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Dear Mrs Hu,

I am very glad to write to you about what I think in my mind.

First of all, I think I have to admit that you have excellect command of

English and teach us much knowledge, which is not only English but also lots of

thinking on life .

Next,You help us how to see the world and even how to apply for a good


but I think what impressed me most was the way you work. You do everything

so patiently and carefully, which is highly thought of by all the

classmates...All of these leads us to respect you very much.

Well,AS for me,I think full of humor is your another impressed

charactistics.You know, I just regard your class as a very enjoying meal. I

guess It’s widely acknowledged that all of your students like It very much.

To conclude,I think you are a very good teacher. I hope you will pay more

attention to your health and be happy every day.


Zhao zhouxing




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Liu Ming is my chemistry’ teacher. He is an ordinary-looking little man with thick glasses, but he has a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.

I remembered his first lesson. He put three bottles on the desk. One was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil, and one with vinegar. And he said "Now watch carefully. Pay attention to everything that I do." He held up one of his fingers and dipped it into the cup after he mixed the three kinds of liquid in a big cup together.

A few seconds later, he took his finger out, put it in his mouth and sucked it. "How delicious! You must do everything that I do." said he. And then we did it like him. lmmediately we made a face. The mixture tasted horrible.

It was first chemistry lesson. I never forget it.



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Dear Mr. Cao


Today, I would like to recommend to you a picture book of traditional

Chinese festivals, Spring Festival.

Spring Festival is the most grand, the most lively and the most important

ancient traditional festival in China. Every Spring Festival, we paste couplets,

red window decorations, and "pour" blessing. But why should the word "Fu" be

pasted upside down? It turns out that the word "Dao" and "Dao" are homophonic,

and vice versa is Fu "Dao". Its like "Fu" is home.

During the Spring Festival, we should not only paste couplets, red window

decorations and "pour" happiness, but also set off firecrackers and fireworks,

and wear red clothes. After reading this book, I realized that there was a

monster called Nian in ancient China. It went to the village to eat cattle,

sheep, chickens, pigs and people every year. Until one year, an old grandfather

who came to the village to beg lived in his wifes house when the villagers went

to avoid animals in the cave. When the "Nian" beast came, he set off

firecrackers in the yard and came out wearing a big red robe. In this way,

"Nian" beast was scared away. Since then, people have pasted couplets, red

window decorations and "Daofu" on their doors. They also set off firecrackers

and fireworks, and put on red clothes. If you are interested, dont read this


Then there is the new years money. Every year on the eve of the Spring

Festival, adults give children lucky money. The original purpose of lucky money

is to suppress evil and expel evil spirits. Because people think that children

are vulnerable to the invasion of ghosts and insects, they use new years money

to drive away evil spirits and help children celebrate the new year safely. I

wish the children good health, good luck and peace in the new year. There is

also an old legend. This legend has something to do with a little demon called

"Sui". You will know after reading this book.

In a word, after reading this book, I gained a lot and also felt the spirit

of Chinese traditional culture. So I want to share with you, hope you will like



Happy new year and good health!

Your student: Wen Zhuo Yan



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The cold winter has passed away, and the warm and beautiful spring has come unconsciously. The gentle spring girl, swinging her lithe hands, walked quietly, and arrived!


Spring is so very pretty and charming, attractive.


Look! The blossoming red kapok flowers bloom in the branches. Especially its bud, red, very full, as if suddenly popped up! Countless beautiful kapok, dotted with chastity trunk, looks so elegant!


Looking round, a large green meadow, like an endless green blanket, is so soft and lively! No wonder the famous ancient poet Lu You said, "the wildfire cannot burn and the spring breeze blows again."!


Spring is coming! The farmers expectations will be happen unexpectedly! They are busy sowing seeds, working day and night, not just want to have a good harvest? Uncle farmer is really great! But if there is no spring, will there be the expectation of sowing and the hope of harvest? No, And all that was given to them by spring, and ours.


Ah! Spring! You are the resurrection agent of heaven and earth"! Without you, there would be no beautiful flowers: without you, there would be no hope for farmers to sow seeds. It is you who gave life to the earth and created the soul of all things!


Ah! My beautiful spring!



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Dear Miss Luo,


A year has slipped away from our laughter between our eyes, and we should say goodbye to you. Although we only wanted to work for a short year, you left me a deeper impression than the foreign teacher who taught me for five years.

