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The winter vacation is coming to an end, and finish the homework. I heard a story, so that the origin of the Spring Festival: long long ago, there was a call in strange monsters, the annual New Years day will come, years of strange people afraid of fire and cannon dozen years blame, he put in strange beat, and this is the Chinese New Year. Have a year of Spring Festival, I and other children put ChongTianBao, the Spring Festival party began, dad and mom told me to come home to see the Spring Festival evening party, dont want to leave home, watching the Spring Festival evening party. My father, mother, grandpa and grandma watching the Spring Festival evening ate fruit, I be very happy!

I am very happy, very happy, hope every day was Chinese New Year!Today is New Years Day, every day, every family is very lively, a Chinese New Year every family to eat a very fatty foods, each meal should be placed before the whip, burn incense to the God of Wealth and hopes to make a fortune, a children are up early to wear new clothes to go to the elders to pay, hoping to get older, the red envelope, Chinese New Year, and full of gaiety, today I am feeling very good.

The Spring Festival diary  Start looking, and, well, Spring Festival is arrived, on New Years day, I was at my  grandmothers house. There NianWei of very heavy, every family in the lunar New Years eve put red lanterns hanging out, write the couplets, stick it out. And put the door, and pack dumpling, I was at my grandmothers house also help up busy, help adults get this made with that, own also lost in this New Years day busy atmosphere, on New Years day to getting up early, to follow the parents to other peoples home New Year, worship the years later, in the afternoon, the family got together, talking and laughing eat a big dinner, everyones faces lit a smile, after lunch, my brother and sister and the racing to rob to let grandpas grandmother to New Years money, finally we got,also are delighted, finish to grandma and grandpas New Years money, go with aunt uncle to, so a a will, this just on New Years day, I will be up to 600 yuan, and before you know it was this time for bed, looking back on this day, really is in the thick NianWeiEr spent, really looking forward to every day was Chinese New Year.




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To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West.The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar,so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

To the ordinary Chinese,the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Years Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.But the 15th of the first month,which normally is called the Lantern Festival,means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.



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Dear teachers

Hello! Here, on behalf of the kindergarten, I would like to extend new

years greetings and high respect to all the hardworking staff!

Although I didnt go through every day of the year with you, my eyes and my

heart have always been paying attention to the good times along the way. With my

eyes, I will take you to review the fragments in the deep memory. Lets comb the

pictures that shake our hearts and find the footprints of our colleagues growing


Spring is the spring of sowing hope. Just experienced the re evaluation

work of provincial kindergarten, every colleague has experienced a

transformation like "Phoenix Nirvana", and the power brought by this is like a

hibernating and waking small animal, stretching endless power.

"Standardized and colorful kindergarten life" enables children to fully

feel the real happiness of preschool life; "happy body intelligence" activity

makes childrens body stronger, and makes a seed of love of sports quietly take

root in the hearts of every teacher and child; We are committed to building a

home co education system, inviting parents into the classroom activities,

attracting parents to our side and becoming our indispensable educational

partners; the humorous foreign English teachers bring us different thinking and

different feelings, and also expand our international career infinitely. "Green

poplar smoke outside the light, red apricot branches spring."

In this beautiful spring, we sow love and hope!



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1. 祝你一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三鸡开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美。

2. 祝大家新春快乐,恭喜发财!年年有今日,岁岁有今朝!天天快乐!

3. 值此新年之际,祝您:大财、小财、意外财,财源滚滚;亲情、友情、爱情,情情如意;官运、财运、桃花运,运运亨通;爱人、亲人、友人,人人平安!

4. 让快乐与你紧紧拥抱,让烦恼低头悄悄走掉,让健康吉祥对你关照,让幸福永远对你微笑!祝您新年快乐!鸡年旺旺!

5. 新的一年送欣喜,恭喜发财送给你,吉祥如意伴随你,信服快乐紧跟你,平安健康喜欢你,我们大家祝福你、、、新年快乐!

6. 花开、花落、快快乐乐!白云、蓝天、幸福无边!和风、细雨、尽如人意!运气、福气、全属于你!祝你新年快乐!吉祥如意!

