






全文共 619 字

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I learn Chines, math, English, PE, Nature and other subjects in school.

Among them, my favorite subjects are English, PE and Nature. English is an

interesting course that I like it very much. The pronunciation and spell are so

different from Chinese. In PE class, I can play games or doing exercises. After

all, sitting so long in classroom, having a class outside makes me relax. Nature

is really a wonderful subject that I can learn a lot in it. Its knowledge covers

astronomy, geography and biology. It’s helpful to know the world better. With

these subjects I like, I am eager to go to school and pay attention to my





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In many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. It is more

difficult for them to get some work than men. In order to get a job, they

sometimes have to tell a lie. Thats unfair. In fact, women can work no worse

than men. Theres nothing that women cant do.

Perhaps, they are better at their work than men. For example, in making

telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men

cant pick up the small pieces with their fingers. Like , they can also become

excellent engineers, doctors and teachers. So I am sure the day will come soon

when women can really get equal rights.


篇2:高二英语作文:Miraculous Life

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i never considered myself unique, but people are constantly telling me, "you are a miracle." to me, i was just an ordinary "guy" with realistic goals and big dreams. i was a 19-year-old student at the university of texas and well on my way toward fulfilling my "big dream" of one day becoming an orthopedic surgeon.


on the night of february 17, 1981 i was studying for an organic chemistry test at the library with sharon, my girlfriend of three years. sharon had asked me to drive her back to her dormitory as it was getting quite late. we got into my car, not realizing that just getting into a car would never quite be the same for me again. i quickly noticed that my gas gauge was registered on empty so i pulled into a nearby convenience store to buy 2.00 worth of gas. "ill be back in two minutes," i yelled at sharon as i closed the door. but instead, those two minutes changed my life forever.


entering the convenience store was like entering the twilight zone. on the outside i was a healthy, athletic, pre-med student, but on the inside i was just another statistic of a violent crime. i thought i was entering an empty store, but suddenly i realized it was not empty at all. three robbers were in the process of committing a robbery and my entrance into the store caught them by surprise. one of the criminals immediately shoved a .38 caliber handgun to my head, ordered me to the cooler, pushed me down on the floor, and pumped a bullet into the back of my head -- execution style. he obviously thought i was dead because he did not shoot me again. the trio of thieves finished robbing the store and left calmly.


meanwhile, sharon wondered why i had not returned. after seeing the three men leave the store she really began to worry as i was the last person she saw entering the store. she quickly went inside to look for me, but saw no one-only an almost empty cash register containing one check and several pennies. quickly she ran down each aisle shouting, "mike, mike!"


just then the attendant appeared from the back of the store shouting, "lady, get down on the floor. ive just been robbed and shot at!"


sharon quickly dropped to the floor screaming, "have you seen my boyfriend? he has auburn hair." the man did not reply but went back to the cooler where he found me choking on my vomit. the attendant quickly cleaned my mouth and then called for the police and an ambulance.

沙伦跌跌撞撞地过来哭喊到:“你见到我的男朋友了吗?长褐色头发的。” 那人默默走到冷冻机旁,找到了我,此时呕吐快令到我窒息了。他赶忙帮我擦干了嘴,叫了警察和救护车。

sharon was in shock. she was beginning to understand that i was hurt, but she could not begin to comprehend or imagine the severity of my injury.


when the police arrived they immediately called the homicide division as they did not think i would survive and the paramedic reported that she had never seen a person so severely wounded survive. at 1:30 a.m. my parents who lived in houston, were awakened by a telephone call from brackenridge hospital advising them to come to austin as soon as possible for they feared i would not make it through the night.


but i did make it through the night and early in the morning the neurosurgeon decided to operate. however, he quickly informed my family and sharon that my chances of surviving the surgery were only 40/60. if this were not bad enough, the neurosurgeon further shocked my family by telling them what life would be like for me if i beat the odds and survived. he said i probably would never walk, talk, or be able to understand even simple commands.


