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The Internet is one of the most discoveries of the twentieth century . More and more people or using the Internet . They usually use internet to send E-mails and play games . In many ways it has changed or will change our way of life .

Firstly , it will change our way of communication . We will exchange information with others on Internet instead of letters or telephones , which is much cheaper and faster and contains much more information .

Secondly , we can get information very quickly . Actually we can get information from all over the world in just a few minutes . It saves a lot of time .

Thirdly , we can make many friends through the internet . We can get in touch with people faraway , even from foreign conrtres . They can tell us a lot about their own counties .

Fourthly , we can buy things through Internet without going out and enjoy ourselves with some films and songs at home .

Furthermore , we can have on-line course-course in which students follow the Internet . We can work at home and in our own time . This enables us to use our time more flexibly .

In a word , Internet will change our life in many ways and it will be very helpful it we use the Internet wisely .




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In light of recent celebrity photo leaks from their cloud accounts, one major topic at this years China Internet Security Conference is cloud security. People have all heard the term "cloud" so many times, but what exactly is it?

The cloud refers to software and services that run on the Internet instead of your computer. Apple’s iCloud, for example, is a popular cloud service, as well as Dropbox and Google Drive.

The advantages of using the cloud? First, you can access your documents, photos and videos from anywhere. Your home, the office, on the train, as long as you’re connected to the Internet. You can also access your files from multiple devices like an iPhone, an iPad or a computer. And to make things even better, you don’t have to worry about backups, because most cloud services automatically saves your data for you.

The only problem is, when you a file from one device, make sure it’s d from the cloud too. Otherwise, a copy of it will be left in the cloud.



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“Shan Zhai” is the new words to express fake products, people use it to express the highly imitated products, some manufacturers produce the Shan Zhai products to make great profit, but it is so unfair to the customers, they pay so much money in the purpose of buying the genius stuff instead of the fake products. Fake products not only cheats people’s money, but also brings people dangers. Such as the medicine, if people buy the fake one, once they eat it, they will feel uncomfortable and get the illness, the most terrible situation is that they will kill themselves. Fake product is so harmful, though the government has taken some action to ban it, still people sold it, it is the temptation of profit that makes people sold it. What if their relatives have bought the products, so in order to keep people healthy, fake products should be banned.




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小明原来可不是这样,他原来是一个很听话的小孩,考试次次得100分,动不动就获奖。但由于一个坏同学的诱惑,才渐渐走上网络游戏的道路,成绩渐渐下滑,从名列前茅到了中偏下的成绩,然后又渐渐成了班里学习最差的同学,而在远处工作的妈妈却毫不知情。而且,他在学校动不动就跟同学们讨论关于游戏的事情。 放暑假了。这可是小明盼望以久的事情,因为在暑假里,自己可以无忧无虑的玩,玩多久都可以,而他的母亲对他特别放心,很少会回来一趟,只是电话打得比较多,而每次小明都是接电话,欺骗妈妈自己正在做作业。在暑假快要结束的前十天,小明连续打了五天,饿了就吃点剩饭,渴了就喝点白开水,不睡觉,彻夜在网络世界中玩。终于,有一天,小明在玩游戏中不知不觉昏倒了,他的母亲正巧在这个时候给他打了一个电话,可是以往小明都会来接电话,可这一次却没有来接电话,小明的母亲觉得家里发生了一些事儿,于是便立刻回到家,发现小明昏倒在电脑前,而电脑里显示出的是游戏,小明的妈妈立刻抱起儿子上医院。




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两年前,小新开始沉浸在网络里,学习成绩陡然下降。初中还没有毕业便辍学。 因担心儿子整天沉迷于网吧,小新的妈妈让他照看家里的台球桌。小新把看台球桌挣的钱拿去上网。后来家里不再提供上网的钱,小新就想到了偷。今年6月上旬,小新偷了爸爸2000多元在网吧呆了一个星期。父亲的一顿打骂对小新来说已经起不到任何作用。

