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i am writing this letter to express my apology that ______________.i feel terribly sorry about this. once again, i am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. i will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

yours sincerely

_________ 亲爱的_____,(对方姓名)我写这封以表达我的道歉______________(道歉原因)。对此我深感抱歉。我再次对给您造成的任何不便深感歉意,希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。 谨启 _________(自己姓名)



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I have not written to you for at least twelve years. I did not expect to

write to you about such a thing in the third year after your son went to


Have you any idea how I felt after I answered the phone from dad this

evening? I didnt expect that you should be angry with your son for such a thing

and make the whole family uneasy.

I called you last Saturday, you said your cell phone will be out of

service, I said mom, I will give you a few days to pay the phone fee. Although

you said no, I still insist that I will pay for you in a few days. Actually,

this matter son is to have a fault, did not pay mobile phone fee for you

immediately. That morning we just finished invigilating a Chinese exam, there

was no invigilation in the afternoon, so I accompanied your daughter-in-law to

go shopping. True, there were a lot of mobile offices on the road, but I just

didnt stop. Not intentionally, but the son really forgot, really forgot to pay

for you. Maybe because we havent come out for a long time, we havent come out

from the 15th day of the first lunar month to last Saturday, because the weather

is bad, it always rains, and most importantly, we dont have much time. As a

matter of fact, you know your son is busy with his work. Your son is leading the

graduating class for the first time this year. He has two Chinese classes and a

head teacher. Your daughter-in-law is taking two classes in English. The most

important thing is that your daughter-in-law has been pregnant for four months.

You all know that. Because there are only 80 days to go before the college

entrance examination, and our school did not do well in the second simulation

exam, the class your son teaches only scored medium in this exam, the class

teacher and teacher who did poorly in this exam will write a review, and the

principal will personally hold a teacher symposium for your class. Your son is a

young man who just started to work. I think highly of this job. You have also

taught your son to be a success, and your son is working hard in this direction.

Dont I work so hard just to argue for you?

I just mentioned that your daughter-in-law is four months pregnant, so now

she is the key object of protection in our family. In the family where I work,

there are only two of us living and everything in the family is left to me. If I

dont buy food for a day, I have no food for a day. No matter when I come home

at noon every day, I always have to cook at home, and no matter what time I come

home every night, I have to cook dinner. No matter how tired your son is, the

POTS and bowls are always washed by your son. Mom, my son is so tired.

The pressure from work has made my son a little out of breath. Really,

every morning at 6:30 am to the class to guard the students morning reading, I

take Chinese class, Monday on Friday there is also a language morning reading,

also asked to sit in the class, the middle should guard the students on 9:50 to

10:20 small self-study, generally from 6:30 am to work to 11 o clock can go

home from work. Sometimes I have my fourth class and I get home at twelve o

clock sharp. But still silently suffer. After having lunch at noon, my son will

come to the class at about one o clock to watch over the students for their

lunch break. In the afternoon also asked to sit, of course, there are afternoon

classes, the son still have to go.

Sometimes go home after school is 5:35, at six o clock or so will be to

the class to watch the students late practice, and night self-study, night back

home is 11:00 more, mother, son very tired.

Mom, I think very selfishly, I dont want to grow up, because when I was a

child, you will take care of me, I dont have to worry about food and clothing.

I did not expect to grow up so much trouble, so much pressure. Life a lot of

things to me, all the ups and downs to fall on the shoulders of my a person,

mother ah, my favorite mom, son grew up, the son is responsible for the society

and school family give me, but the son, after all, or the son, your son, after

all, only 27 years old, 27 of how I felt as a child, although I have a family,

as the RenFu, soon as parents, but I always so young shoulders pressure big,

mother, son, really very tired very tired.

