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A: The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street.

B: The flat situates in a building on Fangcao Street.

分析:is in是常见词语,而situates in则是《大纲》上没有的,属于高级词汇。


A: At weekends, we have a lot of homework to do.

B: At weekends, we have endless homework to do.

分析:B句在表达时没有使用过于直接的a lot of,而是使用了endless。endless就是由《大纲》词汇end加后缀-less变化来的。


A: The bathroom and the kitchen are good.

B. The bathroom and the kitchen are well-furnished.

在表达要点时,B句使用了well furnished,这比good语气强,也显得生动。






A: There was a strong earthquake in Tangshan in the 1980s.

B: A terrible earthquake hit/struck Tangshan in the 1980s.

大多数同学使用了there be结构,这是对的,但是B句却摒弃了常见句式。另辟蹊径而使用了“主语+谓语+宾语”结构,且使用了terrible,hit/strike这样的词汇,更是难能可贵的。


A:I received your letter which was written on August 15th this morning.(多数人使用的方式)

B: Your letter of August 15th reached/ got to me this morning.(与多数人使用的方式不同,简洁)



A: Ah Fu saved my sister.(一般句式)

B: It was Ah Fu that saved my sister.(强调句式)


A: We were glad to see crops and vegetables growing well.(一般陈述句)

B: How glad we were to see crops and vegetables growing well.(感叹句)

3、句式多样,复杂得体。在写作中应避免使用相同长度的相同句型,而应注意句式的变化,如长短句结合,简单句、并列句与复合句共用,还可使用简化句等;一些较复杂的结构如独立主格,分词结构等也可使用。下面的表达中A句简单句多,而且多处使用there be结构,显得单调、乏味,而B句就有自己的特色(请同学们自己分析)。


A: Its a flat of 25 square metres. There is a bedroom in the flat. There is a bathroom and a kitchen in it, too. In the bedroom, there is a bed; there is a sofa, a desk and a chair as well.

B: Its a flat of 25 square metres, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.



Opinions are divided on the question.

60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believe a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.

On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardens and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggested, however, fees should be charged low.

1)该文使用Opinions are divided...作交代句,开门见山,随后两个段落均使用了主题句(见黑体字部分),使全文结构紧凑,表达严谨。

2)在表述要点时范文还对要点出场顺序作了调整,如“40%的同学认为应收门票,但不宜过高。”前部分作为主题句放在句首,而后部分另起一句放在句末:They suggested, however, fees should be charged low.这样就分清了轻重缓急,主题突出,条理清楚。

3)范文使用了and, what is more, however等连词,在段落之间使用了on the other hand(说明前后两个观点是相悖的),这些连接手段的运用加强了句子之间、段落之间的联系,使文章表达连贯,浑然一体。

4)范文在第二段为说明不收门票的“原因”时增加了Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away.等细节,这也是解决句与句之间缺少连贯性的常见方法。



对大多数学习英语的同学来说,英语的词汇量、句式的积累还极其有限,远不能达到用英文流畅表达,挥洒自如的境地。在这一阶段进行创作是不合时宜的,如果非要创造,只能写出“long time no see”这样的文字来。因此,模仿是这一阶段的必经途径。




最后,模仿要体现在实际动笔上。比如说,新概念第三册有一个句式说:“…for the simple reason that…”表示某种现象的原因是什么,用在大学英语考试中,我们就可以拿来解释为什么自行车在中国如此的流行,表达为:“the bicycle is very popular in china for the simple reason that…”。然而,很多同学经常背了这些句式不用,一谈到原因仍然是“…because…”,等等。



有个翻译界的故事说:在某大型国际会议的招待会上,一道菜是用鸡蛋做的。与会的客人问翻译:“what is it made of?”本来是非常简单的一个问题,结果翻译太紧张,忘了“egg”这个词,但是他急中生智,回答:“it is made of miss hen’s son.”这里,就是一个灵活变通的范例。绕道表达,是写作中应该常常运用的一种方法。



