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The novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. It does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of "manners" in the tradition of Austen, or a straightforward Gothic Romance in the style of Mrs Radcliffe. What Charlotte Bronte did was to create a work which cleverly blends elements of the two styles, and which remains uniquely independent of them at the same time, since it addresses issues which were at the time rather controversial.

The novel is written in the first person, and thus magnifies the central character - the reader enters the world of Jane Eyre and is transported through her experiences at first hand. This at once makes the work subjective, especially since we know that Charlottes Brontes own life and experiences were so closely interwoven with the heroines. As well as this we learn only at the end of the novel that the events are being related to us ten years after the reconciliation with Rochester - thus the narrative is RETROSPECTIVE (looking back). CB is clever in blending the narrative so that at times Jane seems to be speaking as an adult with adult hindsight , while at others she she is "in the middle" of them, as a child or young woman. The indecision which is a central issue in the book, is heightened by this device. We never know, as readers, whether to be entirely trustful of Janes actions and thoughts, because we are never sure wheher she is speaking impulsively or maturely.

This intensifies the readers dilemma as to what is "right" and "wrong" in the dramatic relationships which are part of JEs life. Can we believe what the heroine says, or is she deceiving herself? The novel is primarily a love story and a "romance" where wishes come true but only after trials and suffering. The supernatural has its place, as do dreams, portents and prophesies. The heroine begins poor and lonely and ends up rich and loved; the orphan finds a good family to replace the wicked one; all the basic ingredients of classic romantic fairytale are present.

The romantic element is present in two forms in Jane Eyre; the "family" aspect is dealt with in the Gateshead, Lowood and Moor House episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked Reed family for the benevolent Rivers one; and the Love romance is dealt with in the Thornfield and Ferndean episodes. Both aspects are, of course linked and interwoven throughout the novel.

There is also a strong element of realism in the novel, which, married to the romantic aspect, enhances the novels strength.The sense of place is very strong; we are able to experience both exterior and interior settings with startling clarity throughout the story, in a series of vivid deive passages. The central characters are also realistic and their confrontations and sufferings change them in a believable way.

Even the unlikely is made plausible, with a unique blend of high drama and perceptive low comedy (the attack on Mason, for instance)

The more fantastic romantic aspects; the coincidences; the secrets; the supernatural occurrences, are balanced by the realism, and this is of course a major strength.

The Gothic influence cannot be ignored, although CB has refined the technique considerably from the "authentic" Gothic of the 1790s. In the original genre, the heroine would typically be abducted and threatened with seduction, or worse!. There would be a lover - a respectable, well-bred young man - who would endeavor to rescue the heroine and would succeed after many trial. the seducer would be a brigand "Know that I adore Corsairs!" and he would lock the girl up in a remote castle.

There was little freedom for middle class women during the period of the Gothic novel, and this was still the case in the time of CB. Marriage especially was often a bargain, whereby fortunes were secured by using the female as a pawn. A womans value largely depended therefore on her sexual purity and she was guarded and secured as a result. Men, on the contrary, were potent and free; lovers and mistresses were common. Ironically the women who provided their services were social outcasts as a result.

In Jane Eyre we see elements of the Gothic romance, in that Thornfield Hall and Rochester are described very much in the brigand/castle style BUT Jane Eyre is not abducted by R. On the contrary she chooses to go there of her own free will. AND she is clear in her determination to have Rochester as a husband. Neither is there a gentleman rescuer; St John Rivers may look like a Greek God, but he is neither kind nor benevolent; driving Jane back to Ferndean, not rescuing her from it.

The trials which the hero is supposed to undergo in a Gothic romance are in fact undergone by the heroine in Jane Eyre. The bandit Rochester is only skin-deep. Underneath the brooding exterior is a sensitive soul, which a WOMAN frees. In this way we see that CB created rather a daring departure from conventional fiction, although there are still many aspects of the novel which remain true to Victorian convention.!



