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Fast food has flooded in our lives nowadays. Concerning fast food,

different people have different attitudes.Some hold that fast food is necessary

in our society while others argue that fast food is harmful to our health. As

far as I am concerned, fast food is necessary but not a must in our lives.

On the one hand, fast food is necessary in our today’s society. Although

fast food is not as nutritious as home-made food, it is a good replacement when

we are in hurry and have no enough time to prepare food by ourselves. It can

help us to save much time. In addition, fast food is cheaper but various and we

can taste different kinds of food by using less money.

On the other hand, however, fast food is not a must. Fast food can be used

to replace our home-made food sometimes, but we should not eat it very often.

Compared with home-made food, the nutrition provided by fast food is far less.

Therefore, eating fast food only can not provide enough nutrition for our

growth. Besides, the problem of food security is another factor we should

consider when eating fast food.

In a word, fast food is necessary sometimes in our lives, but we can not

eat it very often. At the same time, to fit for the need of people, fast food

restaurants should develop and provide more and more nutritious food and

strengthen the supervision of food making.




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I always care so much about the food I eat, because my stomach is a little

week, so I can’t eat the junk food all the time. The healthy food makes me keep

fit so I eat it. Vegetable is very important, we should eat it every meal. The

fruit contains a lot of vitamins, it is in need. The fish is best for me.



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Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment。

There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be


Today things are different。 The world has bee too crowded。 We are using up

our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals。 If

we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive。

We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be

none left。 Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught。We

know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear。 Yet, we

continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees。 We see that

if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die。 Yet, waste products


still put into rivers。

We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a

few years, there wont be enough food。What can we do to solve these


If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available。

Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are


Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them。

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods

of birth control。

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a

better and cleaner planet in the future。


篇3:高三年级英语作文:A Snowy Winter Morning

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The wind gently murmured,puffed and sometimes sighed like a summer breeze lifting the leaves along the livelong night.The cat was curling up quiet in her bed.The mouse was sleeping carefree in his gallery.The dog was lying swwet on the sofa.Even the earth itself was sleeping in tranquility,exept that some house door faintly creaked upon its hinge,telling us a remote inward warmth.Nature was at her midnight work with feathery flakes whirling down in the wind,as if she was showering her silvery seeds over the fields.

Finally I woke up.The floor creaked under my feet as I moved towards the window.The snow as warm as cotton was lying calmly upon the window sill and the stillness of the morning was extremely impressive.

The roofs were standing under their snow caps,while the eaves were wearing their glittering ornaments.The trees raised white arms to the sky on every side,and where there was a wall,there were some fantastic forms of snow stretching exhilarated in the dim landscape,as if Nature had carved her fresh desighs by night as models for mans art.

Silently,I opened the door and stepped outside to face the cutting air.The moon had already lost some of its glow and the land was bathed in a dull mist.A lurid light in the east proclaimed the approach of day while the weatern landscape was bleak with some spooky stillness like a wizard kingdom.What you could only hear was the creepy sounds,seemingly out of the hell----the barking of dogs,the hammering of blacksmith,the lowing of cows and the crying of pigs under the butchers knife.

Gradually,the lurid light darkened and spread across the west.Every flower,every tree and

every weed were bathed in the sunshine.Suddenly,it turned out that all the sounds were not for any melancholy they suggested,but for their twilight bustle which was too solemn and mysterious for me.

I moved om,treading briskly along the road,the dry and crisped snow crunching under my feet.



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诚然,影响你一生的人绝不仅仅是你的老师,还有你的父母兄弟姐妹丈夫老公等亲人,还有你的同学同乡战友邻居等朋友,但是,不可否认的是,影响你选择人生之路最大的还是教师——尤其是你的启蒙老师!  刚刚走进小学的大门时,迎接你的是一张如花般灿烂的笑脸,比星星还光耀的眼睛,还有比银铃还脆响的声音。在你的心目中,她——你的第一位老师,是世界上最美最美的女人,是全学校最棒最棒的老师。她的一颦一笑在你看来都蜜糖般甘甜,她说的每句话都比皇帝的圣旨还重要,她写的每个字都是那样的漂亮,她的一个手势一个动作都是那样潇洒……在你的世界里,老师几乎就是你的全部。夜里,你甚至做过这样的一个梦——梦中,你成了老师的孩子,老师把你搂在怀里,幸福在你的脸上洋溢……老师,几乎就是你的整个世界!因为,此刻的你天真幼稚心灵澄澈的没有半点灰尘。

