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If you ask me what the little animals I like, then Ill tell you that the little animal I like is the puppy.

My dogs hair is snow white, like snow falling on the dog like, pretty very beautiful! A pair of eyes watery, as if just under a spring rain, rain fell into his eyes like; Long tail, if the dust on the street, you can use the tail to sweep the dust clean.

Once I came home from school, I went to see the puppy. I bite it to eat it, but it not only does not eat, but also motionless, as if what was annoying. The original, the dog will have a baby ... ...

Baby is born, I love the dog more. But did not last long, the unfortunate thing happened. One day, the dog squatting in the mothers parking position, when my mother came back, my mother could not see, the dog fell asleep, do not know. At this time, my mother parked in that position. At this time, the dog was killed by her mother. See this scene, I was sad, continuous cry for 2 hours.

At this time, my feelings about the dog is still so deep, I feel reluctant to love the dogs death. Puppy i love you.




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This morning, it is time for us to make sandwiches, so we are very excited. We took two bread and put sausage, eggs and vegetables in it, and then we cut the bread into two other shapes.

My Mom said: “ we need to take food there, because there is one place to eat, but the food there is bad. I went to search the internet, and many people said that.” Because my Dad need to work after breakfast, so my Mom would take me there by herself. After 30 minutes, we arrived the science center.

The science center is very big, and it has every countries’ costumes on it. The whole science center look like an eye with globe. Then we went inside the science center to buy tickets. It is really cool inside. My Mom asked me to go to watch a movie, and then we went to.

Time pass quickly. It was time for us to go home, but I really happy today.



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We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend. If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot. Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make friends. But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’t know much about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends. What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble. When we make friends, the real one is what we need.



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1、 白白见老鼠出来了立刻扑了上去,结果就撞在了电视屏上,我笑了起来,白白又跑回来,静静地趴在我腿上,目不转睛的盯着电视屏,以后,每当演到猫和老鼠,我都会叫上白白一起来看电视。

2、 我家养着一只活泼可爱而又淘气顽皮的小狈,它的名字叫做欢欢,我非常非常的喜欢它。欢欢长着一身雪白雪白的毛,有着一双好似小扇子一样的耳朵,他有一对明亮、水汪汪的眼睛。欢欢还特别淘气顽皮。

3、 小花猫叫可可豆,长着虎皮斑纹的小猫叫咖啡。两只中间最引人注目的是一只小花猫,它身上的毛是蓬起来的,所以异常招人喜欢。它的毛有着三种颜色:白、黑,剩下的一种颜色可是另一只小猫身上的毛色呢。最大的奇特之处嘛,就是它的背部“写”着一个类似“王”的字,这不算奇怪,奇怪的是左耳朵上写着的“三”,右耳朵上写着的“1”形成背上的“王”,真奇怪。

4、 妞妞长着圆圆的脑袋,两只三角形的耳朵竖立着,一双明亮的大眼睛像玻璃球似的嵌在瓜子脸上,长长地鼻子和嘴巴合成一体,鼻子总是湿漉漉的,好像涂上了薄薄的一层黑色亮光剂。它经常张开大嘴,露出雪白而锋利的牙齿,血红的长舌头时不时地吐露出来。它披着一身雪白雪白的皱毛,背上像银丝线,肚下像白丝绒。它有着一条非常迷人的尾巴卷贴在屁股上面,像一朵盛开着的银白色菊花。它四肢发达,体格健壮,一天到晚总是蹦蹦跳跳,疯个不停。

5、 白白可调皮了,我每次写作业时,它都从窗户爬进来给我捣乱。桌子上有瓶墨水,他用嫩红的舌头伸进瓶中,舌头立刻变成了蓝黑色,我看着她那蓝黑色的舌头,忍不住立刻大笑起来,心想:哈哈,活该,这下看你怎么给我捣乱!