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巴黎圣母院大教堂(Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris)是一座位于法国巴黎市中心、西堤岛上的教堂建筑,也是天主教巴黎总教区的主教座堂。小编收集了巴黎圣母院精彩段落摘抄,欢迎阅读。












(十二) 最伟大的建筑大半是社会的产物而不是个人的产物。与其说它们是天才的创作,不如说它们是劳苦大众的艺术结晶。它们是民族的宝藏,世纪的积累,是人类社会才华不断升华所留下的残渣。总之,它们是一种岩层。每个时代的浪潮都给它们增添冲积土,每一代人都在这座纪念性建筑上铺上他们自己的一层土,人类也是这样做的。

(十三) 爱情是什么?是一道神奇的加法:一个思念加上一个思念,就能变成十五的月亮。是一轮非凡的听力:即使隔着千山万水,也能听到彼此的激动的心跳。是一串美妙的语言:可以是柔情似水,如同烟波,也可以风风火火,惊天动地。是一把牢固的锁:它把亲密恋人如情如语的话,锁进记忆的梦里。是一种特等的信函:装在里面的是一个甜甜的吻,寄出去的是一个亲亲的问候。

(十四) 很难形容他在那些钟乐齐奏的日子里享有的那种欢乐。每当副主教放开他,向他说“去吧”的时候,他爬上钟楼的螺旋梯比别人下来还快。他气喘吁吁地跑进放那口大钟的房间,沉思地、爱抚地向那口大钟凝视了一会,接着就温柔地向它说话,用手拍拍它,好像对待一匹就要开始一次长途驰骋的好马,他对那口钟即将开始的辛劳表示怜惜。这样抚慰了一番之后,他便吼叫一声,召唤下一层楼里其余的钟开始行动,它们都在粗绳上挂着。

(十五) 这时那座钟塔震动起来了,他呢,吼叫着,磨着牙齿,他的头发根根直竖,胸膛里发出拉风箱一般的响声,眼睛里射出光芒,那口古怪的大钟就在他下面喘息地嘶鸣,于是,那既不是圣母院的钟也不是伽西莫多了,却成了一个梦境,一股旋风,一阵暴雨,一种在喧嚣之上的昏晕,成了一个紧抓住飞行物体的幽灵,一个半身是人半身是钟的怪物,一个附在大铜怪身上的阿斯朵甫。

(十六) 他想像她或许又回来了,一位仁慈的天使一定把她带回来了,这小屋子这么沉静,这么稳固,这么可爱,不会没有她在里面的,他不敢向前再走一步,唯恐他的幻想破灭。他自言自语地说道:“是的,她也许还在睡觉,或者在祈告。不要去惊动她。”

(十七) 雨果曾在《巴黎圣母院》的序言里说,数年前,他在参观她时,在一座尖顶钟楼的阴暗角落里,发现墙上手刻的字:ANARKH。这几个大写的希腊字母,历经岁月侵蚀,黑黝黝的,深深嵌进石头,这些难以描状的符号,尤其所蕴藏的宿命和悲惨的意义,深深震撼了他的心灵。

(十八) 那时候圣母院前有露天的咖啡馆,他在那儿喝工夫咖啡,口味浓重,一直坐到夕阳落尽,看晚霞的色彩在圣母院白色的石墙上均匀涂抹。我想象着当年的雨果,究竟是怀着一种怎样的看不见的心境,日夜徘徊在圣母院前墙巨大的阴影下面,听着钟楼传来的悠悠钟声,轻轻抚摩那一块快被岁月雕刻上命运的石头,钟楼上神秘的文字情不自禁地跳入脑海,他心里缓缓升起一股崇高而痛楚的情愫,开始构思一个波澜壮阔的故事。

(十九) 他左思右想,这苦难的灵魂是谁,非把这罪恶的烙印,或者说这灾难的烙印留在这古老教堂的额头上不可,否则就不肯离开尘世。参观完以后,那面墙壁经过了粉刷和刮磨,刻在圣母院阴暗钟楼上的神秘字迹也就随之泯灭了,如今已荡然无存,其催人泪下所概括的那段不为人知的命运,也烟消云散了。在墙上写下字的人,连同字,都从人间消失了。

