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1482年,法王路易十一统治下的巴黎城沉浸在“愚人节”的狂欢的气氛中。巴黎圣母院前面的广场上,来自埃及的吉卜赛少女埃斯梅拉达以动人的美貌和婀娜的舞姿博得了人们热烈地喝彩。她把人们给她的赏钱,分给穷苦的孩子们,并对他们说:“把这些钱全部拿去,你们去过节吧!”孩子们问她:“那你怎么办?”她说:“别管我,我天天都在过节。”-------- 是的,这就是她埃斯梅拉达....... 但是,命运之神却在这个时候把一切都定格了.在众多的观众中,一个面色苍白的中年人,穿着黑色的教袍,躲在玻璃窗后面,也在偷看埃斯梅拉达翩翩起舞。他就是巴黎圣母院的副主教、炼金术士克洛德•富洛娄。当他看到色艺双全的吉卜赛女郎边唱边跳,她那轻快的舞步,绝妙的舞姿,把他埋藏在心底十多年的欲念突然唤醒了。他无法自控,无法把俘虏了他的灵魂的魔鬼赶走。为了排遣心中的烦闷,他到广场上驱赶正在叫卖的摊贩,声言不准在教堂前面胡闹。而这一切只为了他那无私的心理........这些小贩哪里把他放在眼里,群起而攻之。正在这时,从教堂内冲出来一个相貌齐丑、身材高大、力大无比的男子,他推开众人,救回了神甫。他就是加西莫多。原来他是一个被父母遗弃在巴黎圣母院门前的畸形儿,富洛娄出于怜悯把他抚养成人,因终日敲钟而震聋了耳朵。为了(奉献),这不是他的错. 欢乐的人们正在物色“愚人教皇”,埃斯梅拉达一眼看中了又聋又丑的钟楼怪人加西莫多。人们给他戴上王冠,披上袍子,还给了他一支口哨,让他坐在高高的轿子上沿街游行。加西莫多正高兴地吹着哨子,忽然看见脸色阴沉的富洛娄站在轿前。神甫打掉他的王冠,把他拉回圣母院。为什么?也许只为了那无法忍受的卑微吧!


一声”救命”,让她流浪于“奇迹王朝”。而当时在那“奇迹王朝”统治下的“黑话王国”里,乞丐王克劳班正在审理不懂切口而误入“王国领地”的穷诗人干果阿。而按照王朝的规矩,他只有两种选择:要么跟绞索配对,要么跟王国中的女人攀亲。可是几个老女人都嫌他过于单薄,没一个人肯要他。这样,干果阿只能被吊死。在这千钧一发之际,埃斯梅拉达挺身而出,高喊“我要他”。这样,两人当场举行婚礼。善良的少女同意与他结为夫妻,只是为了救他一命,把他带回家中,供以食宿,但不与他同房。此时,如果是我们,试问有多少人肯愿意这样做? 试问又有多少人有这样的勇气和胆量?

而当我们看到犯了强抢民女罪的加西莫多,在被草草审理后,被带到广场上当众鞭笞。跪在烈日下代人受过的钟楼怪人口渴难熬,他向士兵和围观的人群高喊要水,回答他的却是一片戏弄和辱骂。这时,美丽的埃斯梅拉达拨开众人,把水送到加西莫多的嘴边。心中充满感激之情的加西莫多饱含热泪,不住地说:“美„„美„„美” ,而在这一刻他许下了终身的诺言。 看到这里,我应该是喜还是悲?

广场上,穷诗人帮助埃斯梅拉达上演山羊认字的节目。山羊在一堆拉丁字母中,叼出了太阳神菲比斯的名字。这时菲比斯正在广场旁边的王宫中向王后和她的女儿献媚取宠。公主百合花让菲比斯到广场上,赶走埃斯梅拉达,以证实他对她的爱情。菲比斯骑马来到广场,大声轰赶着正在演出的艺人,小声和姑娘订下了今晚在老地方见面的幽会。 然而这一次的幽会,谁又知道带给她的是无尽的黑暗.......


