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Having read the New Years plan last year, it is good, but it did not solve my most important issue. During this time of vacation, I have been thinking about what is the problem I need to solve most and how to solve it. Pondering for a period of time, I found that physical health and mental health are the most basic and most important two aspects. Although you have always insisted on exercising, your physical fitness still needs to be improved. The legacy of childhood left me having a lot of trouble, but the current consequences are still within my limits. If you do not take advantage of university graduation before correction, the future work and marriage will encounter greater trouble.




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My New Year‘s plan

New Year‘s Day is comeing.My favourite day of a year is New Year‘s Day,becuse I can eat lots of nice hot

food and have a holiday.

This year,I want to go to Beijing,because, there are a lot of lates,I can fish,that is very warmth,I

cannot feel cold ,and this are many street,I can shopping,so I think it is very comeliness,it is my

wish.Now,I am really very excited.

It is my holiday‘ plan,I think it is really very

great,And you?

No more champagne

And the fireworks are through

Here we are, me and you

Feeling lost and feeling blue

It“‘s the end of the party

And the morning seems so grey

So unlike yesterday

Now“‘s the time for us to say

Happy new year

Happy new year



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Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar. Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth, when the moon is brightest. In China, people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year.



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Dear baby,

How time flies, three years of junior high school has come a nearly five 6, more want to let time stop, so we can each other with some more, but this is impossible, time will pass, you will grow big, Im lucky from September 1, 2012 to June 26, 2014, are there your company in the period of time, whether your scores are good or medium or some unsatisfactory, teachers believe that the future you will be able to harvest your own future.

Baby, we together of the time, because the teacher sometimes bad temper, also because of the high expectations of teachers for you, to you hair temper, sometimes may say bad words, perhaps you still dont understand to the teacher at the time, but I believe that our heart is always close to each other, because you are the teacher heart the good child. Thank you for your understanding of the teacher!

Baby, every time together time is so unforgettable, forget my birthday when the song full of affection "father", and a full face of cream; I cant forget singing all the way to Beijing, and singing with shame on the platform after school; Forget when running total also cant run, and turn a neat pace. The teachers happy memories haunt me little by little.

Maybe you are not very expressive sometimes, but you can read your trust in your teacher from your attentive eyes. If youre having a hard time academically and youre not doing well academically, remember that "nothing will make me give up" is enough! If you are not outstanding enough, than insufficient, than the next surplus, the teacher gave you such a sentence: "try your best, miracle will be created by you." If your study is better, the teacher also send you a sentence: "the day will be down on the man also, must first suffer its spirit, labor its bones and muscles, starve its body skin, empty its body, line brush its work". These wise words of Mencius have quite a warning and encouraging effect to everyone. As excellent students in study, you carry more pressure than others, from parents and friends, from teachers and classmates, more from themselves, you have a strong self-control, quick thinking, strong will, positive and aspirant, have higher requirements for themselves, the results in the class is also good. But I would like to remind you that there are people outside the mountain. Many students are making use of holidays to improve their knowledge structure and comprehensive quality in order to keep improving. Strive hard, in order to be invincible in the exam war, come out on top. There is a good saying "you are not outstanding is not terrible, terrible is outstanding people more diligent than you!"

Baby, 2021 in our look forward, will be here soon, this year I is very important for you, perhaps you already had enough, maybe you have some hesitation, in fact, no matter how your past, these are not important, it is important for the rest of the 180 days, what should we do, I always believe that a pay a harvest, I also believe that you are can bear children, you are willing to pay a child, in June 2014, will make you satisfied!

Finally, the teacher wants to give you said: the child you will always be the teachers care, for your anxiety, worry about you, for your progress and very happy, but also for your slack and worried. Once, you put so trust in my eyes. Today, tomorrow, I will use all of their own knowledge, love and responsibility to protect your growth. Some people say that food is the most beautiful when you are hungry, health is the most beautiful when you are sick, friends are the most beautiful when you are helpless, and teachers are the most beautiful when you are confused. The teachers heart will always be open to you, a little lamp of hope for you. I am willing to fight together with you, riding horses to whip, sail to the other shore of victory!