my family was hoping and praying to hear even the slightest bit of encouragement from that doctor. instead, his pessimistic words gave my family no reason to believe that i would ever again be a productive member of society. but once again i beat the odds and survived the three and a half hours of surgery. granted, i still could not talk, my entire right side was paralyzed and many people thought i could not understand, but at least i was stable. after one week in a private room the doctors felt i had improved enough to be transferred by jet ambulance to del oro rehabilitation hospital in houston.


my hallucinations, coupled with my physical problems, made my prognosis still very bleak. however, as time passed my mind began to clear and approximately six weeks later my right leg began to move ever so slightly. within seven weeks my right arm slowly began to move and at eight weeks i uttered my first few words. my speech was extremely difficult and slow in the beginning, but at least it was a beginning. i was starting to look forward to each new day to see how far i would progress. but just as i thought my life was finally looking brighter i was tested by the hospital euro-psychologist. she explained to me that judging from my test results she believed that i should not focus on returning to college but that it would be better to set more "realistic goals."


upon hearing her evaluation i became furious for i thought, "who is she to tell me what i can or cannot do. she does not even know me. i am a very determined and stubborn person!" i believe it was at that very moment that i decided i would somehow, someday return to college.


it took me a long time and a lot of hard work but i finally returned to the university of texas in the fall of 1983 -- a year and a half after almost dying. the next few years in austin were very difficult for me, but i truly believe that in order to see beauty in life you have to experience some unpleasantness. maybe i have experienced too much unpleasantness, but i believe in living each day to the fullest, and doing the very best i can. and each new day was very busy and very full, for besides attending classes at the university i underwent therapy three to five days each week at brackenridge hospital. if this were not enough i flew to houston every other weekend to work with tom williams, a trainer and executive who had worked for many colleges and professional teams and also had helped many injured athletes, such as earl campbell and eric dickerson. through tom i learned: "nothing is impossible and never, never give up or quit."


early, during my therapy, my father kept repeating to me one of his favorite sayings. i have repeated it almost every day since being hurt: "mile by mile its a trial; yard by yard its hard; but inch by inch its a cinch."


i thought of those words, and i thought of tom, my family and sharon who believed so strongly in me as i climbed the steps to receive my diploma from the dean of liberal arts at the university of texas on that bright sunny afternoon in june of 1986. excitement and pride filled my heart as i heard the dean announce that i had graduated with "highest honors", been elected to phi beta kappa, and been chosen as one of 12 deans distinguished graduates out of 1600 in the college of liberal arts. the overwhelming emotions and feelings that i experienced at that very moment, when most of the audience gave me a standing ovation, i felt would never again be matched in my life-not even when i graduated with a masters degree in social work and not even when i became employed full time at the texas pain and stress center. but i was wrong!


on may 24, 1987, i realized that nothing could ever match the joy i felt as sharon and i were married. sharon, my high school sweetheart of nine years, had always stood by me, through good and bad times. to me, sharon is my miracle, my diamond in a world filled with problems, hurt, and pain. it was sharon who dropped out of school when i was hurt so that she could constantly be at my side. she never wavered or gave up on me. it was her faith and love that pulled me through so many dark days. while other nineteen year old girls were going to parties and enjoying life, sharon devoted her life to my recovery. that, to me, is the true definition of love. after our beautiful wedding i continued working part time at the pain center and completed my work for a masters degree. we were extremely happy, but even happier when we learned sharon was pregnant.


on july 11, 1990 at 12:15 a.m. sharon woke me with the news: "we need to go to the hospital… my water just broke." i couldnt help but think how ironic it was that my life almost ended in a convenience store and now on the date "7-11" we were about to bring a new life into this world. this time it was my turn to help sharon as she had helped me over those past years. she was in labor for 15 hours. at 3:10 p.m. sharon and i experienced the birth of our beautiful daughter, shawn elyse segal! tears of joy and happiness came to my eyes as our healthy, alert, wonderful daughter entered this world. we anxiously counted her 10 fingers and her 10 toes and watched her wide eyes take in the world about her. it was truly a beautiful picture that was etched in my mind forever as she lie in her mothers waiting arms, just minutes after her birth. at that moment i thanked god for blessing us with the greatest miracle of all-shawn elyse segal.