6、 小鸡们柔声地唧唧地叫着,一边东跑西窜,有一只小鲍鸡特别引人注目,我最喜欢它,它长得很特别,别的鸡都羽毛丰满,甚至有一只鹤立鸡群的大母鸡已经有带麻点的大羽毛,显得很大很肥,而这只小鲍鸡呢,除了头上有点绒绒的毛,翅膀上有几根大羽毛,脖子和身上根本就是光秃秃的,因此它的一双金黄的腿显得格外的长,像是位舞蹈家,我把它叫做“秃毛”。

7、 我家也养了一只小仓鼠,我给他取名叫黑黑。它有着浅黑的绒毛,一个毛茸茸的小脑瓜。一双水汪汪的小眼睛,一个又小又黑的鼻子。虽然它的鼻子小,但别小看它。

8、 大姨妈家有一条可爱的小狈,胖嘟嘟的,黑不溜秋,大姨妈给它取名叫旺仔,听到这个名字,是不是感到很奇怪呢,因为它长的十分像旺仔牛奶上的那个“人”,所以取名为旺仔。

9、 全身毛茸茸的,有两只机灵的耳朵。犹如咖啡一般的深竭色。跑起来比风快,绒线的尾巴和黑亮珍珠般的眼睛。它是谁?小狈没它可爱,小猫的毛没它柔软。它便是一一小兔皮皮。

10、 有一只公鸡长得非常高大,通红通红的冠子,全身都披着漂亮的羽毛,在阳光的照射下闪闪发光。尾巴上的羽毛更是五颜六色,各外耀眼。它还有两条金黄色的粗壮的腿,走起路来趾高气扬的,一副旁若无人、居高临下的样子。

11、 我家有只小狈,它浑身长白色的毛,摸上去软绵绵的,像穿着一件干净的白毛衣;一对大眼睛咕碌碌直转,仿佛两颗黑宝石;头顶上长着对小耳朵,鼻子扁扁的,上面常常很湿润,奶奶说那是小狈健康的表现;尖尖的尾巴十分灵活,常常不停地左右摇晃,但是如果你弄痛了小白,它就会“汪汪汪”地叫,尾巴也夹在两腿间,真有点像书上说的“夹着尾巴逃跑”。

12、 我家有一只小狈,它的毛是白的,你用手摸一下它的背,会觉得很舒服,我很喜欢他,给它取了个名字叫“小白”。

13、 我家养了一只小猫咪,名叫顽皮。顽皮长着一双棕色的眼睛,晚上会发出绿莹莹的光。它有着一张灰褐色的嘴,嘴边向两旁竖起一些长长的胡须。它还有一个小巧玲珑的鼻子。它只要向草丛两边嗅一嗅,就可以发现一些小老鼠之类的东西。它的四肢敏捷而灵活,经常奔跑于沙发与电视之间。它穿着一身洁白的衣服,耳朵是黑色的,它听到任何风吹草动都会马上跑过去。

14、 豆豆是一条可爱的小狈,它只有一个半月大。豆豆是我大姑送给我的生日礼物,它刚来时只有半个月大,当时的豆豆非常可爱,一对三角形的耳朵,豆豆的眼睛又大又圆,像两个玻璃球,小小的三角形鼻子,时而嗅嗅这;时而嗅嗅那,豆豆还披着一身白色的“皮大衣”。

15、 我喜欢的小动物是一只小狗,它全身长满白色的毛,像一团棉花糖;眼睛是圆溜溜的,像两颗大宝石镶嵌在一对弯弯的眉毛下;耳朵是半圆形,鼻子是黑色,尾巴短短的,很可爱。

16、 我曾经在二年级的时候养过两只小鸡,它们一只叫“小毛”,一只叫“大毛”。它们身上的毛是黄色的,头上是嫩黄的毛,尾巴上有一点点白色的毛。

17、 小黑狗有一双黑色的眼睛,水汪汪的;它还有像三角形的耳朵,听力可不差,就算一颗沙子掉下去,它也会听见,可以算是“顺风耳”了;他还有锋利的牙齿,看着它的牙齿,你就要打寒颤了;还有,还有,它的舌头细长,看着挺舒服的,看着看着还真有点想摸摸舌头。

