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I have a kitten, the whole body snow white. Kittens head only tiger, mouth long with eight characters Hu, there are two teeth; black two big eyes, glow at night. There are five sharp paws on the feet of the cat.

Kitty catch the mouse the most interesting. Saw it to the body on the ground, eyes staring at the mouse hole, the body motionless. When the mouse came out, it rushed to the rush. With the claws claws with mouth bite, and soon put the rats killed. When the kitten caught a mouse, my grandmother rewarded it a small fish. I feed it regularly every day, but I do not have to feed it at night.

Kittens not only bring us fun, but also for my family in addition to rodents.




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This fish earned its name by utilizing evasion as a way to escape its predators. It bodily leaps from the ocean, reaching a speed of about 35 miles per hour and a recorded gliding time of up to thirty seconds. This can take them as far as 200 meters from their point of exit from the water, which may be far enough to escape pursuit or confuse predators. Fishermen favor these types of fish, but due to their sheer numbers in the wild, none of the 40 different species of flying fish are listed as endangered. While they can be found foraging seasonally along the outskirts of warm water reef complexes, flying fish are primarily pelagic, and favor tropical or subtropical open waters around the equator.


Subsisting mainly on a diet of plankton and small marine life, flying fish are schooling fish that hunt primarily at night. While some sources may find this counter-intuitive, given the ease with which the fish are drawn to light sources, this actually makes perfect sense. Many of the plankton and marine resources the fish favor are slightly luminescent, especially by moonlight, making them easily seen in the darkness. This also provides cover, given the coloration of the fish—blue or grey on top, silvery white on the bottom—so that they are not easily seen from above or below as they feed on the clouds of marine flora. Flying fish generally mate during the autumn or spring, when currents are at their weakest. Females will deposit their eggs on the surface, attached to flotsam, and males will fertilize the eggs. Schools at this time can number in the millions, and constitute a major resource for species that feed on the fish. Because they only tend to live about five years in the wild, their flesh is prized for its purity—free of the heavy metals often found in longer-lived species.




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1.我家有一只小花猫,它天天和我在一起,我们成了好朋友。 小花猫样子长得很可爱。它有一身黄白相间的花毛,摸上去,毛茸茸的。 圆圆的脸上,长着一对杏叶似的耳朵,特别灵敏。一双透亮灵活的大眼睛有趣极了!那黑黑的瞳仁一天要变三次:早晨,像枣核;中午,成了 一条线;晚上,却变成两只绿色的灯泡,圆溜溜的,闪闪发光。鼻子下面长着一张人字形的嘴,两边有六根长长的胡须,非常神气。它的脚很特殊,脚趾甲尖尖的,像小钩,抓老鼠很厉害;脚掌上有一块软绵绵的肉垫,跑 起路来一点儿声音也没有,老鼠很难防备。我们全家人都非常喜欢这只小花猫。














15.松鼠是一种美丽的小动物,很讨人喜欢。它四肢灵活,行动敏捷。玲珑 的小面孔上,嵌着一对闪闪发光的小眼睛。身上灰褐色的毛,光滑得好象搽过油。一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格外漂亮






21.小花猫的脑袋圆圆的,顶着一对尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的绿眼睛瞪得像两盏小绿灯。小猫“咪咪”的那一双大耳朵,一天到晚都直竖着,哪个地方有声音,马上往那边转,活像一架有特殊性能的雷达。 这只花猫的全身是白底黑斑,远看上去,像一团雪白的棉花点上了几滴墨汁。 小猫鼻子下面有一张人字形的嘴巴,两旁有6根白色的胡须,常常一扇一扇的,挺神气。猫的胡子非常硬,像钢针一样,能量出洞口的尺寸。 小黑猫长长的尾巴像小鞭子似的,左右摇摆。 小猫有一对透亮灵活的大眼睛,黑黑的瞳仁还会变:早晨,像枣核;中午,就成了细线;夜里,却变成两只绿灯泡,圆溜溜的,闪闪发光。 小花猫早上起来先伸一下懒腰,然后再坐起来,用两只前爪在舌尖上舔一点唾沫,像人一样地洗着脸,再用舌头不停地舔着自己的毛皮,直到有一点光亮为止。

22.刹那间,“千里雪”平稳地腾到空中,简直像滑翔一般地飞过了深沟,轻轻地落在对岸,继续前奔 兔子的耳朵又大又长,只要听见一点1、轻微的声音,就会“唰”地一下竖起来,灵巧地四面转动,寻找声音发出的地方,直到声音没有了,才恢复常态。 小白兔吃饱了的时候,就仨一群俩一伙地在沙地上跑来跑去,像一个个小雪球在滚动。

