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In winter vacation, I watched a movie called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It is very interesting. Though I watched this movie before, I still felt moved this time. The movie is very famous, and won seven Oscar Awards. The plot is like following:

Long long ago, Snow White stayed happily with her parents. But the queen was jealous of Snow White and she sent the hunter to kill Snow White, but the hunter let Snow White escape. One day, the queen dressed up as an old farmer’s wife and gave Snow White a poisonous apple. Snow White ate the poisonous apple and felt into a deep sleep. The Seven Dwarfs was very sad and put her in a coffin. By and by, a prince saved Snow White and she woke up. They got married and lived happily.

I like this story. It tells us a truth: People like beauty and good. The wicked never kill the good! We are happy the prince and the princess were married and lived happily. We hope they can live forever!




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The Scarlet Letter" is the American novelist Nathaniel Hawthornes most outstanding representative of the United States as a whole romantic story in the most prestigious works of one of the authority.s Novel The story takes place in the mid-seventeenth century Calvin who were under the rule of the Boston, the author At that time, the social status quo from the start, through a touching love story to expose the tragedy of the spirit of the people, spiritual and moral destruction.

Hester Prynne is a marriage was on the unfortunate women, young and beautiful, but married to a physical deformity of the sick patients  Shiluo Jie Ling Qi Worth, a lack of love between husband and wife, and later, Roger Also missing at sea, Yaowuyinxun, Prynne lived a lonely life. At this time there is a handsome and ambitious young minister, Arthur Dimmesdale  into her life, they are sincere love, time After a period of privacy but warm love life. In the near future, Blenheim pregnant as a result of the hidden exposure to the crime of adultery was arrested, in prison, gave birth to a daughter, Pearl small.

At that time, in accordance with the rules, the only explanation adulterer Prynnes name in order to be pardoned, they would be punished. However, the implementation of the mandate of the trial but it was his lover. Prynne alone would rather put up with any punishment for her generation and Dimmesdale Seoul between the deeply buried in the hearts of love, she has a strong hold on.

Hester Prynne was punished, she must be wearing a life-long embroidered red A word of the coat. A letter on behalf of adultery (Adultery) of the word. Prynne Pearl with a small retreat from living alone in remote huts on the outskirts of In those who have been lonely life. Sinister and former Fu Luojie Dimmesdale found the abnormal performance of the minister to use such mixed feelings and suffering, continue to torment him, Dimmesdale finally promoted to bishop in his forthcoming On the eve of, publicly announced their secret, Dimmesdale to expose people around the love of the first carol. When he himself say a few words of bras, of a scarlet A word in defense of his chest. In his own wife who passed away.

Hester Prynne, his strong, perseverance, love of the faithful. Although the ruled that the guilty, but she has a clean, pure. Her spirit rising to become truth, benevolence and beauty in disguise. She moves on to teach and the right of the feudal regime of oppression under the love, human rights and freedoms fully affirmed.

Prynne and Dimmesdale initially had a red-hot love, although he had to retreat, to cover for their own comfort, but the heart of the suffering has not been affected by his calm and security, on the contrary, more and more strongly. He Prynne and the date, he flails on the stage of self-punishment of repentance, and their escape plans, as well as the final public speeches have become Dimmesdales love toward the altar of the approaching step by step by step. Finally, he say a few words T-shirt, people see a large cake in his chest A red characters. A word that is actually baked in his mind, this is the distillation of love.

Rose spent by the author with good symbol of the United States, with prison a symbol of death, with a light, a bird ... ... Prynne and Dimmesdale a symbol of love between the crystallization - Pearl so that the work is full of a Charming drive.

In the last works in combination Prynne and Dimmesdales words inscribed on the tombstone: a cemetery, inscribed A word of the blood red. This indeed is

the phrase meaningful!




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This book let me the deepest impression is the author of some of the buildings, the symbol of the power and lavish church let people under the guise of the sacred religion to show the aesthetic view of architect. The human nature deeply buried beneath a sacred religious coat, the typical character is vice bishop, Claude.

Church how eerie, this lets a person associate to under the block of religion, then society is how dirty and corrupt. True, the good and the beautiful religious use religion to make bloody incident, formed a strong resistance. Full text can let a person heart deeply understand to the lost, confused and upset.

If you have a sword, youll do your best to Pierce that layer of clouds in society, you full of anger and contempt for it, just like in the book of the tramps treat society crazy revenge.

