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为配合我市开展“创建文明城市(build a civilized city)”活动,学校举办以“How to Behave Well”为主题的英语征文比赛。现在请你根据所给提示内容,用英语写一篇参赛短文。

提示:1. 衣着整洁;2. 保持环境卫生;3. 待人有礼,乐于助人;4. 遵守交通规则;5. ……

要求:1. 文章必须包括所给提示中1—4 项内容,可展开思路,适当发挥;

2. 文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、校名和其他真实信息;

3. 词数:80词左右。

How to Behave Well?

In order to build a civilized city, we students should try our best to behave well in the activities.

Its a good habit to keep our clothes clean and tidy. Our city should be kept clean every day. Dont throw litter or spit about. Its good manners to say "Thank you" and "Please" and so on. We should never say dirty words. Be friendly to others and always ready to help the people in need. For example, when we are on a bus, we should give our seats to the old and the women with babies. We should also obey traffic rules. When the traffic lights are red, we should stop. And wed better not talk or laugh loudly in public.

If everyone behaves well, our city will be more beautiful and more attractive.








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英语作文范文:社会文明道德类——“爱的奉献(The devotion of love)”



devotion/dedication/commitmentto our society 奉献社会

devote/dedicateto helping others

mutual help互相帮助

help eachother互相帮助



people in need需要被帮助的人


What the picture depicts is that infront of a donation box, many people reach out their hands to help the disasterarea. And the words in the picture manifest that more and more people devotelove to the group who need help, and with everyone’s contribution to build aharmonious society。

What thepicture is intended to convey is a kind of love—devotion. Love is the most powerful emotion expressby humans and can be reflected in all fields. You may have heard the song—The Devotionof Love. Just as the lyricsof the song go, as long as everyone devotes a little love, the world will beeven more beautiful. Whenever I hear the song, I can’t help thinking of my dearteacher, Mr. Wang. He committed his life to the cause of education. He will beremembered as an engineer of the soul forever。

He cared notonly for our studies but also for our minds. Whenever we had difficulties inour studies or in our daily life, he would encourage us to overcome them. Whenwe failed in our exams, he would encourage us "Don‘t lose heart, workharder and you will succeed". He was just like a candle, burning himselfaway to provide light for others. He was such a good teacher that he won thelove and respect from all of the students。

A harmonioussociety needs the love from everyone, because as a member of a society, we areinterdependent. Should we all do something to help people around and devote alittle bit to the community we live in, a harmonious world would be realizedsoon。



social morality社会道德

social issue社会问题




civilization of society社会文明

code of conduct行为准则

undesirable actions不良行为

decent man正派的人

good manner好的行为

key indicator关键指标

educational campaign教育活动


social ethics社会公德

public virtue公众道德

humanitarian spirit人道主义精神

respect human rights尊重人权

the construction of social morality社会公德建设

the loss of public morality公德的丧失

pursuit of economic benefits追求经济利益

satisfaction of material物质利益的满足

significance of social morality社会道德的意义

warm-hearted people热心人

helpless people无助的人,需要帮助的人


spirit of volunteers志愿者的精神

a thought-provoking social phenomenon引发人思考的社会现象

psychological counseling心理咨询

donate money捐钱

/offer one’s seat to sb.让座

care for the vulnerable关怀弱者

respect the aged and cherish the young尊老爱幼

be eager to assist people乐于助人


As is vividly demonstrated in the drawing above, a pleasant trip is spoiled by a man who takes off one of his shoes on a plane, which is most thought-provoking.Phenomenon of the kind is not uncommon around us.

The aim of the painter of the drawing can be briefed as follows. On the one hand, bad manners in public places can no longer be ignored. Over these years, the people’s living standards have greatly improved, but the development of our civilization seems to fall far behind. No matter where you live and work, bad manners are easily spotted. The stains of spitting and chewing gums have become the disaster of most public places. Good manners, such as waiting in line and saying “Thank you” and “Sorry”, are rarely found. We are losing the basic qualities of a modern citizen.On the other hand, it is urgent for us to eliminate our bad manners. As we know, China is an opening-up country. It is our obligation to display not only our economy development but also our national civilization to the international community. Such bad manners revealed in the drawing will spoil our international image. In sum, bad manners should arouse our social concern.

In my view, counter-measures should be taken to get rid of the headache caused by bad manners.First of all, laws and regulations must be set up to ban bad manners.In addition, a nation-wide campaign must be launched to spread the importance of good manners among the general public, especially the young.Only in this way can we soon embrace a harmonious society.