18、 小乌龟长着尖尖的头,头上有很多斑纹,皱皱的像七八十岁老人的脸。头上有一张小小的嘴巴,嘴巴上面有一双小小的黑眼睛。小乌龟背着一个厚厚的壳,壳上有十三块六边形,它有四只短短的脚,脚上长着尖尖的爪子,它的尾巴又尖又短。

19、 这些小金鱼的眼睛鼓鼓的,像大珍珠似的,水汪汪的,可好看了;它们的小嘴巴不停地张开合上,好像永远吃不够似的;它们的腮红红的,就像两片贝壳;它们身体两侧的鳍就像人的手,还可以当船桨用哦;它们的鱼鳞闪闪发光,就像钻石一样,漂亮极了!尾巴像片枫树叶子,在水里“飘”来“飘”去。

20、 我家有一群可爱的鸽子,它们的羽毛有白色的,有灰色的。尖尖的嘴巴,还有乌黑乌黑的眼睛和红红的爪子。

21、 我家的小狗多多长得十分可爱,圆乎乎的脑袋上有一对长长的、毛茸茸的大耳朵,它能听到远处极细小的声音;一双水灵灵的大眼睛象一对黑宝石一样闪闪发亮,金黄色的毛柔软细迷,它的尾巴像一把扫帚经常扫来扫去,十分活泼可爱。

22、 我回到家,把小猫放在了地板上,便仔细打量着小猫,它有一身雪白的毛,有一双浅蓝色大眼睛,走起路来尾巴一摇一摆,胸还挺着,非常优雅。我给小猫起了一个名字,叫小雪。

23、 我给一只鸭子取名叫“白项圈”,因为它的脖子上有一圈一寸宽的白毛,像戴了个项圈一样。它的背是孔雀蓝色的,像披了一件华贵的披风,身子是与众不同的棕色,再加上金黄色的扁嘴和大脚,显得器宇轩昂,大有“王者之风”。

24、 我的小白兔毛白白的,似乎披上了白色的绒毛大衣,显得特别漂亮。头圆圆的,像一个大人的拳头。它的耳朵又长又尖,这让我想起了一首儿歌“小白兔,白又白,两只耳朵竖起来……”小白兔的眼睛红得像宝石,为什么小白兔的眼睛都是红色的呢?我想:难到是得了红眼病?于是我查了资料,原来兔子的眼睛是透明的,我们看到的是他的血。它的鼻子小小的,不易看到它的三瓣嘴,吃起东西来发出“啧,啧“的声音。小兔子的前肢短,后肢长。它住在漂亮的窝里。

25、 外婆家有一只特别可爱的小猫,我很喜欢它。它的颜色黄白相间,它大略30厘米长,20厘米高,两斤多重。

26、 叔叔家有一只活泼可爱的小猫。它身穿雪白的衣服,尖尖的耳朵,眼睛亮晶晶的像两颗绿宝石,尾巴长长的,神气极了。

27、 上星期六晚上,哥哥给我买了一只可爱的小八哥,我可喜欢它了。它有一身乌黑的羽毛,小小的脑袋,一双炯炯有神的双眼,雪白的喙和喙上那酷似鸡冠的羽毛,翅膀一半是乌黑一半是雪白,两只脚苍劲有力;我给它取名——小八。

28、 咪咪有一身白白的毛,但不是全白,头上还有一抹淡淡的黑。一双尖尖的耳朵,一对彤彤有神的眼睛,一张兔子似的的三瓣嘴,还有一翘一翘的胡须。咪咪的性格实在有些古怪,说它老实吧,的确有时候很乖。它会找个暖和的地方,成天睡大觉。可是它决定要出去玩玩,就会出走一天一夜,任凭谁怎么呼唤,它也不肯回来。

29、 每天,我写完作业有时间的时候,我就把它们放出来和我一起做游戏,我在前面跑,它们在后面追,我们绕着院子跑好多圈。有的时候,它们耍赖,从中间插过来,我赶紧加快速度向前跑去追它们。