Mom, your son is a man. How can he tell anyone these words? Even your

daughter-in-law sometimes doesnt feel the pressure of your son. Mother, how I

want to sit down, sit on your side to and you happy talk, son want to let you

listen to not know more, want you also to share the sons a little bit more,

but, son always too busy to go home during the Spring Festival is just eat a

meal, and busy with relatives happy New Year, what time to sit down and talk to

you? Mother, my good mother, your son and you have many times in the dream chat,

your son and you are the most conversable ah, I remember when I was a child in

your side, but I told you everything. Remember the second day, the son of a girl

for you and write a love letter to the photos, your son is told the others write

love letter things to you, later, or you help the idea of rejected this door

"good thing", there are a lot of things son was willing to share with you, oh,

mother, as time goes by slowly, your son is also grew up in slowly. By the

original at your side, then went to college in xinxiang, then went to college in

xinyang, to the present work, gradually away from you, the son of you always not

in your side, although a week is also a two telephone, although every time is 20

minutes of talk time, but you still cant share all your son, gradually, mom,

you have misunderstood your son.

Son really wanted to give you money, but is in this Wednesday, because I

change a day of the examination paper on Sunday, the Sunday afternoon to

supervise, and on Sunday night self-study, that one day, your son at the end of

the volume change is very sick, because 170 Chinese papers, want to change down

in most, it is not easy, on Monday, the time you have two classes in the

morning, the son of, to do morning reading and research meeting to be held in

the afternoon, on Monday night I have night self-study, is four lessons on

Tuesday, Wednesday, when I said go to pay the phone bill for you, but this time

your phone has been through. I called you several times last night to tell you

about this, and finally got your call around eight o clock. I explained a lot

to you at that time, just in case you were angry. I didnt expect that my father

called me tonight and said that you were really angry and furious. Mom, my son

is really sad. I didnt expect you to be like this because of something like

this. After all, I am a piece of your flesh, mother, and you must not

misunderstand your son. Your son, who has always loved you dearly.

I love you, Mom.



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Dear ___,

I am so sorry that I was late to the class this morning.Although it because

that I missed the bus so that I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next

one,I still need to take the full responsibility for it.

If you would accept my appologize,that would be great.I promiss you that I

will not be late to any class again.

Yours sincerely

Tony Blair



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1. 昨晚我下楼去买感冒药,对于你打2次电话的关心表示感谢,其中第二次电话中我对你的态度不好,在这里向你表示道歉。请允许我在这里说明对你态度不好的原因,因为我觉的你说话的口气中带有命令的语气,所以我才那样说的话,因为我十分讨厌人家以命令的口气对我说话,如果我判断错误,请你对我的意见进行反驳。

2. 回来以后我跟你说话,我俩的态度都不好,这个是可以理解的,然后我和你说话你却一直不理我,从而我对你的一次大吼大叫,在这里对你表示诚挚的歉意,我知道你是非常不喜欢别人对你大吼大叫的,但是请你也站在我的角度思考一下,我跟你说了N句话,而你却毫无反应,你此时的心情会怎样呢?所以我在这个时候很容易大怒,也许你是觉的不理我就好了,但是你的这种做法反而激怒了我,所以请你以后不要始终保持沉默,把你的意见和想法说出来,这样就能更好的进行沟通,我相信沟通可以解决大部分的问题。

3. 对于中午你给我买吃的,我从内心是非常感动的,在这里再次对你说声“谢谢,你辛苦了”。







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Dear Ashley,

Please accept my deepest apologies for my mistake in regard to leaking customer information to people from the other department.

It was not my intention to create such an awkward and embarrassing situation for our department.

If there was any good that came out of this unfortunate experience, it is that I have grown and learned alternative approaches to these situations.

Please feel free to let me of your thoughts and concerns over this matter. You can reach me at email.