Always love your friend: Liu Berkelium



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除夕夜,枕着迎接新年的鞭炮声睡着。“Happy new year!”次日清晨,随着一声新年的问候,我睁开了向2005年寻视的双眼。翻开日历,翻开了新的一年,翻开了一段精彩的故事。我躺在床上回想着自己过去的一年里,有过汗水,有过快乐,也有过悲伤。这一切所发生的事仿佛就在眼前。我不禁轻声笑了出来。













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1. 元旦了,我送了一串礼物。快乐送给开心的人,幸福送给有情的人,希望送给等待的人,成功送给奋斗的人,祝福送给正看短信的人

2. 一斤花生二斤枣,愿你跟着好运跑;三斤橘子四斤蕉,财源滚进你腰包;五斤葡萄六斤橙,愿你心想事就成;八斤芒果十斤瓜,身体健康顶刮刮!祝你:元旦快乐!

3. 元旦到,许心愿:愿你事业高升金钱花不完,万事如意一生永平安。爱神也会把你恋,生活美满心也甜;喜神陪伴你身边,祝你天天展笑颜!

4. 房子,车子,票子,不如开心过日子;微信,彩信,飞信,不如问候小短信;金蛋,银蛋,彩蛋,不如快乐过元旦。愿你龙年元旦,幸福翻天。

5. 寒冷的冬天悄然流逝,多变的是天气,不变的是心情!愿淡淡的寒气轻拂你一生的疲惫,飒飒的北风传递我衷心的挂念。元旦快乐

6. 元旦到,祝福送。祝愿你:飞黄腾达,不缺钞票;平步青云,快乐围绕;前程似锦,吉星高照;财运亨通,合家欢乐;万事圆圆,好运连连!

7. 跟昨日的烦恼说再见,和今日的快乐相拥抱,与明日的幸福来约会,元旦,又是一个展新的开始,愿你创下新业绩,开辟人生更大的辉煌,元旦快乐!

8. 元旦已来到,信息不能迟到,好友前来报到,祝福提前送到:爱情浪漫美好,友情温暖笼罩,亲情时刻围绕,工作业绩攀高,生活幸福欢笑,来年更美好!

9. 一缕温馨,让烛光摇曳;一丝关怀,让星光照耀;一点思念,让雪花飘远;一声问候,让信息传递;一份祝福,让元旦凝聚。朋友,愿在二零一三年里,你是快乐的,我是幸福的。

10. 此信虽无墨香,笔尖祈愿徜徉,唯有华灯伴星光,举目间有祝福流淌;幸福新年时光,心中情谊激荡,愿您一生无忧,快乐美满,幸福常伴,元旦欢畅!

11. 春天翩翩又来到,举国欢庆节气好。各家门前炮欢鸣,日子红火呤咚叫。走村访友备厚礼,弯腰问声身体好。祝家兴业兴万事兴,一年更比一年好。

12. 陈年钟声入元旦,爆竹炸响新岁添,斗转星移轮流换,欢天喜地又一年,风调雨顺看五洲,华夏抖擞换新颜。愿你新年新气象,好运又好年。元旦快乐!

13. 元旦到,祝福到,手机响了莫嫌吵,信息到了莫要闹。祝福跟牵挂跑,关怀问候全送到。祝愿你在新的一年里,口袋里满满是钞票,生活无忧乐逍遥!

14. 曾经在我的生活中出现过很多朋友,我没有珍惜,直到错过后才后悔莫及。不断地反省后我悟出了:朋友不是挂在嘴上的,而是应放在心里,祝元旦快乐!

15. 人生好比一次旅行,在乎的不只是目的地,还有沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。愿您封帧旧岁,开启新年新梦想!快乐元旦,每一天!

16. 无论是圣诞还是元旦,愿你旦夕快乐;无论是今朝还是明天,愿你幸福天天;无论是国节还是洋节,愿你笑容甜甜;幸福过圣诞,快乐迎元旦。

17. 元旦,意味着你今年的烦恼统统要完蛋;元旦,意味着你来年的愿望全都会完满。一句元旦快乐,不能代表我的心,那我就多说一句,元旦快乐,快乐元旦!