仅仅几天后,上网的欲望又像虫子一样噬咬着他的心。此时,爸爸月初给奶奶生活费时说的一番话浮现出来。“爸爸说爷爷那儿有4000多块钱,当时听了也没太注意,后来就想去偷爷爷的钱。 6月15日中午就去爷爷家,晚上,看爷爷奶奶都已经睡了,就去翻,可一想怕把奶奶吵醒了,就想用菜刀把奶奶砍伤了再翻。” 睡梦中的奶奶倒在了血泊中,响声惊动了爷爷。不顾一切的小新又将菜刀砍向了他。爷爷受伤后逃出家门。小新翻箱倒柜也没有找到那4000元钱,只在奶奶兜里找到了两元钱。事后,小新的爷爷说,那是奶奶为孙子准备的早点钱。小新捏着两元钱在村口的一个洞里躲了起来。想来想去,还是投案自首了。





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一,身体伤害:玩电脑多了,很容易近视,此外,如果还沉迷下去,无法自拔的话,就会有严重的伤害,比如说:1、细胞癌化促进作用 2、荷尔蒙不正常3、钙离子激烈流失4、痴呆症的引发 5、异常妊娠异常生产 6、高血压心脏病 7、电磁波过敏症 8、自杀者的增加等身体上的伤害。






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Recently, the topic of air pollution has again aroused more and more attention since pollution haze, a kind of weather, has appeared increasing frequently in our cities. Just as the picture showed, when pollution haze comes, the whole city was covered with suspended particles which can breath into our body causing heavy problem to our health.

Due to the bad effect from pollution haze, a green and clear environment, rather than anything else, turns to be an important role and a urgent issue in our daily lives. Meanwhile we just live in only an earth, if we didn’t try to protect our common hometown, we would have no place to settle.

Thus, we should take effective measures to rebuild our beautiful environment of the cities from now on.

In my opinion, law and regulations should be enforced by the government and authorities to control the emission of polluting gas. To ourselves, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and choose a green lifestyle to make contribution to our earth day from day



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everything lives with opposite forces。 the same can be said about modern technology, such asInternet

at first glance internet offers us excitement and a worl of promise。 frankly speaking, people who have some ideas of it can not deny the merits born with the system。 for instance,it can improve proficiency in scientific research, for by means of it scientists and researchers can get a global look at the latest development in the field concerned and accordingly they need spend no time doing what has already been done。 in view of personal communication, the most convenient means could be peculiar to internet, too。

while people speak highly of internet, its drawbacks shouldnt be neglected。 sometimes, alittle fatal breakdown of the system, or a disastrous error could bring us an enormous amount of damage and loss。 meanwhile, with lnternets replacement of hooks or the written work as the main source of information, humans writing abilities are weakened and relations between people are desalinated。

however, every country on this planet should work hard to develop the system to serve us more efficiently and comfortably, because in the net all countries are interrelated。




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In recent years, the Internet has been gaining its popularity at an amazing rate. Some people suggest that the Internet brings us a lot of benefits. But on the other hand, there are also many people who strongly advocate that its drawbacks should not be ignored.

Those who favor that the Internet has many advantages give their reasons as follows. In the first place, the Internet brings us great convenience and efficiency.In the second place, we can make friends with people from all parts of the world. Furthermore, the Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe.

However, For one thing, it can easily lead to psychological problems.For another, there is a sharp rise in the number of cyber crimes.

For my part, I completely agree with the latter view that the Internet has more disadvantages than advantages.




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Nowadays, there is a widespread concernover/debate about 中心议题. Undoubtedly, there areboth advantages and disadvantages in the Internet .

Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, 优点一. And secondly 优点二.

However, as a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides, and the Internet is noexception. The negative aspects of the Internet are also quite apparent. To begin with, 缺点一. In addition, 缺点二.

To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of the Internet into full play, and reduce thedisadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, We will definitely make a betteruse of the Internet .



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With the development of economy, an increasing number of people (more and more people) appreciate role in our lives and has been used in many fields. Whats more, it has even entered the homes of ordinary people. it also helps us communicate with overseas friends more effectively.

