一份意外的惊喜,这一份让你激动的祝福,鬼家伙,祝你万圣节快乐。

10) 亲爱的,月日,我要骑上巫婆扫帚,带着黑猫,念着咒语,与你一起参加万圣节舞会。你是我的皇后,我是你的撒旦。

11) 乔布斯死了,他说要把用iphone的人带走,前天我把我的iphone放你包里了,你找找,要是没有就是乔布斯拿走了,下一个带走啥,我就不确定了,万圣节那天小心哦!

12) 悄悄点亮南瓜灯,忧愁烦恼无影踪;偷偷撒下一把糖,甜美铺满人生路;默默带上鬼面具,挫折困苦鬼来挡;万圣节到了,愿你好运相伴,快乐无数。 万圣节短信大全

13) 牵挂相送,寄上一份关心,祝福相送,送上一句真情,思念相送,送上一份问候,乔装来迎,扮鬼来把你吓个惊醒,别傻别激动,万圣节到了,逗你乐那是应该的!

14) 其实我有句话藏在心中很久了,想对你说,但说出来怕把你吓到,所以在万圣节前夜,我把它编成短信告知你:今晚欢迎鬼敲门,因为你是我的“开心鬼”!

15) 平日太忙,联系总忘,但今天例外,我第一个想起了你。今日是你的节日,愿你好好过节,千万别来找我,万圣节快乐哦!

16) 平凡的日子,总像流水一样无声,却滋润心田;小小的祝愿,就像阳光一样普照,却折射温暖;心情是否舒畅?生活是否很忙?万圣节到了,短信向你问声好!

17) 朋友今天可是个特殊的日子,不是我的生日,也不是她的生日,更不是**领导的生日,今天是鬼的节日。万圣节快乐。

18) 朋友,心头不要有鬼!否则,吃饭遇到饿鬼,喝酒遇到醉鬼,泡妞遇到色鬼,做事遇到捣蛋鬼,交友遇到孤魂野鬼,万圣节发条短信,送你所有的烦恼去见鬼!

19) 朋友,该如何渡过一个有意义的万圣节?拿巫婆的魔帚来给我打扫卫生,拿蝙蝠的标本来给我装饰墙壁,拿南瓜和糖果来给我做甜品,还要拿你来给我压惊!

20) 今年鬼节不收礼,收礼只收好短信;鬼节恒久远,祝福永流传;鬼节相聚,意犹未尽;你好,我好,万圣节好,才是真的好!

21) 白天开会,工作太累,晚上不睡,疲劳加倍,狂欢装鬼,千杯不醉。万圣节快乐。

22) 哥们今天可是个特殊的日子,不是我的生日,也不是她的生日,更不是革命领导的生日,今天是它的节日。万圣节快乐。

23) 鬼来了,万圣节的夜晚我一个人好害怕,给你发个信息,有空么,来陪陪我吧,我家就在你家东面,会有小鬼带你来的。

24) 有一个人告诉我说你要请我吃饭,不知道是不是真的,反正今天是万圣节,我可是一个饿鬼,要是吃不饱就会变成恶鬼,你怕不怕阿。

25) 当你看到这条信息时你必须按照下面的要求去做一件事,在手机里输入万圣节快乐四个字发送给你喜欢的人,因为今天是巾的节日他们需要祝福。

26) 万圣节日到,送你一盏南瓜灯做代表。一来代表关心你,莫受惊吓欢欢喜。二来代表在乎你,愿你烦恼抛出去。灯儿已为你点燃,憨态可掬一张脸,吓走妖魔保平安。糖果也为你送出,小鬼不会来捣乱。只剩幸福和快乐,时刻为你念阿弥陀佛。



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As the Halloween is coming soon, there are many stores selling the relative products and many kids are attracted deeply. This festival originated in western country and now the world is celebrating it. Every year, there will be a big parade and all kinds of horrible images appear. The ghosts, the walking deads and vampires are favored by the young people, they like to dress like these images and join the parade. For the kids, they like to hang out together and ask for candy from door to door. Treat or trick is their slogan, they can always get the candy. Some naughty guys even throw eggs and this habit annoys many people, some stores will refuse to sell eggs to kids on this day, just in case of the accident. In all, the young people are enjoying great party in Halloween.