I used to think that Chinese class is a boring thing, but since I know you, I like Chinese class.

First of all, I think you love to encourage classmates. When I answer questions in class, if the answer is right, you will look at me with happy eyes and ask me to make persistent efforts. If I got it wrong, you encouraged me with a gentle voice and spoke to the whole class about my problem. Whether I am right or wrong, I feel happy.

Secondly, I think you are very earnest and meticulous in doing things. For example, when we borrowed arrows from the grass boat, you not only let us learn the surface meaning, but also took us to study the text deeply. To my surprise, you also let us listen to the pingshu, to stimulate the interest of the students, so that the students learn more practical.

You still love to delay, I used to think that it is to deprive me of time to play, but a long time I understand the love for us then, let us learn more knowledge.

Finally, I think you are very concerned about the students, once, there was no meal in the canteen, the students had to be hungry, but you did not ignore, but to invite them to eat noodles.

All in all, you are wonderful, admirable and unforgettable. It seems that this is the main reason that you are better than my original teacher!

I wish you success in your work!

Your students



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1) 这位老师戴着一副眼镜,眼睛大大的,眉毛挺黑的,有一张能说会道的嘴,可爱极了,她叫……嘿嘿,天机不可泄漏。好了,回到正题,她很严肃,每当有个别同学没做作业或者上课乱说话,老师总会板着脸,使我们很害怕,在心里暗暗提醒自己不要犯错误。

2) 我的写作老师叫胡哲,是我师范时的写作老师。他个子不高,年纪不大,可头发却白了一半儿。他穿着上也很不讲究,一年四季总是那一袭蓝布衣裳,与其他老师形成鲜明的对照。最令人难忘的是他宽宽的脸上戴着一副深度近视镜和镜片后那一双永远深邃的眼睛。他的形象不好看,可却爱笑,一笑起来,就露出一对难看的大大的牙,脸上的皱纹也叠成了罗汉。他常挂在嘴边的一句口头禅是:“岂有此理”。

3) 但的眼她是小个子,和她的爸爸一样的小而俊俏。她的眼最好看,很深的双眼皮,一对很亮很黑的眼珠,眼珠转到眶中的任何部分都显着灵动俏媚。假若没有这一对眼睛,她虽长得很匀称很秀气,可就显不出她有什么特别引人注意的地方了。她的眼把她所有的缺点都遮饰过去,她的眼能替她的心与脑开出可爱的花来。尽管她没有高深的知识,没有什么使佩服的人格与行动,可是她的眼会使她征服一切;看见她的眼,人们便忘了考虑别的,而只觉得可爱。她的眼中的光会走到人们的心里,使人立刻发狂。睛经常充血而且混浊,有时像死人般的停滞不动。

4) 透过镜片看老师的眼睛,眼窝稍微下陷,但他的眼睛却放出智慧的光芒,仿佛能看透我们每个人的心理活动,这是让我比较头疼的一件事,害怕老师看出我的小秘密。

5) 瞧,眼前这个人穿着条纹西装,十分合体;雪白的衬衣翻领分向两边,中间垂下一条红白相间的缎子领带;脚登崭新的半高跟男式皮鞋,擦得锃明瓦亮;乌黑发亮的头发向后背着,不时散发出阵阵清香,这就是我的老师——一个原本不修边幅的、四十多岁的“山东佬”。

6) 老师,您辛苦了!年年岁岁的辛苦都为了我们,您是伟大的,您是无私的!我们爱您!

7) 高老师长的脸圆圆的,很容易使人联想到大熊猫,但她正如姓名中的“燕”字一样,行动敏捷,又想一只飞来飞去的小燕子。高老师那双炯炯有神的大眼睛时时刻刻都流露着智慧。

