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The Mid-Autumn festival is our traditional festival in the lunar calendar August 15, is Chinas second largest after Spring Festival traditional festival.

August 15 just in the middle of the autumn, the so called Mid-Autumn festival. According to the record of history, the word "Mid-Autumn festival" first appeared in "rites". To the wei and jin dynasty, until the early years of the tang dynasty, Mid-Autumn festival became fixed festivals. The prevalence of Mid-Autumn festival began in song dynasty, to Ming and qing dynasties, along with New Years day, to become one of the major festivals in China.

Mid-Autumn festival on this day, the moon in the sky is bright and special big special circle, so the day was looking at is a good day for the reunion, also was named the most human, a festival of poetry. Some people say that every festive holiday times. Mid-Autumn festival this missing, of course, could be more deeply, especially the moon hanging in the moment, dont forget, let the truth a greeting CARDS to the distance of your family and friends blessing reunion night, the moon is high. Therefore, also known as the August 15 for "the mid autumn festival". Through the ages, people often use "full moon", "the month lacks" to describe the "." Wandering away they, especially on deep feeling. The tang dynasty poet li bais "look at the bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home." Du fus "from this white night, the month is like home." Song dynasty poet wang anshi "spring breeze has green river, south when the moon as I also." Such as poem, song is eternal.

Now the Mid-Autumn festival on this day, the people of the whole country can also enjoy a day of holiday, family reunion!



中秋之这一天,天上的圆月分外明亮特别的大特别的圆,所以这一天被看着是团圆的大好日子,也被人们喻为最有人情味、最诗情画意的一个节日。有人说,每逢佳节倍思亲。中秋节这一份思念当然会更深切,尤其是一轮明月高高挂的时刻,不要忘了,让真情贺卡给远方的亲人朋友一个问候祝福团圆之夜,明月高悬。因此,又称八月十五为“团圆节”。古往今来,人们常用“月圆”、“月缺”来形容“悲欢离合。”客居他们的游子,更是以月寄托深情。唐代诗人李白的“ 举头望明月,低头思故乡。”杜甫的“露从夜今白,月是故乡明。”宋代诗人王安石的“春风有绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。”等诗句,都是千古绝唱。





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The Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, every May in Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, festival, festival on May afternoon, five days Festival, AI Festival, terminal five, afternoon, afternoon, the summer festival, was originally a summer holiday from plague.


According to "historical records" "Qu Jia biography" records, Qu Yuan, is the spring and Autumn period chuhuaiwang ministers. He advocated the virtuous empowerment, enriching, strongly linked Qi Qin, is strongly opposed by the son of noble Abram, Qu Yuan was greedy removal, was driven out of the capital, exiled to the yuan, Xiang river. He was in exile, wrote his "Li Sao", "heaven", "Nine Songs" and other immortal poems, unique style, profound (and thus, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the poet Festival). In 278 BC, the Qin Chu kyoto. Qu Yuan saw that his country was invaded, heartbroken, but always not abandon their country, in May 5th, was written in words as "Huai Sha", bouldering Miluo River to die, to their own lives and write a magnificent patriotic movement.

朱宣咸中国画《端午佳节》 传说屈原死后,楚国百姓哀痛异常,纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊屈原。渔夫们划起船只,在江上来回打捞他的真身。有位渔夫拿出为屈原准备的饭团、鸡蛋等食物,“扑通、扑通”地丢进江里,说是让鱼龙虾蟹吃饱了,就不会去咬屈大夫的身体了。人们见后纷纷仿效。一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙水兽,以免伤害屈大夫。后来为怕饭团为蛟龙所食,人们想出用楝树叶包饭,外缠彩丝,发展成棕子。

Zhu Xuanxian China painting "Dragon Boat Festival" the legend of Qu Yuans death, Chu abnormal grief people, have rushed to Miluo River to pay their respects to Qu Yuan. The fishermen rowed boats, back and forth on the river to salvage his real body. A fisherman out of rice ready for Qu Yuan, eggs and other food, "plop, plop into the river to throw, let the fish and shrimp to eat, not to bite the flexor doctor. People imitate one after another after seeing. An old physician, a jug of wine poured into the river, say to medicine Halo Water Dragon beast, so as not to harm flexor doctor. Later, as if for the Dragon Balls food, people come up with neem leaves board, color outside the winding wire, developed into a brown son.


Later, in the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year in May, have dragon boat races, eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine customs; in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.



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There is an old Chinese saying: Top students come from strict teachers.

Perhaps affected by this saying for a long time, we believe it right. However,

as time flies, lots of things have changed. Therefore, I am eager to discuss

what relation is the best between teachers and students.A teacher can treat a

student in two ways .One is strict, and the other is friendly. Most teachers

prefer the first way.To start with, we certainly have to admit that strictness

is very effective, especially to the naughty pupils.

