描述911事件的英语作文通用四篇 作文(经典20篇)

大学生活是指读大学期间的生活,大学是知识的海洋。这里有浩瀚的图书资料和先进的仪器设备,能使大学生接触广博的知识,培养必要的专业技能。下面是小编给大家分享的描述911事件的英语作文通用四篇 作文作文,让我们一起来看看吧!






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On the evening of December 31, 2014 more than 23 points, when the New Year bell is ringing, Shanghai bund Chen yi square trample accident happened.

It is said that when people are take part in the activities in the New Year. Suddenly, someone shouted "then money, then money!" And then, everyone rushed at the man. At this moment, there are a lot of people are being squeezed out, but the people behind didnt see, has stepped up directly. In the end, 36 people were killed and 47 people were injured.

We should do this: (1) go to anywhere there are a lot of people less; (2) in the event of the stampede, to follow the crowd on his way to the edge; (3) if is squeezed out, must be the idea of quickly stood up.

No matter what is the cause of stampede, we all want to a moment of silence for the deceased, praying for the injured.








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Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.

My best friend is my college classmate who is a humorous boy. He is also my deskmate .I did not notice he is a boy who is friendly and easy to get along with until he became my deskmate .OK,I must admit that I judge a book by its cover!

Although he isn’t handsome,he is a good man . I am a bad-tempered girl,but he is very gentleman ,and that is the reason why we never argued with each other .

Now we live in different cities and different universities.But that’s not the problem ,we still keep in touch .Of course ,distance can’t make our friendship weak! We often talk with each other about some interesting stories and our troubles by telephone or QQ. I am very happy to have such a friend like him!!

However ,not all people have good temper like him,and he is the only one among my friends that I meet.For example,my college roommates are a group of special girls.My administrator of the dormitory is a very goodness girl. She is also my first friend since I

entered university. When I feel lonely ,she always stays with me,which makes me so move.As life is full of strike and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. Our friends give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow. There is a girl who is very enthusiastic to help others in my dormitory ,if you have troubles,she will try her best to help you whenever and wherever .there are also some girls ,they are a little introverted,so you never know how they think ,sometimes, when you say some words which you believe is normal,but they will really care about that,such things make me feel embarrassed. But there are more laughter when we are together in free time.

So it’s very important for everyone to handle with the friendship ,everyone has his own personality ,sometimes quarrel is normal,we should learn to forgive others,which is also a goodness. After all, friendship makes our life happy and harmonious.To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. The more friends you have, the more happiness you will possess.



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When we were celebrating our mid autumn festival, across the ocean, the relatives of the victims of the 9. 11 tragedy were holding each other, crying, blessing for their love and all the survivors. Its not only a tragedy for American people, but also for the global community.

The event of September 11th, 2001 continues to change the world in ways we have to experience or comprehend. Every disaster can awaken some spirit, and this time it aroused the deepest echo from peoples hearts. The calling can be heard from the ruin for the millions who bear witness to their memory.

Never can be another time that heroes are so demanded.Seeing the collapse of the WTC, many people just stood in shock, crying in fears. The black smoke rising against the blue sky covered the sun over the people, and tore up the faith down in their hearts as well. Man is supported by the courage to carry on. It is obvious that the heroes in the calamity, dying just doing what they do, rebuild the dignity on the severely wounded ones.Everyone remembers the firemen dashing up the stairs while there are loads of people running down the stairs in the WTC.Also on Flight 93, 40 people, not even knowing one anothers name, came together to help protect the country.

The whole nation memorizes all those sacrificed; regard them as the heroes,no matter what they have contributed. As their tiny deeds to gether let the nation see signs to recover, to go through the very hard time. Now everyones life is surrounded by the heroes and new heroes are being born out of the tragedy...

One of the most touching story in the devastating time was that one husband sent a sms, just saying "I love you", to his dear one on the crashing plane. It echoed in everyones emotion senses. Love is the greatest gift that God gave us. It can really help to heal mans wound. Couples, friends, all went out, wandering together in the dawn, seeing the sun set for the first time in their ages.