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Generally speaking, the wise regard these sad things as their valuable

experiences which are indispensable in their life. Whats more, never do they

have sadness haunt themselves. Quickly, they get rid of sadness and find new

pleasures of life. Thus, their life always seems so fine. On the contrary, some

pessimists always have sadness haunt them. Their mind always wanders into past

sad events, which results in their moodiness and vexation daylong, and even

causes sleepless nights, poor diets, frequent headaches, etc. Obviously, none of

these results is what we want.



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Smoke has something for people in poor health, nicotine.

Nicotine in a cigarette can kill a mouse, 25 g of nicotine in cigarettes can kill a few cows, 40 to 60 mg of pure nicotine can kill a person.

The dangers of nicotine is also quite big, it can cause stomach or other stomach disease; Also can make the person causes heart disease cause rhythm of the heart is not straight; The outbreak of serious still can cause cancer.

Cigarettes are hidden in the invisible killer, around us are all should be vigilant.

According to scientists, the chemical composition of tobacco contains hundreds of complex, most harmful to human body, including tar, nicotine, phenols, alcohols, acids, aldehyde is 40 kinds of toxic and carcinogenic substance. Smoke after the fire, smoke, contains the chemical composition of tobacco in all, at the same time than the tobacco itself and added some harmful substances, such as carbon monoxide, tobacco tar and so on. This is because in addition to the tobacco itself, in the process of cigarette made, to add some cocoa in raw materials, liquorice, sugar, glycerin, such as ethylene glycol, moist, taste fragrance and combustion-supporting material. Although these additive itself is harmless, but changed in the process of combustion. For example, in the back of the rat with cocoa after burning smoke oil, can grow skin tumor. Glycyrrhizic acid in glycyrrhiza after burning, with other ingredients, can generate have carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Sugar increased after combustion with tobacco tar, and the product of sugar after combustion is an important carcinogens in tobacco. Glycerin and glycol after the burning of the material, not only can make smokers bladder cancer, and the acrolein inhibits the trachea and cilia secretion from the lungs, thereby increase the chances of suffering from bronchitis and emphysema, and make people with both became seriously ill.

Smoke harm to people is how great! So we cant smoke. Stop smoking, the benefit of future generations.


一枝香烟中的尼古丁可以毒死一只小白鼠,25g的香烟里的尼古丁可 毒死几头牛,40至60毫克纯尼古丁可以毒死一个人。







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As a high school student, I am always confused about myself. I want to

catch other peoples attention, I think most girls will have such desire. So

when I see the girls look so beautiful, I am so longing to be one of them. I

start to lose my weight and try not to eat the delicious food. Whats more, I

spend a lot of money to buy clothes. My friends have felt my change and some

boys look at me, I feel so happy. But in the long run, I feel lost, my friends

and I are not that close anymore. I cant focus attention on my study, then I

feel annoyed. I decide to give up losing weight and dressing beautiful clothes.

Everything is back on the track. I feel relieved and easy. This is the new me

and the real me.


When we meet difficulties, most of us will be feeling distressed, just like

the whole world is down and there is no hope for tomorrow. When we look back

after many years, the difficulties at that time are just small matters, only if

we can hold on to these. Life is wonderful, there is no need to let down on life

when we meet difficulties, like a popular song“How can we see the rainbow

without the storm”. Once I failed on the exam, I feel my world is over, I

couldn’t eat well, I just let my parents down, I was so guilty about it. My

teacher told me that the exam was not a big deal, I should forget it and kept

moving on. Since than, I work hard and trying to forget it. Now when I look back

on the failing exam, I think it is not a big deal.