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Children in costumes race from house to house asking for treats. A carved pumpkin, called a jack-o-lantern, grins from a porch as the children pass. According to legend, jack-o-lanterns protect people in their homes from ghostly spirits.

Its all part of the fun on Halloween! The roots of Halloween stretch back thousands of years and borrow customs from several parts of the world.

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.

The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.

Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witchs pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.

But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!

Once in costume, children go from house to house saying Trick or treat! In the past, children might play a trick on people who did not give treats. They might pelt houses with eggs or old tomatoes, or play other pranks. Today, childrens cries of Trick or treat! are usually rewarded with candy.

One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday

y called Sa amhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.

Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.

The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.

Halloween first came to America with early settlers from Celtic areas in Europe, such as Ireland and Scotland. But other American settlers with strict religious beliefs, including the Puritans from England, rejected Halloween. The arrival of many Irish immigrants during the 1800s helped spread Halloweens popularity.

But by the late 1800s, fewer people believed in ancient superstitions of ghosts and witches. Halloween became more a holiday for children to receive treats and dress in costume.




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One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.

Well, Irish children made Jacks lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."

The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just childrens fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.



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Today is Halloween. We wear all kinds of masks, wear colorful clothes and go to school.

There, the foreign language teacher came in like a ghost. He was dressed in flawless white clothes and white powder on his face. The foreign language teacher came at him like a wild animal and scared us to run around. The foreign language teacher was so shocked that he laughed. The foreign language teacher showed us the dishes. I was watching with relish, the foreign language teacher ran up behind me and shouted, "ah... "I was scared out of my skin.

In the afternoon, the foreign language teacher introduced us to two people. One was Millie and she was dressed like a witch. Another is whitby. Hes dressed like a doctor. They took out a large bag of sugar and sprinkled it, and the sweets fell down like raindrops, and we rushed over them with lightning speed.

How time flies, the whole time passes, the school is out of school, look in full pocket, I thought: this Halloween is really happy ah! I like Halloween best!







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TINY ghost-like dolls hang from trees, big plastic spiders sit on rooftops and bloody plastic hands reach out from gravestones…Are you ready for the scariest night of the year? 树上到处悬挂着鬼怪小玩偶,屋顶盘踞着巨大的塑料蜘蛛,墓穴里伸出一双血淋淋的塑胶手……一年之中最恐怖的夜晚到来了,你准备好了吗?

October 31 is Halloween, one of the most popular festivals in the US, Canada and Britain. The festival began as a day to remember the dead. But nowadays its all about the carnival atmosphere when people can enjoy dressing up and scaring each other.10月31日万圣节前夜是美国、加拿大和英国最受欢迎的节日之一。这个节日源起于对死者的纪念日。但现在它已经完全成为一场大狂欢,人们尽情享受着改装易容互相恐吓的乐趣。

Halloween is one of childrens favourite nights of the year. They dress up as monsters and go to their neighbourshouses. Knocking on the door they shout: "Trick or treat!" Of course, usually people give them "treats" - a like sweets and chocolates. But, if you dont, you can expect a prank such as having your car windows soaped or your garbage cans turned over.万圣节前夜还是一年之中孩子们最喜欢的一个夜晚。他们打扮成妖怪去邻居家,敲着门大喊:“不给糖就捣蛋!”当然,人们通常会给他们“糖”——比如甜食或者巧克力。但如果你不给,那就等着一场恶作剧吧,你会发现你的车窗被涂上了肥皂,垃圾桶翻倒在地,等等。

Halloween is also a time for masquerade parties. Witches fly in on broomsticks, while ghosts and skeletons chat on the dance floor. 万圣节前夜还是举办化妆舞会的好时机。你会看到女巫坐着扫帚柄飞进来,鬼怪和骷髅则在舞池中窃窃私语。

You can even dress up as a famous monster like Dracula! The motto is: "The scarier, the better." 你还可以化妆成像吸血鬼那样特别可怕的妖怪。有句谚语说:“越恐怖越好。”