23.那条小狗一身金黄色的毛,闪闪发亮,像刚刚擦过油似的。 这只天真可爱的卷毛狮子狗,小黑尾巴一摆动起来,像个滚动的小绒球。 那条小黑狗,一身乌黑发亮的皮毛,就像黑缎子一般油亮光滑;雪白的小爪儿,像4朵梅花;那条撅着的小尾巴,总是悠闲不停地摇摆着。 那黑狗不吼不叫,像一个很有身分的武士,威严、老练,一动不动蹲在那里,雄纠纠张开胸脯上绒样的长毛。 狗的叫声不像猫的咪咪声那样有气无力,也不像老虎的叫声那样恐怖,而是中气十足,使人听起来有雄壮干脆的感觉。

24.这头大肥猪,屁股溜圆,肚子蛮大,由于脂肪过度丰富,它只得慢慢走着,好像架子很大的老爷。 这只猪吃东西的时候,两个耳朵像大扇子一样一扇一扇的,脑袋一颠一颠的,眼睛紧紧地盯着食物。 猪吃完食乖乖地走到圈里,懒洋洋地躺下了,还不时地哼哼两声,好一副心满意足的样子。这匹马,全身皮毛黑发红,红中透亮,油光水滑,像刚从油缸里跳出来似的。














38.我养了一只小猫,它的耳朵尖尖的,雪白雪白的毛像毛毯一样柔软,一只绿绿的眼睛,一只蓝蓝的眼睛。白天时由于光线太强眯成一条缝,而到了晚上,眼睛像亮晶晶的宝石,发出绿色的光,再狡猾的老鼠也逃不过它的眼睛。它的嘴巴每边有三根硬硬的胡须,它还会用爪子洗脸。它最喜欢吃鱼了,有一次,我到菜市场买了几条 小鱼,它蹭的一扑上去就吃,几根胡须高兴地抖动起来,嘴里还发出喵喵的声音,好像在说“谢谢”。









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During my five years in school, there are many things I cant remember: something that makes me happy: what makes me sad: what makes me helpless...... One of the things that impressed me most was when I was in grade two.

On the day of the third class is Chinese class, the teacher taught us is a week, yesterday she told us to write today, so a class under the dictation book. As usual, I thought about difficult words and prepared pencils out of my pencil box. It turned out for half a day, but the pencil box was not found. I just suddenly thought: no! Automatic pencil at home! I was burning with impatience, suddenly I think: right! I find a pen to write wood pencil.

But this time it was too late, the teacher had already started the week newspaper words: "first, launch!" I am anxious, but seemed to play hide and seek with me like a pencil, a missing. "Second, space!" I was even more worried, ready to write with a water pen, but the teacher said that water pens were not allowed to write. Just as I was in a nice hobble my classmates, Xiaoming asked me: "Hey, why dont you write?" I said anxiously: "can not find a pencil!" "no!" he suddenly be startled at I borrow your pencil, "the first is carrying second space......" He gave me his silent words to me again. I was so touched that I thought, "Oh, Im so sorry about him! Ive never paid attention to him before, and Ive been trying to bully him. I really should thank him very much."!"

Later, I first got 100 points, but because he was helping me, some did not hear, he could have 100 points...... In order to repay him, I lent him the book not only, but also the first time I said to him: "thank you, Xiao Ming."!"

Its very touching to help each other, and I want to learn from him!



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I love summer.There ia a summer vacation in summer.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my hearts content.

I hate summer.In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesnt blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired——except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I cant study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly.

All in all,summer is a season in every year.Of course,Ican adjust to summer.








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Dolphin is my favourite animal.

It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang. Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on.

Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are!

Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.


Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.


My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. dian dian likes to run very much.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".There are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet!!


My favorite animals are swans.they are white.they can swim very well.I think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dress.they have a pair of wings and they can also fly well.I believe they are angles from the sky.they bring us love and make us happy.they are always friendly to us.We cant hurt them,because they are our friend.I love them!I like dogs,too.they are not beautiful,but they are the best friends.they keep the thieves away.Dogs have the best listening and eyes.they can hear in the nosiy,see in the dark.If we are in danger,they will help us at once.And they dont mind their lives.So,I love them.


I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends. They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s lives. So they‘re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.