18. 元旦之日祝你:睁开眼,金光闪闪,穿上衣,亮亮堂堂,端上碗,蛋圆蛋圆,开手机,祝福满满,一切已经为你安排妥当,请你享用,因为你是我心目中最真挚的朋友!祝你快乐!

19. 一年的辛苦今天结束!一年的奔波今天止步!一年的忙碌变成幸福!一年的期盼化作满足!祝您明年胜今年!快乐、吉祥、健康、幸福永远伴随您!元旦快乐!

20. 庆元旦,信息传。兴致高,笑开颜。字不多,情无限。事业兴,家美满。身体好,挣大钱。敬长者,爱少年。朋友多,结善缘。福多多,到永远。

21. 你是个“平衡”的人:生活平静,做人平和,做事平安,命运平顺!元旦到,祝你在新年里:工作不拼命,快乐平常事;经济不瓶颈,财运频繁至!祝你好运!

22. 新年添喜气,合家好福气,礼仪扬风气,邻里讲和气,活力有朝气,丹心长志气,中华铁骨气,扬眉又吐气!祝新年吉祥如意!元旦开心无敌!

23. 元旦庆祝放礼花,看到礼花都会发;元旦祝福短信发,收到短信全发家;收到祝福要转发,幸福传遍你我他,我们一起来发家,幸福快乐乐哈哈。

24. 快乐是瘟疫,感染你与我;快乐是糖果,分给你与我;快乐要接力,传递你与我;快乐要提醒,通知你与我;元旦已来临,记得要快乐,整日笑呵呵。

25. 拉住好运的手掌,枷住幸福的喉咙,抱住吉祥的大腿,咬住平安的裙带,绑住喜庆的四肢,通通押解到你家里随你处置,祝元旦快乐。

26. 新年到了,思念是我的牵盼,短信是我的书笺,清风是我的拥抱,美酒是我的衷肠,钟声是我的问候,礼花是我的祝愿,雪花是我的贺卡,快乐是我的祝福!

27. 元旦到,日子翻开新一页,快乐写满生活,工作迎接新篇章,好运伴随事业,友情陪伴过新年,祝福一片片,愿你日子甜甜,事业顺顺,元旦快乐!

28. 烦恼,别恋;忙碌,别怨;痛苦,别见;疲倦,别添;快乐,要牵;悠闲,要看;好运,要伴;心情,要灿。元旦到,愿你绽放微笑,把精彩拥抱!

29. “元旦”就是一个蛋,但是没有弹药的威力,和平时代就是浪费,战争年代就是宝贝。你要加入,不然,你就不配是个好人。

30. 圆圆的梨子祈愿你远离苦难;圆圆的苹果祈愿你平平安安;圆圆的元宝祈愿你财源滚滚;圆圆的酒杯祈愿你成功如意;圆圆的元旦祝福你幸福圆满。



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5.新年爱情计划:鸡年马月我们相识,偷天换日开始约会,无时无刻都在思念,争分夺秒长相厮守.恭祝新年 快乐,爱情丰收!



8.祝鸡年吉祥,前程似锦,吉星高照,财运亨通,合家欢乐,飞黄腾达,福如东海,寿比南山,幸福美 满,官运亨通!

















25.我对你的思念象深谷里的幽兰,淡淡的香气笼罩着你,而祝福是无边的关注一直飘到你心底。愿我的 爱陪伴你走过新的一年!




29.天气预报: 鸡年您将会遇到金钱雨 幸运风 友情雾 爱情露 健康霞 幸福云 顺利霜 美满雷 安全雹 开心闪 请注意它们将会缠绕你一整年 。

30.一斤花生二斤枣,好运经常跟你跑,三斤苹果四斤梨,吉祥和你不分离,五斤桔子六斤蕉, 源滚进你腰包,七斤葡萄八斤橙,愿你心想事就成,九斤芒果十斤瓜,愿你天天乐开花!








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My New Years resolutions are diffcult to finish. First, I am going to study hard because I want to get good grades. Math is not very good, so I will practice it three times a week. Then, I am going to exercise more. I will

go swimming, run and so on. Next, I will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit. I also want to learn a new language because I want to be a translator when I grow up. French is my favorite.

