2020送给好朋友的一封信5篇合集 其它书信作文英语热门20篇

你也许会问,诚信到底是什么?她可以简单地理解为诚实守信。每个人都应该有诚信。诚信本来源于人类的商品交流。回想一下,我们每天去菜场买菜、去商场购物等等,其实都是一种诚信的表现。这些诚信虽然不是书面的文字,这里给大家分享一些2020送给好朋友的一封信5篇合集 其它书信作文英语,供大家学习。






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Dear Mary,

I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very

interesting here.

There are so many similarities between Beijing and London. They are both

the capital of the country and are both very important cities. Both places have

huge populations. They are both the economical, political and cultural center.

They both have many historical and cultrual

I also found many differences in the two cities. In London we drive on the

left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right side. Most

people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most

people rides bycicles. In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing

most the the time it‘s sunny. And in London most student don‘t spend their time

efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study







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ear mr.wang,

i am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to that

unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a


if it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, i

fear that the consequences might have been much serious. everyone agrees that it

was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this

satisfactory outcome.

although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be

unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. if there were more

people like you, the world would be a nicer place.

yours sincerely,

li ming



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Related enterprises:

To promote the industrialization of agriculture, commercial construction,

promote the name special new agricultural and sideline products production,

processing and marketing docking, agricultural enterprises project development

and social institutions and financing docking, characteristics exploitation of

agricultural resources and high-tech research results into the butt.

The purpose of pragmatic, efficient, convenient thrift, Chinese business

enterprise management Association of Rural Business Development Committee

(hereinafter referred to as "Chinas Rural Commercial Commission") 20__ is

scheduled for early September 2007 in Beijing held 20__. Beijing special new

agricultural and sideline products production, sale and development of

cooperation Fair.

Fair fitting in the selection of a certain strength of a special new

agricultural and sideline products production enterprises (Regional Industry

Association), in Beijing selection about 10 large-scale wholesale markets,

supermarket chains, also invited some institutions buy units, and benefit of

financial institutions, Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the news media to

participate in, and invited the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Commerce,

all China Federation of supply and marketing cooperatives, ministries and

leaders to attend. Sincerely welcome the willingness of participation and

support of business registration, the title sponsor of this event. The relevant

matters are as follows:

The organizer: Chinese Commercial Commission

Support unit: Information center of the Ministry of Agriculture

Time and place:

Time: 20__ in early September (2 days), the specific time to be registered

after the notification of the participating units,

Location: seven Beijing Road, No. 22 Fengtai District Zhuang Yingxiang




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There was once a Piers family, and the father of the group divided his

son’s equally between them for homes.

The greedy son named Cassim, married a rich wife and of course got rich

himself. The other one, named Ali Baba, was not half of greedy as he was, and

married a poor wife and remained as poor as usual.

One day Ali Baba went to town where he knew was a wood in the end; he

brought with him three mules and an axe to load wood. Ali Baba only finished

loading half his mules with wood, when he heard a thumping sound coming from not

far away; he thought it was in the fields.

As they came nearer and nearer, Ali Baba began to feel more like they were

robbers. So he decided to leave his mules and save himself, and he climbed up a

tree nearby, and waited until the robbers went away.

Ali Baba was patient, and waited for the robbers to go away; after the

robbers tied their horses to the fence in town, they came under the tree which

Ali Baba had left his mules; he found the robbers approaching a big rock, and

found the captain of the leaders standing in the front of the big rock. And then

pronounced the words, “Open sesame!” the mouth of the cave immediately opened

wide, and the robbers went inside; the captain went in last. After a few minutes

Ali Baba found the robbers coming out with bags in their hands, since the

captain of the robbers went in last he came out first that is for sure! And then

the captain of the robbers stood at the mouth of the cave again, and pronounced

the words, “Close sesame!” and the door immediately closed shut very tightly.

And then robbers hopped on their horses, and galloped away through the


Ali Baba stared at them for a long time until he couldn’t see them.

And so Ali Baba got down from the tree, and went to the big rock. And as he

knew the words, he pronounced, “Open sesame!” the door immediately opened. Then

he went inside. To Ali Baba’s surprise, he found a golden chamber, and in it was

gold and diamonds of all kinds! Ali Baba couldn’t even believe his luck!



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dear teacher ,

i am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning english

and speaking english.

during these days in your class, i have learned much from you and it is

very helpful to me. firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking

pattern—straight thinking pattern. and, i think, it is very important to

understand the west’s thoughts. as you know, this can help me with my

examination and interaction with foreigners. secondly, i have got enough

confidence in speaking in english from your class and it took me a long time to

gain this confidence. now, i always express my ideas in english as possible as i

can. it’s great to do that. the last not the least, i find that learning english

is not an boring thing as before and i’m interested in studying english which

was just a necessary task to pass examinations. reading, listening or speaking

all become interesting and i really enjoy it.

above all, i want to say thanks again to you. and thank you for your


good luck!