30、 那是一只黑白相间的小花猫,它有一双水灵灵的眼睛,白白的鼻子,好像杂戏团里的小丑一样很滑稽,一个小小的嘴巴里面有几颗尖尖的牙齿,一条乌黑的尾巴动起来像只小蛇。

31、 它耳朵尖,鼻子黑,圆圆的眼睛像一对大玻璃球,嘴巴两边的胡子一抖一抖的,全身毛茸茸的,一道黄一道白。有时候,它把身子团成一团,真像个花绒球。

32、 我家有一只既可爱又淘气的小白狗,我们都叫它点点。点点来到我家时才刚满月,可逗人爱哩!它圆滚滚的,全身长满了雪白的长毛,用手摸一摸,软软的,暖暖的,真像一团可爱的小绒球。

33、 我家养了一只可爱的金毛狗,它的名字叫康康,眼睛大大的,身上的毛长长的,走起路来一扭一扭的,可爱极了。

34、 我家有一只机灵的小猫,这只猫长着一身像雪一样的毛,所以我给它起名叫白白。白白的眼睛绿莹莹的,像两颗发光的绿样,真是可爱极了!

35、 另外一只则是一只长着虎皮斑纹的小猫咪,一张童真的脸蛋,配着那双眼睛里除了黑色瞳孔外嫩黄色的水汪汪的大眼睛很是漂亮,头发一般细的乳白色胡须把那张小脸衬托的可爱极了。两只小耳朵内部的外侧稀疏的长着一些淡黄色的细毛。一条毛茸茸的小尾巴甩来甩去的。说不定你从远处看说不定你会把那只小猫当成毛绒玩具哩!



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一:Animals Need Protecting

Everyone knows animals are our friends. So we should be friendly to them. But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money. It will cause these animals to disappear soon. I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals. It is our duty to protect the endangered animals.

二:Animals Need Protecting

There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority . Its wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop killing animal and protect them.

三:Animals Need Protecting

It is suggested that people have been aware of the issue--lack of preservation for endangered spieces, animals and plants, but as you see , they placed little efforts to cope with the problem.despite the versatility and intricacy of instruments , I would pore over some of the most striking ones and offer alternatives afterwards.

One of the major reasons , causing peoples inocence of protecting animals, is that the government did not function well as an educator, arosing peoples initiative in shielding wild animals, which led to the consequence that people do not know their responsibility to prevent animals from dangers, and specific knowledge in guarding them. what is equally important as the reason mentioned above is that media did not meet our satisfaction to inform the mass of the emergency which is crutial in arousing peoples conciousness to keep animals safe.

In spite of the serious problem, measure leading to profound improvement still can be taken. owning to the fact that funds are insufficient in some developing countries, developed countries or international organizations should shoulder more burden -- finacing them in order to capacitate them to accompolish the protection of animals. at the same time, education in telling people the way to make animals harboured ought to be focused on, thus resulting in peoples better awareness in the camouflage of our planets cutest creatures.

It is belived by me that if correct actions are taken to preserve animals, any kind of them will be far away from extinction forever.




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In our common home - the earth, life with a lot of animal, which animal do

you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - a dog.My

favorite is my neighbors dog that Beijing BaGou yuan yuan and collie handsome.

They play together every day, it is a good friend of a stick dozen not

scattered, I also like them, they saw I was shaking his tail towards

me.Handsome shape tiger is big, the body is about more than 60 centimeters

long. Two leg, capable to my shoulders, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are much

older than yuan yuan, I most like to see him running figure - curly float in the

sky, like a nice horse. I often and yuan yuan, running with the handsome, every

time is handsome first, second, I am the third round. Can literally, handsome

running faster than thoroughbred horse. Average dog ran up, send out "clicking"

sound, but handsome rans voice is very small, not carefully is inaudible. The

appearance of the handsome run is also very handsome, curly, bow shaped body. If

you want to use a word to describe talent, that is: handsome. If you use a word

that was impeccable.Compared with the handsome, round shape is much smaller,

only 30 centimeters in length and a half smaller than talent. The meaning of his

name from his eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black stones. And his legs are

very round and round this is name. And his legs are very short, so even if he

runs, casting its foot also run fast, but I still like him very much the kind of

simple and lovely.This is what I like animals, do you like?