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I have a belief deep down within my heart that my future will be bright。

My future will be bright with all my loving families。 Whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, they are always standing by my side。

My future will be bright with all the close and caring friends of mine。 Whenever I am sad and down, I know they would hold my hands and warm my heart。

My future will be bright with the belief in brighter days。 Life doesn’t always play by rules, and we must face the fact that there are days that things could be better。 But I have a belief which see me through the dark times。

I have a belief that joys once lost can always be found。

I have a belief that there is rainbows after every storm。

I have a belief that in the long run, my efforts will give back as much as I give, without a doubt。

This belief gives me hope that is as certain as sun when the world seems to be wearing a frown。

It is a steady and joyful light in my life。

It is a blessing I continue to count on through the years。

It is a light that will shine in me until the end of time。

It is a treasure a million times more valuable than the ones some people spend a lifetime trying to find。

Now, m dear friends, carry the sun inside you, and reach out for the dreams that guide you where you want to go。 You have what it takes to make your path of succe。You have the courage and strength to see things through。 You have the smile that will guide you to the beautiful tomorrows。

So, with so much to be thank for, I believe that my future will be bright, and I believe that our future will be bright!



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英语作文:Yesterday, my mother clean the house, she did the big cleaning, so she searched every corner of the house, many old things were dig out, like the toys when I owned at the very early age. But there was one thing surprised me most, it is my photo album, my mother was happy to find it, she opened it to me, I saw myself in different stages. The photo album recorded me since I was born, I saw the wonderful moment my parents wrote, like the date I first talked, my parents took the picture of the moment. Seeing these moments, I felt so thankful to my parents, for not only they recording these beautiful moment, but also for they raise me up, they are such good parents that they cultivate me with all their hearts. I will return them when I grow up.

【附翻译】 昨天,我的妈妈打扫了房子,她做了大扫除,所以她搜索了房间的每一个角落,很多旧东西被翻出来,比如我很小时候就有的玩具。但是有一样东西最让我震惊,那就是我的相册集,我的妈妈很高兴找到了它,她向是打开了相册集,我看到了不同时期的自己。相册集记录了从我出生起的一切,我看到了父母写下的美好时刻,比如我第一次说话的日子,他们也拍下了这个时刻。看到这些,我很感激父母,不仅仅是为了他们记录下的这些美妙的时刻,也是因为他们把我养大,他们是如此称职的父母,全心全意地养育了我。等我长大了要回报他们。



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The Dangers of the Fake Product

“Shan Zhai” is the new words to express fake products, people use it to express the highly imitated products, some manufacturers produce the Shan Zhai products to make great profit, but it is so unfair to the customers, they pay so much money in the purpose of buying the genius stuff instead of the fake products. Fake products not only cheats people’s money, but also brings people dangers. Such as the medicine, if people buy the fake one, once they eat it, they will feel uncomfortable and get the illness, the most terrible situation is that they will kill themselves. Fake product is so harmful, though the government has taken some action to ban it, still people sold it, it is the temptation of profit that makes people sold it. What if their relatives have bought the products, so in order to keep people healthy, fake products should be banned.




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随着时代的发展,我们的生活将会发生许多变化,下面三幅图片所描绘的情景有可能在未来的生活中变为现实,同学们可结合图片,发挥想象,展望未来的生活,以Life in the future为题,用英文写一篇100词左右的短文(开头语已给出,不计入总词数)。


Life in the future

As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives in the future. For example,

As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday life. For example, when we are hungry, we dont need to cook in a hurry. Just take some pills, and everything will be OK. When we are free, we can go anywhere by spacecraft. It will be very cheap, just like taking a taxi now. And of course, if we want to see what is like under the sea, just travel down there in a flying object like UFO. Maybe there will be a lot of cities and people living there. I think itll be very easy to travel anywhere, not only in our world, but also in space and in the deep sea.



篇10:高二年级英语作文:Christmas Eve

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The night before Christmas, people are bringing a sleeping quietly under the moonlight, the earth, on a quiet, they are waiting, waiting for the arrival of the new year.