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Dear Mercy,


How is everything going! Last time you said you are anxious now because you

find it hard to learn English well. Don’t worry. I think you have to improve

your English step by step. And I will right behind you. In my view, you should

develop you interest on English first. According to my experience, I think

watching English movie, listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in

English on the Internet would be helpful. Secondly, you have to prepare lessons

before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the class. I

know you feel bored in the class, but you have force yourself to be

concentrated. A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn English.

The left steps I will tell next time. By the way, we have not seen each other

since your family move to Hunan a year ago. Have you ever thought about going

back to visit me and learn English together in the coming Summer vacation.

Looking forward to your reply.


Best wishes,




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I name is li ming yang .Im nine years old.Im grade 4 in no 1 classroom ,I m

thin and short.

I love isenglish and love is chinese,I love reading is english book,I likes

vegetable and apple.I love cat,No love dog.

This is me!



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dear zhang wei,

i’m glad to know that you are coming to my city during the summer vacation.

however, i’m afraid there’s some bad news. i’m planning to take part in an international conference to be held in another city during the time of your visit.

all the top scientists in my field will show up at the conference.

more importantly, i’m lucky enough to have been selected to give a speech on behalf of my research team at the conference. i really can’t miss it.

i understand that it’ll be your first time to this city and i’m your only friend here. i’ve asked my roommate to meet you at the airport, and you can stay in my room.

he is a very nice person and he will show you around the city. hope you two will get on well and have a nice holiday!


li ming



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Dear Mr. Wang,


Recently, our class held the "Beautiful Christmas Chorus Competition" activity, I was unable to participate in the school recitation team recording activity, so I feel very sorry.

Remember Monday, you asked the students: "these days there are two festivals - Christmas and New Years Day, which holiday do you want to celebrate? We happen to coincide with the selection of "Christmas", of course, this is also my favorite holiday, it can be seen that we love Christmas in particular. Although, the festival chose my favorite, but when the team leader, not so gratified. You let the students recommend, but for some reason, the students did not choose me. I think, if you can recommend yourself first, then let the students vote on it. Because only let the students recommend or vote, the recommended students may not want to be, while the equivalent students like me, but may not have the opportunity, do you think I said reasonable?

Teacher, in fact, this is a small matter, the most regrettable is not able to spend Christmas with my classmates. How I envied bu Qingyang the other day for his successful participation in the party! Do you know? That afternoon, during the rehearsal of the recitation team, we were absent-minded, dejected and extremely sad.

Teacher, in fact, I understand your work, you are also for our good, I just want to talk with you about my heart.


The work is smooth

Song Yuxuan



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Dear Sir,

I noticed an ad. In the paper today you said you were looking for people to

join your expedition team. It sounded as if it might be fun so Im writing to

say Id like to come along.

About myself: I left school at 16 because I wanted to earn a bit of money.

After that I got a few part-time jobs as a waiter, etc. But I didnt stick to

any of them for long. Recently Ive been doing a bit of hitch-hiking round

Europe so Ive had some experience of traveling the hard way which should come

in handy on the expedition youre planning. By the way, Im a great guitarist so

I can keep you all amused round the campfire at night.

Let me know when I can call in for a chat about dates and other details,



David Smith



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我爱您与酒的渊源,因为酒里有您,您在诗里。酒中有乐,酒中有趣,酒中有天地。饮酒世人皆能,但能喝得如此潇洒,如此豪放,自古至今未有几人。您的后辈杜甫曾说过“李白斗酒诗百篇,长安市上酒家眠。天子呼来不上船,自称臣是酒中仙。” 还有您不认识的余光中先生也在《寻李白》中唱道:“酒入豪肠,七分酿成了月光,剩下的三分啸成剑气,随口一吐就是半个盛唐。”如此的盛誉,都只属于您一个人,您是诗仙更是酒仙。


这酒里有您“对酒忽思我,长啸临清飙。”置酒会的乐趣;有您“与尔同消万古愁”对岁月流逝的感慨;有您“唯愿当歌对酒时,月光长照金樽里。”用表面的行乐狂欢痛饮,来掩盖对事实的无奈。是啊,在现实和自由,理想世界相对立中中,您遭到的是权贵的排挤、嘲笑、冷遇、谗言,可是不甘心轻易地抛弃自己热衷的追求,于是您喝醉了,只有在这酒中的天地您才能找回真正的自己。喝了酒,您敢于骂那些小人,敢于让权倾朝野的高力士为他脱鞋,敢于对集万千宠爱于一身的杨贵妃指手画脚,敢于醉眼斜视九五之尊的唐玄宗?? 我爱您的真诚与豪放,因为你面对权贵好不妥协,因为自己真诚的自和对小人真诚的愤怒。您不愿和别人一样,您热爱自然同时也眷恋官场,儒家道教思想牵绊着您,高傲的个性指引着您。您的轻财好施,您的豪情,都太不适合实际了。您想当官,又不想近朱者赤、近墨者黑,与他们同流合污,不去巴结,不去阿谀奉陈,只想以诗、酒会友。您把官场简单化了,可是您依然能在那样的环境下去取得自己的成绩,多么令我羡慕。







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22 March 2006

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you for a rapid response to our invitation. Enclosed you will find an outline of events to take place during International Week here at the University of Montana. I will also list a number of possible speaking engagements so that you can choose those things in which you are most interested. As far as topics are concerned, the topics for classroom visits are generally determined by the professor, but most professors are very flexible. We have approximately thirty-five faculty members that teach courses in Asian Studies, ranging from language and culture to history and economics.