Without their jobs, they came to realize the meaning of peaceful life and learn what they need most was the love from the people around them. We learn to appreciate others love and sending ours in return. Thank God we have some ones to love. Thank God the disaster calls us up for the meaning of love.

Another word most frequently used after that September day is "united". Regardless of races, all were collecting, standing in lines to give their blood, holding hands when making prayers. Strangers no longer were cold. They began to talk and might become friends. The distance between people seems to be shortened. If you call it magic, it does happen! The circle of our life cannot still be fixed in the certain area any more. The community is made up of every person living in it;no one alone should stand for the collectivity. Its high time to be united to rebuild their homeland.

Facing the ruin of the WTC, I hear the calling telling me what really matters. Looking up to heaven, I seem to get some kind of answers.



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Every one has a different personality. I have an optimistic personality and I always do everything happily. But not every one finds this easy. When I meet people like this, I usually advise them to see the school councilor. There are reasons why everyones personality is so different. If your parents love you and care about you, then your personality will be healthy and happy. If your parents dont, then your personality could sad and withdrawn. A persons personality determines his or her future. So if you come across someone who is often worried, you can try and help them or tell them to seek help from a councilor.




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It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve ourself. We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.

Above all, we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses. For example, I am healthy and fit, so I can work hard. Im also optimistic, humble and polite. These are my strengths. However, I also have weaknesses. For one thing, Im stubborn and a little impatient. Im sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food. Im not ashamed to admit these bad pints. Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.



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take place, do something to protect, on the earths surface, take precautionary mea sures, vibrations, "earthquake belts", have, likely to occur, tremble, to resist earth quake shocks, crack, in the future, destroyed, predict".(事情、事故等)发生了,在地的表面做一些保护措施,做一些细心的措施,常常发生地震的地震带。好象经常发生(地震),会震动。防止地震发生的缓冲装置在未来会预计被爆炸(损坏)Earthquades地震Earthquakes may take place anywhere on the earth s surface. During all earth quake, the vibrations make the earths surface tremble, and even crack open. Houses fall, people are lilled or injured and sometimes whole cities are destroyed.地震会在地表的任何地方发生。在地震整个过程中,地震会使地表震动,甚至地面会裂缝。房屋倒塌,人们都受伤了而且有时整个城市都被毁坏了Can we do something to protect ourselves against earthquakes? Can we take precau tionary measures? We can. Scientists have made investigation on earthquakes. They have made maps showing the "earthquake belts". In areas along these belts, earthquakes are likely to occur. In these areas we can build special houses to resist earthquake shocks and protect ourselves.我们能做什么来保护我们自己来抵抗地震呢?事先准备好的措施? 我们可以。科学家们做了地震调查,他们做好了地震带的地图。在地震带之间,地震好象发生了。在这里,我们可以建造特殊的房屋防御地震的缓冲装置来保护我们自己。in the future, scientists will be able to predict exactly when and where earthquakes will take place. Then they will be able to tell people to take precautionary measures. Thus lives can he saved and damage can be lessened.实际上,科学家们能正确地预报什么时候,什么地方地震会发生,然后他们会告诉人们预防措施。于是生命不会被救起和损伤会减轻



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I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging

and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends. My favorite

sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch

the match while talking to my friends happily. To do the sport will improve my

health and make me catch up with the time.

When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I felt bored and

opened the TV, then I saw the tennis match. Two beautiful girls were playing

intensively, the game was so excellent, I couldn’t move my eye away from the

match. From then on, I started to fall in love with tennis, I watched many

matches and got to know more about the game.

Tennis sport is the combination of power and asthetics. The tennis players

dress the beautiful clothes and their power make the ball fly quickly. The other

tennis players will return the tennis ball with their rightly power. The game is

so wonderful, if we watch the match alive.

There is no doubt that I am a big fan of the tennis sport. I find so much

fun from it, it enriches my life.



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Now, everyone is advocated to save, in addition to material things, there is time, also need to save.