为了什么?加西莫多把姑娘藏在自己的住房里,像守护神一样睡在房门口?而当突然醒来的埃斯梅拉达看到加西莫多的脸时,她被吓坏了。加西莫多急忙逃走,跑到钟楼上用自己的头拼命地撞击着大钟,低沉的钟鸣如泣如诉。埃斯梅拉达来到他身边,加西莫多用手蒙住脸,喃喃地说:“我的脸很丑,总让人害怕。”为了安慰他,姑娘为他跳起了节奏欢快的舞蹈。兴奋异常的加西莫多,像打秋千一样,用身体的重量为姑娘敲响了圣母院的大钟。他爽朗的笑声充满整个钟楼。加西莫多在钟楼上牵着绳子飞来飞去,为埃斯梅拉达采摘盛开的鲜花。爱在冰封的季节。 突然姑娘发现了在广场上的卫队长,她叫他的名字,但他头也不抬看她一眼。她让加西莫多去找他,可是他为了得到公主丰厚的陪嫁和位于圣保罗的领地,对姑娘的请求不屑一听,策马而去。善良的加西莫多发觉自己辱没了姑娘的使命。而深深的自责........



从绞刑架上解下来的埃斯梅拉达的尸体,被人们放在蒙孚贡大坟窟里,加西莫多找到她之后,静静地躺在她身旁。天空为什么不下一场暴雨........? 为什么?为什么?为什么?








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Notre Dame DE Paris is the French Victor Hugo wrote. First of all, he is bell ringers Quasimodo ugly, hes ugly, let a person feel afraid: horseshoe mouth, in the right eye is covered with a large tumor, big buck teeth... . Quasimodo is deaf, kyphosis, and the lame, and cruel and unreasonable, who saw all hate him.

Gypsy girl esmeralda has fairy beauty, love as long as she appeared, would have caused a sensation. All the men in the book saw she will fall in love with her. She was very kind, in order to save the poor poet and his false get married, she gave her money to busk income homeless children.

This book mainly to write only listen Quasimodo raised by his vice bishop Notre Dame DE Paris, but vice bishop assassinated, esmeralda royal captain of love, also forced love, esmeralda to marry her, or she was hanged. When love the esmeralda condemnation of that day of, Quasimodo brave love, esmeralda to Notre Dame tower. But the king sent against the cathedral of Notre Dame, and the girl hanged. Quasimodo grieving, and finally find love, esmeralda bones, committed suicide in beside her.

巴黎圣母院是法国维克多.雨果写的。首先他讲的是敲钟人卡西莫多的丑陋,他的丑陋让人感到 害怕:马蹄形的嘴巴、右眼被一个大瘤遮盖,大龅牙……。卡西莫多也是个聋子、驼背和瘸子,而且凶暴、蛮横,谁见了都讨厌他。





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Charlottes Web ", a song about life, friendship, love and loyalty! A book was born 59 years ago in the classic, read it, with missionary zeal and devotion! Because, it is one of the most pure moved us to tears.

The Zuckerman family barn, a group of happy animal life. Pig Wilbur and the spider Charlotte built sincere friendship. However, a bad news broke the barn calm: Wilbur was killed on the Christmas will make bacon, ham! As a pig, the grief-stricken Wilbur seems to only accept the mercy of fate. However, tiny, little spider Charlotte said: " I save you. " So, Charlotte in the pigsty weaved by human beings as the miracle of online text, the praise of Wilburs text has completely changed the fate of Wilbur, finally let Wilbur won the special prize in the market competition, and a might remain in the future. But at this time, the spider Charlottes life has come to an end ...