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perhaps the most vital person I have ever met is an italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the university of pisa. although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his special qualities.

first of all,I was impressed by his devotion to teaching. because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered, students swarmed into his classroom. his followers appreciated the fact that he believed in what he taught and that he was intellectually stimulating.

furthermore, he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an imaginative way,introducing such aids to understanding as paintings, recordings, pieces of sculpture, and guest lecturers. once he even sang a song in class to illustrate a point. second, I admired the fact that he would confer with students outside of the classroom or talk with them on the telephone. drinking coffee in the snack bar, he would easily make friends with students.

sometimes he would challenge a student to a game of chess. at other times, he would join groups to discuss subjects ranging from astronomy to scuba diving. many young people visited him in his office for academic advice; others came to his home for social evenings. finally,I was attracted by his lively wit. he believed that no class hour is a success unless the students and the professor share several chuckles and at least one loud laugh.

through his sense of humor, he made learning more enjoyable and more lasting.if it is true that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry,then my friend is truly a wise man. probably the best example of his wit is this bit of wisdom with which he once ended a lecture:"it is as dangerous for man to model himself upon his invention, the machine,as it would be for god to model himself upon his invention."



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Nowadays,the unprecedented surge of Chinese tourists gives rise to high visibility for them,and the misbehaviors and bad manners of them abroad are even making headlines around the world.Spitting,cutting in lines,arguing,scribbling on historical buildings,and even fighting after minor accidents have all been attributed to Chinese tourists,causing much embarrassment and soul-searching in China.

In general,there are several reasons for the prevalence of this phenomenon.On the one hand,some people want to express their strong feelings,and some people release their stress.On the other hand,there are still others who just have a poor sense of public morality.All these may lead to their uncivilized behavior in public places,which greatly damages the environment of the tourist sites.

To deal with such wide-spread image damage of the country.We should arouse people’s social conscience to stop staining the tourist sites.The improving of manners and behaviors of the people is a constant work,and it should begin from the very beginning of school.




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On Uncivilized Behaviors

We cannot fail to notice that countless uncivilized behaviors exist in ourdaily lives, such as spitting, talking loudly, littering, saying nasty words inpublic places and so forth. All these are bad manners that we should not losesight of. As an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over5,000 years, China is witnessing a surge in improper acts that every Chinesecitizen should feel ashamed of. Uncivilized behaviors by a host of Chinese bothat home and abroad have seriously affected Chinas image, according to aneditorial posted on People Dailys official website.

As Chinese, we should not get offended when others point out our weaknessesbut should focus more attention on improving ourselves. We should strive toidentify the causes of those improper behaviors and find ways to eliminatethem. There are a host of causes, I would argue, behind this trend. To nameonly one: the lack of moral education. The government should wage a massivemoral campaign to fight against this trend and we ourselves should endeavor tobehave decently in our daily lives. As college students of the new age, weshould take the leading role.



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那天,和往常一样,又是星期五,又要和平常一样。有是数学考试,我们和平常一样等着看这个傻子的笑话。因为,这个傻子平时总是逞能,明明自己的智商有问题,却还总是和我们一样考试。结果,每次都没考好。于是,我们大家答完题后,就一直呆在那里,看着这个傻子, 做这份考试答卷,看了一会觉得这看傻子太没趣了。于是,我在一旁做我自己的事情去了。







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On Development of Tourism With the opening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. Tourism brings China a lot of benefits.

First, it enablesitheChinese people to know more about the outside world and promotes frlendship and understanding.

Second, it is financially beneficial to China, which needs more foreign currencies, for its modernization program. Tourism, however, gives rise to a number of problems. There are many uncivilized phenomenon in the tourist attractions.

For instance, Some tourists spitting everywhere. As a result of overcrowding caused serious heritage-breaking.it also becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses during long distance travels.

Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of tourism in our country. As for me, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much better and brighter future awaits us.



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Mobiles Distract Study

Mobile phones are becoming a new scene on campus。

Students think it is extremely convenient for them to communicate with the outside world by using mobile phones, especially when they are hunting for jobs, so they call it an essential investment。

Education experts analyze the entry of mobile phones into campus as an indication of social progress。 To some extent, it reflects that college students are more and more involved in this modern society, rather than pedants in the "Ivory Tower"。

As a coin has two sides, the mobile phone, while providing convenience, causes trouble too。 In classrooms, the untimely ringing interrupts lectures and destroys the atmosphere of study, so it prompts many complaints。 And the mobile phone users themselves also suffer。

Therefore, we need to think more about how to integrate mobile phones properly into our lives。手机影响学习