7. 祝愿我的朋友把新年的金财银财大财小财汇成万贯家财;再用你们的朝气英气正气勇气换得一团和气;保你们才气熏天、富贵连连、家和万事兴!

8. 恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上,新年更有新气象!

9. 春节快乐!祝您新的一年身体健康!工作顺利!合家欢乐!万事如意!

10. 福气多多!十全十美!万福重叠福星高照!祝你新年快乐!

11. 佳节到新年到!猪你一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三鸡开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美!

12. 在新的一年里,我们要有新的气象,拂去悲痛,迎接欢乐。我祝福养育我的祖国:鸡年生龙活虎,虎虎生威,科技发达!

13. 竹爆平安,春节来临,祝福亲人,财源滚滚!祝福朋友,鸡年亨通!祝福冤家,善良仁慈!祝愿情敌,桃运连连!

14. 春雨一缕,让鸡年的生活一帆风顺;瑞雪纷飞,让鸡年的事业如日中天;天地祥和,让鸡年的日子红红火火;祝福声声,让鸡年的梦想万事如意。鸡年到了,愿你快乐!

15. 年到来乐开花,扬起风帆成功达。丢弃烦恼无牵挂,阳光大道任你踏。业绩攀高奖金发,家庭幸福人人夸。祝你鸡年人长大,志得意满笑哈哈!

16. 瑞雪纷飞兆丰年,鸡年到来笑哈哈。福运高照到你家,万事如意红包拿。身体健康疾病怕,家庭和睦人人夸。祝你鸡年洋财发,生活快乐乐开花!

17. 春风杨柳花絮飘,欢度鸡年喜乐笑。梅花绽放迎春到,开门大吉齐欢跳。愿你事业步步高,工作顺利身体好。高管厚禄勿骄傲,亲朋好友常来瞧。

18. 捕捉商机,让鸡年飘荡成功的味道;绘制蓝图,让鸡年沐浴梦想的光华;绽放微笑,让鸡年踏入幸福的坦途;发送祝福,让鸡年收获温暖的情意。鸡年的到了,愿你的生活美好灿烂!

19. 鸡儿到,鸿运照。烦恼的事儿往边靠。祝君出门遇贵人,在家听喜报!年年有此时,岁岁有今朝!…新春快乐!

20. 祝鸡年,做人鸡眉吐气,生意鸡鸡得意,前程鸡关大道,烦恼鸡长而去。鸡年发鸡财!

21. 欢庆新春洋洋得意把福祝:祝你鸡年走的是洋运,收的是洋钱,住的是洋房,坐的是洋车,用的是洋货,发的是洋福,说的是洋话……

22. 祝你鸡年喜气洋洋,满面阳光灿烂,爱情扬眉吐气,事业洋洋得意,晦气扬长而去,万事阳关大道!

23. 鸡年未到,祝福先行。鸡年期盼你:天天开心“喜鸡鸡”;事事如意“美鸡鸡”;工作愉快“懒鸡鸡”;合家幸福“暖鸡鸡”,总之愿你一切都好鸡年喜气“鸡鸡”!

24. 马蹄声声扬鞭跑,鸡年转眼要来到。先祝鸡年身体好,健健康康快乐绕。再祝事业节节高,阳关大道任你挑。还要祝你合家笑,幸福快乐在怀抱。祝你鸡年无烦恼!

25. 新年祝福你,好事追着你,主管重视你,病魔躲着你,气车让着你,飞机避开你,情人深爱你,痛苦远离你,开心跟着你,万事顺着你!

26. 在这辞旧迎新之际,把最美好的祝福送给你,愿你鸡年行大运,生活节节高!

27. 愿祖国在鸡年里国运如虎一样气吞万里。东北林业大学交通土建1班

28. 过年心情就是好,不过更祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛,来年多涨饯资!

29. 日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦;常与朋友聊聊天,古也谈谈,今也谈谈,不是神仙胜似神仙;愿你快乐一整年。

30. 新的1年开始,祝好运接2连3,心情4季如春,生活5颜6色,7彩缤纷,偶尔8点小财,烦恼抛到9霄云外!请接受我1心1意的祝福。祝你新年快乐!