Even making Halloween food should be like casting a spell or mixing a magic drink. In Britain, people drink "Witchs Mix", made with apple, orange, grape and berry juice. Children also enjoy "Halloween Worms," made from egg noodles. And how do you like the sound of "Eye-Balls"? Dont worry, theyre made with scoops of chocolate and vanilla ice creaam, shaped like human eyes. Skeleton-shaped cookies are equally popular.甚至连万圣节前夜做的食物也要像下了咒语或者配备魔法饮料。在英国,人们喝一种叫“巫师之饮”的东西,用苹果、橘子、葡萄和浆果的汁调配而成。孩子们还喜欢吃“万圣节虫子”,是用鸡蛋面做的。你觉得“眼珠子”听上去怎么样?别担心,那只是用几勺巧克力和香草冰激凌做的,只不过像是人眼的形状。头盖骨形状的饼干同样也很受欢迎。

A well-known Halloween

n tradition is to make lanterns from pumpkins, called "Jack-o-lanterns". First, the inside of the pumpkin is removed. Then, a face is cut into the pumpkin, traditionally a smiling, devil face. Finally a candle is placed inside, and the lantern is put at the front of the house to keep evil spirits away.万圣节前夜的一个众所周知的传统就是用南瓜做成灯,叫“杰克灯”。首先,把南瓜里面掏空。然后在南瓜上切出一张脸孔,通常是一张笑眯眯的魔鬼面孔。最后,在里面放上一只蜡烛,然后把南瓜灯放在房子前面用来吓跑那些邪恶的幽灵。

Besides pumpkin cutting, "apple-bobbing" is another popular game. Several apples are put floating in water in a big bucket. Children have their hands tied behind their backs. They have to try to pick the apples out of the water using only their mouths. Of course, people get very wet and it is very funny to watch.除了切南瓜,“叼苹果”也是很流行的游戏。把几只苹果放在一个大水桶里面飘浮着。孩子们的手被绑在背后。他们只能用嘴巴把苹果从水里叼出来。当然了,人们会全都湿淋淋的,光看着就很有趣。




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The word itself, "Halloween," actually has its origins in the Catholic Church. It comes from a contracted corruption of All Hallows Eve. November 1, "All Hollows Day" (or "All Saints Day"), is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31. The holiday was called Samhain (sow-en), the Celtic New year.

One story says that, on that day, the disembodied spirits of all those who had died throughout the preceding year would come back in search of living bodies to possess for the next year. It was believed to be their only hope for the afterlife. The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living.

Naturally, the still-living did not want to be possessed. So on the night of October 31, villagers would extinguish the fires in their homes, to make them cold and undesirable. They would then dress up in all manner of ghoulish costumes and noisily paraded around the neighborhood, being as destructive as possible in order to frighten away spirits looking for bodies to possess.

Probably a better explanation of why the Celts extinguished their fires was not to discourage spirit possession, but so that all the Celtic tribes could relight their fires from a common source, the Druidic fire that was kept burning in the Middle of Ireland, at Usinach.

Some accounts tell of how the Celts would burn someone at the stake who was thought to have already been possessed, as sort of a lesson to the spirits. Other accounts of Celtic history debunk these stories as myth.

The Romans adopted the Celtic practices as their own. But in the first century AD, Samhain was assimilated into celebrations of some of the other Roman traditions that took place in October, such as their day to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees. The symbol of Pomona is the apple, which might explain the origin of our modern tradition of bobbing for apples on Halloween.

The thrust of the practices also changed over time to become more ritualized. As belief in spirit possession waned, the practice of dressing up like hobgoblins, ghosts, and witches took on a more ceremonial role.

The custom of Halloween was brought to America in the 1840s by Irish immigrants fleeing their countrys potato famine. At that time, the favorite pranks in New England included tipping over outhouses and unhinging fence gates.

The custom of trick-or-treating is thought to have originated not with the Irish Celts, but with a ninth-century European custom called souling. On November 2, All Souls Day, early Christians would walk from village to village begging for "soul cakes," made out of square pieces of bread with currants. The more soul cakes the beggars would receive, the more prayers they would promise to say on behalf of the dead relatives of the donors. At the time, it was believed that the dead remained in limbo for a time after death, and that prayer, even by strangers, could expedite a souls passage to heaven.

