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With the crackling of firecrackers, I wake up from my dream, ah, the Spring Festival. With the coming of the New Year, I was eager to come up with firecrackers, pulling dad put up at the door, a string of lit firecrackers in our hands, sounds really big, splash around, as if to send every blessing to every household. At this moment, the sound of firecrackers was heard everywhere in the sky, and the sound of firecrackers was deafening. In the villagers firecrackers, we ushered in the countrys biggest festival, Spring Festival, every family beaming hung up the red lanterns, red couplets on the Spring Festival with a lucky and happy. At noon, my mother prepared a hearty lunch, Fried fish, chicken feet, cold dish, drink, let me see the chan is about to drip, the family happily sat together began to eat a big family reunion dinner, we ate, chatted, talking and laughing, at this time, uncle asked me to take an examination of everything going, how not to do next year. I stood up and replied seriously, "I didnt do well in the exam this year. Next year I must study hard and get a good result." Uncle listens to me to say, clap my shoulder, happy say: "I believe you, next year you certainly can test good, refueling." Here I sincerely wish the children of the world a happy rabbit year, the success of their studies.









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1) 鸡年来临精神旺,祝你身体健康,吃啥啥香;财源广进,做啥啥顺;工作顺利,干啥啥成;生活美满,爱啥啥有;万事如意,盼啥啥来;祝鸡年快乐!

2) 为了提倡环保,节省纸张,在鸡年千万别送我贺卡,请在尽可能大的人民币上写下祝福的话送我就可以了,节约是美德,祝鸡年快乐!

3) 夕阳西下红颜改,相互扶持情不衰,再喝一次交杯酒,新春祝福在里头,彼此祝愿身体好,儿女省心乐逍遥,你我恩爱甜如蜜,鸡年快乐身不疲!

4) 春天的钟声响,鸡年的脚步迈,祝鸡年的钟声,敲响你心中快乐的音符,幸运与平安,如春天的脚步紧紧相随!春华秋实,我永远与你同在!

5) 春风洋溢你,家人关心你,爱情滋润你,财神系着你,朋友忠于你,我这祝福你,幸运之星永远照着你。祝鸡年大吉大利!

6) .春节你要生活超越小康,常葆福乐安康,气魄强健如钢,甜蜜入对成双,不离酱蒜葱姜,吃嘛嘛都香。今年新年不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐长伴你,幸福美满粘着你,还有我要告诉你,财神爷已盯上你。

7) .秒秒快快乐乐,分分平平安安,时时和和睦睦,天天得意洋洋,月月身体健康,年年财源广进。盼你新一年心情日新月异,快乐如糖似蜜,朋友重情重义,爱人不离不弃,工作频传佳绩,万事称心如意!

8) .送你一份春节美食,成分:真心思念快乐;营养:温馨幸福。制造商:你的朋友;有效期:一生。祝你鸡年万事如意!我恨不能一下子扎进你的手机,变成短信说:“新年快乐!”

9) 春节到,放鞭炮:一响鸿运照;二响忧愁抛;三响烦恼消;四响财运到;五响收入高;六响身体好;七响心情妙;八响平安罩;九响幸福绕;十响事业节节高!

10) 新年到,我将写上健康填上快乐加上好运注上平安,附上吉祥,将好运作邮票真情作邮戳幸福作信封,然后把它放进甜蜜的邮筒,预祝春节快乐。

11) 团聚家人万事福,恩恩怨怨总是情。成亦不喜败第一范文网,尽情使得乐心事。万富吝舍还是穷,得时知失快乐生。天若有情天亦老,人因无我乐自常!

12) 猴年来到,预先为你定制一份猴年祝福,祝愿你生活洋洋得意,幸福无限;事业大发洋财,财源滚滚;爱情洋洋洒洒,甜蜜无限;日子阳光明媚,红红火火!

13) 生日到了,我要送你一个蛋糕,第一层体贴,第二层关怀,第三层浪漫,第四层温馨,中间夹层甜蜜。祝你天天都有好心情,永远开心!生日快乐!