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老婆大人,我怀着无比忐忑的心情,在这里面对着电脑屏幕进行深刻的反省。此时脑海里顿时浮现了“坦白从宽、抗拒从严”的大字。这学期以来,由于个人工作原因,经常以工作繁忙为由,不陪老婆大人聊天,我要检讨。其实是自己工作能力不足,这么一点小小的事情都不会做,才导致这么繁忙。最该检讨的是,老婆大人经常放下身段,亲自发短信来问候下属,对我嘘寒问暖,这是对下属多大的关心啊,可是我却经常不回短信。这样的行为真是对老婆的极大不尊重,对我们的感情极大的不负责任,更是对自己要求不够严格。刚开始我还没有意识到自己犯下如此严重的错误,现在想起我当时的行为,可真是千般懊恼,万般悔恨呐。我辜负了老婆大人的信任,枉费了领导的栽培,没有把工作和生活一手抓好。我对不起老婆大人,对不起“领导”你啊。还好老婆大人有大量,一直没有跟我计较,并且还更加对我关心。直至今日我才明白老婆大人的良苦用心啊,我真想抽上自己两巴掌。就在昨天,累了一天的老婆大人,交给我一个简简单单的任务要我完成,本来以老婆大人的能力自己完成任务是手到擒来的事情,可是我却不懂得她的良苦用心,推三阻四的,还妨碍老婆的正常工作,浪费了老婆的栽培之心。即使这样,老婆还是没有动怒,语重心长的让我自己反思,这是需要多大的胸怀啊。此刻,我多想献诗一首:啊,世界上最宽广的是海洋,比海洋更宽广的是天空,比天空更宽广的是我老婆的胸怀,啊(此处省略一万字)。。。。诗兴大发了,再来一首:小时候,我一直以为世界上最美味的是隔壁店子里卖的小笼包,长大后,发现最美味的原来是天津灌汤包,遇到老婆你后才发现世界上最美味的不是小笼包,也不是灌汤包,而是老婆的#¥%#。(跑题了,此首诗可以略过) 我的老婆是一位美丽善良、聪明贤惠、温柔大方的,是世界上最好的老婆。而我呢,不够帅气,不够有钱,不够成熟,不够。。。(此处省略16个不够)。即使这样,老婆也不嫌弃我,你勇敢的把你的幸福交给了我,这是对我多么大的信任啊,就凭这个,我一辈子做牛做马也报答不完啊。请允许我举起我的右拳,像当年向党旗宣誓一样神圣的向你宣誓:从现在开始,我只许对你一个人好;要宠你,不能骗你;答应你的每一件事情,我都要做到;对你讲的每一句话都要是真心。不许骗你、骂你,要关心你;别人欺负你时,我要在第一时间出来帮你;你开心时,我要陪你开心;你不开心时,我要哄你开心;永远都要觉得你是最漂亮的;梦里我也要见到你;在我心里只有你。 最后,借用网友爱老婆六原则结束我的检讨: 1:老婆绝对不会有错。 2:如果发现有错那也一定是我看错。 3:如果我没看错,一定是我的错,才害老婆犯错。 4:如果是她自己的错,只要她承认了、她就没有错。 5:如果老婆不认错,你还坚持她有错,那一定是我的错。 6:总之、老婆绝对不会有错。





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dear kate:

excuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your robinson crusoe

which i read through with great interest. i had finished reading the book and

was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. never having seen the

book, she was so interested in it that i had to retain it longer. however, i

hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will

overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.

thanking you again for the loan.

sincerely yours,




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我诚恳地希望您相,我们绝对不允许员工如此对待像您这样尊贵的客人。 由于不想打扰您的工作/休息,我还是想送上我们精心准备的(礼物/水果和红酒),附上这封致歉信到您的房间。当然,如果在您方便的时候,我非常希望能当面对您表达歉意。








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Dear Zhang,

I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday

party yesterday evening. That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited

my house without telling me the exact time. I had to entertain those friends

with my passion in the entire evening,and I will continue to entertain them in

the following two days.

I really regret that I havent go to celebrate your birthday personally and

had missed a wonderful chance to enjoy myself with our kind colleages. I have

prepared a pretty gift to you yesterday and will send to you this afternoon to

show my best birthday wishes. Besides, I trust that you will understand me.

Best wishes,

yours sincerely,




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Dear Mr。 Grison

Thank you for your letter of 6 May 2004 concerning the faulty tableware。

I am extremely sorry to learn that the delivery you took on 2 April was of poor quality。 This was due to our faulty packing machine。 We now have it repaired and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days。

We have been supplying you for five years and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days。

We have been supplying you for five years and you have always been one of our excellent customers。 Therefore, I greatly regret the inconvenience it has caused and would like to offer my sincere apologies。 I can assure you that such occasion will not occur and our supplies in the future will again be of our usual high standards。

I hope that you can use our pany as your supplier in the future。

Your sincerely



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Dear Mother,

Your hard work!