See, thats who, a boy. He quietly sat in the window, watching the moon, seemed to be waiting for someone, but he was waiting for whom? Now, who else would come? I was somewhat puzzled by his behavior. But he is still sitting in the window waiting for, but sometimes look back at the clock

Bell rang, which means that the upcoming new year, the boys face appeared in a trace of a smile, suddenly, two reindeer pulling a car from the Moon Ben Lai, the car away from the boys, getting closer, boys excited : Santa came! birth to old Laila! he instinctively ran outside, loudly calling Santa Claus, Santa Claus with a smile, said: My child, what gift you want? My lame foot, and students often do not, and I play, I am very sad.I know you want anything. Santa Claus finished and walked out.

Early morning sun is so bright, the boy blinked his eyes, and found himself in the foot, and no good, he began to not believe in Santa Claus, then, the boy walking out of bed, watching the students the freedom to playing, watching watching, he smiled , laughed so naive, bright, he had never had such a laugh. He gradually realized that Santa Claus gave him the best in the world is a gift - Happy



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This is my house of the future.

In the living room, there will be a big TV and a long sofa. Well watch TV and Play there.

In the library, there will be a lot of books, DVDs and a DVD player. We will read books and listen to music there.

The kitchen will be big .Well cook and eat there.

In the bedrooms, there will be beds, tables, clothes and a robot . The robot will sweep the stairs, wash the vase, clean the lamp, water the plants, set the table, make the cake and clean the toilet.

In the swimming pool, there will be trees and a slide.

In the future, my mother will be younger and younger.



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On March 1st,2014, a great attack happened in Kunming, about ten guys from Sinkiang showed up inKunming train station, they took out prepared knifves, hurting people who were just walking around them. This accident is a great tragedy, people are shocked by what the gangsters did, it just happened so suddenly. This accident reminds people of how to protect themselves when attack happens. First, just to run. When we meet the gangster, the first thing is to run, the fast, the better, until you are far away from them. Second, if you don’t have enough time to run, then find a place to hind quickly. The place should be near you, having something to cover, don’t be afraid of the dirty environment, just to hind. Third, if you are caught by the gangsters, don’t fight with them, do as what they told you, only this will you have a chance to get away from them.




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As we all know, a better result of study can be brought by a better study environment. As a result, it is necessary for us to build the green campus. The green campus can not only provide a good environment for our study, but also be a part of build the harmonious society.

The green campus is not only the environmental being green, but also the sprite being green, which means we should do other things like helping each other or caring each other. Therefore, we should both beautify the campus environment and create a campus culture.

As middleschool students, we enjoy the campus time while we have responsibility to build our green campus. In spiritual term, we should respect teachers, classmates and other people work for the school. In environmental term, we should have good habits to keep campus in a clean surrounding.






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living in a big city英语作文(一)

Compared to last years statistics, this year more and more youngsters would like to launch a career in first-tier cities. There is no doubt that residing in big cities brings more chances to be hired and promoted. Futher benefits associated with big cities are higher income, indeed decent social status, and the most prevalent pastimes.

Virtually, each coin has two sides. There are also lots of disadvantages living in first-tier cities. With the explosive growth of house price and higher price of commodities,inevitably, you would burden more pressure living in big cities. Likewise, big city has a dense and large population. As a result, you may encounter vast crowds of people when you are out, and you have to wait in a long queues at the hospitals when you get ill as well.

In my points, only by discovering yourself and knowing whats your niche areas can you hope to lead a better life. As for fortune, as for fame, they are of no consequence just like floating clouds. Nothing is more significant than your own happiness.

living in a big city英语作文(二)

The city is the place where all industrial, cultural and educational centers are situated. In big cities you can find museums, theaters, clubs, cinemas, big shops and hospitals, comfortable modern flats.

People try to live in cites because all necessary objects are situated nearby. For example if you get ill a hospital or a chemists shop will be situated near your home in the city, and if you live in the country it will be hard to find any medical help very quickly.

Also in big cites you can find all sorts of entertainment such as cinemas, clubs entertaining parks and so on. Many people like to spend their free time there because it helps them to relax and bring them a lot of pleasure.