14) 在这新的一年里,祝福你一帆风顺二龙腾飞三羊开泰四季平安五福临门六六大顺七星高照八方来财九九同心十全十美。

15) 人与人之间,随缘而聚,缘尽而散,聚时尽其在我,散时尽其在人,即是相逢,即是相识,有恩便无怨,有爱便无恨,得与失,获得与付出,求心之所安。

16) 屋外瑞雪飘,屋内乐淘淘。只为猴年到,快乐身边绕。猴儿已远跑,羊来咩咩叫。幸福阳关道,任你乐逍遥。猴年到了,祝你合家健康,无烦无恼!

17) 愿运气追着你,美事跟着你,金钱贴着你,贵人帮助你,祸事躲着你,小人绕着你,爱人念着你,家人挂着你,上天保佑你,我在祝福你。新年快乐!

18) 福气多多,快乐连连,万事圆圆,微笑甜甜,一帆风顺,二猴腾飞,三羊开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美!春节愉快!

19) 值此新春佳节之际,祝您及家人幸福吉祥身体健康,乐驰千里猴,更上一层楼!新年辞旧岁,祝你在新的一年里,有新的开始,有新的收获,新年快乐,万事如意!

20) 这几天同志们发了很多短信向你表示祝福,讲得很好很全面,基本上代表了我的意见,我都同意,另外我再补充三点,春节了:要身体好心情好假期要过好。祝春节快乐!

21) 中国年注重的是团圆,春节到了,让我们多一点时间陪在家人身边,抽一点时间和朋友见见,让亲情和友情一起给力这个新年!恭祝春节快乐。



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In the afternoon of the second day of the year, my mother and I went shopping and went to the square of the Cultural Palace to see the sea of people in the sea. Refurbishment of a new square is beautiful and elegant!

The fountain is on the south side of the square. The fountain now turns from the original circle to a rectangle. It has three steps, and the water flows down the upstream to form two beautiful falls. The water column that draws out attracts people from all sides. The water column is suddenly high and low, thick and thin. Some of them go straight to the sky, just like a crystal rod that is crystal clear. Some of them are scattered to the four sides, as if a blooming flower is blooming. With the music, they are constantly changing the beautiful posture, reflecting the brilliant sunshine and giving out the brilliant glory.

In the elevator, we came to the underground square. Wow, the underground Plaza changed! The large stage of the original more cold, now red and red fire! The background of the stage is new, with the theme of green, a vivid picture of the beginning of the Spring Festival. On the stage, a group of small actors, dressed in festive costumes, with a cheerful rhythm, jumped the dance and twisted the Yangge. This joyous scene makes the visitors slow to slow down and enjoy the … …

Why, why are there so many people there? Oh, it was a puzzle. I cant wait to drag my mother, too. We squeezed in from the human joints. We saw many coloured strips on the wall. There were all kinds of riddles on it. There were animals who had guessed animals, including plants that were suspected of having a place name, &hellip with a song name, and &hellip. We read one Zhang Zhang, look at it, read and think, and guess. People are getting more and more interested. My mother is not easy to guess a riddle, is “ three people leave a shadow on the same day, mother ” guess the answer is &ldquo ” spring; word, I listened to the thought, think it is reasonable, then remove the riddle to accept the award, unfortunately, our answer is incorrect. We are back to feel shy about in situ. Its a bit of a scent, but it doesnt taste like it.

New years happy new year, people with a sweet smile on the face, the air echoed with the singing of joy, I feel how happy!



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Hello teacher:

I am very happy and excited about the new year. Today is the new years eve

of the new years Eve. In the afternoon, I helped my father hang a Chinese knot

Also go to the florist to buy all kinds of colorful flowers, dress up as a happy

home. In the evening, we went to my grandmothers house to have the new years

Eve dinner. Before the new years Eve, our two-year-old brother Dudu saw the

rich dinner on the table and said, "Wow! There are so many delicious things In

the new years Eve dinner, we eat with relish and drink the corn juice made by

my grandmother. Its really sweet in the mouth and sweeter in the heart.