31. 祝你新年快乐,万事如意,鸡年猛,鸡年强,鸡年飞,鸡年祥,鸡年奔,鸡年放,猴年高,鸡年升,狗年旺。十二生肖少一个,鸡年大发贺新年!也祝祖国母亲新年快乐。

32. 新的一年里,愿你脱去一身的疲惫,将精神振奋;忘却一年的伤心,将快乐装备;抖落一切的郁闷,将朝气携身;愿你沐浴在友谊的阳光下,奋勇前进。祝新年快乐!



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1.妙手回春 欣欣向荣 家徒四壁 富丽堂皇

2.天作之合 心心相印 永结同心 相亲相爱

3.百年好合 永浴爱河 佳偶天成 宜室宜家

4.白头偕老 百年琴瑟 百年偕老 花好月圆

5.福禄鸳鸯 天缘巧合 美满良缘 郎才女貌

6.瓜瓞延绵 情投意合 夫唱妇随 珠联壁合

7.凤凰于飞 美满家园 三羊开泰 风调雨顺

8.五谷丰收 大富大贵 不祥如意 繁荣昌盛

9.拾己救人 义行可风 春晖广被 良母楷模

10.淑德可风 教子有方 母仪典范 德术兼备

11.气贵平和 情贵淡泊 心宽神定 恬淡无忧

12.步步高升 富贵逼人 财运亨通 财源广进

13.日进斗金 腰缠万贯 财源滚滚 发财致富

14.祝贺发财 招财进宝 生财有道 百年好合

15.珠联璧合 美梦成真 万事大吉 苦尽甜来

16.喜从天降 得意洋洋 和和美美 天造地设

17.祥麟威凤 景星庆云 和气至祥 好事多磨

18.二龙起飞 三羊开泰 四季安全 五福临门

19.六六大顺 七星高照 八方来财 九九同心

20.花开富贵 天长日久 凤鸣朝阳 天利人和



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Dear teacher x


The new year is coming. First of all, Id like to give you a new years

greeting: I wish you good health and all the best!

In the past semester, you have worked hard for us. We all thank you!

Teacher, you have made a lot of sweat for us. Today Im here to talk to you.

You are a good teacher who cares about students. I remember that in the

last semester, a classmate in my class had a fever. When the news reached your

ears, you took him to the clinic. Not only that, but also to him.

You are more nervous than us near the final exam, so we often have an extra

class after school to make up for it. Some students complain that the teacher

should not leave us, but you dont care what they say. Help the students who

dont understand from time to time and teach them solutions so that they can

understand. We will ask you for advice when we encounter problems that we cant,

and you will explain them to us patiently.

Here, I sincerely say: "teacher, you work hard!"

Ah! Dear teacher, you give your wisdom with love. I salute you silently

from my heart. There are poems to prove it

Ode to the gardener

Teacher, you are the beacon of learning sea,

We are sailing boats.

Three feet platform,

a poor but honest person.

You burn with passion,

We have built the students splendid achievements.

My alma mater is the cradle of dreams,

The teacher is the hand that weaves the cradle.

Teacher, you have worked hard,

You work hard and gain hope.

Hello, teacher,

You are the most romantic.

How well is the poem "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening

things silently". Teacher, arent you just like the spring rain in poetry?

Working in obscurity, you have cultivated generations of pillars, but you dont

ask for any return. Teacher, arent you just like the hard gardener? After hard

work, you finally smell the fragrance of peach and plum. "When the silkworms

die, the silk will be exhausted, and the wax torch will become gray and the

tears will dry." this is your true portrayal; addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division can not count as your contribution; poems and songs

can not praise your admiration. Teacher, let me say to you again: "hard


I wish you:

Good health, happy holidays!

Your students



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Chinese New Year

Chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. We also call it the spring festival. It is on lunar january 1st.

On new year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. Overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. After dinner, we always watch tv new year progammes. We have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.