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你能想象在火海中,最外一层的蚂蚁噼里啪啦的烧焦声吗?那是团结的力量,用少数蚂蚁的牺牲,换来整个家族的生还!多么伟大的力量。下面是小编整理的相关内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 写动物的作文300字一:




现在的人们,都是绞尽脑汁想着如何获利,这难道不是自私的表现吗。现在有几个人能在绝境中不顾自身的安危,去拯救其他人呢?恐怕那是极少数。所以,卑微的事物不一定是渺小的,渺小的事物不一定就比人类卑微。  蚂蚁家族团结的精神,值得我们学习。 写动物的作文300字二:

在森林里,动物们正在举行一场招聘会。 招聘的岗位有导游、速递员、保安、医生和司机。大会由大象主持。许多动物们都来应聘。它们根据自己的特长选择合适自己的岗位。啄木鸟应聘森林医生,它有着超强地医术本领, 这在森林里是有名的。医生这个岗位很快被啄木鸟应聘掉了。接下来百灵鸟前来应聘导游的职位,它的特长说话声音悦耳,在空中每天都飞来飞去的,对每个地方都很熟悉。让它来当导游能详细的 介绍每一个地方的风景和特点,在配上悦耳动听的声音,肯定能让游客玩的很开心。

马儿凭着 它有千里马跑得快的本领,当上了速递员。小狗靠着它有灵敏的嗅觉和忠心得良好态度,当上了保安的岗位。最后,河马凭着它强壮的身体和灵敏的方向感当上了司,经过大家的介绍,大象说:“这次招聘会圆满成功,我希望得到岗位的同志们,认真工作,更好的为大家服务!” 写动物的作文300字三:可爱的小兔子







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Not long ago, my family came a "gentleman", it was covered with plush, much like marshmallow, so sometimes I called it marshmallow, did not think it, it is our new members, a puppy, Its name is called white, its long ears to cover half of the face, eyes round yo, like two black pearls. White happy time, always thrown the tail, making mistakes, always sandwiched tail under the table or under the bed, afraid of others to fight it.

Eat when the white is always the small head buried in the iron wrist, arching iron wrist straight circle. It is very greedy, like a goldfish, will only eat, do not know full, once, it eat too much, the whole stomach bulging, like a frog, had to obediently lying on the ground a move can not move. When we were not at home, it made a mess of the house and torn the paper at home. It shoes to other places or bite the shoes. Once, it took my sandals out to the door, causing me everywhere could not find.

White like to go with people, my father and mother called it with stooge. It also likes others to touch it, others touch it when it obediently lying on the ground to touch.

I like my familys puppy because its funny and it brings a lot of laughter to our house.



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Many animals are in danger of dying out。 As is shown in the chart, we can see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will continue。 From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 million animal species have disappeared。 Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger。 It is not a piece of sensational news; it is a fact, a harsh reality。 Unfortunately, we may not see these animals in the near future。

From the second picture, we can find some reasons。 Why is the number of animal species declining year by year? Apparently animals have become victims of fashion industry。 Animal skin has been used to make fashionable clothes and these clothes sell at a high price。 So some greedy people begin to kill animals in a large quantity。 This irresponsible behavior not only breaks the balance of nature but also endangers the living environment of human beings。

As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action。 We believe "no buying, no killing"。 First, we must make concerning laws to protect these animals in danger。 Second, we must take some measures to protect animals effectively。 Animals are our friends and part of our environment。 Third, we should raise peoples awareness to protect animals and our environment。 In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development。



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Autumn is a mature, harvest season. I like the fall of the orchard, because it brings great joy to the people.

Into the autumn orchard, you will feel a trace of cool wind, sandwiched with a trace of fruit fragrance blowing, straight Qin your heart and spleen. Come to the world of fruit, you will shine: pomegranate, grapes, dates ... ... is almost dazzling.

Autumn orchard colorful, friendly fruit dolls put on new clothes, jump dance, welcome guests to come. Apple brother shy face, embarrassed to hide behind the leaves; grape sister put on a purple dress; persimmon like a small lantern, for people to lighting ... ...