8) 你习惯课上眉飞色舞,课下神采飞扬,使我们不得不爱上你的数学课堂。

9) 黄老师看上去非常和蔼可亲,金黄的头发,大大的眼睛,中等身材,笑起来非常的漂亮。

10) 有一个人,把无知的我们带进教室,教给我们丰富的知识,带领我们走向智慧的高峰,把我们培养成一个能为社会做贡献的人。那个人就是老师您。

11) 第一次的讲话权当然归校长莫属了,校长的发言精彩极了,特别是那灿烂的笑容更是过目难忘。

12) 我把自行车放在了自班的车位,然后就回到了班级,我们的班主任换了,换了一个姓张的老师,并且她教语文课,她有一双明亮的眼睛。一头乌黑的头发,和蔼可亲。

13) 魏老师总是一脸严肃走进教室,很少有高兴地时候。因此每每上她的课,都奠定了一种严肃愁闷的感情基调。

14) 老师,是辛勤的园丁、是默默燃烧的蜡烛、是暖和的棉被。其实,在生活中我们会接触到许许多多的老师。然而,他们却是那样的含辛茹苦。

15) 叶老师长着一双大大的眼睛,一张能说会道的嘴,留着好似芭比娃娃的卷发,经常披在肩头。不管在什么时候,你都能看到她的背上背着一个米黄色的包,无论在课堂还是课间,都是如此,这就是我叫她“包包”老师的原因。

16) 我们的新班主任姓徐,她刚大学毕业,个子矮矮的,身子圆圆的,两条腿很修长,长着一双明亮的大眼睛,炯炯有神,一头乌黑发亮的长发,梳着一支长长的小辫子。

17) 语文老师:他个他中等,一头乌黑的头发总是让人感觉那么的干净,总是在预备铃声响起之前就来到了教室的门口。铃声响起时,他来了,穿着还是那件夹克,很干净,手里只捏了二支粉笔。他不慌不慌地走上讲坛,将粉笔轻轻地放一支在讲坛上,生怕触折了粉笔。然后面带着微笑,用他那会说话的眼睛平视了一下同学们,然后将那只捏了粉笔的而显得枯瘦的手背在背后,往巷道里走了遭,似乎在看同学们的课前准备得怎样。他的微笑告诉我们,同学们很听话的,很乖!此时无声甚有声。

18) 老师,推开窗子看吧,这满园春色,这满园桃李,都在向您敬礼。如果没有您思想的滋润,怎么会绽开那么多美好的灵魂之花。啊!老师,人类灵魂的工程师,您传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福,世人有谁不将您赞扬呢?

19) 我的语文老师是赖老师。她是个和蔼可亲的老师。赖老师长得不是很高,但也不矮;剪着短发;还有细细的眉毛,水汪汪的眼睛,高高的鼻子,还有一张能说会道的嘴巴。赖老师的精神也很值得我学习。

20) 新学期开始了,我们班来了一位新老师。我们的新老师上课的时候是严肃的,而下课的时候是温柔的,所以我们叫她“变脸”老师。

21) 我的语文老师姓陈,他戴着一副金丝边眼镜,头发长长的,脸上总是带着和蔼的笑容,让人感到非常的亲切。

22) 老师,您无私奉献,把您的知识毫无保留地教给了我们,让我们懂得人生的真谛。您兢兢业业,热爱自己的工作和学生,辛勤工作。您是人类灵魂的工程师。为了让我们能成为好学生,您付出了多少心血,带着一层层黑眼圈,带着沙哑的嗓子,来给我们上课,让我们学会知识。

23) 她就一副平凡普通的脸庞,脸上永远是“空地”——因为她是一位优雅的女士。薄薄的眼镜后藏着一对疲倦的眼睛,使人难以看清她的内心世界。

24) 我有一个非常Good语文老师,她长着一副瘦瘦的身材、一头飘逸的长发、一张俏丽的脸孔(有点像娃娃脸)、戴着一副近视眼镜、还有一副迷死人的笑容(夸张点)……看起来非常亲切。

25) 她,是一位最令我欣赏的老师,长长的,打卷儿的头发披在肩上,戴一副含有学问的眼镜,苗条的身姿,细长的腿,一看就知道是个跳舞的人!想必大家也都猜出来了吧!她,这位美丽的仙女,就是我的舞蹈老师——蔡老师。

26) 我们班来了一位新的语文教师,她叫周庆芝,她不仅年轻,口齿伶俐,说普通话的教学方法也是一流的。文能骂的你归天隐居,武能举起粉笔行云流水。

27) 老师,您是世界上最勤劳的园丁,每天我们到学校的时候。您却早在办公室里伏案工作了。每天放学时,我们回到家里时,您却还在学校里批改作业……

28) 我的语文老师今年40多岁了,圆圆的脸上柳叶细眉,一张能说会道的嘴巴,高高的鼻梁上还架着一副眼镜,这显得老师知识渊博,才学很高,老师乌黑油亮的头发披在肩上,老师穿的衣服总是美丽大方,但老师最大的一个特点就是关心同学,老师总是把我们的学习和健康放在第一上。

29) 她就是我们学校的年轻语文老师梁老师了。梁老师苗条的身材上套着一件雪白的上衣,黑色的斯文裤子,脚上穿着一双漂亮的高跟鞋,扎着一根小小的辫子,他眼前的鼻梁上挂着一副明亮的眼镜。透过眼镜,一双瞳瞳有神的眼睛展现于我们眼前,脸上总是挂着微笑,有时笑起来还露出两排洁白的牙齿呢!多么和蔼可亲呀!