Dont the same treatment as the angels and demons, to the whims of numerous dirty, filled with our eyes. This book made me see a different world, it profoundly reveals the inner world of people. At any moment, the person is in common: a passion for the good, the pursuit of good,s praise of the good... As the angels and demons which one you want to be?







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When I first saw one of the works of Jonathan swift, gullivers travels, I thought it was like "lubin sun Crusoe adventure novels, but when I opened the book and read the preface of the book part just know, originally this is a full of fairy tale satire novel. But the novels fairy tale color only on the surface of the local characteristics, sharp deep irony is its soul.

After watching the gullivers travels, we have to look at yourself, see if our body is the worst ills of shadow, and see if we like the authors describe the hu.

Although our society dont like the British decline, but were not much better. Petty theft, throw litter and vandalism, are everywhere around us. Murder and arson drug smuggling, brutal crazy. We often see on TV, are not surprising. So a muddy society, to clarify what we make. Now although we may not do anything with a bang, but at least we can do what we can do it. Even picked up a piece of trash, head down and lifted the old man across the road, on the bus seat... This is all we lift a finger.

After I read this book, I sighed deeply. I hope we can in our society, be like hui from country society. I would like to pay, starts from me, starts from the minor matter, starts from now, make the society a little more sunshine, a little less dark.







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1482年,法王路易十一统治下的巴黎城沉浸在“愚人节”的狂欢的气氛中。巴黎圣母院前面的广场上,来自埃及的吉卜赛少女埃斯梅拉达以动人的美貌和婀娜的舞姿博得了人们热烈地喝彩。她把人们给她的赏钱,分给穷苦的孩子们,并对他们说:“把这些钱全部拿去,你们去过节吧!”孩子们问她:“那你怎么办?”她说:“别管我,我天天都在过节。”-------- 是的,这就是她埃斯梅拉达....... 但是,命运之神却在这个时候把一切都定格了.在众多的观众中,一个面色苍白的中年人,穿着黑色的教袍,躲在玻璃窗后面,也在偷看埃斯梅拉达翩翩起舞。他就是巴黎圣母院的副主教、炼金术士克洛德•富洛娄。当他看到色艺双全的吉卜赛女郎边唱边跳,她那轻快的舞步,绝妙的舞姿,把他埋藏在心底十多年的欲念突然唤醒了。他无法自控,无法把俘虏了他的灵魂的魔鬼赶走。为了排遣心中的烦闷,他到广场上驱赶正在叫卖的摊贩,声言不准在教堂前面胡闹。而这一切只为了他那无私的心理........这些小贩哪里把他放在眼里,群起而攻之。正在这时,从教堂内冲出来一个相貌齐丑、身材高大、力大无比的男子,他推开众人,救回了神甫。他就是加西莫多。原来他是一个被父母遗弃在巴黎圣母院门前的畸形儿,富洛娄出于怜悯把他抚养成人,因终日敲钟而震聋了耳朵。为了(奉献),这不是他的错. 欢乐的人们正在物色“愚人教皇”,埃斯梅拉达一眼看中了又聋又丑的钟楼怪人加西莫多。人们给他戴上王冠,披上袍子,还给了他一支口哨,让他坐在高高的轿子上沿街游行。加西莫多正高兴地吹着哨子,忽然看见脸色阴沉的富洛娄站在轿前。神甫打掉他的王冠,把他拉回圣母院。为什么?也许只为了那无法忍受的卑微吧!


一声”救命”,让她流浪于“奇迹王朝”。而当时在那“奇迹王朝”统治下的“黑话王国”里,乞丐王克劳班正在审理不懂切口而误入“王国领地”的穷诗人干果阿。而按照王朝的规矩,他只有两种选择:要么跟绞索配对,要么跟王国中的女人攀亲。可是几个老女人都嫌他过于单薄,没一个人肯要他。这样,干果阿只能被吊死。在这千钧一发之际,埃斯梅拉达挺身而出,高喊“我要他”。这样,两人当场举行婚礼。善良的少女同意与他结为夫妻,只是为了救他一命,把他带回家中,供以食宿,但不与他同房。此时,如果是我们,试问有多少人肯愿意这样做? 试问又有多少人有这样的勇气和胆量?