On the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. After breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. On the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.

Everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.



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Dear staff and their families

hello everyone!

"Spring comes early again", the Spring Festival of the year of the sheep is

quietly coming to us. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, principal Chen of

Taishan junior high school, together with the school leadership, extended new

years blessing and festival greetings to the hard-working staff and their

families, and extended high respect and sincere thanks to the family members who

have been caring and supporting the work of the school for a long time!

The past 2014 has been an extraordinary year. It has been a year when we

have worked hand in hand, overcome difficulties and forge ahead in unity. It has

also been a year of fruitful achievements and good news. Under the correct

leadership of the superior competent department, all the staff of our school are

in the same boat through ups and downs, unite as one, work hard and forge ahead

with determination, overcome many difficulties and strive for first-class

achievements. The school was rated as a modern school in Jiangsu Province; in

the assessment of the school by the Education Bureau, the school won the second

prize; more than 20 students entered Baoying county middle school, and a large

number of students were admitted to other senior high schools free of charge; in

the provincial supervision, the school scored high and passed the supervision of

experts, leading experts listened to 24 classes, and 23 courses were awarded

excellent grades; In the national middle school students composition contest,

Yang Yichen, a student from class 6 of junior high school, participated in the

provincial final and won the first prize. In the final examination just

finished, each grade reached or exceeded the assessment index issued by the

school at the beginning of the school year. When we are immersed in these

achievements bring us joy and joy, we will think that these gains come from the

hard work of teachers. It is you who guide students to constantly improve their

moral quality; it is you who work hard to let students broaden their horizons

and appreciate the brilliant scenery of scientific and cultural knowledge. Of

course, the achievement of these achievements is inseparable from the support of

the family members of the staff. There are also sweat and effort of the family

members in these achievements. Here we would like to sincerely say "thank you

for your hard work". Winter vacation is a holiday full of festivities, and the

Spring Festival is an auspicious and happy festival. In order to have a full and

civilized Festival, the school puts forward the following suggestions.

Give yourself more reminders. We should always pay attention to the safety

of fire, electricity and gas during the holidays. When visiting relatives and

friends, we must pay attention to guard against theft, close the doors and

windows, lock the door, and do not drive after drinking to ensure the safety of

yourself and your family. We should consciously avoid gambling, drinking, feudal

superstitious activities and indulging in the Internet. We should do more

physical exercise every day and take part in healthy and beneficial cultural and

recreational activities. Pay attention to scientific diet, dont overeat and

take good care of your body.

Give more time to study. Winter vacation has a relatively concentrated time

to be at your disposal. It is suggested that you should arrange a little time

for self "charging". On the one hand, we should sum up the experience and

lessons in the work of this semester and formulate the work plan and objectives

for the next semester; on the other hand, we can calm down to get familiar with

the curriculum standards of teaching subjects and read the textbooks for the

next semester in advance. Read one or two good books, study some education and

teaching theory, constantly enrich, enrich, improve themselves. Let thinking and

practice walk together, let oneself better adapt to the needs of classroom

teaching reform.

Give your family more care. Enjoy the family, our life journey is not

lonely, spread the family, can win the respect of others. During the Spring

Festival, lets be filial to our elders, take care of our younger ones, and keep

in touch with our friends. In particular, we should take care of our bodies,

experience the beauty of human nature and feel a better life in dedication and


Finally, once again, I wish you all a safe, happy, peaceful and meaningful

festival. I wish all staff and their families a happy Spring Festival, all the

best of luck, good health and a happy family!



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Although it is "dog day playing lanterns, so" year after year, we do, however, still like the Chinese New Year, because of the delicious dumplings, have the beautiful clothes, there are a lot of lucky money...

Lunar calendar from New Years day, however, there are two days, but the Gregorian calendar has been finished after the New Year, so, were only a few steps away from the winter holiday, therefore, we have been looking forward to the New Year. Why is that?

Good grades, the comprehensive development of students parents give them money to buy a few small things ah, small stationery, etc. Of the students dont study, teacher will give them a few words of encouragement, such as "next year will be a good learning" "dont annoy the teacher next year" "thats ok, you work hard," and so on; Teacher, want to let us test out, then let us be happy, happy go home. Oneself also were at ease.