30) 张老师大约30岁左右,个子很高,有点瘦,笑起来很和蔼。张老师有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,她上课的时候眼睛一瞪,可严肃了,谁见了都害怕,都会立即坐好,认真听课,即使这样同学们同样尊敬她!

31) 老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。是您用美的阳光普照,用美的雨露滋润,我们的心田才绿草如茵,繁花似锦!

32) “叮铃铃!……”上课的铃声响了。语文老师面带笑容,捧着书本走了进来,只见他黑发中还藏着几缕白发,身穿一件蓝白相间的T恤衫和一条牛仔裤,看起来精神抖擞的。

33) 吴老师的眼睛可神奇了,你在课堂上做一个小动作,玩一下玩具被吴老师发现了,吴老师只要用尖锐的眼神看你一眼,你肯定会立马放下手里的东西,立马跟上老师的思路。

34) 上学期的第一天,周老师笑眯眯地走进教室,看着大家微微点了点头。只见他慢悠悠地拿起一张纸,轻轻扬了两下,随后,又神秘地眨了眼。一看这情形,我们都高兴地鼓起掌来。为什么?那不用问―怪招儿叹!每当周老师又有什么新点子时,他都是这种神情,准没错!

35) 她大约岁,有着一双炯炯有神的眼睛,每当我们有同学获奖时,赵老师眼睛里总会闪烁着喜悦的光芒,高挺的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,时儿戴时儿不戴,戴上时像一位博士,不戴时像一位母亲。

36) 老师,您就是美得耕耘者,美的传播者。是您用温暖的阳光普照,用甘甜的雨露滋润。我们的心灵才得以绿草如茵、繁花似锦。您为花的盛开,果的成熟忙碌着,默默的流泪、流汗。

37) 不得不说我们的老师是一个“双面人”,真实的,她有一副和蔼的面孔,脸上虽然刻写着光阴的痕迹,却丝毫无法掩盖她的真实。当你发现她在微笑中绽露一个表情,那是甜美的。

38) 我的班主任林老师,不高不矮,樱桃小嘴,长发披肩,还有双会说话的眼睛,那眼中的言语总是透过厚厚的镜片射向我们同学。

39) 我有一个非常Good语文老师,她长着一副瘦瘦的身材、一头飘逸的长发、一张俏丽的脸孔(有点像娃娃脸)、戴着一副近视眼镜、还有一副迷死人的笑容(夸张点)......看起来非常亲切。

40) 人们都说老师是园丁,我们是花朵,我们在老师的浇灌呵护下健康茁壮的成长,不管这颗种子将来是否能丰收,园丁都会竭尽所能的给他营养,给他水分,给他氧气,给他所有他需要的……

41) 她的脸上有一双带着稚气的、被长长的睫毛装饰起来的美丽的眼睛,就像两颗水晶葡萄。

42) 仔细一瞧老师今天还穿的真时髦,一双金黄色的高跟鞋,一件十分韩式的上衣,再搭上一件牛仔裤,如海藻般的卷发往那一甩,还真是迷死人不偿命啊!只见同学们的嘴巴都张成了“0”字型!

43) 这不,神气十足的数学老师已站在教室门口,用惯有的挑剔的目光扫射着教室,向上昂着的头上那一对度数不详的眼镜泛着怕人的白光。哼,也难怪高年级的哥哥姐姐们艺术地形容他“望星空”。

44) 她是滋润我们祖国的花朵,她的招标投标园丁、饲料我们成长,传授知识和中等身材。她有一条棕色、卷曲的、白色的框架,高高的鼻梁上架了一副眼镜,一双明亮的眼睛和组成。和一个嘴巴和一双巧合的敏感的耳朵。她随和的人,在课堂上非常认真。演讲后,她常常把生活上的问题或一些例子来剖析历史故事,让我们学习知识,听故事时,我不能。

45) 李老师有一头漂亮得头发,乌黑油亮,又浓又密,她站在阳光下,轻轻地一摇头,那头发就会闪出五颜六色地光环。

46) 我的钢琴老师个子不高,却挺着一个“将军肚”,一双黑色的皮鞋总是擦得老亮老亮的,一身笔挺的西服,看上去像一位绅士。虽然他的外表十分严肃,但是在平时的生活中为人随和的。

47) 老师还是没有说话,只是用眼睛严厉的瞪着我们,那眼神像要射出火花一般!