而当我们看到犯了强抢民女罪的加西莫多,在被草草审理后,被带到广场上当众鞭笞。跪在烈日下代人受过的钟楼怪人口渴难熬,他向士兵和围观的人群高喊要水,回答他的却是一片戏弄和辱骂。这时,美丽的埃斯梅拉达拨开众人,把水送到加西莫多的嘴边。心中充满感激之情的加西莫多饱含热泪,不住地说:“美„„美„„美” ,而在这一刻他许下了终身的诺言。 看到这里,我应该是喜还是悲?

广场上,穷诗人帮助埃斯梅拉达上演山羊认字的节目。山羊在一堆拉丁字母中,叼出了太阳神菲比斯的名字。这时菲比斯正在广场旁边的王宫中向王后和她的女儿献媚取宠。公主百合花让菲比斯到广场上,赶走埃斯梅拉达,以证实他对她的爱情。菲比斯骑马来到广场,大声轰赶着正在演出的艺人,小声和姑娘订下了今晚在老地方见面的幽会。 然而这一次的幽会,谁又知道带给她的是无尽的黑暗.......


为了什么?加西莫多把姑娘藏在自己的住房里,像守护神一样睡在房门口?而当突然醒来的埃斯梅拉达看到加西莫多的脸时,她被吓坏了。加西莫多急忙逃走,跑到钟楼上用自己的头拼命地撞击着大钟,低沉的钟鸣如泣如诉。埃斯梅拉达来到他身边,加西莫多用手蒙住脸,喃喃地说:“我的脸很丑,总让人害怕。”为了安慰他,姑娘为他跳起了节奏欢快的舞蹈。兴奋异常的加西莫多,像打秋千一样,用身体的重量为姑娘敲响了圣母院的大钟。他爽朗的笑声充满整个钟楼。加西莫多在钟楼上牵着绳子飞来飞去,为埃斯梅拉达采摘盛开的鲜花。爱在冰封的季节。 突然姑娘发现了在广场上的卫队长,她叫他的名字,但他头也不抬看她一眼。她让加西莫多去找他,可是他为了得到公主丰厚的陪嫁和位于圣保罗的领地,对姑娘的请求不屑一听,策马而去。善良的加西莫多发觉自己辱没了姑娘的使命。而深深的自责........



从绞刑架上解下来的埃斯梅拉达的尸体,被人们放在蒙孚贡大坟窟里,加西莫多找到她之后,静静地躺在她身旁。天空为什么不下一场暴雨........? 为什么?为什么?为什么?








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Life such as the siege.Republishes from 1980 to now, scholars qianzhongshu unique novel fortress besieged has remained constant: sell like hot cakes in November 1980 after the first run of 130000 copies, total sales of 3.98 million copies to date.More was adapted into a novel flow, TV series and other art forms, research works and papers are also countless.Or impact from sales, fortress besieged is a unique scenery, in the history of 30 years of reading as a model of intellectuals novels, fortress besieged has affected the generations of readers.

The author in "besieged city" title, perhaps is to want to tell us: marriage is like siege, not only life, life, career, etc. More like the siege.In fact, we have been going round in circles, repeat do the same thing;Find a cage shut yourself up and soon found that the scenery there than here as well, and out of the cage into the cage.So repeated and enthusiasm.



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During the summer holiday, I spent much time in reading. I finished one of the four masterpieces ofChina, Journey to the West. It’s really an interesting book, telling many adventurous stories. I had watched the TV series before, but I found that the book is much interesting. Except for the adventurous experiences, we still can learn something from this book. We should be brave and confident to ourselves, no matter how many difficulties we meet. Our fellows and teamwork is important to us. When we are in trouble, they are the person we can rely on. And the trust between people is of great importance. It can combine people to a group and work together.



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I have read some parts of this nover when I was about thirteen years old,but the book was really too thick for me to read over patiently.It’s a pity that I haven’t finished it till now.But fortunately, I have watched the movie “Pride and Predudice”directed by an American film studio several months ago.

The simple but pure plot,the wonderful song,the classical custume, the luxury ball,the scene full of amorous feelings from the British country,the beatiful and stubborn actress,all of these moved me deeply.Mr. Darcy,the actor of the nover,a nobleman from the uper-classes in England,because of this , he has an inborn superiority that he looks down at every person from the lower-classes .

He don’t like neither their life style nor their way to think.Elizabeth,the actress of the nover,an obstinate,wise young girl from the lower-classes of the country.She dosen’t like anyone who is constumelious,she hates the spurs from the pride men. By these, you know,there’er lots of conflicts between them,but at last,Darcy and Elizabeth,the two different even opposite youngsters fall love .That’s very incredible.