Everyone is very relaxed and happy. After dinner, everyone went to set off

firecrackers. Before they started, they saw the same bright flower in the night

sky, red, yellow, blue, green, purple Colorful, beautiful! My father bought me

my favorite morning light fireworks, I took one, my father lit it with incense,

saw beautiful sparks flying out of the fireworks, I used it to draw countless

small circles.

Im going home. When I get home, I turn on the TV and the Spring Festival

Gala begins. The comic dialogue inside is so interesting! Its so funny that you

can laugh. Its really nice! It sounds so good that people cant help but follow

hem. The dance inside is so beautiful! Its so beautiful that people

unconsciously jump up. After the Spring Festival Gala is over, my father and I

went down to fight the closing gun and went home to sleep.

Best wishes

happy new year



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下午,我和爸爸妈妈一起去了公园玩,没想到居然有好多人那、我几乎是被挤着走的、为了防止和爸爸妈妈走散,我都一直紧握他们的双手,人实在是太多了。我想去玩游戏,可是每一个游戏旁边都会有许多人在排队,我都快无奈死了•••但是有一个游戏旁边的人却不是很多,那就是超级刺激的:超级风车。360°无敌翻转,整个身子、每个角度、都在转,离得老远都可以听到风车上那些人在尖叫,这极大地引起了我的好奇心,我想玩又不敢玩,散了不管了,我要玩,我要玩,我要玩!于是我和姑父还有弟弟一起上去了,当时我的心情真的是难以形容,我紧张的要死 ,我的手紧握住安全带,手心都出汗了。慢慢的,风车徐徐上升,我的心扑通扑通直跳,我心想:会不会把我给甩出去啊!好害怕啊!就在我的大脑还没有思考完时,突然一个旋转,吓得我脸色都白了,接着一连转了三、四个圈圈,我的头晕死了,刚开始的时候,我还是闭着眼睛,后来胆子越来越大,我居然把眼睛睁的好大,观赏着这旋转的世界,原来是另一番滋味啊!我学着姑父的样子,大声叫道:好爽啊!我听到,我旁边的女生在尖叫,啊~~~~从风车上下来,我走路一直在晃啊晃的,当时我觉得好好玩啊,太刺激了,太给力了!





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The new years bell rings, the new year is coming, can my only new years wish be realized...

At home, there are always lonely people, but my father and mother are at work almost every day. I cant say anything, and I dont know what to say. No one knows what I think in my mind. When mom and dad go to work, I can only play computer to kill time. If I feel too lonely, I can only let tears accompany me.

Once, I walk in the bustling street, from my side passed the one family, a little boy riding on his fathers shoulders, repeatedly filled with a happy smile, the little boy looked at the side of the cotton candy, like the mother said: "Mom, mom, I want to eat cotton candy cotton candy." Mother pinched his nose and said, "well, mom will buy it for you." Dad laughed and said, "you hurt him, huh!" Watching the little boy with his mother and father, my eyes immediately poured out bitter tears, and I was very admired. Are these companions Ive been dreaming of? There was a feeling of acid in the heart, and then a man went to the end of the busy street.

In the new year, I want to make a very simple wish, I hope: Mom and Dad dont go to work every day, leaving more time to accompany me, our family can also like them, holding hands and laughing together, tell interesting things while shopping, I wish it is very simple, I really want to achieve, as long as I live and others live on it.

Sometimes, I cant help pouring tears down. I really cant help it. Whenever I read this article, my eyes are filled with tears, and my nose doesnt know what the acid is like. I know that my simple new years wish will come true, because I will work hard to make it come true.

The new years bell ringing again, my wish will certainly come true, are you right?