The Jack-o-lantern custom probably comes from Irish folklore. As the tale is told, a man named Jack, who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster, tricked Satan into climbing a tree. Jack then carved an image of a cross in the trees trunk, trapping the devil up the tree. Jack made a deal with the devil that, if he would never tempt him again, he would promise to let him down the tree.

According to the folk tale, after Jack died, he was denied entrance to Heaven because of his evil ways, but he was also denied access to Hell because he had tricked the devil. Instead, the devil gave him a single ember to light his way through the frigid darkness. The ember was placed inside a hollowed-out turnip to keep it glowing longer.

The Irish used turnips as their "Jacks lanterns" originally. But when the immigrants came to America, they found that pumpkins were far more plentiful than turnips. So the Jack-O-Lantern in America was a hollowed-out pumpkin, lit with an ember.

So, although some cults may have adopted Halloween as their favorite "holiday," the day itself did not grow out of evil practices. It grew out of the rituals of Celts celebrating a new year, and out of Medieval prayer rituals of Europeans. And today, even many churches have Halloween parties or pumpkin carving events for the kids. After all, the day itself is only as evil as one cares to make it.



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Today, there is a halloween event. There are a lot of people in our school, and there are me.

We came to the clubhouse door, waiting to go, suddenly a cold touch me, dont know, a look at the next hop, a zombie standing next to me, "look at it in the face, and then look at the" it "with that of" blood ", could not help but scream a sound scared me soul are soon. Go inside and began to eat buffet, Hao Jing Long give me something, I felt sick, it is a root with the blood of the fingers, do not know can not eat, even to eat, I also dare not eat.

After a while, we played. I was very nervous, and I was shaking from beginning to end. Finally after the performance, we will go to the end of several child arrests. They always go where there is water, but I dont dare to go over again.

At the right time, my father and mother came, and we went home. It was a happy day. Although it is a western festival, but as long as we have a good time.



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Children in costumes race from house to house asking for treats。 A carved pumpkin, called a jack-o-lantern, grins from a porch as the children pass。 According to legend, jack-o-lanterns protect people in their homes from ghostly spirits。

Its all part of the fun on Halloween! The roots of Halloween stretch back thousands of years and borrow customs from several parts of the world。



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a western festival

Halloween is a western festival. It’s on Oct.31st. It’s a happy time for children because at night they put on the masks to attend the party. After the party, they knock at someone’s door and say: “trick or tread”. It means if you don’t give me the candies, I will play trick on you! At last kids can get enough candies for one year.




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26.回复本帖 复制链接 赠送礼物 修改帖子串门就得吃饭,过节就得送礼,今天不同寻常,咱也赶个时髦,发条短信给你,万圣节,祝你节日快乐啦,礼轻情意重啊!








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halloween is a spooky and scary night.people dress up in the hallween.some people buy pumpkin and carve it into a jack-o-lantern.a jack-o-lantern is a pumpkin with a face.this is how you make a jack-o-lantern:you buy a pumpkin,take it home,carve the pumpkin and give it a spooky,happy,scary face.


a warty witch can fly on her fast and speeding broom in the sky.she can be wearing black pants and a black robe.if you see one ,she mignt be carrying a black cat to give bad luck.


a spooky,scary,and white ghost can go through walls and could control people.you might see one in the grave yard.be careful because it will frighten you.you might become one of them!


the black cat can give bad luck when it crosses your path.




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Days and days past, I’m not a child any longer. But I still remember that Halloween, 31st October XX. That was Saturday. I went to study English with an American girl named Debby as usual.

We had 5 students altogether. Before that week, Debby had already told us to learn something about Halloween ourselves. On that day, Debby spent an hour describing this American festival for us, such as “trick or cheat”, pumpkin and even, she took a pumpkin with her. First she took out a finished pumpkin lantern.

That was really beautiful and ugly, we liked it so much. Then she taught us how to make a pumpkin lantern by ourselves. We each held a small knife, learnt to cut and draw something on that pumpkin. Finally, we made it and put a short candle into it. That was truly happy. And the most surprising thing was that the lantern was a present for that day’s super student. Who will that be? My god! That was me!

Do you know how excited I was then? I held it, jumping and shouting. That was the most unforgettable day to me. And I will not forget it, never!