48) 是她滋润着我们这些娇嫩的祖国之花,她就像辛勤的园丁一样,哺育我们成长,传授我们知识。她,中等身材,有一头棕色的卷发,洁白的瓜子脸,高高的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,罩着她那双沉稳得来又明亮的眼睛。还有一张能说会道的巧嘴以及一对灵敏的耳朵。她平易进人,上课非常认真。讲课时,她常把难题用生活中的事例或者一些历史故事来分析给我们听,让我们一边听故事一边学知识,使我百听不厌。

49) 朱老师的眼睛是双眼皮儿,乌黑的眼珠儿又圆又大。初看好像没有什么特别,可你仔细一瞧啊,嘿,朱老师的眼睛会说话!

50) 应付一下老师,似乎理所当然就可以坐下了。你瞧,那些早已落座的同学还相视悠然一笑。谁知,王老师并没有说“坐下”,而是愣了好久,眼神中流露出失望与焦虑。“同学们好!”王老师又郑重其事地向大家鞠了个躬,我吃了一惊,同样,大伙儿好像也怔住了,几个早坐下去的也陆陆续续地站起来,不慌不忙地说:“老师,您好!”

51) 老师那张严肃的长方形脸上戴着一副黑宽边眼镜,两只不大的眼睛在镜片后边闪着亮光;两个嘴角总是紧紧闭着,平时很不爱说话。在我的记忆里,好像他只有那么一身半新不旧的蓝衣服,袖子也总爱往上挽一截。每当下课的时候,他就把书本往胳肢窝下一夹,把用剩下的半截粉笔往口袋里一装,低着头,像找来时的脚印似的,慢慢地,一步步向着自己的办公室走去。



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Winters in taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy during the daytime.

I usually look forward to the lunar new years day and the winter vacation when i can go to the village where the climate is warmer during these holidays.

Also, i look forward to seeing my grandmother, great-grandmother, and my friends in the village; i like my grandmothers food very much. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood.

In the city, i usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of the cold weather outside.



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Spelling Bee 是学校为了提高我们的英语水平,让我们多学一些英语词汇,丰富我们的知识面,对英语多一些认知而举办的活动。

Spelling Bee 活动需要有初赛,复赛和决赛,拥有傲人英语成绩的我必然当仁不让,以绝对的优势进入了Spelling Bee 英语活动决赛。

Spelling Bee 决赛就要开始了,面对众多高手,我们异常紧张,我的英语老师文老师轻拍我的肩膀说“输赢不重要,重在参与,大家多注意大屏幕上的关键词,也不要着急,看准了再答,先以对为主!”我信心满满地向老师点头,抱着必胜的决心,喊着口号,带着同学们对我的信任登上了舞台。文老师对我们微微一笑,眉宇间透露出来了热情,眼睛里闪烁着的光芒无不充满了对我们的信任。







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Dear Mr. Lai,


I am writing this letter just want to say thanks to you. I am going to graduate in two weeks. You have been my class adviser for three years. During these three years you have spent lots of energy on us. You are not only teaching knowledge in the class, but also care our life. Sometimes we are afraid of you, because of your strict requirement for our study. However, you are so helpful in the daily life. No matter what difficulties we are in, you will help if you can. So, I also want to say sorry to you for making so much trouble. But you bear all my trouble. I don’t know what kind of class adviser I will meet in the future study, but I will remember and appreciate you forever. I want to say thank you again.







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I have a few small goldfish, they are lively and lovely, I like them very much. Small goldfish small and exquisite, there is a pair of grapes like big eyes, maple-shaped tail, the back of the fin fins to it that gold body fitted with a beautiful big fan.