Here is a tentative schedule:

Sunday, April 8th

10 am - Cultural Exhibition opens

12 am - International Festival begins with a speech by the university president and an introduction of visiting dignitaries

1-5 pm - Opportunity to visit festival, interact with student performers, taste foods

6 pm - Dinner with Director of Mansfield Center Phil West, Ambassador Mark Johnson, and staff of Mansfield Center

As you can see, there is tremendous interest in China here at the University of Montana. Please let me know if this outline suits your purpose, and if not, please dont hesitate to offer any suggestions for changes. We can arrange as many or as few speaking engagements as you have time for.

Thank you for your attention and enthusiasm.

Yours sincerely,

Lily Ma



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My name is Huang Jun Bo. I’m fourteen years old. I live in San Wei. I live

in a house with my mother, father and brother. I have many friends. My best

friend is named Xiao qian, Hai bin and Zhi heng. They are in my class at school.

I am 1.56 mitres tall. My favourite foods are chicken and fish. My favourite

colour is blue.

Have you studied any other languages in school? I am learning English now.

But my English is bad. My teacher told me that to learn a language well. I need

to use it and talk to people in it. I need more than hard at English. I have

spoken English all morning today!

I wish you teach me some about English’s knowledge. I hope improve my

English. Can you help me?

I would like to learn more in Xiao he. What do you like to do? What do you

like colour and foods best? What do you look like?

I love you,Xiao he.

Huang jun bo



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I have a good friend named Cheng, He is a humorous and cheerful person. He

is tall and fat. He has a chubby round face and a pair of black and blue glasses

on the bridge of his short nose. The little eyes narrowed into a slit when

laughing. He also has a loud voice and a eloquent mouth. He sometimes pretends

to be serious, like a little adult.

We often read, study and play games together. What makes me most happy is

playing Taekwondo. Qiye taught me Taekwondo. I worshipped him as my teacher. He

first taught me the basic attack Zha Ma Bu. At first, I learned from him, put

my feet apart, stretched my arms straight, and said with a smile, "this is a

standing horse step"! I squatted down. He frowned like a coach and said

seriously, "this is a squatting horse step!"! I quickly stood up again. He

pointed happily and said, "yes, thats the position. Hold it for ten minutes."

But this half squat is so difficult that I cant hold on for a minute. He saw me

lazy, standing there with my waist crossed, complaining while angry. Looking at

his little adult appearance, I couldnt help falling to the ground laughing and

stammering: Master... Stop talking. "There are so many jokes because of a horse


This is our friendship.






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Dear principal:

Hello! Is the body coming in well?

headmaster! Have you found any shortcomings in the school recently? At the

back of the school there is a trail to the outside of the school. Sometimes when

the last class is physical education, some people go back from there first; when

the school door is not open at noon, some students enter the school from there,

disturbing other students to take a nap.

headmaster! In the middle of the teaching building and the laboratory

building, there are two lawns. When spring and summer come, a lot of grass will

grow, making it impossible for people to play on it. headmaster! I suggest that

you turn those two lawns into lotus ponds with pavilions and paths. When the

students have finished a few classes, they are a little tired, so they can rest

on it; relax. In this way, you will have sufficient energy in class and listen


Wish: Good health and smooth work!


Your student:









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My English name is LiLy. I have lots of hobbies.

I like goto the shopping mall buy somebeautiful dresses,skirts,foods.

I like surf the internet to play some games and listen to the music.

I like play with my good friends.And I like readbooks.

I like eat spicy foods, sweets , chickens , and ice cream.

I like play the basketball andplay the piano.



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David Beckham and his families are so famous around the world, no matter

where they go, they will catch the medias attention. The four lovely children

are favored by people, too. It is said that David makes family rules. He and his

wife tell their children to be polite and love each other. The children remember

that and behave so well. Everybody loves them.



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Tom is my best friend. Who is he? He is a dog. He is a special dog. My

father give him to me at my 10 year birthday. The moment I saw him, I love him.

His fur is white. He is very lovely. He knows how to make me happy. Everyday

when I come back from school, I will play with him. He is also smart. He will

drag my quilt if I sleep late. Besides, if my clock doesn’t alarm in the

morning, he will bark at me. See, he is so clever that I couldnt help loving