(二十) 对于很多没去过巴黎的人,她更多时候是一本书名和一个痛苦的故事。她的名字和雨果紧紧相连,这位19世纪法国伟大的诗人、小说家、文学评论家和政论家,诗歌的革新者、浪漫派戏剧的创建者,凭借自己的智慧和心血,为一块块毫无生气的、冰冷的石头注入了血液和灵魂,成就了她的丰腴和美妙。他们仿佛一对恋人。

(二十一) 暮春的天气,泛着些慵懒,尤其在这样的夜晚,灯火凄迷,你和一盏灯都不说话,选择沉默——这样的氛围或多或少让人有点恹恹欲睡的感觉。如果此时耳畔突然响起了钟声,沉郁而浑厚的,一丝不苟地剥开夜色,来叩问你的灵魂,你又会想到些什么?我在黑夜里想象,用颤抖的手指拨开重重迷雾,穿过浓重的夜色,抵达十五世纪的巴黎。矗立在我眼前的是座巨大的哥特式建筑,高高的塔楼刺进苍穹。匍匐在巨人的脚下,我不过是一只卑微的蚂蚁。她就是举世闻名的巴黎圣母院,一首庞大的宏伟的石头的交响乐。

(二十二) 格雷沃广场上,美丽善良的吉普赛流浪姑娘爱斯梅拉达翩翩起舞,身后跟着漂亮聪明的加里;撞钟人卡西莫多丑陋畸形的身躯在钟楼上来回跳荡,发出怪兽一般的咆哮;神父阴郁的影子幽灵一样,厚重溽湿,借着黑色的外衣,在钟楼顶层的院墙内闪烁不止。

(二十三) 在这远离尘世,接近天堂的钟楼塔顶,是属于卡西莫多的崇高而圣洁的世界,也是孤独而绝望的世界。那天,他从这里放眼望出去,巴黎密密麻麻的房子被大街小巷切割得七零八落。阴凉的晓风吹过来,似乎连钟楼都在瑟瑟发抖。

(二十四) 巴黎圣母院的顶部是两坐钟楼,南钟楼的巨钟重十三吨。卡西莫多曾经是这儿的钟乐奏鸣家。那些钟是唯一能深入到这个聋子和独眼人灵魂深处的一丝光亮。他爱它们,他跟它们说话,了解它们,享受他独一无二的快乐。他让这神秘的教堂流动一种特殊的生气。

(二十五) 伽西莫多在劫掠爱斯梅拉达时被捕,第二天被带到邢台上示众:伽西莫多由于长得奇丑无比,从小备受人们的鄙弃,嫌恶和欺侮。而这一次,因为劫掠埃及姑娘而被捕,更是受尽了折磨和凌辱,人们都嘲笑他,咒骂他,虐待他,这时,奇异的事情却发生了,那个被劫掠的波西米亚姑娘从人群中走了上来。

(二十六) 伽西莫多此时的心理反应是:她是来报复的,是想别人一样来打他的。当我看到这儿的时候我也相信伽西莫多的判断,以怨报怨,这是世间最公平的法则。伽西莫多愤怒了,我们看到他的独眼里射出了雷电一样的怒火,几乎可以致人于死地----如果眼光可以杀人的话。

(二十七) 然而出乎一切人的意料之外,埃及姑娘不是来报复他的,她是可怜他,为他送上一口水的。姑娘这样的举动给了我一种心灵震撼的感觉,那姑娘真是有一颗金子般的心啊。接着,伽西莫多那一直干燥如焚的眼睛里,流出了一颗大泪珠,沿着那长时间被失望弄皱了的难看的脸流下来。这也许是那不幸的人生平第一次流出眼泪。我们可以想见他此刻的心情,他的眼睛之所以干燥如焚不就是因为缺少爱吗?是姑娘的一口水滋润了他的心田,化成感动的泪水,流动下来。埃及姑娘的举动太出乎他的意料之外了,由于惊讶于她的善良,他居然忘了去喝水!