Sherlock, love is woven into the net, save the pig to now, I still remember before Sherlocks death, weaving " humble" two words, they were in my heart, sing the praises of Sherlock. Why the idiot doing? In order to return? No, of course not, friendship is not required. In order to friends, Sherlock was always busy, even before his death, also in for Wilbur shoes. This is not the most pure friendship? At the moment, my heart was huge waves.

I understand that friendship is a miracle! Is a given! Is a kind of happiness! Eternal love!

I think of the past and friends quarrel, but more than 10 years of friendship, said Sherlock is a moved us to tears, let us thinking!



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"Father and son" is a humorous cartoon. I have read the book three times.

When I first read the book, my mother heard the laughter coming from the study room. Indeed, the book is very interesting, and father and son often make jokes. For example, "sunset map": his father is a bald. One day, father read a newspaper on the sofa. The son called his companion, and showed him half the bald head of his sofa as a sunset, drawing on the sofa, and adding a picture frame. The father suddenly turned, and the setting sun had eyebrows, eyes, whiskers, ears. Father humor, simple, kind and playful, son smart, naive, cute and naughty, these two characters are very popular with everyone.

The second time I read this book, I felt the deep affection between father and son. One of the comic stories goes like this: the father and his son go to the seaside for a holiday. The son found a lot of pebbles on the beach and threw stones into the sea until he could not find any stones. Father saw, in the evening, pushing the car, over and over to the seaside to transport stones. The second day, the son found a pile of stones piled on the beach, very happy. My father was pleased to see it. I carefully observed fifth cartoons, found his father for his son to transport a pebble, sweat a lot. My father did everything for his son, and his son loved his father. He also made me cry.

When I read the book third times, I went abroad to combine the preface to know that E O Plauen created the father and son in the dark age when the Nazi fascist ruled germany. This warm, touching the cartoons was in the years of turmoil of creation, he is really a positive and optimistic person, is a person who is very loving son. He is a good painter concerned. He did not like some people in order to save life and property and surrender to the Nazis, he boldly created anti Nazi cartoons. But such a master of humour was mercilessly killed by the evil fascist. I think, while we praise the father and the son, we should praise their Creator, egypt. Austria. Rauen.

I read three times "father and son", and every time there was a new discovery. I hope I read every good book.




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I”d never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. " When reading such moving words, I am completely absorbed in this splendid novel --- Twilight. The person who had said such moving words was a 17-year-old girl --- Bella, who was a high school student. After reading the whole novel, what impresses me most is not the mysterious vampires family, but the kindhearted and brave girl --- Bella. Bella was a 17-year-old girl who has experienced her parents” divorce. In order not to be an obstacle to her mother”s happiness with her stepfather, Bella firmly chose to move into a new city --- Forks to live with her father. Even though she knew that what was waiting for her was the new and strange circumstance, Bella still decided to face all of them fearlessly, which makes me know that Bella is a really thoughtful and considerate girl.

As a matter of fact, Bella was just an ordinary human girl who would grow old as time went by and die one day, but Edward was an immortal vampire who had an exceptional and unique strength of reading people”s minds. Actually, some people may wonder why Edward would fall in love with such a delicate human girl, while others may hold a doubtful attitude towards their love story. However, to my mind, I strongly believe that Bella and Edward can lead a happy life. About one thing I am absolutely positive, they can lead a happy life and they needs to confront with various of hardships and setbacks. But why am I so positive about their love story? Let me have an analysis!

Bella is a kindhearted and independent girl who never goes with tide. She always sticks to her own way of doing everything. On her first day to school, Edward came across with Bella, and at that moment Edward could not move his eyes on Bella at his first sight on her. I clearly know that it was Bella”s unique and special character that drew Edward”s attention. In Edward”s mind, Bella was a natural girl with a kind heart. After several days” struggle, Edward could not prevent himself from caring about her and loving her though he knew perfectly well that it would be a fateful and deadly thing for a vampire to fall in love with a human girl. From this, it can be seemed that what a charismatic and glamorous girl Bella was.