In fact,we are always pride and think something in our mind but not right,we assess the others only depend on their background or their color of skin , we hide our true heart and pretend ,we dispise the others without any reason……But why don’t we ask ourselves in our heart or mind: what do we feel in fact? What do we need in fact? What do we hate and love in fact? Why not express our real feelings at once?Why not chase the happy we really want ?

If we can go through the hindrances that set by ourselves,if we can express the true feelings we have and say it out loudly and clearly to somebody we want to tell with, if we can give up the contumely and spurns which block us to get long well wigh the others wo love,if we can live together harmony and sincere, if ……If that day really comes,the love will come too.



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After I read the book that is called “The old man and the sea” I was deeply moved by the old man and his spirit.

The book written by Hemingway tells us a story that an old man whose name is Santiago went out to do some fishing on the sea on his own but down on his luck he hadn’t caught any fish for 84 days. Next day he caught a huge marlin which is bigger than his boat and took a formidable battle with it. He beat it at the end. When he was on the way home the smells of blood of the marlin draw a lot of sharks’ attention and they fought for it. In order to protect the marlin and him the old man tried his best to fight with them. After a cruel fight he won it and came back home tiredly. Although he only got a skeleton of the giant marlin at last he is also a great hero in many people’s heart.

In the article the old man is a great man. Although he failed for many time in his life he never gave up. He is a steel-willing man who insisted his dream and work hard. You can destroy him but you can’t beat him. Whatever he faced to he would never yield to the difficult which shows a strong spirit.

In our lives I think we should learn something from the old man which will make us have a more valuable life. Whenever and wherever we meet trouble we should never give up and try our best to overcome it. We should always keep on our dream and make it come true. Every one has his backbone which can’t be bended by anyone which is very important for everyone in his whole life. If we meet difficulty in our life we should face it bravely and work out some way to solve the problem whatever would happen at last. We can be destroyed but we can’t be beat by anything or anyone. If you failed for many times in your life you wouldn’t surrender because if you try to do it you may succeed in your life but if you do not do it you would not be succeed forever. Everyone has his advantages and disadvantages in his life but we should face to our disadvantages and we must be confident which would also make us be confident of our life. We should have faith in what we do in our life we will have a more beautiful life in the future and our dream will come true. We should pay more attention to what we do during our life rather than what we will get at the end because I think it is more important than any thing you get finally. If you enjoy you life not something you get you will have a meaningful life and a noble spirit. It will hurt you when you pay more attention to what you get in the future. It will also make you do something wrong which is bad for other people our society and our country.

I’m impressed by the sentence which is “We can be destroyed but we can’t be beat.” I think everyone should do it no matter what happen in our life. This book makes me know something I didn’t know in the past. The book and the old man have a great influence in my life. I love this book.



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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is where Harry Potter and his friends learned about magic.

Main Characters:Harry Potter is an 11 year old boy who’s parents died, and he goes to Hogwarts.

Ron Weasley is an 11 year old boy who has 5 brothers and 1 sister, and he goes to Hogwarts.

Hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots , and she goes to Hogwarts.

Quirrell is Hogwarts’s teacher,Voldemort’s helper.

Voldemort is an evil guy of the magic world.

Climax:Harry never thought Quirrell was helping Voldemort. Quirrel cought Harry and let him to get the Philospher’s stone, but when Harry got it, he didn’t give it to Quirrell, and Voldemort came out,from the back of Quirrell’s head!And Voldemort orderd Quirrell to catch Harry and get the stone, but when Quirrell touched Harry, his body dissolved,and then he died.

Conclusion:Harry defeated Voldemort, and the year has finished,it’s time for the school cup,Gryffindor was in last , but 4 more things let them win!

First is for Ron, because he play the best game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 points.Second is for Her mione,for the use of cool logic in the face fire,she got 50 points.Third is for Harry, who defeated Voldemort, get the stone, he got 60 points for that!Last, for Neville,he got 10 points for his moxie,and Gryffindor won!



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失落世界》,作者正是以 “福尔摩斯” 系列侦探小说而闻名于世的柯南•道尔.关于作者,恐怕已是妇孺皆知,无人不晓了.然而人们通常只暗熟于他作为一名杰出的侦探小说家,却未必注意到他同样也是一名出色的科幻作家,《失落的世界》正是他科幻作品中的代表之作,业已成为科幻经典而供后人无尽鉴赏品评.