Teacher let us to review, we review all very positive, because, after all, to test the New Year to also want to test a good result, back to their homes, each looking for mom, so we review the progress of the soon, one day you can review the lessons.

I imagine: New Years day, people outside home set off firecrackers, we returned home, carrying out the examination papers, eat the delicious dumplings, after the New Year, look for one of the biggest pocket... Stem what ah? Get lucky money bai!

I like New Year, because it is the beginning of the year, because it is a brand new sunrise; Because it is a new moon, because it is...









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a new year ,a new start, when i stand on the edge of the a new year, i cant help thinking about my plan of next year. just as the old saying:well began is the half of the success.so i decide that i should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,im quicker than the others and of course i will get better result than the others. but ,what i really decide to do is that i must make good of anytime i can spare though it seems impossible. while, i will do my best to live up with what i have planned, and the result will prove it.



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Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar. Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth, when the moon is brightest. In China, people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year.



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talking of all those who experienced —— by fu bao liang

XX was gone. regardless men and women being old and little, are all those who experienced opposite

in XX ago each engrave at that time. likewise, we are all those who experienced opposite in XX ago

the affairs occurred that everybody self-moved with proceeded.

we are all those who experienced on this meaning. we are all those who experienced in the old society

experienced successvily the distress children the ages of; we are all those who experienced in the

student-campaign to struggle for freedom and liberation under reactionary rule; we are all those who

experienced pass through to endure the “trained” with agriculture labour in the fanatic ages;we are all

those who experienced through postgraduate exam smoothly and obtained academic degree one by one; we are all those who experienced with often failure to get job; we are all those who experienced to get cictory in trading-battle by grasped business opportunity; we are all those who experienced in fierce battle to resist u.s aggression and aid korea; we are all those who experienced hastening industry modernization high-speed to fight courageously in that area; we are all those who experienced to ascend in front of the world on researching and developing science and technology ; we are all those who experienced to drive out the sick-satan by weared white clothes; we are all those who experienced to concern every working and all happening; we are all those who experienced to have lived a long or a few life.

there probable were all sorts of heroes and modles among us all who were accomplished by state of affairs.they have made offers for the advantage of nation and people.they gained brilliant achievement hastened nation properity and strength because of their hard. there probable were energetic worker not t known to public among us all. they devoted theirselves to the work and got not despised achievement,who became national indispensable cadre.there probable were some luky persons among us all of the favourable time.they became certain rich by excellent managed.there probable were not too bright ordinary people among us all.they engaged the whole day for livelihood of family but living afflicted them whole year. there probable were various unfortunate among us all who have ever been in miserable condition

moreover have been afflicted with disaster.they have to confront the fact but verydifficult. there probable were……among us all……

the livelong history sent us various all those who experienced and it will continue to do that.the moved

time record multifarious on the different track.various condition take place with all those who experienced. that’s experience or lesson opposite to the person concerned.the multitude may discuss to have no objection to take out the “past” if allowing exchange.

there seem to be different analysis and different argument about samething. no problem , “let a hundred flowers blossom,let a hundred schools of thought contend”is known to everyone.nowadays,here are about some healty question that i want to exchange.

to speak of age,i’m more than 70 , forward 80 years the old-decayed but seeming old no decay.i’ve no disease,full of energy,never feel tired,action swift and the memory is great.the younger and stronger can do something which i do it,too.




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The year of 20xx is coming now,and now I have made my new year plan as follows:

In this year,I want to improve my English and Chinese,because I am not good at them,and I am not good at writing too.I want to spend a lot of time on them to practise .I will try my best .

I want to learn how to swim better this summer,because swimming is a good way to keep healthy.There is a swimming pool near our school .I will go there with my best friend after school.He will help me .Well have a good time.



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选修课(Selective Courses) This term our school laid down a new rule about selective court. For the first two weeks, we may sit in as many classes as we like before we decide on which courses to choose. We jumped for joy. The first week I attended classes for four evenings on end and found out that most of the teachers took it serioualy. They were busy in "winning votes" for fear, that later on no one would attend their lectures.