I will work very hard in next year and I will do my best to do this things.



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Now the year is coming, as a child, I love Spring Festival very much, because I can get a lot of lucky money. In China, the children can get the lucky money from the adults, then the kids say back some good wishes. I want to use my lucky money to buy toys and firework, I want a toy car, I see it from the cartoon. I also want to play firework with my friends.




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The spring festival is the day that the families get together.

It is usually in the February. At that day, every family will paste the lucky inscriptions, fire the cracker and eat the dumplings. The day before the new years first day is the new years eve, same as the Christmas eve, all the families get together to have the new years dinner, wish each other, talk about the wishes about the new year. I like that day very much, what about you ?



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1. 元旦的第一朵雪花因你的甜蜜温馨而晶莹,元旦的第一个黎明因你的健康平安而宁静,元旦的第一缕阳光因你的吉祥如意而温暖。元旦又至,祝你新一年里一切随愿!

2. 元旦到,日子翻开新一页,快乐写满生活,工作迎接新篇章,好运伴随事业,友情陪伴过新年,祝福一片片,愿你日子甜甜,事业顺顺,元旦快乐!

3. 寒夜无眠月朦胧,人生匆匆又一秋,思念浓浓惹离愁,天涯游子难聚首,岁月尘埃路边落,生活舞步不停留,新年钟声悄然响,诉不尽的故乡情,祝异乡的兄弟元旦快乐。

4. 元旦到,元旦好,元旦祝福胜似宝:一幅对联书吉庆,一声炮竹万象新。一纸窗花剪如意,一杯美酒福禄寿,一盘饺子欢乐颂,一场烟花满堂财。愿你元旦快乐。

5. 我点击新春的画面,搜索吉祥的链接,复制喜庆的笑脸,粘贴如意的图片,删除无奈的忧愁,编辑真诚的语言,保存无边的快乐,发送最美的祝福,祝你元旦快乐。

6. 元旦佳节情意悠长,动笔写下思念几行;淡淡问候情义深长,要把祝福留你身旁;时光匆匆日月如梭,写尽惊艳珍惜过往;圣诞过去元旦来临,祝愿你马年有辉煌,坚强勇敢拥抱梦想!

7. 踮起脚把希冀已久的梦揽入怀中,睁开眼把飘摇已久的雪花纳入心底,捧出心把珍藏已久的情融入天空,伸出手把积存已久的祝福送达你心。愿你拥着美丽的梦,伴着温馨的情,捧着乐的雪花,过一个幸福的元旦。

8. 元旦闪亮登场,我的祝福自然也得紧随其后,祝你事业“元”梦,如日中天;生活“元”满,事事如意;与爱结“元”,甜蜜幸福;日子“元”润,福寿绵长。祝你元旦开心,吉祥好运!

9. 时间从指间溜走,默默无闻中,又一个新的年头。寒来暑去,春夏冬秋,别在匆匆的奔走。元旦将近,此情悠悠。愿你来年争上游,幸福长长久!

10. 元旦元旦,愿你的霉运全滚蛋,烦恼统统都完蛋,开心天天来捣蛋,步调从来不扯蛋,养个白白的脸蛋,砸个富贵的金蛋,做个幸福糊涂蛋,过个快乐的元旦!

11. 元旦元元,问候言言;愿你好好,惊喜连连;老老小小,平平安安;

12. 财源滚滚,钱包圆圆;融融泄泄,幸福满满;浪浪漫漫,缠缠绵绵;

13. 买房子,购车子,点票子,都不如咱开心过日子;玩微信,发彩信,用飞信,不如转个手机小信息;存金蛋,储银蛋,藏彩蛋,不如幸福快乐过元旦。元旦节日,祝愿你开心笑掉牙,幸福乐翻天。

14. 元旦来到,祝福送到:愿你跨上崭新的摩托,插上吉祥的钥匙,打开幸运的开关,踩动健康的离合,加上爱情的油门,铆足理想的动力,驶向开心的一年!