As pupils we aren’t able to control ourselves well or fix our attention on

one thing for a long time. We do most things because they are interesting or we

feel like doing. We are always looking out of the window in class. Sometimes, we

get to play games and forget our homework. On this occasion, strictness is a

must. It not only forces us to do the right thing, but also helps us develop a

good learning habit, which is of great importance during our whole life .In

other words, it is the first step to success.Still, everything has two sides.

Its weak points are very obvious. You see, there’re top students in a class,

where average students make up the majority. Then teachers’ orders or

suggestions are for the majority, not for top students. However, top students

always have their own study plans and prefer special homework, so orders usually

won’t take great effect on them.

Maybe you have thought out that teachers can give orders only to the

majority and set some freedom to top students. However, it’s impossible .For a

whole class, teachers couldn’t give order to part of the class, for the majority

would question why they needn’t do such work, but we need? It would be probable

that they think teachers treat them not equally, and will not obey teachers’

orders any more. This is a difficulty for teachers.It also has another

disadvantage——the communication problem .Since teachers are strict, we never

tell teachers our personal affairs or secrets. Mostly we just tell them to our

friends, but as students too, they couldn’t help to solve our problem, such as

puppy love, communication problems or study problems .Not being solved

completely, they always disturb us, influencing our daily life and study. I’m

sure that you think that making friends with teachers can solve the problem, and

you are eager to do so as well. But if we do so, new problems will come out .You

see, an adult couldnt control himself well at times, let alone us students.

However if teachers are our friends, I doubt whether their orders will take

effect any more .You see, have we ever treated our friends’ orders as orders? We

think they’re only jokes. This is another difficulty for teachers.Additionally,

our parents have the same problem. Yes, we need to be friends, but not complete

friends. We need to keep a certain distance, making us communicate well and

willing to take your orders. I remember a story.One day, a lady had her rest

room decorated. And a skilled worker was bricking up the wall. Seeing large

cracks between the bricks, she questioned why. The worker told her after this

summer, the bricks would become bigger, and those cracks would disappear.That is

not only decoration, but also communication. The principle is the same.



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Perfect Dream Harry Potter

Do you know Harry Potter? If you dont, then you are out of date. Many people love Harry Potter, whether children or adults. I love Harry Potter, too. Last week, I went to Nantong to see the movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".

It was a wonderful movie. In the movie, Harry is the same age as us and he is more handsome than me. Harrys best friends are Hermione and Ron. The movie tells the story of Harrys Fourth Year at Hogwarts. The Goblet of Five selects him to compete as one of four champions in the Throwizard Tournament, despite the fact that he didnt submit his name. The Tournament is very dangerous so his friends are all worried about him. Hermione and Ron try their best to help Harry to prepare for each task. I think their friendship is unbreakable. Cho Chang, who Harry likes, is a Chinese pretty girl. I liked her but I liked Hermione better because she is very clever.

Its very magical! I love magic as much as Harry does. If I lived in a magic world, I could pick up gigantic things easily, I could go to wherever I liked and I could fly on a broom, I could change my hairstyle of any time, I could.

Its a perfect world and its a perfect dream.




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My favorite holiday is Mid-autumn Day. Do you know why? Firstly, it’s day for family gathering. On Mid-autumn Day, families will stay together and eat a big dinner. My families always make very delicious food. After dinner, families will enjoy the beautiful full moon. We often have a good talk and eat moon cakes and fruits. For me, I like moon cakes very much. They are so tasty. Besides, the Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. It’s my favorite season.




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After I go to school, teachers always tell me to study hard, so that I can

be the excellent student. But now I have grown up, I have my own idea. The

reason for me to study hard is to return my parents’ love. When they are old, I

can make a lot of money and let them have a better life.



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Currently,self-confidence has become the order of our life, which improves the theorythat nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.


Itis obvious that self-confidence means trust in one’s ability. If we are full ofself-confidence, we’ll have creative power to live and work, helping us successor dreams come true. On the contrary, if we have no confidence in ourselves,there will be little possibilities for us to win. We’ll always face failure.


What’smore, no one can deny another fact that self-confidence gives us light when wewalk in the dark and courage when we face stumbling blocks. Withself-confidence, we can achieve goals in our life.





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The happiest memory in my childhood was making snowman with my friends. As

I was a little boy, I always went out with my friends to make snowmen and play

with snow when it snowed heavily. We divided ourselves into several groups, two

or three people in each group. Then, we began to make our own snowman. We used

buttons to be snowmans eyes and carrots for its nose. After making our snowman,

we compared ours with others’ to decide whose snowman is the best. Sometimes, we

wrapped our scarfs around snowmen or put our caps on their head, so as to make

our snowman more beautiful. The last time I making a snowman was when I was in

university. But it snowed rarely these years. Thus, making snowman has become

the long-lost fun for me. How I hope it would be snowy this winter!