I have a dog,his name is Joy.He is very lovely like other dogs.When he feels happy,he always wags his tail.When he wants to eat food,he often follows me until I give him something to eat.I really like him.When I feel sad,he often stays with me as if he knew why I was sad.Thanks to him,he puts me out of my misery,so that I can live happily.He let me know dogs are humans best friends.


Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.


Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey. Monkey is a kind of lovely animal. Many people like monkeys very much. Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur. Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail. I can see them on TV or the zoo. Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them. Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them. They are so lively and favorable. When they are happy, they will act for visitors. It’s very funny.



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Autumn is Jin Gui fragrance, day high clouds, trivial season, let us into the autumn, to feel the beauty of autumn.

In the orchard, the fruit is ripe, the sweet fruit is the childrens feet are hooked it! That apple is big and red, covered with branches, pear fragrant, sweet pineapple, children holding a basket and ladder Pick it!

Autumn, maple leaves become red, red maple leaves like drunk people like, maple leaves very red and red, red like fire! Look at the red maple leaves I think of a poem "cream leaves in February Flowers. "A gust of wind blowing, maple leaves like a lot of red little hands to greet us!

Autumn, sweet-scented osmanthus opened, drifting thousands of miles. Waves of fragrance drift into my nose, I always can not help but take a deep breath, really fragrant! Osmanthus petals rolled out, that golden petals like a small gold it is not beautiful, but it is not beautiful Thick smell of refreshing. They are together to gather together, as if in a meeting, like a baby asleep, is doing sweet dreams!

Autumn, sentence chrysanthemum in full bloom, colorful red, white, yellow, there are many colors, chrysanthemum has a touch of fragrance? Chrysanthemum variety, and some like a hydrangea, and some like aunt Curls, and some want to fly down the waterfall.

I love the beautiful autumn!



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Advice on Protecting Wild Animal

Many animals are in danger of dying out。 As is shown in the chart, we can see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will continue。 From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 million animal species have disappeared。 Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger。 It is not a piece of sensational news; it is a fact, a harsh reality。 Unfortunately, we may not see these animals in the near future。


From the second picture, we can find some reasons。 Why is the number of animal species declining year by year? Apparently animals have bee victims of fashion industry。 Animal skin has been used to make fashionable clothes and these clothes sell at a high price。 So some greedy people begin to kill animals in a large quantity。 This irresponsible behavior not only breaks the balance of nature but also endangers the living environment of human beings。


As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action。 We believe "no buying, no killing"。 First, we must make concerning laws to protect these animals in danger。 Second, we must take some measures to protect animals effectively。 Animals are our friends and part of our environment。 Third, we should raise peoples awareness to protect animals and our environment。 In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development。




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People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation.

Before I was going to senior school, my father had never said a word to show his love to me, so that I thought he did not love me very much and sometimes I was upset about it. However, when I left home for senior school, he called me frequently and just asked me some simple questions like: how’s your study and life? When do you come home? or something like that. Gradually, I realize that he misses me although he would never say it out. So this is father’s love, not so obvious but definitely deep.



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Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.



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Animals are friends of human beings. Most of them are lovely. I like giraffe the most. They are very tall and have many brown spots. They have very long necks, so that they can eat the leaves in high trees. Giraffes are gentle and lovely. They are friendly to people. When I go to the zoo, I always look at them. They move slowly. I can’t keep it as a pet, because it’s so huge. It’s a big pity.




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My family has a lovely puppy called Dudu, Dudu is very cute, and very annoying, but Dudu is my favorite small animal. Because Dudus cute, infected with me.


Tell you, oh! Dudu is also a glutton, Dudu loves meat, dog food and so on. Dudu is so cute when eating!


Toot hate lies will bite, scratch Oh, every time we classmates will be fierce Dudu caught Oh, so I want to toot in a little cage.


Dudus cute is to pick up the ball, as long as I throw a ball, Dudu will quickly run to pick up the ball, Dudu will jump, stand, sit, climb, Dudu is very cute!


I learn from the dogs in the dog, the original is also pregnant, anger, sadness and joy, also be cute and hate, I felt the toot becomes a man, became my best friend.




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I am called the panda, is country extremely protect animals. Our pandas life cannot leave four conditions: First, the glossyleaf chinacane cover, that is because our panda only eats the bamboo. Second, Shan Gaogu is deep; third, the changes in temperature are moderate; fourth, running water trickle. What kind, our panda is very nitpicking? Who is called us is extremely protect animals, Which do you know my hometown again,Tells you, my hometown in the Sichuan Wolong mountainous area. the people said that I am the nature star, you knew why this is? Let me tell you. First, because my contour is beautiful, is lovable; second, because my appearance gentle leisurely and carefree; third, because I treasure the animal; fourth, because my posture teases funnily; fifth, because I am the friendship messenger.