Little goldfish eat very special. Once, I put a few fish food thrown into the water, a few fish met, quickly swim up to compete for fish food. I thought they would swallow up immediately, but their actions surprised me: grab the food of the fish first in the food in his mouth, and then spit out the food, and then swim up to catch it with the mouth, and finally The food completely swallowed it in the stomach. Where is the food, it is clear in the game it!

Little goldfish sleep more interesting! One night on the night I secretly got out of bed, by the outside of the faint light to see the small goldfish, found that small goldfish motionless, eyes also greatly open. I thought: they will not die! So knocked on the fish tank, a few small goldfish but quickly wandered. I suddenly realized, remembered the previous mother told me: "fish is no eyelids."

One morning, when I had breakfast, I went to see them. There are many small goldfish feces floating in the fish tank, the water has been turbid, and that they change the water. I carefully put the fish tank to the pool side, want to catch the fish ready to clean the basin. I was about to reach into the fish tank, my mother immediately stopped me: "Go and wash your hands, your hands have the taste of hand cream, will kill the fish!" I quickly wash your hands, and then stroked the sleeves, Began to catch fish. Hey! Fish really flexible, while fled to the east, while the channeling west, but how can not escape my palm. I was proud of it, "rip" it slipped away, I spent a lot of effort, and finally all the fish into the basin of water. And then the fish tank in the dirty water drained, and rinse, and finally the pot of fish and water poured into the fish tank.

Small goldfish really interesting! I think, as long as careful observation, after their own will find the little goldfish more special.



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Mr. Cao


Today, I would like to recommend a book for you. The name of this book is

"primary school students reading aid Library - folk culture". This book is

about the origin and customs of Chinese festivals. The reason why I like this

book is that when it introduces the calendar of festivals, it always tells a

story about the situation at that time. And each article is extremely vivid,

from which we can not only learn the origin of many customs, but also understand

some unknown history and legend.

My favorite article is called "Chongyang climbing, drinking with dogwood.".

This article is about the origin of the Double Ninth Festival. It is said that

there was a pestilence devil in Zhuangnan of the Han Dynasty, which was

extremely ferocious, and would come out to harm people every September 9. There

is a man named Huanjing in Zhuangnan county. Because Huanjings parents died in

the hands of the pestilence devil, Huanjing wanted to kill the pestilence devil

to avenge his parents. On this day, Huan Jing packed up and went to practice

magic arts with the famous immortal Fei Changfang, hoping to kill the evil

devil. After a long journey, Huan Jing finally found the immortal Fei Changfang.

However, things have not been smooth. After Huan Jing explained his intention,

Fei Changfang refused Huan Jings request. So Huan Jing knelt outside Fei

Changfang for two days and two nights. At last, Fei Changfang was moved by Huan

Jings sincerity and accepted him as an apprentice and taught him various

skills. On the ninth day of September the next year, Fei Changfang reckoned that

the pestilence would enter the southern city again and harm people. He ordered

Huan Jing to give him some dogwood leaves and chrysanthemum wine and send him

back to zhuangnang city. When Huan Jing arrived in Zhuangnan, he took the people

to the mountain, and let everyone drink chrysanthemum wine, and filled the

mountain with Cornus. After that, Huan Jing stood in front of the mountain with

a knife. After a while, the pestilence came as expected. It wanted to go up the

mountain and eat people. Huan Jing stopped him, so they fought together. The

smell of Cornus and dogwood is not stable for a few rounds. He raised a knife

from the mountain. The plague devil was removed, and the people in Nancheng

finally lived a comfortable life. Since then, in order to commemorate September

9, people have designated September 9 as the Double Ninth Festival. On this day,

people will climb high with their families, fill the mountains with Cornus and

drink chrysanthemum wine to pray for themselves and their families. This is the

origin of the Double Ninth Festival on September 9.

I like this legend best, because I think Huanjings persistence and bravery

are worth learning.

Finally, I hope you can enjoy this story. When you are free, you may as

well read this book with me.


good health!

Your student: Guo Xugang



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Good morning!everyone,I am XX,fromXXX,i am so happy to have a change to tell all of you my favorite animal—— panda.She comes from China,why did I love her?Because she is very cute,but she was very shy.Her body stout like bears,but the first round tail short,black and white fur and white head and body clear.She staple food of bamboo,but also addicted to love drinking water,most of the giant pandas homes are located near the water in streams,the nearest will be able to drink clear spring.




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My mother

My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.