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1.妙手回春 欣欣向荣 家徒四壁 富丽堂皇

2.天作之合 心心相印 永结同心 相亲相爱

3.百年好合 永浴爱河 佳偶天成 宜室宜家

4.白头偕老 百年琴瑟 百年偕老 花好月圆

5.福禄鸳鸯 天缘巧合 美满良缘 郎才女貌

6.瓜瓞延绵 情投意合 夫唱妇随 珠联壁合

7.凤凰于飞 美满家园 三羊开泰 风调雨顺

8.五谷丰收 大富大贵 不祥如意 繁荣昌盛

9.拾己救人 义行可风 春晖广被 良母楷模

10.淑德可风 教子有方 母仪典范 德术兼备

11.气贵平和 情贵淡泊 心宽神定 恬淡无忧

12.步步高升 富贵逼人 财运亨通 财源广进

13.日进斗金 腰缠万贯 财源滚滚 发财致富

14.祝贺发财 招财进宝 生财有道 百年好合

15.珠联璧合 美梦成真 万事大吉 苦尽甜来

16.喜从天降 得意洋洋 和和美美 天造地设

17.祥麟威凤 景星庆云 和气至祥 好事多磨

18.二龙起飞 三羊开泰 四季安全 五福临门

19.六六大顺 七星高照 八方来财 九九同心

20.花开富贵 天长日久 凤鸣朝阳 天利人和



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1) 春节圆啊圆,圆的人人喜开颜,春节乐啊乐,我们一起都快乐,春节好啊好,心情身体样样好,春节美啊美,祝你事事都完美!

2) 祝你**年里开心快乐;小时时时快乐,分分健康;秒秒秒幸福。日,给你温暖;月,给你温馨;星,给你浪漫;雨,给你滋润;雪,给你完美;霜,给你无暇;冰,给你晶莹;我,给你祝福:送一份美丽让你欢笑;送一份祝福让你骄傲;送一份开心让你不老;送一份梦想让你逍遥;送一份真情不要回报;再送你平安才算可靠。祝你新年快乐!

3) 新春好,好事全来了!朋友微微笑,喜气围你绕!欢庆节日里,生活美满又如意!喜气!喜气!一生平安如意!

4) 人生如梦,岁月无情,暮然回首,才发现人活得是一种心情,穷也好,富也好,得也好,失也好,一切都是过眼云眼!心情好,一切都好,祝你天天好心情,兔年新年快乐!

5) 祝你在新的一年里:身体健康平安,生活充实饱满,事业步步高升,心情阳光灿烂,财运滚滚而来,家庭美满幸福,新年开心快乐!

6) 家是温馨的港湾,爹是慈祥的大山,娘是含爱的沙滩,儿是漂泊的小船,年是浓浓的思念,情是团聚的风帆。我的祝福是天芬芳的书签:兔年快乐!

7) 日:给你温暖;月:给你温馨;我:给你祝福祝你运气象雨点一样密集!烦恼象流云一样飞去,忧愁象恐龙一样灭绝,幸福象蜂蜜一样甜美。新年快乐!

8) 无踪,情无终!雪无形,情有影!!冬来,雪轻盈;爱来,情倾城。冬过,雪化水;爱依然,亲爱的,新年快乐!

9) 如果有一天,你走得太倦,只要一转身,我的祝福就在你身边!不管离多远,不管多少年,愿这祝福化为繁星点点,闪在你生命的每一天!新年快乐!

10) 多一点快乐,少一点烦恼!累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑!生活是什么滋味,自己放调料,收到我的信息就开心笑一笑!兔年新年快乐哦!

11) 第一缕阳光是我对你的深深祝福,夕阳收起的最后一抹嫣红是我对你衷心的问候,在元旦来临之际,送上真挚的祝福:新年快乐!

12) 羊年心情好,天天没烦恼;举头揽幸福,低头抱美好;一颗快乐心,一家温馨情;幸福身边在,健康迎未来;朋友,我在远方祝你:春节好!

13) 一口气念完有惊喜:我祝你一而再再而三三而四的五福临门六六大顺七彩生活八面威风九九同心十全十美百年好合千里有缘万贯家财新年快乐送你一样精心备制的新年礼物!用绚彩的心情包裹,缤纷的祝福盛载,甜蜜的期盼缠绕,装满节日的喜庆与快乐,用吉祥的雪花传送。

14) 无钱不恼,有钱不骄,生活不易,知足最好,快乐多多,烦恼少少,健康常伴,平安笼罩,友情拥抱,亲情围绕,紫气东来,福运缭绕,元旦没到,祝福早到。

15) 祝福加祝福是很多个祝福,祝福乘祝福是无限个祝福,祝福减祝福是祝福的起点,祝福除祝福是唯一的祝福,祝福你平安幸福,新年快乐!