When Edward said to Bella, "I don”t have the strength to stay away from you forever." I know, Edward had already been loving Bella deeply.

When Bella answered "I”ll be with you forever, Edward." I can realize their love has already been surpassed human in human”s innermost feelings.

When Edward said, "You don”t know how long I”ve waited for you, Bella" I know, Bella is the most suitable one for him, only with Bella can Edward gains the real happiness.

When Edward swore, "You”re my life now, Bella." I think all the lovers will be overwhelmed by such impressive words at that moment, as well as I. I know, from then on, Edward would move heaven and earth to protect Bella. There is no doubt that Bella is happy when being with Edward.

To be honest, Twilight is the best romance novel that I”ve ever read. There is no much flourish in it, but there are lots of touching and thrilling plots between Edward and Bella. I still remember every time Bella was in danger, Edward could helped her out in time, which made Bella feel so grateful and become interested in him gradually.

There was a time when Bella was on her way home from a bookstore alone, suddenly a gang of ruffians molested her, Bella felt helpless and hopeless. Fortunately, Edward appeared as a hero and rescued the beauty, Bella. At that moment, I couldn”t help praising, that Edward was such a thoughtful gentleman who cares about the person he loves at any time. No wonder Bella would love him.

Then when Edward told Bella he had a super strength that he could read every person”s mind except Bella”s one. You can not imagine that, Bella”s first reaction to it was --- "Is there something wrong with me?" Hearing that, Edward smiled and said, "I tell you I can read minds, and you think there is something wrong with you." At that time, Edward knew Bella was a kind girl indeed, who would not be worried and scared when hearing such unusual truth, but just try to find the mistakes of herself.

Once Edward took Bella to his home to meet his family members, instead of being afraid, Bella asked Edward what if his families didn”t like her. Edward was so surprise to hear that and said to Bella, "you are worried not because you”ll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won”t approve of you? " Then, I know, Bella has never treated Edward as a different kind. May I ask, how can Edward refuse such a kind and lovely girl. When Edward took Bella to fly through the forest in his amazing speed, I think no more girls can refuse such a romantic man.

Bella pursued the true love belong to her bravely, while Edward was giving all his love to the one he loved. I know this is love.

All in all, romantic love always has a happy ending. When Bella went through life and death, when Edward experienced the cruel ordeal, seeing they were dancing romantically at last, I can say their love will be going on.



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Read the book "treasure island" over the weekend, let me have deep feeling.

"Treasure island" is a story of treasure. One is called the pirate captain flint bought 700000 pounds worth of treasure in the treasure island, the protagonist of the story Jim accidentally got a treasure map, and some people treasure together. Treasure hunters and pirates launched a life and death struggle, finally, treasure hunters finally found the treasure.

I like the story of Jim, he is smart and brave, for example, after they got on the treasure island, and pirates, one day, Jim out of their camps, in the evening, he walked into the camp of the pirates, pirates leader didnt kill him, because love Jim wanted him to join the pirates, but he keep up, determined not to join the pirates. He that let me admire very much. Also, when sailing captured by pirates, Jim and the ships anchor partition, let the boat with the wind rocking, the pirates to stun, the pirates were shaking all night, and drank the wine, ships were robbed Jim come back the next day.

In the book, and Im impressed with a person, he is silver. Silver looks graceful on the surface, like a gentleman, but hes murderous pirate leader. In the ship as a cook, he, usually, people on board the ship like a family, but, in his convened a bunch of pirates, to treasure island, but decide to deny, and Jim they played out.

Everywhere in our life, but also has a "hypocrite", such as silver we should see through their camouflage, dont be fooled disguise.