因为,这时候的你,充满对知识的渴望,充满对未来的憧憬,充满了爱心和善良。你相信一切人,哪怕站在眼前的是魔鬼!你相信一切话,哪怕说的是谎言!因为这时候的你,还没有辨别好坏真假的能力!而你的老师,就是在你人生中这个最最重要的阶段来开启你的心智之门,来启蒙你的思想之窗。教你辨真伪,明是非,区善恶,分美丑……在人生的道路上,你的第一位老师无疑是你的导师,她将抱着你、搀扶着你、带领你走第一程,也是最最重要的这一程!  后来,你渐渐长大了。你依依不舍地离开了你的启蒙老师,来到了中学。你以为你已经长大了,是个半大小伙子了,不再需要搀扶,不再需要呵护。你渴望在暴风雨中张开翅膀在蓝天上飞翔,你渴望骑上骏马在辽阔的草原驰骋。你内心充满躁动,你觉得精力无穷!你希望摆脱一切束缚,你希望自由自在!于是,你抽烟了,喝酒了,上电子游戏厅了,偶尔还和街头的混混儿泡泡酒吧…。。就在这时候,你的老师站在了你面前!他用不容置疑的口气命令你:跟我回教室,上课去!面对老师那比刀剑还锋利得眼神,看着老师那张严肃如铁的脸,听着老师那如闷雷般的训斥,你第一次感觉到了畏惧,乖乖地跟在老师的后面从街头走回了教室……于是,你又回到了你原来的轨道上……

后来,你升入了大学,你参加了工作。你走在一条阳光灿烂的道路上,愉快地继续着你人生的旅行。虽然没有了老师,但你却感觉老师在时刻陪伴着你。你的心理暖烘烘的。你心里无比的踏实。因为,你知道,你不会再迷失方向。  老师,影响了你——不,是我们所有人的一生!这样的人,还不值得我们尊敬吗?



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Since its rise, the Internet has been playing a more and more important

role in our daily life. It brings tremendous convenience and efficiency to our

lives. Online shopping is also a new rising thing brought by the Internet. Since

its increasing developing speed, some people think that online shopping will

replace traditional shopping. However, as far as I am concerned, it wont happen

in a short time.

Although online shopping is really very convenient, there are still some

strong points of traditional shopping which cannot be replaced by online

shopping. Firstly, online shopping lacks the intuitional impression of goods.

Sometimes the photos offered by the sellers are beautified with softwares, and

you will be disappointed to find the actual item is far from your expectation.

Secondly, returning goods in online shopping is quite troublesome, and sometimes

you only can achieve your goal at the cost of the payment of the postage by

yourself. Finally, there are too many fake products and cheats in online

shopping, and the quality of goods cannot be guaranteed as those in traditional


According to the points above, online shopping still needs some

improvements to totally replace the functions of traditional shopping. However,

the potential of online business is so huge that it will certainly take a great

share in the trade market.



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When you need a lot of money, you first thing you do is to borrow money from your friend, while doing this sometimes may do harm to your friendship. First, your friends may not have too much money at hand, he or she maybe suffer from the lack of cash flow at that moment. Everyone has their own worries, when you borrow money, they always have to struggle for a while, their hesitations make you begin to doubt your friendship is true or whether your friends treat your as real one. Second, most people cant return the money in time, because they have all kinds of difficulties, this will make your friends in a awkward situation. They are considering whether to ask you return the money, if they do, this will make you embarrassed; If they dont, they will lack of money. So it is better not to borrow money from your friend.




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Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent computer.To shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and practices.Ideas expressed in soft wares, chips, communication systems, financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage worldwide.Beyond emails and online shopping, the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum activities.Its benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects.

在全球范围内,我们已经从一个文化中心为网络电视,有线电视,AM和FM收音机,电话的社会进入到以大众媒体,信息流,智能计算机的数字社会。转变 成数字经济,最明显体现在互联网的爆增,它正在改变日常产品和实践。思想体现在软件,芯片,通信系统,金融机构和大众媒体拥有巨大的全球影响力上。除了电 子邮件和网上购物,互联网还承诺大改光谱活动。它的好处可以在以下几个方面说明。

In the first place, it contributes to escape us from laborious work, save our time, facilitate our lives.Secondly, with computer’s extensive reach into every corner of the world, a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single keystroke.No matter where we are, in school, business workshops, operating rooms, labs, banks of halls of government, the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human life.Furthermore, computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides.