For example, the teacher of Modern Literature of Taiwan said, "Actually the flrst two hours of my lecture were only a prelude. The real contents have not been involved. In the furore, we shall discuss such famous writers as Qiong Yao, Xi Murong, etc, and such famous aetresses as Lin Fengjiao, Lin Qingxia etc. We have lots of vedio-taped films to watch. These are confined only to those who co-major in this court." See, after all, the last sentence is the core of everything he said.

The teacher of Appreciation and Critics of Modern Opera said, "We have a variety of contents and the teaching method is changable. For instance, l may choose one act from a play and let you perform it in class. If you do a good job, you can put on the play at the school theater festival. Also, we shall arrange for you to watch current plays. The school is in charge of the traffic and tickets, Of course, only those who co-major this course are eligible." You see, the most important thing comes at last through twists and turns.




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New Year is finally coming, we have sent away 2017 ushered in 2018, in the new year has a new starting point In this year, I have to study hard, every day, I also want to achieve my last year did not achieve Wish

I want to make a study schedule, schedule my schedule in the new semester and improve my grades through my own efforts. I will also respect my parents and not my parents so that I may have more life experience. I do not know that I got up before 8 oclock. I was distracted when I was homework, and I did not always write anything. I was not willing to let go Learning to go, so that students no longer think I study poor, learning is not good, I want to catch up with those good grades of students, at home, I want to help her mother do the housework, no longer let her mother so tired. I will also chat with my parents, make them happy a little happy.

In the New Year, I have to go outside a few times to travel, to increase my knowledge, not when students talk about these topics have not been embarrassed to go there, I have to learn a lot of ethnic customs, to make themselves even better Close to my own motherland.

This is my 2018 New Year plan, looking forward to the arrival of the new year Looking forward to my achievements in 2018, as the saying goes: aspiring no longer ambitious Hundreds.



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The spring festival is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the west country,it is welcome the new year.

It is the day that the families get together.

The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new years first day is the new years eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new yaars dinner,wishes each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to children as a lunar new year gift.



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Yeah! Finally put the winter vacation, we said goodbye to each other after the graduation exam. Then, prepare cleaning for the coming New Year. This year, as usual, and dad are busy working, so the cleaning of the year to see my mother and I. When we finally after cleaning the Windows and doors have to look brand-new, with only the final step - to stick couplets on the Spring Festival. Mom let I was standing on a ladder, put a new Spring Festival couplets, suddenly filled with the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year!

New Years eve that day, my mother and I would have to start preparing something to worship, looked at the altar all kinds of good material, Im forefinger big move! But mom said to enjoy ancestors, such as wheel got me! Who is eager to ah, really want to hurry to eat so much food. In the evening, is the centerpiece of the New Years eve, family reunion dinner. Surround furnace, and family is my most looking forward to get a red envelope! I want to salute the elders first, and then obediently take a red envelope, and thanks to their elders, said auspicious words.

In the issue, my mother and I together back to outside public happy New Year. Met my cousin and cousin are there, we play together, eat together, so we had a long and happy day. The next day we went to qing farm out hair, to meet the land after the sunrise, we went to see the good shepherd drove the sheep and sheep strip show, looked round sheep suddenly become thin, is so cute!

We meet and grandma, aunt, the next day we went to yangming mountain, but because the weather is too cold, so up and down the hill immediately, what a pity. But finally also insight to the peculiar climate there. New Year, we in the winding mountain road and enjoy the beautiful scenery, I dont know dont think of the past.



到了年初二,我和妈妈一起回外公家拜年。在那里遇到了表哥和表妹们,大家一起玩,一起吃东西,就这样我们度过了漫长又快乐的一天。隔天我们往清境农场出 发,迎接清境的日出美景之后,我们又去看了精彩的牧羊犬赶羊和绵羊脱衣秀,看着圆滚滚的绵羊转眼间变得瘦巴巴的,真是可爱!




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