In fact, one minute can do a lot of things, in a book, I see you can write more than 20 words a minute, can walk one hundred steps, we can see 1-2 pages. After watching, I couldnt help wonder: if do it for an hour, you can write more than one thousand words, walk thousands of step road, like dozens of pages, original, as long as make full use of their time, still can do a lot of things in a day!

Back when I was a child, every time I write a summer and winter vacation homework is in the last days of summer and winter vacation last half a month. Why is that? Because I had too much homework? Or because of me what is causing the delay time? Neither. Is because I was not good to save time, dont have to arrange their own time, I always play in the first place, only a little homework every day, until the final assault began. Because of this, my second grade every summer and winter vacation had bad, is a holiday with regret.

You can think about it, how many people regret for wasted time, and how many people because there is no cherish their own time, and missed a lot of things. "If then arrange their own time!" , "if could save time" at that time some people will say so. But, time is not flow back, and so sorry, as now, starts from me, to save time!







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Hello,everyone!Today,Id like to talk to you about myself.Im a outgoing girl,For example, Im always happy no matter what happens.Im generous and am ready to help others.Such people are welcomes wherever they go,because they may bring pleasure to others.

We all live under the same sky and in the same sun,we all hope there are more friendships and more smiles among us. So let‘s improve our characters,thus our life will become more cheerful.



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Recently,the incident of Sanlu milk powder has become the focus of peoples attention. According to the investigation of related departments,the powder was found to contain a chemical called C3N6H6 which can cause great damage to infants health. So far,four children have died and approximately 54,000 have developed illness after drinking the milk.

From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be done. Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyones life. Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally honest. They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of people. Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if cheated. Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious society.





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①From the picture (graph, chart, table , pie, bar), we know that ________(图表内容总概括). ②On the one hand, the left/first picture tells us that ________(情况一,图一/表一的内容). ③On the other hand, (the right/second)picture informs us that ________( 情况二,图二/表二的内容).④It can easily be seen that ________(揭示图画/表寓意).


①As is vividly shown/described/depicted in the cartoon/picture, ________(图表内容总概括).②In the first picture, ________(描述图/表一内容,如果是一个表,则可左或上半部分).③As is shown in the second drawing/picture, ________(描述图/表二内容,如果是一个表,则右或下半部分).④It is safe to draw the conclusion that ________(提示寓意,或主题句,回应主题但不是主题句的重复).



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James Fenimore Cooper, an early American writer, once said, "The Americans are almost ignorant of the art of music." If that was once true, you would never know it today. Most Americans——even those without a musical bone in their bodies——have a favorite style of music. Many people enjoy classical and folk music from around the world. But other popular music styles in America were "made in the U.S.A."

一位美国早期的作家柯柏(James Fenimore Cooper)曾说:「美国人对音乐艺术几乎可以说是相当的无知。」如果这话曾经是事实,今日你绝不会这么认为了。大部份的美国人,甚至包括那些没有音乐细胞的人,都有自己喜爱的音乐型态。许多人喜欢世界各国的古典音乐和民俗音乐,然而美国其它的流行音乐则是「在美国制造」的。

Country and western music lies close to the heart of many Americans. This style originated among country folks in the southern and western United States. Country music tells down-to-earth stories about love and lifes hardships. Guitars, banjos and violins——also known as fiddles——give country music its characteristic sound. The home of country music is Nashville, Tennessee——Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own theme park called "Opryland" where you can enjoy music shows and fun rides. "The Grand Ole Opry," the oldest radio show in the United States, broadcasts country music live from Opryland every weekend.

乡村和西部音乐深得很多美国人的人心,这种型态的音乐起源于美国南部和西部的乡村小民们。乡村音乐传述着真实不加渲染的爱情故事和生活中的艰难。吉他、五弦琴和小提琴(violin又名fiddle)可弹奏出乡村音乐的特殊音色。乡村音乐的发源地是田纳西州的纳许维尔市——美国的音乐城市。而乡村音乐甚至还有它自己的主题乐园——Opryland呢!在那儿你可以享受音乐表演以及好玩的游乐设施。美国最老牌的广播节目「The Grand Ole Opry」每个周末都实况播放Opryland的音乐。

Jazz music, developed by African-Americans in the late 1800s, allows performers to freely express their emotions and musical skill. Instead of just playing the melody, jazz musicians improvise different tunes using the same chords. The peak of jazz music came in the 1920s, known as "The Jazz Era." This period produced musicians like Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington. These musicians later created the "big band" sounds of the 1930s. Different styles of jazz developed in different cities, such as New Orleans, Chicago, New York and Kansas City. Composer George Gershwin brought jazz into the world of classical music with pieces like "Rhapsody in Blue."