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1. 和风吹,小鸟叫,彩色灯笼在闪耀;扮小丑,疯狂跳,万圣节里好热闹;巫女装,南瓜帽,誓把周围搞乱套!万圣节就要来到,愿你开怀放声笑!

2. 今天不要乱跑,吃饭一定要饱,家务绝对要搞,遇事平静不恼,娱乐时间不吵,准时睡觉最好,青春才会永远不老!祝你过个快乐平安的万圣节!

3. 你是咒语南瓜,我是魔力彩灯;你是飞天扫帚,我是迷幻披风;你是恶巫婆,我是小精灵;欢快万圣夜,咱俩做一对吓人的小情侣吧!

4. 情意深,短信祝福表关怀:莫贪莫恋酒和烟,烟鬼酒鬼皆无缘,见到美女莫发直,做人别学好色鬼,生活多彩莫吝啬,千万莫做小气鬼,祝万圣节愉快!

5. 送你南瓜饼,饼小有奇功!保你:事业辉煌春秋鼎“圣”,学问高深超凡入“圣”,恋爱交友百战百“圣”,接收祝福一点别“圣”!万圣快乐,齐天大圣!

6. 送你一份开心,代表南瓜的心意;送你一份快乐,代表稻草人的愿望;做一个成功的人很累,所以要忙里偷闲烦劳靠边,万圣节即将到来,预祝开心如意。

7. 万圣即将来到,那天晚上别去睡觉,大人小孩惊声尖叫,男人女人一起咆哮,吓您一跳开个玩笑,万圣节狂欢,约您一起尽情大叫。预祝您万圣节快乐!

8. 万圣节,我将携带玫“鬼”的浪漫,拥着“鬼”花的芬芳,把我最“鬼”重的祝福,送给我最珍“鬼”的朋友,愿朋友财源“鬼鬼”,万事顺顺!

9. 万圣节,我开着如意南瓜车,为你送去南瓜大餐:吉祥南瓜饼,幸福南瓜汤,好运南瓜饭,顺利南瓜粥!愿你精力旺“圣”,感情神“圣”,快乐万圣!

10. 万圣节到,我变成可爱的精灵,拿着南瓜灯,骑着神奇魔帚,飞过幽灵深林,千辛万苦来到你的面前,要告诉你:嘿嘿!没事,就是手痒痒,编个短信玩玩!

11. 万圣节到了,全体鬼神总动员!愿你好运鬼使神差,情运神魂颠倒,财运神不知鬼不觉,做事总是鬼得很,成就更是惊天地泣鬼神,做个永远的开心鬼!

12. 万圣节到了,祝你身材--魔鬼般迷人;生活--魔法般精彩;本领--魔头般厉害;事业--魔王般成功;财运--魔星般高照;鬼节快乐!

13. 万圣节即将到来之际,把鬼神拜谢;谢诸鬼诸仙,向神灵许愿:愿朋友步步高升多赚钱,家庭和睦又美满,没病没灾又健康,生活甜蜜又悠闲。

14. 万圣节即将到了,树上的叶子落了,街上的人群少了,我对你的祝福准备好了,大鬼小鬼都受不了了,你怎么还一个人呆着,准备出来一起狂欢吧。

15. 万圣节即将来到,我将祝福送到:愿开心鬼缠着你,发财鬼陪着你,幸运鬼喜欢你,长命鬼搂着你,小倩也想嫁给你。哈哈,祝你万圣节快乐!

16. “万”水千山总是情,“万”紫千红总是春,万圣节,祝你:“万”分顺心,“万”分舒心,“万”分如心,“万”分称心,“万”分开心!

17. 从来都是胆小鬼,今天做个冒失鬼,用我感天动地的嘴灵活多变的腿,还有一朵贼靓的玫瑰,祝亲爱的你万圣节做个开心鬼,乐得合不拢嘴!

18. 哥们,今天可是个特殊的日子。不是我的生日,也不是她的生日,更不是你的生日!今天是鬼的节日,让我们一起狂欢吧!万圣节快乐!

19. 鬼迷心窍看上你,鬼鬼祟祟暗恋你,鬼使神差跟着你,鬼哭狼嚎只为你,鬼头鬼脑追定你……鬼怪为何格外多,呵呵,万圣节快乐!

