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Why do leaves change color in the fall? asks Patricia Brown, of New York City.

Autumns cool days are trimmed with deep blue skies and golden light, and brilliant leaves of yellow, orange and red. Leaves changing color in the fall are a trees way of preparing for long winter, rather like we put up storm windows and pull warm clothes and blankets out of storage.

In summer, the leaves on trees like pin oaks and sugar maples are green because they are chock-full of the green pigment chlorophyll.

Trees need sunlight to produce chlorophyll. In turn, chlorophyll uses sunlights energy to split water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen. Meanwhile, leaves also absorb carbon dioxide gas from the air. The end products of leaf chemistry: carbohydrates (homemade plant food for the tree), and oxygen, released into the air (the gas we need to breathe). The whole process is called photosynthesis.

Along with green chlorophyll, most leaves also contain yellow, orange and red-orange pigments celled carotenoids. Trees dont need light to make carotenoids. Botanists call them "helper pigments," because carotenoids absorb some sunlight and (nicely) pass the energy along to chlorophyll. We dont see much of these deputy pigments (carotene, lycopene, and xanthophyll) in summer, because they are masked by abundant green chlorophyll.

But the ever-shortening days of fall mean less daylight and colder weather. The average tree is rushing to save all the nutrients it can for its winter hibernation. Nitrogen and phosphorus are pulled from leaves for storage in branches. A layer of corky cells grows between the leaves stems and their branches, reducing the leaves supply of nutrients and water.

With diminished sunlight, water, and nutrients, chlorophyll synthesis slows. Old, worn-out chlorophyll breaks down at the usual rate--ironically, sunlight destroys it--so each leafs stock gradually dwindles. And as the green fades, yellow and orange emerge from hiding.

Unlike the green and yellow pigments, red and purple pigments (anthocyanins, part of the flavonoid class) actually form in leaves in the autumn, tinting leaves scarlet and burgundy.

Botanists have long wondered why some trees are genetically programmed to manufacture anthocyanins in the fall. New research indicates that anthocyanins may be a trees own sunscreen.

Anthocyanins are made in a leafs sugary sap, with the help of lots of sun and cool temperatures. Botanists think that anthocyanins shield the leaves fading photosynthesis factories from too much sunlight, rather like the pigment melanin protects our skin from the sun. While the red pigments act as a shield, the tree feverishly breaks down and pulls nutrients out of leaves and into its limbs and trunk before leaves drop or die.

Anthocyanins may also act like Vitamin C or E, scavenging so-called "free radicals" before they can do oxidizing damage to a fall leafs fragile structure.

Upper and outer leaves tend to be reddest, since they are most exposed to sunlight and cold. In some trees, like sugar maples, the reds of the anthocyanins combined with the yellows of the carotenoids make especially brilliant orange leaves.





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沉甸甸,白花花,绿油油,黑黝黝,慢腾腾,阴森森,皱巴巴,亮铮铮,笑嘻嘻,香喷喷,乱哄哄,黑漆漆,轻飘飘,湿漉漉,红彤彤,骨碌碌,雾朦朦,喜盈盈,亮晶晶,黄灿灿,孤零零,毛绒绒,胖乎乎 一颗颗 一簇簇 绿油油 黄澄澄 红彤彤

笑眯眯 金灿灿 亮晶晶 香喷喷 水灵灵 水灵灵

笑哈哈 红艳艳 黑乎乎 圆溜溜 笑嘻嘻 黑洞洞

蓝幽幽 响当当 笑呵呵 脏兮兮 阴森森 胖嘟嘟

傻乎乎 顶呱呱 白皑皑 白花花,绿莹莹,黄澄澄,绿油油,明晃晃,慢腾腾,


毛茸茸,乱蓬蓬,清凌凌,水凌凌,湿漉漉,笑吟吟,空荡荡,红艳艳,白皑皑,明晃晃,恶狠狠,赤裸裸,野茫茫,蓝湛湛,红彤彤,碧澄澄,绿油油,红艳艳,金灿灿,乱腾腾、慢腾腾、热腾腾 喜洋洋,乐呵呵