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today, i was read the book which called “the adventures of tom sawyer.” this story is about a clever boy called tom sawyer.

this book describes the nineteenth century, the mississippi river in a small town peoples lives, it can be said at the time the united states are a microcosm of social life. small characters tom sawyer and his junior partner and seriously childish words and deeds can give us deep insight. they hate priests pack of lies, and do not like boring school of education and decently adults, and children a rival show. they smart and lively , integrity and courage, especially in some major events happened when, in a battle between justice and evil, in the moment of crisis comes, they will not hesitate to come forward.

i think tom sawyer is a brave boy. he always gives his friends courage in danger and he tries his best to help other people.

of course we know, tom is a very naughty boy, and his aunt polly is often angry with him. but i think he also is a good boy. he always can make other people happy.

people always grow, besides height, body has grown stronger, and people’s thoughts are long. your view on the world is different, sensible, and no longer childish. but people are getting better. dont like the adventures of the ruthless villains, and his quest do bad, people see people hate. but at last he still las toman, got a starved to death in the cave.

after reading the "adventures of tom sawyer," i really envy tom to have such an interesting experience. it seems this book with relish, and even sleepless nights.

in my heart, i respect tom. maybe he is a hero. and i think i should learn something from tom sawyer.



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Yesterday, I read the novel called "Tess of the Durbevilles". written by a famous Englishwriter Thomas Hardy.

The novel tells a story about a pretty and good girl called Tess, who lived in a village in Marlott. To her sadness, when she was seventeen, she was no longer a pure and untouched girl. She gave birth to a baby, which didnt live long. So Tess changed from a pure gir l to a grown —up.

Because she was the eldest of the 7 children in the family, she found a job to support the whole family in a dairy.There she knew Angel and married him. But unluckily. when Angel knew her sad story, he left her and went to Brazil.Tess led a hard an d lonely life after that. Later when she knew Angel had retumed home and found out that she was living with the man who had given the damage to her before,Tess couldnt accept the fact and killed the man who was living with her.

Then she escaped and spent together with Angel three days and nights. The police found them on the morning of the fourth day. A few days later, Tess was executed.

Having read this novel, I like the heroine very much because of her purity, warmness, nobility and the spirit of devotion, She dared to fight against the evil, bravely seek and sturggle for the rights of love.

Thomas Hardy was famous for the poetical novels. "Tess of the Durbevilles"is one of this kind. The novel is so fresh that it is nearly like a poem. For nearly a century, it has been popular with the people all over the world.



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The novel by the pungent satire and humorous, the strange imagination and the exaggeration, Gulliver who the description is very fond of the navigation risk, travels around the world in all directions, has experienced every large or small thrilling and the interesting fortuitous encounter.

In travel notes adult the country, Lilliput"s strange story has attracted me deeply, however the impression deepest in 1710 Gulliver went boating North America for me, on the chance encounter desert island brightly because of the country, knew had, the honest moral excellence benevolently brightly because of the country king"s story. Does not have because in bright country"s language to lie and the deceit such inscription, the people do not understand their meaning. They do not understand anything are suspect, anything is does not trust。 In theirs state, all are real, transparent.

I envy Gulliver to be able very much to arrive fortunately brightly because of the country, where is the ideal region which we pursue and yearned for, does not need to worry others speech in here you the genuine and fake. But in the realistic society, some people swindles others" hard-earned money with the honeyed words; Some people kidnap and sell the child to seek the sudden and huge profits; Some people even abandon their for the money birth parents No wonder, our teacher, the elder since childhood educates us to want to enhance vigilance, carefully is deceived.

I was also hoping the one day of our society also to be able to look like brightly because of country such, in children"s eye no longer has the anxiety, the education and the reality is unified. I hope for this reason diligently, also hopes everybody same place, starts from me, starts from the side, lets this social many spots be sincere, the few spot is false.



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Today, I finished reading >the book is short of a fairy tale.Simple and plain language, and hidden behind the truth and wisdom are so profound.The little prince, that never answer other peoples problems, ask questions without the answer would continue to be asked the little prince, the * * has a gold hair, with an innocent smile of the little prince, that come from another planet, with a melancholy and clear pure eyes of the little prince, help us to understand our world and ourselves.