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Ever find the grind of life getting you down Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under If so, there is a movie out there that can replenish your energy and refresh your outlook。 Passionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit。 For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead。

Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person cant be successful in doing anything。 But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc。 at one blow 。 The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U。S。A。s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U。S。A。 from one unique angle。 Film adapt Winston novel of the same name of Groom since。

Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping ones word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film。 In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has bee the degenerate symbol。 And write the great discrepancy originally in this。

To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy position, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury。 The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment。 Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too。

Success with mercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on directors art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds。 It was the box-office hits the most in that year to bee U。S。A。 in。

Tom Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film。 He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film。 This second movie emperors money already whom he obtained in succession looks like。 Success of , make Tom Hanks bee one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too。 To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers 。

Life is like a box of chocolate。



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Loves also thoroughly, hates thoroughly also. Repays a debt of gratitude also thoroughly, the revenge is also thorough. This is reads " Christ mountain revenge in me records " after the biggest feeling.China has the proverb is called the " gentleman revenges, ten year not late ", revenges also is needs to conserve strength, certainly is not may act rashly by reason of for a while the state of mind. But Christ mountain count, then was most concrete the motion explains this proverb with oneself.

After experiences 14 years in prison, his life essential meaning was pursues ever the family member, ever benefactor and ever personal enemy. After confirmed had to seek person, he certainly did not have like us such which saw in the chivalric fiction novel, held the fist in the other hand cloud " to the benefactor goes through fire or water, again did not hesitate ", assassinated to the personal enemy one sword. He chose his own way.To ever had the graciousness to own ship owner one, he used up it energy, silently supported, by the various way, actually always did not let them know actually own was for repay a debt of gratitude.If he repays a debt of gratitude moving, then his revenge is so the incisiveness, also has several after us calls unavoidably to have the dessert is startled.



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The story of the little prince, is sad, a pain of love. Love was serious and sincere, cut bone pain and unbearable.

The little princes love, pure and elegant, sincere seriously. If the dead could make him back to his own the stars, if death can let him meet with the person I love, he will choose to die, threw because he is deeply in love with her, because his heart was tamed by rose. He did the same, he gently down, and as he came to earth is unknown.

Thoreau said, people live a life of quiet desperation, he is far away from the crowd, the sun go down to find the root of all decadent, nothing, this is a dusty heaven. Fortunately our hearts there is a story of the little prince, sad but beautiful, little prince sorrow for the pure love; Good, because of love to give a person touched and hope.

Because the story of the little prince, when we are in a quiet life, in the heart has a hope and tenderness, have touched and about domestic responsibilities.




因为小王子的故事,我们在静静的生活时,心里有着希望和温存,有着感动和关于驯养的责任 。



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Was reading the big fish’s smell of blood is smelled by one crowd of shark fish, struggled swims snatches the food, old person’s left hand happen to in the convulsions, he only could use the right hand, with wooden stick, the mouth and so on all was allowed to use for the weapon self-defense which attacked, and finally expelled this crowd of shark fish. But the big fish’s meat was already eaten one most, but the old person also charmingly criticized oneself the left hand " this work time actually was resting " time, I also was subdued by the old person optimistic spirit. In the life, some losses are inevitable, we should treat by the optimistic manner, cannot be calculating.

Finally, the novel sees by one youth the senior fisherman fully has 18 foot long big marlin in the measure, once more described this fish’s hugeness, explained senior fisherman overcomes the difficulty was big, non- was more common than.

The novel eulogized the spirit which the senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous diligently did not struggle, we also should like his such, could not satisfy the present situation, should positively to above, do any matter all is relentless, meets difficultly must welcome difficultly above, could give up halfway in no way. Only has this, we only then can obtain a bigger success and the victory.



全文共 2018 字

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It is the same as read other novels of Dickens too to read" David Copperfield", People feel every personage --From protagonist to warder not speaking --It is ready to appear , lifelike. This because Dickens very much can play up angry to a great extent Atmosphere, the method is that the detail is delineated. At the time of writing to Mr.Murdstone teach David such as him, have published a question in this way: "If I go to the cheese shop to buy 4,000 pieces of extra quality cheese in Gloucester ……" he will it shows to be" extra quality cheese of Gloucester" in detail only, but this set off appear personality of Mr.Murdstone vividly even more just --Mechanical, intend to embarrass David. He describes Davids banquet, each kind of vegetables is not described well at all in it, Whether and this it make people unable to feel even more vivid too,like in among. Can enter silk enter and deduct detail of describing, it is obvious Dickens one outsight and realize strength better people more like this. He draws support from his pen Tell reader abundant impression of him whether make readers rise and fall of the happiness, anger, grief and joy with him.