爵士乐是十九世纪末期由非裔的美国人发展出来的。它让表演者自由地表现他们的情感和音乐技巧。不仅演奏旋律,爵士音乐大师用同样的和弦即兴演奏出不同的曲调。爵士乐的高峰期出现于二○年代,该时期被称为「爵士年代」。这个时期创造出来的乐手有阿姆斯特朗(Louise Armstrong),古德曼(Benny goodman)和埃林顿(Duke Ellington)。这些乐手稍后都创造了三○年代的「大乐团」之音。在不同的城市也孕育出不同的爵士风格,像是纽奥尔良、芝加哥、纽约和坎萨斯市。作曲家盖希文(George Gershwin)更以像「蓝色狂想曲」这样的作品,将爵士乐带入古典音乐的世界里。

James Fenimore Cooper, an early American writer, once said, "The Americans are almost ignorant of the art of music." If that was once true, you would never know it today. Most Americans——even those without a musical bone in their bodies——have a favorite style of music. Many people enjoy classical and folk music from around the world. But other popular music styles in America were "made in the U.S.A."

一位美国早期的作家柯柏(James Fenimore Cooper)曾说:「美国人对音乐艺术几乎可以说是相当的无知。」如果这话曾经是事实,今日你绝不会这么认为了。大部份的美国人,甚至包括那些没有音乐细胞的人,都有自己喜爱的音乐型态。许多人喜欢世界各国的古典音乐和民俗音乐,然而美国其它的流行音乐则是「在美国制造」的。

Country and western music lies close to the heart of many Americans. This style originated among country folks in the southern and western United States. Country music tells down-to-earth stories about love and lifes hardships. Guitars, banjos and violins——also known as fiddles——give country music its characteristic sound. The home of country music is Nashville, Tennessee——Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own theme park called "Opryland" where you can enjoy music shows and fun rides. "The Grand Ole Opry," the oldest radio show in the United States, broadcasts country music live from Opryland every weekend.

乡村和西部音乐深得很多美国人的人心,这种型态的音乐起源于美国南部和西部的乡村小民们。乡村音乐传述着真实不加渲染的爱情故事和生活中的艰难。吉他、五弦琴和小提琴(violin又名fiddle)可弹奏出乡村音乐的特殊音色。乡村音乐的发源地是田纳西州的纳许维尔市——美国的音乐城市。而乡村音乐甚至还有它自己的主题乐园——Opryland呢!在那儿你可以享受音乐表演以及好玩的游乐设施。美国最老牌的广播节目「The Grand Ole Opry」每个周末都实况播放Opryland的音乐。

Jazz music, developed by African-Americans in the late 1800s, allows performers to freely express their emotions and musical skill. Instead of just playing the melody, jazz musicians improvise different tunes using the same chords. The peak of jazz music came in the 1920s, known as "The Jazz Era." This period produced musicians like Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington. These musicians later created the "big band" sounds of the 1930s. Different styles of jazz developed in different cities, such as New Orleans, Chicago, New York and Kansas City. Composer George Gershwin brought jazz into the world of classical music with pieces like "Rhapsody in Blue."