15. 20xx的烦恼已经飘散,20xx的快乐今天露面。新的一年又来到,嫣红的晚霞将接收你的祈愿,灿烂的朝霞将满足你的心愿。衷心祝你元旦快乐!

16. 元旦新年已来到,喜鹊高唱喜讯报。祝福新年万事顺,升职晋级涨钞票。工作向上成绩好,领导表扬不骄傲。年终先进大奖领,胸戴红花光荣耀。祝君:新年新为新风尚,理想梦想都实现。愿你:新年愉快身体康,全家幸福无愁肠。

17. 元旦到,开眼笑,一勾一搭把舞跳;同堂乐,呱呱叫,吃喝玩乐带胡闹;唱高调,狂发飙,我行我素最走俏;问候来,人缘好,愿你心情美到爆。元旦快乐!

18. 新年好运到,好事来得早;朋友微微笑,喜庆围你绕;花儿对你开,鸟儿向你叫。生活美满又如意!喜庆!喜庆!一生平安如意!元旦快乐!

19. 一年的辛苦今天结束,一年的忙碌今天收获,一年的奔波今天止步,一年的企盼化作满足。愿你在新的一年快乐、吉祥、健康、幸福!祝元旦快乐!

20. 这么远的距离,没有礼物,没有大餐,只有我牵挂你的心和最最真诚的一声祝福:新年快乐

21. 声声祝福,丝丝情谊,串串思念,化作一份礼物,留在你的心田,祝新年快乐,万事如意!

22. 祝福是份真心意,不是千言万语的表白。一首心曲,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!

23. 祝你在新的一年里:事业正当午,身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,悠闲像老鼠,浪漫似乐谱,快乐莫你属。

24. happnew year!祝新年快乐,万事如意。赚钱多多,美女多多。

25. 新年的钟声是催人奋进的号角,朋友,别再沉湎于往事,不要虚度光阴,快带着理想上路吧,新的一年祝你万事如意!

26. 在新年到来的时候,回想过去的365个日子.特别感谢你的关心和支持!祝愿你新年里:身体安康!处处如意!

27. 新的一年里,让我们将友谊进行到底!!!

28. 在元旦这个充满喜悦的日子里,愿新年的钟声能带给你一份宁静和喜悦,以及我最真诚的祝福:愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!

29. 元旦表示年新的一年,新的开始,万事从头起,良好的开端是成功的一半祝你永远是成功者

30. 叠只弯弯的纸船,在那月如水下,送给你我的思念和祝福.祝你:佳节快乐!

31. 新年祝您福气多多快乐连连万事园园微笑甜甜一帆风顺二龙腾飞三羊开泰四季平安五福临门六六大顺七星高照八面来财九九同心十全十美

32. 当你看到这讯息时,我的心正在为你祈祷,祈祷你今日比昨天快乐,祈祷你今日心中充满幸福,祈祷天使此刻就在你身边,祈祷你的未来永远无忧无虑。

33. 祝福是份真心意,不是千言万语的表白。一首心曲,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!新年快乐,你是我从来没忘掉的人。只想跟你说看到短讯后,我还是希望你会有一个快乐年!

34. 这一刻,有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的新年!




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The spring festival is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the west country,it is welcome the new year.

It is the day that the families get together.

The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new years first day is the new years eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new yaars dinner,wishes each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to children as a lunar new year gift.



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firstly,i decide to try my best to learn english .because my english so poor that it affects my other subject.i willface many differences ,such as broadening my vocabulary, training my listening ,improving my write and so on. i must work hard because i dont want to behind the times.

secondly ,i will give up watching football games because every time it takes me two hours ,which makes me not finish my homework .as a student ,study is our duty ,so i wii focused more on study and less on playing . in order to my future ,i will work hard.



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Dear teacher


Im writing to you again. Its the new year. 2020 is coming and 2021 is

coming. Do you look forward to the holidays again and again, just like us? But

every time we go home, we are speeding up our separation.

Forgive the students for talking about such a sad topic in this jubilant

time. 2020 is the difference, it is tension, it is pressure, it is sentimental.