What to look at the world, with the theory of temporal power, money, and dogma, or use of pure childlike innocence and goodness of human nature, the little prince tells us the answer.Our busy day and night, we pursue fame and wealth, as we are in a hurry, we care about gain and loss, but we have more and more lonely, more and more lonely, like the article to the wind blow them away, they have no root, live very hard."We become like children, easy happy, satisfied, we use the desire to bury his childhood imagination and pure heart.





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Published in 1847, Wuthering Heights was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when Wuthering Heights received a second printing with an introduction by Emilys sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the GREat novels of English literature.

Even so, Wuthering Heights continues to divide readers. It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and GREat loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written.

The novel is told in the form of an extended FLASHback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all.

Wuthering Heights is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other.

As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond.

It is a stunning novel, frightening, inexorable, unsettling, filled with unbridled passion that makes one cringe. Even if you do not like it, you should read it at least once--and those who do like it will return to it again and again.



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Anne is a distinctive girl. She had her own mind. Maybe in the views of others she is a naughty girl. Especially she has a quiet sister. Comparing with Margot she was not favorable. At the beginning her general appearance her character her manners were discussed from A to Z. But with the time going by she were becoming sensible. One must apply one’s reason to everything earning to obey to hold our tongue to help to be good to give in. Life has the great power to change us to adapt it. In addition Anne started afresh and tried to get to the bottom of it all. As she said we should examine the whole matter carefully ourselves and find out what is true and what is exaggerated. In our daily life we often meet arguments with parents. We can stick to the Anne’s principle. If parents are wrong we shall try first of all to make them alter their ideas and if we don’t succeed we shall stick to our own opinions and judgement. Although she lived in a small room she still had a brightful heart. She believed that it was spiring within her she felt that spring was awaking she felt it in her whole body and soul. And in the book she wrote and thought much of the time about things which very sensitive. For example she described a lot about the affair with Peter. It’s normal for a teenager. I think parents should read this book so they can regard this question correctly.

Anne said “One certainly could not call us rich now but all my hopes are pinned on after the war.” Now we are in the peaceful world hope is full of our life. So there is no reason putting off achieving dreams we should treasure everyone everything every moment that we have.



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Previously,in a certain town,a very lovely girl,she is not only beautiful but also intelligent kindhearted and spoke up for the girl.The girl without a mother,because her mother,when she was still small,on the death.The girls father,his mother married a new,new mothers also have two new sister."Wow,this could be the next home noisy."Girls very pleased."Sudden change in the family dynamic,lively,girls very happy.Because her father is not only a new mother.there were also two sisters.However,the excitement was short girls.


A long ago,rich man wife was ill, she feel die , so she was say with she daughter: “my lovely daughter,you don’t afraid , the supreme being was a blessing.”The mother was die,forever die. The daughter was sad cry. Read these, I’m very sad. I’m cry, too.You thick,a daughter without mother, that afraid!“Then,the father request a stepmother . A stepmother have two daughter. Two daughter very beautiful, but heart very ugly. They say lovely daughter was ‘cinderella’ . Cinderella? That’s very disagreeable to hear!Oh,that’s hatefully!



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The Little Princess is written by Frances hodgson Burnett, who was born in Manchester in England in 1849. In order to support her family she had began to write since she was 18. Then she was famous for the best selling book Little Lord Fauntleroy. She wrote about 50 novels and stories.

The representative ones are the secret garden, little princess, little Prince and so on. She was good at writing fiction and children"s stories. Her books often show sentimental, romantic color, plus full of childlike plots and the nature of light and warmth, which makes her works not only popular among the children but also the adults.

The Little Princess is just like the modern Cinderella. Sara Crewe, the protagonist of the novel was a little girl but acted as an adult and she loved telling stories to others. When she was 11, her dad sent her to a girls’ boarding school because of his father’s business. At first, Sara lived like a real princess and she was loved by everyone. She could get whatever she want because her father was rich. But on her birthday party, she got a bad news about her father was dead. From that moment, Sara’s life was totally changed. She didn"t understand why the teachers and students treat her so bad. She had to work 16 hours a day. She began to taste the hardships of life with no money. Sara and her partner Becky lived together and they helped each other, support each other. There’s an old saying, when one door shuts, another opens. So, after a long time, she met her father’s partner who was searching for her for years because her father found a gold ore and earned lots of money. Then she lived with this kind man and Becky became her exclusive maid.