Many child on reading the book, think book this for what child write .Because of Dickens Colored attention, in a lot of places , he comes to describe the personage and things in terms of a child, Enable child to appreciate thoroughly, feel that this is written for them .But,walk out people childhood after at the time of the book not stressed, can find these every one far than staying by we the memories for being heavy, make even more by people a sentimental book. .Novel lovely nurse Peggotty, harsh cruel and ferocious stepfatherMr.Murdstone and seemingly serious but good-natured old woman of aunt, Leaves the unforgettable impression on readers .The protagonists growth road is bumpy and indignant, full of twists and turns or ups and downs Have fully shown difficulty and bitterness that ordinary people seek survival under the abominable environment .



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Bunyan once in his book named Pilgrim’s Process described a place named ‘Vanity Fair’ where all kinds of vanity are sold, such as houses, lands, honors, preferments, titles,lusts, pleasures and delights of all sorts. As a matter of fact, we are living in such place today. We gradually become the participants of this fair and loyal followers of these hollow things. Espencially our modern grils’ changing view toward marriage, money and social status. They believe that they could easily live a life like a grand lady without making any efforts if they marry a wealthy man. As female college students, how to stick to our own belief and aviod being assimilated by the complex society, Thackeray’s novel Vanity Fair could give us a good instruction. Through the Rebacca’s attitude towards money, social status and marriage, I realize what is most important thing for a female.

Thackeray described the life of ruling classes of England in the early decades of the 19th century, and attacked the social relationship of bourgeois world by satirizing the individuals in the different strata of the upper society. Rebacca(becky) Sharp is a classic example of the money-grubbing instinct. Her only aspiration in life is to gain wealth and position by any means. Thackeray does not regard Rebacca as an exception. Everyone wishes to gain something in the Vanity Fair and acts almost in the same manner as Rebacca.

As an orphan, Rebacca’s birth can easily win our tears. It is an undenible fact that she is quite an ambitious and clever girl. As far as I am concerned, she could easily live a decent life with her own hand. However, because of the society and the innate deficits in her characteristics, she becomes very sophisticate and even tried to suduce her best friend’s brother so that she could win her place in the upper society and other’s admiration. However, for the people in the upper class, Rebacca’s humble birth cuold never be erased even though she married a rich man. In other’s eye, she was just a coquette who was quite good at suducing rich men. Why not use your own hand to create a bright future and win others’ true respect instead of relying on the man’s shoulder.

Rebacca liveed in a society which is ruled by money, everyone was crazy about money, Rebacca was no exception. She held the dream of living a life of a grand lady, wearing luxurious clothes and shining dimonds. In order to realize her dream, she used all kinds of immoral means to win the love of rich men. Finally, she got married with Rawdon Crawley, a good man who will inherit a large sum of money from her ant. However, the old lady refused because Crawley married Rebacca---a woman of low social status. Rebacca and her husband live a quite luxurious life in Pairs even though they could not make the both ends meet. Finally, Mr.Crawley was put in to prison because of heavy debets, while Rebacca started searching for another rich man who can pay for her luxurious bills. Rebacca betrayed her soul in the process of pursuiting money and gradually forgot the meaning of love.