2020 will change a lot and take away a lot. It will take away our best three

years and the time we spend together. It passed, it will never come back,

leaving only memories. What is good as long as the heart is together, isnt it

even more painful when the heart is together but people are not around? It also

said that there was no emotion at that time, and it came true when you said that

you would walk away. However, the feelings between you and us have been deeply

rooted and can not be broken at all, so it is inevitable to be sad.

There is no feast that will never end. We have been together for three

years. Isnt it just a gift from God? Teacher, you should believe that it is

fate to meet us and good fortune to meet you. Over the past three years, we have

cried and laughed together. When we have to leave, we cant help but stir up

emotions. At this time, no one will feel superfluous. No ones heart is made of

iron. You should know that everyone has been remembering your good, your smile

and the way you stand behind the door in the past three years. Even if you are

angry, you will always come to the class unconsciously and take a look at us.

You are really worried.

But your worry is not in vain. Now, although some people have learned to

smoke, drink and make friends, those people are still grateful to you, but they

are not good at expressing themselves. In other words, Thanksgiving is like

"fruit of human body". Once it blooms in three thousand years and bears fruit in

four thousand years, its seeds are planted in my heart early. Although it grows

slowly, it has great power when it grows.

You said that in the self-study class, we dont study hard. We look at the

watch and glance at the teacher. We are so cute. But when you are looking at us,

we are also looking at you. Moreover, you look up and you always frighten


The last excellent diary of this semester has changed. It is not happy and

naive, but full of sadness and maturity. In that class, everyone was thinking of

something in their hearts. It was from the heart and could not be covered up. It

was the most significant excellent diary ever.

I think there is no literary talent, like every excellent diary, everyone

will think hard about what to write. Even if they do, they cant write anything.

But now, writing this topic, everyone has a lot to say. As long as the heart, is

a good article.

Old wusky once described the scene of a year: when we came back one day and

wanted to see you, you had to call the guard and tell them to let us in before

we could enter the campus. Come to your class, not only you and me, but also a

group of students waiting to grow up like us at that time. Looking at them, I

think of myself. What happened in the New Glasgow is unfolding in front of us.

However, people are not those people anymore.

Its so sad. Old wusky is great.

At noon, I have been dreaming for half a day. In the dream, we have

graduated. All of a sudden, everything moves up, and the essence is condensed

into a small world. Its just in the air, playing everything weve been doing

for three years. When it disappeared, we all cried, and simply broke into the

small world. Everything in the small world has not changed at all, that is our

three years, but we can not touch it. We saw our performance at that time, so

proud. I saw you and wanted to talk to you, but you ignored me. I envy myself at

that time, tears stop in the eyes.

Teacher, how I wish that small world really exists! Teacher, the feelings

of the past three years are not clear. I cant find any words, a sentence to

describe our previous feelings, which only those of us who have experienced can

understand. But everyone wants to express, cherish and grasp.

Teacher, thank you! Thank you for your meticulous care when we are ill,

thank you for your restraint when we indulge, and thank you for the punishment

when we make mistakes. Each of us is a piece of white paper, you can sketch

everything on it. Thank you for sketching so many beautiful things, bitter and

sweet, let us have a good start.

Teacher, Im sorry, please forgive our treason. Every time we make a

mistake, you will say, "or a child?" this is to comfort us, but also to comfort

yourself. But we dont understand you. We always misunderstand you, blame you,

get angry with you, and dislike you all day. Its not good here and there. In

fact, we also know that you are indeed a good teacher.

Teacher, please forgive these children, please fall in love with these

children, please remember these children These children will never forget



The last day of 2020



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New Year arrived, another year passed, and ushered in a New Year - 2016, in this New Year, we are going to do some meaningful things can get through this a long 2016, let us act together!