20. 万圣节即将来到,我送你一座后花园,园子里栽的是智慧树,流的是忘忧泉,开的是自在花,搭的是幸运桥,祝愿好运好心情,万圣节快乐!

21. 万圣节将至,短信奉上!回信息的是好鬼,不回的是坏鬼;保存的是帅鬼,删除的是淘气鬼;独自偷乐是自私鬼,和大家分享的是开心鬼!

22. 万圣节快到,送你三件至宝:照妖镜--照得妖怪变黄金;斩魔剑--斩断烦恼好悠闲;再送你尚方宝剑--看哪里钱多就能去哪里工作!万圣节快乐哈!

23. 想你的时候,我就像饿鬼,饥苦难耐;见到你的时候,我就像醉鬼,神魂颠倒;能和你在一起过万圣节,我会变成开心鬼,心花怒放!让我们一起过万圣节吧!

24. 昨夜满天星光灿烂,你在哪里浪漫?万圣之夜鬼火点点,你在哪里丢人现眼?大鬼小鬼通通听我召唤,收到短信快快回电!万圣节快乐!

25. 昨天一个叫钟馗的哥们让我给你捎个信儿,说今天是万圣节,他的鬼小弟会来给你送礼的,有空还要请你喝两杯。

26. 最近流行一种代号为“万圣节快乐”的手机病毒,如果您不幸收到含有此类字符的短信,请马上扔掉手机,以免感染。万圣节快乐!

27. 最简单的祝福送给最可爱的你,因为作为一个人你实在是太讨厌了,但作为一个鬼你实在是太可爱了。鬼,祝你万圣节快乐。

28. 一份祝福代表一份心意,一份心意代表一份礼物,一份礼物就是我送你的护身符,万圣节的夜晚,有了我的短信,即使只有你一个人也不会感到孤单。

29. 一个人在家呢吧,外面很黑吧,今天是万圣节知道么,万圣节就是鬼节,会有很多鬼,你怕不怕阿,我想去陪你,帮你把鬼赶走,行么?

30. 谢谢你给我的关怀,把我宠坏,宠得我不知不觉飞起来,才知道冥冥之中有安排。这个万圣节,让我带你一起飞上天好吗?别怕,有我在你不会掉下来的!

31. 小心有鬼,今天可是万圣节,你一个人呆在家里不害怕么,在心里默念我的咒语可以驱邪避鬼啊。咒语的内容是:万圣节快乐。

32. 想你可又害怕见到你,也许你正在哪个角落默默地注视着我,我鼓起勇气抚摸了你那没有下巴的脸蛋,啊,鬼啊!

33. 我好饿啊,我已经天没吃东西了,我已下定决心,万圣节的晚上无论如何都要到你家去饱餐一顿,问我是谁?呵呵--吸血鬼!

34. 万圣之夜为了欢迎鬼宾光临,我们特地准备了精彩的鬼宾节目,第一个节目你将会看到一个小鬼为你表演怎样用手机看短信息。

35. 万圣节快到了,送你个开心鬼,愿你开心每一天;送你个富贵鬼,愿你富贵每一天;送你个幸福鬼,愿你幸福每一天;送你个万能鬼,愿你事事顺心。




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The American tradition of "trick-or-treating" probably dates back to the early All Souls Day parades in England. During the festivities, poor citizens would beg for food and families would give them pastries called "soul cakes" in return for their promise to pray for the familys dead relatives.

The distribution of soul cakes was encouraged by the church as a way to replace the ancient practice of leaving food and wine for roaming spirits. The practice, which was referred to as "going a-souling" was eventually taken up by children who would visit the houses in their neighborhood and be given ale, food, and money.

The tradition of dressing in costume for Halloween has both European and Celtic roots. Hundreds of years ago, winter was an uncertain and frightening time. Food supplies often ran low and, for the many people afraid of the dark, the short days of winter were full of constant worry. On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts came back to the earthly world, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by these ghosts, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits. On Halloween, to keep ghosts away from their houses, people would place bowls of food outside their homes to appease the ghosts and prevent them from attempting to enter.