比如说,在正式文体的写作中,很少用 “it isn"t”这样的略缩形式,而往往是一板一眼地写作 “it is not”。同理,在正式文体中的日期一般不缩写,阿拉伯数字一般会用英文表达(特别长的数字除外)。


最后,许多同学在写作文时,习惯于把 “since” “because” “for”这样的词放在句首引导原因状语从句。事实上,在我们见到的英语报刊杂志文章中,这样的从句一般都是放在主句之后的。另外, “and”也常常被误放在一句话的开头,表示两个句子之间的并列或递进关系。其实,经常留心地道的英语文章能发现,如果是并列关系,完全可以不用连词;如果是递进关系,用 “furthermore” “what is more”更为普遍。




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Evan is only 6 years old, but he has to travel 20 miles a day to school by bike with his father. The family moved to a new house in March .But no local schools have a place for him , so he has to study at his old school, which is near his old home. Every day ,Evan has to cross the busy roads with his father. The daily trip is so tiring for him that he often falls asleep in school. It seems harder when the weather is bad. The family doesn’t have a car Though there is a bus that could take Evan from the new house to school, the family is too poor to buy bus tickets. Most people have read his story in the newspaper. Now, Evan has been offered a place at Kendall School to start in September. It’s the nearest one to his new house.

[Little Avan初三英语作文



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The Preparation Before Picnic

My father said we were going to have a picnic this weekend, but I had to help my mother buy the food. So, I went to the supermarket with my mother at Friday night. My mother and I picked the blanket at first. Then we went to find other tools, such as basket, dishes, and so on. We bought the food at last. However, it was the most things I would like to buy. I picked lots of my favorite food and snacks. There were a lot of meat. I was very happy to go home with so many things. tomorrow’s picnic must be wonderful.


我爸爸说我们这个周末要去野餐,不过我得陪我妈妈一起去买食材。所以,星期五的晚上我和妈妈去超市了。我和妈妈先去买毯子。然后我们再去找其它的工具,如 篮子,盘子等等。我们最后才买食物。不过,食物却是我最想买的。我买了很多我最喜欢吃的食物和小吃。有很多的肉。买了那么多东西回家我真的很开心。明天的 野餐一定会很棒的。



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篇4:初三年级英语作文:Save time

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Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned very clearly last semester. I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer. I finally realized that something had to be done. It was time for a change. Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I’ve done will give me some ideas on how to reorganize my time.



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Yesterday, we had a discussion. the topic is. What is my dream? Every one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor.

My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly iii. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. they took me there. I was saved.

A good doctor can save people s lives. From then on I decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will come true.



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It is a happy family.Toms family are all at home in the evening.Tom is listening to music while his young sister is playing with a Cat.What are his parents doing? His father is reading a book. His mother is making a telephone call to someone.Look! His grandparents are watching TV.They are all enjoying themselves.It is cold outside, but inside it is warm.


It is the best time in the evening.Tom and his family members all return home.After supper they enjoy themselves.Look! His grandparents are watching TV.Father is doing some reading as usual. By the window his mother is calling someone.His little sister is playing with the cat while Tom is listening to music.


The living room is very clean and tidy. You can see a nice picture and a clock on the wall. There are some books on the desk.It must be a happy family.




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We cant have good luck forever,so learning how to face difficulities is important.Some people feel upset when they meet difficulities,and they dont want to try to let their dreams come ture anymore.They just want to find a place and stay at there for a long time.So they wont have a great success in the end.But others are different,some people dont think difficulities are troubles,they believe " Difficulities is the mother of the successand"Believe in myself and I will win ,they are confident and brave,and they choose to face the difficulities with a smile.They try their best to solve their problems and if they dont feel well,theyll talk to their friends or family members,so that they can be happier and more confident.And they dont mind what others say about them,they can always find a good way for themselves to relax.