When I finished reading the book, I feel inspire. What impressed me most are Sara’s kindness and the spirit of brave. When facing difficult, she is still very optimistic and is kind to everyone. She always has a b will and never gives up. I think whenever I face difficult I will think of Sara, then I will feel inspire and overcome it bravely.



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"Pride and prejudice" this book in junior high school have touched. Just at that time only saw the emotional entanglement between the actor and actress, ups and downs mood and let people immersed in them, after a few years, through again, do not have a flavor.

Bennet had five daughters were not married, and Mrs. Bennet is a neurotic vanity is dye-in-the-wood woman, will each daughter.many is her this life only event but never bother to discipline daughters behavior, and Mr. Bennett is a family-centered old gentleman, but orgiastically wife and daughters inappropriate behavior, prefer to hide into the library to seek calm. Jane Bennett is bennets daughter, beautiful appearance, disposition gentle, quiet, Ellie was Bennett is bennet family second daughter, personality vivacious, intelligent and beauty and rig, The third daughter Mary looks not if other sisters well, therefore in character and knowledge on studying hard, but also caused her arrogant attitude; The Kitty ranked fourth personality buckish, with yao sister Lydia hottest loyal dancing, behavior often disrespect not know; Yao daughters vanity, pay attention to enjoyment, dancing and and army officers dou make fun is her sole purpose in life. One day the near their house moved to a rich single man bingley Charles. He is a personality temperate, personhood sincere not the nuances of the rich young man, in a banquet bingley but love on the bennet daughter Jane, and Jane Bennett mutual love, While bingleys good friend darcy · fee Bates William personality formal serious, mismanagement words often give a person arrogance arrogance impressed, unwittingly like work knuts the second daughter of house was Ellie, but because the Bennett a itself is not decent family make these two relationship by obstacle, Ellie was the beginning of arrogance darcy bias, the main thing is to describe their this relationship transformation process.



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"Jane eyre" this a masterpiece of world literature treasure house, was I found recently. I carefully read. "Jane love" Britain is the author of charlotte. Bronte, she was born in a mountain town of Thornton, Yorkshire, England, is the village priest Patrick. Brontes third child. Charlotte in August 1847, written in the novel "Jane love". Jane eyre main story to tell the story of the little girl Jane grew up from the girl. Jane eyre from childhood, no parents, adopted by kissing my uncle. Jane eyre died uncle, aunt, all the bullying. Later, Jane eyre was sent to an orphanage, living in there for eight years. And then, Jane went to a governess, finally married to Mr. Rochester.

I like the fifth chapter: to longwood (lowood orphanage). At the time, JianGang to the orphanage, she experienced a very hard day. The orphanage children a week can eat no more than two bread and cheese and coffee, and they eat the burned out of porridget reply, up to very late every day in the morning to wait until the water washing a face, the teacher is very strict, do something wrong will be standing in the hall, but things have one teacher, miss Tan Bo son has broken some rules, let the students live a better life.

Jane eyres misfortune makes me feel: it was a wonderful life now, we should cherish the life now. Setbacks are not strong.






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I first read "Jane Eyre" in eighth grade and have read it every few years since.

It is one of my favorite novels, and so much more than a gothic romance to me, although thats how I probably would have defined it at age 13.

I have always been struck, haunted in a way, by the characters - Jane and Mr.


They take on new depth every time I meet them...and theirs is a love story for the ages.

Charlotte Brontes first published novel, and her most noted work, is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story.

Jane is plain, poor, alone and unprotected, but due to her fierce independence and strong will she grows and is able to defy societys expectations of her.

This is definitely feminist literature, published in 1847, way before the beginning of any feminist movement.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the novel has had such a wide following since it first came on the market.

It is also one of the first gothic romances published and defines the genre.

Jane Eyre, who is our narrator, was born into a poor family.