Marriage is a holy thing in everyone’s life, but if you regard marriage as a good method of gaining money and improving your social status, you will suffer a lot from it. Although you live a decent life and gain other’s admiration,you may never be ture happy because you never know what is love and responsibilty. Rebacca’s marriage is a good example. She took a quite easy attitude towords marriage. Her marriage was just a method which helped her get in to the upper class and live a rich life. Ther is no wonder that she was so cruel to her husband and flirted with another rich man when her husband was in the prison. Here I want to mention another female----Amelia, a girl of simple mind. In Rebacca’s mind she was a fool. At first, she held the same view as Rebacca. Her husband’s death in the war made her become a sorrowful widow. Till one day Rebacca told her that her husband once asked Rebaccato run with him. Amelia was angry and married a man who has taken care of her for several years uncomplainly. Amelia is not a cold hearted women, although her dream of being a grand lady had vanished,but she experienced a life of being truly loved. While for Rebacca, she will forever lived in the Vanity Fair and never has the chance to experience this kind of love. In my eye , Amelia is wiser than her.

Rebacca is a tragic female during that period. Although this novel ended with a happy ending--- Rebacca got marriad with Amelia’s brother and inherited a large sum of money, liveed a grand lady’s life ---who dare to say that Rebacca will stop betraying her soul and keep away from Vanity Fair? I would like to give an advice to her and to the grils in our modern society: please keep always from Vanity, and take a correct attitude towards money, social status and marriage. Money is not every in our life. The improvement of our social status needs our own efforts instead of relying on others. Mrriage is a holly thing in our girls’ life, which requires our responsibility and loyalty. Or we will forever live in a hollow world and the dream of vanity will finally destory us.



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Recently, I read a great book, Childhood, which is written by Gorky. It’s a novel based on the experiences of the author’s tragic childhood, telling the stories about the author between his three to ten years old. Aliocha has a bad childhood. His father and mother die in his early ages, so that he has to live with his great-grandparents. His great-grandfather is bad tempered and his uncles hate him very much. Great-grandmother is the only person who cherished him. Besides, Aliocha also feel the pureness, friendship by his playmates. Through this book, we can see a poor, ugly society, but we also can see an adamant, compassionate little who constantly pursuits of good things in life. It’s hard to imagine how he can stick to the faith of life in such bad environment. As to us, we live in a much better environment; of course we should cherish our happiness and be strong to face difficulties in life.


In the sun, I read this thick, "childhood", heart suddenly a strange shame and remorse, think of themselves and the lives of a great disparity in Gorky.

Year-old death of his father, to follow the kind of grandmother came to the grandfathers home. Here, he knows many things, but also see a lot of things, he see the selfish, greedy, brutish, two uncles; simple friend "Little Gypsy"; mean, stingy, greedy, tyrannical, brutal grandfather; every day life in the cruel, stupid, infighting among family members and arguments, and from between good and evil, Alesha ignorant to understand that a number of reasons.

Compared with him together, our childhood is bright and happy; no pain and struggle, has been a carefree life. From this point on it seems we already have far cry on with Alesha, we have a lot, but we still do not know enough I just want luxury this world a better and more want.

Yes ah, we often parents do not cook, mouth open for food, only to parents for their shelter Guzhao, not herself from the "world" battles. Now we have to expect should repent, should not waste anything, and learn to cherish everything we have now will suffice.

From now on test, we must stand up and do not just want to experience difficulties with such a withdrawal, escape, or take a shortcut, should have confidence in ourselves, life always something or someone will give you pain and even despair, but we should be like what how the kind of insisted. In this way, you can again find joy in pain, in despair to find hope. Yes, dark past, the dawn will always come, as long as you still maintain the confidence that something is immortal, has all the treasure, then your light will come, because you know how to cherish.








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I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I were standing on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war. Thanks to this British author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I found it easier to understand this story. Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I was deeply fascinated by it. The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I loved The Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of the war.

Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam. He was not only a real hero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic by later historians. The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom he didn’t appreciate. However, since Hector was the commander of the Trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force. It was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles.

It is natural to see death in a war. As a famous Chinese parable says, “A life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as Mount Tai.” Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom. Achilles was such a typical person. His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive. He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers and terrified the enemies. Actually, Achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind. That’s why his name was memorized long after his death.