16) 千份心万份心,祝你新年更开心;千份情万份情,祝你新年好心情;千个朵万个朵,祝你新年更快乐!祝你鸡年事业腾飞!万事如意!

17) 颗星星,照亮你前程;只纸鹤,放飞你的欢乐;个理由,要你幸福;个心愿汇成一句话:元旦将至,愿你人安乐,家祥和!

18) 让快乐与你紧紧拥抱,让烦恼低头悄悄走掉,让健康吉祥对你关照,让幸福永远对你微笑!祝您新年快乐羊年旺旺!

19) 羊年心情好,天天没烦恼;举头揽幸福,低头抱美好;一颗快乐心,一家温馨情;幸福身边在,健康迎未来;朋友,我在远方祝你:春节好!

20) 一口气念完有惊喜:我祝你一而再再而三三而四的五福临门六六大顺七彩生活八面威风九九同心十全十美百年好合千里有缘万贯家财新年快乐送你一样精心备制的新年礼物!用绚彩的心情包裹,缤纷的祝福盛载,甜蜜的期盼缠绕,装满节日的喜庆与快乐,用吉祥的雪花传送。

21) 祝你一帆风顺,二马腾飞,三羊开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美。

22) 健康是最佳的礼物,知足是最大的财富,信心是最好的品德,关心是最真挚的问候,牵挂是最无私的思念,祝福是最美好的话语。祝你新年快乐!平安幸福!

23) 叠只弯弯的纸船,在那月如水下,送给你我的思念和祝福.祝你:佳节快乐!




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Dear Mr. Lu


"In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze brings warmth into Tu su."

In the morning, the dream slipped away in the sound of firecrackers outside the

window. It is another year of celebration, unity of mind, and family reunion

day, my mother and I also like the past year back to mother-in-laws home.

My mother-in-laws home is not far from Nanjing in the center of the

county. Let me tell you! The spring festival atmosphere in my mother-in-laws

house is very lively. My mother-in-law opened it in the kitchen a few days ago.

She cooked pickles, fried assorted dishes and made dumplings. It seems like Im

going to finish all the food of the year on this day. The kitchen was smoky and

my mother-in-law was like an old fairy in protective clothing. What about

father-in-law? Its his specialty to create a new years atmosphere. You see,

early in the morning, he was also busy in a pile of red couplets, looking for

double-sided stickers, cleaning the door, and being waved around by his

mother-in-law. On such a cold day, sweat glistened on the bald head with few

hairs. Every year, a clean mother would take a bath before lunch, and she was

also known as getting rid of the old and welcoming the new year, washing away

the discomfort and worries of a year, and having a fresh and refreshing new

year. What about me? I write to you to report these in this happy busy life, and

let my beloved teacher LV stay at home and feel a different new years


First of all, I wish you and your family good health. I wish you more

brilliant achievements in the teaching of the year of the horse!

Your students



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新年计划(My plan for the new year)

The new year is coming!Now,its the time to make plans for the new year.Here is what I will do:

1.I will get better grades.Im good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.Ill study better!

2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early is good for my health. So Ill get up earlier than usual.

3.I will eat better.Ioften eat a lot of junk food. they are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits and vegetables.Theu will make my body healthier and stronger.

This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.Ill work hard to keep my resolutionsWhat are your plans for the new year?

Whih best wishes for the new year.



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My New Year`s ResolutionsWell, New Year`s Day is coming. Do you want to know what I am going to do next year? I am going to leave my home for Xiamen with my family . We are going to there by plane .And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food, climb the mountains, visit the Jin Bang Park and the Bai Lu Zhou Park.We are also going to go shopping , play basketball with my uncles at the same time. And we are going to stay there for a month . After a month , we are going to come back to our home.We will have a good time there. How about yours? What are you going to do next year?