Her parents died when she was a small child and the little girl was sent to live with her Uncle and Aunt Reed at Gateshead.

Janes Uncle truly cared for her and showed his affection openly, but Mrs.

Reed seemed to hate the orphan, and neglected her while she pampered and spoiled her own children.

This unfair treatment emphasized Janes status as an unwanted outsider.

She was often punished harshly.

On one occasion her nasty cousin Jack picked a fight with her.

Jane tried to defend herself and was locked in the terrifying "Red Room" as a result.

Janes Uncle Reed had died in this room a little while before, and Mrs.

Reed knew how frightened she was of the chamber.

Since Jane is the narrator, the reader is given a first-hand impression of the childs feelings, her heightened emotional state at being imprisoned.

Indeed, she seems almost like an hysterical child, filled with terror and rage.

She repeatedly calls her condition in life "unjust" and is filled with bitterness.

Looking into the mirror Jane sees a distorted image of herself.

She views her reflection and sees a "strange little figure," or "tiny phantom." Jane has not learned yet to subordinate her passions to her reason.

Her passions still erupt unchecked.

Her isolation in the Red Room is a presentiment of her later isolation from almost every society and community.

This powerful, beautifully written scene never fails to move me.


Reed decided to send Jane away to the Lowood School, a poor institution run by Mr.

Brocklehurst, who believed that suffering made grand people.

All the children there were neglected, except to receive harsh punishment when any mistake was made.

At Lowood, Jane met Helen Burns, a young woman a little older than Jane, who guided her with vision, light and love for the rest of her life.

Janes need for love was so great.

It really becomes obvious in this first friendship.

Helen later died from fever, in Janes arms.

Her illness and death could have been avoided if more attention had been paid to the youths.

Jane stayed at Lowood for ten years, eight as a student and two as a teacher.

Tired and depressed by her surroundings, Jane applied for the position of governess and found employment at Thornfield.

The mansion is owned by a gentleman named Edward Fairfax Rochester.

Her job there was to teach his ward, an adorable little French girl, Adele.

Over a long period the moody, inscrutable Rochester confides in Jane and she in him.

The two form an unlikely friendship and eventually fall in love.

Again, Janes need for love comes to the fore, as does her passionate nature.

She blooms.

A dark, gothic figure, Rochester also has a heart filled with the hope of true love and future happiness with Jane.

Ironically, he has brought all his misery, past and future, on himself.

All is not as it seems at Thornfield.

There is a strange, ominous woman servant, Grace Poole, who lives and works in an attic room.

She keeps to herself and is rarely seen.

From the first, however, Jane has sensed bizarre happenings at night, when everyone is asleep .There are wild cries along with violent attempts on Rochesters life by a seemingly unknown person.

Jane wonders why no one investigates Mrs.


Then a strange man visits Thornfield and mysteriously disappears with Mr.


Late that night Jane is asked to sit with the man while the lord of the house seeks a doctors help.

The man has been seriously wounded and is weak from loss of blood.

He leaves by coach, in a sorry state, first thing in the morning.

Janes questions are not answered directly.

This visit will have dire consequences on all involved.

An explosive secret revealed will destroy all the joyful plans that Jane and Rochester have made.

Jane, once more will face poverty and isolation.

Charlotte Brontes heroine Jane Eyre, may not have been graced with beauty or money, but she had a spirit of fire and was filled with integrity and a sense of independence - character traits that never waned in spite of all the oppression she encountered in life.


Bronte brings to the fore in "Jane Eyre" such issues as: the relations between men and women in the mid-19 century, womens equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and hypocrisy (and the difference between the two), the realization of selfhood, and the nature of love and passion.

This is a powerhouse of a novel filled with romance, mystery and passions.

It is at once startlingly fresh and a portrait of the times.


Bronte will make your heart beat faster, your pulse race and your eyes fill with tears.



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Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinors hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister.

Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinors growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters reacts to their romantic misfortunes, and the lessons they draw before coming finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel. Though Mariannes disregard for social conventions and willingness to consider the world well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is Elinor whom Austen herself most evidently admired; a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure.

This article is from internet, only for studying!



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