Autumn orchard night, beautiful, beautiful so you can not describe. In the hazy moonlight, the night has added a trace of mystery, you faint can hear the sound of the growth of the fruit, looking at the night sky sleep so much, while the little stars are not restless, blinking blink, I Think of the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver: Once upon a time there was a Cowboy, the weaver took a fancy to him, but the weaver had committed the sky and was taken up by God. The Cowboy took the child riding the leather and flew up to the sky to find the weaver, but the Queen Mother A galaxy, they can only across the bridge across the year on July 7 to meet once.

I like the fall of the orchard, it can give me countless reverie; also make my mind clear.



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One day,my mother bought two little rabbits for me.I’m very happy.

From that on,the two little rabbits became my good friends. They have two little ears, red eyes,with white and fat boby. They’re marvellous.

Everyday,they play with each other happily. One day,I couldn’t find them. I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn’t know. At last,I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry,but when I looked at their lovely faces,I was happy again.

I love my little rabbits,and they love me. They are my good friends forever.








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I love small animals very much, but my favorite is the puppy.

The puppy is not big, but the head is big. There is a pair of small triangular ears, faces are small. A pair of gem-like flexible and translucent big eyes, a round yo black nose. The body of the hair was yellow, smooth like painted a layer of oil. Tail hairy, often swing to swing, feels very comfortable.

Puppy eating food will be issued a little sound, eat quickly, it seems hungry look. Sleep when motionless, very quiet, a movement to lift his head to see, nothing to keep lying on the ground to sleep. When you play the game, if you are happy, will be hard to put the tail, jumping to the distance, the tongue often stretched out.

Because my neighbor has a puppy, so I often play with it. Puppys head is big, I called it "big head". Once, I just returned to the door, see the dog playing on the roadside, running around. I was ready to open the door, the dog immediately ran over, shook his head in front of me, as if very welcome me.

I really like this lovely and naughty puppy! I believe you will like this "big head" it!

My favorite little animal - puppy.



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一条可爱的。它的名字是"点点" 。因为有很多黑的圆圈在它的皮肤上。"点点" 是非常友好的。许多孩子喜欢和它玩。他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。 他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常跑。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的皮肤也有很多黑圈子。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物!!

My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. dian dian likes to run very much.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet!



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Animals Need Protecting

Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today. About 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger.

Why should people careBecause we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more. Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example, when

farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. WhyBecause hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or plant on the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.





源。在维持自然平衡中,每种动物都有其作用。毁灭某种动物会导致许多问题。比如,农民们如果杀死为数众多的鹰,他们谷物和粮食的仓库就会受到老鼠和田鼠的破坏。 为什么因为鹰吃鼠类,没有鹰控制它们的数量,鼠类就会迅速繁殖。





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My house through a window, a row of trees have leaf like soldiers struggling proud of the past winter, again on the leaves, like a perfect uniform, to survive these long winter soldiers send warmth.


The birds nest is close enough, the fresh air, the slightest breeze brings them very cool, birds sing beautiful songs, songs of their proud. Every corner is changing, becoming a garden that is more different than the winter, than the autumn.


In the spring of two All flowers bloom together., pear tree homes, cute. A flower in full bloom, and decorated with white plow tree flowers, like a rolling of the white snow capped mountains, very beautiful.


A pear tree cut fuel, although there is no next to it "tall mountain" as charming, but it leaves thick, four to stretch longer high, finally formed a parasol and covered with earth, produce many pears,


How lovely the spring scenery of our home is! It was gorgeous and angry. Time is passing, home will become a refreshing home.




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This is a small cat is a grandmother from someone elses house to hold, it is busy all day to catch the mouse, for grandparents to prevent things stolen, security family peace, it is the grandfathers grandfather in the eyes of grandparents. Its hair is a mature piece of wheat-like color, the eyes are golden, look carefully, like a pair of sparkling yellow gems ah! His claws stretched, that sharp pointed out will be exposed, as if In the door to show off: "Look! My paw more windy ah! Who can escape my claws?"