As the saying goes, "the New Year will have a new look." its good to speak this word, in this New Year, I have a lot of things want to do: to learn to learn, a successful ` exercise the body, let oneself body getting better, dont partial eclipse, should eat what eat what, also can not to waste money... Say learning first, first put in front of winter vacation homework conscientious finished, although have a little arrangement diary teacher six chapters, but I want to do a few more, one is to exercise their writing level, the second is to allow yourself to practice patience, I also want to read more books, let oneself of the rich knowledge, I often read books, but like watching gobbledygook, dont take notes. This is no good, so in the end not enriched knowledge knowledge, it is a waste of time, a waste of time. Such as in the past winter vacation, I must study hard last term, in elementary school when miyoshi students, dont understand to ask, Im sure can do it, also please believe me!

As for exercise? I think Im too have no confidence, for instance said shooting, because I so small basketball in my hands touch the basket, I practiced for several times without success, feel oneself always shot, try a few times is useless. Later, I think learning anyway, dont go up, its no use, so, I have achieved in the final exam is not ideal. I will be patient ` confidence in doing anything, because only in this way can succeed in doing things.

Later, I must be in accordance with the plan to do, because it can make great progress.







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Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year! Families are all busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, set off firecrackers, very lively!

My home is not exceptional also, dad is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival. You see, this part is spring AnXia too, bottom allied is autumn JiDongXiang. Suddenly I saw my father stick f down, I am busy to shout: "f down, the fall". I was suddenly enlighted, originally f down is a blessing to the partial tone!

Put up Spring Festival couplets, its time to eat dinner, I sat on the table, looking at these delicious tot, salivate. Finally the dinner, I discovered, not effort to wipe out a bowl of rice, everyone looked at me with this mess, laughed. The toast, I end up glass to grandpa said "I wish you happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea running water." Then I wish my grandma dont live as long as the southern mountain pines. To have a drink and then I learn to the appearance of the adults, and suck up to hit the mouth, good wine and wine. Grandfather walked over to say: "small lovely grandchildren grow up, we will use the couplet." Grandma made a merry smile on her face, said: "I wish our little grandson study progress, day day up."

After eating dinner, we are satisfied from the table. Went to the yard, see the night sky was a lot of fireworks scarification, brighter than the stars! Dad has moved many firecrackers and fireworks, dad picking up a day monkey, peng, pa, say late, its fast, day monkey straight to the night sky, suddenly turned into a beautiful fireworks, float to the galaxy... I also took a small flashlight, of ones fingers itch rocking-turn, scattered out of the countless stars... Suddenly a fireworks a mute, didnt fry for 1, 2 minutes, impatient, dad picked up a bamboo pole tong, bamboo pole touched firecrackers, suddenly blow up, daddys glasses slipped off scared, I saw my father like this, smile and havoc. At the same time, I also remember that smile to smile, le le, but remember safety.

After firecrackers the climb up the door, I heard so tall, I climb door every year. Cannon spared, the door also climbed, should get a red envelope, grandpa gave me a red envelope, mysterious to me and said: "must under the pillow oh, so that we can bring you good luck!"

Time to go home, my grandma and grandpa said goodbye. All the way of the fireworks light up our way home...









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Today is Chinese New Year, was the day of family reunion, I waipojia New Years day this year.

After lunch, I found the red lanterns are hung from house to house, stick couplets on the Spring Festival, I also cant wait to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, and he said to mother: "mom, I want to stick couplets on the Spring Festival." Mother agreed. I just went to see my uncle and help put the ladder and take up Spring Festival couplets. Uncle put on the Spring Festival couplets of double-sided adhesive to off, then carefully stick Spring Festival couplets on the wall, to look left, look right, did alignment, so just stick Spring Festival couplets.

When we eat dinner, have applauded "pa" firecrackers outside. I have to succumb to, cant help to go outside to watch the beautiful fireworks, some like a chrysanthemum, some like a peach blossom, and like a light rain, beautiful! Watch, I also itching, want to set off firecrackers by our own hands. Grandpa let me go to some large firecrackers, I started a little dare not, first looked for a moment, found in adults, are not dangerous, at last I scary, carefully lit firecrackers to lead, I fly back immediately, "crackling crackling......" Good enough!

In the evening, our whole family sit together, eating snacks, watching the Spring Festival gala. The party is wonderful! Crosstalk, sketch, dancing and magic...

New Year is lively, everywhere decorated, every family is permeated with happy New Year. I wish you all a happy New Year!