I think if you can have a good psychology when you meet difficulities in your life,and be more confident and brave,

try to find a good way to relax,maybe talk to others or have a rest,and then think it over,make a plan to solve your problems.If you do so, youll find that your difficulities are not as difficult as you think before!






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假如你是张亚,参加了学校上周六“环保俱乐部(Saving the Environment Club)组织的志愿者活动。其内容包括:张贴海报、分发广告、打扫街道、打扫公园等。


Dear Bruce,

I am a volunteer in Saving the Environment Club of my school. Last Saturday, I did some volunteer work with other volunteers.

Some of us put up posters. Some handed out advertisements. Others swept the streets. We also helped clean up the city parks. When we finished all the work, we were very tired but felt very happy at the same time.

I think it’s fantastic to be a volunteer.

What do you think of volunteering? Please write back soon!



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Once, when I was still unknown to the public of the students, how I longed for friendship, because friends, I have to talk to the object, will have to share, and I can not, no one cares about me. I then in the fall around the edge. But at that time, the entrance exam exceeding ones expectations outstanding, make my life forward, because I want to be responsible for the entrance exam, I want to make a mark. Thus, there is a person I am today. Now of I, finally realized the original desire, finally had a dream of friends, finally no longer alone, finally found the two words have strange, friendship. After a moment of groundless talk, I looked back, only to find friendship from my distance is zero; friends, with my hands......


The past I exercise, I can really pay attention to friendship, is also afraid that one day, my friend has become worse, with their own tools, come to think of it, I was crazy to go forward, never let the friendship fleeting! Unexpectedly, I will give everything to friendship, did not think of.



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my friend


1. n. friends, parents, teachers, classmates, family, school, relatives , happiness, sadness, generation gap, feelings, friendship, communication, teamwork

2. v. make friends, understand encourage take good care of,expect, get on well with, play together, smile, trouble, talk with, quarrel with, help each other, discuss, argue, do well in enjoy oneself

3. adj. happy, sad, important, lonely , helpful, necessary


1. i hope we can understand each other.

2. it’s necessary to understand each other.

3. no one can be successful only by himself.

4. there are some sayings, “friendship is sunlight in the dark.” “if there were no friendships in a city, it would become a desert.”

5. although we sometimes quarrel with each other, yet we get on well later.6. we should get on well with everyone around us.

7. the more friends you get, the happier you will be.

8. a friend can not only help you, but also bring you happiness.

9. everybody needs friends to talk with and get confidence from.

10. don’t argue, but discuss.

11. people who refuse to consider others have few friends.

12. we need to learn how to take care of other people.

13. “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”


my best friend

i have not only a lot of common friends, but also a special friend. he is my father. my father isn’t tall but he is very kind and lovely. he usually helps me with my maths and physics in the evening. at weekends he plays chess, cards with me. when i am in trouble. he always help me in time. i prefer my father to any other friend. i think he is not only a good father, but also one of my best friends. i love my father very much.



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This year, people across China carried out a variety of activities to learn from Lei Feng. Lei Feng is a great man, it’s well –known to us that Lei Feng is really friendly, he always helps other people. He works very hared, and he is willing to make other people fell warm. As students, I think we can learn a lot fromn Lei Feng . We should try our best to help others, just like Lei Feng , and we’re supposed to study hard. In a word, we should learn from Lei Feng.

[初三优秀英语作文:Learn from Lei Feng



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A Sunset

The sunset is very beautiful and lovely.

Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.

When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the green fields. The clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful.

When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red.

When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn grey and the mountains become black.

Then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature.



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And My FlatI live in a flat in a building. The building is very modern. There are about ten floors and I live on the top floor. I think my flat is very wonderful. The dining room is next to the kitchen.

We always have dinner there, and my mother often cooks some delicious food for us. I can t cook, but I often help Mum wash the dishes.

Sometimes my friends come to my flat and they teach me how to cook. So now, I can cook something for my family.