"The lost world", the author is known to the world as the "Holmes" series of detective novels by Conan Doyle. About the author, Im afraid its been even woman and children all know, unmanned not dawn. However, people usually only dark ripe to him as a great detective novelist, but may not notice he is also a good the science fiction writer, "the lost world" is a representative of his science fiction works of science fiction, has become a classic and for future generations of endless appreciation evaluation.


Imagination is more important than knowledge, has the imagination is to obtain a precious wealth, is to have the power to transform the world, we can always keep a childlike innocence from the undying. When we feel a solemn and mysterious at the same time, we are also learning to shake off the dust on clothes, let once dark gloomy eyes glow glory, let a rigid mind again into the source of creativeness. So, we fix for, insightful, the mood will have been improved. Our understanding of the real world will become more and more profound, clear and accurate.



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Thoughts given by Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son

Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories. Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son originally published by Oxford University Press.

As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke’s missing son. Arthur, the Duke’s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of the German teacher. The school master Dr. Huxtable then turned to the famous detective of the time Sherlock Holmes for help. Realizing how tough and important the case is, Holmes immediately made up his mind to accept the case and followed Dr. Huxtable back to Mackleton by train. Having formed a rough idea about the wholle matter, Holmes probed into the case immediately and had a careful investigation of the entire area shortly after the arrival, during the process of which he discovered the body of the German teacher Heidegger. Finally, primarily due to his prominent ability as a detective, he managed to unravel the mystery and obtained the twelve thousand pounds promised by the Duke.

Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious story presented by the book. As the saying goes, “Well begun, half done”. At the beginning of the story, just like many other detective stories, the author gives us a brief description of the condition by the words of a client. However, unlike other ones, this story first delineates the client’s strange behavior at length to indicate the severity of the incident in order to attract the readers to continue reading it. As is known to all, vivid depiction is essential to detective stories since it can help the readers understand each figure’s characteristics and visualize the scenes, thus making the story more authentic and attractive. Therefore, trying to present a “real world” to his readership, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the original “Holmes series”, has skillfully arranged the plots of the whole story from the perspective of Dr. Watson, a character not so specialized in discovering the truth hidden behind the enigmatic happenings as Holmes but so loyal to Sherlock Homes as a friend that he always accompanies Holmes wherever he goes. In this way, he elaborately depicted every scene and character in the book, Apart from the special start, the ending of the whole story, being dramatic but reasonable, is certainly an outstanding one. After all, except the author himself, who knows that the Duke’s seemingly ordinary secretary is in fact the Duke’s bastard? In addition, who knows that the Duke actually has already been acquainted with the whole thing before Holmes solves this complicated problem? Yet, surprising as it is, this ending seems so natural that it fits all the plots of the story perfectly well. While enjoying this wonderful story, I could do nothing but admire the wonderful design of this masterpiece as well as the author’s gorgeous writing skill. Closing my eyes, I can even “see” the story happening just like watching a film. Not until then did I understand why the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan used this “Conan” as the name of its hero.

As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly assisted him a lot when he was studying the case. Take the bicycle tyres for instance, Holmes actually is capable of recognizing 42 different varieties of bicycle tyres. What’s more, according to his other stories, Holmes has studied different kinds of newspapers, cigarettes, people’s footprints and other special things as well. Therefore, he seems to have the mastery of anything relevant to the cases he deals with. Except for his illimitable knowledge, Holmes also specializes in arranging the facts in order and then finding the fact leading him to a GREat discovery or even the truth itself. From his speaking “Every mystery has an answer”, we can readily shape the impression of a man with great intelligence and inflexible will. In this case, after getting rid of unrelated facts, Sherlock Homes eventually grasped the clue and discovered the amazing fact.



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Recently, I read a very interesting book, is the name of the book "Tom Sawyer, I really like the hero inside.

Tom is a clever naughty boy. Tom for feudal life in the family and school in the boring classroom life, felt so tired. To take the risk, so bring your own good friends with all my heart to do the leader of the commander in chief the robber. Because in his eyes, a pirate is hero Robin Hood. He ran away from home, to go to the outside world through a cross, have a look, play time, bold pirate! In this adventure, he met with difficulties, but he didnt lose heart, dont give up, again and again to challenge difficulties bravely, until down with difficulty.