爵士乐是十九世纪末期由非裔的美国人发展出来的。它让表演者自由地表现他们的情感和音乐技巧。不仅演奏旋律,爵士音乐大师用同样的和弦即兴演奏出不同的曲调。爵士乐的高峰期出现于二○年代,该时期被称为「爵士年代」。这个时期创造出来的乐手有阿姆斯特朗(Louise Armstrong),古德曼(Benny goodman)和埃林顿(Duke Ellington)。这些乐手稍后都创造了三○年代的「大乐团」之音。在不同的城市也孕育出不同的爵士风格,像是纽奥尔良、芝加哥、纽约和坎萨斯市。作曲家盖希文(George Gershwin)更以像「蓝色狂想曲」这样的作品,将爵士乐带入古典音乐的世界里。




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Recently, we had the network, the text inside said: network can build people, also can push people into the abyss. It is true that some people can make good use of network resources, and some people are addicted to the network, is the network the wide net, bound her soul, was buried by his Internet cafe those unseen trap own mood... Also talked about in the text: a high school student in the net cafe play games when the unfortunate death, via a doctor appraisal, belongs to the typical by euphoria and the death of a heart attack.

If you are addicted to the Internet every day, to cause a decline in serious vision, even retinal detachment; If you are addicted to the Internet every day, study result will fall...

If you are addicted to the Internet every day, the first thing you should think about your parents, your parents for giving birth to you, just want to hello good reading, have a good job in the future, live a good life? But you failed to live up to your parents, your parents want you to have a good study, day day up, have a good achievement in the future, and you have a day in the Internet cafe, playing computer games, addicted to the Internet, also hurt yourself, cause his grades plummeted. Result in severe myopia, or retinal detachment; Lead yourself to the side, you are the hard way! You failed to live up to your parents, and hurt myself, so you must correct, dont be addicted to the Internet, you will tell others, because the network will push people into the abyss.

"Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth, advice when most needed is least heeded line." The other words well, today, I told you to use the words, to grasp myself well, dont be addicted to the Internet. Hold yourself, is to grasp the course of their life; Hold yourself, is to give yourself a piece of blue sky...







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Deep Wounds of the Sichuan Quake


Deep Wounds of the Sichuan Quake

One of the recurring themes from last years earthquake in Sichuan is official corruption and the extent it contributed to the collapse of substandard schools, killing a still unknown number of children. Another, less discussed issue, is the degree to which many local officials in the disaster zone were victims themselves.


In Beichuan, where as many as 15,000 residents were killed, a quarter of the local officials also perished in the quake. Many of the survivors lost family members. When my colleague Lin Yang and photographer Ian Teh went back to Sichuan last fall, we met with a Beichuan official whose wife and daughter were both killed on May 12. Zhang Kangqi keeps a drawing of them, sketched from old ID photos, by his bed. All other mementos of them were buried in Beichuan. (You can see Ians photos of the recovery efforts, including a portrait of Zhang, in this gallery.)


Zhang immersed himself in recovery efforts, but not all his co-workers had the same capacity to work through their suffering. A few weeks before we visited Dong Yufei, another local official who lost his son, killed himself. "He was a good man," Zhang said of Yu, "but not everyone can handle the pressure. His child had died."


Yesterday brought the grim news that another Beichuan official committed suicide. Feng Xiang, the vice director of the Beichuan publicity department, had lost his 7-year-old son in the quake. Shortly before his death Feng, 33, wrote a post on his blog titled "What If," urging his family not to grieve. "Son, when you left, your father did not have a future, did not have hope, did not have any expectations," Feng wrote. "To be with you is my biggest joy."





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I have a good friend, when I was five years old, I met her, she is my

neighbor, we became friends and play together all the time. Last week, my friend

took part in the female basketball match, she is good at basketball, so I

encouraged her to join our school team. The team played so well that they came

to the final yesterday, the match was so excellent, at last, my friend’s team

won the first place, I feel so happy, I plan to buy her a present and

congratulate her. I feel so proud of her, she inspires me, too. We give each

other encourage to move on. We will be good friends forever.



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Zhou said a funny word, is: now the oil is too little, Chinese cooking oil, foreign merchants attracts mass into the cooking oil, is to alleviate the shortage of oil on the market, many foreign businessmen also launched a war of cooking oil. Of course, this is a joke, but there were some real foreign businesses and Chinese cooking oil smelting merchants to the idea, on against the current China into the gutter oil crisis.