毛茸茸,乱蓬蓬,清凌凌,水凌凌,湿漉漉,笑吟吟,空荡荡,红艳艳,白皑皑,明晃晃,恶狠狠,赤裸裸,野茫茫,蓝湛湛,红彤彤,碧澄澄,绿油油,红艳艳,金灿灿,乱腾腾、慢腾腾、热腾腾 喜洋洋,乐呵呵 笑呵呵 笑吟吟 笑盈盈 水汪汪 水灵灵 滴溜溜 乌溜溜 直勾勾 骨碌碌 眼睁睁 眼巴巴 乱蓬蓬 齐刷刷 凉冰冰 热乎乎 潮乎乎 黑乎乎 油渍渍 湿淋淋 汗腻腻 汗渍渍 油亮亮 油腻腻 光亮亮 光闪闪 油乎乎 光溜溜 黑油油 粘糊糊 亮晶晶 脏兮兮 皱巴巴 干巴巴 松塌塌 胖墩墩 肉墩墩 瘦巴巴 瘦嶙嶙 喜洋洋 喜滋滋 喜冲冲 兴冲冲 乐悠悠 乐陶陶 乐滋滋

茵茵 绿莹莹 青幽幽 毛茸茸 软绵绵 光秃秃 绿森森 直挺挺 一串串 一簇簇 白嫩嫩 白生生 白花花 黄灿灿 黄澄澄 红殷殷 红艳艳 甜丝丝

绿茸茸 绿油油 绿茵茵 绿莹莹 青幽幽 毛茸茸 软绵绵 光秃秃 绿森森 直挺挺 一串串 一簇簇 白嫩嫩 白生生 白花花 黄灿灿 黄澄澄 红殷殷 红艳艳 甜丝丝 甜津津 沉甸甸 香喷喷 胖乎乎 圆溜溜 油黄黄 黑亮亮 圆乎乎 圆滚滚 滑溜溜 蓬松松 油亮亮 红嫩嫩 红扑扑 冷冰冰 笑嘻嘻 阴森森 苦巴巴 笑眯眯 笑哈哈 笑呵呵 笑吟吟 笑盈盈 水汪汪 水灵灵 滴溜溜 乌溜溜 直勾勾 骨碌碌 眼睁睁 眼巴巴 乱蓬蓬 齐刷刷 凉冰冰 热乎乎 潮乎乎 黑乎乎 油渍渍 湿淋淋 汗腻腻 汗渍渍 油亮亮 油腻腻 光亮亮 光闪闪 油乎乎 光溜溜 黑油油 粘糊糊 亮晶晶 脏兮兮 皱巴巴 干巴巴 松塌塌 胖墩墩 肉墩墩 瘦巴巴 瘦嶙嶙 喜洋洋 喜滋滋 喜冲冲 兴冲冲 乐悠悠 乐陶陶 乐滋滋





ABCC:喜气洋洋 得意洋洋 怒气冲冲 风度翩翩 波光粼粼 神采奕奕 生气勃勃 忧心忡忡 气势汹汹 得意洋洋 忠心耿耿 大腹便便 虎视眈眈 小心翼翼 死气沉沉 喜气洋洋 风尘仆仆

AABB:高高兴兴 平平安安 清清楚楚 明明白白 清清白白 快快乐乐 热热闹闹 疯疯癫癫 干干净净 欢欢喜喜

AABC:彬彬有礼 比比皆是 步步为营 勃勃生机 蠢蠢欲动 绰绰有余 陈陈相因 察察为明 草草了事 楚楚可怜 层层落实 重重困难

ABAB:修理修理 教训教训 整顿整顿 批评批评 窃窃私语


有声有色 群策群力 自吹自擂 可歌可泣 再接再厉

先知先觉 活龙活现 全心全意 作威作福 不可不问

一心一意 千与千寻 不偏不倚 不屈不挠 不三不四

不痛不痒 一心一意 十全十美 百发百中 可歌可泣



干干净净 整整齐齐 明明白白,清清楚楚 大大小小,

老老少少 老老实实,实实在在,兢兢业业,勤勤恳恳

安安稳稳 病病歪歪 抽抽搭搭 大大落落 匪匪翼翼

沸沸扬扬 婆婆妈妈 期期艾艾 千千万万 卿卿我我



一颗颗 一簇簇 绿油油 黄澄澄 红彤彤

笑眯眯 金灿灿 亮晶晶 香喷喷 水灵灵 水灵灵

笑哈哈 红艳艳 黑乎乎 圆溜溜 笑嘻嘻 黑洞洞

蓝幽幽 响当当 笑呵呵 脏兮兮 阴森森 胖嘟嘟



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