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A New Year has begun, everyone will have a few new hope, I also like everyone, and hope to be able to achieve.

Resolutions of the first is: I hope my body health, can grow a bit, a bit fatter, this can increase the resistance, less sick, so Im going to exercise more, maintain the vitality of the body.

Resolutions are 2: I hope my brothers and sisters to academic progress, my father, mother, aunt, uncle, aunt and aunt can have a long career, grandma grandpa, grandma, and physical well-being, at the same time also hope that all concerned about me, take care of me, with my friends and relatives, teachers, students can be healthy, happy, happiness and peace.

My New Years resolution is 3: I hope my academic progress, can write speed faster, so that the rest of my time can be used to read more extra-curricular books, let me learn more knowledge, know more interesting things, believe that life will be more colorful.

Finally, my hope is that the economy of our country can be a bit better, let those unemployed, poor people in society, there is a job can be done, let their children can be happy go to school, to find their happiness. Although I can do now is limited, but I in my heart silently pray for them.

Everyone wants to finish his resolutions, I also hope I want to be able to realize, so it must be hard to achieve,) do his bit to handle yourself, believe that hope things will be realized one by one.









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Happy new year

Today is new years day.all the children put on their new clothes. i happily put on my new clothes and visit my friends.

we are all very happy.because our new clothes are very nice and we get some new years gifts.

i m happy all the day.now,i want to say loudly:"new year is happy!""i wish all the people happy new year!".



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I want to review the New Year, busy in years, I most like make yuan.

Sitting in the car, pass by square, the square was a sea of people, a number sweet laughter. I see the dark sky, a flash of flap "stars", the original is kongmin light. Looked at it, slowly on the ground to fly to the sky, like want to hurry into the arms of mother "sky" in. "I want to buy a kongmin light." Sitting beside me cousin said the words, to be honest, I really want to fly kongmin light, moreover is also the first time to see, so I got off the car, bought a few colorful kongmin light.

In tiantai, I quickly spread out the sky lantern, wow, what a big yo, can be in the sky look so small, early listen to elder sister say write wishes on the kongmin light, it is possible, and now, I took the pen, sweet meimei wrote his own desire, to the uncle, help me to light a candle, just lit the candles for a sky lantern is a bit cant wait, seems a bit "feel good", "wow, fly up! Good high good high..." Brother cried with a loud voice, fly kongmin light, with my wishes, faded away...

"The Lantern Festival is really good, streets of covered......" TV came a burst of beautiful music, yuanxiao is really busy, but its the culmination of the Spring Festival, I silently think: if the next Spring Festival can come soon, then.







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The Spring Festival, also known as: year. The Chinese the most traditional festival.

In the evening, every family began to light up the lamp, firecrackers gradually began to ring. Finally came to the end of the year. Alas...... Again the old one year old.

At eight o clock at night, the sky became fireworks in the world, just like the appointment, every household has lit the fireworks at the same time. Marine moment became the fireworks in the night sky. Night, dim down, just like that.

Gala began, well, it seems to become one of our custom, a family sitting around a table, wrapped dumplings, watching Spring Festival gala, say a harmony.

Saying this years Spring Festival gala is really wonderful, my favorite routines, joke, really didnt let me down. If some longer, that were indeed very good.

There may be a lot of people, there has been no go home, maybe uncle grandpa in Taiwan and in miss home. This is not important, because, in such a festival, our hearts are together. I face the wanjiadenghuo, smiled.

This life, we all on the way home.

"... 3, 2, 1. Happy New Year!" As the host of the countdown, or the touch in the New Year.

The New Year, again.

The New Year, set out.













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Distant bells, off a memorable yesterday; Crispy crackers, heralded a new era. Mountain, spring accumulation in the depression; Water, under the frozen the billow to west; Life, just in this continue refining extract; Hope that spread in the germinal now. New Year is coming, the pace towards the streets, the fields, the harmonious urban villages, great river north and south. Tune is my biggest wish in the heart, above is the only wealth in front of my eyes!