The cats character is really weird. That he is lazy, it sleeps all day; that it is diligent Mody, a whole night busy catching the mouse, that it is greedy it, it is out for most of the day; that it timid Mody, see the dog even the hair are Stand up; say it brave, and sometimes dare to fight with the bucket ... ... it is not happy, sleep on the day, who also ignored, from time to time issued a "snore snore" sound. It is happy when you rub your legs with your body, but also climbed into your arms, let you smooth hair for it, scratch itch.

That day, I was writing a summer job, it jumped to the table, in my homework on a few "plum India". Say it is angry, it is happy to play with you; say happy it, after all, it is dirty, it makes me dumbfounding.

Once, it lying on my lap, whirring sleepy sleep, I gently stroked it with its golden fur. Suddenly, I hit a nap and threw it on the ground. It was anxious, and turned over and jumped down the steps, meowly went to the river, and I chased it behind, has been chasing the uncles home, it lying in the uncles home, do not look at me, so I am boring Go and let it go home alone at night.

After this thing happened, I to please it, went to the river to catch a lot of fish, put it in its small bowl to let it eat. It stretched out claws a grasp, to deftly put a fish into his mouth, "Gollum" about to eat, really fun. It is also to me "meow" call, obviously it is good with me.

Later, when I returned home, the lovely little cat always inseparable and I caught small fish, catch butterflies, catch the dragonfly, catch squirrels ... ... with me through how many memorable good times.



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In our country,the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller.Some of them are even dying outThe dangerous methods we human being has taken are as follows:

We have been cutting the trees to build houses,so the home of animals is intruded and they have to find new places to live.In this process,some of them died in the new environment.

The abuse of pesticide has also been endangering the life of wild animals.

In addition,in order to earn money,people have been killing the rare wild animals.

In that we have realized the threat of our behavior to our best friends,we should take actions to change such a condition by taking the following methods:

We should protect the wild animal by protecting the environment that they live in and protect themselves,not to hurt them.At the same time,we should establish more natural reserves for the wild animals.

I believe as long as work together to protect the wild animals,our life will be more and more comfortable.










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My school is so beautiful that i cannot think of leaving there for less a day. The lofty trees, colorful flowers and the charming attract me a lot. When i first went there, i was amazed by its wonderful atmospherem peaceful and warm. Everyday, my teacher teaches me a lot of knowledge from different aspects such as Chinese, Math,and English. It benefits me a lot. And there are my schoolmates. We play together everyday, making plenty of fun. When we meet trouble on study, we always get together in a group. Talking about the quickest way to solve the problem, we strengthen our relationship. We become better friends. At the same time, we practice our minds.



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On Sunday, after breakfast, I went downstairs and walked down the stairs. I saw an iron cage on the lawn. There was a big white rabbit, a small white rabbit and a small gray rabbit.

I quickly came to the cage before carefully watching the rabbit. Saw the rabbit (that is, the rabbit mother, it is white body, the body of the hair smooth and soft, two long ears erected in the head, a pair of ruby-like eyes inlaid in the face, there is a small exquisite nose Like a lipstick like the three petals. Look at the little white rabbit, it is simply the embodiment of the rabbit mother, is exactly the same. Another small gray rabbit, small than the small rabbit, the biggest difference is: Small gray rabbit eyes are gray. They are short legs, hind legs thick. Oh! I finally understand why the rabbit ran so fast, one step can jump so far, the original because of its hind legs thick, so kicking ability But if they run downhill have to turn over the bucket myself! At this time, two naughty and lovely little rabbit playing up, the tail is also a stick of a stick, it is more lovely.

I got a few slices of leaves, swaying in front of the rabbits, the rabbits immediately full of energy, like going to the front line to fight the same. They clawed on the cage and looked at me with hope. I put the leaves into the cage, the rabbit mother immediately devour to eat up. And the little bunny is slowly, slowly, like a gentleman like. After they had finished eating, looked up and looked at me with grateful eyes, as if to say to me, "Thank you, you see, we eat more!"