首先,它有助于我们摆脱费力的工作,节省时间,方便了我们的生活。其次,计算机的广泛延伸到世界的每个角落,只需一个单一的按键就可以透视人类生 活。不管我们在哪里,在学校,企业车间,手术室,实验室,银行政府大厅,因特网似乎都可以反映人类生活。此外,电脑不仅提供放松和娱乐还有利润。

But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people, and make our lives more complicated.Some people repair the most sophisticated computer but can’t mend a pair of socks.Yet in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all boundaries.Whether computer is a blessing or a curse, depends on different circumstance and the way you use it.


As a new millennium appoach, we look forward to constructing a new fantasy land by combination with the wealth this new age will bring and the high technology it will provide.





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With the development of todays technology, education becomes more

important than before because people need to learn more to adapt the

society.Education enables people to understand the world better and have a good

job in the futrue.Moreover ,it also hao an impact on peoples behavior.

First of all, education improves peoples learning ability that makes them

know more about the world.Most things taught in schools are the basic skills or

means to further understsnding of our society .Only by learning these,can human

have an opportunity to study more and know more about the society .Secondly,

opportunities are often given to someone who is good educated .Employers tend to

believe that people have high education are intelligent and they can manage

their jod and adapt the working environment quickly.That is why the educated

people always get a good job. Thirdly, the more people learn the more modest and

polite they act.Learned people think that they are not good enough ,so they show

a big patience to learn from everything .They often try to figure out the

solution of problems by things they meet or learn.

In sum,education can turn people out with better learning skills,job

offering and good behavior,so I think education is important to people to

fulfill their goals and live a easy life .



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November 11 is Bachelor’s Day, it is a joke that shopping can make up the

loneliness on that day, the manufacturers sense the great business, so they give

great discount on that day, people are attracting by the discount, they buy a

lot of things on that special day. But we known that people lose their wisdom

when they buy things, most things are useless.

Today, shopping online brings great discount, the price of the product will

be cheaper online, so people like to shopping online. When the holiday comes,

the products even get cheaper, customers always wait for the chance to pay the

lower price. It is said that as so many buy things on Bachelor’s Day, the

express delivery congested, customers got their stuff very late. It is more

ridiculous that a couple divorced because the wife bought too many things


Now December 12 is coming soon, the discount is being presented, it is a

great lure that customers can’t control themselves. Shopping online should be

rational, we just buy what we need, the rest even is cheaper, but without value,

we must realize is a waste.

Now, we can get cheaper stuff not only online, we should control ourselves,

we buy what we are using, we can use the money to do meaning thing.



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I often see on television, network is now the holes of the earth has been destroyed by human, if we are in different heart to protect it, the destruction of the earth will be completely in the near future. Faster and faster, with the development of human science and technology science and the negative effect gradually manifested, then let me give you a few examples to illustrate why experts predicted that the earth will be gone after so many years.

First of all, global warming is one example, soak in the hot weather in summer air conditioning becomes a new "hobby", but what do people ever thought of air conditioning can bring negative effect? Gas air conditioning to contain large amounts of methane, to the outside is the leading cause of global warming gases, methane and air conditioning will waste a lot of electricity, so try to avoid using the air conditioning or appropriate use.

Another reason is that carbon dioxide, automobile exhaust and factory waste gas containing a large amount of carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide are most likely to lead to global warming. Cars now, too much exhaust serious affect our nong cough, throat inflammation... . According to concerning sectional statistic Chinese per capita emissions of carbon dioxide emissions 2.51 tons each year. The changes in the harsh environment around us.

More important reason is that: reduce forest, farmland, water damage and serious water pollution, fresh water supply is a problem, many parts of the draft has become a big problem. Now countries are massive effort, demanding, and costs "of the south-north water diversion project".

In order to save the planet, people all over the world should be: dont open air conditioning, use recycled environmental protection bags, dont use plastic bags, take the bus, dont throw waste batteries... Such as the dribs and drabs in life. In fact, environmental protection is not difficult, as long as you support is the best gift you give earth environmental protection, take action, this is a powerful force!








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When we are small, the teacher told us that we should help others, offering help to someone who is in need of help is Chinese tradition. Today, we see people give their hands to the old and the weak, we are happy to see that, but some negative examples exist at the same time. It has been reported that a woman was jumping off a bridge, many people saw it, but they just took out their cellphones and took the picture, no one tried to stop the woman. It is so angry that people become so cold blooded, they just like the murders. We need to offer people help, but we must take care of our security, or we not only fail to rescue people, but also lose our lives. Saving people sometimes needs to use wisdom, if we can persuade them from killing themselves, we are successful in stopping the tragedy.