Besides the two great men, the wisdom of Odysseus also proved him to be a great hero. He didn’t want to attend the war because he was happily married and had a lovely son. However, since his country was allied to Mycenae, he had to take the command given by the king of Mycenae. I’m quite sure that the story of the wooden horse is widely known, however, few people know who thought of the brilliant idea, that’s why I admired Odysseus so much because he was the person who got the idea. Thanks to the horse, the ten-year war came to an end at last. If you want to know how the wooden horse worked, just read the book.

The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses also played important roles in the origin, process and ending of the whole story.

The story of the golden apple was such an example. When Eris, the goddess of argument and disagreement, threw out the golden apple to a wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus, a dispute happened. Hera, the queen of gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, were all involved in the argument for the apple. None of them was willing to give way, so they turned to Paris for a final judgment. Tempted by Aphrodite’s beauty and promise, Paris handed the apple to her. To keep her word, Aphrodite helped him to get Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as his wife. That was the cause of the war.

Paris’s choice obviously annoyed the other two goddesses. So during the war, they helped the Greek alliance army while some other gods, such as Apollo and Aphrodite, guarded Troy. When Paris dueled with Helen’s former husband Menelaus, Aphrodite saved Paris when he was about to be finished off.

After the duel between those two people, there was a truce between the Greek alliance and Troy. However, both Hera and Athena were not happy to see it. Hera pursued her husband ZEUS:“ Now, will you send Athena to make the Troyjans break the peace?”(Page 22) Then with Zeus’s permission, Athena went down to start the war again and finally she brought the Greeks to success.

From the whole story, we can see that in ancient Greeks’ view, gods sometimes played a much more important role in their life. However, with the rapid development of science, we have learned that the Greek gods never existed. This is why a recent movie of Troy has not mentioned a single god. Everything happened due to men’s ambition, love, loyalty or jealousy. With those emotion and people’s effort, we human beings can accomplish wonders and be master of the world.

God are of less importance than they used to be. Nonetheless, the gods and goddesses made The Story of Troy more mysterious and marvelous.

I have learnt from the book more than the wonderful story of history, love and war. I believe that human can determine their destiny by their own. I highly recommend this book to my friends with the same interest.



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Recently, I read a very interesting book, is the name of the book "Tom Sawyer, I really like the hero inside.

Tom is a clever naughty boy. Tom for feudal life in the family and school in the boring classroom life, felt so tired. To take the risk, so bring your own good friends with all my heart to do the leader of the commander in chief the robber. Because in his eyes, a pirate is hero Robin Hood. He ran away from home, to go to the outside world through a cross, have a look, play time, bold pirate! In this adventure, he met with difficulties, but he didnt lose heart, dont give up, again and again to challenge difficulties bravely, until down with difficulty.

Although Tom naughty, naughty, but he also has a kind heart, he is brave, and also very savvy. Take the second chapter books, for instance. Tom fully display their talents. I paint the walls in order to let the other people to help him, he deliberately performance is very interesting, let he saved a lot of kung fu, also let others willing to give him something, as a reward. In he and huck met that night, two people together witnessed a murder, for the sake of justice, intrepidity Tom stood out, blew the lid off the Injun Joes ugly face, save the potter. This let I think Tom is a brave child.

Tom, Tom rebellious, tired of school life, I think I can understand. I just elementary school, I feel so happy, because there was no pressure, no piles of homework, more relaxed. But suddenly, I was the sixth grade students, homework than in a grade of homework every day. Sometimes, I also want to put down the work to the fullest play, also want to put aside all the classroom life like a bird to fly freely. With this experience, I think, Tom should feel the same way.

After reading this book, I think encounter difficulties do not easily discouraged, and strive to insist on. Tom is full of sunshine in life tells us: as long as there is joy, have a dream, a dream can come true.