My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.

My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!



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Entered in 20xx, on the other day under a heavy snow. Like the other day also Yangchun warmest March on more than 2:00, cold weather, the air is filled with lead-colored clouds. On people wake up from sleep when the cold wind up on the peg. But soon enough, the wind stopped, it began to snow. This is the first winter snow.

From a distance, the snow like small Eun-joo, like drizzle point, such as willow flowers, one after another for us to hang spondee the roof snow white curtain, the rise of the snow through the curtain looked sparse, and that high-rise buildings nearby, faint about about, like clouds, the clouds like in years, is particularly good-looking. Occasionally heard "creak" A snow pressure to cut off the branches.

To the school. Dense snow, dancing all over the place, and pretty soon the entire campus into a silver on the world, the ground turned into a carpet, wearing a white sub-trees, from building with white hat, a cotton covered with houses, that Tong branches full of the "pear" tree branches covered with a "snowball" and "silver ball", from afar, Qiong Yu-shu-chi, powder, full of poetic.

More than the United States and the small snowflakes ah! Began mid-yo, but also small and thick and soft and light, like that noble white swan gently shake the wings, small patches of feathers, down you long Durian; then the small size of the snowflakes , thicken, and become numerous, as one of hard rock heaven Qionghua Yushu, the white petals have no time to fly down; Then, under the snow the more the bigger, small snowflakes in the air you pull, I pull, you cling to I you, one round, one everywhere, as if countless tear to pieces of the cotton ball rolling down from the sky, At that time, the whole world has become vast and beautiful.

Groups of children on the lawn snowmen, snowball fights, snowball throwing objects. Almost joyful shout that the snow on the branches of small to

Snow Grains for many small, as the same as white sugar. They wave in the air, and landed not in a hurry, it seems as if reluctant to leave the sky, and some quietly jumped into the collar of pedestrians, the quietly disappeared. Then, a small piece of snow as light as smoke, such as clean as jade, silver, like white, Durian have triumphantly. Just come down from heaven to kiss the earth ... ...










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Turnip greens, all have love. Some people like to bounce the little rabbit, some people like well-behaved little cat, and I like my home that shaking his head and wagging the little black dog.

My dog has a pair of water Lingling, shiny, talking big eyes. In addition to the dog on the legs and belly hair is white, the other places are black. Every time we eat, it is lying on the door, waiting for the owner to feed it. I remember once, the dog did not eat a day, and at night when the grandfather to go, it was like a child holding the grandfather holding, until the grandfather said to give it to eat, it was down.

My puppy usually likes to sleep, like shaking the tail on the ground. You can not underestimate it all day lying on the ground, it has a pair of sensitive ears. Every time I go home from school very far away, it will run out to meet me. It put his legs on my lap, tongue licking my hand, or else licking my clothes, the kind of intimate strength unspeakable, often made me covered with dog hair.

Yesterday at noon school, it also wanted to follow me to school. I went back and said, "Ill go back to school in the afternoon." Do you want to run at home and know that? "It looked at me like a pair of eyes. When I went to the corner of the street, I saw it still standing there motionless ...

I like my dog!



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Winter morning is sometimes good, sometimes bad, really make people wonder.

It makes me know what the cold and windy, let me know the taste of the knife, but it is sometimes good.

Open the window in the morning and found the earth covered with a thick layer of white cotton blanket, bare tree also put on a white clothes, from afar, beautiful ah! Ran out, playing in the snow two roll, Kick a few feet, race a few times to run, catch a few times to hide, playing a few snow battle, heap a few snowman. Ah, really happy!

Into the foot of the forest, the forest is not a spring of vitality, but I believe that the spring will come. Climbed to the mountainside, has been about to see the end of the town. At this time, the town has been a pair of white hands to protect. Climbed to the top of the hill, the sun has been from the horizon, struggling out. At this time, found the town is so cute, surrounded by several hills to help the town against the cold wind.

My favorite winter snow. Snow is the beauty of beauty: powder makeup jade puzzle, snow vast. In the morning, open the doors and windows: a tree tree with a long blossoming pear. This reminds me of the "Suddenly the night of the spring, thousands of trees million pear tree open."

In this morning full of infinite dreams, I understand that people simply so easy. Winter morning beauty, with us to enjoy. Winter in the context of nature, enjoy blooming with their own grace, for our lives add infinite vitality and vitality.