At the moment whether you are in the high temperature machine room in the

hands to mechanically operate the machine; At the moment, whether you have been

too busy to think about me in school; At this moment the midnight bell is about

to strike, whether you are still empty belly, endure the roar of machinery in

busy overtime, I clearly see your swarthy face has a trace of years, sweat beads

gathered into a stream winding down...

Mom, Im afraid Im going to lose sleep tonight because I made an

"unforgivable" mistake. I have slapped myself several times, but the thought of

your frail figure is too much for my conscience to bear. In order to make a

living, you and your father work away from home all the year round. This year,

you were going to accompany me to study. "Sophomore year, key!" I know this is a

decision you and Dad have made after much thought and consideration. Considering

the situation at home, I refused.

I bought you a ticket to go away with tears in my eyes, and very

reluctantly put you on the train, I can clearly see the tears twinkling in your

eyes. Mom, I dont envy others wearing brand clothes, wearing brand jewelry; I

dont envy them having their parents pick them up every day; I dont envy them

eating nutritious breakfast prepared by their parents every day.

Although I can only with boiled water, eating steamed buns, but I know that

my mother gave me love is not lost to anyone. Mother you have been told me to

pay attention to nutrition, improve food, but I learned from the mouth of your

fellow villagers that you drink porridge with pickles every day, today is the

weekend, a week of steamed bread I want to do a la carte; My shoes are broken,

my thumbs are "happy", I want to buy a pair of sneakers at a reduced price;

Mid-term exam is coming soon, I learn not solid enough, want to go to Xinhua

bookstore around. So, I chuang the only two hundred dollars, this is my hard

work, under the pillow has been pressed flat, I know three years when the money

is much, I dont want to old to you for money, and brother next year will rise

the third year.

Walk in the street, those common sneakers also want 30, 50 yuan, later I

still wear old shoes into the Xinhua bookstore, come out, it is dusk, into the

vegetable market, I picked a jin of cabbage, a jin of carrots. This time, I

spent $2.70. But What I never expected, mother, was that when I took the money

that night, it was gone. Two hundred dollars just disappeared, And I broke down,

and it felt like the sky was falling down, and I went crazy and searched

everywhere I went today, but... Mom, Im sorry to you, and dad, when I was going

to tell you, but you called to tell me that you were injured, accidentally cut

by the machine on the hand, you let me how to open my mouth! I didnt have a

night class, I cried, and cried happily on the playground for a whole night.

The pressure on study, the loneliness in life, the condemnation in my

heart, the pain of missing my loved ones, mom, can you understand my mood now?

Mom, I miss you.

Your daughter



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由于在下不能很好的体会老婆大人的心情和感受,再加上说话不经过大脑,导致犯了激进和无知, 自以为是等多项极大的罪行,现在想来,真是后悔莫及啊,真想挖个地道钻进去尽快了结此生,否则我还有什么脸面再和我们伟大的和受人爱戴的老婆大人同坐一条贼船呢?
















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Dear John,

I am eagerly looking forward to your visit to our city. After all these

years of writing to each other, I can not wait to see you. However, I regret to

inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport on time.

The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the

earliest I can reach the airport will be about an hour after you land. Will you

please wait for me in the arrival lounge? You can have breakfast while you


By the way, as we have never met I must tell you home to identify me: I am

of 165cm tall and have a long hair. In addition, I will wear a white skirt and

carry a China Daily at hand.

Hope we can meet soon.

Sincerely yours,




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Dear David:

I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having

answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the

reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When your

letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me

during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment

when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you

these few lines to express my deep regret.

I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give

you an account to of them when I see you next.

Sincerely yours,



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I’m writing to ask you to excuse me for not being able to keep our

appointment. I do know that this is very impolite and must have caused you much


I do reckon that at present any explanation is pale and futile. However I

do not want you to misunderstand me. On my way to your office, an old lady

suddenly fainted due to heart attack on the bus. I stopped a taxi and sent her

into a nearby hospital. I stayed there until her came, which spoiled our


I am aware that our appointment is of importance. I do hope that you would

be kind enough to spare your valuable to meet me.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.



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