"Our home and built a refined cooking oil company, a total of 100 home?" "What are you, my door to build 500?" you intimidated make it? This is our class classmate in the chat, this kind of phenomenon is normal. A total of 57 people in our class, there are 45 people didnt come today, because of the cooking oil fumes row in the home, poisoning in the hospital for illness, only no factories near the hospital. The teacher saw came 12 people dont even in the class.

However, because of the cooking oil used in the car, go to the restaurant to eat, dont worry, this point. Is unfortunate, but add the cooking oil after 93, the car ran up, people gradually began to ride a bike, walk, ride a electric bicycle, scientists are studying a solar car.

The cooking oil outnumbered, was defeated by the people of justice, but factories are closed down, a lot of people out of work, the restaurant and used cooking oil, ah, have a good cooking oil or not?







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My hometown is in Qingdao, is a picturesque scenery, picturesque place.

In the spring, when the warm spring breeze blowing up the earth, mountains home put on the green. Green grass, green trees, green forests, look, starts, like the sea of green.

Summer, rainy season, the hometown of river has become our good place for summer. I saw on both sides of the river two rows of willows reflected in the river, the breeze blowing, shadow in the water ripples, microwave clear, under the shining of the sun to the eye. We came to the river, sometimes singing, sometimes game, sometimes mixed stirring little feet into the water. Gentle flapping our little feet of the water in the river, like a mother stroked us, very comfortable.

Autumn, the fruit of the harvest season, the large, round apple red in the face. A purple yingying grapes are full of shelves, each one red persimmon ripe persimmon tree. The growers are busy day and night, with harvest smile on his face.

In winter, like snow falling from the sky, around a silvery white, as if into a fairy tale world. We are together make a snowman, snowball fights, really very happy.

My hometown is a year the four seasons scenery attractive, its so beautiful!




秋天,水果丰收的季节,那又大又圆的苹果笑红了脸 。一串串紫盈盈的葡萄挂满了架子 ,柿子树上一个个红灯笼似的柿子成熟了。果农们日夜忙碌,脸上带着丰收的微笑。





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"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas…"Have you heard that song? Yup! Its Christmas time! This Christmas, I stayed with my "host family"1. It was an amazing experience to see how a typical American family would celebrate the biggest western festival of the year.

Christmas, like our Spring Festival, has a meaning in itself. Christmas Day, which is on December 25, is the birthday of Jesus Christ--the son of God. Thats why it is called Christmas. On that day, Christians would get together with their families to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. But nowadays, the religious meaning of Christmas has become less emphasized. To many families, it is just a time of family reunion and the ever-exciting present-giving.

Our school had been on winter vacation since December 11. I stayed at my friend, Stephen Stapczynskis house--his family was my "host family". Although Christmas was still more than ten days ahead, the festive spirit had already been teeming everywhere. The Christmas tree had already been set up, and on every windowsill, there were Christmas lights. On the first day I arrived at their house, Stephen and I helped Mrs. Stapczynski put decorations on the Christmas tree. The tree looked so nice with all the lights on and the beautiful ornaments dangling from its branches.

As Christmas came closer, the whole neighborhood had made preparations too. Some people would hold parties at their houses, inviting all their neighbors to come. So every night, if you went out, you would see a long line of cars parked in front of some house--a partys on!

Whats more, the Christmas decorations that some people put on their windows and in gardens were just amazing. On one night, we went out in our car for a "tour of lights". There was one street that was so famous for its lights that it got its way into the local paper. We had a hard time finding the well-hidden street, but it turned out to be worth the effort. Lights shone brightly in front of nearly every house, on trees, bushes, doors, windows…everywhere, taking different shapes, making it seem almost like daytime. Huge inflatable figures in the front gardens were waving to us: there were Santa Clauses2, of course, chuckling merrily away; and there were also other Christmas figures, like Rudolph3--the red-nosed reindeer--with his red nose gleaming ever so brightly; even Bart Simpson--a character in the famous comedy The Simpsons--had joined the jolly party, wearing a Santas hat. The street set off a lot of "ooh"s and "aah"s inside the car.4 When we left, there was a line of cars in the street, all there to see the lights.