I like the sofa in my sitting room.

It is very comfortable and it is purple. What a nice colour! The bathroom with a bath and a shower has a mirror.

It is in the shape of star. There are four members in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I.

My parents work hard. They are very tired and I think they should have a good sleep. So the bedroom is the best place.

My younger brother is only six years old. I love him even though he troubles me some times. In my bedroom, there are lots of posters of Angela on the wall. Angela is my favourite super star. She is beautiful. There is a garden in the district. You can go walking there. I also want to tell you about my dream home. It is near a sea. It s made of wood. Maybe that will come true.



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September 11th Saturday

Today is my birthday. My mother bought me seven small candles and they are colorful and beautiful.

In the evening, I set them in my birthday cake one by one. Many friends came to celebrate my birthday. I was very happy.

When I blew out the small candles, all my friends said, "Wang Bo, happy birthday to you!" In the end, all of us got dancing happily.

I enjoyed a happy birthday!









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Dear classmates:

I’m Li Hua After the discussion we found that 70% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day but not spend too much time. They think exercise builds body and can keep them healthy. Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective.

On the other hand 30% students believe taking exercise is tiring and it’s a waste of time. They say that after having sports they are too excited for a long time to focus on their lessons. And it’s possible to be hurt while doing sports.




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I have a great time during the winter holiday, because I enjoy myself as well as focus on my study. As its known to all, the Spring Festival is the most important in winter holiday that would occupy much time to celebrate it. Therefore, I finished my homework first, so that it won’t bother my enjoyment during the festival. I finished my home work in one week. And I went shopping with my parents. We bought a lot of things, especially snacks and fruits. Then, it was the Spring Festival. We had a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve. My parents prepared the big dinner and I could only act as assistant. The dinner was so delicious that I ate so full. In the next several days, my parents and I visited our relatives and friends or they visited us. Sometimes, we went out for fun together. We children were always the most excited. Now, holiday is coming to the end and I will go to school soon. I am so happy that I have a wonderful winter holiday.



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When I was a little girl,my mother usually tell me that I must be a good person.But how to be a good person?I cannot understand at that time.Howerver ,as I grow up every day,I become to know it.

In my opinion,to be a good person,frist of all,should be polite.If you behave polite,others want to make friends with you.Then ,you should be kind and warm-hearted,for these are the source of good person.When you give a hand to people ,they would feel you are really a good person,and you also can feel happy.

However,a good person has many good characters and abilities,so I cannot list them all out.Gerenally speaking ,as long as you do good to others ,you are a good person.

[关于初三英语作文推荐:How to be a good person



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Im now living in a small house with my parents. Life for us is hard but

happy. I must study hard so that I can buy a big new house some day. I call it a

dream house.

It has three floors with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, two big dining

rooms and two living rooms. When my friends come to visit me, I will have enough

bedrooms for them. Well have a good time. Besides that, we will have a swimming

pool behind the house and a garden in front of the house. In the morning, my

parents can do some exercise in the garden. The air must be very fresh. When we

feel tired, we can have a swim in the swimming pool. Life will be easy for


Ill study harder than before so that the dream can come true.



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It s the age of information now and information is very important in the society.we need verious of information to live a normal life.we need to know the lastest news ,listen to the weather forecast,learn about the newly published books and many other things we are interested in and want to know.

There are many way of acquiring information,for example we can watch TV,listen to radio, read newspaper and magazines and go on line which is to most popupar ,convienent and effective way now.

Living in such an age of information,what should we to to face up to the challenge of it?I think we should try our best to learn as much knowledge as we can and try to master the new techonology.

[Information Age初三英语作文



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Yesterday, we had a discussion. The topic is"What is my dream?"Everyone has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor.

My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy, I was very weak. Once I was terribly ill. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. Then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. They took me there at once. I was saved.

A good doctor can save peoples lives. From then on I decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will come true.