Although Tom naughty, naughty, but he also has a kind heart, he is brave, and also very savvy. Take the second chapter books, for instance. Tom fully display their talents. I paint the walls in order to let the other people to help him, he deliberately performance is very interesting, let he saved a lot of kung fu, also let others willing to give him something, as a reward. In he and huck met that night, two people together witnessed a murder, for the sake of justice, intrepidity Tom stood out, blew the lid off the Injun Joes ugly face, save the potter. This let I think Tom is a brave child.

Tom, Tom rebellious, tired of school life, I think I can understand. I just elementary school, I feel so happy, because there was no pressure, no piles of homework, more relaxed. But suddenly, I was the sixth grade students, homework than in a grade of homework every day. Sometimes, I also want to put down the work to the fullest play, also want to put aside all the classroom life like a bird to fly freely. With this experience, I think, Tom should feel the same way.

After reading this book, I think encounter difficulties do not easily discouraged, and strive to insist on. Tom is full of sunshine in life tells us: as long as there is joy, have a dream, a dream can come true.








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What can I say about Pixar? Amazing?? Perfect?? Got to see this at the Cannes Film Festival in France (went>【扩展阅读篇】


































(1)引——围绕感点 引述材料。简述原文有关内容。

(2)概——概括本文的主要内容 ,要简练,而且要把重点写出来。


(4) 联——联系实际,纵横拓展。围绕基本观点摆事实讲道理。写读后感最忌的是就事论事和泛泛而谈。就事论事撒不开,感不能深入,文章就过于肤浅。泛泛而谈,往往使读后感缺乏针对性,不能给人以震撼。联,就是要紧密联系实际,既可以由此及彼地联系现实生活中相类似的现象,也可以由古及今联系现实生活中的相反的种种问题。既可以从大处着眼,也可以从小处入手。当然在联系实际分析论证时,还要注意时时回扣或呼应“引”部,使“联”与“引””藕”断而“丝”连这部分就是议论文的本论部分,是对基本观点(即中心论点)的阐述,通过摆事实讲道理证明观点的正确性,使论点更加突出,更有说服力。这个过程应注意的是,所摆事实,所讲道理都必须紧紧围绕基本观点,为基本观点服务。



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When people really want to do it, God just happens to mean the beginning, and go back on, shameless the.

Undeniably, the opportunity is the wait for anyone, it is not passive, not waiting for you to analyze, analyze it, consider this, consider that a series of trivial events, and then decided to do it. Perhaps it is itself a fleeting Wizard, which is the test of courage and guts, wisdom and soul. It does not mean that all things should not be thoughtful, careful Clofibrate conduct, and if so, what we were in ancient times? Of course, opportunity and a need to treasure, you need to take advantage of, opportunities have come across are very difficult to fully and thoroughly to take advantage of, but it is difficult. How to better perfect it is a priority.

The policeman, not a claim has been given many opportunities than it? The cable does not do this than to understand what, just keep endlessly kept in mind for his so-called target to continue to play a life, clown, never tired. And lucky him, the total in the stage has written slip, but in the end was as a joke, laughed.

A drama in the end, which means another Drama begins. The police is concerned, only to routine; on the reader, but near the end; of life is concerned, only a small episode; of the writer is concerned, it is a good plot; on the audience, the only worthy of a ticket; on Soapy, it is a new idea of life close to, for he had the ignorance to pay, value is what he does not escape from his hand, he may be able to reverse the fate of the Opportunity and its contempt for the lessons learned in the final result.

If he will blame anyone, so that he does deserve it; if he can only blame himself, then he can say to yourself out loud: Three months, not too long, I will cherish and seize the time each day . well, in fact, did not run away, but I ignored. wait for it

Well, in fact, did not go far. Yes, a lot of happiness to dominate, the opportunity is one of them. Do not wait until God impatient, after all, he has emotions, give you played rough, then, as if too lacking in human touch of the. But their suffering.

Cherish the people or things around them, they change every day, but we are too busy, did not see. Opportunity is like a chance encounter, a good thing. Take advantage of, the benefits of it to play the extreme, it is a beauty thing. A person"s life will be all sorts of conditions, each of the significance of the situation is very different, very different. Select a different situation, a different life, a different fate, a different change So, we have to opportunity, transparent, fully see, so that would not go astray friends.

If the contrary, the outcome would be like Soapy: horror, realize that they have plunged into the abyss, the fallen years, shameful desire, despair, only poor intellectual exhaustion, motivation despicable.

Not grasp the opportunity to meet, are fools; not met but know how to grasp opportunities is talent; both opportunities and understanding of how the event is a genius.



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