全文共 1943 字

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A man of small stature, he was only five feet, six inches at the most, and he was somewhat overweight even in his prime. His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair, olive complexion, and strong nose. A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip. In young years, a cigar frequently protruded from under the dark moustache. Clear blue eyes contrasted nicely with his olive tone.

There was a kindnein those eyes, and they always showed his every emotion.

Making him so easy to read.An easygoing manner acted like a magnet for him, attracting the love and respect of everyone he cameJn contact with, During World War II, his compassionate nature was utilized as a nurse in the Navy and in the Marines. Scars on his back were proof of his heroism. He never really spoke much about the war, but he only would tell his favorite story of how he delivered a baby in all that turmoil He married during his stint in the service, and soon a son and a daughter would also share his love. Both of them having dark hair, olive skin, and blue eyes. everyone said how they were "the spitting image" of him, Oh, how he beamed at that statement. He worked very hard at being a good husband and father. Years passed, and he became a grandfather who was affectionately called "papa." His grandchildren adored him and were his constant companions.

Going to McDonalds became a weekly outing for them. Bout, alas, the heart that had always given too much Jove grew weaker and weaker. After two heart attacks and a triple by-pass, his loving heart stopped, and he breathed forth his soul into the arms of God. At his funeral mass, the priest spoke of how his succewas not stored in banks but in that hearts of those who loved him. From this perspective, he was a most-successfu man and truly died a millionaire. This profile of Bob La Coy is very accurate. I know because he was my Joying father.



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Wenchuan, is the name of each of us.

You Yuan in the sound of the whistle Chuishou mime legislature, the May meeting of rain and tears. This is Huibie the moment: the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives, husbands, lovers, teachers, students, friends, colleagues, neighbours… … to at 14:28 on May 12 before the dull, busy, hope , Disappointed, sad, happy…… those Xi Yan be aware of the warm days.

Because Wenchuan, I think one of the Tangshan. I was not surprised: 32 after the Tangshan earthquake, whether living or deceased, then there are all full. 32, Tangshan, there have been numerous Festivals, social, collective, the family, and even the soul. It is no longer just parting and sorrow, and become friends and relatives meet with the blessing of the world. Tangshan earthquake to 240,000 lives lost, but it left a name of "Tangshan" a complete life. Wenchuan contributions to the disaster areas who billion in Tangshan orphans, and let you see life on the ruins of the growth.

Todays Wenchuan Festivals, it is only a short farewell. Life, not just breathing and heartbeat. Shenglisibie, not the lives of the border. Pro-people did not leave, everything will continue. Liaoliang in the ruins of the baby crying sound, called a "Wenchuan" new life, born today.

Alive, it is not easy. Better use of the "alive" comfort their loved ones, to have GREater courage and wisdom. Today is the earthquake relief eighth day, the severe test on January 1 is approaching, we need more reserved emotional and the rational Mingche.

To all the deceased rest in peace!

Requests all the health, wiped away tears, to continue!



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My hometown is in meishan village, old say MeiZai pit. Most of the villagers is given priority to with agriculture, agricultural products of the best known are: high mountain, wax apple, citrus, sweet, and so on.

Major attractions in meishan the plum blossom in the park attract many visitors, meishan township most distinctive way of scenic spot of 36 bay (cloud) is not just a place for recreation, take a walk, play, is being fans favourite challenge. From the mountain, beautiful view overlooking the foot of take in everything in a glance, panoramic view. Downtown streets have since the qing dynasty qianlong, jiaqing years, enshrined god for the arctic xuan day gods jade palace, is a belief of most residents near the center, fragrant march period to come, is always flooded the entire province believers pilgrimages to worship, also bring local tourism culture. Is my school - meishan primary school, the school has one hundred, developed many social elite, a green campus, lets the student can be comfortable and happy learning.

Meishan township cultural resources are rich, everywhere is full of the milk of human kindness, hope more industry, culture, good place can be a simple, more vigorous and more beautiful.