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Nowadays, with the development of computer, the function of computer has developed, too. We can use computer to check the instant news, make friend and so on. The reason why so many people addict to computer is that they like to play the computer games, there are all kinds of computer games, everyone can find a game which is suitable to him. Too much involve in the computer games is wasting time, we should control our habit. First, we must set the limit time on it, wed better not to play the game over an hour. We have to tell ourselves that we must stop playing when the time is up, we have another thing to do. Second, we should go out with friends often, so we can communicate with others, it makes our mind not focus on the computer games. I am not saying we should not play computer games, but we should not addict to it.



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The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It’s on the fifth of August. We can hang lanterns in the house. In the evening, we have a big dinner. Look, there is lots of food on the table. They are chicken, fish, crabs and so on. They’re very delicious. We can drink a glass of juice. We stand beside the table and we say, “Cheers, cheers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night, the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes, too. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I are all very happy and excited.


中秋节中秋节是一个非常重要的中国节日.它的关于第五八月.我们可以挂起灯笼,在众议院中.在晚上,我们有一个大的晚宴.你看,有很多的食物放在桌上.他们是鸡,鱼,蟹等.他们非常好吃.我们可以喝一杯果汁.我们的立场,旁边的桌子上,我们说: “欢呼,欢呼,快乐的中秋节! : ”我们希望对方.晚上,月亮通常是轮和光明的.它看起来像一个球.我们可以享受月亮.月饼是特别的食物,这节.我们可以吃月饼,太.在中秋节,我的父母和我都非常高兴和兴奋.



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Early in the morning, I opened my computer and read the news.

There was the news about a driver had the heart disease attack when he was driving the bus, there were more than 40 people in the bus.

The driver stopped the bus off the road and then stopped his breath.

I was so touched by the driver, in the emergency situation, he considered the passengers’ lives in the first place.

It is his sense of responsibility that makes him to do it. The driver sets the good example to the public, he shows the importance of responsibility.

No matter what we do, we should not forget about taking our responsibility. If people don’t take their own responsibility, then things will be out of order, the world will be in the mess. Responsibility always comes first.







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The Great Wall is famous as the one of the miracles in the history, it attracts the people from all around the world to witness its greatess. But according to the research, the Great Wall is missing gradually, for it suffers the damage from both nature and human being. As the environment is polluted, the acid rain often comes and destroys the buildings in the long run. What’s more, the increasing number of tourists step on the bricks, which will damage the building. More unpolited behaviors have been reported, such as people like to write down some words to remember their trip here, which disfigures the appearance of this great site. When the Great Wall disappears some day, it is the greatest pity, we are no longer have the chance to appreciate its grandness. To save this miracle, we need to behavior ourselves and protect the environment.




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Summer can be very hot in southern taibei where the temperature usually goes up to 32"C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has just ended I went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.

I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.



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Dragon Boat race Traditions

At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. These exciting races were inspired by the villagers valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Luo river. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries.

Tzung Tzu

A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Luo river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan.

Ay Taso

The time of year of the Dragon Boat Festival, the fifth lunar moon, has more significance than just the story of Qu Yuan. Many Chinese consider this time of year an especially dangerous time when extra efforts must be made to protect their family from illness. Families will hang various herbs, called Ay Tsao, on their door for protection. The drinking of realgar wine is thought to remove poisons from the body. Hsiang Bao are also worn. These sachets contain various fragrant medicinal herbs thought to protect the wearer from illness.






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Mid-autumn is a traditional festival in China. It’s also called Autumn festive, August festival, daughters festival, or Reunion festival and so on. It’s often on August 15th in lunar calendar every year, but in some places, it’s on the 16th August, such as Ningbo, Lanzhou and Zhou Shan.

Mid-autumn day is thought to be the best festival with human touch or interest and poetic sentiment and mood of a painting. It’s a reunion festival, on the day, people always miss close relatives and friends. Wherever they are, they always go home to see their parents and brothers and sisters, or their wife or husband and their children. The people who are in far away also give a call to the persons they are concerning with.

On this day, people often eat moon cake, nuts and some special food. And in some places, the days before Mid-autumn day, they do the rabbits with wheat, which stand of peace and reunion. On the evening, family members or friends always stay together to watch the moon as eating moon cake and nuts, or as talking each other happily.



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我最好的朋友My Best Friend

I have a very good friend. His name is Philip. As far as Im concerned, hes very kind-hearted and generous. Once I was in high school, he treated me friendly and sincerely. When I was happy, he was also happy with me. When I was sad, he always comforted me. When I was defeated, he always encouraged me. When I stumbled, he always pulled me up. Although we quarreled at times, we were still in good relationships. We could know each other better after the argument. When my birthday came, he always sent me a special present.


Hes very hard-working and intelligent. He always studied hard at school. Because of his hard work, he always did very well in exams. His oral English was better than mine. Most of the time, he was willing to chat with me in English. Owing to his help, I made a lot of progress in oral English.