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When we sit in front of the television to watch the colorful programs we hand on the mouse in the computer world; when we are in the spring season with relish eatingwatermelon...... We may have thought: what brings our life change so much? Is science!Is a great strength of science and technology, changing everything around us, changed the world! With the progress of science and technology, the face of the world what has changed? Grandma said: people live longer! Developed in science, hunger and diseasehas been a threat to the enemy of human existence, countless people by disease and starvation mercilessly killed precious life. Chinas establishment of the new China, the average life expectancy of the population was only 35 years old. No wonder her old grandmother before talking about "life rarely live to seventy" sigh. And now, what have Iheadache and fever, to the hospital to buy some medicine to fight a few needles. So, my grandmother very happy all day long to boast of good health, what people live a hundred years is not surprising "said! Dad said: our work easier! No longer the same --face loess back into the air like a grandfather when, on the hard physical labor, on theelusive God dinner. In the use of high-tech agricultural park, arable land, sowing,harvesting and other procedures can be used to manage the computer, to complete for agricultural machinery. It makes people from heavy manual labor freed. Mother said: our life better! Before, people always worry about the problem of food and clothing. The development of science and technology, let us fill the rice bag, filled with vegetable, not only to eat, and eat well, eat more rich. Last year, my family also built two four storey building. I also have their own little world, father is still in my room to install air conditioning, warm in winter and cool in summer, I can sit comfortably An Jingjing, writingin reading story books. I want to say, I feel that the progress of science and technology,the world has become smaller! The annual Spring Festival, Zhang uncle next door tothe long-distance telephone, and as far away as Taiwans brother call to congratulate,separated by thousands of miles of the family in the ear. You want to learn from India,along the way to travel over land and water, brave the wind and dew, experienced all kinds of hardships, had walked for several years before they reached their destination.Now, fast and safe vehicle, ship, aircraft and other transportation our footprints inalmost all the places on earth. The "five one" festival, our family went to the capital Beijing! In the east of the world, our ancestors invented gunpowder, the compass,printing, papermaking, creating its own brilliant history. We are lucky to grow in a new era, science has never been so dazzlingly beautiful flowers, the road of science has never been so wide. Students, let us from an early age to develop good habit of lovescience, science, scientific spirit, and climb the heights of science, to create a beautiful home.



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My life is influenced by many people. But who is the most influential one? My answer is certainly to be “Ms He”.

Ms He was my English teacher when I was in junior middle school.she was very fat and wore a pair of thick glasses. So in fact we didn’t like her when she first appeared in our class. However just when she began to speak we were attracted. Different from other teachers she was warm-hearted and always smiled. And we also found that she was knowledgeable.

Since she had just graduated she had little teaching experience. But this didn’t matter. She did her best. I know it later that she made great efforts on her work. For example she often looked at herself in the mirror to exercise to control laugh in class. And for a girl who liked laughing very much controlling laugh was difficult. We all like to chat with her after class. She could understand us very well.After patient listening she would give us suggestions or ways to deal with things.Therefore it’s absolutely true that Ms He won the respect of us all. We have graduated for several years but we still miss her very much and often send our regards and wishes to her.







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In recent yearsWechat is becoming increasingly popular.Many people express themselvesexchange ideas and deliver information by Wechat.

There are a number of reasons for Wechat to be known.To begin withWechat is a relative cheap way of communicationwhich cuts down a great deal of the cost of making a phone call.NextWechat is to the taste of the majority of people.Its attractive interface and various functions are loved wildly.Furthermoreconvenience also accounts for its popularity.It is available everywhere and at any time.

Howeverproblems exist meanwhile.Firstlyour identity can be revealed when we use Wechat.As a resultwe can be in trouble.Moreoverit may make communicating with others face to face less.To make the matter worserelationship could break down.Last but not the leastour attention might be drawn too much to focus on study.

That’s all.There is no doubt that Wechat will improve as time goes by.








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Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, internet and electronic commerce have been very popular in our daily lives. For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical equipment, on some famous website, like

Taobao, EBay and Alibaba, through many courier companies. As we all known, online shopping has many advantages. Firstly, online shopping is more convenient than traditional means. We can find a shop with so many goods that we may favor, while all these just need clicking our mouse and typing-in the key word of what we want to find. And it also saves our a great some of time. Secondly, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. Online shopping can provide mass

information about products which can be suit for customers needs, tastes, and preferences. Thirdly, as without traditional warehouses and retail shops, online shopping has can make us gain lower costs and prices. However, in spite of its advantages, we cant turn a blind eye to its

disadvantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first disadvantage.

Customers always buy fake commodities which are not described as online shops. In addition, its troublesome and annoying for us to make a change when they are not satisfied with what we bought online. The second

disadvantage is security issues. When we shop online, we need pay for the commodities by electronic payments, but hackers can invade our

computers and steal our information, this is not safe for online shopping.