Obviously, different people have got different attitude about the internet. There are some possible reasons for the present situation. Some people think that the internet also do harmful thing to our human beings. In the first place, some people poured most of their energy in chatting on internet. it wastes much time and money. In the second place, some people watch the sexual pictures and movies on internet, which makes them down. Last but not lease, they are out of the business. the lack of physical exercise is due to the fact that people spend too much time on internet.




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The Danger of Online Love Affair

As the Internet has been widely developed, searching the Internet has been part of our life. We use the Internet to communicate with friends and make new friends, as the way to know somebody becomes easy, people like to make friends through computer. Often two strangers know through Internet, they talk for a while and feel it is so comfortable to chat. So they develop their love relationship on the Internet. Such phenomenon is so common today. It has been reported that many teenagers addicted in love affair in the Internet, some of them get hurt while they met with the other. As the two strangers never meet, what they told each other is always not true, one of them may be bad guy, he may in want of money, meeting them is very dangerous. Teenagers are the main victims of the love affair online, because they are so young and innocent, teenagers should take care with it.




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Haze weather is formed by natural and man-made environmental pollution, in the face of such bad weather, we only take various measures to avoid its harm to people normal life and health.

1. Out less. Resistance to weak children, older people and those with respiratory system diseases of vulnerable groups should reduce as far as possible go out, or reduce outdoor activities, go out wearing a mask protection body, prevent pollutants by the nose and mouth into the lungs, go out, after returning from the should immediately wash face and skin.

2. Reduce the outdoor exercise. Haze weather low pressure, low visibility, suspended in the air of a large number of toxic particles such as dust, obstructive patients with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, should avoid outdoor exercise, so as to avoid causing chronic diseases to attack or increasing. Fog weather same low pressure, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other chronic diseases patients for outdoor exercise, so as to avoid inducing angina pectoris, heart failure. Medium and heavy haze weather is easy to cause stimulation of human respiratory system, especially the poor air quality in the morning. Often, without the cold air activities and the weather such as rain and snow, strong wind, the exercise time before had better choose in the morning to the evening air are of good quality and high visibility of the time, location is good with how much grass tree, haze weather should be moderately reduce the amount of exercise and exercise intensity.

3. Close the doors and Windows. Due to the fog haze weather, the pollutants in the air to dissipate, should be closed doors and Windows in fog weather, avoid the fog into outdoor, indoor pollution of indoor air induced acute respiratory and cardiovascular disease.

4. Pay attention to diet. Patients with chronic respiratory diseases, in particular the elderly to maintain the scientific life rule, avoid excessive overworked, extra water. To pay attention to light diet, eat less excitant food, eat more foods such as tofu, milk, and vitamin D supplements should be carried out if necessary.

5. The walk to be careful of driving. Medium and heavy fog weather, visibility is low, the line of sight is poor, driving, cycling and walking people should be more careful, especially through the intersection and the unattended railway, to slow down and obey the traffic rules, to avoid traffic accidents.




3. 关闭门窗。由于雾霾天气时,空气中的污染物难以消散,在大雾的天气应紧闭门窗,避免室外雾气进入室内污染室内空气,诱发急性呼吸道和心血管疾病的发生。

4. 注意饮食。患有慢性呼吸道疾病患者,尤其是老年人要保持科学的生活规律,避免过度劳累,多饮水。要注意饮食清淡,少食刺激性食物,多吃些豆腐、牛奶等食品,必要时要补充维生素D。




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As can be seen from the picture, a man with an ax on his right side sitting on a stump just wants to cut the flourishing big tree under the beautiful sunshine when suddenly the tree raises its hand to stop him. What does this drawing intend to tell us? That is to tell us that we should put forward on protecting trees and our forests.

As is known to us,the areas of our forests are becoming sharply less and less.Some selfish people are eager to obtain self-interests from cutting trees ignoring the serious consequences.Trees are humans friends and they are extremely hlepful to us.They are not only bring us shade in hot summer but also prevent cold wind in winter. Whats more importance?they can preserve good soil .Just imagine what would be like if the soil were rushed off leaving only sand instead.Thats very terrible!

To serve as responsible stewards of the planet,we must be awaken to what we are engaging in,we should accacelerate our pace to protect our forests.The Earth that we have is unique,let the fresh flowers bloom on it everywhere!