New Year begins, we shine the sky with hope, across all the clouds on the sky, it is waving the banner of progress. We use power across the earth, and the fresh wind blows the earth, that is the pace of progress of eager feelings.

Harmony belongs to the steps.

In the New Year, there is a starting point that call, have a kind of journey called eagerly, have a kind of speed that transcend, have a kind of rhythm called halma. In China, the pace of progress is so sonorous and forceful. The composition

New Year begins, in front of the pace, we have our own sweat and pay, with harmony and magnificent, with pride and happiness! The pace of belongs to the unity of harmony.

The New Year, is in our hands. Because, we have opened the first page table calendar, the good wishes for a note into the thick, New Years day, with the power of a year a new starting point. The New Year, is in our hands. Because we control the new verb: vision, overlooking, plan, listening, waiting and change. We listen to the storm of the past, and listen to the song of the New Year, listen to your heartbeat, listen to the pace of the harmonious society, and listen to sweat surge wave, listening to the sound of good news to fly. We accompany with these verbs. We look forward to the eleventh five-year plan. Before the threshold of the first year, we held his head high, walk together hold and firm confidence and extraordinary perseverance. The composition

We look at the beauty of the year, grazing and a piece of sunshine. In the first place, the heart shout out spring greetings, then pick up the read pen depict the blueprint of heart. Good news waiting for us. We change with the New Year, meet a year of good news... The pioneers of the New Year, I am your time. A second, I also cross. The motherland, I am your blood wayfarers. A drop of, I also go beyond.

In China, in the New Year auspicious sign, every day is very solemn, dignified one heart to a place called the rhythm of advancing with The Times.

In the market tide, practice a kind of idea, to create a kind of value, in both inside and outside the Great Wall and in the end of the world, can be a model in the market; In science realm, unlock a proposition, design a brand, no matter in the up and down the river or on the camels jiangnan, can be a hero of the independent innovation. The motherland, everywhere have my stage, everywhere have wayfarers of the shore! Along the tang poetry, we write beautiful chapter of the New Year; Along the silk road, our pursuit of the market economy. Let us in the New Years hard work, tenacious distances!

A second, I also cross. I am your time in Portland, New Year! A drop of, I also go beyond. I am in your blood wayfarers, our motherland! Reflected which belongs to the most beautiful heart and soul.

Cultivation of the New Year. In ruling ability, the New Year how many, the seeds of wisdom, sweat and innovation has, how many flowers, fruits and applause and how many.

In the New Year, a chamber enthusiasm is the starting point of the seeds, but also a starting point of the road; Walk the line is the starting point of people, is also the starting point. With beautiful dress up in the New Year. In the land of hope, into the prosperous policy, reform and opening to the outside through the long march. All the wisdom and potential burst, blossom and bear fruit in sweat; All the power and drive out, thrive in harmony. The yearning heart, one step one step forward; To hard pads under their feet, step by step forward, beauty is a flower bursting in sight, the New Year with heart. Before the New Year, drunk is not only a heart!

Heart belongs to the most beautiful and stretch of beauty...
















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Today is the day, is also a time for New Year, I got up early in the morning, I want to go with my father and mother and sister happy New Year.

My parents let me together with my sister to her sisters classmate house New Year, I a listen to worry about mom and dad said: "I dont know her sisters classmate, how to speak? I still go to my classmates house." Mom and dad said: "you are always quiet, this will give you the opportunity to exercise, look at you!" Is really no way, I had to bite the bullet and go with sister. As they walked along, I think: sisters classmate look like? Met what should I say "hello"?

Unconsciously, we have reached a sister classmate home, did not think of sister was borrowed to give her students make up a missed lesson in the name of the New Year. I on one side secretly worried: all blame parents disorderly arrangement, I also did not give my classmate happy New Year! Elder sister busy introduce me to the classmates parents, I hurriedly say: "uncle aunt New Years day good!" Then, her sisters classmate called to her little sister to accompany me to play, we age, together play of very happy.

Finally, the elder sister finally to fill her classmates after class. My sister and I a happy home. My todays harvest is strengthened my communication skills, I will continue to work hard.