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Nowadays, people prefer to travel by air. This is because air travel has

some advantages. First of all, airplane, the miracle created by man, is the

fastest means of transport. It takes the least time for one to travel by air

from one place to another. Besides,travelingby air is convenient and

comfortable. Friendly air hostesses are affectionate and considerate. They look

after passengers all the way to their destinations. In addition, on long

distance flights there are films and music for people to entertain


As a popular saying goes, "Everything has two sides." The same is true of

air travel. It has some disadvantages, too. For one thing, air travel is

expensive. The average Chinese are not rich enough to afford expensive air

fares. So they prefer to take trains, which save a lot of money. For another,

although passengers are assured of their safety, they are still worried about it

during the journey because flying always involves more or less risk.

As far I am concerned, the advantages mentioned above exceed the

disadvantages. If I were given choice between traveling by air and by train, I

would certainly prefer the former, especially the long distance journey, because

time is the most important thing I have to take into consideration whatever I




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I have a particularly beautiful little goldfish, is the last to the park to catch.

Small goldfish body fire red, like dressed in a gorgeous, glittering dance, was going to participate in the "golden fish dance"! A pair of eyes round yo, bulging, bright, like two crystal clear glass ball , But also flashing innocent, naughty light! Cherry mouth kept a together, as if to say: "little master, what you told, I was listening to it!" It seems to say: "I am very boring, can Take me out to play? "Red big tail thin and soft, like wearing a red silk woven into the skirt.

Little goldfish is my darling baby, I really like my little goldfish.



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Today, the way home from school, I am far to see a person in the trash to find something, I feel very strange.

I approached a look, the original is a grandmother, her hair gray, wrinkled face, wearing a ragged clothes, a black and black hands in the trash to find. Suddenly her face showed a smile. It turned out that she found a few empty vials. I think: a few empty vials worth a few cents, she was so old, should have been comfortable living at home, and she was in such a dirty place to pick up trash, her family must be very poor, she was so poor Oh!

I looked at my heart very sad, I gave my mother to my breakfast money to the grandmother, grandmother said to me: "You really a filial child, thank you!" I quickly said: "do not thank!" Go home.

I was in a good mood on my way home because I made a meaningful thing today.



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Abilities and Good Looks (能力与外貌)

We are often told not to judge people by their appearance, because for a person, abilities are far more important than appearance. Throughout history, there are numerous examples of outstanding people with remarkable achievements who are just plain or not good-looking at all.

However, nowadays some people hold the belief that appearance outweighs abilities, partly because some beautiful people seem to have advantages in competitive situations like job interviews and have been given more opportunities than others.

Nevertheless, I still firmly believe that abilities are more important For one thing, although good looks are easy on the eye, it is always ones abilities that create values that really matter. For another, while peoples good looks were born to them, abilities have to be gained through deliberate self-cultivation and years of hardworking which speak more of peoples true colors. Last but not least, abilities grow over time while good looks only fade. Eventually, it is the abilities that help people succeed, so it is safe to say that abilities will always bring more to life than good looks.



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Once, I whim: "Daddy, what color is the fall?"

I looked at my father with a puzzled look, and my father smiled and touched my little head and said, "Autumn? It is golden."

Golden yellow? I quickly ran to the door, a look, and ran back to the father said: "Dad, some yellow outside, why is there red and green it?

Dad said: "Of course, there are other colors, but the autumn is the most yellow, you see, regardless of the red leaves and green leaves are with a little yellow!" I nodded.

I looked up and looked, the golden leaves seem to smell a little bit of fragrance, as if the wind girl dressed in a golden long hair, who wiped the fragrance of autumn.

I went to ask my father, "What is the voice of the fall?"

"What sound?" Dad looked at the golden leaves of the tree and the bare tree bar, "What sound? The leaves, the fruit of the landing sound? Wind sister blowing the sound of the leaves? Poke the fruit of the sound?

"No, no, it s the voice of my laughed, the voice of my running and the voice of my jump.

"Okay!" Dad applauded.

As a result, I asked: "What is the appearance of autumn?" "What is the appearance of autumn? Haha, autumn must be a gentle lady ladies walk like a step, is like a sugar gum lips ... ... This is the appearance of autumn. "

Fall, you listen to me.