当我们还小的时候,老师告诉我们应该要帮助他人,帮助那些需要帮助的人是中国的传统。今天,我们看到人们给予老人和弱者帮助,我们很高兴看到这些,但是同 时一些不好的例子也存在着。据报道,有一个女人正想要跳下桥,很多人围观,但是他们只是拿出手机来拍照片,没有人想要阻止这个女人。人们变得这么冷血,多 么令人生气啊,他们就如凶手。我们需要给人提供帮助,但是我们也要注意自身的安全,不然不仅不能救人,还会丢掉自身的性命。救人有时候是需要智慧的,如果 我们能劝服别人不自杀,就成功地阻止了悲剧的发生。



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Read this material, I want to thank the teacher in the article, he used a seemingly clever way to actually savage and absurd the students on the unforgettable lesson, but also gave me a strong shock.

"Only accept people tell you something" learning state, not only the students, between me and my classmates around the passive, also It is quite common for, learning method is blind, the result is inefficient and low efficiency, not to mention the creation of.

The practice of curriculum reform, we have gradually realized that students should become the main body of learning; learning knowledge should become the subject of learning; learning knowledge should be abundant, widespread, and not just "people tell you things"; learning methods in addition to "accept", also should including self-study, exploration and discovery...... After reading this material, we should be more active and active in the change of learning state.

Obviously, we should not only "learn", but also "learn to learn".



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Mountain is located in the hometown of the green, green and lovely; Home of the water is so clear, clear and moving; People of hometown is so industrious, make people always remember them.

In my hometown, there is a rising mountain - xuefeng mountain.

The xuefeng mountain overlapping peaks overlapping ailian, rolling, like a dragon lying there, and like a giant, stands in the mountains, the kindness of looking down on the earth. Every morning, a grey morning mist is like the light smoke curling, wrapped around the top of the mountain, as if it did anything wrong, ashamed to show up. Xuefeng mountain more than one mountain, big, small, long, short, horizontal, straight, equal a than a high.

Here not only has a materialist magnificent xuefeng mountain, and winding ruanjiang.

The long river is like a horse green giant silks and satins, the depths of the mountains in the distance has been spread to my feet. Its a beautiful ruanjiang! Clear, green, quiet, fascinating, and far to see it is so green, green like a jade ribbon; It is as close to the qing, the qing could see the fish and shrimp, a recently night that curved crescent reflected on the "silk", is so beautiful, gentle and charming.

Here in addition to the lakes and mountains, and simple and hardworking people.

Every morning, when you walk the street, you will find the hardworking farmers uncle early came to the farmers market, threaten, want every passer-by to taste the joy of harvest. Now, in this small town, high-rise buildings have been built building, built the highway... There is also a solved the food problem of the worlds great man - the father of hybrid rice "yuan longping".

I love my lovely hometown - an giang, because beauty more beautiful mountain American water here!











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just had a disease, the motherland and we still love it!武汉只是生了一场病,祖国和我们依然爱它!


so many people sticking it out, why wouldnt we try.有这么多人都在坚守,我们有什么理由不去努力。


Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.用肥皂或者用含酒精的洗手液洗手。


Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed



where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。


Wuhan wins, Hubei wins. If Hubei wins, the whole country



lives is of paramount importance.生命重于泰山。


to the most beautiful retrograde! This is the role of medical workers! Come



viruses but not love, because love is the best bridge.隔离病毒但不隔离爱,因为爱是最好的桥梁。


epidemic is ruthless, and I believe that spring will always




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When I was a child, I learned to walk, talk, this is happiness. But, this kind of happiness is to others. For example, I learned to speak, my parents, grandparents, etc

It will be very happy, because I learned to speak, that I grow up.

I grew up, and into the kindergarten. , I learned to addition and subtraction within 20, then, is my own happiness. Because I grew up, not only has learned addition and subtraction within 20.

At this moment I have graduated from the kindergarten, the elementary school trip. Begin to learn a new course, now I am no longer a former I, is really began to swim in the ocean of knowledge.

I also read many books, it is the joy of learning. Such as Yang hongying "Wolf" no tail is very good-looking. I read with relish, fondle admiringly, even to eat after a few pages. This is also a kind of happiness of learning.

Learning is really so freely? Really that happy? B: yes. The joy of learning is unable to solve the problem of the same age. In fact just want to quietly answered. When the teacher walked to the side, a brief nod gently, a faint smile, at the moment we made a merry heart!