It is really convenient that everything you need in daily life is situated near you. One of the most important comforts of big cites is that you can quickly get everywhere you like by underground, bus, trolleybus. Also in big cities there is electricity therefore you can use electrical devices such as TV sets, computers, radio, microwave oven, refrigerators and so on.

One more thing, without which it would be impossible to live today is the telephone and where there is a telephone there is also Internet. The communication (связь) has huge value in the life of people and we have got used to it to such extent that if there is no telephone we feel uncomfortable and lonely.

Yes, it is really comfortable, and at first glance everything is good but nowadays big cites there are a great amount of cars and factories. Big cites suffer of overpopulation, dirty air, and water, The streets became noisy and after hardworking day people cannot relax.

People try to do everything to go to the countryside because only there they can find silence. Every holiday and every weekend people try to leave their houses and go to the country.

I live in … district. The ecological conditions here are very bad because near my house a lot of industrial objects are situated. For example near … factory is situated. As for me I prefer to live in a big city because a lot of big shops are situated near my home, but I also like to spend my holidays in the country because after living in the city for about 9 months I begin to get tired.



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In this paper, I have learned a lot of things, but I think the first one is the cause of global warming, the increase of carbon dioxide.


Why carbon dioxide will increase? I think the reason is often drive, raising livestock, food factory emissions of smoke...... Etc.. But these are all can solve them together, it can improve the Earth continues to warm, for example: the destination is close enough to ride a bike; destination long enough, can take the public transport; waste livestock treated and then discharged into the Hanoi factory; to build a waste treatment plant...... Etc..


Please do not underestimate the power of carbon dioxide, when the sea level rise, urban water and farmland submerged, eventually facing food shortage. Please call with me: "stop the harm to the earths behavior! Only one earth on which we live. "



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In the future,I want to be a lawyer.

Because I think a lawyer can help people with their knowledge.

So.what can I do?

First I will try my best to learn law,then I will read lots of law books,next I will pratice law every day,finally I will go to LAW SCHOOL improve my law.

I am sure my dream will come true in the future!



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I love reading, which enriches my knowledge and helps me know more about

the world. I love the school atmosphere. Students study together here and make

progress gradually. My favorite place here is library. I can read many books

here. Once I have some questions, I can find a lot of information. We fight for

the goal and plan details in the library in group task. I have so many good

memories to study here, which makes me so happy. No matter which school I am in,

I will always find this quiet corner and study what I like. I love the feelings




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Books are our best friends. They are very dear to us because they give us a

lot of pleasure and sincerely advise us how to get alone in this world. And when

we come across difficulties, we often turn to them for help. Good books in need

are good friends indeed.

However, not all the books are worth reading. Some books contains violence

or sexual scenes are not good for people, especially teenagers to read. While

some books are too simple or too difficult, others are not interesting enough.

As time is quite limited, so it’s wise for all of us to choose to books that

suit for us to read.

So, it is important to make the wise use of books. We should read different

kinds of books. The books that give us knowledge which we can not learn in the

class, the books give us pleasures and the books which remain us do not forget

the past. What’s more ,we must try to apply to practice what we learn from




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Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, I got up early, put on uniforms, wearing a red scarf, came to school early. After school, the teacher let us lined up, listening to the presidents speech, we set off together. Today the weather is good, sunny, warm spring breeze blowing in the face, warm comfortable, we row tidy team, holding a red flag, under the guidance of the teacher, to Wenshan to sweep the tombs, I looked back and saw the team, Wang Budao edge.


Its a long way, but we do not feel tired, went to Wenshan, we first to the martyrs martyrs oath, and with his own hands to do small white flowers. And sing a song for martyrs. Finally, the teacher took us to visit the museum, posed for pictures, the time off really fast, imperceptibly to noon, my mother to take me home, I also really a little be reluctant to part.



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One story about Jack,an Irishman,who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money.So he was sent to hell.But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan),so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.

Well,Irish children made Jacks lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip,hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside.And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla.The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."

The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just childrens fun night.Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.


在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和萝卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛.为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物.这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o-lantern .

